BEER and local regional beer
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All summer
***** Category: Humanity
biiru ビール (麦酒 ) beer
kurobiiru 黒ビール(くろびーる) black beer
nama biiru 生ビール(なまびーる) lager beer
biyahooru ビヤホール beer hall
biyagaaden ビヤガーデン beer garden
kan biiru 罐ビール(かんびーる)beer in the tin/ canned beer, can beer
jibiiru, local beer, regional beer 地ビール
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Seasonal Beer Brands
There are also special kinds of beer for each season, sold by the great beer companies too.
This one is from Kirin for autumn 2008 only.
Akiaji, aki-aji, Taste of Autumn

Fuyu Monogatari 冬物語 Winter Tale, Wintermärchen
from Sapporo
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Plenty of good water leads to plenty of local beer brands with a special flavor.
Water, well water, spring water of Japan
Japanese beer had its start during the Edo Period when the Dutch opened beer halls for the sailors who worked on the trade route between Japan and the Dutch Empire. Japanese-style commercial brewing has been exported to much of southeast Asia and factories are spread throughout the world.
Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in Japan, accounting for nearly two thirds of the 9 billion liters of alcohol consumed in 2006. It was introduced in the early Meiji period from Germany. Major makers are Asahi, Kirin, and Sapporo while small local breweries supply distinct tasting beers. Lager beers are most common but beers made with lower grain contents called "Happoushu" (発泡酒, low malt beer, literally foaming alcoholic drink) have captured a large part of the market as tax is lower on these products. Drinking beer while eating salted boiled beans, edamame, is known as a favorite summer pastime for adults.
Seasonal Beers
Many breweries in Japan offer seasonal beers, which are produced only during one of the four seasons. In autumn, for instance, "autumn beers" are brewed with a higher alcohol content, typically 6% as opposed to the common 5% of Asahi Super Dry. For example, Kirin's Akiaji beer. The beer cans are typically decorated with pictures of autumn leaves, and the beers are advertised as being suitable for drinking with nabemono (one-pot cooking). Similarly in "winter" beers such as fuyumonogatari (translated as "The Winter's Tale" on the can) appear.
The Dry Senso (ドライ戦争) or Dry Wars, was a period of intense competition between Japanese brewery companies over dry beer. It began in 1987 with the launch of Asahi Super Dry by Asahi Breweries which led to the introduction of dry beer by other breweries.
In 1994, Japan's strict tax laws were relaxed allowing smaller breweries producing 60,000 litres (15,850 gal) per year. Before this change, breweries could not get a license without producing at least 2 million litres (528,000 gal) per year. As a result, a number of smaller breweries have been established throughout Japan. Because it is illegal to produce beverages containing more than 1% alcohol, homebrewing is uncommon.
The Japanese word for microbrew is Ji Bīru, jibiiru
(地ビール), or "local beer."
There are currently about 100 microbreweries in Japan making Ji Bīru of various styles including ale, stout, pilsener, weizen, Kölsch, and others. After the relaxation of the Liquor Tax Law there was a boom in microbrewing, but it has gradually leveled off. One problem was the rising popularity of low cost happoshu (low malt beer), compared to the high cost microbrews, which forced some early microbreweries out of business. In Japan, the dominance of the majors and the relative high cost and low volume involved in producing micros led to their only being known to a small number of beer enthusiasts.
The higher price of microbrews, the shorter shelf-life, and lower production volume, compared to the national major brewers, have all combined to make things very difficult for many small breweries. However, thanks to factors such as special licensed production for some bar and restaurant chains and cooperation between micro breweries, the industry has managed to maintain itself. Every year the Japan Craft Beer Association holds the Japan Beer Cup.
There is also the Great Japan Beer Festival held every year in Tokyo, Osaka and Yokohama. © More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Shogun Yoshimune had beer brought from Nagasaki.
Namamugi Incident
„Namamugi-Zwischenfall“ am 14. September 1862
biiru ビール .. 麦酒 beer Bier, japanisches Bier
The chinese characters signify "barley alcohol" or "alcohol made from grains".
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Four great breweries (in alphabetical order)
Asahi Beer アサヒビール
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Nakajo Takanori, Nakajoo Takanori 中條高徳(なかじょうたかのり) inventer of the Asahi Dry in 1987.
Reference : Takanori Nakajo
Kirin Beer キリンビール
Johan Martinius Thorensen
zwei Engländer, Talbot and Abbott
mit ihren japanischen Partnern Iwasaki Yonosuke und Shibusawa Eiichi.
Thomas Blake Glover トーマス グラバー is closely connected with founding the Kirin brewery.
The Kirin symbol animal may well be taken from a statue at Saltoun Square in Fraserburgh, where the father of Glover worked for a while.
Glover lived in Nagasaki, as the Scottish Samurai.

