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Additions 2008



Additions in 2008

ukiukidango, ukiuki dango うきうきだんご / ウキウキ団子
"dumplings swimming buyoantly"Kuji, Chiba

jamu ジャム jam
maamareedo マーマレード marmalade

omuraisu オムライス omelette with rice filling, omusoba オムソバ omelette with Chinese fried soba noodles

tokoroten 心太, 心天 (ところてん) gelidium jelly

yamanashi、yama-nashi 山梨 (やまなし) "mountain pear" Malus sieboldii

obansai おばんさい / お晩彩 small dishes from Kyoto

Yamato-ni 大和煮 simmering meat of wild animals and whale

Kujria bento くじら弁当 Whale meat bento from Tateyama/Chiba

odorigui 踊り食いeating "dancing" small life icefish (shirauo)

Kyoto - famous dishes
including Kaiseki Ryori 懐石料理, kappoo ryoori 割烹料理 kappo food, kawadoko ryoori 川床料理, hamo 鱧 (はも) pike conger pike, pike eel and the Gion Festival, hon moroko 本諸子, imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう) , itokojiru いとこ汁, sabazushi 鯖寿司, sasamaki, sasa-maki, chimaki 笹巻き / ちまき; senmaizuke せんまい漬け / 千枚漬 pickled trunips; tochimochi, tochi-mochi 栃もち; yatsuhashi, nama yatsuhashi 生八ッ橋

Tenzo 典座 the Zen Cook Tenzo kyokun by Dogen Eihei Zenji

funaryoori 船料理 (ふなりょうり) food served on board a ship or boat

tonsho mochi 屯所餅(とんしょもち)"garrison mochi" in memory of the Shinsengumi 新選組 in Kyoto

minazuki 水無月 (みなずき) Kyoto sweets for June

Sea bream (tai 鯛) sakuradai, ma-dai and many more

Gangu 郷土玩具 Folk Toys
manjuu kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 doll eating a manju bun

うるしコーヒー urushi koohii, "laquer coffee" from the laquer tree fruit

Ubatama 鳥羽玉 /老玉 "Black Lily Seed"


Food and Games 野菜かるた Karuta games and other card games

Amanatto (amanattoo) 甘納豆 sugar-glazed beans and Hamanattoo 浜納豆

Fujisan 富士山 and food specialities

Ichigo bentoo いちご弁当 Lunchbox with uni and awabi, sea urchin eggs and abalone

Hoorensoo ほうれん草 / 菠薐草 spinach

Sweets from the KANTO region

haabu  ハーブ herbs, Gewürzkräuter

Togarashi,toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more

Western vegetables used in Japan

Robots for Sushi and Okonomiyaki FOOMA (International Food Machinery & Technology Exhibition)

Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki 人形焼 figure waffles

Daruma Daikon だるま大根 a radish named Daruma

Chokoreeto チョコレート chocolate with many tasts

Oyatsu お八つ . o-cha-uke 御茶請け afternoon snack

moyashi 萌やし、糵, もやし bean sprouts Bohnensprossen
moyashi udo もやし独活(もやしうど)sprouts of spikenard

Kobiru, cobiru, kobilu (こびる) 小昼  "small lunch", rural lunch
Takachiho, Miyazaki

. 葷酒山門(くんしゅさんもん)kunshu sanmon
Temple Gate, no garlic or liquor beyond this point!

Shookadoo Bentoo 松花堂弁当 Shokado Bento

karee raisu カレーライス curry rice Curryreis

Botamochi Jizo ぼた餅地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu, Botamochi rice cakes

Itoin Senbei, ito-in senbei いといんせんべい. 絲印煎餅 Senbei with a "stamp like a thread" . From Ise, Mie prefecture

gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd Momordica charantia. Okinawa. karela in Hindi, India.

Cookies だるまクッキー
Daruma cookies sweets

satoimo, sato imo 里芋 taro roots Taro-Kartoffel

. . . . Zuiki matsuri ずいきまつり Taro and Vegetable Festival
and more about the Zen priest Muso Kokushi 夢窓国師 !


Jagaimo 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) potato, potatoes

Red Beans, "small beans" , adzuki (azuki 小豆 )

udo 独活 (うど) udo Aralia cordata

Goheimochi 五平餅 and other food from Nagano

Dengaku 田楽 dance and food

Gyuuniku 牛肉 beef wagyuu, wagyu 和牛 Japanese beef

Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum

Ika Daruma Ika Surume だるまいか / いかだるま Daruma Cuttlefish

Tosa Nikki, Tosa Diary by Kin no Tsurayuki ... and some manju sweets

Vegetables from SPRING ... List

Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 (みょうが). Zingi-Ingwer

Miyajima Ekiben 宮島駅弁 Miyajima Stationlunch Anagomeshi あなごめし

Miso みそ or 味噌 Miso paste and miso soup and miso culture

Shimonoseki 下関駅 。gansoo fukumeshi 元祖ふくめしthe original puffer fish with rice EKIBEN

hamo 鱧 (はも) pike conger pike, pike eel Muraenesox cinereus. dragontooth

Horegusuri ほれぐすり(惚れ薬, 惚薬) love potion Liebestrunk

Hanakae Matsuri 花換祭 / 花換祭り Flower-exchanging festival at shrine Kanesaki-gu, Fukui prefecture, and the sakura cherry blossom cookies 桜クッキー

Fu, Wheat gluten (fu 麩) and FU products

Soba ryoori そば料理 dishes with soba Buckwheat noodles

Wagashi Sweets from Kanazawa 金沢に和菓子

Salty Sweets (shioaji suiitsu 塩味スイーツ)
sweets with a flavor of salt, Süßigkeiten mit Salz

Hanabatake Bokujoo 花畑牧場 in Hokkaido nama kyarameru ”生キャラメル”fresh caramels, weiche Karamellen

Kaki 柿 Persimmon Persimone. Sharon fruit.

Uiroo 外郎 ( ういろう) jelly sweet Aichi and Odawara

hooba miso, Hoba Miso ほうばみそ miso paste served on a hoba leaf hooba 朴葉 ... Magnolia obovata

Ebisu sama 恵比寿様. Deity of the Fishermen

"Frost Shrine" 霜神社 Shimo Jinja, Shimomiya at Mount Aso, KyushuThe legend of Kihachi 鬼八

Konnyaku plant and food (Amorphophallus konjac) . Elephant jam

Mandala Food Arrangements (hoshamori, hooshamori 放射盛り)

Gotoochi Gurume ご当地グルメ Cheap local specialities
kankoo gurume 観光グルメ, tourism gourmet
bii kyuu gurume B級グルメ B-class gourmet food

mamushi まむし (蝮 ) poisonous snake 日本蝮 (ニホンマムシ)

Morning Market (asa ichi, asa-ichi) Morgenmarkt

Wasabi 山葵 green horseradish . yamawasabi 山わさび white horseradish

Hirome seaweed (hirome (ひろめ) 広布 / ヒロメ) Oita prefecture

Sushi decorations and vocabulary 寿司の盛り方

corbicula from Seta (Seta shijimi) and the Big Bridge at Seta 瀬田の唐橋

Tenmusu 天むす rice balls with tempura

Roadside stations (michi no eki 道の駅) Highway Service Areas

Mottainai もったいない モッタイナイ Do not waste food !

