Rape blossoms (nanohana, na no hana)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Spring
***** Category: Humanity
Chiba prefecture is famous for its many rapeseed fields and the yellow coloring in early spring. Sometimes called mustard flowers.
Nahana zuke, rape flower pickles
花菜漬 (はななづけ)
na no hana zuke 菜の花漬(なのはなづけ)
picking rape flowers, hana natsumi 花菜摘(はななつみ)
SPRING : Pickles
KIGO : Rapeseed blossoms (na no hana) Japan

. . . CLICK here for Food Photos !
Here are some more dishes with these flowers :
Asari あさりと菜の花のガーリック炒め asari clams and garlic
Gyuuniku 牛肉と菜の花の炒め物 fried beef
Ika no karashi ae 菜の花といかの辛子あえ squid and hot dressing
Ika no kakiage 菜の花といかのかき揚げ fried squid
Itame 菜の花のあっさり炒め fried with rice
Karashi shooyu ae 菜の花の辛子じょうゆあえ hot dressing
Pasuta 菜の花とはまぐりの和風パスタ spagetti with hamaguri clams
Penne 菜の花の和風クリームペンネ European-style penne noodles
Sarada 菜の花とパプリカ、ひよこ豆のサラダ salad with paprika and hiyoko beans
Sarada 菜の花と生ハムのサラダ salad with raw ham
Shiroae, shiro ae 菜の花のやわらか白和え soft tofu dressing
Suimono 菜の花のお吸い物 clear broth
Sushi えびと菜の花の香り寿司 shrimps sushi
Tamago itame 菜の花と卵の炒め物 scrambled eggs
Takikomi gohan 菜の花とはまぐりの炊き込みご飯 cooked with rice and hamaguri clams
Tomato トマトクリームパスタ tomato spagetti
source with recipes: kikkoman
Nanohana tempura
Worldwide use
Rapsblüte, Rapsblüten
Things found on the way
karuta hodo kado no na no hana saki ni keri
like playing cards
are these rapeseed blossoms
by the gate
Kobayashi Issa

nanohana wa taberu mono da to kokoroe yo
rapeseed flowers
are something to eat -
and don't you forget that !
source : korokuma29
. Karuta, Uta Karuta 歌留多 Poetry Cards .
They are often used during the New Year holidays.
Kamigyoo no hananazukeya ni yomeiri shi
getting married
to a rapeseed pickles store owner
in Upper Kyoto
Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子
ooime ni gohan o taite nahana zuke
cooking more rice
than usual ...
mustard blossom pickles
Inahata Teiko 稲畑汀子
Related words
***** Rapeseed blossoms (na no hana) Japan
***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
1 comment:
Yosa Buson
nanohana ya tsuki wa higashi ni hi wa nishi ni
rapeseed blossoms
the moon in the east
the sun in the west
Tr. Gabi Greve
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