The Japanese Food Saijiki
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haiku and explanations will be added later.
Nastu ryoori, 夏料理 (なつりょうり) ... Summer food
The Haiku SUMMER starts on May 6, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
There are many food specialities for summer in Japan.
In Alphabetical order of the Japanese.
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If the name of a vegetable is mentioned, it represents the cooked form as it is served with rice.
some sweets are included
Early Summer
Chimaki 粽/茅巻き/茅巻
Gorijiru 鮴汁 (ごりじる) Gori fish soup
gori no jiru ごりの汁(ごりのしる)
Gori is a rare sweetwater fish, often eaten in Kanazawa, sometimes served as tempura.
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Mamemeshi 豆飯 (まめめし) rice with beans
with endomame or green peas
Migaki nishin 身欠鰊 (みがきにしん)
hand-torn herring pieces
mikaki nishin (みかきにしん)
yakumigaki 厄身欠(やくみがき)
Prepared from "spring herring"
Mugimeshi 麦飯 (むぎめし)
rice mixed with hatomugi grains
sumugi すむぎ
Takenoko meshi 筍飯 (たけのこめし)
rice with bamboo shoots
Uri.. makuwa uri 真桑瓜 melon
Suika .. watermelon スイカ 西瓜
Traditional Folk Toys : Boy cutting a melon
Atsumejiru 集め汁 (あつめじる)
"soup with mixed ingredients"
"stay safe-soup", mujitsujiru むじつ汁(むじつじる)
Known since the Heian period.
. taue meshi 田植飯(たうえめし)rice eaten during rice planting
usually some nigiri for all the participants, eaten in a hurry to finish the work needed for the day.
tauezakana 田植肴(たうえざかな)side dishes for rice planting
usually a few slices of pickled radish takuan and plums (umeboshi).
Late Summer
Doyo eel, doyoo unagi 土用鰻 (どよううなぎ)
day of the eel, unagi no hi 鰻の日(うなぎのひ)
Eel dishes (unagi)
Doyo corbicula clams, doyoo shijimi
土用蜆 (どようしじみ)
eaten in miso soup
Shijimijiru 蜆汁, しじみ汁 miso soup with corbicula clams
Gesai no on kayu 解斎の御粥
"End of mourning" rice gruel ceremony
Hiyashi uri 冷し瓜 (ひやしうり) cooled gourd
uri hiyasu 瓜冷す(うりひやす)
cooled watermelon, hiyashi suika 冷し西瓜(ひやしすいか)
suika hiyasu 西瓜冷す(すいかひやす)
watermelon on ice, koori suika氷西瓜(こおりすいか)
Gourd and gourd pickles (uri)
Hoshi-ii (hoshiii, hoshii) 干飯 (ほしいい) cooked dried rice
used as food for a journey or provisions for busy days.
It was soaked in water before eating.
It was already served on the Kentoshi 遣唐使 ships to China during the Heian period.
Together with dried deer meat, Narazuke pickles, miso paste, dried persimmons and walnuts, further konbu and katsuobushi for flavoring, it was dried food that kept the travellers healthy.
..... 糒(ほしいい)乾飯(ほしいい)
doomyooji 道明寺(どうみょうじ) Temple Domyo-Ji
hiki-ii 引飯(ひきいい)
kare iiかれいい、karei かれい、hoshi-i ほしい
First prepared in a nunnery in Kawachi at the temple Domyo-Ji. With poems in the Ise Monogatari.
. Domyo-Ji Temple Festivals
Myoogajiru 茗荷汁 soup with myoga
Japanese ginger, Zingiber mioga
Japanischer Ingwer
Narazuke seisu 奈良漬製す (ならづけせいす)
making Narazuke pickles
Making Tsukemono Pickles
nasujiru, nasu-jiru 茄子汁(なすじる)eggplant soup
usually miso soup
yakinasu 焼茄子(やきなす)grilled eggplant
... jigiyaki 鴫焼(しぎやき)
eaten with soy sauce and grated ginger
Eggplant, aubergine (nasu) (Japan
Suihan 水飯 す(いはん) "water rice"
mizumeshi 水飯(みずめし)
arai meshi 洗い飯(あらいめし), mizuzuke 水漬(みずづけ)
Made from dried cooked rice (hoshi-ii, see above) to make it soft again for consumption.
