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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query kushikatsu. Sort by date Show all posts


Kushiage Kushikatsu


Deep-fried food on skewers (kushiage, kushi-age)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


kushiage, kushi-age くしあげ (串揚げ)
deep-fried food pieces on bamboo sticks

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kushikatsu 串カツ pork meat on skewers

This is a kind of kebab (kebob) food or satee preparation. The ingredients are cut into bite-size, put on a bamboo skewer, sometimes dipped in batter before frying in hot oil.

You can order it ready-made, or watch the cook do your order from the counter or have a deep-fry set on your table and fry the pieces yourself, while you enjoy a beer with your friends.

Vegetables, meat and seafood are used, the imagiation is free to combine.

A special sauce (tare) is usually served for dipping. Favorites are tonkatsu soosu (トンカツソース) cutlet sauce and Worcester sauce. Famous speciality restaurants have sauces of their own tradition.

Kushiage is a favorite of the Kansai area, especially Osaka.
See DARUMA LINK below.


Some kushi-age dishes

ebi no shisomaki 海老の紫蘇巻き
shrimp wrapped with peril leaves
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

gyuuniku no chiizu hasami 牛肉のチーズはさみ
cheese sandwiched in beef

mitsuba no kisu fish maki 三つ葉のキス巻き
honewort wrapped with sand borer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nasu no shooga fuumi minchizume ナスのしょうが風味ミンチづめ
eggplant flavored with ginger, stuffed with minced meat

shiitake no ebi surimizumeしいたけのエビすり身づめ
shiitake mushrooms stuffed with minced shrimp

Yanaka shooga no buta roosu maki 谷中しょうがの豚ロース巻き
Yanaka ginger wrapped with pork loin

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kushikatsu Daruma ... 串カツ『だるま』
Restaurant in Osaka. Kushiyaki Food

Details about kushikatsu are here !


Related words

***** Osaka no kuidaoreEat until you are broke and drop down







The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki



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Vegetables of Summer ... natsu no yasai 夏の野菜

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plants


The Haiku SUMMER starts on May 6, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

CLICK for more photos
natsu yasai 夏野菜

A lot of fruit also ripens in summer.
Here are listed just a few.

A lot of plants blossom in summer.
Here are listed just a few.

. Yakumi 薬味 spices and condiments .

Use your browser to find a word.


Early Summer

endoo 豌豆 (えんどう)endo beans, field pea beans
... saya endoo 莢豌豆(さやえんどう)
japanische Erbsen

fuki 蕗 (ふき butterbur)
Petasites japonicus
fuki kari 蕗刈り(ふきかり)cutting butterbur
akita fuki 秋田蕗(あきたふき)fuki from Akita
fuki no hiroba 蕗の広葉(ふきのひろば)broad leaves of butterbur
fuki no ame 蕗の雨(ふきのあめ)rain on the butterbur
kandoo 欵冬(かんどう)

. gibooshi no hana 擬宝珠の花 hosta flowers .
Hosta fortunei. A mountain vegetable (sansai)

goboo no hana 牛蒡の花 (ごぼうのはな) burdock blossoms
... hana goboo 花牛蒡(はなごぼう)

hechima nae 糸瓜苗 seedlings of the sponge gourd
sowing sponge gourds, hechima maku 糸瓜蒔く
flower of the sponge gourd, hechima no hana 糸瓜の花
hana hechima 花糸瓜(はなへちま)
. . . . . and
karasuuri no hana 烏瓜の花 flower of the snake gourd
Trichosanthes cucumeroides

hisago nae 瓢苗 gourd seedlings

kikujisha きくぢしゃ "chrysanthemum lettuce" endive
nigajisha 苦蒿苣(にがぢしゃ)"bitter lettuce"
hanajisha 花蒿苣(はなぢしゃ)
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣(おらんだぢしゃ)"lettuce from Holland"
Cichorium endivia. Endiviensalat


kyabetsu キャベツ (European) cabbage
... kanran 甘藍 (かんらん) , tamana 玉菜(たまな)"leaves ball"
Brassica oleracea

Cabbage is good for the digestion.
Often eaten as sengiri 千切り shredded in "1000 cuts" in small stripes, added to a tonkatsu cutlet (in Kanto).
Torn by hand it is called chigiri kyabetsu チギリキャベツ, added to a kushikatsu cutled on skewers in Kansai.
kushikatsu 串カツ pork meat on skewers
koorusuroo コールスロー coleslaw salad
also as rolled cabbage ロールキャベツ rooru kyabetsu.
In Chinese kitchen, as hoikooroo ホイコーロー / 回鍋肉hoikoro pork meat with cabbage
. . . "cabbage white", (Pieris rapae) a butterfly. Kleine Kohlweißling.

- - - - - but
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
kigo for all winter
and other types of "winter cabbage" and "kyabetsu" in the Japanese name.

. SAIJIKI - Winter Vegetables .


kyuuri no nae 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber seedlings
hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり) cucumber blossoms

kyuuri no hana 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber flowers
..... hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり)

nasu nae 茄子苗 なすなえ eggplant seedlings
kleine Auberginenpflanzen

shin jaga, shinjaga 新馬鈴薯 (しんじゃが ) new potatoes

soramame 蚕豆 (そらまめ) fava beans, broad beans
... hajiki mame はじき豆(はじきまめ)
The black of the strings was used to prepare a substance called "ohaguro, o-haguro おはぐろ (御歯黒/お歯黒/ 鉄漿)" to blacken the teeth of the married beauties of the Edo period.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of black teeth!
kanetsuke 鉄漿付け
© OHAGURO ... More in the WIKIPEDIA !

take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts
with more kigo

uri no nae 瓜の花 (うりのはな ) gourd seedlings



aobashoo 青芭蕉 (あおばしょう)green leaves of banana
bashoo wakaba 芭蕉若葉(ばしょうわかば)
natsu bashoo 夏芭蕉(なつばしょう) summer banana tree

imo no hana 芋の花 (いものはな) sweet potato blossoms

jagaimo no hana 馬鈴薯の花 (じゃがいものはな)
jagatara no hana じゃがたらの花(じゃがたらのはな), bareisho no hana馬鈴薯の花(ばれいしょのはな)
Kartoffelblüten, jaga-imo no hana

kabocha no hana 南瓜の花 pumpkin flowers

karigi 刈葱 (かりぎ) kind of leek
...yagura negi 楼子葱(やぐらねぎ), sankai negi 三階葱(さんかいねぎ)

ninjin no hana 人参の花 (にんじんのはな) carrot blossoms
... hana ninjin 花人参(はなにんじん)

oriibu no hana オリーブの花 (おりーぶのはな) olive blossoms
オリーブ Olives from Shodoshima 小豆島 ... Kagawa prefecture

satsumaimo no hana 甘藷の花 flower of the sweet potato
..... kansho no hana 甘藷の花(かんしょのはな)

suika no hana 西瓜の花 (すいかのはな)
watermelon flowers

toogarashi no hana 唐辛子の花 (とうがらしのはな)
flowers/blossoms of the red pepper

..... 蕃椒の花(とうがらしのはな)


Late Summer

asuparagasu no hana アスパラガスの花 asparagus flowers

bashoo no hana 芭蕉の花 (ばしょうのはな ) banana blossoms
... hana bashoo 花芭蕉(はなばしょう)

chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot , Knollenziest
Stachys sieboldii
Often used for New Year food because of its red color when pickled.

hasu no hana 蓮の花
lotus flowers, renge 蓮華

. kanpyoo muku 干瓢剥く (かんぴょうむく )
cutting small stripes of calabash .

(Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida). kampyo
... kanpyoo hagu 干瓢はぐ(かんぴょうはぐ)
kanpyoo hosu 干瓢干す(かんぴょうほす) drying the calabash stripes
shin kanpyoo 新干瓢(しんかんぴょう)new calabash stripes
The calabash is cut in long stripes with a maschine or by hand and then dried, best in the sunshine. New stripes are offered to the ancestors for the obon festival.
CLICK for more photos famous woodblock print by Hiroshige
about the kanpyoo perparations in Minakuchi,
along the Tokaido.
getrocknete Kürbisstreifen
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

myooga no ko 茗荷の子 "children of myoga ginger"

nasu eggplant, 茄子 (なす), aubergine nasubi なすび
with more kigo

natsumame 夏豆 (なつまめ) "summer soy beans"
... shin edamame 新枝豆(しんえだまめ) new edamame soybeans

natsu negi, natsunegi 夏葱 (なつねぎ) summre leek
Leek (negi)

painappuru パイナップル pineapple
ananasu あななす ananas
matsuringo まつりんご, hoori 鳳梨(ほうり)

shin imo 新藷 (しんいも) new sweet potatoes
... hashiri imo 走り藷(はしりいも)

. shiso 紫蘇 しそ beefsteak plant .
Perilla frutescens

tomato トマト (とまと)
banka 蕃茄(ばんか), aka nasu 赤茄子(あかなす)"red eggplant"
Momotaro Tomatoes from Okayama 桃太郎トマト

toomorokoshi no hana 玉蜀黍の花 (とうもろこしのはな)
maize flowers, corn flowers

nanban no hana なんばんの花(なんばんのはな)
tookibi no hana 唐黍の花(とうきびのはな) "Kibi from Tang China" flowers

uri 瓜 gourd
oriental melon, makuwa uri
hime uri 姫瓜 (ひめうり)
shiro uri 越瓜 (しろうり)
shiro uri 白瓜(しろうり)
ao uri 青瓜 (あおうり )
meron メロン

waka goboo, wakagoboo 若牛蒡 (わかごぼう) new young burdock
... shin goboo 新牛蒡(しんごぼう)

yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant)
yuugaodana 夕顔棚(ゆうがおだな) shelf for bottle gourds
Lagenaria siceraria


All Summer

aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Cynara scolymus
kigo in California
The Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a perennial thistle originating in southern Europe around the Mediterranean.
The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud about 8–15 cm diameter with numerous triangular scales; the individual florets are purple.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Artichoke thistle, cardoon: Cynara Cardunculus


aotoogarashi あおとうがらし【青唐辛子・青蕃椒】green hot pepper
grüner Pfefferschoten
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Many are grown as Kyoto Vegetables.

banana バナナ banana
mibashoo 甘蕉(みばしょう) "sweet bashoo"

kyuuri 胡瓜 (きゅうり) cucumber
The name comes from "yellow gourd" ki-uri 黄瓜 きうり , which changed to kyuuri. If you let a cucumber hang long enough, it will turn yellow when ripe.
... itazuri 板刷り to rub the cucumber on a wooden board with salt
... shiomomi 塩もみ cut cucumber pieces kneaded with salt to get rid of some water
The Chinese characters for uri 瓜 and tsume 爪 are very similar BUT
uri ni tsume ari, tsume ni tsume nashi.

. mame no hana 豆の花 various beans flowering in summer .

nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)dengaku with eggplants

nasu no hana 茄子の花 (なすのはな) eggplant blossoms
... hana nasu 花茄子(はななす)

natsu daikon 夏大根 (なつだいこん) summer radish
Radish (daikon)

natsu kabu 夏蕪 (なつかぶ) summer turnips
..... natsu kabura 夏蕪(なつかぶら)

natsu na, natsuna 夏菜 (なつな)"summer leaves" Swiss chard
... fudansoo 不断草(ふだんそう)Swiss chard
Beta vulgaris
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

papaiya パパイヤ papaya
... papaya パパヤ、chichiuri no kiちちうりのき
mokka木瓜(もっか)、mannjuka 万寿果(まんじゅか)

paseri パセリ parsley
oranda seri 和蘭芹(オランダぜり)

rakkyoo 辣韮 (らっきょう) shallot
... rakkyoo 薤(らっきょう)、rakkyo らっきょ
Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel. Schalotte

tade 蓼 (たで) smartweed, water pepper
yanagi tade 柳蓼(やなぎたで), hontade 本蓼(ほんたで), matade 真蓼(またで)
tade tsumu 蓼摘む(たでつむ)picking tade
tade uri 蓼売(たでうり)selling tade
tade su 蓼酢(たです) tade vinegar
Knöterich, Wasserpfeffer, Polygonum hydropiper

takana 高菜 mustard greens, Senfkraut
Brassica juncea var. integlifolia

tamanegi 玉葱 (たまねぎ) round onion
first indroduced from North America, now almost half of the Japanese production. Grown in Hokkaido, Abashiri, Furano, Ishikari and Sorachi from April to September.
On of the old vegetables, which gave stamina to the constructors of the pyramids in egypt.
onionringu オニオンリング onion rings, a snack

Things found on the way

cerori セロリ celery
Apium graveolens L. var. dulce
often eaten as sticks, serori sutikku セロリステイック

. . . . .
guriin piisu グリーン ピース green peas
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
a kind of endomame. ao-endoo あおえんどう(青豆)
saya endoo さやえんどう
They are the unripe form of endomame.
They are often sold in cans or frozen in Japan.
They contain a lot of fibers and are good for your diet.

satoozaya サトウザヤ sweet grean peas
a type where you can eat the peas and the sheath around them, when you put them into hot water for a moment. They are rather sweet.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . .

junsai じゅんさい【蓴菜】water shield
Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel.
quite similar to water lilies. The leaves are eaten. They excrete a slippery liquid and the dishes are slimy, but very nutritious. Often pickled with vinegar.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nunawa ou 蒪生う (ぬなわおう) planting water shield
junsai ou 蒪菜生う(じゅんさいおう)
kigo for mid-spring
WKD : Water shield (junsai, nunawa)

kureson クレソン cresson, ウォータークレス watercress
Tasts good with meat dishes
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
oranda garashi 和蘭芥子 (おらんだがらし)
kawana 川菜(かわな), kawa takana 川高菜(かわたかな)、kizugarashi みずがらし

moroheiya モロヘイヤ Moroheya, Jew's marrow
from the arabic: molokheiya
Once a king of Egypt became ill and recovered when eating this vegetable soup. So it was named "for the King only". Cleopatra also liked to eat it.
Corchorus olitorius
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
moroheya soup

tsuruna 蔓菜 "つるな" New Zealand spinach
..... 蕃菜(つるな), hamana 浜菜(はまな)
hamajina 浜蒿苣(はまぢしゃ)
Tetragonia tetragonoides

zukkiini ズッキーニ zucchini, courgette
Cucurbita pepo melopepo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
of the pumpkin family, although it resembles a cucumber.
hana zukkiini 花ズッキーニ flowers of the zucchini, also eaten