. Kirinjishi 麒麟獅子 Kirin Lion Head .
Inaba, Tottori
Sapporo Beer サッポロビール
Brewmaster Nakagawa Seibei has been taught in Germany.
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the only beer museum in Japan
Sapporo Beer Museum (サッポロビール博物館, Sapporo Biiru Hakubutsukan)
Ebisu Beer エビスビール / 恵比寿ビール Yebisu Beer
a brew of Sapporo beer since 1890

Watch this, take your time :
. Sapporo Beer Commercial - Legendary Biru
. . . . .
Suntory Beer サントリービール santorii biiru
Since 1928
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Brewers Association of Japan (Englisch)
Asahi Beer (Englisch)
Sapporo Breweries (Englisch)
Kirin Holdings (Englisch)
Suntory (Englisch)

Beer Museum Yebisu in Tokyo
. Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮, Ise Jingū) .

Sinto Beer from Ise

Ise Pilsner 伊勢ピルスナー
. Jindaiji biiru 深大寺ビール Beer from temple Jindai-Ji
. Nagahama Roman Bīru 長浜浪漫ビール
Heute wird es im Inland ausser einigen regionalen Herstellern von vier grossen Unternehmen hergestellt. Asahi Breweries, Ltd. und Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd. konkurrieren miteinander um die Marktführung.
Der Marktanteil der Summe von beiden liegt bei mehr als 70%. Die Konkurrenz zwischen Sapporo Breweries Ltd. und Santory Ltd. ist auch stark. Sie müssen die Nachfrage der Konsumenten prompt befriedigen, sonst verlieren sie rasch an Konkurrenzfähigkeit.
Japanisches Bier ist hauptsächlich Lagerbier.
In Japan muss Bier aus mehr als 67% Malz bestehen. Mit wenigerer Malzgehalt darf es nicht als Bier genannt werden. Das neue Bräu, Happoshu(発泡酒), enthält weniger Malz als Bier. Dieses wie Bier schmeckte Bräu mit weniger Malz zu produzieren war natürlich nicht einfach.
source : www.japanport.eu ...
Japanese LINK
Japan Craft Beer Association since 24th July 1994
ジャパン クラフトビア アソシエーション
4月23日は 「地ビールの日/ビールの日」
April 23 is the Day of Local Beer !
Abashiri Beer 網走ビール

Hamanasu Draft はまなすビール / ハマナスドラフト
This is a pink type of beer, named after the plant sweetbrier.
Ryuhyo Draft 流氷DRAFT
The beer is really blue like the floating ice (ryuuhoo) of Hokkaido.
Hokkaido Milk Beer : Milk + Beer = Bilk ビルク
From Abashiri beer Brewery. With 30 % milk.
. Food and drink from Hokkaido .
no aru biiru ノアルビール non-alcohol beer
non arukooru ノンアルコール non-alcohol
Kirin free, fine zero, etc.
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shirasu biiru はしらすビール beer with shirasu fish
from Enoshima, Kanagawa prefecture
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Enoshima is famous for the production of shirasu, small sardines.
shirasu しらす small white sardines
Yufuin jibiiru 湯布院地ビール local beer from Yufuin
Oita, Kyushu
24. April 2012
Japan erfindet Bier mit Eis-Schaum
Nun hat die Brauerei Kirin eine neue Methode entwickelt, um Bier länger kalt zu halten. Auf ihre Lösung muss man aber erst mal kommen: Das „Ichiban Shibori Frozen Draft“ wird mit gefrorenem Schaum gezapft. Dieser Schaum ist minus fünf Grad kalt und kann die Biertemperatur eine halbe Stunde niedrig halten.
source : www.japanmarkt.de
with frozen beer foam
This frozen soft-serve material keeps the beer under it cool enough to quench your thirst.
- Reference : ”Ichiban Shibori Frozen Draft”
Worldwide use
Lokales Bier, regionales Bier
Things found on the way
A Japanese in New York.
He is on holiday and enters a bar, to order a BIIRU. By the time the bartender understands, the Japanese is happy about his good English.
The bartender asks again: Heineken?
No, said the Japanese, Chiba-ken.