Shoyu (shooyu) and hishio
Making soy sauce, shooyu tsukuru 醤油作る (しょうゆつくる)
hishio tsukuru 醤作る (ひしおつくる)
All Summer
nastu ryoori, 夏料理 (なつりょうり) summer food
Anagonabe あなご鍋(あなごなべ) Hodgepodge with conger eel.
Meeraal im Eintopf
Dojoo nabe 泥鰌鍋 (どじょうなべ)loach hodgepodge
..... どぜう鍋(どじょうなべ)
loach soup, dojoo jiru 泥鰌汁(どじょうじる)
Yanagigawa nabe 柳川鍋(やながわなべ)
A pot of loaches boiled in soy sauce with beaten egg and slivers of burdock.
Funaryoori 船料理 (ふなりょうり)
food eaten on a boat
funa ikesu 船生洲(ふないけす)live well, aquarium of a boat
ikesubune 生簀船(いけすぶね) boat with a live well
It could be in a port or a pleasure boat on a river.
Food served on board of a ship or boat (funaryoori)
Hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり) clam shells, venus clams
hodgepodge with clamshells, hamaguri nabe 蛤鍋(はまなべ)
steamed hamaguri, mushi hamaguri 蒸蛤(むしはまぐり)
hamaguri broth, hamatsuyu 蛤つゆ(はまつゆ)
grilled hamaguri, yaki hamaguri 焼蛤(やきはまぐり)
suhamaguri 洲蛤(すはまぐり)
hamaguri with vinegar, su hamaguri 酢蛤(すはまぐり)
時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 shigure hamaguri, sweet cooked clamshells with a bit of rice wine
speciality of Mie prefecture
Hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ)
skin of the conger pike; pike eel
..... hamokawa 鱧皮(はもかわ)
speciality of Kyoto
Hiyajiru 冷汁 (ひやじる) cold soup
hiyashijiru 冷し汁(ひやしじる)
hibiyashi 煮冷し(にびやし)
cooled soup, nizamashi 煮冷し(にざまし)
Miso soup and other kinds of soup are served cool.
Hiyamugi 冷麦 (ひやむぎ) Wheat noodles chilled
on ice and served with a dipping sauce
hiyashi mugi 冷し麦(ひやしむぎ)
kirimugi 切麦(きりむぎ)
Hiya soomen 冷索麺 (ひやそうめん)
cold thin somen noodles
..... 冷素麺(ひやそうめん)
hiyamen 冷麺(ひやめん)
cooling the somen, soomen hiyasu 索麺冷す(そうめんひやす)
letting somen flow down a bamboo pipe, soomen gagasu
MORE about
Soomen, somen noodles 索麺
Hiya Yakko, hiyayakko 冷奴 (ひややっこ) cold tofu
hiyadoofu 冷豆腐(ひやどうふ)
mizudoofu 水豆腐(みずどうふ)
Hoshi fugu 干河豚 (ほしふぐ) dried blowfish
..... hoshifugu 乾河豚(ほしふぐ)
"salted blowfish", shio fugu塩河豚(しおふぐ)
sarashiboshi さくら干し(さくらぼし)
Inari Sushi (inarizushi いなり寿司)
Kani bishio, kanibshio 蟹醢 かにびしお
crabs in soy sauce
kanibishiko 蟹胥(かにびしこ)
crabs in soy sauce, kanibishio蟹醤(かにびしお)
pickled crabs, kanizuke 蟹漬(かにづけ)
A kind of shiokara 塩辛 pickles.
Arrowroot, Kudzu (kuzu くず 葛)
Kuzu manjuu 葛饅頭 (くずまんじゅう) kuzu buns
kuzuzakura 葛桜(くずざくら)
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Kuzu mochi 葛餅 (くずもち)
rice cakes from kuzu arrowroot starch
powdered with kinako soybean flower.
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Kuzuneri 葛練 (くずねり) vermicelli with kuzu starch
kuzukiri 葛切(くずきり)
usually served in very sweet syrup (kuromitsu) and kinako powder, or anko sweet bean paste is added. Sometimes potato starch is added to the mix. The freshly prepared kuzukiri is placed on ice cubes for serving. It is a speciality of the hot summer in Kyoto.
