Chinese food in Japan (chuuka ryoori)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Chuka ryori, chuuka ryoori
shina ryoori シナ料理

noodles in a Chinese restaurant
Chin Kenmin 陳建民(ちんけんみん) brought his verison of mabo tofu to Yokohama. He was the son of poor farmers in China and made his fortune in Yokohama. He even prepared the banjan fermented hot pepper ingredient on his rooftop and sometimes neighbours complained about the strong smell ... Now his son, Chin Kenichi, carries on with the tradition.
Chinese Food in Japan and
about Yokohama's Chinatown
The former capital of Kyoto is Japan's most traditional city, the home of many famous temples and artisans. There are only a few Chinese restaurants for Kyoto's 200,000 classically Japanese residents. Nonetheless, Chinese food is the most popular foreign cuisine throughout Japan, closely followed by Korean barbecue, then Italian pasta. Mexican and Thai places are newly popular but, after that, finding foreign fare can be a scattershot proposition.
... Chinese dish in Japan is ebi chili (shrimp with chili sauce)
subuta (sweet and sour pork); ma po tofu (mabodofu, maboo doofu, bean curd with spicy sauce), and pan fried gyoza (pork and garlic-chive dumplings).
The Japanese gyoza is a direct take-off on the Chinese jiao-tze.
The earliest Chinese settlers in Yokohama can be traced back to 1861, just after the port city was opened to overseas trade.
source : Harley Spiller
Japanese style Mabo Tofu : Wafu mabodofu
麻婆豆腐 maabo doofu
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chuuka bentoo 中華弁当 lunchbox with Chinese food,
gojapan.about.com : Yokohama Chinatown
横浜 中華街 Yokohama Chuukagai, Chinatown
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Yokohama Chinatown (Japanese: 横浜中華街, yokohama chūkagai; Traditional Chinese: 橫濱中華街; Mandarin Pinyin: Héngbīn zhōnghuájiē; Cantonese Jyutping: Waang4 ban1 zung1 waa4 gaai1) is located in Yokohama, Japan. Just south of Tokyo. It has about 150 years of history. These days only a few Chinese people still live in Chinatown, but it has population of about 3,000 to 4,000. Most of the residents are from Guangzhou (Canton) but many come from other regions.
Yokohama Chinatown is the largest Chinatown not only in Japan but also in Asia (larger than Chinatowns in both Kobe and Nagasaki) and it is one of the largest in the world. There are over 200 restaurants alone (other shops are not included for this number).
In 1859, when the sea port opened in Yokohama, many Chinese immigrants arrived in Japan and formed settlements. Later, ferry services between Yokohama and Shanghai and Hong Kong were started. Many Chinese traders came to Japan and built a Chinese School, Chinese Community Center, and various other facilities in what represented the beginning of Chinatown. However, government regulations at the time meant that immigrants were not permitted to live outside of the designated foreign settlement area. In 1899, changing laws gave Chinese increased freedom of movement while reinforcing strict rules on the types of work Chinese people were allowed to carry out.
In 1923, the Kanto Area was devastated by the Great Kanto Earthquake. Around 100,000 people were killed and approximately 1.9 million people became homeless. Chinatown also suffered and with many immigrants choosing to return to China instead of rebuilding their livelihoods in Yokohama.
In 1937, full-scale war between China and Japan erupted, effectively stopping further growth of Chinatown.
After the war ended, Chinatown once again began to grow. In 1955, a goodwill big gate was built. That is when the Chinatown was officially recognized and called Yokohama Chukagai (Yokohama Chinatown).
In 1972, Japan established diplomatic relations with People's Republic of China, and severed relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan and interest amongst Japanese people grew leading to an explosion in the number of visitors to Chinatown with it becoming a major sightseeing spot in Yokohama.
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Kobe Chinatown (Nankin-machi 南京町)
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There are over 100 restaurants, shops and a Chinese temple (関帝廟), that accentuate the international flavor of the city with authentic Chinese dining and a unique shopping experience.
