Yakumi, spices and condiments
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Yakumi やくみ (薬味) "taste of medicine"
condiments and spices, mostly for noodle dishes.
It is an old Chinese word. Yakumi includes the five tasts gomi 五味 of
amai 甘sweet,
nigai 苦 bitter,
san 酸 sour,
karai 辛spicy , kara,
shio 鹹(塩味) salty.
Lately a new taste, umami うまみ(旨み/旨味), has been added to Japanese cuisine talk.
umami うまみ(旨み/旨味) and soy sauce
wafuu kooshinryoo 和風香辛料 "Japanese spices"
Garnish (Tsuma) and Relish (Yakumi)
Some of them have the effect to sterilize microbes in the food when kept for a longer time, for example wasabi and daikon.

Added in small qualities to soups, dips and other dishes to improve the taste
daikon oroshi 大根卸し(だいこんおろし) grated radish
The white parts taste best.
Has lots of vitamin A, B1, B2, C, calcium, iron, fibers. The enzyme diastase helps with digestion.
Used as a treatment for common cold in winter.
goma 胡麻 sesame
karashi 辛子 (からし)Japanese hot mustard
koshoo 胡椒(こしょう) black pepper
momiji oroshi 紅葉卸し (もみじおろし)grated radish and chili pepper
a piece of chili pepper is stuck into the radish and then grated with it.

Also called "tatsuta oroshi 立田おろし".
A lot is sold in bottles.
Another way is mixing grated radish with grated carrots.
source : Japanese wikipedia
myoga, myooga みょうが, 茗荷, Japanese ginger
Zingiber mioga. Zingi-Ingwer. Sprossen vom Z.
Myooga, japanese ginger KIGO
negi 葱(ねぎ) finely chopped leek、Welsh Onion
Good for blood circulation, tiredness and sleeplessness. Contains vitamin C, carotene and calcium. Helps with digestion.
Leek (negi) KIGO
sanshoo 山椒(さんしょう) Japanese pepper
サンショウの実や若芽 fruit and buds
japanischer Pfeffer. Zanthoxylum piperitum
Mountain pepper (sanshoo, sansho) KIGO
shichimi toogarashi 七味唐辛子(とうがらし) Sieben-Gewürze-Mischung
Togarashi, toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper
shiso 紫蘇(しそ) perilla leaves
Contains vitamin A, B1, B2,C, calcium, iron.
Improves appetite.
Coloring for salted plums (umeboshi).
green perilla, aoshiso KIGO
Perilla frutescens, Schwarznessel
shooga 生薑(しょうが) grated ginger
Contains zingerone and zingiberene. Improves the appetite, keeps the body warm.
Desinfectant properties. Kills smell of other foods.
..... gari ガリ ginger in sweet vinegar, for sushi
Shooga, Ginger 生姜 KIGO
wasabi 山葵(わさび) Japanese horseradish
Wasabia japonica (Maxim.) Matsum.
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish KIGO
.................... more
asa no mi アサの実、
tade タデ
chinpi 陳皮(ちんぴ)skin of citrus fruits
nira ニラ chives
Allium tuberosum
fuki no too フキノトウ
hoofuu ボウフウ
Ledebourielle seselioides Wolff
mitsuba ミツバ, 三つ葉 Dreiblätterkraut
Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk
... ito mitsuba 糸三つ葉 with long stems (ao mitsuba 青三つ葉)
... ne mitsuba ねみつば【根三つ葉】 with roots
Boiled or blanched before eating.
wakegi ワケギ
Allium fistulosum L. var. caespitosum Makino
asatsuki アサツキ Schnittlauch
Allium schoenoprasum L. var. foliosum Regel
kabosu カボス citrus fruit
sudachi スダチ citrus fruit
yuzu ユズ citrus fruit