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Kuzu soomen 葛索麺 (くずそうめん) kuzu like somen noodles
made with kuzu arrowroot starch. Usually eaten with sweet syrup (kuromitsu).
kuzumen 葛麺(くずめん)
kuzumizu 葛水 (くずみず) water with kuzu starch
kuzumizu yookan 葛水羊羹 yokan jelly with kuzu

One of the best kuzu comes from Yoshino and is made by hand from autumn to winter in a long process of cleansing the starch. Made by Morino Yoshino Kuzu Honpo 森野吉野葛本舗.
One famous shop in Kyoto which sells only kuzu is Kagizen Yoshifusa 鍵善良房 .
kuzumizu ni utsurite ureshi oi no kao
how happy I am -
my old face is reflected
in the arrowroot water
Yosa Buson 蕪村
くず水や 花の下ゆく吉野川
kuzumizu ya hana no shita yuku Yoshinogawa
arrowroot water -
under the blossoms flows
the Yoshino river
Kigin 季吟
Kyarabuki 伽羅蕗 (きゃらぶき)
"aloeswood butterbur"
Meshi sueru 飯饐える (めしすえる) "rice is sweating"
suemeshi 饐飯(すえめし)
ase no meshi 汗の飯(あせのめし)
meshi no ase 飯の汗(めしのあせ)
During the Edo period, when it was placed in a wooden barrel (komebitsu) to keep for the day and started drawing water and rot.
Mizugai 水貝 (みずがい) "water abalone"
"raw abalone", namagai 生貝(なまがい)
Abalone awabi あわび、鮑、鰒 dish.
awabi : ear shell
Namasu vinegar dressing dishes including:
Arai 洗膾 (あらい, 洗魚) "washing fish" for raw consumption
arai suzuki 洗鱸(あらいすずき)
arai tai 洗鯛(あらいたい)
arai koi 洗鯉(あらいこい)
"raw preparation", namazukuri生作り(いきづくり)
Ayu namasu 鮎膾 (あゆなます)
Oki namasu 沖膾 (おきなます) namasu prepared on the sea
segoshi namasu 背越膾(せごしなます)
aji no segoshi 鯵の背越(あじのせごし)
Nasuzuke 茄子漬 (なすづけ) pickled eggplants and other dishes
..... nasubizuke なすび漬(なすびづけ)pickled aubergine
slightly pickled eggplants, asazuke nasu 浅漬茄子(あさづけなす)
to pickle eggplants, nasu tsukeru 茄子漬ける(なすつける)
Nasu no shigiyaki 茄子の鴫焼 (なすのしぎやき)
shigiyaki 鴫焼(しぎやき)
nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)
fried egglpants with dengaku dressing.
nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)eggplant dengaku
dengaku, dance and food
Sarashikujira, sarashi kujira 晒鯨 (さらしくじら)
Fine sliced boiled whale
whale skin, kawa kujira 皮鯨(かわくじら)
salted whale, shio kujira 塩鯨(しおくじら)
Shinbushi 新節 (しんぶし)
new dried bonito shavings
new katsuobushi 鰹節 of the season
namabushi 生節 (なまぶし) raw katsuobushi
namari なまり, namaribushiなまり節(なまりぶし)
Shio kazunoko, 塩数の子 (しおかずのこ)
salted herring roe
This is a different preparation from those eaten in winter.
The salt is taken off by keepin in fresh water for a while, then sliced into small pieces and topped with katsuobushi and soy sauce. It is a favorite tsumami side dish in summer.
Shiso 紫蘇 Perilla, beefsteak plant
Sushi 鮓 (すし) sushi fish preparations
suhsi 鮨(すし)、sumoji すもじ
hakozushi, in a box 箱鮓(はこずし)
kokerazushi, 柿鮓(こけらずし)
Kokerazushi こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨 layered sushi from Okayama
chirashizushi, mixed sushi 散し鮓(ちらしずし)
gomokuzushi, "five flavors" 五目鮓(ごもくずし)
inarizushi, 稲荷鮓(いなりずし, 稲荷寿司)
Shinodazushi 、信田鮓(しのだずし)
makizushi 巻鮓(まきずし)
sasamakizushi 笹巻鮓(ささまきずし) kenukizushi、毛抜鮓(けぬきずし)
matsu no sushi 松の鮓(まつのすし)
nigirizushi 握り鮓(にぎりずし)
hayazushi 早鮓(はやずし)
ichiyazushi 一夜鮓(いちやずし)
ayuzushi 鮎鮓(あゆずし)(Plecoglossus altivelis)
ayu no sugatazushi 鮎の姿鮓(あゆのすがたずし)
funazushi 鮒鮓(ふなずし)
iizushi 飯寿司(いいずし), izushi (いずし)sushi made from fermenting rice and fish i the same pot for a while.