Kobe's Chinatown developed as the residential area of Chinese merchants, who settled in Kobe after the city's port had been opened to foreign trade in 1868. At that time, Japan didn't have a peace treaty with China, and so it was not permited to live in this foreign settlement for Chinese people, so they lived in the neighborhood of the other foreign settlers. That was the beginning of Chinatown. Now there are over 10,000 Chinese people living in Kobe, there are a few residents in this Chinatown, because they didn't have many trouble with Japanese and many of them began to treat various business.
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長崎 中華街 Nagasaki Chuukagai, Chinatown

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Tokyo Chukagai 東京中華街
Chinatown in Ikebukuro 東京池袋の中華街
Chinese condiments
Toobanjan トウバンジャン Tobanjan. Spicy Miso Bean Sauce
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chinesische scharfe rote Miso-Paste
Tenmenjan テンメンジャン Chinese sweet black miso
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chinesische süße schwarze Miso-Paste
Toochi 豆鼓(トウチ/ トーチ) black beans paste.
Black bean sauce
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chinesische würzige schwarze Bohnenpaste
wantan ワンタン wanton, wonton
dumplings put into soup
herohero to wantan susuru kurisumasu
I slurp wantan dumplings
with the sound "hero hero" -
. Akimoto Fujio 秋元不死男 (1901 - 1977)
gyooza ギョーザ / 餃子 Jiaozi
Jiăozi (Chinese transliteration), gyōza (Japanese transliteration), or pot sticker is a Chinese dumpling, widely popular in China and Japan as well as outside of East Asia, particularly in North America.
typically consist of a ground meat and/or vegetable filling wrapped into a thinly rolled piece of dough, which is then sealed by pressing the edges together or by crimping. Jiaozi should not be confused with wonton: jiaozi have a thicker, chewier skin and a flatter, more oblate, double-saucer like shape (similar in shape to ravioli), and are usually eaten with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce (and/or hot chili sauce); while wontons have thinner skin, are sphere-shaped, and are usually served in broth. The dough for the jiaozi and wonton wrapper also consist of different ingredients.
Japanese gyoza

The most common recipe found in Japan is a mixture of minced pork, garlic, cabbage, and nira (Chinese chives), and sesame oil, which is then wrapped into thinly-rolled dough skins.
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misty valley-
the aroma of momos
from a distant dhaba
Arvinder Kaur, India
Momo dumplings
is a type of dumpling native to Tibet, Nepal, the bordering regions of Bhutan, and the Himalayan states of India (especially Sikkim). It is similar to the Mongolian buuz or the Chinese jiaozi.
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Utsunomiya and the Gyoza Statue 宇都宮餃子像
Tochigi prefecture
cheese gyoza チーズギョーザ gyoza with cheeze filling
Agedashi Cheese Gyoza
Goat Cheese Gyoza
ebi gyooza, ebigyooza 海老餃子 / エビ餃子 gyoza with shrimp filling
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gyorokke ギョロッケ gyoza fried in a coat like a croquette
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
From my Darumapedia:
Maso Bosatsu 媽祖菩薩
venerated in Yokohama and Nagasaki
It is said that in Japan the famous Mito Daimyo 水戸光圀, Mito Komon at the beginning of the Edo period, was one of her worshippers.
Senrigan and Junpuji
Confucius, a Chinese Scholar Kooshi, Koshi 孔子
Encho Chinese Dragon Park, Tottori
Encho En Park 燕趙園 Chinese Park where you can sampel Chinese food.
