The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Vegetables of Autumn ... aki no yasai 秋の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku AUTUMN begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
Berries, fruit, mushrooms etc. will be listed elsewhere.
aki yasai 秋野菜

Early Autumn
green beans
sayaingen, saya Ingen さやいんげん 莢隠元 string beans, French beans
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Stangenbohne (nicht unbedingt: Grüne Erbse)
The Ingen mame gets its name from the priest Ingen who brought the beans (Ingen mame 隠元豆) from China in the 16th century.
Embassies to China 遣唐使 Gabi Greve
BEANS as KIGO for autumn
potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)
wax gourd, white gourd-melon 冬瓜 (とうが) tooga
toogan とうがん、kamo-uri かもうり、
toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd
Benincasa hispida
It used to be the food of poor people in the Edo period, when the outside of the fruit was white with a natural powder, inside more seeds. Now they are cleaned and green and have more flesh. The tasteless flesh takes on any seasoning and tasts good with all kinds of preparations.
Mostly produced in Aichi prefecture.
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foxtail millet 粟 (あわ) awa
ears of the foxtail millet 粟の穂(あわのほ)awa no ho
field with millet 粟畑(あわばたけ)awabatake
foxtail millet mochi 粟餅(あわもち)awamochi
rice with foxtail millet 粟飯(あわめし)awameshi
Selling kumade and awamochi in Edo
. awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき in Edo .
maize 玉蜀黍 (とうもろこし) toomorokoshi
morokoshi もろこし、yakitookibi 焼唐黍(やきとうきび)
nanban kibi 南蛮黍(なんばんきび)"millet from the Southern barbarians" (Europeans)
nanban なんばん "Barabarians's food"
kooraikibi 、高麗黍(こうらいきび)"millet from the Koreans"
tookibi 玉黍(とうきび), tookibi 唐黍(とうきび) "millet from China"
Introduced to Japan since the Meiji period.
WKD : Maize, corn in Kenya
millet 黍 (きび) kibi
ears of the millet 黍の穂(きびのほ)kibi no ho
cutting millet, 黍刈る(きびかる)kibi karu
"pulling out millet" 黍引く(きびひく) kibi hiku
field with millet 黍畑(きびばた)kibibata
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
. Momotaro and Okayama specialities .
. WKD : Millet (awa, hie, kibi)
propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
nukago ぬかご、mukabu 球芽(むかぶ)
imoko いもこ mukago tori零余子とり(むかごとり)
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red pepper leaves 葉唐辛子 (はとうがらし) ha toogarashi
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)
sweet potatoes Süßkartoffel
sprouts of radish or turnips 貝割菜 (かいわりな) k
kaiwarena 貝割れ菜(かいわれな)、kaiwarina 殻割菜(かいわりな)
... futaba na 二葉菜(ふたばな)
..... mabiki na 間引菜 (まびきな), nuki na 抜菜(ぬきな)
tsumami na 摘み菜(つまみな), nakanuki na 中抜き菜(なかぬきな)、uronuki na 虚抜き菜(うろぬきな), kona 小菜(こな)"small leaves",
namabiku 菜間引く(なまびく) thinning out the sprouts
Late Autumn
beet, table beet 火焔菜 (かえんさい) kaensai
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa Dumort
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rote Rübe
eggplant seedlings 種茄子 (たねな) tane nasu
radish sprouts 中抜大根 (なかぬきだいこん) nakanuki daikon
uronuki daidon 虚抜き大根(うろぬきだいこん), oronuki daikon 疎抜き大根(おろぬきだいこん)
mabiki daikon 間引大根(まびきだいこん) thinning out radish plants
shalott flowers, rakkyoo no hana 辣韮の花 (らっきょうのはな)
..... 薤の花(らっきょうのはな)
taro stems 芋茎 (ずいき) zuiki
... imo gara 芋殻(いもがら)
... imo no kuki 芋の茎(いものくき)
... 、芋茎干す(ずいきほす) drying the stem of taro
Taro imo, sato-imo as a KIGO and an explanation of the naming
. Dishes with ZUIKI
wolfberry. Lycium rhombifolium
berries of wolfberry 枸杞の実 (くこのみ) kuko no mi
kuko shi 枸杞子(くこし)
kuko shu 枸杞酒(くこしゅ) ricewine with wolfberries
All Autumn
barngrass, barnyard grass ひえ【稗】 a kind of millet
Daruma hie だるまヒエ Strong variety, grown in Iwate prefecture and other places.
barnyard millet. Also widely eaten by the Ainu in Hokkaido.
When properly dried, barngrass grains can be stored for more than 10 years and were used by the poor farmers as a stash for times when the rice production failed.