hatahata ハタハタ from Akita
tsurubezushi 釣瓶鮓(つるべずし)
from : Yohsitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本桜 釣瓶鮓屋の場
Ujimaru zushi宇治丸鮓(うじまるずし)
saba no narezushi 鯖の馴鮓(さばのなれずし)
hatahatzushi ハタハタ鮓(はたはたずし)
sabazushi 鯖鮓(さばずし)
hattera ばってら
kobumakizushi 昆布巻鮓(こぶまきずし)
. Matsumaezushi from Hokkaido 松前鮓(まつまえずし)Sushi from Matsumae
suzumezushi 雀鮓(すずめずし)
hamozushi 鱧鮓(はもずし)
masuzushi 鱒鮓(ますずし)
ja no sushi, from snakes 蛇の鮓(じゃのすし)
Oosakazushi from Osaka 大阪鮓(おおさかずし)
barezushi ばら鮓(ばらずし)
ararezushi あられ鮓(あられずし)
pressing sushi, sushi osu 鮓圧す(すしおす)
preparing sushi, sushi tsukeru 鮓漬ける(すしつける)
making sushi, sushi nareru 鮓熟れる(すしなれる)
stone for pressing, sushi no ishi 鮓の石(すしのいし)
barrel for making sushi, sushi oke 鮓桶(すしおけ)
vendor of sushi, shushi uri 鮓売(すしうり)
Tokoroten, Jelly strips (tokoroten)
心太, 心天 (ところてん)
..... tokoroten 石花菜(ところてん)
"big heart" kokorobuto こころぶと
"heart and heaven", kokoroten こころてん
Ume boshi 梅干 (うめぼし) ... dried plums
to dry plums, ume hosu 梅干す(うめほす)
to pickle plums, umezuke 梅漬(うめづけ)
..... ume tsukeru 梅漬ける(うめつける)
ni-ume 煮梅 ( にうめ) boiled plums
ao-ume niru, to boil green plums 青梅煮る(あおうめにる)
This kind of UME is in fact of the apricot variety.
URI ... Gourd and Melon KIGO for Summer
rubbing gourds uri momi 瓜揉 (うりもみ)
..... uri momu 瓜揉む(うりもむ)
rubbed gourd, momi uri 揉瓜(もみうり)
cutting gourds, uri kizamu 瓜きざむ(うりきざむ)
rubbing cucumbers, kyuuri momi 胡瓜揉(きゅうりもみ)
gourd with namasu dressing, uri namasu 瓜膾(うりなます)
pickled gourd, urizuke 瓜漬 (うりづけ)
..... tsuke-uri, tsuke uri 漬瓜(つけうり)
pickled cucumbers, kyuurizuke 胡瓜漬(きゅうりづけ)
pickled Shiro-uri, shiro urizuke 越瓜漬(しろうりづけ)
drying gourds, hoshi-uri 乾瓜 (ほしうり)
..... 干瓜(ほしうり)
"drying before a thunderstorm",
kaminariboshi 雷干(かみなりぼし)
Yude azuki 茹小豆 (ゆであずき)
boiled beans in sweet sauce
sweet rice cake soup
ni azuki 煮小豆(にあずき)
hiyashijiruko 冷し汁粉(ひやししるこ)
o-shiruko is sometimes also served warm in winter.
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see shiratama, sweets in summer

hashioki mo hashi no katachi ni natsu ryoori
the chopsitck rest also
in the form of a bridge -
summer food
Kita Koosei 北光星
source : yoshi5.web.infoseek.co.jp
a play with words about HASHI, also meaning bridge.
hakobaruru koori no oto no natsu ryoori
the sound of ice
as she caries it -
summer food
Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂
source : 現代俳句抄
Related words
***** Asian Lunar Calendar REFERENCE
*********** AUTUMN FOOD
*********** SPRING FOOD
natsu 夏
Gabi-san, it's very nice. I use kuzu powder a lot in my kitchen and never thought of it in terms of ku. Kyoto is my favorite place in Japan. Thank you for reminding me about it.
hiyamugi kuu zoo wa Mongaku no gyoo ni samo nitari
the monk who eats
chilled wheat noodles resembles
priest Mongaku in his asceticism . . .
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
and priest MONGAKU
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