source : www.gg-art.com
Herb Gatherers in the Mountains
Yosa Buson (1716-1784)
haabu ハーブ herb, herbs
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
haabu gaaden ハーブガーデン herb garden
Many herbs are used for food prepared in Western style and herb tea (ハーブチー) is getting more and more popular in Japan too.
Kräuter, Gewürzkräuter , Gewürzkraut
bajiru バジル basil
diru ディル dill
Anethum graveolens
fuenneru フェンエル fennel
Foeniculum vulgare. Fenchel
uikyoo no hana 茴香の花 (ういきょうのはな) fennel flowers
kigo for mid-summer
uikyoo no mi 茴香の実 (ういきょうのみ)
fennel seeds
. . . . . kurenoomo no mi くれのおもの実(くれのおものみ)
kigo for mid-autumn
kure no omo, kurenoomo くれのおも【呉の母・〈懐香〉】
majoramu マジョラム majoram
minto ミント
peppermint, spearmint
oregano オレガノ/ オリガノ oregano
Origanum vulgare
roozumarii ローズマリー rosemary
rukkora ルッコラ rucola
seeji セージ sage
Salvia officinalis
taimu タイム thyme
taragon タラゴン Tarragon
Artemisia dracunculus
kayaku 加薬 (かやく) addition or adjuvant
"add medicine to the food"
In Chinese medicine, things were added in small quantities. Now also spices, like the above YAKUMI.
In Kansai it is another word for GU, TANE 具(ぐ) / 種(たね)
put on rice or noodles, like meat or vegetables.
kayakumeshi, kayaku gohan 加薬飯 加薬飯
boiled rice mixed with vegetables and meat or fish
kayaku-soba 加薬そば buckwheat noodles with fish and vegetables
Soba mit Fisch, Gemüse und Soya-gewürzter Brühe)
zusätzliche Zutat (für Medizin)
Zutaten zu Gomokumeshi-Reismahlzeit
choomiryoo 調味料 flavoring, seasoning
spice, spices
..... awase choomiryoo あわせ調味料 mixing seasonings
awasejooyu あわせじょうゆ soy sauce mixed with others
awasemiso あわせみそ miso mixed with others
awasezu あわせず あわせ酢 vinegar mixed with others
awasebataa あわせバター butter mixed with others
... see each ingredient for details.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
dokumi どくみ(毒味/毒見) taste food before serving
lit. "looking for poison"
There was an official for the shoogun, the dokumiyaku 毒味役 / 毒見役, who had to taste all the food before it was served to the lord.
Vorkosten, probieren
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012
dappoo haabu 脱法ハーブ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Shops selling dried herbs spiked with stimulant chemicals on the increase
Dried herbs mixed with stimulant chemicals carefully packaged to dodge drug laws are gaining in popularity among young Japanese, leading in turn to a drastic increase in the shops selling such products.
These "dappo habu" (law-evading herbs) contain stimulant materials whose chemical components are slightly different from those prohibited by drug laws.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government identified two shops selling such products in fiscal 2009. As of last Friday, 89 such shops were in existence, many of them in Shinjuku and Shibuya, areas popular with young people.
"Even if (herbs) do not include chemicals designated (as illegal) by law, you can't say they are safe. (Inhaling them) is like conducting a human experiment with your own body," said Masahiko Funada, who heads a team researching addictive drugs at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry in Tokyo.
The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has been locked in a race with dealers as it keeps adding new stimulants to its list of illegal drugs while dealers keep marketing new products, including new chemicals they say are not covered by drug regulations.
The ministry recently decided to introduce a new and more comprehensive system for designating illegal drug components.
Even if dappo herbs don't include illegal chemicals, selling them can be a violation if the seller specifically instructs the buyer how to use the stimulant, such as by inhaling.
Many of the shops, however, are cagey enough to evade the law. They sell the dappo herbs as "incense," not something to be consumed or inhaled directly.
Police and local governments have recently started cracking down.
In January, two shop managers in Osaka were arrested for alleged possession of illegal drugs for the purpose of marketing them.
On Jan. 25, three teens in Tokyo were hospitalized for acute drug poisoning after inhaling smoke from herbs mixed with chemicals. The shop dealer who sold it to them was arrested on suspicion of inflicting bodily harm.
source : Japan Times
3 senryu about the enjoyment of mixing the spices ...
hiyashimugi choozai no gotoku yakumi maze
cold wheat noodles ...
mixing the spices
like medicine
sukisuki ni yakumi totoneo hiyashimugi
just as I like it
I add some spices -
cold wheat noodles
hiyashimugi no yakumi sorezore tanoshiminu
one after the other
I enjoy the spices
on the cold noodles
source : www.yamamoto-noriten.co.jp
Related words
flowers of herb plants
kigo for early summer
sanshoo no hana 山椒の花 (さんしょうのはな) Sansho flowers
..... hajikami no hana はじかみの花(はじかみのはな)
hana sanshoo 花山椒(はなさんしょう)
wasabi no hana 山葵の花 (わさびのはな) Wasabi flowers
kigo for mid-summer
toogarashi no hana 唐辛子の花 (とうがらしのはな) red hot pepper flowers
..... 蕃椒の花(とうがらしのはな)
kigo for late summer
ninniku no hana 蒜の花 にんにくのはな garlic flowers
nira no hana 韮の花 (にらのはな) Nira flowers
ken けん, tsuma つま, and karami 辛み, 辛味, 辛み.
Ken Tsuma Karami . Garnish for Sashimi
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