Garlic (ninniku 蒜 (にんにく(ニンニク)) ) Knoblauch

Gyooza, gyoza  ギョーザ / 餃子 Jiaozi Chinese dumplings

Pan パン bread
toosuto トースト toast

Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch

Ninaibako 荷担箱 Box to carry sweets to the Shogun Kameyama sweets

Yakuzen, yaku-zen 薬膳 ( やくぜん) "Eating Medicine" medicinal food dishes and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Edo Yasai, Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Traditional vegetables of Edo

Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled plums Salzpflaumen

Iwashi 鰯 (いわし) sardine Sardinen, Anchovy.
urume small herring

Regional Sashimi ... LIST

Regional and local sushi types ... a LIST only

Yamamori Goboo Festival 山盛りのゴボウ / ごぼう講 at Kuninaka in Echizen, Fukui. Eating lots of Burdock.

TEN GU jiru, tengujiru 十具汁 TENGU soup

Oomi Beef in the Edo period Ii Naosuke and Mito no Nariaki

Osaka Fugu Hakubutsukan ふぐ博物館 Osaka Blowfish Museum Pufferfisch, Kugelfisch

warabimochi 笑来美餅 mochi with bracken powder

momiji tenpura もみじ天ぷら/ 紅葉の天ぷら sweet tempura from maple leaves from Mino town, Osaka
Tempura von roten Ahornblättern

"Tokyo Taste — the World Summit of Gastronomy 2009"

Ishimatsu manjuu 石松まんじゅう Manju in memory of Ishimatsu From Konpira-San, Kotohira Shrine in Kagawa, Shikoku

iburi いぶり, ibusu 燻す to smoke, smoking, smoked food kunsei 薫製
iburi gakko いぶりがっこ smoked radish pickles from Akita

Day of Meat (niku no hi) Febraruy 9, NI KU

Ehomaki Sushi Roll (ehoomaki) for February 3, Setsubun

Quail and quail eggs (uzura no tamago うずらの卵) Wachteleier

wasanbon 和三盆 Japanese sugar and other sweets from Shikoku

wasanbon 和三盆 Japanischer Zucker . All kinds of brown and black sugar. kurosato 黒砂糖

onimanjuu, oni manjuu 鬼饅頭 おにまんじゅう "devil's cakes" for Setsubun, February 03.

Kanbutsu 乾物 kambutsu dried food items Getrocknete Lebensmittel

Yakumi やくみ (薬味) spices and condiments Gewürze

warigo bentoo わりご弁当 lunchbox for the village kabuki ... Shodoshima, Kagawa

Juken fuuzu 受験フーズ  Juken Food for the Examination Hell

Shikoku Sweets 四国スイーツ Sweets from Shikoku

Gifu Prefecture ... Regional Dishes

katsuo no ipponzuri 鰹の一本釣り fishing for skipjack tuna in Kochi, Tosa, Shikoku
and related dishes

Museums, Food Museums and Food Theme Parks

Kyuushoku 給食 School Lunch Schulspeisung, Schulessen

Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse

Rural Culture Association 農山漁村文化協会 農文協 The BEST online resources !

Shokuyoo no hana 食用の花 Edible blossoms, edible flowers

kushigaki 串柿 ( くしがき) dried persimmons on a stick
town of Shigo, Katsuragi, Wakayama

Collagen Nabe コラーゲン鍋 Hodgepodge with collagen ... for beautiful skin ?

anpanman アンパンマン Mister Anpan  

toshikoshi udon 年越しうどん udon noodles, eaten to "pass over into the new year"

Minamoto Kitchoan 源 吉兆庵 Seasonal Sweets and Daruma sweets, Kamakura

Daruma Senbei for the New Year 干支せんべい 2009

Daruma Manju だるま饅頭 (Daruma Manjuu)

Natural Ice for drinks ... declining
December 09, 2008

Samurai Cooking

Tsubaki abura 椿油) camellia oil

cha no hana 茶の花 (ちゃのはな) tea blossoms

Joodoo-E Ceremony 成道会 Daikodaki Cooking Radish Soup to ward off evil
December 8 at Shakado Temple in Kyoto

Yomogi よもぎ 蓬 mugwort Beifuss, Beifuß

Shigure no Matsu 時雨の松 Pine in icy rain, a Haiku Sweet

Ecotarian Food エコタリアン

Waseda Kankyo Juku 早稲田環境塾 Waseda School of Environment

Hachimitsu 蜂蜜 はちみつ Honey, Honig

Red Beans, "small beans" (azuki 小豆 ) and DARUMA

Tanada no Udonya 棚田のうどん屋 . まーちゃんうどん Ohaga no Tanada 大垪和の棚田

nonbee 呑兵衛 (のんべえ) Nonbei, nombei, drinker, alcoholic Trinker, Alkoholiker

yukishio, yuki shio, yukijio 雪塩 snow-salt from Miyakojima Island. Salt (shio)

McDonald's and Mr. James Mr.ジェームスのブログ

Takuan, takuanzuke 沢庵漬 (たくあんづけ) Takuan radish pickles and Priest Takuan Soho

Shiitake, maitake, matsutake, nameko and many other mushrooms Mushroom (ki no ko, kinoko), dobin mushi

Chuukanabe, wok 中華なべ 囲炉裏鍋, irori nabe, donabe earthen pot and more pots and pans

Mogura daikon もぐら大根 "mole radish" and other dishes from Gunma prefecture

Teppanyaki 鉄板焼き fried (or grilled) on an iron plate or pan and other fried or grilled food, yakiniku 焼き肉

oyaki, o-yaki おやき , お焼き, 御焼(き)grilled dumplings with vegetables
mit Gemüse gefüllte Reisküchlein

Italian food イタリアン料理 Spaghetti, Pizza, Pasta, Doria, Pesto

ramune ラムネ lemonade and other Summer Drinks

biiru ビール
beer : Bier
and local beer (jibiiru 地ビール)

budooshu ぶどうしゅ、葡萄酒 wine

shinsen 神饌(しんせん) Shinto - Food offerings

shirasu elvers . しらすの釜揚げ boiled shirasu from Shonan

Rakkasei 落花生 (らっかせい) Peanuts from Chiba

FAGI FOODS ファジフーズ Fagiano Okayama ファジアーノ岡山

Miele Guide of Asian Restaurants ミーレガイド
Miele KITCHEN(ミーレ・キッチン)

gekiyasu bentoo 激安弁当 extremely cheap lunchbox

Osaka no kui-daore くいだおれ kuidaore

hamakonabe, hamako nabe 浜子鍋 hodgepodge for the "beach children" Hiroshima

Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu
strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Haneki shibori sake 撥ね木搾り(はねぎしぼり)酒

Yakimochi Fudoo Son 焼き餅不動尊in Gunma

"salt road" 塩の道 shio no michi
from Niigata to Matsumoto, Nagano

Firefly squid (hotaruika, hotaru ika ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊))

Squid, cuttlefish dishes (ika ryoori イカ料理, 烏賊料理)  

Chinmi and fish roe dishes

Bean curd (tofu, toofu, dofu 豆腐) and haiku

Mamakari ままかり Fish dishes from Okayama

Koohii 黒だるまコーヒー Black Daruma Coffee

kankoro かんころ 甘古呂 flower from sweet potatoes
kankoro dango かんころ団子
kankoro soba かんころそば

kinpira キンピラ simmered root vegetables

Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹)

Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes

Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉)

Kenchinjiru けんちんじる(巻繊汁) vegetable soup from temple Kenchoji, Kamakura

God of Cooking, Iwakamutsukari no Mikoto 磐鹿六雁命

History of Japanese Food Culture

Issunbooshi bentoo 一寸法師弁当 Issun-Boshi Bento for Tom Thumb

Gokuraku Onkei 極楽温鶏 whole steamed chicken from Oita 極楽温鶏

BUTA ... Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた)

Daietto ダイエット Diet and fasting ... the extreme : Sokushinbutsu 即身仏

Manga, Anime and Japanese Food Culture
料理漫画. 料理アニメ. グルメ漫画

Dishes from Tokyo 東京

Wrapping Paper Art / Food Art

Ramen, raamen ラーメン Chinese noodle soup

Hakata no shio 伯方の塩 salt from Hakata island

Sweets from Hokkaido 北海道スィーツ Hokkaido Sweets

Ainu Dishes, Hokkaido アイヌ料理

Tosa no Inaka Sushi 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa

Kagawa dishes 香川 Shikoku Takamatsu, Shodoshima

World Tasty Museum 世界食文化博物館 Imabari, Ehime. Nihon Shokken

Rokuben, Bento for a kabuki performance ろくべん, 大鹿歌舞伎 Nagano.

Famine and Hunger periods during the Edo period . kikin 飢饉

Sweets from Tohoku 東北の甘いもの

Tottori dishes 鳥取

Recycle, Reuse, Re-use Wiederverwendung von Lebensmitteln

Yam 長芋, Taro 里芋 and sweet potatoes 薩摩芋 Dioscorea japonica. Colocasia esculenta. Ipomoea batatas.

Shooyu purin 小豆島醤油プリン Soy Sauce Pudding from Shodoshima

Kani 蟹料理 CRAB dishes

Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride

Kamaboko (蒲鉾, かまぼこ) Fish paste, fish cake, ground fish on boards

Cooking methods : yaku and ...yaki

Kitaoji Rosanjin (北大路魯山人)
UTSUWA うつわ【器】, vessel or dish
hassunzara, hassun sara 八寸皿 Hassun-plate for kaiseki
hirazara ひらざら【平皿】 flat dish
kakuzara かくざら【角皿】 plate with four corners
kareezara カレー皿 plate for curry rice
sara, ban さら 【皿・盤】 plate, dish, saucer, platter
kozara 小皿 small plate
torizara 取り皿 small plate
ukezara 受け皿 saucer
hachi はち【鉢】 bowls of all kinds
daibachi 大鉢 big bowl
fukabachi 深鉢 deep bowl
kakubachi 角鉢 square bowl
katakuchi bachi 片口鉢 bowl with a spout on one side
kobachi 小鉢 small bowl
mamebachi 豆鉢 very small bowl
meshiwan めしわん【飯椀/飯碗】 bowl for rice
tonsui とんすい small bowl with a handle
cups : kappu カップ cup
sakazuki 杯/ さかずき small cup for hot sake
yunomi 湯のみ(湯呑み) small tea cups.

Washoku .. Onegai Daruma



WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes


JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月

WKD ... Latest KIGO Additions

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The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki



Vegetables of Autumn ... aki no yasai 秋の野菜

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plants


The Haiku AUTUMN begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

Berries, fruit, mushrooms etc. will be listed elsewhere.

aki yasai 秋野菜
CLICK for more photos


Early Autumn

green beans
sayaingen, saya Ingen さやいんげん 莢隠元 string beans, French beans
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Stangenbohne (nicht unbedingt: Grüne Erbse)
The Ingen mame gets its name from the priest Ingen who brought the beans (Ingen mame 隠元豆) from China in the 16th century.
Embassies to China 遣唐使 Gabi Greve
BEANS as KIGO for autumn

potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)

wax gourd, white gourd-melon 冬瓜 (とうが) tooga
toogan とうがん、kamo-uri かもうり、
toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd
Benincasa hispida
It used to be the food of poor people in the Edo period, when the outside of the fruit was white with a natural powder, inside more seeds. Now they are cleaned and green and have more flesh. The tasteless flesh takes on any seasoning and tasts good with all kinds of preparations.
Mostly produced in Aichi prefecture.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !



foxtail millet 粟 (あわ) awa
ears of the foxtail millet 粟の穂(あわのほ)awa no ho
field with millet 粟畑(あわばたけ)awabatake
foxtail millet mochi 粟餅(あわもち)awamochi
rice with foxtail millet 粟飯(あわめし)awameshi

Selling kumade and awamochi in Edo

. awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき in Edo .

maize 玉蜀黍 (とうもろこし) toomorokoshi
morokoshi もろこし、yakitookibi 焼唐黍(やきとうきび)
nanban kibi 南蛮黍(なんばんきび)"millet from the Southern barbarians" (Europeans)
nanban なんばん "Barabarians's food"
kooraikibi 、高麗黍(こうらいきび)"millet from the Koreans"
tookibi 玉黍(とうきび), tookibi 唐黍(とうきび) "millet from China"
Introduced to Japan since the Meiji period.
WKD : Maize, corn in Kenya

millet 黍 (きび) kibi
ears of the millet 黍の穂(きびのほ)kibi no ho
cutting millet, 黍刈る(きびかる)kibi karu
"pulling out millet" 黍引く(きびひく) kibi hiku
field with millet 黍畑(きびばた)kibibata
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
. Momotaro and Okayama specialities .

. WKD : Millet (awa, hie, kibi)

propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
nukago ぬかご、mukabu 球芽(むかぶ)
imoko いもこ mukago tori零余子とり(むかごとり)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

red pepper leaves 葉唐辛子 (はとうがらし) ha toogarashi

03 boat with sweet potatoes
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)
sweet potatoes

sprouts of radish or turnips 貝割菜 (かいわりな) k
kaiwarena 貝割れ菜(かいわれな)、kaiwarina 殻割菜(かいわりな)
... futaba na 二葉菜(ふたばな)
..... mabiki na 間引菜 (まびきな), nuki na 抜菜(ぬきな)
tsumami na 摘み菜(つまみな), nakanuki na 中抜き菜(なかぬきな)、uronuki na 虚抜き菜(うろぬきな), kona 小菜(こな)"small leaves",
namabiku 菜間引く(なまびく) thinning out the sprouts


Late Autumn

beet, table beet 火焔菜 (かえんさい) kaensai
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa Dumort
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
rote Rübe

eggplant seedlings 種茄子 (たねな) tane nasu

radish sprouts 中抜大根 (なかぬきだいこん) nakanuki daikon
uronuki daidon 虚抜き大根(うろぬきだいこん), oronuki daikon 疎抜き大根(おろぬきだいこん)
mabiki daikon 間引大根(まびきだいこん) thinning out radish plants

shalott flowers, rakkyoo no hana 辣韮の花 (らっきょうのはな)
..... 薤の花(らっきょうのはな)

taro stems 芋茎 (ずいき) zuiki
... imo gara 芋殻(いもがら)
... imo no kuki 芋の茎(いものくき)
... 、芋茎干す(ずいきほす) drying the stem of taro
Taro imo, sato-imo as a KIGO and an explanation of the naming
. Dishes with ZUIKI

wolfberry. Lycium rhombifolium
berries of wolfberry 枸杞の実 (くこのみ) kuko no mi
kuko shi 枸杞子(くこし)
kuko shu 枸杞酒(くこしゅ) ricewine with wolfberries


All Autumn

barngrass, barnyard grass ひえ【稗】 a kind of millet
Daruma hie だるまヒエ Strong variety, grown in Iwate prefecture and other places.
barnyard millet. Also widely eaten by the Ainu in Hokkaido.
When properly dried, barngrass grains can be stored for more than 10 years and were used by the poor farmers as a stash for times when the rice production failed.

