The Japanese Food Saijiki
Autumn Food
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity
The Haiku Autumn begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
There are many food specialities for Autumn in Japan.
In Alphabetical order of the Japanese.
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If the name of a vegetable is mentioned, it represents the cooked form as it is served with rice.
shokuyoku no aki 食欲の秋 Autumn Eating, Autumn Appetite
the season of hearty appetites
the season for strong appetites
feeling strong appetite in autumn
Early Autumn
Sakubei 索餅(さくべい) Sakubei-noodles
Sasagemeshi 豇豆飯 ささげめし
cooked rice with soybeen milk
Shin doofu 新豆腐 (しんどうふ)
new soybean curd, new tofu
Tofu (toofu), bean curd Japan
toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd tooganjiru
Yakigome 焼米 (やきごめ) roasted rice
yaigome やいごめ、hiragome ひらごめ、irigome いりごめ、
torinokuchi とりのくち
yakigome uri 焼米売(やきごめうり) seller of roasted rice
Botamochi "Ricecakes in difficult times" Gonan no mochi
御難の餅 (ごなんのもち) in memory of saint Nichiren
Hararago 鮞 (はららご) fish roe, hard roe
harako はらこ、roe of salmon
sujiko 筋子(すじこ) salted salmon roe 、suzuko すずこ、甘子(あまこ)

harara jiru 鮞汁(はららじる) soup with hard salmon roe
hararago meshi 鮞飯(はららごめし)
cooked rice with hard salmon roe
Hassaku no iwai 八朔の祝 Hassaku Harvest Festival
hassaku gama 八朔釜. Rice Gruel, O-bana no kayu 尾花の粥
Hishikozuke 鯷漬 (ひしこづけ)
pickles hishiko sardines
hishiko hosu 鯷干す(ひしこほす) drying hishiko sardines
hishiko are also called katakuchi iwashi.
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***** Iwashi 鰯 (いわし) sardines and hishiko KIGO List and FOOD
Hizu namasu 氷頭膾 (ひずなます)
vinegared fish head namasu
A speciality of the Northern provinces of Japan. The head cartilage parts are especially chopped up for this.
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. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing
Kinukatsugi 衣被 (きぬかつぎ)
cooked satoimo taro potatoes

A court food of the Heian period aristocracy. A special kind of potato (satoimo 里芋) is cooked with the peel, then the peel is take off and the mash slightly salted.
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Kurimeshi 栗飯 (くりめし)
cooked rice with sweet chestnuts
栗強飯(くりおこわ) kuri okowa
Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Japan. Castanea sativa
Matsutakemeshi 松茸飯 (まつたけめし)
cooked rice with matsutake mushrooms
kinokomeshi 茸飯(きのこめし)cooked rice with mushrooms
Mushrooms (kinoko, Japan ki no ko, take
とんぶり, tonburi seeds
from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia
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Late Autumn
Asazuke daikon 浅漬大根 (あさづけだいこん)
lightly pickled big raddish
Radish (daikon) Japan. Pickled radish, takuan.
HOW TO prepare tsukemono
Hachi no ko 蜂の仔(はちのこ, 蜂の子)
bee and wasp larvae
roasted bee larvae, jibachi yaki 地蜂焼(じばちやき)
rice with bee larvae, hachi no ko meshi 蜂の子飯(はちのこめし)
Hoshigaki 干柿 (ほしがき, 干し柿)
dried persimmons

The sight of persimmons lined up to dry from the eaves of a farm house is a special treat of AUTUMN in Japan.
hanging persimmons, tsurushigaki 吊し柿(つるしがき)、tsurigaki 釣柿(つりがき)kushigaki 串柿(くしがき)persimmons on sticks
amaboshi 甘干(あまぼし)、shirogaki 白柿(しろがき)
drying persimmons, 柿干す(かきほす)kaki hosu
kaki tsurusu 柿吊す(かきつるす)hanging persimmons
korogaki ころ柿(ころがき), korogaki 枯露柿(ころがき)
kaki sudare 柿すだれ(かきすだれ)"persimmon curtain"
kaki yookan 柿羊羹 (かきようかん) sween persimmon jelly
Persimmon (kaki, hoshigaki) Japan
Kachiguri tsukuru 搗栗作る (かちぐりつくる)
preparing dried chestnuts
uchiguri tsukuru 打栗作る(うちぐりつくる)
preparing chestnuts by hitting them
Karasumi (からすみ) dried mullet roe
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Chinmi, special delicasies
Kiku namasu 菊膾 (きくなます)
vinegar pickles of chrysanthemum blossoms

The Chrysanthemum is one of the typical flowers of Autumn in Japan.
Chrysanthemum kiku, chiyomigusa (Japan)
Chrysanthemum Festival kiku matsuri (Japan)
. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing
Kiritanpo きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
tanpomochi たんぽ餅(たんぽもち), yamamochi やま餅(やまもち)

