Manga, Anime and Japanese Food
ryoori manga 料理漫画,
gurume manga 料理マンガ、グルメマンガ

Oishinbo 美味しんぼ

Osen 料理漫画「おせん」

Hoochoo Mushuku 「包丁無宿」
Unemployed with Kitchen Knife

The Japanese have used the comic book form to fuse food, culture and story, creating a special type of recipe book called "food manga."
There's a great scene in the 1985 Japanese movie "Tampopo" by Juzo Itami. The plot centres on a woman trying to open her own noodle shop mixed in with several other story lines that all blend into a stew of Japanese culture and food. In one scene, an older man shows a younger man how to properly eat a bowl of soba noodles, topped with deep fried tofu and a crab stick. The wise soup sage tells his charge that he must set aside the crab stick gently and give it a nod, acknowledging it, while using the same chopsticks to grasp the tofu piece and also giving it a nod -- a polite way of consuming the food before you. The movie underscores the food culture of Japan and how it reflects the society around it.
Manga Mangia Manager
Someone once said that the manga format make sense because to read a serious Japanese newspaper, think of the Globe and Mail in Canada, a person needs to know least 2,000 "Kanji" characters. Japanese university graduates typically know 3,000 or more at the end of their studies, but this number declines each year after graduation. Mangas, which use cartoon pictures to tell stories along with dialogue written mostly in phonetic "kana" symbols, are a lot less work for the reader.
Food mangas are called gurume (gourmet) or ryori (ryoori, cooking) manga. Just like Food Network shows, they are directed towards an audience that mostly doesn't cook. In Japan, the ryori mangas are popular among men and white-collar professionals. Different ryori mangas delve into subjects such as the struggles of a young apprentice sushi chef or love stories that include recipes for sweets and other confections directed at teen girls.
Manga Melds Story and Recipe
A look back at a 2004 copy of the journal "Gastronomica" reveals a detailed story about the most popular ryori manga of all: Oishimbo (loosely translated as "delicious newspaper"). It first launched in 1983 and has since been made into a TV show and live action feature film. Author Kariya Tetsu says his books aren't for gourmet chefs but for the general population. Story lines focus on people's everyday problems such as the age-old conflict between a son and his epicurean father and between two lovers who eventually marry and have children. In between are slices of food information that serve to educate.
And the moral of the story is ...
In one episode, an American visitor is shown how to prepare carp sashimi on shaved ice through a master chef. Both the American and the reader is taught how gently slicing the fish flesh creates better tasting sashimi. Rough cutting breaks down the flesh so it absorbs the melting ice, making the fish taste watery. An added bonus, is the lesson about the dedication it takes to become a good chef.
Manga: Infused with Cultural History and Identity
The food mangas go deeper than instruction manuals. Many are carefully pieced stories that provide a thread to Japan's past, its values and its history. Some stories are moving portrayals of parent-child relationships and the undeniable bond that food forges with our past, our emotions and our memories.
... SOURCE : © June Chua: Food Manga: Comic Book Cuisine:
Japanese Manga Melds Story and Recipe
ryoori anime 料理アニメ Food Anime Books

gurume manga グルメ漫画 Gourmet Manga Books

Sake no Hosomichi 酒のほそ道
"The Narrow Road of Ricewine"
Manga about food, with haiku,
by ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki, Hosoki Roswell
大江戸酒道楽 ~ 肴と酒の歳時記
Saijiki about good food and drink of Edo
Many packages come with manga figures for children
Furikake, Ochazuke ふりかけ、お茶漬け

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***** WASHOKU : General Information
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