Beans 豆、まめ mame all kinds of beans and peas

Chrysanthemum kiku

Edamame 枝豆 green soybeans on branches

Eggplants in autumn 秋茄子 (あきなす) aki nasu
... aki nasubi 秋なすび(あきなすび)
... nagori nasu 名残茄子(なごりなす)

Gourd and gourd pickles (uri)

Ginger, jinjaa ジンジャー, shooga 生姜

hajikami はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
端赤 。。。 はじかみ 。。。 edges are red
hajikami comes from leaf ginger (hashooga 葉しょうが)
hajikami suzuke はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
"blushing ginger pickle"
gari がり for sushi , or with fried fish

red pepper, hot pepper 唐辛子 (とうがらし) toogarashi

rice , Reis
Ine, the rice plant
rice plants in autumn, ine no aki 稲の秋
Kome, o-kome お米 cooked rice

Okra オクラ okura
... Amerika neriアメリカねり
... 陸蓮根(おかれんこん) oka renkon
Abelmoschus esculentus
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
It came to Japan after the Meiji restauration, first popular in Okinawa. Ishigaki island and Nanjo Town in Okinawa are one of the growing areas, also Amakusa in Kyushu.
Cut in small circles for salads and dressing. Boiled to go with other vegetables.
Ground okra gives a sticky mass, which is loved by some gourmets in Japan, like the other tororo "slimy" dishes.
Fried and katsuobuhsi are added. Eaten blanched for a moment and then miso is added.
. . . CLICK here for FOOD Photos !

Pumpkins, Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷南瓜(カボチャ)pumpkins from Shishigatani

Pepper, red hot pepper, paprika (papurika) and more
piiman, pimento, bellpepper, Piment, Nelkenpfeffer
Togarashi,toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more
Pimento Mori, some fun !

taro 芋 (いも) imo
Colocasia antiquorum Schott var. esculenta
imo batake 芋畑(いもばたけ)fiels of taro
oyaimo 親芋(おやいも)parent taro
koimo 子芋(こいも)child taro
kinu katsugi 衣被ぎ(きぬかつぎ)
imo no aki 芋の秋(いものあき)autumn of the taro
... imo aki 芋秋(いもあき)
dotare 土垂(どたれ)"hanging on the ground"
Bungo imo 豊後芋(ぶんごいも)taro from Bungo
Yoshihama imo 吉浜芋(よしはまいも)taro from Yoshihama
Yoshino imo 吉野芋(よしのいも)taro from Yoshino
dango imo 団子芋(だんごいも)taro for balls
shiro imo 白芋(しろいも)white taro
shigami imo しがみ芋(しがみいも)
futo imo 太芋(ふといも)thick taro
akame imo 赤芽芋(あかめいも)taro with red buds
taimo, ta imo 田芋(たいも)taro in the field
eguimo, egu imo 蘞芋(えぐいも)、
hasu imo 蓮芋(はすいも)"taro like lotus"
imogara 芋がら(いもがら)、
zuiki、芋茎(ずいき)stem of the taro
zuiki imo ずいき芋(ずいきいも)zuiki taro
satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)

yam 自然薯 (じねんじょ ) jinenjo
... yama imo, yamaimo, yama-imo 山芋(やまいも) "mountain potato"
... yama no imo 山の芋(やまのいも)
... naga imo 薯蕷 (ながいも)
naga-imo 長薯(ながいも)
rakuda imo 駱駝薯(らくだいも) "camel potato"
tsukune imo 仏掌薯 (つくねいも) "Buddha Hands yam"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
... tsuku imo つくいも、
... tuskune つくね、kobushi imo こぶしいも "fist potato"
kashuu imo 何首烏芋 (かしゅういも)Dioscorea bulbifera L

Things found on the way


秋野菜 だいこん畑 きゃべつだよ
aki yasai daikon batake kyabetsu da yo

autumn vegetables -
a field full of radishes
and cabbage

source : 里山散歩


bush clover,
eulalia, arrowroot,
pink, patrinia,
also, mistflower
and morning faces flower

Seven Herbs of Autumn (aki no nanakusa 秋の七草)

Sieben Herbstgräser (秋の七草 aki no nanakusa)
Buschklee (hagi), Nelke (nadeshiko), Wasserdost (fujibakama), Glockenblume (kikyoo), Knabenkraut (kuzu), Goldbaldrian (ominaeshi), Susuki-Gras (susuki)

kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
Yoshino kuzu 吉野葛 from Nara prefecture

Planting, harvesting and preparing food in AUTUMN kigo





Sato-imo Taro


Taro (sato-imo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Autumn
***** Category: Plant


taro 芋 (いも) imo
Colocasia antiquorum Schott var. esculenta
imo is also used in combination for all kinds of other potatoes.

In contrast to the YAM (yama imo) which grows in the mountains, this was also called
"root from the village", satoimo, sato imo 里芋
taro imo タロ芋
But in Northern Japan there are some areas where this plant is called "yama imo".
In Kyushu, the word IMO came to indicate the sweet potato (Satsuma imo).
CLICK for more photos

imo batake 芋畑(いもばたけ)fiels of taro
oyaimo 親芋(おやいも)parent taro
koimo 子芋(こいも)child taro
dotare 土垂(どたれ)"hanging on the ground"

kinu katsugi 衣被ぎ(きぬかつぎ)
unblemished taro, they are boiled in the skin
lit. "wrapped in cloth"

imo no aki 芋の秋(いものあき)autumn of the taro
... imo aki 芋秋(いもあき)

Bungo imo 豊後芋(ぶんごいも)taro from Bungo
Yoshihama imo 吉浜芋(よしはまいも)taro from Yoshihama
Yoshino imo 吉野芋(よしのいも)taro from Yoshino

dango imo 団子芋(だんごいも)taro for balls
shiro imo 白芋(しろいも)white taro
shigami imo しがみ芋(しがみいも)
futo imo 太芋(ふといも)thick taro
akame imo 赤芽芋(あかめいも)taro with red buds
taimo, ta imo 田芋(たいも)taro in the field

eguimo, egu imo 蘞芋(えぐいも)、
hasu imo 蓮芋(はすいも)"taro like lotus"

satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)
with miso paste

CLICK for more photos
zuiki、芋茎(ずいき)stem of the taro
zuiki imo ずいき芋(ずいきいも)zuiki taro
imogara 芋がら(いもがら) , imo no kuki 芋の茎
ZUIKI 随喜 can also mean "to weep with joy", and this name reminds us of a poem by the priest Muso Kokushi 夢窓国師 about this plant, hence the name.

. . . . Zuiki matsuri ずいきまつり Taro and Vegetable Festival
and more about Muso Kokushi !

