The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Vegetables of Winter ... fuyu no yasai 冬の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku WINTER starts on November 7, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

fuyu yasai 冬野菜
Early Winter
bamboo shoots in the cold 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ) kanchiku no ko
kan take no ko 寒筍(かんたけのこ)
more about
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts in Spring
lotus root, digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
... hasune horu 蓮根掘る
... hasu hori 蓮堀(はすほり)digging for lotus (root)
. renkon 蓮根 lotus root
regional dishes with lotus root
karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus root stuffed with hot japanese mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard / Kumamoto
Lotoswurzel mit Senfpaste gefuellt
karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス Karashi Renkon Chips
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Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town, Kurashiki
The fields are dried first, then each lotus is carefully pulled out.
pokeroot, pokeweed 山牛蒡 (やまごぼう) yamagoboo
azami goboo 薊牛蒡(あざみごぼう)
Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte
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red cabbage 紫甘藍 (むらさきかんらん) murasaki kanran
murasaki kyabetsu 初冬 紫キャベツ(むらさききゃべつ)
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spikenard in the cold 寒独活 (かんうど) kan udo
... kanudo 寒土当帰(かんうど)
Aralia cordata Thunb
more about
Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus" in the cold
Late Winter
All Winter
aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe blossoms Aloe vera in bloom
and related food
broccoli ブロッコリ burokkori
komochi hanayasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)
Brokoli, Brokkoli
Brussels sprouts 芽キャベツ (めきゃべつ) me kyabetsu
komochi kanran 子持甘藍(こもちかんらん)
hime kanran 姫甘藍(ひめかんらん)
hime kyabetsu 姫キャベツ(ひめきゃべつ)
white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, napa 白菜 (はくさい) hakusai
hakusaizuke 白菜漬(はくさいづけ) pickled cabbage
another word is KANRAN 甘藍
Brassica pekinensis
Often used for
nabemono hodgepodge.
Had been introduced during the Meiji period from China to Japan.
They get sweeter in taste when they have some very cold nights.
in Korea, it is prepared into Kimchee (Kimchi, kimuchi キムチ).
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carrots 人参 ( にんじん) ninjin
They were called after the "Korean carrots" koorai ninjin, the ginseng roots, which where known in Japan before the carrots were introduced in the 16th century. The species cultivated today have been introduced since the Meiji period.
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kintoki ninjin 金時にんじん / 金時人参 "Kintoki" carrots
They have been cultivated in Japan in the Edo period. They are red and not orange. When used raw, they give a "red and white" (koohaku 紅白) auspicious touch to food. They are used for New Year Food.
Sometimes also called "Carrots from Kyoto" kyoo ninjin 京人参.
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They can be cut in beautiful plum blossom forms.
nejiri ume ねじり梅 "twisted plum blossoms"
Until the 17th century, all carrots were purple.
Now you can choose to eat orange, red, yellow or white ones too!
source : Interesting Facts, facebook
now we know
the true colors of carrots -
curry for tonight
Gabi Greve
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
cellory セロリ serori
seruki セルリ、oranda mitsuba オランダ三葉(おらんだみつば)
dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold
horse radish 山葵大根 (わさびだいこん) wasabi daikon
Ainu wasabi アイヌ山葵(あいぬわさび)
yamawasabi やまわさび horseradish / Hokkaido
leafy vegetables in winter 冬菜 (ふゆな)
fuyu na
hana 葉菜(はな),
kabu na, kabuna かぶ菜(かぶな)leaves of turnips
suzuna 菘(すずな)leaves of turnips (also one of the seven herbs of spring)
aona 蔓菁(あおな), matsuna まつ菜(まつな)、
aburana 油菜(あぶらな) colza, Brassica campestris
... toona 唐菜(とうな)
... tsukena 漬菜(つけな)pickled leaves
... yudena ゆで菜(ゆでな)boiled leaves
. "oil flowers" abura na, aburana 油菜 .
- another name for : na no hana 菜の花, rapeseed blossoms, rapeseed flower
Mikawajima na 三河島菜(みかわじまな)
Mikawajima is a place in Centrla Tokyo
komatsuna 小松菜(こまつな)
Brassica campestris
contains a lot of calcium.
