
Bier . Jibiiru local beer


BEER and local regional beer

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All summer
***** Category: Humanity


biiru ビール (麦酒 ) beer
kurobiiru 黒ビール(くろびーる) black beer
nama biiru 生ビール(なまびーる) lager beer
biyahooru ビヤホール beer hall
biyagaaden ビヤガーデン beer garden
kan biiru 罐ビール(かんびーる)beer in the tin/ canned beer, can beer



jibiiru, local beer, regional beer 地ビール

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Seasonal Beer Brands
There are also special kinds of beer for each season, sold by the great beer companies too.
This one is from Kirin for autumn 2008 only.

Akiaji, aki-aji, Taste of Autumn
CLICK for more about autumn  beer

Fuyu Monogatari 冬物語 Winter Tale, Wintermärchen
from Sapporo
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Plenty of good water leads to plenty of local beer brands with a special flavor.

Water, well water, spring water of Japan


Japanese beer had its start during the Edo Period when the Dutch opened beer halls for the sailors who worked on the trade route between Japan and the Dutch Empire. Japanese-style commercial brewing has been exported to much of southeast Asia and factories are spread throughout the world.

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in Japan, accounting for nearly two thirds of the 9 billion liters of alcohol consumed in 2006. It was introduced in the early Meiji period from Germany. Major makers are Asahi, Kirin, and Sapporo while small local breweries supply distinct tasting beers. Lager beers are most common but beers made with lower grain contents called "Happoushu" (発泡酒, low malt beer, literally foaming alcoholic drink) have captured a large part of the market as tax is lower on these products. Drinking beer while eating salted boiled beans, edamame, is known as a favorite summer pastime for adults.

Seasonal Beers
Many breweries in Japan offer seasonal beers, which are produced only during one of the four seasons. In autumn, for instance, "autumn beers" are brewed with a higher alcohol content, typically 6% as opposed to the common 5% of Asahi Super Dry. For example, Kirin's Akiaji beer. The beer cans are typically decorated with pictures of autumn leaves, and the beers are advertised as being suitable for drinking with nabemono (one-pot cooking). Similarly in "winter" beers such as fuyumonogatari (translated as "The Winter's Tale" on the can) appear.

The Dry Senso (ドライ戦争) or Dry Wars, was a period of intense competition between Japanese brewery companies over dry beer. It began in 1987 with the launch of Asahi Super Dry by Asahi Breweries which led to the introduction of dry beer by other breweries.

In 1994, Japan's strict tax laws were relaxed allowing smaller breweries producing 60,000 litres (15,850 gal) per year. Before this change, breweries could not get a license without producing at least 2 million litres (528,000 gal) per year. As a result, a number of smaller breweries have been established throughout Japan. Because it is illegal to produce beverages containing more than 1% alcohol, homebrewing is uncommon.
The Japanese word for microbrew is Ji Bīru, jibiiru
(地ビール), or "local beer."

There are currently about 100 microbreweries in Japan making Ji Bīru of various styles including ale, stout, pilsener, weizen, Kölsch, and others. After the relaxation of the Liquor Tax Law there was a boom in microbrewing, but it has gradually leveled off. One problem was the rising popularity of low cost happoshu (low malt beer), compared to the high cost microbrews, which forced some early microbreweries out of business. In Japan, the dominance of the majors and the relative high cost and low volume involved in producing micros led to their only being known to a small number of beer enthusiasts.

The higher price of microbrews, the shorter shelf-life, and lower production volume, compared to the national major brewers, have all combined to make things very difficult for many small breweries. However, thanks to factors such as special licensed production for some bar and restaurant chains and cooperation between micro breweries, the industry has managed to maintain itself. Every year the Japan Craft Beer Association holds the Japan Beer Cup.
There is also the Great Japan Beer Festival held every year in Tokyo, Osaka and Yokohama. © More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Shogun Yoshimune had beer brought from Nagasaki.

Namamugi Incident
„Namamugi-Zwischenfall“ am 14. September 1862


biiru ビール .. 麦酒 beer Bier, japanisches Bier
The chinese characters signify "barley alcohol" or "alcohol made from grains".
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Four great breweries (in alphabetical order)

Asahi Beer アサヒビール
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Nakajo Takanori, Nakajoo Takanori 中條高徳(なかじょうたかのり) inventer of the Asahi Dry in 1987.
Reference : Takanori Nakajo

Kirin Beer キリンビール
Johan Martinius Thorensen
zwei Engländer, Talbot and Abbott
mit ihren japanischen Partnern Iwasaki Yonosuke und Shibusawa Eiichi.
Thomas Blake Glover トーマス グラバー is closely connected with founding the Kirin brewery.
The Kirin symbol animal may well be taken from a statue at Saltoun Square in Fraserburgh, where the father of Glover worked for a while.
Glover lived in Nagasaki, as the Scottish Samurai.
CLICK for more photos

. Kirinjishi 麒麟獅子 Kirin Lion Head .
Inaba, Tottori

Sapporo Beer サッポロビール
Brewmaster Nakagawa Seibei has been taught in Germany.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

the only beer museum in Japan
Sapporo Beer Museum (サッポロビール博物館, Sapporo Biiru Hakubutsukan)

Ebisu Beer エビスビール / 恵比寿ビール Yebisu Beer
a brew of Sapporo beer since 1890

Watch this, take your time :

. Sapporo Beer Commercial - Legendary Biru

. . . . .

Suntory Beer サントリービール santorii biiru
Since 1928
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Brewers Association of Japan (Englisch)
Asahi Beer (Englisch)
Sapporo Breweries (Englisch)
Kirin Holdings (Englisch)
Suntory (Englisch)

Beer Museum Yebisu in Tokyo


. Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮, Ise Jingū) .

Sinto Beer from Ise

Ise Pilsner 伊勢ピルスナー


. Jindaiji biiru 深大寺ビール Beer from temple Jindai-Ji

. Nagahama Roman Bīru 長浜浪漫ビール  


Heute wird es im Inland ausser einigen regionalen Herstellern von vier grossen Unternehmen hergestellt. Asahi Breweries, Ltd. und Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd. konkurrieren miteinander um die Marktführung.
Der Marktanteil der Summe von beiden liegt bei mehr als 70%. Die Konkurrenz zwischen Sapporo Breweries Ltd. und Santory Ltd. ist auch stark. Sie müssen die Nachfrage der Konsumenten prompt befriedigen, sonst verlieren sie rasch an Konkurrenzfähigkeit.

