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Showing posts sorted by date for query yakisoba. Sort by relevance Show all posts


Tare Sauce Dressing


Tare, sauces and dippings

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


There are different kinds of sauces and dippings.
And plenty of dressings for salad.

Shoyu, Soy Sauce shooyu 醤油
Soyasauce, Sojasauce, Soyasoße, Sojasoße


243 saucen

244 saucen shelf


Soosu, ソース sauces for pouring over

american sauce アメリカンソース

bainiku soosu 梅肉ソース sauce with umeboshi

barbeque sauce バーベキューソース

bulldog sauce ブルドックソース

chease creme sauce チーズクリームソース

chilli sauce チリソース

chuuka soosu 中華ソース Chinese-style sauce

creme sauce クリームソース

curry sauce カレーソース

fruit sauce フルーツソース

garlic sauce ニンニクソース ninniku soosu

Japanese-style sauce 和風ソース wafuu soosu

kimchi sauce キムチソース

lemon sauce レモンソース

meatball sauce ミートボールソース

miso sauce 味噌ソース

octopus ink sauce イカスミソース ikasumi soosu

oisuta soosu オイスターソース oyster sauce

okonomiyaki sauce お好み焼きソース
okonomi sauce お好みソース

original sauce 元祖ソース gansoo soosu

oyster sauce オイスターソース

pasta sauce パスタソース

peanuts sauce ピーナッツソース

safran sauce サフランソース

salsa sauce サルサソース

sesami sauce ごまソース goma soosu

soosu itame ソース炒め fried with sauce
soosu pan ソースパン pot to prepare sauce

takoyaki sauce たこ焼ソース

tarako soosu たらこソース sauce with cod roe

tartar sauce タルタルソース

teriyaki sauce テリヤキソース
external: Make Your Own Teriyaki Sauce

tomato sauce トマトソース

tonkatsu sauce トンカツソース

white sauce ホワイトソース
Weisse Sauce

worcester sauce ウスターソース

yakisoba sauce やきそばソース

yoghurt sauce ヨーグルトソース

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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raayu ラー油 chili pepper oil
Rayu 辣油 or La Yu 辣椒油
often with a bit of sesame flavor
Used for dressings and gyoza dippings.

haru no yoi itsu kara soko ni aru raayu

spring night -
since when is it here,
this chilli oil

Okada Yuki 岡田由季 (1966 - )


Tare, タレ all kinds of sauces for dipping

amadare, あまだれ 甘タレ sweet dipping sauce

gomadare, ごまだれ(胡麻垂れ) seseme sauce

hidendare, hiden no tare 秘伝タレ, 秘伝のタレ
"secret" sauce of the house

kisetsu no tare 季節のタレ sauce changing with the season

kimuchi no tare キムチのタレ kimchee sauce

misodare みそだれ 味噌タレ miso sauce

mitarashi dango no tare みたらし団子のタレ
sauce for dango rice balls

negidare ネギだれ sauce with leek
small chopped leek, soy sauce, sake, mirin, sesame oil, grated garlic, white sesame seeds and some spicy pepper oil (raayu) if you like.
eaten on many foods in the town of Iida, Nagano prefecure, where it is part of the local food culture. Especially on oden and zooni soup. Also plain on white rice.
ネギだれは飯田の食文化. 長野県飯田市
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shabushabu no tare しゃぶしゃぶのタレ comes with different kinds of sauces for dipping, some are the specialities of a restaurand kept for many generations.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shoogadare しょうがだれ ginger sauce

tokusei tare 特製タレ special sauce

unagi no tare うなぎのタレ sauce for eel

wafuu tare 和風タレ Japanese-style sacue

wasabidare, wasabijooyu (wasabi shoyu) わさびだれ、山葵醤油 soy sauce with Japanese horseradish

yakiniku no tare 焼肉のタレ dip for fried and grilled meat

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Buckwheat noodles are dipped in a special pot called
sobachoko そばちょこ.
CLICK for more photos
These pots are quite beautiful items and old ones collected as antiques.
The noodles are not fully immersed, but the real gourmet only dips them about twothirds, as you can see.

雪中筍掘り Digging for bamboo shoots in the snow
a sobachoko そば猪口 pot for dipping soba buckwheat noodles
. Edo no takenoko 江戸の筍 bamboo shoots in Edo .


doreshingu ドレシング salad sauces and dressings

aojiso doreshingu 青じそドレシング with green shiso perilla

goma doreshingu ごまドレシング sesame dressing

jikasei doreshingu 自家製ドレシング home-made dressing

ume doreshingu 梅ドレシング with umeboshi plums

tezukuri doreshingu 手作りドレシング handmade dressing

wafuu doreshingu 和風ドレシング Japanese-style dressing

wasabi doreshingu わさびドレシング with wasabi horseradish


More shelves ...

245 saucen shelf

246 saucen tare shelf

Worldwide use

Gegenwärtig umfasst unser Sortiment 30 verschiedene Sorten von Saucen und Gewürzmischungen.
Nihon Shokken Saucen in Deutschland

Things found on the way



Related words




Nori laver seaweed


Laver seaweed (nori)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Humanity


laver, sea lettuce, nori 海苔
..... Porphyra tenera

to dry laver, nori hosu 海苔干す
dried laver, hoshinori 干海苔

sweet laver, amanori 甘海苔(あまのり)
laver from Asakusa, Asakusa nori 浅草海苔(あさくさのり)
laver from Kasai, Kasai nori 葛西海苔(かさいのり)

laver sheets to eat, nori hibi 海苔篊(のりひび)

bamboo poles to grow seaweed among, nori soda 海苔粗朶(のりそだ)
floating seaweed, nagarenori 流海苔(ながれのり)
picking up seaweed, hiroi nori拾い海苔(ひろいのり)
board to dry seaweed 海苔砧(のりきぬた)、norisu 海苔簀(のりす)

susabi nori すさび海苔(すさびのり)
Nori from Uppuri Island, uppurui nori 十六島海苔(うっぷるいのり)

boat to harvest laver, noribune 海苔舟

gathering laver, harvesting laver, nori tori 海苔採
harvesting nori seeweeds, nori toru 海苔採る(のりとる)

... ... ...

"rock laver", iwa nori 岩海苔 いわのり
kigo for early spring

..... kaifu nori 海府海苔(かいふのり)
They are picked from the rocks and cliffs by hand when the tide receedes and are quite expensive.

"hair of the sea", ugo 海髪 うご
a kind of red seaweed, igisu
..... ogo おご、ogo nori 江籬(おごのり)、ugo nori うごのり、nagoya なごや

white seaweed (duckweed), shiramo 白藻 しらも
..... tsurushiramo 蔓白藻(つるしらも)、oo ogonori おおおごのり

green seaweed, aonori 青海苔
..... ito aosa いとあおさ、naga aonori 長青海苔(ながあおのり)、sasanori 笹海苔(ささのり)、usuba aonori 薄葉あおのり(うすばあおのり)、hito-e gusa ひとえぐさ

"cherry blossom seaweed" sakuranori 桜海苔 さくらのり
..... mukade nori むかで海苔(むかでのり)、okitsu nori 興津海苔(おきつのり)

"pine seaweed" matsu nori 松海苔 まつのり
..... pine needle seaweed, matsuba nori 松葉海苔(まつばのり)、tenboso てんぼそ

Saga nori 佐賀のり / 佐賀海苔 Saga Nori Laver. seaweed
from the Ariakekai Sea


regional humanity kigo for the New Year

yukinori, yuki nori 雪海苔 "snow-nori"
also called
hatsu nori 初海苔, or ichiban nori 一番海苔
This is a local kigo about the iwanori from Sado Island and along the coast of Echigo. They are given as an offering to the deity of the New Year on January first.
Even Ryokan has written a poem about this nori.

