
Toyama Prefecture (富山県 Toyama-ken)
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Toyama.
Toyama is the leading industrial prefecture on the Japan Sea coast, and has the industrial advantage of cheap electricity due to abundant water resources. The Itai-itai disease occurred in Toyama around 1950.
Toyama is a major producer of high quality rice making use of abundant water sources originating from Mt.Tateyama.
Toyama is famous for its historical pharmaceutical industry.
The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō 白河郷 and Gokayama are one of Japan's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム
Tateyama Mountain Range 館山連峰 / 立山連峰
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama belief .
Tateyama Mandala 立山曼荼羅
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Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara
Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain
Caroline Hirasawa (Sophia University, Tokyo)

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Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama mandara treats the history, religious practice, and visual culture that developed around the mountain Tateyama in Toyama prefecture. Caroline Hirasawa traces the formation of institutions to worship kami and Buddhist divinities in the area, examines how two towns in the foothills fiercely fought over religious rights, and demonstrates how this contributed to the creation of paintings called Tateyama mandara.
The images depict pilgrims, monks, animals, and supernatural beings occupying the mountain’s landscape, thought to contain both hell and paradise. Sermons employing these paintings taught that people were doomed to hell in the alpine landscape without cult intervention—and promoted rites of salvation. Women were particular targets of cult campaigns. Hirasawa concludes with an analysis of spatial practices at the mountain and in the images that reveals what the cult provided to female and male constituents.
Drawing on methodologies from historical, art historical, and religious studies, this book untangles the complex premises and mechanisms operating in these pictorializations of the mountain’s mysteries and furthers our understanding of the rich complexity of pre-modern Japanese religion.
- source : www.brill.com
Shogawa river valley stretching across the border of Gifu and Toyama Prefectures in northern Japan. Hagimachi 萩町
Shirakawa 白河郷 / 白川郷 Gifu

Toyama specialities 富山 郷土料理
aimaze あいまぜ mixed radish leaves and root
radish leaves are cut finely and pickled in salt and the radish itself is cut in small stripes, boiled for a moment to remove the salt. This mix is simmered with sakekasu, miso paste and kombu dashi.
from 舟橋村
akakabu ryoori 赤かぶ料理 food with red turnips
pickles, in soups or simmered

