Mount Fujisan, Fujiyama
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Earth

Mount Fuji (富士山, Fuji-san),
is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 m (12,388 ft). Along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku, it is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" (三霊山 Sanreizan). An active volcano that last erupted in 1707–08, Mount Fuji straddles the boundary of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures just west of Tokyo, from which it can be seen on a clear day. It is located near the Pacific coast of central Honshū. Three small cities surround it: Gotemba (south), Fujiyoshida (north) and Fujinomiya (southwest).
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
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Fujisan overlooks the Kanto plain.
He was north of Edo and was a protective deity, symbolized also in the "Genbu 玄武
black warrior" of Chinese lore.
"Tozai Nanboku 東西南北 The Four Heavenly Directions
There were many "Mount Fuji worship groups" in Edo, "Devotional Fuji confraternities" (Fujiko(fujikoo, fujikou 富士講).
Worshiping the mountain from the north (modern day Tokyo) would be considered an Edo religion.
The Fuji Asama Shrine in Asakusa
Let us look at some food specialities with FUJISAN.
富士山新五合目のレストハウス Resthouse at the 5th station
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Fujisan karee 富士山名物カレー "Curry a la Fujisan"
The rice is heaped like a little mountain top
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Fuji no kokemomo 富士のこけもも
"Bilberries from Mount Fuji"
A sweet of the rakugan pressed sugar type. Each stick is pressed in a wooden form by hand.
kokemomo , lit. "peach from the moss", is a bilberry (cowberry, Preiselbeere) that grows in the area and the berries are prepared to a paste (an). These sweets with their red and white color make an auspicious present for the New Year.
kokemomo mo sekku ni au ya akai hana
bilberries too
for the Boy's festival -
red flowers
Kobayashi Issa
kokemomo no hana 苔桃の花 (こけもものはな)
flowers of the bilberry
kigo for late spring
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kokemomo 苔桃 (こけもも) bilberry, Preiselbeere
kokemomo no mi 苔桃の実(こけもものみ)bilberry berries
Vaccinium vitis-idaea
kigo for early autumn

kokemomo sofuto こけももソフト
soft ice cream with bilberries

Fuji manjuu 冨士饅頭
Manju cakes in the form of Fujisan
For the outside flower from mochigome is used.
富士山名物 小麦まんじゅう
komugi manjuu 小麦まんじゅう manju made from wheat
They look white like snow.
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富士山育ちのニジマス trout from Mt. Fuji

Fujisan masu no sushi 富士山ますの寿し
sushi with trout from the clear waters of rivers from Fujisan
masu baaga 富士宮 虹鱒 マスバーガー
trout hamburger from Fujinomiya Town
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Fujisan meronpan 富士山メロンパン melon bread
Mount Fuji Melon Pan
With the snow on the top.
Sold at many local bakeries and at the 5. Station.

Fuji no mizu 富士の水 bottled water from Mount Fuji
富士山美水 Fujisan Bisui Brand
"beautiful water from Fuji"
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Fuji sabure 富士サブレー butter cookies "Fuji"
in the form of Fujisan with almonds and a white top. They come in a box in the mountain shape.

富士山さぶれ butter bisquits
Fuji sanchoo 富士山頂 "top of Mount Fuji"

also called
oppai manjuu おっぱい饅頭 "nipples manju"

Fuji wain 冨士ワイン wine called "Mt. Fuji"
From Yamanashi

Mt. Fuji Yokan (富士山羊羹)
matcha green tea and sweet beans jelly
by Kindaruma Japanese sweet shop, Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi
- source : Just Love Japan - facebook -

Fujisan Yakisoba 富士山焼きそば fried noodles
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Fujinomiya Yakisoba 富士宮焼きそば
This town is famous for its yakisoba fried noodles.
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Fujinomiya nijimasu baagaa 富士宮 虹鱒 マスバーガー
trout hamburger from Fujinomiya Town. masu baagaa
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Fuji yakimeshi senbei 焼きめしせんべい
Rice crackers
With sweet soy sauce flavor
. . . . .
The town of Fuji at the foot of Mount Fuji is using Kaguyahime as a tourist attraction.
The story goes that her prince came after her and they lived happily in a stone cave in the mountain, which is named FUJI 不死 Mountain where you do not die.
Kaguyahime chazuke 富士かぐや姫茶漬け bowl of rice with tea
. Kaguyahime .

Fujisan yamamori 富士山盛り
buckwheat noodles
extra large portion "like a mountain" yamamori

Yoogantoo 溶岩糖 "Lava Sugar" sweets
The red ones remind us of the still burning lava.

Fuji no Yuki 富士の雪 "Snow on Mount Fuji" Tofu
a kind rough yosedofu よせ豆腐, prepared with the fresh water of Mt. Fuji

富士山土産 Fujisan o-Miyage souvenirs
More Photos of famous FUJI souvenirs
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Fuji, Mt. Fuji, Fujiyama, Fujisan
Mount Fuji and Haiku
hatsu Fuji 初富士 first view of Mt. Fuji
kigo for the New Year

source : www.shinmura.co.jp
Fujisan Nabe 富士山鍋 pot to heat food
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
Fujisan Cola
in a flickr album
Fujisan, Fujiyama 富士山 と伝説 Legends about Mount Fuji
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