越の海 野積の裏の 海苔を得ば 懸けて偲ばぬ 月も日もなし
良寛 Ryokan


Nori (Japanese: 海苔) (Chinese: 海苔; pinyin: haitāi, Korean: kim or gim) is the Japanese name for various edible seaweed species of the red alga Porphyra including most notably P. yezoensis and P. tenera, sometimes called laver. The term nori is also commonly used to refer to the food products created from these "sea vegetables", similar to the Korean gim. Finished products are made by a shredding and rack-drying process that resembles papermaking. Japan, Korea, and China are the current major producers of nori.

CLICK for more photosNori is commonly used as a wrap for sushi and onigiri. It is also a common garnish or flavoring in noodle preparations and soups. Nori is most typically toasted prior to consumption ("yaki-nori" in Japanese). A very common and popular secondary product is toasted and flavored nori ("ajitsuke-nori" in Japanese), in which a flavoring mixture (variable, but typically soy sauce, spices and sugar in the Japanese style or sesame oil and salt in the Korean style) is applied in combination with the toasting process. Nori is also eaten by making it into a soy sauce flavored paste noritsukudani (海苔佃煮).

A related product, prepared from the unrelated green algae Monostroma and Enteromorpha, is called aonori (青海苔 literally "blue nori") and is used like herbs on everyday meals like okonomiyaki and yakisoba.

Great source of Iron and Calcium.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Asakusa nori 浅草海苔 Nori from Asakusa / Edo

江戸自慢三十六興 品川海苔
Utagawa Toyokuni 3rd 歌川豊国三代

A lady is sitting next to a dinner tray, grilling the Nori for a moment over charcoal on a Hibachi brazier to make them crisp and more tasty.

- quote -
Nori is an indispensable element of any sushi meal. At first glance, the black sheets of dried seaweed may look unappetizing, but nori is a healthy, nutritious sea vegetable. The type called Asakusa nori was once synonymous with nori, but is now fast disappearing.

The primary countries with nori-eating cultures in the world today are Japan, South Korea, and parts of China. In Japan, nori is a handy food item that is either used to wrap balls or rolls of rice or sliced into thin strips and sprinkled over various food items as a condiment. In the past, Westerners unfamiliar with nori were surprised to see Japanese people eating "black paper." But today, nori is widely recognized as a health food derived from the sea, and it can be found on the shelves of most natural food shops and supermarkets in the United States.

When Japanese people hear the word "nori," most conjure up images of Asakusa nori. But the type that is sold today is invariably the type called Susabi nori, as it is almost impossible to find Asakusa nori on the market today.

- - - - - Origins
Nori in Korean is called gim, which grows from spores on underwater rocks and branches of sea plants. According to Chosen shokubutsu-shi (The Flora of Korea) by Korean culinary expert Chun Daesong, nori first entered Japan in the late sixteenth century following a military expedition to Korea by warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Nori was reportedly brought back to Japan, first to Hiroshima and eventually to Edo (present-day Tokyo), after which nori aquaculture began in Tokyo Bay.

Great progress was made in aquaculture techniques following World War II. Nori is harvested much like green tea, with only freshly grown "sprouts" being plucked. Sprouts are soft while young, but they harden as they grow. Harvest periods are very short and yields small if the process is left completely to nature.

Thus a method was developed to prolong the harvest period. Seedlings on nets are lowered into the sea until they grow to around 3 to 4 centimeters. They are then drawn up and preserved in a frozen state. When the nets are lowered into the sea again, the nori starts growing again. This method has more than doubled nori's harvest period.

- - - - - The Disappearance of Asakusa Nori
Nori usually refers to amanori (genus Porphyra), of which the Asakusa variety was once quite common. Most amanori freshly harvested off Japan's coast has a sweet aroma and a faintly sweet taste, giving rise to its name (amanori means "sweet nori"). Most amanori is found along the Pacific coast, in the Seto Inland Sea, and on the northwest shores of Kyushu in the upper intertidal. It is most commonly seen near river mouths, where water tends to have lower salinity.

Asakusa nori is extremely vulnerable to changes in temperature and to seawater contamination and is highly susceptible to disease. It may only be natural, then, that this type gradually disappeared as pollution grew more serious in Japan.

- - - - - Shigemi Koga, an Asakusa Nori Grower
Growing Asakusa nori without acid treatment requires the use of healthy seeds. Shigemi Koga (58) thus frequently visits a fisheries research center that cultivates a type of Asakusa nori called Noguchi in June to check the growth of seedlings. In September he prepares the breeding grounds by inserting metal poles that will hold the nets, and in mid-October, when seawater is around 22 to 23 degrees, he releases the spores. If seawater temperatures rise too high, the seedlings will die. To each net he hand-ties small bags of oyster shells that contain nori filaments. This is a task that continues from early morning to late at night with the help of many colleagues.

- - - - - Preserving Asakusa Nori
There are others in Kyushu's Ariake Bay-where Susabi nori has become the norm-besides Koga who are at least choosing not to cave in to the acid treatment trend in an effort to keep Asakusa nori aquaculture alive.
Read more :
- source : - Shiokawa, Kyoko 2008-

. Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .
Seaweed Shop of Nakajimaya Heiemon
御膳海苔所 . 中島屋平左衛門

Worldwide use

Nori : Rotalgentang

Things found on the way


Matsuo Basho wrote :

otoroi ya ha ni kuiateshi nori no suna

getting weak
when a tooth bites down
sand in seaweed

Tr. Reichhold

ebbing strength--
my teeth detect a grain of sand
in the dried seaweed

Tr. Ueda

teeth sensitive to the sand
in salad greens --
I'm getting old

Tr. Hass

feeling decrepit
biting on a bit of sand
in the dried seaweed

Tr. Larry Bole

Written in 1691 元禄4年, Basho age 48.
Suddenly Basho feels old, by just a small incident at the dinner table.
(This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 1.)


For his time he wasn't a young man anymore, not old, but the common age of dying was around 50. He didn't need to use oysters to become aroused so he wrote:

kaki yori wa nori o ba oi no uri mo sede

rather than oysters
it's dried seaweed one should sell
when one is old

Basho has no need for oysters because he is of age, but to stay healthy he ate dried seaweed.

source : Kristjaan Panneman

Written in the spring of 1687 貞亨4年春.
It seems he observend an old man with a shoulder carrying pole, selling oysters, and wondered if the lighter seaweed would not be a better deal.

. . . . .

nori jiru no tegiwa mise keri asagi wan

he is so skillfull
at serving seaweed soup -
in this laquer bowl l

Tr. Gabi Greve

seaweed soup
shows such skill
in a decorated bowl 

Tr. Reichhold

Written in 1684 貞亨元年.
He visited his disciple Kasuya Chiri 粕谷千里, who lived in Asakusa, Edo, a place famous for its nori even today.
The green norijiru soup was served in a light yellow bowl to make a colorful contrast.

asagiwan 浅葱椀 "blue laquer bowl"
in the translations of Shirane
The bowls are covered with black laquer and then decorated with golden flower and bird design.