cucumber glut --
one day slices, one day stripes
on our faces

~ ~ ~

warm rain drips
from ripe tomatoes ...
the call for salad

~ ~ ~

a lovely hangout
for my onions too ...
baby swallows

~ ~ ~

the taste of green beans
and a swallow's song --
this year's summer

Heike Gewi, Yemen, May 2009


PHOTO by Claudia Cadwell
ripe artichoke-
so much work
to find the heart

© Photo and Haiku. Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009


kyabetsu kau tsuki wa konya mo pechanko

I buy a cabbage -
the moon tonight
is all flat again

Amano Motoko 天野素子
source : HAIKUreikuDB








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.......... JJJ

jagaimo, jaga-imo ... Kartoffel (Danshaku und May Queen) Solanum tuberosum
jajamen ... Jajamen. Nudelgericht aus Morioka.
janjanyaki ... Braten von Lachs auf der heißen Eiesnplatte

jibachiyaki ... gegrillte Larven der Erdwespe
jibuni冶部煮... Jibuni. Wildente mit Gemüse gekocht, aus Kanazawa
jidai ... xzy-Zeit !
jidori ... lokale Hühnerarten
jigoku mushi ... „Dämpfen in der Hölle“. Für Hühner und andere Zutaten aus Oita
jigokumushi gama ...Dampfgarer

jingisukaan nabe, Genghis Khan nabe, ... Dschingis Khan-Grillgericht, Eintopf mit Hammelfleisch
jizaikagi ... Kesselhaken

Joomon jidai ... Jomon-Zeit. ?Jungsteinzeit
... joomon 縄文 Schnurmuster; Strohschnurmuster #Schnurabdruckdekor

jooyanabe ... „Eintopf für jeden Abend“ "hodgepodge for each evening"
joshinko ... Mehl aus Uruchi-Reis 上新粉

junmaishu ... Reiner Reiswein, ohne Zusatz von Alkohol oder Zucker
junmaisu ... Reiner Reisessig, pure rice vinegar
jure ジュレ ... jelly . from the French: gelee

................................................ KKKK

..... KAKAKA

kaa カー ... spice from south-east asia. sold raw, dry or frozen.
kabayaki かばやき【蒲焼き】 ... grilled or broiled eel. gebratener Aal
kabocha ... Kürbis. Gartenkürbis. Cucurbita moschata
kabocha taikai ... „Fest der großen Kürbise“ auf Shoodoshima
kabosu ... Kabosu-Zitrusfrucht. Citrus sphaerocarpa.
kabu ... Mairübchen §Rüben, scheint das gleiche wie kabura zu sein.
kabura ... Rübe, Brassica campestris var. rapa
kaburazushi ... Fermentierte Rüben und Gelbschwanz
kaerichirimen, kaeri-chirimen かえりちりめん ... kind of small, dried fish (shirasu boshi)
kaeshi, okaeshi … Gegengeschenk
kagamimochi … „Neujahrs-Mochi“. rundes Mochi. „Spiegel-Mochi“. kazarimochi ... Dekorations-Mochi. Neujahrsdekoration.
kagen jooyu, kagenzu 加減醤油 加減酢 ... tpye of mixes soy sauce / vinegar. can be mixed with ricewine or dashi.

kaibashira かいばしら【貝柱】 ... adductor muscle in a shellfish. Muschelband (der Jakobsmuschel). sold dry or in cans.
kaienupeppe カイエヌペッパ ... cayenne pepper
kaiseki ryoori ... Kleine Mahlzeit vor der Teezeremonie懐石
kaiseki ryoori ... Kaiseki-Cuisine. Festliche Mahlzeit. 会席料理
kaisendonburi, kaisen donburi ... Schale Reis mit gemischten Meeresfrüchten 海鮮どんぶり
kaishiki かいしき ... white paper to place food on. in olden times, sasa leaves were used.
kaisho 会所 ... place to come for eating a formal kaiseki meal (example: Golden Pavillion)
kaisoo ... Seegras. 海草 seaweed
kaitoo 解凍 ... thaw, defrost. auftauen
kaitooge ... Eier des Kraken海藤花(かいとうげ)
kaiware daikon ... Rettichsprossen (vom weißen Rettich), see kaiwari.
kaiwarena ... Samensprossen
kaiwari 貝割り ... tool to open shells
kaiwarina 貝割り菜 (kaiwarena) ... frisch gesprossenes Gemüse, radish or beans. also kaiware.
kaiyaki … Muscheln in der Schale gegrillt
kajika ... Kaulkopf (Spinnenfisch). Cottus kazika
kajikibashi ... Essstäbchen für Wildfleisch

kaki, magaki ... Fam. Pazifische Felsenaustern (Meresfrüchte). Fam. Crassostrea – gemeine Pazifische Felsenauster : magaki, Crassostrea gigas ist Pacific cupped oyster, pacific giant oyster (Pazifische Riesen-Felsenauster, iwagaki,Crassostrea nippona. Oysters)
kaki, kaki no ki ... Persimone (Früchte), Sharonfrucht. Diospyros kaki. Persimmon, Sharon Fruit (bitter kaki variety prepared for eating)
kakiage, kaki age ... Kakiage. geschnitzeltes Tenpura mit geschnittenen Muscheln, Krabben und Gemüse.
kakigoori ... Raspeleis §Geraspeltes Eis. ?Kratzeis
kaki no dotenabe ... Austern-Dotenabe-Eintopf
kaki no tane ... Arare in der Form von Persimonen-Samen
kakitamajiru かきたまじる / 掻き卵汁 ... soup with beaten egg
kakko ... „Skorpion-Snack“. Konfekt aus China. 餲餬
kakuni 角煮 ... das Kakuni, in Würfel geschnittenes x. diced pork.
kakushiaji かくしあじ【隠し味】 ... Geschmacksverfeinerung
kakuterusoosu カクテルソース ... cocktail sauce

kama ... Breitblättriger Rohrkolben. Typha latifolia.
kamaboko ... Fischpastete. (Fischkuchen)
kamameshi ... Reis und Beilagen im gleichen Topf gekocht
kamasu 梭魚 (かます) ... Roter Barrakuda §Edelhecht . Sphyraena pinguis . yamato kamasu : Sphyraena japonica … red barracuda
kaminariika, kaminari ika ... „Donner-Tintenfisch“. mongo-ika für Sushi. Sepia lycidas. kobu-ika

kanagushi 金ぐし ... metal skewer
kanappe カナッペ ... cannape. Kanapee, Cocktailhappen
kanbaikoo 寒梅粉 ... mochigome-Klebreismehl, in der Zeit gemacht, wenn die „Pflaumen im Kalten“ blühen. kanbai
kanbiiru ... Bier in Dosen, Büchsenbier
kanbutsu ... getrocknete Lebensmittel
kancha ... „Tee aus der kalten Jahreszeit“, Tokushima
kaneroni カネロニ ... cannelloni

kani ... Krebs. ?Krabbe. Fam. Brachyura ... siehe Untergruppen mit Eigennamen
kanikama / kanifuumi kamaboko かに風味かまぼこ... Kamaboko aus Krabbenfleisch
kanikurokke ... Krabben-Kroketten
kanimiso ... Paste aus Krabbeneingeweiden
kanitama ... Omlett mit Krabbenfleisch, chinesische Art
kanizoosui ... Angedickte Reissuppe mit Krabbenfleisch. rice porridge