Japanisches Bier ist hauptsächlich Lagerbier.
In Japan muss Bier aus mehr als 67% Malz bestehen. Mit wenigerer Malzgehalt darf es nicht als Bier genannt werden. Das neue Bräu, Happoshu(発泡酒), enthält weniger Malz als Bier. Dieses wie Bier schmeckte Bräu mit weniger Malz zu produzieren war natürlich nicht einfach.
source :  www.japanport.eu ...


Japanese LINK

Japan Craft Beer Association since 24th July 1994
ジャパン クラフトビア アソシエーション



4月23日は 「地ビールの日/ビールの日」
April 23 is the Day of Local Beer !



Abashiri Beer 網走ビール
CLICK for more photos

Hamanasu Draft はまなすビール / ハマナスドラフト
This is a pink type of beer, named after the plant sweetbrier.
Ryuhyo Draft 流氷DRAFT
The beer is really blue like the floating ice (ryuuhoo) of Hokkaido.

Hokkaido Milk Beer : Milk + Beer = Bilk ビルク

From Abashiri beer Brewery. With 30 % milk.

. Food and drink from Hokkaido .

no aru biiru ノアルビール non-alcohol beer
non arukooru ノンアルコール non-alcohol
Kirin free, fine zero, etc.
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shirasu biiru はしらすビール beer with shirasu fish
from Enoshima, Kanagawa prefecture
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Enoshima is famous for the production of shirasu, small sardines.
shirasu しらす small white sardines


Yufuin jibiiru 湯布院地ビール local beer from Yufuin
Oita, Kyushu


24. April 2012
Japan erfindet Bier mit Eis-Schaum
Nun hat die Brauerei Kirin eine neue Methode entwickelt, um Bier länger kalt zu halten. Auf ihre Lösung muss man aber erst mal kommen: Das „Ichiban Shibori Frozen Draft“ wird mit gefrorenem Schaum gezapft. Dieser Schaum ist minus fünf Grad kalt und kann die Biertemperatur eine halbe Stunde niedrig halten.
source : www.japanmarkt.de

with frozen beer foam
This frozen soft-serve material keeps the beer under it cool enough to quench your thirst.
- Reference : ”Ichiban Shibori Frozen Draft”

Worldwide use

Lokales Bier, regionales Bier

Things found on the way

A Japanese in New York.
He is on holiday and enters a bar, to order a BIIRU. By the time the bartender understands, the Japanese is happy about his good English.
The bartender asks again: Heineken?
No, said the Japanese, Chiba-ken.


Daruma Beer glass

Daruma Beer mug

Daruma Ale


akiaji ya yatto mitsuketa ora ga aji

Taste of Autumn ...
I finally find
my very own taste

Gabi Greve, Autumn 2008

ora ga aji, with reference to Issa, ora ga haru.


BEER haiku by Alan Summers, UK

beer forgotten
the drunk looks deep
within his shoe

1. Beer Haiku Daily (Tuesday 30th January 2007)
2. Tinywords January 21st 2004 http://tinywords.com/haiku/2004/01/21/
3. Runner up Snapshot Press 2003 Haiku Calendar Competition


bag of beer
snail trails leave it
from all directions

WHC renga Tournament June 2002


busy café
she lifts a bottle of beer
a fresh leaf of her book

BHS journal Blithe Spirit sept 2001

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Jizake, local ricewine brands

Futsukayoi ふつかよい(二日酔い/ 宿酔 )
hangover and its natural remedies



kigo for early autumn

hoppu ホップ hop, hops Hopfen
karabanasoo 唐花草(からはなそう)"Chinese flowers plant"
Humulus lupulus

hoppu tsumu ホップ摘む(ほっぷつむ) picking hop





Bettarazuke pickles


Bettarazuke Radish Pickles

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity


Bettarazuke (べったら漬) "sticky pickles"
is a kind of pickled daikon radish dish which is quite popular in Tokyo. This tsukemono is made by pickling daikon with sugar, salt, and sake without filtering the koji.
The name refers to the stickiness of koji leftover from the pickling process. Bettarazuke has a crisp sweet taste, almost like sweet white sake (amazake 甘酒).

Pickled vegetables with malted rice. It can't be preserved for a long time.
One of the famous "koojizuke" is "Bettarazuke".

betabeta べたべた means sticky

Bettarazuke can also be made with other vegetables, sometimes cucumber slices are used.


observance kigo for late autumn

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bettara ichi べったら市 (べったらいち)
market selling bettara pickles
asazuke ichi 浅漬市(あさづけいち) market for asazuke
浅漬け are lightly-pickled vegetables.
October 19 and 20.

In the area of Odenma-cho and Torihatago-cho, close to Nihonbashi in Tokyo.
The freshly pickled radish of this year are sold.

The 20th of October was the day dedicated to the deity Ebisu and a market was held in his honor. Apart from Bettarazuke, salted salmon and pots were sold. But it soon changed to Asazuke and Takuanzuke as local specialities.

. Ōdenma-chō 大伝馬町 Odenmacho district .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


ame no koro bettara ichi no usurezuki

at the time of rain
there is the bettara market
under a faint moon


source : NHK archives

Related words

***** . takuanzuke 沢庵漬 (たくあんづけ)
Takuan radish pickles

***** Pickles (tsukemono) in all seasons

***** . Regional Dishes from Tokyo

Kigo for Autumn

Ebisu is one of the seven gods of good luck.

. Ebisu 夷 恵比寿 恵比須 えびす、エビス





Deafness-curing sake



Rice wine to cure deafness (jirooshu)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Spring
***** Category: Humanity


Rice wine to cure deafness, jirooshu
治聾酒 (じろうしゅ)

This is a drink for a special day in spring.

The god of the earth had a special festival twice a year around the spring and autumn equinox to welcome him and send him off. The day was defined to be the "light or elder brother of the earth" tsuchi no e 戊, according to the Asian lunar calendar and the knowledge of the five elements.

This day is also called "Shrine Day" shanichi 社日. On this shrine day, farmers would assemble at the local shrine and dance for the gods, praying for a good harvest in spring (shunsha 春社) and thanking for one in autumn (shuusha 秋社). In autumn, the god of the earth was then sent off to the mountain, to live there until next spring as the "god of the mountain, yama no kami 山の神.
Rice fields, Gods of Japan and Haiku

Rice wine was served to the elderly and children with deafness with the hope for cure. It was just a normal rice wine. This custom has died out almost completely in our day of modern medicine.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way



instead of deafness-healing sake
there is black tea -

Zawaki Kin-ichi 沢木欣一


jirooshu no you hodo mo naku same ni keri

not really drunk
from the deafness-curing sake
I get sober again

. Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城 Murakami Kijo .