More haiku by Basho and details about
. asagiwan 浅葱椀 - Bowls and Haiku .

***** . asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 - 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .

MORE food hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Related words

***** Seaweed (kaisoo) Japan

Including laver (nori), kelp (wakame), duckweed (mo) and agar agar (tengusa)

Seaweeds are a daily ingredient in Japanese food.
Seaweeds are sometimes called "sea vegetables".
Sea vegetables are seaweeds used as vegetables.

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. BACKUP

kelp, wakame, 若布, 和布
..... Undaria pinnatifida

nigime にぎめ
boat for harvesting kelp, wakamekaribune 若布刈舟

harvesting wakame seeweeds, wakame karu
若布刈る (わかめかる)
wakame toru 若布採る(わかめとる)

drying seeweeds, wakame hosu 若布干す(わかめほす)
drying hijiki seaweed, hijiki hosu ひじき干す(ひじきほす)
harvesting mirume seaweed, mirume karu みるめ刈る(みるめかる)
harvesting arame seaweed, arame karu 荒布刈る(あらめかる)

Kigo for SUMMER

gathering agar agar, tengusa tori 天草採り

cutting duckweed, mo kari 藻刈り
late summer

Kigo for NEW YEAR

gulf weed, seagrapes, sea grape, hondawara ほんだわら

Seaweed Daruma , Konbu Daruma 昆布だるま  

尼崎大覚寺のこんぶ達磨、from Daikaku-ji, Amagasaki  
Kigo for New Year or Spring at Amagasaki






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local dishes, regional specialities ...
kyodo ryori, kyoodo ryoori 郷土料理

lokale Küche, Küche der Heimat
from all prefectures of Japan

CLICK for more photos Here I will list some typical dishes of each area, trying to find a haiku as we go along.
Travel from the North to the South of Japan, and through the seasons !

Most prefectures have antenna shops in Tokyo, where you can sample regional specialities.

LINKS only to this BLOG


Check the local dishes HERE!

HOKKAIDO 北海道 [ 道北 道東 道央 道南 ]

Ainu Food ... アイヌ料理


TOHOKU 東北 [ 青森 岩手 宮城 秋田 山形 福島 ]

WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
しょっつる鍋 shotsuru nabe, shottsuru nabe
made with fermented sauce of hatahata fish
はたはたずし hatahata sushi
じゅんさい junsai vegetables
rolled yellowtail, makiburi 巻鰤(まきぶり)
toofu kasutera 豆腐カステラ Castella cake with tofu instead of flower.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
speciality of Noto peninsula
とんぶり, tonburi seeds from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia
matsukawa mochi 松皮餅(まつかわもち)"mochi from pine bark"
Akita miso
MORE dishes from Akita

いちご煮 ichigoni, soup with uni and awabi
たらのじゃっぱ汁 tara no jappa jiru, soup with cod
八戸するめ Hachinohe surume, dried cuttlefish from Hachinohe
りんご apples
famous dishes from Aomori

さんしょううおのくんせい sanshoo-uo no kunsei, smoked salamander
komugi manjuu 小麦まんじゅう manjuu cakes from wheat flour
kozuyu こづゆお椀 from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津
Dishes from Fukushima

わんこそば Wankosoba, Morioka, noodles
南部鼻曲がり Nambu hanamagari, dried salmon
松藻 matsumo, kind of hornwort
Nanbu senbei, Nambu senbei, Nambu Sembei 南部せんべい waffles from Morioka
More dishes from Iwate and Morioka

ほやの酢の物 hoya no su no mono, vinegared sea cucumber
笹かまぼこ sasa kamaboko, boiled fish paste in sasa leaves form sasakamaboko
塩釜 shiogama, salt from Shiogama
Sendai Miso
famous dishes from Miyagi and Sendai and Kesennuma

いもっこ汁  imokko jiru, soup with sato-imo poatotes RP
imoni, imo-ni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes in large pots
dongarajiru 寒鱈汁(どんがら汁)
さくらんぼ sakuranbo, cherries
Minden Nasu 民田なす Eggplant from Yamagata
modatsu もだつ kind of mushroom

Dadacha mame, dadachamame だだちゃ豆 Edamame from Yamagata
米沢こい Yonezawa koi, carp from Yonezawa
Yonezawa gyuu, beef from Yonezawa

Dishes from Yamagata

"Hokki Ichigoni", "Hokki-shell Soup", and "Mashed Sardines"
Peppers Pickles Misawa Town
Long taros harvested in Misawa
Misawakko sweet cakes
"Ichigo-ni" literally means "boiled strawberries". Hachinohe
sweet chrysanthemum petals for food
Hachinohe: "Ika-Sommon," "Shio-kara," "Ichiya-boshi,"
Preserved Pond Smelt from Towada

Sweets from Tohoku 東北の甘いもの

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


[ 東京 神奈川 埼玉 千葉 茨城 栃木 群馬 山梨 ]

Sweets from the KANTO region

なめろう・さんが nameroo, sanga, kind of chopped fish
かわはぎ kawahagi, filefish; a leatherfish; Stephanolepis cirrhifer
落花生 rakkasei, peanuts
imo yookan, imo yokan 芋洋館 from sweet potatoes
Rape blossom dishes (nanohana, na no hana)
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Chiba

刺身こんにやく sashimi konyaku, raw konyaku slices
キャベツ kyabetsu, cabbage   
Okirikomi, okkirikomi おきりこみ, おっきりこみ
下仁田ねぎ Shimonita negi, leek
Dishes from Gunma

ankoo あんこうのとも酢 . 鍋 . どぶ汁  ankoo nabe, dobujiru and more anglerfish specialities
水戸納豆 Mito no natto
わかさぎ wakasagi, pond smelt
かんぴょうの立田揚げ kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings, special preparation
しもつかれ imotsukare, PHOTO and recipe
いちご ichigo, strawberries
かんぴょう kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく)garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Ibaraki

ねぎま汁 negimajiru, soup with leek
小田原かまぽこ Odawara kamaboko
小梅干し ko-umeboshi, small dried apricots/plums
... Enoshima Tsuboyakikigo
Dishes from Kanagawa 神奈川 郷土料理


gokaboo 五家宝 kind of sweet (see sweets link above)
kikuimo, kiku-imo キクイモ 菊芋 "chrysanthemum potato"
Soka senbei, Sooka senbei 草加せんべい
Dishes from Saitama 埼玉郷土料理

moro モロ slices of shark. nezumi same
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
Ootsuka soosu 大塚ソース Sauce from Otsuka company, for yakisoba and many other dishes, made in Utsunomiya town
gyooza 餃子, Utsunomiya gyooza
shimotsukare しもつかれ Shimotsuke Family Dish
Dishes from Tochigi 栃木の郷土料理

うなぎのかば焼き unagi no kabayaki, eel on skewers
江戸前ずし Edomae zushi
天ぷら Tempura
柳川鍋 yanagikawa nabe
くさや kusaya, "smelly one", dried horse mackerel (which has a very strong smell)
つくだ煮 tsukudani, simmered food in the style of Tsukuda Island
七色唐辛子 ground mixture of red pepper and aromatic spices
べったら漬け bettarazuke, radish pickles
Senjunegi, Senju negi 千住葱 leek from Senju, Tokyo
Dishes from Tokyo

