Milk and milk products
Milch und Milchprodukte
mirukuseeki ミルクセーキ milk shake
kigo for all summer
History of Milk and Cheese in Japan
Via Korea the production of milk, butter and even cheese (so 蘇 ) was known before the Heian period. But when Shotoku Taishi elevated Buddhism and meat was forbideen to eat, the production stopped.
The 7. Shogun Yoshimune sponsored the import of cows from India and the daimyo Satomi in Chiba supervised the production of dairy products as a kind of medicine.
Maeda Tomekichi was the first to sell fresh milk in Yokahama around 1863, having studied from Holland how to handle cows.
Since the Meiji period, Hokkaido became the center of dairy products, thanks to its vast grazing grounds and fresh water. Holstein cows are most popular and produce about 8000 kg per year each.
The village Tsuruimura 鶴居村 (つるいむら) was the first "cow village" in Kushiro, Hokkaido.
So そ 蘇(そ)酥 / 蘇 milk products of the Asuka period
. daigomi 醍醐味 "taste of Daigo" ghee butter .
and Emperor Daigo
miruku ミルク milk
gyuunyuu 牛乳 cow's milk
kanraku 乾酪 cheese
gyuuraku 牛酪 butter
Some MILK vocabulary
bataa miruku バターミルク buttermilk
dasshinyuu だっしにゅう【脱脂乳】 skim milk
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fettarme Milch
gyuunyuu haitatsu 牛乳配達 daily milk delivery
Still practised in many parts of Japan. There are special boxes to put the milk cartons in.
Milchzustellung, Milchmann
gyuunyuu seihin 牛乳製品 milk products
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gyuunyuu tsubo 牛乳壺 milk pot
There is one for the milk in most homes.
ichigo miruku いちごみるく strawberry milk
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junryoo gyuunyuu 純良牛乳 pure milk
reine Milch
miruku hooru ミルクホール milk bar
... miruku sutando ミルクスタンド
nyuu seihin 乳製品 milk products
nyuu shiboo 乳脂肪 milk fat
ochichi, o-chichi, o-chi お乳 (御乳) mother's milk
Milch, Euter
... nyuujuu 乳汁(にゅうじゅう)
raku 酪
processed milk
rakugyuu 酪牛
milk cow
... nyuuyoo gyuu 乳用牛 cow for milk
rakunoo らくのう【酪農】 dairy farming
... rakunooka 酪農家 dairy farmer
... chikusan nooka 畜産農家 dairy farmer
... rakunoo seihinn 酪農製品 dairy product
Molkereiprodukt; Molkereierzeugnis
roo fatto miruku ローファットミルク low fat milk
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fettarme Milch; Magermilch
sakkin gyuunyuu 殺菌牛乳 sterilized milk
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sterilisierte Milch
sanpainyuu 酸敗乳 sour milk
saure Milch
shinyuu 市乳 milk sold on the market
auf dem Markt verkaufte Milch
sukimu miruku スキムミルク skimmed milk
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entrahmte Milch
YAKULT - The Main Company HP
source : yakult.co.jp/english
Milk for breakfast (朝飯) asagohan
BILK ビルク Hokkaido Milk Beer : Milk + Beer = Bilk
Milk products from Hokkaido
gyuunyuu senbei 牛乳せんべい milk cookies
Miyakejima 三宅島, Tokyo
milk tofu, gyuunyuu doofu 牛乳豆腐 gyunyu tofu
Milk products from Hokkaido
Asukanabe 飛鳥鍋 hodgepodge from Asuka
prepared with milk
so 蘇(そ)酥 / 蘇 milk products of old, Asuka no So 飛鳥の蘇
the oldest milk of Japan
SKAL, sukooru, スコール
milk-based soft drink from Shimonoseki
Butter バター bataa
Often sold in round tin boxes.
bataa cha バター茶 tea with butter, from Tibet
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bataa itame bataa itame バター炒め frying with butter
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bataa keeki バターケーキ butter cake
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bataa kukkii バタークッキー butter cookies
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... shio bataa kukkii 塩バタークッキー butter cookies with salt
bataa naifu バターナイフ butter knife
bataa shooyu バター醤油 butter-soysauce
shooyu bataa しょう油バター
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... bataa shooyuu mi potetochippusu バターしょうゆ味 ポテトチップス
potato chips with butter soysauce flavor
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bataa toosuto バタートースト toast with butter
The toast bread is usually quite thick. A common snack at a cafeteria, also for breakfast.