Related words

***** WKD : The Asian Lunar Calendar




Cha Tea Tee Chai


Tea (cha)

Various types of tea are consumed in Japan.

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Hand-made tea is best !

Bancha ばん‐ちゃ(番茶) coarse tea, with a slightly smoky flavor
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Even a plain girl is pretty when she is young [sixteen].
Bancha; einfacher grüner Tee

Ganjincha, Ganjin cha 鑑真茶 "Ganjin tea"
brought from the priest Ganjin to Yamato . 大和茶粥の茶
Ganjin 鑒真 or 鑑真
The tea is used to prepare "yamato no chagayu" rice gruel with green Yamato tea.
Its base are roasted soy beans, wheat grains, hoojichaほうじ茶, hatomugi はと麦 , persimmon leaves and other ingredients.
. . . CLICK here for Photos 大和茶粥 !

Genmaicha げんまいちゃ(玄米茶) treen tea, mixture with whole rice grains
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mit geröstetem Naturreis gemischter grüner Tee

Gyokuro ぎょくろ(玉露) green tea of the highest quality
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Hojija, hoojicha ほうじちゃ(焙じ茶) roasted (low-grade) green tea
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gerösteter Tee

Irima cha 入間茶 Green tea from Irima
埼玉県入間市 , Saitama prefecture

This large area provides more than 50 percent of all the green tea of Japan. They pick first tea by hand and have also varies types of machinery to cut the tea during harvest time.

kancha 寒茶 tea harvested in the cold Tokushima

Kocha, koocha 紅茶 black tea
lit. "red tea"
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Konbucha, kombucha 昆布茶 pulverized konbu seaweeds
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Konacha こな‐ちゃ(粉茶) powdered tea
.... kocha こちゃ
often eaten with sushi, as a palate cleanser.

Kukicha くきちゃ(茎茶) made from twigs and some leaves. quite adstringent.
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Grober Tee aus Stängeln und Blattrippen


Macha, matcha 抹茶(まっちゃ)
powder from green tea leaves, for the tea ceremony.
green tea powder
Used to flavor icecream, cakes and other sweets.
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grüner Pulvertee

- quote -
‘Matcha’ gets remake in U.S. market
by Christine Armario - April 2015 - Japan Times -
More than a thousand years ago, Buddhist monks in Japan began a daily ritual of grinding green tea leaves into powder, mixing it into hot water with a bamboo whisk, then sharing the tea from a single cup.
matcha in the U.S. is considerably less monastic. It’s being blended into lattes, dusted onto cheesecakes, mixed into chocolate, even infused in bourbon. . . .
Chefs are mixing matcha with grains, using it in toppings for Bundt cakes, and mixing it into cocktails, adding a punch of opulent green color along with a cool, mellow taste to playful culinary combinations.
Teavana President Annie Young-Scrivner even uses matcha as a beauty mask.
. . . “Japan respects the traditional tea ceremony,”
said Rona Tison, a senior vice president with Ito En, one of the world’s largest green tea distributors. “But they are becoming Westernized as well.”
. . . more
- source : Japan Times


Mugicha 麦茶 むぎちゃ Barley tea, usually drunk in summer.
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In Edo it was called "Mugiyu 麦湯" and drunk warm.
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It was best in summer just after the harvest in may and june. The smell of freshly roasted grains is appetizing and even now there are a few shops in Tokyo who roast it.
marutsubu mugicha 丸粒麦茶
tsubumai 粒米

vendor of hot mugicha
source : kagome co.


ochiya 御知家 o-cha
Two boxes or other containers with bancha as a wedding present in Kyushu.
The tree for a bancha plant can only be replanted once, nido to denai, does not go away for a second try, therefore auspicious in Kyushu.
Once a couple is married, it is called
"tea has been poored" お茶が入った (o-cha ga haitta).


Sencha せんちゃ(煎茶) gren tea of medium-high quality. Served to guests and in restaurants.
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Grüner Tee mittlerer Qualität


Ujicha, Uji-cha 宇治茶 tea from Uji (near Kyoto)
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Already used by Sen no Rikyu for his tea ceremony.

Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358–1408) promoted cultivation of green tea in the Uji area. Since that time Uji has been an important production and distribution center of superior quality green tea. Tsuen tea has been served since 1160 and is still sold in what is the oldest tea shop in Japan, and possibly the world--the Tsuen tea shop 通圓茶屋(つうえんちゃや).
The Byōdō-in, Byodo-In 平等院 with its Amida (Phoenix) Hall built in 1053, in Uji.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

koori uji 氷宇治(こおりうじ)Uji tea on shaved ice
kigo for all summer

Uji macha chokoreeto 宇治抹茶チョコレート
Sweets from green Uji Tea with Chocolate

chanoki ningyoo 茶の木人形 dolls carved from the tea tree
Uji Ningyoo 宇治人形, dolls from Uji

post box in Uji, in the form of an old tea caddy

At the temple Butsuryu-Ji (Butsuryuuji 仏隆寺(ぶつりゅうじ)in Uda, there is the oldest stone mortar to grind tea leaves to powder, brought by Kobo Daishi (Kukai) from China. The temple was founded by his disciple Kenne in 850. Kukai had gotten the millstone it from Emperor Tokuso 徳宗皇帝 (742 - 805). There is a kirin animal decorating one side of the millstone. The millstone was once thrown on the stone floor and broke a bit from the side, this war repaired later with pure gold, and the millstone called "Golden Millstone kin no cha-usu 金の茶臼.

CLICK for more photos of the temple

Kobo Daishi also brought tea plants, which grow here.

chausu, cha-usu 茶臼 millstone for grinding tea leaves


Nihoncha Instructor Association

Nihoncha Instructor (or Japanese Tea Instructor) is a certification program offered by Nihoncha Instructor Association in Japan to help promote education and consumption of Japanese Tea. This program is rather standardised teaching the most popular Japanese green tea. Sencha is most commonly studied and many of the regional differences are standardised to teach one basic method. It is a good starting point for instructors to begin their career as tea professionals, and also getting general public more deeply interested in Japanese green tea so that they start to explore different types and regions.

The Nihoncha Instructor Exam is comprised of 10 chapters, which come from Nihoncha Instructor Textbook.

1-History of Tea (mostly in Japan and China, some European history),
2-Tea Cultivation,
3-Tea Processing,
4-Other uses of Tea,
5-Chemistry of Tea,
6-Tea Preparation,
7-Health Benefit,
8-Business and Distribution of Tea,
9-Quality Examination and Judging,
10-Instruction Techniques

Currently these programs are only offered in Japanese.