Fujisan 富士山 and food specialities from Mount Fuji


Beginning of Chubu, Chuubu Chihoo 中部地方

CLICK for more chubu

SHINETSU 信越 [ 新潟 長野 ]

こいの洗い koi no arai, carp
ハチの子,ザザムシ hachi no ko, zazamushi, bee larvae
そばがき sobagaki, soba dumplings
五平餅 gohei mochi, rice dumplings with miso
のざわな漬け Nozawana zuke, pickles of nozawa leaves
Rokuben, Bento for a kabuki performance ろくべん, 大鹿歌舞伎 Nagano.
Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe
Dishes from Nagano / shio no michi, the Salt Road

のっぺ汁 , noppejiru, vegetable stew
Sasadango 笹団子 (ささだんご)
わっぱ煮 wappani, food prepared in a wooden wappa container
いごねり igoneri, seaweed food, Sado Island
たらの親子漬け tara no oyako zuke, cod roe pickles
Dishes from Niigata 新潟郷土料理

Shinshuu Soba, Shinshu Soba 信州蕎麦


HOKURIKU 北陸 [ 富山 石川 福井 ]

今庄干しがき Imajoo hoshigaki, dried oysters from Imajo
ゆでがに yudegani, boiled crabs, Echizengani, Echizen Kani
へしこ heshiko, pickled saba mackerel for one year
Dishes from Fukui

じぶ煮 jibuni, stewed duck with vegetables and more specialities
ごりの唐揚げ gori no kara-age, deep-fried gori fish
..... gorijiru is Summer Kigoカブラずし kaburazushi, turnip sushi
たいの唐蒸し tai no karamushi, steamed sea bream with vegetables
(jap. wiki)
あまえび amaebi, sweet small shrimp
くちこ kuchiko, the roe of namako, dried in triangular shape, bachiko (eaten by Rosanjin)
konowata (is CHINMI and kigo for winter)
Dishes from Ishikawa

いかの黒作り ika no kurozukuri, squid with black
越中ばいがい Etchuu baigai, bai-shells. (Balylonia japonica)
ほたるいか hotaruika, hotaru squid (Akaika (Ommastrephes bartramii))
Dishes from Toyama

Dishes from Yamanashi 山梨郷土料理


TOKAI 東海 [ 愛知 岐阜 静岡 三重 ]

かしわの水炊き kashiwa no mizutaki
chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
miso of variuos kinds
きしめん kishimen, kishimen noodles
このわた konowata, dried roe of fish
Dishes from Aichi 愛知郷土料理

富有がき fuyuu gaki, pregnant oysters
あゆの塩焼き ayu no shioyaki, grilled ayu fish and other sweetfish dishes
朴葉(ほおば)みそ hooba miso, with hooba leaves
tamari miso
Dishes from Gifu 岐阜の郷土料理

しらすタタミ shirasu tatami, small fish spread
麦とろ mugitoro, creamy wheat sauce for topping
静岡茶 Shizuoka cha, tea from Shizuoka
わさび漬け wasbizuke, wasabi pickles spring kigo
Dishes from Shizuoka

... End of Chubu ...


KINKI / KANSAI 近畿 [ 大阪 兵庫 京都 滋賀 奈良 和歌山 ]

HYOGO Kobe, Himeji
たこの直煮(じかに) tako no mani, jikani, boiled squid
赤穂の塩 Akoo no shio, salt from Akoo
Akashiyaki 明石焼, Takoyaki from Akashi
Dishes from Hyogo

KYOTO, Kyooto
Kyoyasai, kyooyasai 京野菜 vegetables from Kyoto
京懐石 Kyoo kaiseki, Kaiseki from Kyoto
湯葉 yuba soy milk skin
Uji-Cha 宇治茶 tea from Uji
Hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ)
skin of the conger pike; pike eel

Dishes from Kyoto

てこねずし/ てこね寿司 tekonezushi, fish zushi mixed with the hands
牛肉の網焼き gyuuniku no amiyaki, grilled beef on the net (Matsuzaka beef)
Matsuzaka beef
時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 shigure hamaguri, clamshells
tamari miso
Ise udon 伊勢うどん at Ise Shrine 伊勢神宮
fukuhiki senbei 福引煎餅 large threeangular senbei for setsubun, with talismans inside. you have to smash them and eat the crumbs.
Dishes from Mie prefecture

魚すき sakana suki, fish hodgepodge
お好み焼き・たこ焼き okonomiyaki, takoyaki, omelett or shid balls
船場汁 senbajiru, soup at the harbour
あわおこし awa okoshi, sweet from Osaka
塩こんぶ shio konbu, salted konbu seaweed
ばってら hattera, kind of saba makerel sushi
Kushiage, kushi-age 串揚げ deep-fried food pieces on bamboo skewers
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Osaka no kuidaoreEat until you are broke
unagizushi 鰻寿司 unagi eel on sushi rice (not common elswhere)
Dishes from Osaka (Naniwa)

かきの葉ずし kaki no hazushi, sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
茶がゆ・茶飯 chagayu, chahan, rice gruel with tea
奈良漬け Narazuke, pickled vegetables
三輪そうめん Miwa soomen, thin noodles from Miwa
Dishes from Nara Prefecture

かもすき kamosuki, duck pot
ふなずし bunazushi, funazushi, crucian carp sushi
げんごろうぶな gengoroo buna, crucian carp pickled
丁稚(でっち)ようかん detchi yookan, sweet bean jelly
Dishes from Shiga Prefecture

WAKAYAMAKishu, Kishuu
紀州たかな・めはりずし Kishuu takana, mebarizushi, fish sushi
すずめずし suzumezushi, suzume fish sushi
なれずし narezushi, fermented sushi
紀州みかん 蜜柑 Kishuu mikan, mandarins from Kishuu
高野豆腐 Kooya doofu, dried tofu from Mount Koya, kigo for late winter
Kishu no Umeboshi
whale meat from Taji
Dishes from Wakayama

Kansai Specialities


CHUGOKU CHIHO 中国 [鳥取 島根 岡山 広島 山口 ]

かきの土手鍋 kaki no dote nabe, oyster hodgepodge
わにの刺身, 鮫 wani no sashimi, shark sashimi
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
かき oysters
小いわし ko iwashi, small sardines
Dishes from Hiroshima

ままかりの酢漬け  mamakari suzuke,
mamakari fish pickled in vinegar
しらうお shirauo, whitefish
momo ... peaches and Peach Boy Festival
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy Hodgepodge
pione grapes
tobiuo, flying fish
Dishes from Okayama 岡山

some are similar to TOTTORI.
Izumo Soba
Imoni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes
Uzume sushi うずめ寿司
Gojiru 呉汁
Sasamaki 笹巻き
Shijimijiru しじみ汁
Tonbarazuke とんばら漬け
Shimane dishes

