Snacking , a snack (oyatsu, o-yatsu 御八つ)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity
At three in the afternoon it is time for a snack, a quick refreshment
o-yatsu おやつ / 【御八つ】 お八つ
It used to be eaten at the eighth double-hour of a day, eight means YATSU.
O is the honorific preposition.
Since green tea is served with it, it is also called
o-chauke, ochauke, o-cha-uke おちゃうけ【御茶請け】
something that you have with your tea.
Different regions are known for different things they serve at this meal. Sometimes just some sweet potatoes, sometimes a great table full of dishes, especially if you have visitors to care for.

source : item.rakuten.co.jp/a-magi
bag to store your O-Yatsu ! 御八つ袋 アトリエ・マギ
In modern times, it is mostly just a snack bought at the store, some potato chips or sweets.
. . . CLICK here for おやつ Photos !

Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き)
two small pancake-like patties made from castella wrapped around a filling of sweet red bean paste.
. Dorayaki is a favorite snack (o-yatsu) .
sarada kanten サラダ寒天 jellied salad
with agaragar kanten. People in Aomori put a lot of food in a jellied mix with sugar and eat it as oyatsu for the afternoon break. Here it is a salad with cucumbers, carrots and other vegetables, lots of mayonnaise and then ... sugar and agar-agar kanten. Udon noodles are also prepared as "udon kanten" うどん寒天.
. Aomori Food specialities .
boomaki 棒まき "sugar wrapped around a stick"
simmered sugar cane juice is wrapped around a cane stick and sucked.
The simmered juice is also spread on thin pancakes and eaten as oyatsu snack.
It can be used in sauces for grilled or fried fish.
. Kagoshima (Satsuma) Food specialities .
kankoyaki かんこ焼き grilled dumplings
mountain vegetables and mushrooms are stuffed into the manju dumplings. It is not really sweet, but eaten as oyatsu snack.
The name comes from a big drum used for Gagaku, kakko 羯鼓(かっこ), which is similar in form.
. Kanagawa Food specialities - Kanto .
oyaki, o-yaki おやき , お焼き, 御焼(き)
grilled dumplings with vegetables
Mountain vegetables (sansai) and seasonal vegetables are fried with soy sauce and miso paste. Sweet bean paste is also added. The mixture is wrapped in dough and can be grilled or steamed for eating. Best when roasted on an iron pan at the irori open hearth in the farmhouse.
The dough is usually made with wheat flour, but sometimes buckwheat flour or even millet flour and sometimes rice flour is used.
It keeps the hunger off for a long time and is eaten as oyatsu in the afternoon or a snack in the evening. They can also be eaten cold.
. Nagano Food specialities .
kinpira dango キンピラ団子 Kinpira dumplings
n Niigata, Kinpira is put into rice flour dumplings, kinpira dango キンピラ団子, (considered a sweet or oyatsu for the three o'clock snack)
. Niigata Food specialities .
Things found on the way

© PHOTO : paopao88888
an apple for a snack, prepared like Daruma san
Ringo Daruma りんごだるま Daruma as an Apple
okaasan onaka itai oyatsu mada
hey, mother,
my stomach aches !
where is the snack?
source : minkara.carview.co.jp
Related words
Snack served with tea (cha no ko, o-cha no ko) Japan
Haiku Sweets (haika) Japan.
Sweets and snacks named after famous haiku !
***** WASHOKU : General Information
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