kankidan, danki ... „Freuden-Kräcker“. Neujahrskonfekt.
kankoro ... Mehl aus Süßkartoffeln. Shoodoshima
kankoro soba ... Kankoro-Nudeln.
kanpachi ... Gelbschwanzstachelmakrele §Bastard-Makrele (Ersatz: Meeräsche oder Knurrhahn) Seriola dumerili. greater amberjack
kanpo ... chinesische Medizin
kanpyoo ... getrocknete Kürbisstreifen. von Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida
kanraku ... Käse. 乾酪
kanroni ... in angesüßter Soyasauce gekochtes
kansaba 寒サバ ... „Makrele im Kalten“
kansui ... alkalische Lösung, für die Ramen-Nudelherstellung
kantamago ... im Winter gelegte Hühnereier
kanten ... Agar-Agar. aus Tengusa. Gelidium amansii
kanzoo甘草 ... Süßholz, Lakrize. Glycyrrhiza uralensis und G.glabra
kanzoo萱草 ... Taglilie. Hemerocallis fulva

kaoyaapin カオヤーピン / 烤鴨餅... chinese food, kind of crepe, to wrap pecking duck and others.

kappamaki ... „Gurken-Rolle für einen Wasserkobold“ Sushiart

kappoo 割烹(かっぽう) ... "Geschnittenes und Gekochtes" . Lebensmittel zubereiten. kappyo ryoori Traditionelles Japanisches Essen.

kara-age, karaage ... ohne marinieren Frittiertes, nur in katakuriko oder Mehl gewendet . Tatsuta.age, tatsutaage mariniert in Sojasauce und Mirin, dann nur katakuriko.
karashi ... Japanischer Senf. scharf
karashi mentaiko ... Alaska-Seelachsrogen, scharf
karashina ... Senfkraut. Brassica juncea
karasumi ... getrockneter Rogen der Meeräsche
karayaki ... Meeresfrüchte in der Schale gegrillt
karee ... der Curry (als Gewürz), das Curry (als Gericht)
karee pan ... Curry in Brotteig
karei ... Kliesche. Limanda limanda §Seriola dumerili. dab
karei鰈 ... Flunder. Platichtichthys flesus. flounder
karei, magarei ... §Seezunge (Scholle, Plattfisch). Pleuronectes herzensteini
karifurawaa ... Blumenkohl. Brassica oleracea var. botrytis.
karubi … Koreanische Speise. Rinderrippen in Sauce mariniert für yakiniku. Calbie, galbi in Korean.

kasago笠子... Skorpionsfisch-Art. Sebastiscus marmoratus. false kelpfish. sebastinae sind Stachelköpfe
kasairui かさいるい【花菜類】 ... fruits and vegetables. Früchte und Gemüse
kashi no mi ... Eichel. Von der Eiche Quercus glauca.
kashoo 花椒 ... kind of chinese mountain pepper
kashooen 花椒塩 ... salt with Chinese mountain pepper
kashuunatsu カシューナツ / カシューナッツ ... cashew nuts
kasu かす【滓/糟/粕】 ... lees, dregs grounds. Treber, Bodensatz, Rückstand
kasujiru  粕汁 ... soup with sake lees
kassuree カッスレー ... cassoulet
kasuzuke 粕漬け ... pickled with sake lees
kasutaado ... Vanillepudding, Vanillesauce. custard
kasutera ... Castella. Castilian cake. Biskuitkuchen. Spanischer Kastenkuchen. Kastella.

katakuchi iwashi ... Anchovis. Sardelle. Anchovy. Engraulis japonica
katakuriko かたくりこ【片栗粉】 ..... Hundsveilchen-Stärke . #Stärkemehl (aus Hundsveilchen) Erythronium japonicum
kataniku, kataroosu 肩肉  ... Fleisch von der Schulter
katei ryoori ... Hausmannskost
katorari カトラー ... cutlery. Besteck
katoruepisu, katoru episu カトルエピス ... quatre epice, quatre espices. mixed spices

katsu ... Kotelette ?Schnitzel ?Schweineschnitzel / auch "fight to win"
katsuretsu カツレツ ... cutlet. Kotelette
katsudon ... Reis mit Schnitzel
katsukaree, Katsu karē ... Schnitzel mit Currysauce ?Kotelette mit Currysauce

katsuo ... Bonito-Thunfisch. . Echter Bonito ??Bonito / Blaufisch (Thunfischart) . Katsuwonus pelamis. skipjack tuna
katsuobushi ... Katsuobushi.
There are two different things
the hard pieces Katsuobushi ?Katsuobushi-Stücke and
the small light flakes, Katsuobushi-Flocken ? Katsuobushi-Späne 鰹節 (kezurikatsuo ?Bonitospäne ?Bonitoflocken) .
katsuo no tataki ... Bonito-Sushi ?Katsuo-Sushi mit gehackten Frühlingszwiebeln und Knoblauch (scharf angebratener Bonito)

katteeji chiizu カッテージチーズ ... cottage cheese. Hüttenkäse, körniger Schichtkäse

kawaebi, kawa-ebi ... Flußgarnele. Macrobrachium nipponense
kawahagi ... Segelfeilenfisch §Feilenfisch Stephanolepis cirrhifer. thread-sail filefish
kawakani, sawagani ... Flußkrabbe, Flusskrabbe. Geothelphusa dehaani. Japanische Süßwasserkrabbe
kayaki ... weiße Nanbu-Waffeln für die Suppe. nanbu senbei
kayu, o-kayu, okayu ... Reissuppe. Reisgrütze (nicht Reisbrei). shirakayu白粥 . weisse Reissuppe
kazunoko, kazu no ko かずのこ【数の子】 ... herring roe. Heringsrogen. „Unzählbare Kinder“.

.......... KEKEKE

kegani ... Haarkrabbe. Kegani-Krabbe. Haarkrabben (haarige Krabbe). Erimacrus isenbeckii. hairy crab. 大栗蟹 ookurigani, Esskastanienkrabbe
keishin ... Zimtgebäck.
keihan鶏飯(けいはん)... Reis mit Hühnchen
kenboo ... good mother. ryoosai kenboo 良妻賢母 good wife and wise mother
kengyo 献魚 ... Fisch als Opfergabe
kenzakiika, kenzaki ika, kensaki ika ... Schwertspitzen-Kalmar. § Schwertspitzen-Tintenfisch. Loligo edulis
keshoojio ... „Salz-Makeup“ für Grillfische, auf Schwanz und Flossen.