ののこ , ののこ飯 nonoko, a type of Inari zushi
Inari Sushi (inarizushi いなり寿司)
あごちくわ, とうふ竹輪 ago chikuwa, tofu chikuwa
すずきの奉書焼き susuki no hoosho yaki, susuki fish wrapped in washi paper and fried
めのは飯 menoha meshi, rice with vegetables
津田かぶ tsuda kabu, turnips from Tsuta
Izumo Soba, Shimane Wariko Soba 割子そば(わりごそば)and more Izumo specialities
Kuromame, black beans, schwarze Bohnen
Rakkyo 、rakkyoo 辣韮 pickled shallots
Tottori dishes 鳥取

いとこ煮 itokoni, boiled pumpkin with red beans
岩国ずし Iwakuni zushi, sushi from Iwami
ちしゃなます chisha namasu
いりこ iriko, small dried fish, used to make dashi
うに uni, sea-urchin eggs
Fugu from Shimonoseki, pufferfish
Yamaguchi dishes 山口

external link : 山口名物

Setonaikai、瀬戸内海 from the the Inland See

tai 鯛 たい sea bream is best here.

akauni, aka-uni 赤海栗 red sea urchin
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hakata no shio raamen 伯方の塩ラーメン salt ramen from Hakata, a small island famous for salt making.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Murakami Suigun Nabe 村上水軍鍋 Hodgepodge with seafod and one whole tako octopus
on Oshima Island.
tako octopus is also boiled like "cherry blossoms", tako no sakurani, sakura-ni 蛸の桜煮
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Western Japan 西日本 Nishi Nihon
Sweets from Western Japan


SHIKOKU 四国 [ 徳島 香川 愛媛 高知 ]

いずみや , 泉屋 izumiya, small fish in vinegar
ふくめん fukumen, noodle soup from Uwajima 宇和島
五色そうめん・たいめん goshiki soomen, taimen, noodles
いもたき 芋炊き boiled satoimo potatoes (different from Yamagata)
伯方の塩 salt from Hakata, salt icecream
タルト taruto, roll cake
World Tasty Museum 世界食文化博物館, Imabari
Dishes from Ehime

MORE Kagawa Dishes
Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride Marugame, Sanuki

KOCHI (Koochi)
Sawachi ryoori 皿鉢料理 Sawachi cuisine, celebration food
katsuo no tataki かつおのたたき chopped katsuo tuna fish

かつお節 katsuobushi, bonito shavings
Tosa no Inakazushi (inaka sushi) 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa
MORE dishes from Kochi
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine

そば米雑炊 sobagome zoosui, porridge with buckwheat and rice
でこまわし dekomawashi, grilled on open fire, like potatoes and fish on a stick
すだち sudachi, type of citron fruit
鳴門わかめ Naruto wakame, seaweed from Naruto
Dishes from Tokushima

Settai, O-Settai ... Giving Alms to Henro Pilgrims
satsuma imo tempura 芋天ぷら in Tosa

Shikoku Sweets 四国スイーツ Sweets from Shikoku


KYUSHU Kyuushuu 九州
[ 福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島 ]

あぶってかも abuttekamo, cooked susuki fish type
Gameni がめ煮 mixed boiled vegetables and chicken meat
博多水炊き Hakata mizutaki, chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
ふぐ刺し fugu sashi, fugu puffer fish
明太子(めんたいこ) mentaiko, roe of tara fish
八女茶 yamecha, green tea
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
Dishes from Fukuoka and Hakata

KAGOSHIMA (former Satsuma)
酒ずし sakezushi, sushi
薩摩汁 satsumajiru, soup
豚骨 butabone, pig bones, kurobuta black pork
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう)
Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Satsuma-age さつま揚げ fried fish cake from Satsuma
Satsumazuke さつま漬け pickles from Satsuma
Dishes from Kagoshima / Satsuma

いきなりだご ikinaridago, ikinari dango ... dumplings
肥後田楽 Higo dengaku,
ひともじのぐるぐる hitomoja no guruguru, pickles
辛子れんこん karashi renkon, lotus roots with mustard
朝鮮飴 choosen ame, Korean sweets
Higo zuiki 肥後ずいき dried taro root
Taipiien 太平燕(たいぴーえん)harusame noodle soup
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
kabosu カボス citrus fruit
Dishes from Kumamoto

しいたけ飯 shiitake meshi, rice with shiitake mushrooms
冷や汁 hiyajiru, cold soup
サボテン漬け sabotenzuke, pickled cactus
日向かぽちゃhinata kabocha, pumpkin
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps
Dishes from Miyazaki 宮崎料理

具雑煮 kai zooni, mixed boil of shells
卓袱(しっぽく)料理 shipoku ryoori, Shippoku dishes
チャンポン chanpon, mixed noodle soup
カステラ kasutera, castella sponge cake
からすみ karasumi, dried mullet roe ... chinmi
Dishes from Nagasaki 長崎郷土料理 

OITA . ooita
だんご汁 dangojiru, soup with dumplings
頭(びんた)料理 binta ryoori, katsuo fish meal
やせうま yaseuma, "thin horse" wheat noodles and more specialities
かぼす kabosu, kind of sour mandarin
kabusu juice in ramen soup / kabosu aisu カボスアイス icecream
toriten 鳥天 tori tenpura
(different from karaage kara-age) chicken tempura / toriten raamen, toriten karee
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Dishes from Oita

SAGA 佐賀県
がん漬け ganzuke, pickles
松浦漬け Matsu-ura zuke, pickles from Matsuura
むつごろう mutsugoroo, haze-type mudskipper of the wetlands
dabu だぶ food for communal festivities
Dishes from Saga : Arita, Karatsu, Imari, Ariake sea


沖縄 [ 沖縄 ] OKINAWA FOOD

さつま揚げ satsuma age, fried sweet potatoes
さつま漬け satsuma zuke, pickles
沖縄そば Okinawa soba, noodle soup
チャンプルー chanpuru, soup
ラフテー fafutee, quare boiled pig meat, buta no kakuni
黒糖 kurosato, black sugar
地豆豆腐 "jiimamidoofu" jimame toofu, tofu from local beans, meaning peanuts.
inoshishi sashimi ... wild boar meat from Yanbaru
awamori schnaps

Okinawa Ryori (Okinawa Ryoori) 沖縄料理

Related words

***** Ekiben 駅弁 Train station lunch boxes
with local specialities


***** Hakubutsukan, 食文化博物館   Food Museums and Theme Parks

***** WASHOKU Regional Dishes from Hokkaido to Okinawa







***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Tottori, the sand dunes and camels ...
CLICK for more photos

Mitoku San, Temple Sanbutsu-Ji

Izumo Kaido, The Old Road of Izumo 出雲街道

Sakai Minato, the fish port
境港さかなセンター Sakai sakana sentaa "Fish Center"
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
with a huge restaurant
kaniguratan baagaa カニブラタンバーガー burger with crab gratin
kanitoro don カニトロ丼 donburi with crab meat and thunafish hack
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Daisen, Mount Daisen in Tottori 大山

. ishigamaryoo ishigama ryoo 石がま漁
fishing in artificial stone islands
at the lake Koyama-ike 湖山池. With a special bento for the fishermen.

Karo-ichi Seafood Market, Fish Market 賀露みなと
and more about
. GeGeGe no Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) 
cartonist Mizuki Shigeru 水木しげる


Sweets from Tottori

ago no yaki あごのやき chikuwa from flying fish
ago is tobiuo.
Tobiuo comes to the coast of Tottori and Sanin during may to june to lay eggs.
It is then also eaten as sashimi or fried at the beach or made to kamaboko. One of the "sakana snacks" for drinking sake.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

aji okowa 味おこわ tasty rice gruel with red beans
Prepared for festivals and celebrations. In the mountains prepared with mountain vegetables, along the coast with red ark shells (akagai).