In Okinawa they are called "field potato",
"tanmuu" 田芋(タンムー).

. . . Different types of satoimo
yatsugashira ヤツガシラ / 八つ頭
serebesu セレベス Celebes
kyooimo 京芋 "potatoes from Kyoto"
ebiimo エビ芋 "shrimp potato"

Yahataimo, Yahata-imo やはたいも taro from Yahata
This is a specially tasty kind from Yamanashi prefecture. After Takeda Shingen had build a dam against the river, the earth, full of debris, was very suitable for vegetables which like water, but not wet feet.
Some farmers in the 7th generation grow these special potatos, which even make their way to expensive restaurants in Kyoto.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Varying with the root, the parent root or the child roots are eaten.

from one satoimo サトイモ there are some generations
oyaimo 芋(おやいも) parent potato
koimo 子芋 child potato
magoimo 孫芋 grandchildren potato

© PHOTO : ikimono8000


Taro is a tropical plant grown primarily as a vegetable food for its edible corm, and secondarily as a leaf vegetable. It is considered a staple in oceanic cultures. It is believed to be one of the earliest cultivated plants. In its raw form the plant is toxic due to the presence of calcium oxalate, although the toxin is destroyed by cooking or can be removed by steeping taro roots in cold water overnight. Taro is closely related to Xanthosoma and Caladium, plants commonly grown as ornamentals, and like them it is sometimes loosely called elephant ear. The name "taro" is from Tahitian or other Polynesian languages; the plant is also called kalo (from Hawaiian), gabi in The Philippines, dalo in Fiji, seppankizhangu in Tamil, and Karkalo in Nepali.
In Japan,it is called satoimo (サトイモ ,satoimo); kanji: 里芋; literally "sato potato". It is often simmered. The size and shape is like a brussels sprout. The child satoimo and grandchild satoimo are called imonoko (芋の子 ).
Satoimo is believed to have been propagated from Southeast Asia in the late Jōmon period and it was one of the staple foods before rice became predominant.

In the Philippines, taro is called gabi.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Ishikawa imo 石川芋 taro from Ishikawa
Ishikawa is a small town near Osaka.
They are round and about 4 cm in diameter and taste rather "umai". They are exported to many markets in West-Japan. They taste good when steamed with the skin, then peeled and sprinkled with salt.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


koimo, ko-imo 小芋 "small taro potato"
Especially used for dished during the full moon party time in Autumn, in Kyoto since the Heian period.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

koimo nori-ae : Taro Potatoes Rolled in Crumbled Seaweed

There is also a sweet for the moon-viewing parties of the same name, so be careful not to mix it.


takenokoimo, take no ko imo たけのこいも / 竹の子芋
taro "like bamboo shoots"
"bamboo shoot satoimo", Japanese taro corn
佐賀県 from Saga prefecture
They look like a bamboo shoot and have to be peeled like one to get to the delicious parts to eat.
Also called Kyooimo, Kyoo imo 京いも.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

tsurunokoimo, tsuru no ko imo 鶴の子芋
"like a baby crane"
It has a longish form like a small crane.

Used for Takamori Dengaku 高森田楽 dishes.
They will help prevent a couple from fighting (fuufu kenka), because you have to watch the ingredients grilling on the other side of the open hearth (irori) to see that all is grilled equally ... and so peace in the family is kept.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
From 阿蘇高森田楽の里, Kumamoto


Food with taro roots 里芋料理
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Dentooji satoimo 伝灯寺里芋 sato imo from temple Dentoji
from Kanazawa, Kaga food, Ishikawa prefecture

imoni kai 芋煮会 meeting to cook taro in autumn
In Yamgagta, Miyagi, Shimane.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Imoni with Yonezawa beef
imoni nabe いも煮鍋
imonijiru 芋煮汁

imo ohagi いもおはぎ dumplings made from potatoes
and other satoimo ryori
..... satoimo no oyaki 里芋のおやき
..... satoimo no nimono 里芋・大根・いかの煮物
..... satoimo no goma-ae 里芋のごま和え
..... satoimo no dengaku 里芋の田楽
from Toyama

imotako 芋蛸 いもたこ octopus and satoimo potatoes
from Kagawa

kinukatsugi, kinu katsugi 衣被 (きぬかつぎ)
cooked satoimo taro potatoes
The name means a silk robe of a lady of the Heian period aristocracy.
A special kind of potato (satoimo 里芋) is cooked with the peel (the "silk robe"), then the peel is taken off and the mash slightly salted.
They are usually served for the tsukimi moon viewing parties in Autumn.
CLICK here for Photos !

noppeijiru のっぺい汁 soup with taro, carrots and konnyak
Often made for the harvest festival and for the New Year celebrations.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)

satoimo no nikorogashi 里芋の煮ころがし
"simmered and rolled" taro, in soy sauce, mirin and dashi.
This was the "taste of mother" (ofukuro no aji) until the advent of potatoes and "nikujaga" became more popular.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

yatsugashira やつがしら/ 八頭 "eight heads"
type of taro
Colocasia antiquorum Schott. var. esculenta
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
This is served as an auspicious food to people who are supposed to "lead others" (hito no ue ni tatsu), like a parent potato with many children potatoes around him.
Served for the New Year.

zuiki no nutaae ずいきのぬたあえ
satoimo potato stems with vinegared miso paste
from Kagawa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Dried zuiki was a food ration in castles of the Edo period, since it kept well and provided some vitamins.

More dishes with 里芋

Worldwide use


yamaimo - Jamswurzel (Duden spelling), Yamswurzel
satsumaimo - Süßkartoffel



gabi (English: taro)
is a tuberous plant. It's a root crop. The tubers (roots) differ in color and size. A seize of about 30 cm long, is possible. The flesh inside is white. The taste of both leaves and tuber is acid. Cooking (with the skin removed) or baking takes this acid taste away. It is a native vegetable of India and parts of South-East Asia. The leaves are used in soups and stews, the cooked tuber is consumed as sweets, desserts or used in vegetable dishes.
Philippines : GABI

soup with taro
my homework gone cold
on the table

soup with taro
the deep lines
on our cook's face

Ella Wagemakers, May 2009

Things found on the way

tsukimi dango from Nagoya 名古屋 月見団子 dumplings in three colors
for moon viewing
In the shape of taro roots.


inochi koso imo dane yo mata kyoo no tsuki

Read the discussion of this hokku :
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


kinu-katsugi fuyu e no warai o takuwaeru

taro in the skin -
we store our laughter
for winter 

Tsujimoto Sachiko 辻本幸子
source :


Taro roots (sato imo) were prepared as offerings, and moon-viewing doubled as a harvest festival. This became so widespread that the full moon in mid-fall also came to be known as imo meigetsu.

imo meigetsu 芋名月 "Sweet Potato Full Moon"
kigo for mid-autumn

Related words

bareisho 馬鈴薯 ばれいしょ potato
... jagaimo じゃがいも, ジャガイモ Kartoffel 

kansho 甘藷 (かんしょ) sweet satsuma potato
さつまいも, サツマイモ


kigo for mid-spring, humanity

imo uu 里芋植う planting taro
sato-imo uu 里芋植う(さといもうう)

taneimo, tane-imo 種芋(たねいも)seed potato (Taro-Saatkartoffel)
imo no me芋の芽(いものめ)buts of the taro plant
imo nae 藷苗(いもなえ)taro seedlings


. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

imo no ha ya oya wan hodo no tsuyu no tama

taro leaf --
this dewdrop would fill
a rice bowl

This lunar autumn hokku is from the seventh month (August) of 1813, the year Issa moved back to his hometown. On 6/18 a boil on his hip became so bad during a trip that he had to stop and recuperate at the house of a student in a nearby town, and he was receiving treatment there when this hokku was written. Issa's recuperation took seventy-five days in all. He was nevertheless sometimes cheerful, and for the Star Festival on 7/7 he wrote:

utsukushi ya shooji no ana no amanogawa

magnificent --
the Milky Way through
a hole in the paper door

Unable to go outside, Issa tries to see the night sky through a hole in the paper on the wood-frame and paper sliding door that stands closed between his room and the garden outside. The narrow, constricted view and his own inability to move seem by contrast to make the Milky Way even more beautiful and moving than when he could easily watch the whole sky.