Beans 豆、まめ mame all kinds of beans and peas
Chrysanthemum kiku
Edamame 枝豆 green soybeans on branches
Eggplants in autumn 秋茄子 (あきなす) aki nasu
... aki nasubi 秋なすび(あきなすび)
... nagori nasu 名残茄子(なごりなす)
Gourd and gourd pickles (uri)
Ginger, jinjaa ジンジャー, shooga 生姜
hajikami はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
端赤 。。。 はじかみ 。。。 edges are red
hajikami comes from leaf ginger (hashooga 葉しょうが)
hajikami suzuke はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
"blushing ginger pickle"
gari がり for sushi , or with fried fish
red pepper, hot pepper 唐辛子 (とうがらし) toogarashi
rice , Reis
Ine, the rice plant
rice plants in autumn, ine no aki 稲の秋
Kome, o-kome お米 cooked rice
Okra オクラ okura
... Amerika neriアメリカねり
... 陸蓮根(おかれんこん) oka renkon
Abelmoschus esculentus
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
It came to Japan after the Meiji restauration, first popular in Okinawa. Ishigaki island and Nanjo Town in Okinawa are one of the growing areas, also Amakusa in Kyushu.
Cut in small circles for salads and dressing. Boiled to go with other vegetables.
Ground okra gives a sticky mass, which is loved by some gourmets in Japan, like the other tororo "slimy" dishes.
Fried and katsuobuhsi are added. Eaten blanched for a moment and then miso is added.
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Pumpkins, Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷南瓜(カボチャ)pumpkins from Shishigatani
Pepper, red hot pepper, paprika (papurika) and more
piiman, pimento, bellpepper, Piment, Nelkenpfeffer
Togarashi,toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more
Pimento Mori, some fun !
taro 芋 (いも) imo
Colocasia antiquorum Schott var. esculenta
imo batake 芋畑(いもばたけ)fiels of taro
oyaimo 親芋(おやいも)parent taro
koimo 子芋(こいも)child taro
kinu katsugi 衣被ぎ(きぬかつぎ)
imo no aki 芋の秋(いものあき)autumn of the taro
... imo aki 芋秋(いもあき)
dotare 土垂(どたれ)"hanging on the ground"
Bungo imo 豊後芋(ぶんごいも)taro from Bungo
Yoshihama imo 吉浜芋(よしはまいも)taro from Yoshihama
Yoshino imo 吉野芋(よしのいも)taro from Yoshino
dango imo 団子芋(だんごいも)taro for balls
shiro imo 白芋(しろいも)white taro
shigami imo しがみ芋(しがみいも)
futo imo 太芋(ふといも)thick taro
akame imo 赤芽芋(あかめいも)taro with red buds
taimo, ta imo 田芋(たいも)taro in the field
eguimo, egu imo 蘞芋(えぐいも)、
hasu imo 蓮芋(はすいも)"taro like lotus"
imogara 芋がら(いもがら)、
zuiki、芋茎(ずいき)stem of the taro
zuiki imo ずいき芋(ずいきいも)zuiki taro
satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)
yam 自然薯 (じねんじょ ) jinenjo
... yama imo, yamaimo, yama-imo 山芋(やまいも) "mountain potato"
... yama no imo 山の芋(やまのいも)
... naga imo 薯蕷 (ながいも)
naga-imo 長薯(ながいも)
rakuda imo 駱駝薯(らくだいも) "camel potato"
tsukune imo 仏掌薯 (つくねいも) "Buddha Hands yam"
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... tsuku imo つくいも、
... tuskune つくね、kobushi imo こぶしいも "fist potato"
kashuu imo 何首烏芋 (かしゅういも)Dioscorea bulbifera L
Things found on the way
秋野菜 だいこん畑 きゃべつだよ
aki yasai daikon batake kyabetsu da yo
autumn vegetables -
a field full of radishes
and cabbage
source : 里山散歩
bush clover,
eulalia, arrowroot,
pink, patrinia,
also, mistflower
and morning faces flower
Seven Herbs of Autumn (aki no nanakusa 秋の七草)
Sieben Herbstgräser (秋の七草 aki no nanakusa)
Buschklee (hagi), Nelke (nadeshiko), Wasserdost (fujibakama), Glockenblume (kikyoo), Knabenkraut (kuzu), Goldbaldrian (ominaeshi), Susuki-Gras (susuki)
kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
Yoshino kuzu 吉野葛 from Nara prefecture
Planting, harvesting and preparing food in AUTUMN kigo
otabisho no yo wa morokoshi o yaku nioi
at night
at the resting poing it smells
of grilled corn
Shimomura Hiroshi 下村ひろし
awamochi 粟餅
- Mochi 餅 rice cakes and 妖怪 Yokai monsters -
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