.......... KIKIKI

kibi ... Hirse. Panicum miliaceum.
kibidango, kibi dango … Hirsekloß, Hirseklößchen, Hirsebällchen黍団子 millet dumplings ... mit mochikibi. Mischung aus ca. 60% Mochigome und 40% Hirse
kibimochi ... Mochi aus Hirsemehl.
kibinago黍女子、黍魚子、吉備女子、吉備奈仔... „Blaue Sprotte“. Spratelloides gracilis. Silver-stripe round herring, Slender sprat
kichiji ... Fisch. Sebastolobus macrochir. Art „kasago“.
kihada黄肌、木肌... Gelbflossen-Thunfisch. §Gelbflossen-Thun.. Thunnus albacares. yellowfin tuna
kiji ... Fasan Phasianus colchicus tohkaidi
kijooyu udon ... udon mit Sojasauce生醤油(きじょうゆ)
kikurage ... „Quallen der Bäume“. Holunderschwamm. Auricularia auricula
kikuza きくざ【菊座】 ... "Chrysanthemensitz", japanische Kürbisart. Kikuza Squash. Cucurbita moschata

kimchi ... Kimchi, kimchee, Korean kimchee
kimi ... Eigelb
kimiyaki ... Braten mit einem Eigelb. auch oogonyaki, Gold-Gebratenes.

kin 禽 ... two-legged animals, birds to be eaten
kinako きなこ【黄な粉】 ... soybean flour. Sojabohnenmehl. „Gelbes Mehl“. gedörrtes Sojabohnenmehl
kinkatoo ... „Goldener Blumen-Zucker“, Süßigkeit aus Kanazawa
kinmedai金目鯛... Kinmedai. Centroberyx druzhinini 金目鯛 §Südlicher Kaiserbarsch. §Beryx splendens. - Golden Eye snapper. alfonsino
kinjisoo ... 金時草 … Kinjiso. Blattgemüse aus Kanazawa. Gynura bicolor
kinpira ... Schwarzwurzel gekocht in Sojasauce und Sesamöl
kinoko, ki no ko ... Pilze (allgemeine Bezeichnung)
kinomi, ki no mi ... Nüsse
kintoki mame ... Kintoki-Bohnen. Phaseolus vulgaris. large adzuki beans
kinton ... Kinton-Brei. Aus Süßkartoffeln oder Esskastanien oder Bohnen.
kinugoshidoofu ... Seiden-Tofu #Seidentofu. Durch ein Seidensieb passierter Tofu
kinusaya ... Zuckererbse, Zuckererbsenschote. Fam. Leguminosae

kirimugi ... „geschnittener Weizen“, Name für Nudeln in der Kamakurazeit

kiritanpo ... Gerösteter Reis am Stab . das Kiritampo, ?gegrillter Kiritanpo-Reis, Reisrolle (?Kiritanpo $Fischrolle)

kiru 切る ... cutting food. xxxkiri, xxxgiri ... see extra entry.
kisago ... Strandschnecke. Umbonium costatum
kisaminegi ... fein geschnittener Lauch
kinshi tamago ... „Goldfaden-Ei“. Dünnes Omelett, in feine Streifen geschnitten
kishimen ... Bandnudeln aus Nagoya. Weizennudeln
kisu ... Japanischer Sillago. §Sillago (Sillago japonica §Sillaginidae, Weißlinge) . japanese whiting
kitamaebune ... Schiff der nördlichen Handelsrute
kitsune ... Fuchs. Inari ist die Fuchsgottheit.
kitsune udon, kitsune soba ... mit Abura-Age, der Lieblingsspeise des Fuchses: Udon-Nudelsuppe mit einem Fuchs“ „Buchweizen-Nudelsuppe mit einem Fuchs“

.......... KOKOKO

kobumaki, konbumaki ... Kombu-Rollen
kochi, magochi鯒 ... Indischer Plattkopf §Plattkopf (Fisch) Platycephalus indicus $Platycephalus sp. Bartail flathat
kochi ... Entenschnabel-Plattkopf. Bembrops anatirostris. duckbill flathat
kochi … Indischer Plattkopf, Platycephalus indicus, bartail flathat
kogomi ... Straußenfarn. Matteuccia struthiopteris. oistrich fern
kohada/ shinko ... Gefleckter Pazifikhering §Alse/Maifisch. Konosirus punctatus. dotted gizzard shad
Kojiki ... älteste Geschichtschronik, 8. Jhd.
kokemomo ... Preiselbeere
kokemushi 苔蒸し… moss simmering
kokuminshoku 国民食 ... national dish
kokumotsu ... Getreide
kokusan 国産 ... domesitcally produced food, Japanese food source
komatsuna ..... Senfspinat #Das Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) spinach mustard
kome ... Reis auf dem Feld. Oryza sativa var. japonica, short-grain rice
komesu, yonezu … Reisessig
komochi ... „mit Kindern“ weibliche Fische
komodoofu, komo toofu コモドウフ tofu wrapped in a straw coever
komugi ... Weizen. Triticum aestivum. komugiko ... wheat flour

konbini コンビニ ... Konbini. ?Kombini / convenience store, Selbstbedienungsladen. Conbini

konbu ... Kombu (DAS Kombu). ?Kombu-Seetang ?Konbu. ?Riementang. ?Braunalge.. Laminaria japonica. Laminaria saccharina. Royal or Sweet Kombu. Sea spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata).
konbumaki ... Kombu-Rollen ?Konbu-Rollen

kondate 献立 ... menu, Menü. Zusammenstellung der Speisen für eine Mahlzeit
konebachi ... Knetschale. Für Soba und Udon

konnyakuimo, konnyaku imo ... Konjak. Konjakknolle ?Konnyaku-Knolle. #Konjakwurzel . Amorphophallus konjac. Wunderwurzel Glucomannan. auch Teufelszunge oder Tränenbaum
konnyaku ... Konjak. #?Konnyaku #Konjac – ito-konnyaku ... Faden-Konjak #Faden-Konnyaku. gelatineartige Masse aus Aronstabknollen. Amorphophallus konjac. nama-imo konnyaku, roher Konjak (direkt aus Knollen zubereitet)
konnyaku ko .. 蒟蒻粉.. Konjakmehl. #Konjacmehl. Konjak-Extrakt. Ein Verdickungsmittel
... ita-konnyaku ... Konjak im Block
... shirataki ... Konjak-Glasnudeln
... konnyakudama ... Konjak-Knolle

konomiyaki ... siehe Okonomiyaki
konowata ... gesalzene Eingeweide der Seegurke
konpeitoo ... sugar candy. Konfekt. 金平糖; 金米糖. vom portugiesischen confeito. also aruheitoo 有平糖
konsome karyuu ... Brühe-Granulat §granulierte Brühe
konton ... Teigtaschen mit Fleischbällchen und Gemüse

koogen yasai ... Gemüse der Hochebenen
kooika, koo ika ... Tintenfisch. Sepia esculenta甲烏賊
kooji ... Hefe. Kooji-Pilzkultur. Reis-Kooji, kome kooji, Aspergillus oryzae 米麹. - mugi-kooji Weizen-Kooji. mamekooji, Bohnen-Kooji-Pilzkultur (Aspergillus hatcho)
koon コーン... Mais / Babymaiskolben. (tomorokoshi, corn)


koonfureeku ... Cornflakes

Autumn sunrise---
the smell of

Fred Masarani
Autumn 2012


koo no mono 香の物 ... pickles
Koorai ninjin 高麗人参... Koreanischer Ginseng. Panax ginseng
koppepan ... süßes Hefebrötchen
korokke ... Krokette
koshiabura, koshi-abura ... „Koshi-Abura-Sprossen“. Acanthopanax sciadophylloides (Fam. der Aralien)
kowa, okowa, kowameshi ... Mochi-Klebreis mit roten Bohnen
kowaii, kowameshi 強飯 ... hard boiled rice from uruchimai
Kooyadoofu ... Koya-Tofu. getrockneter Tofu vom Bergkloster Koyasan. (166)