Taro leaves play an important part in the Star Festival, since the dew left on them in the morning is, according to legend, spilled on them during the night by the Milky Way. For this reason, people use dew collected from taro leaves to mix heaven-given ink and then write down their prayers to the star gods of the festival. In the first hokku above, however, Issa also seems to be thinking of the ancient homophony of the word for dew or water drop (tama) and the word for soul and life (tama). These meanings were commonly overlapped in Japanese poetry and prose, and Issa several times in hokku in this part of his diary uses tama to refer to the autumn dew outside, to his own life and soul, and to the soul of a haikai poet named Matsui, who belonged to the same Katsushika school of haikai to which Issa belonged when he was young. Matsui had died in the fifth month of 1813, so his soul was returning to its first O-Bon (Tama-matsuri) or Festival for Returning Souls in the middle of the seventh month, and Issa wrote several hokku that seem to refer to Matsui's soul as well as to his own mortality. The first hokku above is placed among these hokku.

Taro leaves are very large and usually heart-shaped. Many of them are also deep in the center and suggest large green cups or bowls. Issa says that one or more tama or drop of dew is on the leaf, and I take it to be mainly a single large drop, with most of the separate dewdrops having rolled downward and collected in the deepest part of the leaf. The image of a single large dewdrop much larger than normal also fits with the tenor of several hokku near this hokku in Issa's diary that suggest the importance of living on even though autumn is deepening. Issa might be thinking of his own life and soul (tama) as a gift from heaven, the Milky Way, and the universe and hoping it is large enough to allow him several more years of life in his hometown, to which he has just returned. Possibly Issa might also be thinking of a very large drop of dew as a healing counter-image to his large, pus-oozing boil. And several other readings suggest themselves. This vigorous hokku seems almost spherical in terms of its meanings.

Chris Drake


***** WASHOKU :






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local dishes, regional specialities ...
kyodo ryori, kyoodo ryoori 郷土料理

lokale Küche, Küche der Heimat
from all prefectures of Japan

CLICK for more photos Here I will list some typical dishes of each area, trying to find a haiku as we go along.
Travel from the North to the South of Japan, and through the seasons !

Most prefectures have antenna shops in Tokyo, where you can sample regional specialities.

LINKS only to this BLOG


Check the local dishes HERE!

HOKKAIDO 北海道 [ 道北 道東 道央 道南 ]

Ainu Food ... アイヌ料理


TOHOKU 東北 [ 青森 岩手 宮城 秋田 山形 福島 ]

WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
しょっつる鍋 shotsuru nabe, shottsuru nabe
made with fermented sauce of hatahata fish
はたはたずし hatahata sushi
じゅんさい junsai vegetables
rolled yellowtail, makiburi 巻鰤(まきぶり)
toofu kasutera 豆腐カステラ Castella cake with tofu instead of flower.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
speciality of Noto peninsula
とんぶり, tonburi seeds from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia
matsukawa mochi 松皮餅(まつかわもち)"mochi from pine bark"
Akita miso
MORE dishes from Akita

いちご煮 ichigoni, soup with uni and awabi
たらのじゃっぱ汁 tara no jappa jiru, soup with cod
八戸するめ Hachinohe surume, dried cuttlefish from Hachinohe
りんご apples
famous dishes from Aomori

さんしょううおのくんせい sanshoo-uo no kunsei, smoked salamander
komugi manjuu 小麦まんじゅう manjuu cakes from wheat flour
kozuyu こづゆお椀 from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津
Dishes from Fukushima

わんこそば Wankosoba, Morioka, noodles
南部鼻曲がり Nambu hanamagari, dried salmon
松藻 matsumo, kind of hornwort
Nanbu senbei, Nambu senbei, Nambu Sembei 南部せんべい waffles from Morioka
More dishes from Iwate and Morioka

ほやの酢の物 hoya no su no mono, vinegared sea cucumber
笹かまぼこ sasa kamaboko, boiled fish paste in sasa leaves form sasakamaboko
塩釜 shiogama, salt from Shiogama
Sendai Miso
famous dishes from Miyagi and Sendai and Kesennuma

いもっこ汁  imokko jiru, soup with sato-imo poatotes RP
imoni, imo-ni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes in large pots
dongarajiru 寒鱈汁(どんがら汁)
さくらんぼ sakuranbo, cherries
Minden Nasu 民田なす Eggplant from Yamagata
modatsu もだつ kind of mushroom

Dadacha mame, dadachamame だだちゃ豆 Edamame from Yamagata
米沢こい Yonezawa koi, carp from Yonezawa
Yonezawa gyuu, beef from Yonezawa

Dishes from Yamagata

"Hokki Ichigoni", "Hokki-shell Soup", and "Mashed Sardines"
Peppers Pickles Misawa Town
Long taros harvested in Misawa
Misawakko sweet cakes
"Ichigo-ni" literally means "boiled strawberries". Hachinohe
sweet chrysanthemum petals for food
Hachinohe: "Ika-Sommon," "Shio-kara," "Ichiya-boshi,"
Preserved Pond Smelt from Towada

Sweets from Tohoku 東北の甘いもの

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


[ 東京 神奈川 埼玉 千葉 茨城 栃木 群馬 山梨 ]

Sweets from the KANTO region

なめろう・さんが nameroo, sanga, kind of chopped fish
かわはぎ kawahagi, filefish; a leatherfish; Stephanolepis cirrhifer
落花生 rakkasei, peanuts
imo yookan, imo yokan 芋洋館 from sweet potatoes
Rape blossom dishes (nanohana, na no hana)
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Chiba

刺身こんにやく sashimi konyaku, raw konyaku slices
キャベツ kyabetsu, cabbage   
Okirikomi, okkirikomi おきりこみ, おっきりこみ
下仁田ねぎ Shimonita negi, leek
Dishes from Gunma

ankoo あんこうのとも酢 . 鍋 . どぶ汁  ankoo nabe, dobujiru and more anglerfish specialities
水戸納豆 Mito no natto
わかさぎ wakasagi, pond smelt
かんぴょうの立田揚げ kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings, special preparation
しもつかれ imotsukare, PHOTO and recipe
いちご ichigo, strawberries
かんぴょう kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく)garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Ibaraki