made from mochigome, a kind of okowa porridge. With red beans for color. Some families also mix black beans or white soy beans. Served for weddings and festivities because of the auspicious red and white color.
ayu no kanro-ni あゆの甘露煮 sweet simmered ayu sweetfish
fish is slightly grilled and then simmered in green tea with a bit of rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and ginger.
ayu no narezushi あゆのなれ寿し
sushi with fermented sweetfish
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burakku raamen 富山ブラックラーメン Toyama Black Ramen
black noodle soup from Toyama
with roast pork, a rather salty mix from thick soy sauce.
First introduced at a shop called Daiki 大喜 in 1947.
black type ramen soup from Toyama 黒系ラーメン is now sold in four shops
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buridaikon ブリと大根のあら煮 yellowtail boiled with radish
The yellowtail from Toyama bay is all natural and not aquafarmed. It is the "King of the Fish in Toyama Bay" 富山湾の王者, when it arrives in winter together with the snow bird (raichoo). Yellowtail changes its name according to its size and is therefore a fish that "makes a good career" (shussezakana 出世魚). Names are 「tsubain ツバイソ(コズクラ)」「bukuragi フクラギ」「hamachi ハマチ(ガンド)」「buri ブリ」. Thus it is auspicious and eaten for celebrations.
The leftovers after cutting out the filets are called ZAN 残(ざん) (usually for other fish they are called ARA アラ) are boiled with seasonal radish (daikon) to make a delicious dish.
BURI is the most representative fish of Western Japan.
Gelbschwanz mit Rettich, Seriola mit Rettich
..... buri no arani, buri no ara-ni ぶりのあらに / 鰤のあら煮
boiled leftover of yellowtail
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dago だご dumplings from rice flour
dagojiru だご汁
sasadago 笹だご
daikon radish dishes
..... daikon namasu 大根なます salad
..... daikon no gotcha-ni 大根のごっちゃ煮 simmered with its leaves, miso taste
..... 大根まま rice with radish, with radish leaves too
genge no sumashijiru げんげのすまし汁 fish soup
genge is a fish from the deep sea off the coast with white meat. Kombu is also put into the soup. It is good for women who breastfeed babies.
gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平もち, 御幣餅/五平餅
made from glutinous rice and egoma, with a taste of miso.
gojiru 呉汁 warm soup in winter
Soy beans are cooked and seasoned with miso paste. With more tofu and leek.
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gondamochi ごんだもち
glutinous rice flour is used. They are then elongated to mochi and dried. Put into porridge or grilled for eating.
. Hotaruika 蛍烏賊 firefly squid .
different kind of ika is fished throughout the year in Toyama bay.
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hotaru-ika no karashi sunomono ほたるいかの辛子酢物
from 滑川市
..... ika no mochigome tsume-ni いかのもち米つめ煮 stuffed with glutinous rice and boiled
..... ika no sumitsukuri いかの黒作り dried squid, boiled in its ink
..... ika no teppoo yaki いかの鉄砲焼き grilled yari-ika, made in March only.
teppooyaki is a way of preparing meat of fish or chicken with hot red peppers miso paste, toogarashi-miso とうがらし味噌.
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ichijiku いちじくの甘煮・しょうゆ煮 figs simmered with soy sauce
Figs skin is removed and then simmered with sugar and salt in soy sauce.
imo ohagi いもおはぎ dumplings made from potatoes
imo no ohagi イモのおはぎ
in autumn. made from satoimo potatoes and sweet red bean paste.
itokoni いとこ煮 cooked beans with radish, carrots, yam, goboo, fried tofu pouches, konnyaku and other vegetables.
special food for the New Joodo sect of Buddhism.
iwashi no nuta 鰯のぬた nuta of sardines
nuta is a preparation with vinegared miso. The head, innards and bones are taken off and the fish is pickled in vinegar for a while. Then mixed with onions, grated radish, miso paste, vinegar and sugar and some yuzu juice..
jinda じんだ / 糂だ simmered vegetables
nukamiso ぬかみそ, jindamiso じんだみそ, gotomiso, goto miso 五斗味噌(ごとみそ)
Warabi fern, carrots, goboo, shiitake are cut finely and simmered sweet and hot. Later soy beans are added.
Served for religious ceremonies 報恩講の膳
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jindadora じんだどら sweet jinda