Daisen okowa 大山おこわ rice gruel from Mt. Daisen
for the mountain ascetics of the area, with a lot of mountain vegetables
Daisen soba 大山そば Buckwheat noodles from Mt. Daisen
Buckwheat growing had been introduced to the area by Holy Gyoki. They have a black skin.
Named after the famous Mount Daisen.

Daisen hyakusai shoku 大山百歳食(だいせんひゃくさいしょく)
Food from Mount Daisen to live for 100 years
Especially healthy food combinations of local food from the mountains, the sea and the foothills of Mount Daisen.

daizujiru no zooni 小豆汁の雑煮
zoni soup with soybeans

for important celebrations.
Soybeans are cooked with sugar in the soup, mochi are added.

Dorayaki どら焼き filleld sponge cake from Marukyoo 丸京製菓

gooko 板井原ごうこ radish pickles from Itaibara
Chizu town 板井原集落 智頭町
Itaibara daikon 板井原大根(いたいばらだいこん)
This small radish is planted in a very mountainous area, where even now cars hardly reach the houses. The fields are usually fertilized with ashes when the forest is burned down.
It is pickled as takuan from November to mid-December in red rice bran from mochigome. It is usually eaten first in May for the Chizu Doodan Matsuri 智頭どうだんまつりfestival.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the festival !

horusoba ほるそば fried Chinese noodles with innards (horumon)
horumon soba ホルモンそば
a kind of yakisoba, often eaten after a meal of yakiniku meat.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

igaimeshi いがいめし rice with sea mussles
dish for summer and o-bon season.

igisu イギス igisu seaweed dishes
igisugusa いぎす草 is a kind of seaweed of the tengusa family. Best harvested in summer and important for shoojin ryoori vegetarian temple dishes. Very healthy food.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

imobota いもぼた satsuma imo and botamochi mix
mochi ricecakes with sweet potatoes. They come in three colors.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Inari Sushi (inarizushi いなり寿司)

itadaki いただき rice dish
rice cooked with various ingredients (takikomi gohan) wrapped in aburaage tofu.

iwashi dango いわし団子 sardine dumplings
From Sakai minato at the beach Yumigahama. Made from April till May. Round balls are put on sticks and skewered on the grill.
***** Iwashi 鰯 (いわし) sardines KIGO List and FOOD

Izumo Soba, Shimane Wariko Soba 割子そば(わりごそば)
and more Izumo specialities

kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉寿司 sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
From the mountainous regions of Chuugoku sanchi and Mt. Daisen area.
Prepared for Obon. With saltes masu fish. Important souce of protein for the mountain areas.

kanimeshi かにめし, kanijiru カニ汁
crab rice, crab soup

konan karee コナンカレー Conan curry
名探偵コナン 魅惑の鳥取牛カレー
鳥取県三朝町山田の食品総合商社 Tottori, Misasa

The cover features persons from the famous manga detective CONAN, who's creator Aoyama Gooshoo 青山剛昌 was born in the villag here in 1963.
With secret ingredients, like Tottori beef, soup from local chichen, long yam potatoes (naga-imo) and fruit from Tottori, Hokuei Choo 北栄町, which the eater has to guess.
This product was developed to help the local community with a hit product and sells well in all of Japan now ! They even think about hitting the international market.
Conan, the Manga
Tottori is famous for its various blends of curry.

Kurayoshi mochi shabushabu 倉吉餅のしゃぶしゃぶ
mochi shabu 餅しゃぶ
Thinly sliced mochi in various flavors and colors are served and dipped in hot broth before eating. Pork is also served.

nashi 梨 なし japansese pears

nonoko ののこ a kind of inarizushi
Mostly prepared in winter at the beach Yumigahama. The wrapper looks like a hanten coat (nunoko) worn in winter.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
nonoko meshi ののこめし rice with hijiki, shirataki, chikuwa and many other ingredients.

oogongani, oogon kani 黄金蟹 "golden crabs"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

rakkyoo no amasuzuke らっきょうの甘酢漬け
shallots in sweet vinegar

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sakyuu nagaimo no sashimi 砂丘長芋のさしみ
long yam from the sand dunes as sashimi

eaten raw or ground as tororo.
or as steak with chicken and miso.

samoebi, samo-ebi サモエビ samo-shrimp
even sweeter that normal ama-ebi. They are usually not shipped to other parts of Japan.

sutamina nattoo スタミナ納豆 "stamina natto fermented beans"
Chicken minced meat fried with a bit of ginger and garlic, then let cool down. Small cut natto beans are added, and aonegi chives. For a special flavor, a drop of tabasco is added.
This is even served as schoo lunch and the kids just love it !
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

tochimochi とちもち dumplings from horse chestnuts

toofuchikuwa, toofu chikuwa 豆腐竹輪 / 豆腐ちくわ Tofu Chikuwa
Tofu dishes

Local Food from Tottori

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Tottori .



Saitama prefecture


Saitama prefecture

Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県, Saitama-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Honshū. The capital is the city of Saitama.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

This prefecture is part of the Greater Tokyo Area, and most of Saitama's cities can be described as suburbs of Tokyo, to which floods of residents commute each day.
It is located central-west of the Kanto region, measuring 103 km from east to west and 52 km from north to south.

Most of the land is contained in Chichibu Tama Kai National Park.

Rivers and canals including those developed in the Edo period (17th - 19th centuries) in the east of the prefecture are largely disused following the introduction of motorised land transport. The traces of water transports are found on the Tone River Kumagaya - Chiyoda, Gunma border[8] and on Arakawa River a tourist attraction in Nagatoro, Chichibu District and petroleum tankers from Tokyo Bay to Wakō.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kome Mame Project
Shimosato farm in Ogawa, Yoshinori Kaneko


Dishes from Saitama 埼玉郷土料理

bentoo 埼玉弁当 lunch boxes with local produce

. aonasu, ao-nasu 青なす "green eggplant"  
Tokigawa town ときがわ町

botan dango ぼたん団子 dango filled with anko sweet bean paste
from Higashi Matsuyama 東松山

Furai フライ "fry", kind of yakisoba
When people say“ fries”in Gyoda town, they do not mean “french fries” but a different kind of fried food with the texture of a crepe.
serii furai ゼリーフライ "Jelly fries" are made of potato and okara bean curd refuse and resemble croquettes.
From Gyoda Town 行田市

gokaboo 五家宝  (ごかほう) Gokabo, a kind of sweet
"treasure of five families"
mochi are pounded thin to form the inside of the roll. Kinako powder is mixed with mizuame to form the skin. Kinako powder is then sprinkled on the roll.
Made of rice, toasted and ground soybean flour, and malt sugar with glucose and dextrin.
From Kumagaya town
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Higashi Matsuyama Yakitori 東松山やきとり
"spiced chicken skewers"
from Higashimatsuyama town.
eaten with a very hot spicy miso sauce.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Green tea from Irima 入間茶 Irima cha