Cha and Cha no Yu / TEA, the Way of Tea
Tea Ceremony Saijiki


Green tea is a popular beverage in Japan, and many people consume green tea on a daily basis. It's said that green tea was introduced to Japan in the 8th century by Buddhist monks who came back from China. Nowadays, green tea leaves are grown in many regions, including Shizuoka, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Saitama, and lots more. Especially, Uji-cha produced in Kyoto Uji region is well-known as a high grade green tea. Also, Uji region is a popular tourist destination as Ujigami Shrine and Uji Byodoin Temple are inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. If you have a plan to visit Kyoto, here is a suggested itenerary to enjoy green tea.


Japanese tea is called o-cha and is referred to green tea. Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in Japan. Green tea harvest starts around May 1 every year in Japan. Green tea farms are filled with bright green tea leaves. Shizuoka prefecture produces most of the green tea in Japan. You can see many green tea farms around the area.

Tea leaves are steamed, dried, rolled, and blended at tea processing factory. There are many varieties of green tea. Gyokuro is the most superior green tea which has sweet flavor. As it is grown, it is protected from direct sunlight. Sencha is the most common green tea. It is raised without cover for the sun. Maccha is made by grounding steamed dried tea leaves into powder with a stone mortar. It is used for tea ceremonies. Houjicha is made by roasting the leaves. It contains little caffein or tannin. Bancha is rough tea. It is made from lower grade tea leaves and is inexpensive.

When brewing green tea, we put tea leaves in a teapot called Kyusu and pour hot water in it. Then, tea is served in an individual cup called Yunomi which has no handles. If you are visiting someone's house or business in Japan, you will probably be offered a cup of green tea. Also, Japanese restaurants serve green tea free of charge. When you drink Japanese tea, hold the yunomi cup with one hand and put the other hand at the bottom of the cup. Please remember that green tea is drunk hot and without sugar or cream.

and more !
source : gojapan.about.com / Shizuko Mishima


. kuwa cha , kuwacha 桑茶 mulberry tea
kuwa no hacha 桑の葉 茶 tea from mulberry leaves

The leaves are later prepared as a kind of tsukudani and eaten, over a bowl of white rice.
. . . . . and
mulberry sake 桑酒 kuwazake , kuwashu
Made from mulberries. "Mulberry wine".
Another medicine type is also made with the bark and roots of the tree.


. Saga Tenno 嵯峨天皇 (786–842)  
According to legend,he was the first Japanese emperor to drink tea.
He was a great sponsor of Kukai Kobo Daishi.

Sakuracha, sakura-cha 桜茶 cherryblossom tea

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Tea Poetry
The first and ONLY poetry book on the subject of tea. Included are poems from around the world and from the third through the twenty-first centuries. Compiled by TEA's editor Pearl Dexter.

TEA a magazine
A consumer quarterly magazine all about tea, both as a beverage and for its cultural significance in art, music, literature, history, and society.
source : teamag.com/

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Japanese Tea Culture
(External LINKS)
Bancha (coarse tea) tells history of tea culture in Japan
Tea of Hachijuhachiya (88th night)
Awabancha & Goishicha in Tosa prefecture
Botebote cha from Izumo region
Tea- For eating powdered grain
Chashi and Hands Processing of Making Tea
Origin of Ochazuke
The origin of "tea color"
"Ocha no ko saisai"-That's piece of cake
"Ocha wo nigosu"
Where the song "Zuizuizukkorobashi" came from?
Lucky tea of the New Year
Marriage and Tea
Funeral and Tea
Chado and Chaya

source :  World Green Tea Association / www.o-cha.net

Reference : 日本各地の銘茶
Washoku Library

Akaishi meicha 赤石銘茶 あかいしめいちゃ
Asamiyacha 朝宮茶 あさみやちゃ, Shiga

Asahina gyokuro 朝比奈玉露 あさひなぎょくろ, Okabe County, Shizuoka pref.
The gyokuro leaves are carefully protected from direct sunlight by using straw or synthetic fibers. Compared to tea leaves grown in the open air, gyokuro leaves have a certain gloss and they are succulent, as well as supple and aromatic.

Ashikubocha 足久保茶 あしくぼちゃ, Shizuoka
Iinancha 飯南茶 いいなんちゃ, Mie
Ibicha 揖斐茶 いびちゃ, Gifu
Irokawacha 色川茶 いろかわちゃ, Nara
Inbicha 因尾茶 いんびちゃ, Oita
Ureshinocha 嬉野茶 うれしのちゃ, Saga
Eicha 頴娃茶 えいちゃ,Kagoshima
Oodaicha 大台茶 おおだいちゃ, Mie
Okukujicha 奥久慈茶 おくくじちゃ, Ibaragi
Kaoruhadacha 香肌茶 かおるはだちゃ, Mie
Kameyamacha 亀山茶 かめやまちゃ, Mie
Kumacha 久万茶 くまちゃ, Ehime
Kesencha 気仙茶 けせんちゃ, Iwate
Sarushimacha 猿島茶 さしまちゃ , Ibaraki
Shirakawacha 白川茶 しらかわちゃ,Gifu
Shinguucha 新宮茶 しんぐうちゃ, Ehime
Shinshirocha 新城茶 しんしろちゃ, Aichi
Suizawacha 水沢茶 すいざわちゃ, Mie
Suzukacha 鈴鹿茶 すずかちゃ, Mie
Sechiharacha 世知原茶 せちはらちゃ, Saga/Nagasaki
Senreicha 仙霊茶 せんれいちゃ, Hyogo
Takasecha 高瀬茶 たかせちゃ, Kagawa, Yamaguchi
Takemacha 岳間茶 たけまちゃ, Kumamoto
Tanbacha 丹波茶たんばちゃ, Hyogo
Chirancha 知覧茶 ちらんちゃ, Nara
Tsuchiyamacha 土山茶 つちやまちゃ, Shiga
Tosacha 土佐茶 とさちゃ, Kochi
Furuuchicha, Furu-uchi cha 古内茶ふるうちちゃ, Ibaragi
Higocha 肥後茶 ひごちゃ, Kyushu
Boochoocha 防長茶 ぼうちょうちゃ, Yamaguchi
Mandokorocha 政所茶 まんどころちゃ, Shiga
Mikawacha 三河茶 みかわちゃ, Aichi
Miyako no joocha 都城茶 みやこのじょうちゃ, Miyazaki
Mooshicha 母子茶 もうしちゃ, Hyogo
Monouchi cha 桃生茶 ものうちゃ, Miyagi, Ishimaki
Yabakeicha 耶馬溪茶 やばけいちゃ, Oita
Yabecha 矢部茶 やべちゃ, Kumamoto
Yamatocha 大和茶 やまとちゃ, Nara
Wataraicha 度会茶 わたらいちゃ, Mie
Wazukacha 和束茶 わづかちゃ, Kyoto

Nishiocha, Nishi-O cha 西尾茶 (にしおちゃ)
Nishio, Aichi
Japan’s highest quality tea leaves come from the town of Nishio, an historic tea cultivating region since the 1200s. Nishio’s idyllic climate, fresh river water, fertile soil and remoteness from major urban development foster tea leaves that are more resiliently green and nutrient than those found in any other region of Japan. Its quality is such that Nishio Matcha now represents over 60% of all Matcha sold in Japan.
The tea ceremony is very much alive in this town and children practise it at school.