.......... KUKUKU

kuchi ... anderer Name für „ishimochi“ ... Adlerfisch. Argyrosomus argentatus.
kuchikiri, kuchi kiri 口切り ... opening the lid of a new tea container
kuchinashi ... Gardenie. Gardenia jasminoides
kuchioto, kuchi oto 口音 ... noises of the mouth when eating
kudamono … Frucht, Obst.
kuitsumi … “Essen gemeinsam herauspicken” zum Neujahrsfest
kujira ... Walfisch
kujira nabe ... Walfleisch-Eintopf
kukkii ... Keks, Gebäck, Plätzchen
kuko no mi ... Frucht vom chinesischen Bocksdorn, Lycium chinense. chinese wolfberry

kuma ... Bär. Fam. Ursidae
kuma nabe, kumanabe ... Bären-Eintopf
kumogani ... „Spinnenkrabbe“. ?Schneekrabbe? Chionoecetes opilio
kuppa ... Koreanische Reissuppe

kuri ... Esskastanie. Castanea crenata.
kuriaji kabocha ... Hokkaidokürbis. Cucurbita maxima convar. akai kabocha roter Hokkaidokürbis aus Kaga (als Ersatz für Nanking-Kürbis)
kurigani ... „Eßkastanien-Krabbe“. Telmessus cheiragonus 
kurigohan ... Reis mit Esskastanien
kurikinton 栗金団 ... Mus aus Esskastanien ?Püree aus Esskastanien
kurimeshi ... Reis mit Esskastanien
kuri shiroppu 栗シロップ ... Kastaniensirup
kuritaruto ... Törtchen mit Esskastanienpaste

kuroawabi ... Schwarze Abalone. Haliotis discus
kurodai ... dunkle Meerbrasse. Acanthopagrus schlegeli
kurogoma ... schwarzer Sesam. Sesamum indicum nigrum
kurokawa ... Schwarzer Kürbis . kind of pumpkin

kuromaguro, kuro maguro ... nördlicher Blauflossen-Thunfisch. §nördlicher Blauflossen-Thun („Schwarzer Thunfisch“). Thunnus thynnus. northern bluefin tuna (§Thunnus orientalis)

kuromame ... schwarze Sojabohnen. Fam. Glycine max
kuromamecha ... Tee aus schwarzen Bohnen, Tottori
kuromejio … Salz vermischt mit Kurome-Seetang
kuromugi ... „schwarzer Weizen“, Name für Buchweizennudeln inder Heian-Zeit

Kuroshio 黒潮 ... Kuroshio-Strömung ?Kuroshio-Strom. Nordäquatorialstrom. lit. Strömung

kurosu ... “Schwarzer Reisssig” aus braunem Reis.
kuroyaki 黒焼き ... black grilled, dark baked (refers to animal meat in the Edo period)
kurozatoo ... brauner Zucker, Rohrzucker
kurozukuri … „schwarze Zubereitung“, in eigener Tinte und mit Salz gewürzter Tintenfisch

kuruma ebi, kuruma-ebi ... Geißelgarnele. Penaeus japonicus
kurumi ... Walnuss
kurimi-miso ... Walnuss-Miso ?Walnussmiso ?Walnusspaste

kusaya … “Stinker”

kushi ... Spieß. skewer
kushi-age ... auf Spießen in heißem Fett ausgebackene Speisen
kushi-dango, kushidango ... Klößchen am Spieß. see DANGO #Reisbällchen
kushigaki ... auf Spießen getrocknete Persimonen
kushikatsu ... frittiertes Schweinefleisch am Spieß
kushiyaki ... am Spieß gebratenes, meist gegrillt

kuwai ... Pfeilkraut, #Blattgemüse. Sagittaria trifolia. arrowhead bulb

kuzu くず【葛】 ... kudzu [Japanese arrowroot]. Pfeilwurzel, Knabenkraut, DAS Kuzu. Pueraria thunbergiana, P. lobata. ( マランタ Maranta rundinacea seems to be a different plant in the tropics)
kuzuko 葛粉(くずこ ) kudzu starch, made from the root. Pfeilwurzel-Stärke. #Kuzu-Stärke # Pfeilwurzelmehl, Knabenkrautmehl
kuzuan 葛餡 ... An-Masse auf Pfeilwurzel-Basis
kuzukake 葛掛け ... Gericht mit Pfeilwurzel-Sauce
kuzukiri 葛切り ... Nudeln aus Pfeilwurzel-Stärke
kuzumochi 葛餅 ... Küchlein aus Pfeilwurzel-Stärke
kuzuzakura 葛桜 ... mit rotem Bohnenmus gefülltes, mit einem Kirschblatt bedecktes Manju).
kuzuyu 葛湯 ... Pfeilwurzelmehlsuppe
kuzu ukon, kuzuukon クズウコン (葛鬱金) Pfeilwurz. Maranta arundinacea.

kyabetsu ... Kohl, Weißkohl. Fam. Brassica oleracea var. capitata … me-kyabetsu芽キャベツ, Rosenkohl, Brassia oleracea var. gemmifera. aka-kyabetsu … Rotkohl
..... とんがりキャベツ Spitzkohl, Pointed Cabbage

kyaraben … “Bentoo mit Characterfiguren”
kyooyasai … Gemüse aus Kyoto. Kyoto-vegetables. kyoosai, kyosai
kyuuri ... Gurke. Cucumis sativus. The Japanese cucumber is about 18 – 20 cm long, 2 mm in diameter and weighs about 180 – 200 grams. It is much smaller than a german Salatgurke. Landgurke.
kyuushoku ... Schulessen.Schulspeisung. school lunch

Top of this Glossary


Osaka Naniwa


Osaka 大阪 

Osaka is a city in Japan, located at the mouth of the Yodo River on Osaka Bay, in the Kansai region of the main island of Honshū.
Osaka has traditionally been referred to as the "nation's kitchen" (天下の台所, tenka no daidokoro), or the mecca of gourmet food.
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Dootonbori, Dotombori, Dotonbori
Dōtonbori (道頓堀) is one of the principal tourist destinations in Osaka, Japan. It is a single street, running alongside the Dōtonbori canal between the Dōtonboribashi Bridge and the Nipponbashi Bridge in the Namba ward of Osaka. A former pleasure district ...
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Osaka no kui-daore

***** Location: Japan, Osaka
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


くいだおれ kuidaore

There is an old saying, Osaka no kui-daore — literally, Osaka people want good food even if they have to go broke for it.

Osaka, Shinsekai 大阪・新世界
Kushikatsu Restaurant

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The famous kuidaore doll .. くいだおれ人形
The restaurant had to close in 2008.


Landmark Osaka eatery set to close

A landmark Osaka eatery known for its giant, drum-beating minstrel doll out front said that after nearly 60 years, it is closing.

Osaka Meibutsu Kuidaore (Osaka Famous Kuidaore) restaurant, founded in 1949, faxed the media Tuesday to announce it will shut down July 8 due to difficulties in continuing the family business, as well as the aging of its building and facilities.

The eight-story restaurant serves a wide variety of food, from Japanese to Western.

The minstrel, named Kuidaore Taro, is modeled after bunraku puppets. It has delighted visitors and passersby for decades, serving as a symbol of not only the restaurant but also of Osaka's Dotonbori district.