. Iwatsuki negi 岩槻葱(いわつきねぎ)
leek from Iwatsuki town

kikuimo, kiku-imo キクイモ 菊芋 
"chrysanthemum potato"
Jerusalem artichoke, girasole
Helianthus tuberosus
Also called the sunroot or sunchoke or earth apple or topinambur.
In Baden-Württemberg, Germany, over 90 percent of the Jerusalem artichoke root is used to produce a spirit called "Topinambur", "Topi" or "Rossler".
It used to be grown in the area around Omiya 大宮, and is lately revived. It has the property to lower blood sugar and is very healthy to eat.

kinton きんとん mashed sweet potatoes
containing sweetened chestnuts

Saiboku Ham サイボクハム
Pig and Pork Museum

sekitan arare せきたんあられ / 石炭あられ rice crackers with charcoal
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Soka senbei, Sooka senbei 草加せんべい rice crackers from Soka town

toofu raamen とうふラーメン Tofu Ramen soup
from Saitama Town

source :

Things found on the way

Yoshimi Hyakuana 吉見百穴

Literally meaning, "100 holes of Yoshimi," the Yoshimi Hyakuana National Historic Site preserves 219 ancient tombs carved into a soft sandstone hillside between the sixth and seventh centuries.

After the holes were rediscovered in the 1880s, the first Japanese archaeologist to work there believed they had been cave dwellings. However, further research in the 1920s showed they were burial sites.


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Regional Toys from Saitama .



Okinawa Food



Capital is Naha 那覇.
The main market there is the Makishi market, 牧志公設 Makishi Koosetsu.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Ryuukyuu ookoku 琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom
An independent kingdom which ruled most of the Ryukyu Islands from the 15th century to the 19th century.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

shiisaa シーサー Shisa
Traditional Ryukyuan decoration, often found in pairs, resembling a cross between a lion and a dog
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kansen ryoori 官船料理 cuisine for the Chinese ambassadors in Ryukyu

nuchigusui ぬちぐすい / 命薬 "medicine for long life"
inochi no kusuri
Medizin des Lebens


Okinawa Ryori (Okinawa Ryoori) 沖縄料理

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Kurobuta kakuni 黒豚角煮 black pig square fry
rafutii ラフテイ, rafuti, rafute
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geschmortes Bauchfleisch
... mimigaa (mimiga) みみがー gekochte oder gebratene Schweineohren
... nakami 中身のお吸い物 , nakamijiru ... Suppe mit Innereien
... sooki (souki) そうき geschmorte Rippchen
... sookijiru そうき汁 Suppe mit Schweinerippchen

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Kurosato with ginger,
black sugar with ginger


It was only 100 years ago that the kingdom of Okinawa was incorporated into Japan, and the southern islands still maintain their own distinctive culture, language and cuisine. Okinawan cooking tends toward stronger and spicier flavors than Japanese food, and is more heavily influenced by Chinese cooking styles.

Pork is a very important ingredient, and every part of the pig is used, from pig's feet and pig's ears to pork tripe. Other ingredients include local seafood and native tropical vegetables and fruits. Black sugar and awamori (an Okinawan brandy-like liquor made from rice) are used in cooking along with soy sauce and miso (fermented soybeans). Kooreegusu is a condiment made from red peppers marinated in awamori.
kuusu 古酒(クース)Kusu. aged awamori.

Note: Double vowels represent long vowel sounds.

rafutii -- chunks of pork stewed in awamori, soy sauce and miso

sooki -- pork stewed with bone sookibuni-- spareribs, usually flavored with salt, lemon, and/or ginger

minudaru-- pork stewed and flavored with sesame

nakami-jiru or nakami no suimono -- pork tripe soup

ashi-tibichi -- stewed pig's feet

chiragaa チラガー -- pig's skin from the head. Chiraga
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mimigaa -- pig's ear in vinegar

deekuni -- daikon radish and pork stew

kuubuirichi -- konbu (seaweed) and pork stew

hiijaa sashimi -- raw goat meat

hiijaa-jiru -- goat meat in soup

chanpuru -- stir-fry with eggs, leeks and/or tofu

gooya chanpuru -- chanpuru stir-fry with goya
(gooya ゴーヤーbitter gourd, Bittermelone)
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maaminaa chanpuru -- tofu and bean sprout stir-fry

soomin chanpuru -- ソーミン Somin chanpuru with soomen noodles

nakami irichi -- pork tripe and miso stir-fry

hira yaachii -- Okinawan-style okonomiyaki

jiimamii-dofu -- peanut tofu

toofuyoo -- concentrated Okinawan tofu

sunui -- pickled kombu (seaweed)

iriko -- tiny dried fish, roasted

yaeyama kamaboko -- Okinawan-style fishcakes

papaya misozuke -- papaya pickled in miso (fermented soybeans)

shima rakkyou -- pickled shallots

yakisoba (Okinawa-fuu) -- thick noodles fried with vegetables

soba (Okinawa-fuu) -- soba noodles in soup with vegetables

sooki soba-- pork spareribs (with bone) with soba noodles in soup

juushii -- rice porridge (zousui) with pork, carrots, shiitake and spring onions

fuuchibaa juushii-- rice porridge with a bitter leaf vegetable (yomogi)

saataa andagii サーターアンダギー -- Sata Andagi, Okinawan doughnuts
saataa means sugar, andagi is fried in oil.
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Orion-- Okinawan beer

awamori 泡盛 -- strong liquor made from rice or millet
It has a strong taste and is often diluted with cold coffee or even milk.
In former times, housewifes would put some coffee beans in a bottle of awamori to soften the flavor.
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. awamorisoo 泡盛草 (あわもりそう) Astilbe .
..... awamori shooma 泡盛升麻 - Astilbe japonica

source : . © Virtual Okinawa

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About Okinawan cuisine
Okinawa is the subtropical islands between mainland of Japan and Taiwan.
The ingredients of Okinawan cuisine are somewhat different from the mainland, because Okinawa has warm climate and own history.

Unique vegitables are used, but kinds of mushrooms are used little.
Though the islands are surrounded by sea, there are little dish of fish. Alternatively pork is used much.
Few spices and condiment are used despite subtropical area.
Seaweeds are often used. Not only the seaweeds in the close sea but also konbu from Hokkaido is the very important ingredient.
The cooking method is mainly stewing, frying and deep-frying.

The cuisine has evolved in modern times, especially because of the American military presence in Okinawa since the end of World War II.