The green tea is ground with stone mortars, which are driven by electical devices. Each mortar produces little tea, so more than 500 are working in one big room
The stone mortars have to be cut and cared fore by special stone masons of the ara.


Eco Products

Itoen, a Tea company 伊藤園 / 伊東園
Makes insoles for shoes out of the left-over tealeaves !
They are deodorizing and antibacterial in a natural way.


. sanbai no o-cha 三杯のお茶 / 三献茶
Three cups of tea and Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成


CLICK for more photos

cha no hana ni kakurenbo suru suzume kana

playing hide-and-seek
in tea blossoms ...


kawa kiri no makushikaketari cha tsumi uta

in the river fog
a boistrous noise...
tea-picking song

butsu-butsu to oonembutsu de tsumu cha kana

grumbling praise
to Amida Buddha...
tea picker

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

cha no hana 茶の花 (ちゃのはな) tea blossoms
kigo for early winter

chatsumi uta 茶つみ唄 song of the tea pickers
kigo for late spring


kogakurete chatsumi mo kiku ya hototogisu

hidden by the shrubs
do the tea pickers hear it too?
this hototogisu

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written on the 8th day of the 5th lunar month 1694

Basho had spent a night at the home of Kashiwagi Soryuu 柏木素竜 (? - 1716).
Basho wrote this most probably as a response to a poem by Soryu, and described this scene from his memory of the tea plantatios of Suruga.
The ladies picking tea are coming in and out of the tea shrubs, while the hototogisu is singing his song.

. WKD : hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 .
Little Cuckoo, Cuculus poliocephalis

hidden in the bushes,
do the tea-pickers too hear it?

Tr. Barnhill

hidden in the bushes
tea-pickers listen too -
the mountain cuckoo

Tr. John Carley (fb)

Hiding itself among the trees
Tea pickers also hear its call?
A little cuckoo.

Tr. Nelson / Saito

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


autumn is coming -
the red and green
of Japan


Related words

Chocolate with green powered macha tea 抹茶チョコレート

chanoki ningyoo 茶の木人形 dolls carved from the tea tree

aroe cha アロエお茶 aloe tea from Aloe vera


***** . Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Drinking Tea with Basho





Budooshu wine


Wine (budooshu)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Kigo with wine budooshu ぶどうしゅ、葡萄酒

Grapes and Grape Harvest, Vendanges budoo (Japan)
Grape Festival (Winzerfest, Wine Festival) (Europe)

Mulled wine (gloegg, Gluehwein)

Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein

Nihon no wain 日本ワイン Japanese Wine
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Wein aus Japan

A advertising poster of "AKADAMA Port Wine” for Suntory Limited. This is the first nude advertising poster in Japan. Published in 1922 (Taisho 11). Directed by KATAOKA, Toshiro; featuring MATSUSHIMA, Emiko.
source : wikipedia


Japanese wine
Legend has it that grape-growing in Japan began in 718 CE, in Katsunuma, Yamanashi Prefecture. Wine may have been made from local grapes there, but the first documented case of wine consumption in Japan was in the 16th century, when the Jesuit missionaries arrived from Portugal.
Saint Francis Xavier brought wines as gifts for the feudal lords of Kyūshū, and other missionaries continued the practice, resulting in locals acquiring taste for wine and importing it regularly.
They called the Portuguese wine chintashu (珍陀酒, chintashu), combining the Portuguese word tinto (chinta in Japanese accent) meaning red and the Japanese word shu (酒, shu) meaning liquor.
However, the proactive adoption of western culture during the Meiji restoration in the late 1860s had to take place before regular production of local wine started.1 The first attempt to produce wine locally was undertaken in Yamanashi, in 1875.During the first period, cultivation of American grape varieties formed the core of Japanese wine grapes, however they experienced a setback with a Phylloxera epidemic. Afterwards the demand for domestic Japanese wine decreased, but in every region some small amount of makers remained. It was not until after World War II during the process of the agricultural revolution when the scale of winemaking began to grow. However, in comparison to imported juices and bulk wine, domestic Japanese wine is still developing.

Major wine producing regions of Japan

Hokkaidō: Tokachi Wine (十勝ワイン,) Ikeda. Furano Wine (ふらのワイン, Furano Wine), Furano.
Yamagata Prefecture: Tendō Wine (天童ワイン, Tendoo wine), Tendō.
Niigata Prefecture: Iwanohara Wine (岩の原ワイン ), Jōetsu.
Yamanashi Prefecture: Katsunuma Wine (勝沼ワイン), Kōshū. "Rubaiyat", Kōshū. 100% Domestically grown grapes.
Nagano Prefecture: Shinshū Wine (信州ワイン), Shiojiri.
Shiga Prefecture: Hitomi Wine (ヒトミワイン), Higashiōmi.
Tochigi Prefecture:Nasu Wine (那須ワイン), Nasushiobara.
Kyoto Prefecture: Tanba Wine (丹波ワイン), Kyōtanba.
Osaka Prefecture: Kōchi Wine (河内ワイン), Kashiwara and Habikino.
Hyōgo Prefecture: Kobe Wine (神戸ワイン), Kobe
In Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe City took the initiative to by developing regional agriculture and tourism with independent wineries as well has launching city-brand products.
Miyazaki Prefecture: Aya Wine (綾ワイン), Aya. Tsuno Wine (都農ワイン), Tsuno.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


kooshuu wain 甲州ワインKoshu Wine
first made in Katsunuma in 1877 by Masanari Takano and Tatsunori Tsuchiya after studying vinification in France.