"Just like the Statue of Liberty, the doll should be placed in a prominent location where people can admire (it) after the close of the restaurant," said a 70-year-old man who came from Nara.
source :  Japan Times April 10, 2008

. Kuidaore Taro with special sunglasses .
kinkan nisshoku 金環日食 golden ring eclipse
May 21, 2012 in Japan


Historic Kansai: Gourmet-town 'kuidaore'
By Junzo Tanaka

Every Japanese knows the phrases 'kidaore' Kyoto and 'kuidaore' Osaka, meaning that the people of Kyoto and Osaka indulge respectively in sartorial and gastronomical pleasures till they go bankrupt. Whatever they may be, hobbies or pleasures, when they are pursued to the extremes, can eat up one's fortunes. The above-mentioned phrases sum up the characteristics of the two major cities in the Kansai region. Kyoto has been the center of luxury kimono production and consumption for centuries, while Osaka has fully taken advantage of its geographical location and developed itself into an important distribution center.

Osaka has always been known for its good foods. Many businesspersons posted in Osaka or visitors to the city just on business trip find Osaka's foods good and inexpensive. If you ask someone which part of Osaka is most kuidaore-like, I am sure that the answer would be 'Minami.' Minami is not the name of a place but a word that simply means 'south.' There is a wide area to the south of the old city of Osaka where entertainment districts, such as Dotonbori, Sennichimae, Namba, and Shinsaibashisuji, are concentrated and the whole area is called 'Minami.' There are hundreds of entertainment facilities, restaurants and eateries and the place is bustling with people day and night.

It is said that the phrase 'Osaka no kuidaore' was probably born in the middle of Edo period (1603 - 1867), when kabuki theaters and show tents began to crop up in this area. Minami has been thriving ever since and continues to prosper in the 21st century.

However, there have been new developments this year that are attracting attention that perhaps Minami will lose its monopoly on 'kuidaore' culture. These developments are the birth in May of 'Senri China Town' in Senri New Town, a suburb to the north of Osaka City and the birth in October of 'Izumigaoka Ramen Noodle Theater' in a suburb to the south of Osaka City-Senboku New Town. These new towns are mammoth residential complexes far from the center of the city, similar to Tama New Town in a suburb of Tokyo. The former is a town, comprising a total of 26 establishments, including stores selling Chinese grocery or interior items in addition to 18 Chinese restaurants, while the latter is a small town of eight Ramen noodle shops and one octopus cake shop. Business is booming at both places. There are some establishments where you have to wait in long queues for nearly an hour to get in. These places are not serving Kansai's traditional light-flavored Japanese food or traditional noodles. The fact makes the new developments even more interesting.

Given today's business condition in Japan, it is not unreasonable for some people to worry that perhaps this is the beginning of the hollowing out of the traditional town of 'kuidaore.' After all, this is the era of rapid and radical social changes. Stores in inner city shopping centers are being shut down because of the opening of large supermarkets in the suburbs, while there is a hollowing out of industries due to the transplanting of manufacturing plants to China or Southeast Asia. There are concerns that the new developments may be the harbingers of a major migration of the 'culinary industry.'

One day this autumn, I visited the two locations. Both are easily accessible and boast large parking spaces. Many of the cars there bore license plates of neighboring prefectures and cities, such as Kyoto, Kobe, Nara and Wakayama. Senri China Town is located on an upper floor of a shopping building with a beautiful view and laid out as China Town in Kobe or Yokohama. Izumigaoka Ramen Noodle Theater recreates the scene of Dotonbori in the Edo period, and when you enter the building you see Ramen noodle shops, each with a colorful flag resembling that of a kabuki theater. Visitors browse around to see which theater (noodle shop) to enter. Both Senri China Town and Izumigaoka Ramen Noodle Theater had people on hand to direct the traffic to different shops.

When I talked to a middle-aged couple in the queue in front of a Ramen shop, they said, 'We've already had two bowls each. We want to try another one.' They were noodle-shop hopping. I was worried that they might end up eating too much. There were also a lot of young people. They all said that they also frequent Ramen shops in Minami. It is not that they stopped frequenting Minami because of the new shops. They also said, 'For eating out, Minami is the tops. You can choose any food from any place in the world.'

This is to say that Minami is still the king of 'kuidaore' Osaka. It would be safe to assume that hollowing out of 'kuidaore' is not likely to happen in the near future. If so, what do the phenomena in Senri and Izumigaoka signify? I would rather interpret the phenomena that the 'kuidaore' energy of Osaka has boiled over and spilled out to outside of the city. In any event, they mean that Osaka has gained more attractions. It is a good thing.
source : / Junzo Tanaka

July 20, 2009
and now it is BACK

Kuidaore Taro, symbol of Osaka, returns to Dotonbori
Monday 20th July

Mechanical drum-playing doll Kuidaore Taro, one of the symbols of Osaka, returned to the city’s Dotonbori area Sunday, ending its one-year Odyssey following the closure of the restaurant in front of which it used to stand. The life-size doll was installed in front of a commercial complex that opened the same day near the former Cui-daore restaurant in Dotonbori.

At an opening ceremony held at the complex, Osaka Gov Toru Hashimoto said, ‘‘Dotonbori has restored its popularity thanks to Taro. I’d like to boost this momentum together with you.’’ Kuidaore Taro was originally installed in front of the restaurant in 1950 as its mascot, becoming one of the landmarks of Osaka, known as the city of ‘‘kuidaore,’’ a Japanese word meaning ‘‘to ruin oneself by eating and drinking to excess.’’
Since the restaurant was closed in July 2008, Kuidaore Taro had been loaned out for various events across the nation.
source : Japan Today

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Kuromon ichiba 黒門市場(くろもんいちば)
he Market of Osaka at Kuromon / Kuromon Shopping Mall

Until the end of the Meiji Era, the Kuromon Ichiba was called "Emmeiji Market", because there was once a large temple called Enmeiji 延命寺 nearby. Since there used to be a black gate northeast of this temple, the marketplace later came to be called”Kuromon Ichiba Market”(Black Gate Market).
The area is about 600 meters long and has more than 170 shops with fresh vegetables and meat.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Zakoba ichiba 雑喉場 Zakoba fish market

「雑喉場魚市場史 大阪の生魚流通」
The History of Zakoba Fish Market

- quote -
6 Markets in Osaka
The reasons for the development of Osaka's economy are that Osaka was a castle town under the direct supervision of the shogunate, and that its good location for waterway traffic such that it was called the "city of water, " with the Seto Inland Sea in front as well as the Yodo River that connects with Kyoto and the Yamato River that connects with Yamato inland. In addition to these, around the Kanbun era (1661-1673), they opened a westward shipping passage that passes into the Sea of Japan, through the Shimonoseki strait, and then goes through the Seto Inland Sea toward Osaka. The development of marine transport between Osaka and Edo also contributed to the development of Osaka, giving Osaka the pivotal position of the national markets.
The center of commodity distribution in Osaka had been the Dojima Rice Market, the Tenma Vegetable Market, and the Zakoba Fish Market.

The Rice Market in Dojima (堂島)

The Vegetable Market in Tenma
With the increase of the market popularity, there were several movements to build other markets in addition to Tenma, in places such as Dotonbori, Dojima, Horie, and Sonezaki.
- Osaka Municipal Central Wholesale Market

The Fish Market in Zakoba
- 'Ko (喉)' of 'Zakoba' is an ancient suffix to count fish that originated in the fact they carried fish with vine or straw, by sticking it through the fish's gill.