It is not bitter like spinach and often used to feed children.
taina 体菜(たいな)、shakuna 杓子菜(しゃくしな)、sajina 匙菜(さじな)
Hoteina 布袋菜(ほていな)"leaf like Hotei" (God of Good Luck)
Hino na 日野菜(ひのな)from Hino
Hiroshima na 広島菜(ひろしまな)from Hiroshima
Nozawana, Nozawa na 野沢菜(のざわな)from Nozawa
Inekogi na 稲核菜(いねこきな)
katsuo na 鰹菜(かつおな)、shinobu na 信夫菜(しのぶな)
obazuke おはづけ、taguchi na 田口菜(たぐちな)
yuki na 雪菜(ゆきな)vegetable leaves in snow
suiguki na すいぐき菜(すいぐきな)
hi no na 緋の菜(ひのな)scarlet vegetable leave
fuyuna batake 冬菜畑(ふゆなばた)
field of leafy winter vegetables
fuyuna uri 冬菜売(ふゆなうり)
vendor of leafy winter vegetables
na arau 菜洗う(なあらう)washing leafy vegetables
na kuzu 菜屑(なくず)left-overs
fuyuna meshi 冬菜飯(ふゆなめし)
cooked rice with leafy winter vegetables
Leek 葱 (ねぎ) naganegi
Lauch, Porree
lily bulbs
yurine ゆり根 百合根 bulbs of lilies, lily bulb Hokkaido
Lilium leichtlinii Hook.
ko oniyuri こおにゆり【小鬼百合】
The name comes from the many parts that form the bulb, like "100 meetings, yuri" 百合.
Radish 大根 daikon, big radish
Raphanus sativas
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
One of the most important winter vegetables.
more RADISH kigo
Takuan daiko 沢庵大根(たくあんだいこ)
hoshi daiko 干大根(ほしだいこ)
Miyashige daikon 宮重大根(みやしげだいこん)、
aokubi daikon 青首大根(あおくびだいこん)、
Oowari daikon 尾張大根(おわりだいこん)、
Miura daikon 三浦大根(みうらだいこん)、
Nerima daikon 練馬大根(ねりまだいこん)、
Teraoo daikon 寺尾大根(てらおだいこん)、
risoo daikon 理想大根(りそうだいこん)、
Nishimachi daikon 西町大根(にしまちだいこん)、
Hooryoo daikon 方領大根(ほうりょうだいこん)、
Horie daikon 堀江大根(ほりえだいこん)、
Misono daikon 御園大根(みそのだいこん)、
Narutaki daikon 鳴滝大根(なるたきだいこん)、
Momoyama daikon 桃山大根(ももやまだいこん)、
Akita daikon 秋田大根(あきただいこん)、
Akasuji daikon 赤筋大根(あかすじだいこん)、
Shoogo-in daikon 聖護院大根(しょうごいんだいこん)
Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke pickles in Kyoto.
Kuramaguchi daikon 鞍馬口大根(くらまぐちだいこん)、
Moriguchi daikon 守口大根(もりぐちだいこん)、
Nezumi daikon 鼠大根(ねずみだいこん)、
Ibukiyama daikon 伊吹山大根(いぶきやまだいこん)、
Tokkuri daikon 徳利大根(とくりだいこん)、
Uguro daikon うぐろ大根(うぐろだいこん)、
karami dakion 辛味大根(からみだいこん)、
ike daikon 埋大根(いけだいこ)、
kakoi dakion 囲大根(かこいだいこ)、
senroppon 千六本(せんろっぽん)、
sengiri せん切(せんぎり)、aone おおね、daiko だいこ、
tsuchi daiko 土大根(つちだいこ)、
daikon batake 大根畑(だいこんばたけ) field with radishes
daikon doki 大根時(だいこんどき) time for radishes
daikojiru 大根汁(だいこじる) radish soup
daiko oroshi, daikon oroshi
大根おろし(だいこおろし)grated radish
Takuanzuke 沢庵漬(たくあんづけ)
daiko ichi 大根市(だいこいち)market selling radish
daiko uri 大根売(だいこうり)vendor of radish
Onnayama daikon 女山大根 radish from Onnayama, Saga pref. Kyushu
Its outside is red and so it makes a lovely dish for the new year.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Onnayama daikon aisu 女山大根アイス icecream
janbo daikon ジャンボ大根
all-Japan festival for jumbo daikon radishes ! 39,4 kilogram !
taro like a shrimp 海老芋 (えびいも) ebi imo, ebi-imo
... 蝦芋(えびいも)
Kyoo imo 京芋(きょういも) potato from Kyoto
grown near the temple Toji.