Pork dishes
Vegitable and tofu dishes
Other popular Okinawan dishes
- source :


aguu あぐー Agu pork
The pigs are raised in Northern Okinawa. The pig dates back to the time of the Ryukyu-Kingdom, more than 600 years. Its meat has less cholesterol than usual pork meat, but more umami glutamate to taste better and sweeter.
aguu gyooza あぐー 餃子 chinese meat dumplings with agu pork
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A pan Aパン type of Krebbel donut from Okinawa

aroe アロエ Aloe vera
used as a food ingredient

beni-imo poopoo, beniimo poopoo べにいもポーポ / 紅芋
crepe from purple sweet potatoes. Beniimo popo
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bukubuku cha / Buku buku cha ぶくぶく茶
a kind of Okinawa tea ceremony
"bubbeling tea" Buku-buku-cha
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chanpuru チャンプル Champuru "mixed ingredients"
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chinsukoo チンスコー Chinsuko
is a traditional sweet often sold as a souvenir (miyagegashi) on Okinawa, Japan. It is a small biscuit made of mostly lard and flour, with a mild and sweet flavor. Chinsuko was introduced to Okinawa some 400 years ago from China. It originated from the word Chinrusko and changed to Chinsuko.
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erabujiru, erabu jiru 永良部汁 soup of sea snake
えらぶうみへび【永良部海蛇】. irabujiru
also called Irabu Soup.
The poisonous snake can get about 1.5 meters long, belongs to the cobra family.
erabu unagi えらぶうなぎ "erabu eel"

fuchagi ふちゃぎ mochi for moon viewing
In Okinawa, dango are not used as offerings. Mochi are prepared with salt and also the red azuki are cooked with salty flavor. The more azuki beans cling to the mochi, the better. Red is a color of good luck.
This is the Okinawa version of "tsukimi dango".
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gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd
Momordica charantia

gurukun グルクン / takasago タカサゴ : double-lined fusilier
Pterocaesio digramma
The national fish of Okinawa.
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handama はんだま Okinawa spinach, purple spinach
Gyunura crepidioides
The leaves have two colors, either dark green tops and purple on the bottom or bright green on both sides.
Tasts good with scrambled eggs.
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honejiru 骨汁 soup with bones
The bones war first used to make broth for Okinawa Soba noodle soup.
They are then boiled again with dashi served in a large portion, immersed in their own dashi. The bones are eaten with hands and a large plate of plain bones is left after the meal.
This dish was invented about 30 years ago by the owner of a soba noodle shop, who thought it a waste to throw the bones away every day.
Okinawa people are used to eating pig legs (tonsoku) and eating them with their hands.
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kasutera kamaboko カステラ蒲鉾
castella cake with kamaboko fish paste
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kokutoo, kurozatoo 黒糖 "black sugar", brown sugar
it has quite a fruity taste and comes with various flavors, often ginger flavor. blueberry is new too.
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Schwarzer Zucker. Brauner Zucker aus Okinawa.


Iriomote : Gazami soba
gazami, a type of watarigani crab
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mabuyaa aisu マブヤ- アイス ice cream with the hero Mabuyaa
Mabuya is one of the manga heroes of Okinawa.
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amedama あめ玉が 琉神マブヤ〜! sweets with Mabuya

mozuku もずく(水雲/海蘊) seaweed, Nemacystis decipiens
Okinawa mozuku オキナワモズク Cladosiphon okamuranus
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mozuku nikuman もずく肉まん bun with mozuku


muuchii 鬼餅 (むうちい . ムーチー) muchi, "demon mochi"
devil rice cake (oni mochi)
..... muuchi zamu 鬼餅寒(むうちいざむ)"demon mochi" in the cold
observance kigo for mid-winter

On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, the day of MUCHI, rice cakes are offered to the deities and then eaten with the wish for the health and well-being of children.
They build a small hut called muuchiiyaa ムーチーヤー (mochi-ya) where children come to make a fire and eat the rice cakes. They have a song

oni no chibi yaki muuchii yaa 「鬼ヌ尻(チビ)焼き、ムーチーヤー」Burning the backside of an Oni.

The muchi are prepared with brown sugar or the local purple sweet potatoes. The dough is wrapped in fragrant leaves of ginger plants (月桃 gettoo, Alpinia zerumbet).
Sometimes the wrapped mochi are hung from the eves of the home to ward off evil spirits.

. oohari ni onimochi tsurusu gosun kugi .

Rice cakes (mochi 餅)

. onibi 鬼火 "demon fire", "devil's fire" .


nakami jiru ( なかみ汁) “Nakami no suimono (pig intestines soup)
is a traditional cuisine which is called “Nakaminuushi-mun” in Okinawa language, or “Nakamijiru”.
clear guts soup. "Nakami" means guts of pig, and "jiru(shiru)" means soup.
It is made by boiling guts cut in rectangles, making clear hot soup with dashi and a little shoyu, and adding guts, shiitake mushroom and konnyaku to the soup.
Generally before eating, grated ginger is added.

- source : facebook


painappuru パイナップル pineapple sponge cake
Izumi Pineapple Garden, Motobu Okinawa
Pineapple ... kigo for late summer Ananas

satookibi さとうきび【砂糖黍】 sugar cane
One of the most important products of Okinawa.

shiikuwaasaa, shikuwasa シークワーサー Shiquasa
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shirishiri しりしり
carrots are sliced with a rough cutter (shirishiriki, にんじんしりしり器)
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finely chopped carrots にんじんしりしり / 人参しりしり ninjin shirishiri
fried and with an egg added.
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The people of Okinawa eat the most carrots of all in Japan !

sumijiru, sumi-jiru 墨汁 soup with the ink of the squid
... ika sumijiru イカ墨汁
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Schwarze Suppe mit Tintenfisch und Tinte

supagetti スパゲティ spagetti
They are usually served with a thick slice of butter toast.
This was first introduced by a shop owner who had seen the American soldiers in Okinawa eat spagetti with two slices of garlic-toasted french bread. Now toast served with all spagetti dishes, and you do not have to order it extra.


taimo, ta-imo 田芋 (タイモ) "field potato", kind of taro
mizu imo ミズイモ(水芋), taasomu ターンム
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Taketomijima : waterbuffalo carts
gyuusha 竹富島の牛車
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Ishigakijima : beef of Ishigaki Island
Ishigakigyuu 石垣牛 炭火焼ステーキ

The most southern local beer of Japan!


umibudoo, umi budoo 海葡萄 (うみぶどう) sea grapes
Coccoloba uvifera
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yagi ryoori ヤギ 山羊料理 dishes with goat meat
raw as sashimi, in soups, in gyoza fillings, stir-fried with vegetables .
Goats are making a comeback in Okinawa and find their way on the table.
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Goat meat in Okinawa
... examine the current needs and future possibilities of goat meat consumption. The experimental results of the present study lead us to conclude the following:
(i) improving the smell of goat meat and combining the sale of goat meat with recipes may increase goat meat demand among housewives;
(ii) it seems to be difficult to disseminate Okinawa goat cuisine to non-Okinawa residents because of the typical odor of goat meat, which is unlikely to be preferred by the public;
(iii) the "chewiness" of goat meat is rated highly by young participants according to a sensory evaluation, and loin meat is rated highly compared with hind leg meat; and
(iv) there is a rapidly increasing interest and a tremendous purchasing drive towards goat meat among university students. However, these facts call for further investigation of the goat meat demand in Japan.
The following three further experiments are needed to solve this issue: (i) breeding to improve the taste of goat meat; (ii) expanding the marketing of goat meat combined with the invention of Japanese-style goat recipes and tie-in sales supermarkets; and (iii) implementing further sensory analyses to compare goat meat with other meat and carrying out market analysis in Japan.


Yanbaru buta 沖縄・やんばる豚 from Yanbaru, Yambaru pork
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Things found on the way

Okinawa Dolls / 沖縄民芸とだるま with Daruma San

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Okinawa Bingata : Dragon Patterns


. toshibi iwai 年日祝 (としびいわい)
birthday celebration at the New Year .

shoonen iwai 生年祝 celebrating the birthday

Related words

***** Hara hachibu ... eating only 80% of your capacity an Okinawan diet

***** WKD Regional Dishes of Japan