- reference source : -



dashimaki teishoku 出汁巻き定食 set meal with omelett
For one omelett, five eggs are used !
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gatchoo ガッチョウ Gatchoo
local name for kochi コチ(鯒、牛尾魚)in the southern province of Senshu せんしゅう【泉州】.
It is eaten in many ways, kara-age, sashimi or others.

herekatsu ヘレカツ filet cotelette
a combination of the usual pronounciation for Filet HIRE. In Osaka, I is often pronounced as E.

hotto doggu ホットドッグ hot dog
saussage served with finely cut cabbage and curry flavor sauce, even as a breakfast dish in fast food restaurants.

kasu udon カスウドン / かすうどん
made with aburakasu 油粕 leftovers from pressing oil
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
mit Ölkuchen

Maple leaves tempura (momiji tenpura もみじ天ぷら/ 紅葉の天ぷら)
A sweet speciality of the town of Mino 箕面 near Osaka.

maronii マロニー thin noodles made of corn starch
and denpun starch from potatoes
They are used for any hodgepodge like shirataki noodles.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Naniwa yasai なにわ野菜 vegetables from Naniwa (Osaka area)
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for example
Baba nasu (eggplant), Torigai nasu (eggplant), Tennoji kabura (turnip), Kema kyuri (cucumber), Kotsuma nankin (pumpkin), Matsunami kyabetsu 松浪 キャベツ (cabbage、best for Okonomiyaki), Suita kuwai (arrowhead), Senshu tamanegi (onion), Tanabe daikon (radish), Tamatsukuri Kuromon Shirouri (white melons)
Traditional varieties of vegetables are attracting more attention today in the wake of the recent slow food movement. Branding local agricultural products has also become a nationwide trend.

onigiri senbei おにぎりせんべい
Sembei in the form of Onigiri rice balls

they are triangular, with some shreds of seaweed on the outside, which is dipped in soy sauce when baking.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

pooru uinna ポールウィンナー Wienna saussages "like a stick"
"Pole Wiener"
They are everywhere on the table, standing in a glass, ready to eat for a snack. They are sold in Kansai, made by Ito Ham since 1934.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
..... tako uinna たこウインア / たこウイーナ wiener saussage cut like an octopus


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Suita kuwai 吹田くわい arrowhead from Suita town
This type is a bit smaller than the normal root, but much sweeter. It is used in the New Year soup, because it has a lucky omen, since its "eyes come out", me ga deru, as a sign of good luck.
It is grown in fields with a lot of fresh flowing water and without any chemicals, this all has to be done by hand. There are now eight farmers in Suita who produce this vegetable. The whole village is trying to promote it as a local product. There is even a maskot, Suitan すいたん, in this form.
CLICK here for PHOTOS of Suitan !

It is eaten simply fried in oil with a bit of salt, to enhance the sweet taste of it.
Experiments with a kind of shochu liquor, or in manju or baked in bread (kuwai pan). Even a Western Style sweet, the Montblanc, with a kuwai at the top is made.

Sagittaria trifolia. Pfeilkraut
New Year Food

WKD : arrowhead 慈姑 (くわい) kuwai
kigo for early spring


sofuto men ソフト麺 . ソフトめん "soft noodles"
They come in two kinds, like spagetti and like udon.
They were served in school lunches and have not been well known in Osaka.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

tamago sando, tamagosando たまごさんど sandwich with egg
In Osaka, a fried egg is sandwiched. In other parts of Japan, a boiled egg is cut to small pieces, some mayonaise is added and then sandwiches.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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takoyaki  たこやき たこ焼き octopus balls
a popular ball-shaped Japanese dumpling or more like a savory pancake made of batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan. It is typically filled with diced octopus, tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion.
Nowadays, it is commonly brushed with takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise, and topped with green laver (aonori) and katsuobushi (shavings of dried bonito). There are many variations to the takoyaki recipe. For example, ponzu i.e. soy sauce with dashi and citrus vinegar, goma-dare i.e. sesame-and-vinegar sauce or vinegared dashi.
The dish became popular after WWII.
- Wikipedia -

Choboyaki was a prototype that later evolved into what we now refer to as takoyaki. This dish was named back during the Taisho period for the drop-by-drop ("chobo-chobo") way in which flour-based batter was grilled on a cast-iron griddle resembling the ones used today to prepare takoyaki balls. The batter, made by dissolving flour (usually used to make noodles) in water, was poured to form a particular shape (onto a metal grill featuring rows of semicircular molds). Konnyaku (yam paste), red pickled ginger, green peas, and soy sauce would be added as the batter continued to cook.
Radio-yaki was a prototype that later evolved into what we now refer to as takoyaki. Radio-yaki was slightly larger than choboyaki, and its name can apparently be traced to the most popular mechanical invention of its day. After innovators came to add such ingredients as sinewy meat, the dish came to be known as radio-yaki. Named after the radio, which was an expensive piece of equipment back then, radio-yaki was a hit snack food among children.
In around 1935, a visitor from Akashi (Hyogo) to Osaka came upon a street stall selling radio-yaki and explained that "they use octopus in Akashi." . . . .
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Tanabe daikon 田辺大根 たなべだいこん radish from Tanabe
special variety, shorter but tasty.
In Koreatown they prepare kimche from it.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

芭蕉堂 Bashoodoo sweets studio

Sosaku Wagashi Kobo Bashodo : famous warabimochi 笑来美餅
mochi with bracken powder

“ishiusu taiken (stone milling experience),” where customers can grind top-quality black beans from the Tamba region

"hohoemi mo bimi tazuzaete kitarikeri"
"have a happy smile with nice sweets"

hiyashi ame, senbei, kinako powder, black beans, sugar syrup and many more
source :

warabi ... Adlerfarn. Pteridium aquilinum.


Coffee Shops
Fast Food
Tachi-nomi ... drink while standing
Kitsune Udon
Me-oto Zenzai
Shabu Shabu
Tecchiri / tetchiri nabe
Udon-tsuki / udon suki

Janjan Yokocho Alley
Naniwa Gyoza Stadium
Naniwa Kuishinbo yokocho
Osaka Takoyaki Museum
source : Osaka Gourmet INFO


Osaka Blowfish Station Lunchbox

Osaka Fugu Hakubutsukan ふぐ博物館 Osaka Blowfish Museum
Kishiwada 大阪府岸和田市北町10番2号



Naniwa gata Mijikaki ashi no Fushi no ma mo
Awade kono yo o Sugushite yo to ya

Even for a time
Short as a piece of the reeds
In Naniwa's marsh,
We must never meet again:
Is this what you are asking me?

Lady Ise 伊勢

source :

. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首 .

Naniwagata, Naniwa-e 難波江 Bay of Naniwa, Bay of Osaka, Marsh of Naniwa, Naniwa Lagoon
a place full of reeds in the old times.


MORE Naniwa haiku by

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

kiku ni dete / Nara to Naniwa wa / yoi zukiyo

Naniwa zu ya / tanishi no futa mo / fuyu-gomori

. asu wa chimaki Naniwa no kareha yume nare ya .

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

. Oosaka Kaidoo 大坂街道 Osaka Kaido Road .