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bataa yaki, bataayaki バター焼き grilled, roasted with butter
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gaarikku bataa ガーリックバター garlic butter
hachimitsu bataa 蜂蜜バター honey butter
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Hokkaidoo bataa 北海道バター
butter from Hokkaido
Most of the Japanese butter comes from Hokkaido.
jagabataa じゃがバター potatoes with butter
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kurumi bataa くるみバター walnut butter
Trappist Butter from Hakodate
shio bataa 塩バター butter with salt
Butter Boutique at the Marunouchi Brick Square
yagi bataa 山羊バター butter from goats milk
goats butter
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Daijin ke no daikyoo 大臣家大饗
First banquet of the Ministers on the New Year
Since the Heian period.
The ministers greet visitors in their own homes (omoya) and have a feast. The most important visitor is called 尊者 sonsha.
On this day an envoy from the imprial court, 蘇甘栗使 soamaguri no tsukai, is also welcomed.
He brought an old version of butter,
牛酪 gyuuraku, and dried chestnuts kachiguri 搗栗.
. First Court Rituals .
Cheese チーズ Käse
Cheese is imported from other countries, but also made in Japan.
cheese gyoza チーズギョーザ gyoza with cheeze filling
chiizu keeki チーズケーキ cheese cake
from Hokkaido
kuriimu chiizu クリームチーズ cream cheese
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purin プリン pudding
Sweets, caramels, ice cream and others
Aisu アイス ice
Ice cream, soft cream. Eiscreme, Eis
chokoreeto チョコレート chocolate Schokolade
Daisen Mirukubatake aisu 大山みるく畑 アイス icecream
"from the Milk Fields of Mount Daisen"
from Tottori
Genjimaki, Genji-maki 源氏巻 "Genji-Rolls"
from Shimane
Hiruzen sweets 蒜山スイーツ
from the milk of the Jersy cows ジャージー, Okayama prefecture
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hakkoonyuu 発酵乳 fermented milk, yoghurt
fermentierte Milch
When first introduced to Japan, it was not well liked because of its sourness. Akutagawa Ryunosuke wrote about it, to promote the milk of his fathers farm, but it was not well liked.
Then at the World Exhibition in Osaka in 1970, the real Bulgarian Yoghurt was introduced and soon became a hit.
aroe yooguruto アロエヨーグルトyoghurt with aloe vera
bihidasu ビヒダスヨーグルト bifidus yoghurt
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bifizusukin yooguruto ビフィズス菌ヨーグルト yoghurt with
bifidobacterium; Lactobacillus bifidus. bifizusu kin

burugaria yooguruto ブルガリアヨーグルト
Bulgarian yoghurt
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funwari yooguruto ふんわりヨーグルト
furuutsu yoogurto フルーツヨーグルト fruit yoghurt
. . . 彩り果物ヨーグルト
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furoozun yooguruto フローズンヨーグルト frozen yoghurt
It comes in different flavors.
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Hiruzen jaajii yooguruto 蒜山ジャージーヨーグル from the milk of Jersey cows
from Hiruzen Highland, Okayama
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kasukipai yooguruto カスピ海ヨーグルト yoghurt like in the Caspian Sea
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mashumaro yooguruto マシュマロヨーグル marshmallow yoghurt
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mizukiri yooguruto 水切りヨーグルト yoghurt with little water
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nomu yooguruto 飲むヨーグルト yoghurt ready to drink
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nuta-ae ぬた和え yoghurt dressing
Yoghurt mixed with miso paste, vinegar and other
nuta ingredients.
pureen yooguruto プレーンヨーグルト plain yoghurt
without any additions
suiito yoogurto スイートヨーグルト sweet yoghurt

teishiboo 低脂肪ヨーグルト
low-fat yoghurt
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Greve cheese, Grevé cheese
a semi-hard cows’ milk cheese from Sweden.
. MILK served for Japanese school lunches
. Soy Milk (toonyuu 豆乳) and
skin of boiled soy milk ゆば . 湯葉 yuba
kissaten miruku seeki no natsu honban
coffee shop -
the summer season for
milk shakes (begins)
Rurika Sama ルリカ様
koruri naki kurumi mo hieshi yooguruto
the Siberian blue robin sings -
walnuts in the cold
Sawada Ryokusei 澤田緑生 (1918 - )
Related words
Wagyuu (和牛)Wagyu, Japanese cattle
Rind, Milchkuh
. Cheese Kigo from Europe