tanpo is a word for a special spear with a top rounded by cloth, used for practise. The form is similar to this food. Because the food stick is cut (kiri) the name developed.
WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
Kuri no ko mochi 栗の子餅 (くりのこもち)
mochi rice cakes from sweet chestnuts
kurikomochi 栗子餅(くりこもち)、kuri no ko mochi 栗の粉餅(くりのこもち)
Kuri yookan 栗羊羹 (くりようかん)
jelly from sweet chestnuts
kurimushi yookan 栗蒸羊羹(くりむしようかん)
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Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Castanea sativa
Mukago meshi 零余子飯 (むかごめし)
cooked rice with propagule from wild yam potatoes
nukago meshi ぬかご飯(ぬかごめし)、nukago jiru ぬかご汁(ぬかごじる) soup of mukago
imogo meshi 薯子飯(いもごめし) cooked rice with wild yam potatoes
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Sanma .. 秋刀魚 (さんま).. pacific saury fish
aburi-sanma boozushi 炙りさんま棒寿司 pressed sushi with seared saury
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boozushi ぼうずし【棒鮨】 (bozushi) is a kind of pressed sushi.
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Shin kooji 新麹 (しんこうじ) new malted rice
rice yeast, Hefe
Shin mai 新米 (しんまい) New rice
kotoshi mai 今年米(ことしまい)rice of this year
wase no meshi 早稲の飯(わせのめし)
komai 古米(こまい)old rice (of last year)
koko mai 古古米(ここまい)old rice of two years ago
shin mochi 新糯(しんもち), shin nuka 新糠(しんぬか)
..... Rice plants (ine) New rice (shinmai)
Shinshu 新酒 (しんしゅ) ... new ricewine
Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein
Shin soba 新蕎麦 (しんそば)
new buckwheat noodles
aki soba, autumn buckwheat 秋蕎麦(あきそば)、hashiri soba 走り蕎麦(はしりそば)
hatsu soba 初蕎麦(はつそば) first buckwheat, ara soba 新蕎麦(あらそば)
Buckwheat (soba), Buckwheat flowers Japan
Tochimochi 橡餅 (とちもち)
ricecakes with horse chestnuts
tochimen 橡麺(とちめん)、tochidango 橡団子(とちだんご)
rice gruel with horse chestnuts, tochi gayu 橡粥(とちがゆ)
It takes a lot of effort to get the bitterness out of the chestnuts. But the poor farmers of old did not have much choice but use any kind of nuts from the autumn forrest as food to survive the harsh winter.
..... Horse Chestnut (tochi) Aesculus hippocastanum
Uruka (うるか) salted entrails and roe of ayu trout fish
kouruka (こうるか), wata uruka 臓うるか(わたうるか)
niga uruka, bitter entrails, 苦うるか(にがうるか)
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Yubeshi 柚餅子 (ゆべし) Yuzu rice cakes
yubishio 柚醤(ゆびしお)

Yuzu citrons are cut out in the middle and filled with a paste of mochigome rice, miso, sugar and soy sauce. They are simmered about 20 minutes. The paste comes out of the top, has to be stuffed in back, then the yuzu is dried in the cold air. This is repeated until the inside is completely dry. Many of my neighbours still prepare this and hand it to their neighbours as an autumn present.
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Yumiso 柚味噌 (ゆみそ) miso with yuzu citron
yuzu miso 柚子味噌(ゆずみそ), yugama 柚釜(ゆがま), yumisogama 柚味噌釜(ゆみそがま)
Yuzu (Japan) a ctiron fruit
yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし) boiled water chestnuts
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All Autumn
Edamame 枝豆 (えだまめ) green soybeans snack, twig beans
tsukimi mame 月見豆(つきみまめ) beans for moon viewing

The green soy beans are cooked for a short while. When they are cold, they are salted and peeled as you eat them.
They are a favorite snack in autumn evenings with a cool beer !
WKD : Edamame and Haiku
TSUKIMI, moonviewing food and haiku
inago 蝗, 稲子 ( いなご) 螽 grasshopper
catching grashoppers, inago tori 蝗捕り(いなごとり)
grashoppers on sticks, inagogushi 蝗串(いなごぐし)
inago no tsukudani
. kohadazushi 小鰭鮨(こはだずし) Kohada sushi
from spotted shad, Clupanodon punctatus
Saki namasu 裂膾 (さきなます, 裂き膾)
"torn" vinegared sardins
. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing
Suzuki namasu 鱸膾 (すずきなます)
vinegared sea bass
. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing
Tororo jiru とろろ汁 (とろろじる)
grated yam with miso bean paste soup
yam paste, yam gruel
tororojiru 薯蕷汁(とろろじる)、tororo とろろ
yam soup, imojiru 薯汁(いもじる)
yam rice gruel, imogayu 薯粥(いもがゆ)
grated yam with wheat, mugitoro 麦とろ(むぎとろ)
buckwheat noodles with grated yam, sobatoro 蕎麦とろ(そばとろ)
tororo yam, tororo imo 薯蕷芋 (とろろいも) a kind of "long yam", naga-imo
Tororo preparations are especailly common in the mountainous areas, where the yam potatoes still grow, even if rice is scarce. They turn into a rather sticky mass when grated.
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Tororojiru at the Tokaido Hanga and Food
'Mariko no Tororojiru'
tororomeshi, tororo meshi とろろめし rice with ground yam
a specialtiy in many mountainous areas.
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. Yam (Dioscorea japonica), kigo and food
Yashoku 夜食 (やしょく) Night meal, midnight snack
taking a night meal, yashoku toru 夜食とる(やしょくとる)
eating a midnight snack, yashoku kuu 夜食喰う(やしょくくう)
time for a night meal, yashokudoki 夜食どき(やしょくどき)
rice gruel for a night meal, yashokugayu 夜食粥(やしょくがゆ)
In autumn farmers are especially busy until it gets dark to bring in the harvest. The meal was often taken late an night. Now also students who prepare for an examination take a late meal.
The normal evening meal, supper or dinner is called yuushoku 夕食 and is a topic for haiku.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
across the Pacific
in their lexicon
Kiyoshi Fukuzawa, Asahi Shinbun, August 2008
surikogi de hae o oi keri tororo-jiru
chasing off flies
with a pestle...
grated yam soup
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue
Related words
*********** WINTER FOOD
*********** SUMMER FOOD
***** The Asian Lunar Calendar. Reference
late supper
blessings on tea,rice
and miso
happy haiku
another sip
from my good-luck cup -
sushi for supper
Gabi Greve
with a Daruma sushi tea cup
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