turnips and the leaves are boiled separately and cut, ground radish is added and soy sauce poored over it.
kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
prepared for the new year. Fermented fish meat with turnips.
Also prepared in Ishikawa prefecture.
kabura no yachara かぶらのやちゃら turnips salad
turnips, carrots, long yam, kanten, kikurage, mikan are covered with vinegar, sugar and salt. The ingredients of yachara are different in every home. Some use kombu.
kabusu jiru かぶす汁 soup with gazami crabs
watarigani are put in hot water and other seafood is added. Finally miso paste and cut leek is added.
kachiri,katchiri かっちり small potatoes
boiled with sugar and salt and soy sauce. When the potatoes are done, ground sesame, peanuts powder and egoma are added.
kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉寿し
sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
the leaves are pickled in vinegar over night.
kamaboko かまぼこ fish paste
in special forms of fish in red and white and other colors for auspicious situations.
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kamouri, kamo-uri no ankake かもうり(冬瓜)のあんかけ
toogan 氈瓜 kind of gourd.
The flesh is simmered with sugar in soy sauce. It is poored over boiled chicken meat or other food.
kanmochi 寒もち"Mochi for the cold season"
koorimochi 氷餅(こおりもち), konmochi こん餅(もち), kakimochi かきもち
they come in various colors.
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kazumino onigiri かずみ野おにぎり
oya taro potatoes, kabu radish, dried zuiki taro stems and chicken meat are mixed with rice and formed to onigiri rice balls.
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival
kibi okowa きびおこわ gruel from millet
mochigome rice and millet are mixed, beans are cooked with sugar and soy sauce and added.
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masuzushi 鱒寿司 sushi from Masu salmon
In 1717 a samurai from Toyama, Yoshimura Shinpachi 吉村新八 begun preparing this round sushi with ayu from the river Jinzugawa 神通川 and rice from Etchuu 越中米. The third daimyo of Toyama, Maeda Toshioki 前田利興 (1678-1733) liked it very much and gave it as a special offering to the 8th Shogun, Yoshimune, who was quite a gourmet. Since then it is a speciality of Etchu. Leaves of sasa grass (Sasa japonica) are placed into a round vessel and salted masu salmon on sushi rice is placed on it. It is now sold in many places according to secret family recipies.
sometimes ayu is translated as Plecoglossus altivelis.
Masu-Lachs, Oncorhynchus masou
misojiru ni kyuuri きゅうりのお味噌汁 miso soup with raw cucumbers
Cucumbers are not used in other prefectures as an ingredient in miso soup.
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myoogazushi みょうが寿司
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nishin no konbumaki ニシンの昆布巻き
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sansai okowa 山菜おこわ rice with mountain vegetables
satoimo ryoori
..... satoimo no oyaki 里芋のおやき
..... satoimo no nimono 里芋・大根・いかの煮物
..... satoimo no goma-ae 里芋のごま和え
..... satoimo no dengaku 里芋の田楽
shiroebi no kakiage シロエビのかき揚げ shrimps deep fried
soba tsumanko そばつまんこ buckwheat dumplings
with vegetables like zenmai fern, carrots, sweet ebi, simmered in soy sauce and sugar. Buckwheat is formed by hand to small dumplings and simmered in the broth.
takenoko ryoori たけのこ料理 dishes with bamboo sprouts
tenkoro てんころ料理
ちぼいも chibo-imo potatoes prepared as nikorogashi (じゃがいもの煮ころがし). first boiled in the skin, then fried. Then simmered in soy sauce and sugar and mirin.
toofu no buramanju 豆乳のブラマンジェ
(柚子のマーマレードかけ) with yuzu marmelade
tsuboni, tsubo-ni つぼ煮
from the mountains of Tateyama. Perpared for the mountain ascetics.
Dried kugomi are watered and cooked with carrots. Then cooked with dashi and yam, abura-abe, sugar and soy sauce.
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wappani つぼ煮
yubeshi ゆべし with yuzu
made for festivals, served in a dish with a high stand. Kanten jelly is dissolved and soy sauce, sugar and mirin added. An egg and juice from squeezed ginger is added and all let to harden in a square pot.
zenmai no shira-ae ぜんまいの白和え fern in dressing
with tofu and carrots
Things found on the way
Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま
Medicine sellers from Toyama 富山の薬売り

ginkooin ra asa yori keikoo su ika no-gotoku
these bank clarks
already in the morning under flurescent light
like firefly squid
die Bankangestellten
schon früh am morgen im Fluoreszenzlicht
wie die Leuchttintenfische
Kaneko Tohta 金子兜太
Kaneko Tohta (Kaneko Toota) 1919-
. thehaikufoundation.org . more translations of this haiku .
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
***** . Folk Toys from Toyama .
1 comment:
Japan's Toyama Bay: Working to Restore the Links between Forests, Rivers, and the Sea
Toyama Bay, a "Natural Fish Tank"
Toyama Bay is a large bay on the east side of the Noto Peninsula, which projects into the Sea of Japan in west-central Japan. Known for its wide variety of fish, Toyama Bay has been dubbed "a natural fish tank," because throughout the year many kinds of kitokito-no fish (meaning "very fresh" in Toyama's local dialect) are caught and then unloaded from ships at bustling fishing ports along the coast of the bay, such as Uozu, Shinminato, and Himi.
The coastal shelf in Toyama Bay is small, and the sea floor drops sharply a short distance from the land, with the deepest parts of the bay being more than 1,200 meters deep. Into the surface seawater of the bay, warm-water fish species are carried by the warm Tsushima current, while in the deep seawater at a depth of over 300 meters coldwater fish species live in the much cooler waters of the Japan Sea (deep seawater) at a temperature of around two degrees Celsius. Thus, Toyama Bay has an environment where both warm- and cold-water marine life can exist, and thus it is a treasure trove of marine resources.
Seventy percent of the total fish catch is comprised of migratory warm- water fish such as tuna and yellowtail, while the rest includes many kinds of deep-water fish and shellfish such as sweet shrimp, benizuwai crab, Japanese ivory shell, firefly squid, and white shrimp. Rare firefly squid and white shrimp are particularly valuable marine resources that are rarely found in areas other than Toyama Bay. Every spring, a large number of the tiny squids come to the coast from waters more than 200 meters deep for spawning. The mysterious pale blue light emitted by the squids in the night sea when they are caught is a common spring sight in Toyama Bay.
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