Horse meat, baniku ばにく/ 馬肉
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic, see below
***** Category: Humanity
Horse meat (euphemistically called "sakura niku" 桜肉) is eaten in some parts of Japan.
Horse is a kigo in various seasons
Horse, Pony (uma, ba 馬, ポニー)
There are some puns using the pronounciation of
UMA as in UMAI 美味い、うまい, delicious food.

Since meat was not allowed for pious Buddhists to eat, they called this meat
sakuraniku 桜肉 "cherry blossom meat"
Horse meat has a sweet taste, it is rich in proteins and low in fat and calories and good for the health. It contains a lot of collagen, which helps the female skin beauty.
Horse meat has been eaten since olden times in Asia to nourish people.
In the late Paleolithic (Magdalenian Era), wild horses formed an important source of food. In pre-Christian times, horse meat was eaten in northern Europe as part of Germanic pagan religious ceremonies, particularly those associated with the worship of Odin.
Horse meat gained widespread acceptance in French cuisine during the later years of the Second French Empire.
Despite the general Anglophone taboo, horse and donkey meat was eaten in Britain, especially in Yorkshire, until the 1930s, and in times of post-war food shortage surged in popularity in the United States and was considered for use in hospitals.
It is a taboo food in many cultures.
In most countries where horses are slaughtered for food, they are processed in a similar fashion to cattle, i.e., in large-scale factory slaughter houses (abattoirs) where they are stunned with a captive bolt gun and bled to death.
In 2005, the eight principal horsemeat producing countries produced over 700,000 tonnes of this product.
In Japanese cuisine, raw horse meat is called sakura (桜) or sakuraniku (桜肉, sakura means cherry blossom, niku means meat) because of its pink color. It can be served raw as sashimi in thin slices dipped in soy sauce, often with ginger and onions added. In this case, it is called basashi (Japanese: 馬刺し). Basashi is an essential part of Japanese cuisine and it is rare for an izakaya not to offer it. Fat, typically from the neck (tategami たてがみ, koone コウネ), is also found as basashi, though it is white, not pink. Horse meat is also sometimes found on menus for yakiniku (a type of barbecue), where it is called baniku (馬肉, literally, "horse meat") or bagushi ("skewered horse"); thin slices of raw horse meat are sometimes served wrapped in a shiso leaf.
There is also a dessert made from horse meat called basashi ice cream 馬刺のアイスクリーム. The company that makes it is known for its unusual ice cream flavors, many of which have limited popularity.
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Restaurant UMAKAROO 馬かろう
"This is delicious" (horse meat)
Okayama 岡山県井原市上出部町493-2
Eating horse meat
Horse meat was given to the soldiers by the warlord Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正, when during the fight of Keicho in 1597 (Keichoo no eki けいちょうのえき【慶長の役】) all other meat and food was eaten and they had to slaughter the riding horses to keep alive.
Horse meat was eaten in Kumamoto and Oita as well as Nagano, Yamanashi and other regions of Northern Japan, which had an extensive horse culture in the past.
. Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 .
baniku sushi 馬肉寿司 sushi with raw horse meat
It does not have a RAW flavor at all.
barebaa sashimi 馬レバー刺身 raw horse liver sashimi
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basashi 馬刺し raw horse meat
speciality of Kumamoto and Oita as well as Nagano and other regions of Northern Japan, which had an extensive horse culture in the past.
Three different types with various degree of fat (shimofuri 霜降り桜肉) are offerd.
Served with many green perilla leaves to wrap it in. The parts from the neck are most fatty and look almost white.
Some onion slices (or sliced garlic) are placed on the plate too.
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basashi ice cream 馬刺のアイスクリーム
basashi aisu 馬刺しアイス
ice with raw horse meat flavor ... YES
batan, umatan 馬タン horse tongue
also smoked
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umabara yakiniku 馬バラ焼肉 horse belly meat grilled
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umadoomyaku 馬動脈焼き horse artery grilled
umahaatoyaki 馬ハート焼き horse heart meat
umahorumonyaki 馬ホルモン焼き horse intestines grilled
... yomenakashi 馬よめなかし
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umashabu 馬しゃぶ Shabushabu with horse meat
speciality of Kumamoto
Eaten with sweet soy sauce and grated ginger to dip the meat.
also as sukiyaki with horse meat
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
umanabe, sakuranabe, sakura nabe 馬鍋
hodgepodge stew with horse meat
lit. "cherry blossom stew".
banikusuki 馬肉鋤(ばにくすき)、ketobashi けとばし
Usually with miso paste.
When the long intestines of the horse 馬腸 are served too, it is called
nanko nabe, nankonabe なんこ鍋

kigo for all winter
Worldwide use
Pferdefleisch, rohes Pferdefleisch
Things found on the way
Yaseuma やせうま / Oita 大分
A noodle dish not related to horse meat.
Uma ... umai
Eating meat from four-legged animals
botannabe of wild boar
momijinabe of deer
sakuranabe shiroyama aruki tsuraretari
horse meat stew ...
walking on the castle mountain
I am really tired
Minagawa Bansui 皆川盤水
osoku kite wakamono hitori sakuranabe
one came late,
a young one ...
horse meat stew
Fukami Kenji 深見けん二
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1 comment:
horse meat
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domestic stew?
where's the beef?! (a little Usarian humor...)
ciao... chibi
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