ねぎま汁 negimajiru, soup with leek
小田原かまぽこ Odawara kamaboko
小梅干し ko-umeboshi, small dried apricots/plums
... Enoshima Tsuboyakikigo
Dishes from Kanagawa 神奈川 郷土料理


gokaboo 五家宝 kind of sweet (see sweets link above)
kikuimo, kiku-imo キクイモ 菊芋 "chrysanthemum potato"
Soka senbei, Sooka senbei 草加せんべい
Dishes from Saitama 埼玉郷土料理

moro モロ slices of shark. nezumi same
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
Ootsuka soosu 大塚ソース Sauce from Otsuka company, for yakisoba and many other dishes, made in Utsunomiya town
gyooza 餃子, Utsunomiya gyooza
shimotsukare しもつかれ Shimotsuke Family Dish
Dishes from Tochigi 栃木の郷土料理

うなぎのかば焼き unagi no kabayaki, eel on skewers
江戸前ずし Edomae zushi
天ぷら Tempura
柳川鍋 yanagikawa nabe
くさや kusaya, "smelly one", dried horse mackerel (which has a very strong smell)
つくだ煮 tsukudani, simmered food in the style of Tsukuda Island
七色唐辛子 ground mixture of red pepper and aromatic spices
べったら漬け bettarazuke, radish pickles
Senjunegi, Senju negi 千住葱 leek from Senju, Tokyo
Dishes from Tokyo

Fujisan 富士山 and food specialities from Mount Fuji


Beginning of Chubu, Chuubu Chihoo 中部地方

CLICK for more chubu

SHINETSU 信越 [ 新潟 長野 ]

こいの洗い koi no arai, carp
ハチの子,ザザムシ hachi no ko, zazamushi, bee larvae
そばがき sobagaki, soba dumplings
五平餅 gohei mochi, rice dumplings with miso
のざわな漬け Nozawana zuke, pickles of nozawa leaves
Rokuben, Bento for a kabuki performance ろくべん, 大鹿歌舞伎 Nagano.
Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe
Dishes from Nagano / shio no michi, the Salt Road

のっぺ汁 , noppejiru, vegetable stew
Sasadango 笹団子 (ささだんご)
わっぱ煮 wappani, food prepared in a wooden wappa container
いごねり igoneri, seaweed food, Sado Island
たらの親子漬け tara no oyako zuke, cod roe pickles
Dishes from Niigata 新潟郷土料理

Shinshuu Soba, Shinshu Soba 信州蕎麦


HOKURIKU 北陸 [ 富山 石川 福井 ]

今庄干しがき Imajoo hoshigaki, dried oysters from Imajo
ゆでがに yudegani, boiled crabs, Echizengani, Echizen Kani
へしこ heshiko, pickled saba mackerel for one year
Dishes from Fukui

じぶ煮 jibuni, stewed duck with vegetables and more specialities
ごりの唐揚げ gori no kara-age, deep-fried gori fish
..... gorijiru is Summer Kigoカブラずし kaburazushi, turnip sushi
たいの唐蒸し tai no karamushi, steamed sea bream with vegetables
(jap. wiki)
あまえび amaebi, sweet small shrimp
くちこ kuchiko, the roe of namako, dried in triangular shape, bachiko (eaten by Rosanjin)
konowata (is CHINMI and kigo for winter)
Dishes from Ishikawa

いかの黒作り ika no kurozukuri, squid with black
越中ばいがい Etchuu baigai, bai-shells. (Balylonia japonica)
ほたるいか hotaruika, hotaru squid (Akaika (Ommastrephes bartramii))
Dishes from Toyama

Dishes from Yamanashi 山梨郷土料理


TOKAI 東海 [ 愛知 岐阜 静岡 三重 ]

かしわの水炊き kashiwa no mizutaki
chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
miso of variuos kinds
きしめん kishimen, kishimen noodles
このわた konowata, dried roe of fish
Dishes from Aichi 愛知郷土料理

富有がき fuyuu gaki, pregnant oysters
あゆの塩焼き ayu no shioyaki, grilled ayu fish and other sweetfish dishes
朴葉(ほおば)みそ hooba miso, with hooba leaves
tamari miso
Dishes from Gifu 岐阜の郷土料理

しらすタタミ shirasu tatami, small fish spread
麦とろ mugitoro, creamy wheat sauce for topping
静岡茶 Shizuoka cha, tea from Shizuoka
わさび漬け wasbizuke, wasabi pickles spring kigo
Dishes from Shizuoka

... End of Chubu ...


KINKI / KANSAI 近畿 [ 大阪 兵庫 京都 滋賀 奈良 和歌山 ]

HYOGO Kobe, Himeji
たこの直煮(じかに) tako no mani, jikani, boiled squid
赤穂の塩 Akoo no shio, salt from Akoo
Akashiyaki 明石焼, Takoyaki from Akashi
Dishes from Hyogo

KYOTO, Kyooto
Kyoyasai, kyooyasai 京野菜 vegetables from Kyoto
京懐石 Kyoo kaiseki, Kaiseki from Kyoto
湯葉 yuba soy milk skin
Uji-Cha 宇治茶 tea from Uji
Hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ)
skin of the conger pike; pike eel

Dishes from Kyoto

てこねずし/ てこね寿司 tekonezushi, fish zushi mixed with the hands
牛肉の網焼き gyuuniku no amiyaki, grilled beef on the net (Matsuzaka beef)
Matsuzaka beef
時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 shigure hamaguri, clamshells
tamari miso
Ise udon 伊勢うどん at Ise Shrine 伊勢神宮
fukuhiki senbei 福引煎餅 large threeangular senbei for setsubun, with talismans inside. you have to smash them and eat the crumbs.
Dishes from Mie prefecture

魚すき sakana suki, fish hodgepodge
お好み焼き・たこ焼き okonomiyaki, takoyaki, omelett or shid balls
船場汁 senbajiru, soup at the harbour
あわおこし awa okoshi, sweet from Osaka
塩こんぶ shio konbu, salted konbu seaweed
ばってら hattera, kind of saba makerel sushi
Kushiage, kushi-age 串揚げ deep-fried food pieces on bamboo skewers
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Osaka no kuidaoreEat until you are broke
unagizushi 鰻寿司 unagi eel on sushi rice (not common elswhere)
Dishes from Osaka (Naniwa)

かきの葉ずし kaki no hazushi, sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
茶がゆ・茶飯 chagayu, chahan, rice gruel with tea
奈良漬け Narazuke, pickled vegetables
三輪そうめん Miwa soomen, thin noodles from Miwa
Dishes from Nara Prefecture

かもすき kamosuki, duck pot
ふなずし bunazushi, funazushi, crucian carp sushi
げんごろうぶな gengoroo buna, crucian carp pickled
丁稚(でっち)ようかん detchi yookan, sweet bean jelly
Dishes from Shiga Prefecture

WAKAYAMAKishu, Kishuu
紀州たかな・めはりずし Kishuu takana, mebarizushi, fish sushi
すずめずし suzumezushi, suzume fish sushi
なれずし narezushi, fermented sushi
紀州みかん 蜜柑 Kishuu mikan, mandarins from Kishuu
高野豆腐 Kooya doofu, dried tofu from Mount Koya, kigo for late winter
Kishu no Umeboshi
whale meat from Taji
Dishes from Wakayama

Kansai Specialities


CHUGOKU CHIHO 中国 [鳥取 島根 岡山 広島 山口 ]