Used for the famous dish "potato on a stick" imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう).
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turnips 蕪 ( かぶ) kabu
aona 菘(あおな)、suzuna すずな、kaburana かぶらな、suwari kabu 据り蕪(すわりかぶ)、
oomi kabu 近江蕪(おうみかぶ)、Shoogo-In kabu 聖護院蕪(しょうごいんかぶ)、
Oowari kabu 尾張蕪(おわりかぶ)、
Hino kabu 日野蕪(ひのかぶ)、Yorii-Kabu 寄居蕪(よりいかぶ)、Tsuta kabu 津田蕪(つたかぶ)(they have red outside and white inside)、Hakata kabu 博多蕪(はかたかぶ)、Atsumi kabu 温海蕪(あつみかぶ)
. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka .
kokabu 小蕪(こかぶ) small trunips
oono akakabu 大野赤蕪(おおのあかかぶ)turnips with red outside, from Ono
ookabura 大蕪(おおかぶ)big turnips
Kabura 蕪菁(かぶら)
kabura hiku かぶら引く(かぶらひく)picking turnips
kabura hosu かぶら干す(かぶらほす)drying turnips
hoshi kabura 干蕪(ほしかぶ)dried turnips
kaburajiru 蕪汁(かぶらじる)miso soup with turnips
kabura mushi 蕪蒸(かぶらむし)steamed turnips
kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
MORE kabura turnip dishes
Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke せんまいづけ 千枚漬 pickles in Kyoto.
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New Year
Chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot
Stachys affinis, Stachys sieboldii
It looks a bit like a silkworm.
It is supposed to give a special impetus to your brain function.
Chinese artichoke, crosne, artichoke betony
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Knollenziest, Stachysknöllchen
Vegetables as a TOPIC for Haiku
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke
Cynara scolymus
Artischoke, Artischocke
gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd Okinawa. Goya.
They are also eaten in summer to get rid of the summer tiredness (natsubate).
Momordica charantia
bittere Gurke
kikuimo, 菊芋 Jerusalem artichoke
Heliantus tuberosus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Topinambur. Erdbirne
Things found on the way
冬野菜 ほうれんそうよ よく育て
fuyu yasai hoorensoo yo yoku sodate
winter vegetables -
dear spinach, please,
grow well
source : mobeji
spinach is a spring kigo
first date -
he snickers at the broccoli
between my teeth
Melinda Hipple
a green smile
spreads across her face-
spinach for lunch
Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009
Western Vegetables
not native to Japan, most are NOT yet KIGO
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Artichoke, kigo for all summer
biitsu ビーツ beet, beets
rote Rüben
chikorii チコリーchicory
Cichorium intybus.
endaibu エンダイブ endive
andiibu アンデイーブ
Cichorium endivia
esharotto エシャロット echalote
hoosuradisshu ホースラディッシュ horseradish
radisshu ラディッシュ radish
small red radishes
riiki リーキ leek
originally from the Mediterranean region
Lauch (other than the Japanese
negi types)
rubaabu ルバーブ rhubarb, ruubabu ルーバブ
Rheum rhaponticum
torebisu トレビス trevis
(from the town of Terviso in Italy)
a kind of red cabbage
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Chinese Vegetables
chingensai チンゲンサイ【青梗菜】
Brassica campestris L. var. chinensis
spinach-like vegetable
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koosai 香菜、コウサイ kosai, Bean Scoops
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kuushinsai 空芯菜(くうしんさい)kushinsai, green leafy vegetable
often prepared stir-fried
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kikakugai yasai 規格外野菜 "vegetables outside the norm"
slightly round cucumbers
tomatoes of different shapes
and many more are now sold at local centers and supermarkets for about half the price. Especially in the summer of 2009, when much rain damaged the growth, they made their appearance.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Vegetables and Games 野菜かるた
Karuta games and other card games
okaeri yasai おかえりやさい recycled vegetables
Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures
WKD : Farmers Work in Winter