Washoku, Yamanashi prefecture


fruutsu wain フルーツワイン Fruit Wine



Tokyo's Guide to All Thing Wine

From world-class restaurants to standing wine bars to the massive retail and online wine trade, Tokyoites have access to an incredible range of not just wines, but also wine-related events, education and--of course--socializing.
Vinotokyo is a community wine portal.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

The problem with Japanese wine
by Ad Blankestijn


kigo for late autumn

budooshu kamosu 葡萄酒醸す (ぶどうしゅかもす)
to make wine

. . . budooshu seisu 葡萄酒製す(ぶどうしゅせいす)
. . . budooshuu tsukuru 葡萄酒作る(ぶどうしゅつくる)
. . . wain tsukuru ワイン作る(わいんつくる)
. . . wain matsuri ワイン祭(わいんまつり)

***** Grape Festival (Winzerfest, Wine festival)

Related words

somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier





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local dishes, regional specialities ...
kyodo ryori, kyoodo ryoori 郷土料理

lokale Küche, Küche der Heimat
from all prefectures of Japan

CLICK for more photos Here I will list some typical dishes of each area, trying to find a haiku as we go along.
Travel from the North to the South of Japan, and through the seasons !

Most prefectures have antenna shops in Tokyo, where you can sample regional specialities.

LINKS only to this BLOG


Check the local dishes HERE!

HOKKAIDO 北海道 [ 道北 道東 道央 道南 ]

Ainu Food ... アイヌ料理


TOHOKU 東北 [ 青森 岩手 宮城 秋田 山形 福島 ]

WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
しょっつる鍋 shotsuru nabe, shottsuru nabe
made with fermented sauce of hatahata fish
はたはたずし hatahata sushi
じゅんさい junsai vegetables
rolled yellowtail, makiburi 巻鰤(まきぶり)
toofu kasutera 豆腐カステラ Castella cake with tofu instead of flower.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
speciality of Noto peninsula
とんぶり, tonburi seeds from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia
matsukawa mochi 松皮餅(まつかわもち)"mochi from pine bark"
Akita miso
MORE dishes from Akita

いちご煮 ichigoni, soup with uni and awabi
たらのじゃっぱ汁 tara no jappa jiru, soup with cod
八戸するめ Hachinohe surume, dried cuttlefish from Hachinohe
りんご apples
famous dishes from Aomori

さんしょううおのくんせい sanshoo-uo no kunsei, smoked salamander
komugi manjuu 小麦まんじゅう manjuu cakes from wheat flour
kozuyu こづゆお椀 from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津
Dishes from Fukushima

わんこそば Wankosoba, Morioka, noodles
南部鼻曲がり Nambu hanamagari, dried salmon
松藻 matsumo, kind of hornwort
Nanbu senbei, Nambu senbei, Nambu Sembei 南部せんべい waffles from Morioka
More dishes from Iwate and Morioka

ほやの酢の物 hoya no su no mono, vinegared sea cucumber
笹かまぼこ sasa kamaboko, boiled fish paste in sasa leaves form sasakamaboko
塩釜 shiogama, salt from Shiogama
Sendai Miso
famous dishes from Miyagi and Sendai and Kesennuma

いもっこ汁  imokko jiru, soup with sato-imo poatotes RP
imoni, imo-ni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes in large pots
dongarajiru 寒鱈汁(どんがら汁)
さくらんぼ sakuranbo, cherries
Minden Nasu 民田なす Eggplant from Yamagata
modatsu もだつ kind of mushroom

Dadacha mame, dadachamame だだちゃ豆 Edamame from Yamagata
米沢こい Yonezawa koi, carp from Yonezawa
Yonezawa gyuu, beef from Yonezawa

Dishes from Yamagata

"Hokki Ichigoni", "Hokki-shell Soup", and "Mashed Sardines"
Peppers Pickles Misawa Town
Long taros harvested in Misawa
Misawakko sweet cakes
"Ichigo-ni" literally means "boiled strawberries". Hachinohe
sweet chrysanthemum petals for food
Hachinohe: "Ika-Sommon," "Shio-kara," "Ichiya-boshi,"
Preserved Pond Smelt from Towada

Sweets from Tohoku 東北の甘いもの

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


[ 東京 神奈川 埼玉 千葉 茨城 栃木 群馬 山梨 ]

Sweets from the KANTO region

なめろう・さんが nameroo, sanga, kind of chopped fish
かわはぎ kawahagi, filefish; a leatherfish; Stephanolepis cirrhifer
落花生 rakkasei, peanuts
imo yookan, imo yokan 芋洋館 from sweet potatoes
Rape blossom dishes (nanohana, na no hana)
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Chiba

刺身こんにやく sashimi konyaku, raw konyaku slices
キャベツ kyabetsu, cabbage   
Okirikomi, okkirikomi おきりこみ, おっきりこみ
下仁田ねぎ Shimonita negi, leek
Dishes from Gunma

ankoo あんこうのとも酢 . 鍋 . どぶ汁  ankoo nabe, dobujiru and more anglerfish specialities
水戸納豆 Mito no natto
わかさぎ wakasagi, pond smelt
かんぴょうの立田揚げ kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings, special preparation
しもつかれ imotsukare, PHOTO and recipe
いちご ichigo, strawberries
かんぴょう kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく)garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Ibaraki

ねぎま汁 negimajiru, soup with leek
小田原かまぽこ Odawara kamaboko
小梅干し ko-umeboshi, small dried apricots/plums
... Enoshima Tsuboyakikigo
Dishes from Kanagawa 神奈川 郷土料理


gokaboo 五家宝 kind of sweet (see sweets link above)
kikuimo, kiku-imo キクイモ 菊芋 "chrysanthemum potato"
Soka senbei, Sooka senbei 草加せんべい
Dishes from Saitama 埼玉郷土料理

moro モロ slices of shark. nezumi same
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
Ootsuka soosu 大塚ソース Sauce from Otsuka company, for yakisoba and many other dishes, made in Utsunomiya town
gyooza 餃子, Utsunomiya gyooza
shimotsukare しもつかれ Shimotsuke Family Dish
Dishes from Tochigi 栃木の郷土料理

うなぎのかば焼き unagi no kabayaki, eel on skewers
江戸前ずし Edomae zushi
天ぷら Tempura
柳川鍋 yanagikawa nabe
くさや kusaya, "smelly one", dried horse mackerel (which has a very strong smell)
つくだ煮 tsukudani, simmered food in the style of Tsukuda Island
七色唐辛子 ground mixture of red pepper and aromatic spices
べったら漬け bettarazuke, radish pickles
Senjunegi, Senju negi 千住葱 leek from Senju, Tokyo
Dishes from Tokyo

Fujisan 富士山 and food specialities from Mount Fuji


Beginning of Chubu, Chuubu Chihoo 中部地方

CLICK for more chubu

SHINETSU 信越 [ 新潟 長野 ]

