
Kushiage Kushikatsu


Deep-fried food on skewers (kushiage, kushi-age)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


kushiage, kushi-age くしあげ (串揚げ)
deep-fried food pieces on bamboo sticks

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kushikatsu 串カツ pork meat on skewers

This is a kind of kebab (kebob) food or satee preparation. The ingredients are cut into bite-size, put on a bamboo skewer, sometimes dipped in batter before frying in hot oil.

You can order it ready-made, or watch the cook do your order from the counter or have a deep-fry set on your table and fry the pieces yourself, while you enjoy a beer with your friends.

Vegetables, meat and seafood are used, the imagiation is free to combine.

A special sauce (tare) is usually served for dipping. Favorites are tonkatsu soosu (トンカツソース) cutlet sauce and Worcester sauce. Famous speciality restaurants have sauces of their own tradition.

Kushiage is a favorite of the Kansai area, especially Osaka.
See DARUMA LINK below.


Some kushi-age dishes

ebi no shisomaki 海老の紫蘇巻き
shrimp wrapped with peril leaves
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

gyuuniku no chiizu hasami 牛肉のチーズはさみ
cheese sandwiched in beef

mitsuba no kisu fish maki 三つ葉のキス巻き
honewort wrapped with sand borer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nasu no shooga fuumi minchizume ナスのしょうが風味ミンチづめ
eggplant flavored with ginger, stuffed with minced meat

shiitake no ebi surimizumeしいたけのエビすり身づめ
shiitake mushrooms stuffed with minced shrimp

Yanaka shooga no buta roosu maki 谷中しょうがの豚ロース巻き
Yanaka ginger wrapped with pork loin

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kushikatsu Daruma ... 串カツ『だるま』
Restaurant in Osaka. Kushiyaki Food

Details about kushikatsu are here !


Related words

***** Osaka no kuidaoreEat until you are broke and drop down



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