Insects as food (konchuu ryoori)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various
***** Category: Humanity
konchu ryori, konchuu ryoori, 昆虫料理 insects as food
mushikui 、虫食い (むしくい)
Insects have been a source of food since olden times.
Grasshoppers, for example:
To catch the animal was not not only done to clear the rice paddies of an unwanted eater, but also to prepare the delicious tsukudani for the farmers, since it contains a lot of fat.
Jibachi senbei 地蜂煎餅, 地蜂せんべい
Wasp rice crackers
Speciality of Nagano
also inago coockie イナゴのクッキー
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kaiko, 蚕の料理 silkworms have also been eaten.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
WASHOKU : hebo ヘボ black wasps for food in Gifu
kuro suzumebachi クロスズメバチ Japanese yellowjacket
Vespula flaviceps
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
more to come ...

source : 内山昭一
kigo for all summer

konchuu saishuu 昆虫採集 (こんちゅうさいしゅう)
collecting insects
A favorite passtime for children in the summer holidays.
hochuumoo 補虫網(ほちゅうもう)net for catching insects
hochuuki 歩虫器(ほちゅうき)container for insects
dokubin 毒瓶(どくびん)bottle with poison
kigo for late autumn
hachi no ko 蜂の仔(はちのこ, 蜂の子)
bee and wasp larvae
fried bee larvae, jibachi yaki 地蜂焼(じばちやき)
rice with bee larvae, hachi no ko meshi 蜂の子飯(はちのこめし)
jibachi 地蜂 is another name for kurosuzumebachi くろすずめばち (黒雀蜂), black wasps.
hachi no ko, ハチの子, bee larvae
Speciality of Nagano.
In August they are driven out of their nest by putting firecrackers in them, then the nest with the larvae is collected. They are prepared in various ways, as kanroni, roasted or put on boiled rice.
They are even available in cans for distribution all over Japan.
. . . CLICK here for hachi no ko Photos !
kara-iri 乾煎り、空炒り plain roasting
The wasp larvae are roasted and sprinkeld with salt before consumption.
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zazamushi ざざ虫 (ざざむし) dobsonfly
larvae of aquatic caddis flies
kigo for all winter
. . . CLICK here for zazamushi Photos !
inago 蝗, 稲子 ( いなご) 螽 grasshopper, locust
kigo for all autumn
Worldwide use
. Kenya Saijiki
kumbi kumbi: flying termites
Things found on the way
Mushikui Japanese
Insects as human food
- quote -
Getemono-ya - 下手物
Whenever the craving for assorted gastropods, vague amphibians, unidentifiable molluscs or miscellaneous insects becomes overwhelming, head for these oases of the weird and wonderful. Getemono-ya are devoted to culinary ingredients, that no one would eat unless they were on the verge of starvation. Thanks to the proliferation of such exotic comestibles as vegetables, beans, cows and fish, these places are a dying breed. Spot them by a dilapidated exterior, and the locals’ warnings not to set foot within a mile of the place.
source : www.lonelyplanet.com
Getemono restaurants from all parts of Japan
source : ikura.2ch.net
tsukudani no inago to natte hige o kosu
to make tsukudani
out of grashoppers ...
strain the whiskers
Ishida Tokiji 石田時次
iri inago hakari-ureru mo Michinoku ya
selling roasted grasshoppers
by the weight ...
this is Northern Japan
Fukuda Ryotei (Ryootei) 福田蓼汀
inago 蝗, 稲子 ( いなご) 螽 grasshopper
kigo for all autumn
hachi no ko haiku
Related words
***** Insects (mushi) Autumn insects, aki no mushi, Japan.
***** Bee (mitsubachi)
***** Silk (kinu) and silkworm (kaiko)
***** WASHOKU : General Information
neko no torinokoshi ya hito no kuu inago
the leftovers
caught by the cat, people eat...
by Issa, 1825
(Tr. David Lanoue)
Getemono-ya - 下手物屋
下手物料理 Getemono food
A tiny coffee stand in Japan is selling some of the most lifelike gummy bugs we’ve ever seen
... not in fact a trio of insect larvae but delicious, blueberry-filled gummy bugs. And they’re making one little coffee stand in northwest Japan very famous.
Akai Tento no Koohii Ten (The Red Tent Coffee Shop) is a small market stall that serves a small fishing harbour on the east coast of Aomori Prefecture. Despite its size and limited hours of operation, Akai Tento has steadily built up a name for itself and has been featured both in print and on national TV and radio. Why? Because they serve creepy-crawlies.
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