こいの洗い koi no arai, carp
ハチの子,ザザムシ hachi no ko, zazamushi, bee larvae
そばがき sobagaki, soba dumplings
五平餅 gohei mochi, rice dumplings with miso
のざわな漬け Nozawana zuke, pickles of nozawa leaves
Rokuben, Bento for a kabuki performance ろくべん, 大鹿歌舞伎 Nagano.
Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe
Dishes from Nagano / shio no michi, the Salt Road

のっぺ汁 , noppejiru, vegetable stew
Sasadango 笹団子 (ささだんご)
わっぱ煮 wappani, food prepared in a wooden wappa container
いごねり igoneri, seaweed food, Sado Island
たらの親子漬け tara no oyako zuke, cod roe pickles
Dishes from Niigata 新潟郷土料理

Shinshuu Soba, Shinshu Soba 信州蕎麦


HOKURIKU 北陸 [ 富山 石川 福井 ]

今庄干しがき Imajoo hoshigaki, dried oysters from Imajo
ゆでがに yudegani, boiled crabs, Echizengani, Echizen Kani
へしこ heshiko, pickled saba mackerel for one year
Dishes from Fukui

じぶ煮 jibuni, stewed duck with vegetables and more specialities
ごりの唐揚げ gori no kara-age, deep-fried gori fish
..... gorijiru is Summer Kigoカブラずし kaburazushi, turnip sushi
たいの唐蒸し tai no karamushi, steamed sea bream with vegetables
(jap. wiki)
あまえび amaebi, sweet small shrimp
くちこ kuchiko, the roe of namako, dried in triangular shape, bachiko (eaten by Rosanjin)
konowata (is CHINMI and kigo for winter)
Dishes from Ishikawa

いかの黒作り ika no kurozukuri, squid with black
越中ばいがい Etchuu baigai, bai-shells. (Balylonia japonica)
ほたるいか hotaruika, hotaru squid (Akaika (Ommastrephes bartramii))
Dishes from Toyama

Dishes from Yamanashi 山梨郷土料理


TOKAI 東海 [ 愛知 岐阜 静岡 三重 ]

かしわの水炊き kashiwa no mizutaki
chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
miso of variuos kinds
きしめん kishimen, kishimen noodles
このわた konowata, dried roe of fish
Dishes from Aichi 愛知郷土料理

富有がき fuyuu gaki, pregnant oysters
あゆの塩焼き ayu no shioyaki, grilled ayu fish and other sweetfish dishes
朴葉(ほおば)みそ hooba miso, with hooba leaves
tamari miso
Dishes from Gifu 岐阜の郷土料理

しらすタタミ shirasu tatami, small fish spread
麦とろ mugitoro, creamy wheat sauce for topping
静岡茶 Shizuoka cha, tea from Shizuoka
わさび漬け wasbizuke, wasabi pickles spring kigo
Dishes from Shizuoka

... End of Chubu ...


KINKI / KANSAI 近畿 [ 大阪 兵庫 京都 滋賀 奈良 和歌山 ]

HYOGO Kobe, Himeji
たこの直煮(じかに) tako no mani, jikani, boiled squid
赤穂の塩 Akoo no shio, salt from Akoo
Akashiyaki 明石焼, Takoyaki from Akashi
Dishes from Hyogo

KYOTO, Kyooto
Kyoyasai, kyooyasai 京野菜 vegetables from Kyoto
京懐石 Kyoo kaiseki, Kaiseki from Kyoto
湯葉 yuba soy milk skin
Uji-Cha 宇治茶 tea from Uji
Hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ)
skin of the conger pike; pike eel

Dishes from Kyoto

てこねずし/ てこね寿司 tekonezushi, fish zushi mixed with the hands
牛肉の網焼き gyuuniku no amiyaki, grilled beef on the net (Matsuzaka beef)
Matsuzaka beef
時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 shigure hamaguri, clamshells
tamari miso
Ise udon 伊勢うどん at Ise Shrine 伊勢神宮
fukuhiki senbei 福引煎餅 large threeangular senbei for setsubun, with talismans inside. you have to smash them and eat the crumbs.
Dishes from Mie prefecture

魚すき sakana suki, fish hodgepodge
お好み焼き・たこ焼き okonomiyaki, takoyaki, omelett or shid balls
船場汁 senbajiru, soup at the harbour
あわおこし awa okoshi, sweet from Osaka
塩こんぶ shio konbu, salted konbu seaweed
ばってら hattera, kind of saba makerel sushi
Kushiage, kushi-age 串揚げ deep-fried food pieces on bamboo skewers
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Osaka no kuidaoreEat until you are broke
unagizushi 鰻寿司 unagi eel on sushi rice (not common elswhere)
Dishes from Osaka (Naniwa)

かきの葉ずし kaki no hazushi, sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
茶がゆ・茶飯 chagayu, chahan, rice gruel with tea
奈良漬け Narazuke, pickled vegetables
三輪そうめん Miwa soomen, thin noodles from Miwa
Dishes from Nara Prefecture

かもすき kamosuki, duck pot
ふなずし bunazushi, funazushi, crucian carp sushi
げんごろうぶな gengoroo buna, crucian carp pickled
丁稚(でっち)ようかん detchi yookan, sweet bean jelly
Dishes from Shiga Prefecture

WAKAYAMAKishu, Kishuu
紀州たかな・めはりずし Kishuu takana, mebarizushi, fish sushi
すずめずし suzumezushi, suzume fish sushi
なれずし narezushi, fermented sushi
紀州みかん 蜜柑 Kishuu mikan, mandarins from Kishuu
高野豆腐 Kooya doofu, dried tofu from Mount Koya, kigo for late winter
Kishu no Umeboshi
whale meat from Taji
Dishes from Wakayama

Kansai Specialities


CHUGOKU CHIHO 中国 [鳥取 島根 岡山 広島 山口 ]

かきの土手鍋 kaki no dote nabe, oyster hodgepodge
わにの刺身, 鮫 wani no sashimi, shark sashimi
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
かき oysters
小いわし ko iwashi, small sardines
Dishes from Hiroshima

ままかりの酢漬け  mamakari suzuke,
mamakari fish pickled in vinegar
しらうお shirauo, whitefish
momo ... peaches and Peach Boy Festival
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy Hodgepodge
pione grapes
tobiuo, flying fish
Dishes from Okayama 岡山

some are similar to TOTTORI.
Izumo Soba
Imoni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes
Uzume sushi うずめ寿司
Gojiru 呉汁
Sasamaki 笹巻き
Shijimijiru しじみ汁
Tonbarazuke とんばら漬け
Shimane dishes