Sichuanese Cuisine : Food & Culture
by TAN WEE CHENG, Singapore
Sichuan, being a “land of fish and rice”, is naturally home to a rich and varied cuisine. The Sichuanese cuisine is well known for its spiciness and use of a diverse range of native ingredients. The province’s geographical proximity to Southeast Asia meant an exposure to the hot and spicy cuisines of this region, for example, Thai, Burmese and Indian cuisines, and hence one sees in the Sichuanese food the liberal use of chilli, pepper and other tropical spices. The main reason for this is summarised in May Holdsworth’s Odyssey Illustrated Guide to Sichuan : “Local people attribute the development of their cuisine to the weather in Sichuan. They say that chilli- and pepper-flavoured food stimulates sweating, which cools them down in the hot summer, while in the damp cold winter, it produces the opposite effect of warmth and comfort.”
However, what caught visitors who thought they knew what’s Sichuanese cuisine unaware is that quality known as “ma” - the feeling of numbness in the mouth. The addition of Sichuan peppercorn, known as “huajiao”, in numerous dishes create a most sudden numbing sensation in one’s mouth.
The diner who’s unaware of this might for moments thought that one’s mouth have evaporated. Tasty and appealing Sichuanese cuisine might be, this quality is certainly not one easily appreciated by outsiders. And this is why Sichuanese restaurants outside the province usually dispense with ma.
Some of my favourites are listed here :
· Mapo doufu - “Pocked Face Grandmother Bean Curd”. This is bean curd cooked with minced pork and served in hot chilli and pepper.
· Huiguo rou - “Returned-to-the-pot Pork”. Thinly sliced pork boiled first and then stir-fried, with spring onion scattered at the end.
· Mala huoguo - “Ma and Hot Hotpot”. Meat and ingredients of every kind thrown into red hot soup. First eaten by poor boatmen of the Changjiang in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now a restaurant dish.
· Dan dan mian - yellow thin noodles served in soya sauce, spring onion, vinegar, hot oil and generous serving (what’s new!) of chilli and pepper. Real sensational !
· Liang Fen - Cold Noodles. These are white rice noodles served cold with a hot, spicy and ma sauce. Especially great in summer, as the local say.
source : TAN WEE CHENG, Singapore
. spring roll 春巻き harumaki .
wuipaa, waipaa, uipaa, weipa ウイパー / "味覇" / ウェイパアー / (うぇいぱぁー)
Ueipa. Waipa. Chinese soup stock, chicken and pork base bouillon. Chinese soup mix.
A mix of animal and plant protein extracts.
Famous in Japan since a few years ago.
Ueipa-Paste . Chinesischer Suppenextrakt. スープの素
menma メンマ pickled chinese bamboo shoots
often put on ramen noodle soup
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chuuka poteeto 中華ポテート Chinse potatoes
a kind of preparation like daigakuimo 大学芋, but not with sweet potatoes, but real ones.
They are served as desert in Chinese restaurants.
抜絲紅薯 baasi hongshuu
hiyashi Chuuka 冷やし中華 cold Chinese noodles
served during the hot summer months
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Chinese food -
why did I travel
to Japan ?
my Chinese friend in Chinatown, Yokohama

shunsetsu no aka azayaka ni chuukagai
the bright red
of the spring festival -
Nagareboshi 流星
. Chinese Origin of Japanese Kigo .
Related words
***** Medicine Day (kusuri no hi) ...
Medicine-related kigo. Chinese Medicine (kanpo, kampo).
***** Hiroshima Day also: Nagasaki Day, Japan
***** WASHOKU : General Information
Yokohama Chinatown
It's always fun to visit Yokohama Chinatown, but two major festivals in Yokohama Chinatown take place in Autumn. Kokkeisetsu Festival is held around October 1 to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The festival takes place from September 28 to October 1 this year. Also, Soujuusetsu Festival is a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China and is held on October 10 every year. There will be traditional Chinese performances, parades, and lots more special events at both festivals in Yokohama Chinatown.
Yokohama Chinatown Photo Gallery
Yokohama Chinatown Guide
companies downscale
budgets shrink
... and these gyoza
roh mih, Philippines
The Walk of Ten Thousand Steps
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