Daruma Beer glass

Daruma Beer mug
Daruma Ale
akiaji ya yatto mitsuketa ora ga aji
Taste of Autumn ...
I finally find
my very own taste
Gabi Greve, Autumn 2008
ora ga aji, with reference to Issa, ora ga haru.
BEER haiku by Alan Summers, UK
beer forgotten
the drunk looks deep
within his shoe
1. Beer Haiku Daily (Tuesday 30th January 2007)
2. Tinywords January 21st 2004 http://tinywords.com/haiku/2004/01/21/
3. Runner up Snapshot Press 2003 Haiku Calendar Competition
bag of beer
snail trails leave it
from all directions
WHC renga Tournament June 2002
busy café
she lifts a bottle of beer
a fresh leaf of her book
BHS journal Blithe Spirit sept 2001
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Jizake, local ricewine brands
Futsukayoi ふつかよい(二日酔い/ 宿酔 )
hangover and its natural remedies
kigo for early autumn
hoppu ホップ hop, hops Hopfen
karabanasoo 唐花草(からはなそう)"Chinese flowers plant"
Humulus lupulus
hoppu tsumu ホップ摘む(ほっぷつむ) picking hop
Some local beer types
Taisetsu Ji Bīru 大雪地ビール(Asahikawa, Hokkaido) Winner of many awards including the Japan Beer Grand Prix
Furano Ji Bakushu 富良野地麦酒(Furano, Hokkaido)
Okhotsk Bīru オホーツクビール(Kitami, Hokkaido)
Tokachi Bīru 十勝ビール(Obihiro, Hokkaido)
Otaru Bīru 小樽ビール(Otaru, Hokkaido)
Kamui Bīru カムイビール(Iwamizawa, Hokkaido)
Onuma Bīru 大沼ビール(Nanae, Hokkaido)
Hakodate Bīru はこだてビール(Hakodate, Hokkaido)
Tazawako Bīru 田沢湖ビール(Senboku, Akita) The first microbrew in Akita Prefecture
Ginga Kogen Bīru 銀河高原ビール(Nishiwaga, Iwate)
Miyamori Bīru みやもりビール(Miyamori village, Iwate)
Echigo Bīru エチゴビール(Niigata-city, Niigata)
Nasu Kogen Bīru 那須高原ビール(Nasu, Tochigi)
Hitachino Nest Bīru 常陸野ネストビール(Naka, Ibaraki)
Baird Brewing (Numazu, Shizuoka) Owned and operated by American Bryan Baird
Yo-ho Brewing ヤッホー・ブルーイング(Karuizawa, Nagano) Makers of award winning Yona Yona Ale
Nagahama Roman Bīru 長浜浪漫ビール(Nagahama, Shiga)
Minoh Brewery 箕面ブリュワリー(Minoh, Osaka)
Sankt Gallen Brewing サンクトガーレン有限会社(Atsugi, Kanagawa)
Doppo Tsuyama 独歩ビール(Okayama)
Hiroshima Kooboo 平和工房(広島市)
Kure Biiru 呉ビール(呉市, Hiroshima)
Miyoshi 三次麦酒(三次市 Hiroshima)
Daisen G Bīru 大山Gビール(Hōki, Tottori)
Hideji Bīru ひでじビール(Nobeoka, Miyazaki)
Thank you very much Gabi san
my area beer is
made by sweet potato
Local regional beer
sweet potato taste
wonderful Autumn
Drink Some Japanese Craft Beer Next Week at the Japan Society
While it's all well and good that Dogfish Head and Google recently collaborated on a special, limited-edition beer named for an ancient supercontinent, there's a whole, big-banged microbrew-niverse expanding rapidly out there. As if to demonstrate that point, next week a whole auditorium full of interesting brews is coming to the Japan Society. These include a few that have never been available in the U.S., and another making its world debut.
Next Wednesday's event will feature at least 24 beers from ten breweries. Pours will be three to four ounces. Highlights include two selections from the Brussels-based “super boutique” brewery Owa, whose brewmaster is Japanese but makes Belgian ales: Its two-year barrel-aged Yuzu Lambic (ABV: 5.2%) and namesake Owa beer (ABV: 5.5 percent) have never been served in the U.S. Meanwhile, the Japan-based company Baird has teamed up with Stone and Ishii Breweries to produce a Green Tea IPA (ABV: 9.2 percent), a dry-hopped ale mixed with green tea.
Arthur's Day
refers to a series of music events which were first organised in 2009 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Guinness brewing company by its owner Diageo plc.
Arthur Guinness
(1724 or 1725 – 23 January 1803)
was an Irish brewer and the founder of the Guinness brewery business and family. He was also an entrepreneur, visionary and philanthropist.
"Bitter Horse-piss wine" is how the beer was first described in Japan -
Newly in paperback, history professor Jeffrey W. Alexander’s 2013 book charts the rise of beer in Japan, from early Dutch influence and the barrels brought by Matthew Perry in 1854 (described by the Japanese as “bitter horse-piss wine” — well, it was American beer) to today’s craft boom.
Japan Times
jizaikagi ni arabori no koi biiru kumu
as a pot hook
a roughly carved carp -
pouring beer
Ishikawa Keiroo 石川桂郎 Ishikawa Keiro (1909 - 1975)
more about the pot hook
The Namamugi incident (生麦事件 Namamugi-jiken)
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