ののこ , ののこ飯 nonoko, a type of Inari zushi
Inari Sushi (inarizushi いなり寿司)
あごちくわ, とうふ竹輪 ago chikuwa, tofu chikuwa
すずきの奉書焼き susuki no hoosho yaki, susuki fish wrapped in washi paper and fried
めのは飯 menoha meshi, rice with vegetables
津田かぶ tsuda kabu, turnips from Tsuta
Izumo Soba, Shimane Wariko Soba 割子そば(わりごそば)and more Izumo specialities
Kuromame, black beans, schwarze Bohnen
Rakkyo 、rakkyoo 辣韮 pickled shallots
Tottori dishes 鳥取

いとこ煮 itokoni, boiled pumpkin with red beans
岩国ずし Iwakuni zushi, sushi from Iwami
ちしゃなます chisha namasu
いりこ iriko, small dried fish, used to make dashi
うに uni, sea-urchin eggs
Fugu from Shimonoseki, pufferfish
Yamaguchi dishes 山口

external link : 山口名物

Setonaikai、瀬戸内海 from the the Inland See

tai 鯛 たい sea bream is best here.

akauni, aka-uni 赤海栗 red sea urchin
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hakata no shio raamen 伯方の塩ラーメン salt ramen from Hakata, a small island famous for salt making.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Murakami Suigun Nabe 村上水軍鍋 Hodgepodge with seafod and one whole tako octopus
on Oshima Island.
tako octopus is also boiled like "cherry blossoms", tako no sakurani, sakura-ni 蛸の桜煮
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Western Japan 西日本 Nishi Nihon
Sweets from Western Japan


SHIKOKU 四国 [ 徳島 香川 愛媛 高知 ]

いずみや , 泉屋 izumiya, small fish in vinegar
ふくめん fukumen, noodle soup from Uwajima 宇和島
五色そうめん・たいめん goshiki soomen, taimen, noodles
いもたき 芋炊き boiled satoimo potatoes (different from Yamagata)
伯方の塩 salt from Hakata, salt icecream
タルト taruto, roll cake
World Tasty Museum 世界食文化博物館, Imabari
Dishes from Ehime

MORE Kagawa Dishes
Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride Marugame, Sanuki

KOCHI (Koochi)
Sawachi ryoori 皿鉢料理 Sawachi cuisine, celebration food
katsuo no tataki かつおのたたき chopped katsuo tuna fish

かつお節 katsuobushi, bonito shavings
Tosa no Inakazushi (inaka sushi) 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa
MORE dishes from Kochi
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine

そば米雑炊 sobagome zoosui, porridge with buckwheat and rice
でこまわし dekomawashi, grilled on open fire, like potatoes and fish on a stick
すだち sudachi, type of citron fruit
鳴門わかめ Naruto wakame, seaweed from Naruto
Dishes from Tokushima

Settai, O-Settai ... Giving Alms to Henro Pilgrims
satsuma imo tempura 芋天ぷら in Tosa

Shikoku Sweets 四国スイーツ Sweets from Shikoku


KYUSHU Kyuushuu 九州
[ 福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島 ]

あぶってかも abuttekamo, cooked susuki fish type
Gameni がめ煮 mixed boiled vegetables and chicken meat
博多水炊き Hakata mizutaki, chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
ふぐ刺し fugu sashi, fugu puffer fish
明太子(めんたいこ) mentaiko, roe of tara fish
八女茶 yamecha, green tea
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
Dishes from Fukuoka and Hakata

KAGOSHIMA (former Satsuma)
酒ずし sakezushi, sushi
薩摩汁 satsumajiru, soup
豚骨 butabone, pig bones, kurobuta black pork
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう)
Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Satsuma-age さつま揚げ fried fish cake from Satsuma
Satsumazuke さつま漬け pickles from Satsuma
Dishes from Kagoshima / Satsuma

いきなりだご ikinaridago, ikinari dango ... dumplings
肥後田楽 Higo dengaku,
ひともじのぐるぐる hitomoja no guruguru, pickles
辛子れんこん karashi renkon, lotus roots with mustard
朝鮮飴 choosen ame, Korean sweets
Higo zuiki 肥後ずいき dried taro root
Taipiien 太平燕(たいぴーえん)harusame noodle soup
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
kabosu カボス citrus fruit
Dishes from Kumamoto

しいたけ飯 shiitake meshi, rice with shiitake mushrooms
冷や汁 hiyajiru, cold soup
サボテン漬け sabotenzuke, pickled cactus
日向かぽちゃhinata kabocha, pumpkin
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps
Dishes from Miyazaki 宮崎料理

具雑煮 kai zooni, mixed boil of shells
卓袱(しっぽく)料理 shipoku ryoori, Shippoku dishes
チャンポン chanpon, mixed noodle soup
カステラ kasutera, castella sponge cake
からすみ karasumi, dried mullet roe ... chinmi
Dishes from Nagasaki 長崎郷土料理 

OITA . ooita
だんご汁 dangojiru, soup with dumplings
頭(びんた)料理 binta ryoori, katsuo fish meal
やせうま yaseuma, "thin horse" wheat noodles and more specialities
かぼす kabosu, kind of sour mandarin
kabusu juice in ramen soup / kabosu aisu カボスアイス icecream
toriten 鳥天 tori tenpura
(different from karaage kara-age) chicken tempura / toriten raamen, toriten karee
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Dishes from Oita

SAGA 佐賀県
がん漬け ganzuke, pickles
松浦漬け Matsu-ura zuke, pickles from Matsuura
むつごろう mutsugoroo, haze-type mudskipper of the wetlands
dabu だぶ food for communal festivities
Dishes from Saga : Arita, Karatsu, Imari, Ariake sea


沖縄 [ 沖縄 ] OKINAWA FOOD

さつま揚げ satsuma age, fried sweet potatoes
さつま漬け satsuma zuke, pickles
沖縄そば Okinawa soba, noodle soup
チャンプルー chanpuru, soup
ラフテー fafutee, quare boiled pig meat, buta no kakuni
黒糖 kurosato, black sugar
地豆豆腐 "jiimamidoofu" jimame toofu, tofu from local beans, meaning peanuts.
inoshishi sashimi ... wild boar meat from Yanbaru
awamori schnaps

Okinawa Ryori (Okinawa Ryoori) 沖縄料理

Related words

***** Ekiben 駅弁 Train station lunch boxes
with local specialities


***** Hakubutsukan, 食文化博物館   Food Museums and Theme Parks

***** WASHOKU Regional Dishes from Hokkaido to Okinawa