かきの土手鍋 kaki no dote nabe, oyster hodgepodge
わにの刺身, 鮫 wani no sashimi, shark sashimi
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
かき oysters
小いわし ko iwashi, small sardines
Dishes from Hiroshima

ままかりの酢漬け  mamakari suzuke,
mamakari fish pickled in vinegar
しらうお shirauo, whitefish
momo ... peaches and Peach Boy Festival
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy Hodgepodge
pione grapes
tobiuo, flying fish
Dishes from Okayama 岡山

some are similar to TOTTORI.
Izumo Soba
Imoni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes
Uzume sushi うずめ寿司
Gojiru 呉汁
Sasamaki 笹巻き
Shijimijiru しじみ汁
Tonbarazuke とんばら漬け
Shimane dishes

ののこ , ののこ飯 nonoko, a type of Inari zushi
Inari Sushi (inarizushi いなり寿司)
あごちくわ, とうふ竹輪 ago chikuwa, tofu chikuwa
すずきの奉書焼き susuki no hoosho yaki, susuki fish wrapped in washi paper and fried
めのは飯 menoha meshi, rice with vegetables
津田かぶ tsuda kabu, turnips from Tsuta
Izumo Soba, Shimane Wariko Soba 割子そば(わりごそば)and more Izumo specialities
Kuromame, black beans, schwarze Bohnen
Rakkyo 、rakkyoo 辣韮 pickled shallots
Tottori dishes 鳥取

いとこ煮 itokoni, boiled pumpkin with red beans
岩国ずし Iwakuni zushi, sushi from Iwami
ちしゃなます chisha namasu
いりこ iriko, small dried fish, used to make dashi
うに uni, sea-urchin eggs
Fugu from Shimonoseki, pufferfish
Yamaguchi dishes 山口

external link : 山口名物

Setonaikai、瀬戸内海 from the the Inland See

tai 鯛 たい sea bream is best here.

akauni, aka-uni 赤海栗 red sea urchin
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hakata no shio raamen 伯方の塩ラーメン salt ramen from Hakata, a small island famous for salt making.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Murakami Suigun Nabe 村上水軍鍋 Hodgepodge with seafod and one whole tako octopus
on Oshima Island.
tako octopus is also boiled like "cherry blossoms", tako no sakurani, sakura-ni 蛸の桜煮
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Western Japan 西日本 Nishi Nihon
Sweets from Western Japan


SHIKOKU 四国 [ 徳島 香川 愛媛 高知 ]

いずみや , 泉屋 izumiya, small fish in vinegar
ふくめん fukumen, noodle soup from Uwajima 宇和島
五色そうめん・たいめん goshiki soomen, taimen, noodles
いもたき 芋炊き boiled satoimo potatoes (different from Yamagata)
伯方の塩 salt from Hakata, salt icecream
タルト taruto, roll cake
World Tasty Museum 世界食文化博物館, Imabari
Dishes from Ehime

MORE Kagawa Dishes
Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride Marugame, Sanuki

KOCHI (Koochi)
Sawachi ryoori 皿鉢料理 Sawachi cuisine, celebration food
katsuo no tataki かつおのたたき chopped katsuo tuna fish

かつお節 katsuobushi, bonito shavings
Tosa no Inakazushi (inaka sushi) 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa
MORE dishes from Kochi
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine

そば米雑炊 sobagome zoosui, porridge with buckwheat and rice
でこまわし dekomawashi, grilled on open fire, like potatoes and fish on a stick
すだち sudachi, type of citron fruit
鳴門わかめ Naruto wakame, seaweed from Naruto
Dishes from Tokushima

Settai, O-Settai ... Giving Alms to Henro Pilgrims
satsuma imo tempura 芋天ぷら in Tosa

Shikoku Sweets 四国スイーツ Sweets from Shikoku


KYUSHU Kyuushuu 九州
[ 福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島 ]

あぶってかも abuttekamo, cooked susuki fish type
Gameni がめ煮 mixed boiled vegetables and chicken meat
博多水炊き Hakata mizutaki, chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
ふぐ刺し fugu sashi, fugu puffer fish
明太子(めんたいこ) mentaiko, roe of tara fish
八女茶 yamecha, green tea
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
Dishes from Fukuoka and Hakata

KAGOSHIMA (former Satsuma)
酒ずし sakezushi, sushi
薩摩汁 satsumajiru, soup
豚骨 butabone, pig bones, kurobuta black pork
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう)
Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Satsuma-age さつま揚げ fried fish cake from Satsuma
Satsumazuke さつま漬け pickles from Satsuma
Dishes from Kagoshima / Satsuma

いきなりだご ikinaridago, ikinari dango ... dumplings
肥後田楽 Higo dengaku,
ひともじのぐるぐる hitomoja no guruguru, pickles
辛子れんこん karashi renkon, lotus roots with mustard
朝鮮飴 choosen ame, Korean sweets
Higo zuiki 肥後ずいき dried taro root
Taipiien 太平燕(たいぴーえん)harusame noodle soup
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
kabosu カボス citrus fruit
Dishes from Kumamoto

しいたけ飯 shiitake meshi, rice with shiitake mushrooms
冷や汁 hiyajiru, cold soup
サボテン漬け sabotenzuke, pickled cactus
日向かぽちゃhinata kabocha, pumpkin
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps
Dishes from Miyazaki 宮崎料理

具雑煮 kai zooni, mixed boil of shells
卓袱(しっぽく)料理 shipoku ryoori, Shippoku dishes
チャンポン chanpon, mixed noodle soup
カステラ kasutera, castella sponge cake
からすみ karasumi, dried mullet roe ... chinmi
Dishes from Nagasaki 長崎郷土料理 

OITA . ooita
だんご汁 dangojiru, soup with dumplings
頭(びんた)料理 binta ryoori, katsuo fish meal
やせうま yaseuma, "thin horse" wheat noodles and more specialities
かぼす kabosu, kind of sour mandarin
kabusu juice in ramen soup / kabosu aisu カボスアイス icecream
toriten 鳥天 tori tenpura
(different from karaage kara-age) chicken tempura / toriten raamen, toriten karee
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Dishes from Oita

SAGA 佐賀県
がん漬け ganzuke, pickles
松浦漬け Matsu-ura zuke, pickles from Matsuura
むつごろう mutsugoroo, haze-type mudskipper of the wetlands
dabu だぶ food for communal festivities
Dishes from Saga : Arita, Karatsu, Imari, Ariake sea


沖縄 [ 沖縄 ] OKINAWA FOOD

さつま揚げ satsuma age, fried sweet potatoes
さつま漬け satsuma zuke, pickles
沖縄そば Okinawa soba, noodle soup
チャンプルー chanpuru, soup
ラフテー fafutee, quare boiled pig meat, buta no kakuni
黒糖 kurosato, black sugar
地豆豆腐 "jiimamidoofu" jimame toofu, tofu from local beans, meaning peanuts.
inoshishi sashimi ... wild boar meat from Yanbaru
awamori schnaps

Okinawa Ryori (Okinawa Ryoori) 沖縄料理

Related words

***** Ekiben 駅弁 Train station lunch boxes
with local specialities


***** Hakubutsukan, 食文化博物館   Food Museums and Theme Parks

***** WASHOKU Regional Dishes from Hokkaido to Okinawa
