Showing posts with label Z ramen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Z ramen. Show all posts


Shark (same)


Shark (same)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Animal


same 鮫 (さめ) shark
superorder Selachimorpha
..... fuka 鱶(ふか)
..... wani わに(鰐) (this means also "crocodile")

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"blue shark", yoshikirizame 葭切鮫, 葦切鮫(よしきりざめ/ ヨシキリザメ)
Prionace glauca
its fins are used for sharks fin soup

aozame 青鮫(あおざめ) blue shark
"star shark", spotted smooth-hound shark, hoshizame 星鮫(ほしざめ)
"tiger shark", torazame 虎鮫(とらざめ)
"cat shark", bullhead shark, nekozame 猫鮫(ねこざめ)
"saw shark", spurdog shark, nokogirizame 鋸鮫(のこぎりざめ)
"bell hammer shark" , shumokuzame 撞木鮫(しゅもくざめ)
"butterflyl shark" 蝶鮫 choozame

and many more shark types.

mookazame モウカザメ(毛鹿鮫), mafukazame マフカザメ(真鱶鮫)
often fished in Northern Japan, Kesenuma

kobanzame. Kleiner Haifisch, Echeneis nauctates
Blauhai, aozame, Isurus oxyrynchus
Makrelenhai nezumizame, Lamna ditropis
Makohai, Isurus oxyrinchus
Weißer Hai, Carcharhodon carcharias


Sharks (superorder Selachimorpha)
are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body.
The bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, is the best known of several species that swim in both seawater and freshwater, as well as in deltas.

Sharks in mythology
Sharks figure prominently in the Hawaiian mythology. There are stories of shark men who have shark jaws on their back. They could change form between shark and human at any time they desired. A common theme in the stories was that the shark men would warn beach-goers that sharks were in the waters. The beach-goers would laugh and ignore the warnings and go swimming, subsequently being eaten by the same shark man who warned them not to enter the water.
( more )

In other Pacific Ocean cultures, Dakuwanga was a shark god who was the eater of lost souls.
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Most sharks are seen at the fish market of Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture. There they are also called aonogi アオナギ.
There are more than 250 different kinds. In the waters around Japan we have about 150 varieties, ウバザメ・オナガザメ・ツノザメ・ノコギリザメ.
ニシネズミザメ Lamna nasus

. Regional Dishes from Miyagi .

yoshikirizame, Prionace glauca(葦切鮫) is used for the shark fin soup. This fish belongs to the Carcharhinidae group.
It becomes about 3,8 meters long, weights 200 kg and prefers warm waters.
The longest sighted was 6 meters. They feed on fish and squid.
The male grow up in southern waters, whereas the female grow in northern waters. When they are grown up, the females swim down to meet the males and stay there.

Their meat is produced to kamaboko. The fins end up in soup. Fins from the back and the tail of large species are used. They are dried before use.
The collagen from their cartilages is also produced into medicine.

shark meat soon tends to smell of amonium when it is exposed to air. Therefore it has to be boiled, the skin taken off, the fat removes as much as possible and the cartilage dried in the sun.

samegawa 鮫皮 shark's skin to grate wasabi


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Shark dishes 鮫料理 same ryoori

shark fin soup 鱶鰭スープ fukahire suupu
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Shark fin soup (or shark's fin soup)
is a delicacy that has been a popular item of Chinese cuisine since the Ming Dynasty, usually served at special occasions such as weddings and banquets. As a luxury item, the dish is also considered a symbol of wealth and prestige in Chinese culture. The "finning" of sharks required to make this soup has become highly controversial in recent years, because consumption has grown dramatically as some sectors of Chinese society become more affluent. Some have called the practice brutal, and it is also named as a primary contributing factor in the global decline of many shark species.

Hong Kong handles at least 50% and possibly up to 80% of the world trade in shark fin, with the major suppliers being Europe, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United States, Yemen, India, Japan, and Mexico.

Genuine shark fin soup or stew is made with shark fins obtained from any of a variety of shark species. Raw shark fins are processed by first removing the skin, trimming them to shape, and thoroughly drying them. They may be bleached with hydrogen peroxide before drying to make their colour more appealing. Shark fins are the cartilaginous pectoral and dorsal fins of a shark. Sharks' fins are sold in two forms: frozen and dried. Both need to be softened before they can be used to prepare soup. The frozen form is ready to use as it has been prepared and therefore only requires about an hour of soaking.
There are two types of the dried form, skinned (shredded) and whole, which require more preparation.
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For a good soup leek and ginger are added to the boil. The soup gets a gelatine-like finish.


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samenobori サメのぼり shark hanging out to dry

prepared in Nagasaki for New Year dishes
長崎県雲仙市 Unzen Town

They are named after the carp nobori flags for the Boy's festival in May.


kansame 鮫干 dried sharkfin or sharkmeat

same raamen 鮫ラーメン ramen noodle soup

same no sashimi さめ刺身 Shark Sashimi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

same no sugatani 青鮫ふかひれ姿煮 whole boiled sharkfin
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same no sushi サメのお寿司 sushi with shark meat
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samenotare サメのタレ dried shark meat

Im Hafen Katsu-ura der Präfektur Wakayama wird ebenfalls viel Haifisch angelandet und zu Trockenfisch verarbeitet. In den Städten Ise und Toba der Präfektur Mie wird getrocknetes Haifischfleisch gegessen; dabei wird das Fleisch in rechteckige Stücke geschnitten und vor dem Trocknen entweder mit Salz mariniert oder seit der Showa-Zeit auch mit Mirin mariniert. Das Fertigprodukt sieht also nicht mehr wie ein Fisch aus. Die Stücke werden vor dem Essen kurz über Holzkohlen gegrillt und zusammen mit weißem Reis gegessen.

- - -
- - - Haifisch und Haifischflossen - - -
Weltweit wird der meiste Haifisch in Hongkong umgesetzt, in Japan hat der Hafen Kesennuma den größten Umsatz an Haifisch und Haifischflossen. An zweiter Stelle liegt der Hafen von Hachinohe in der Präfektur Aomori, gefolgt von Chōshi in der Präfektur Chiba und Nagasaki auf Kyushu.
Ende Dezember findet im Hafen von Kesennuma die »Woche der Haifischflossen« statt, bei der besondere Menüs mit dieser Delikatesse angeboten werden. Nicht nur die berühmte Suppe, auch andere Gerichte werden in Kesennuma daraus zubereitet. Dazu gehören unter anderem Ramen-Nudelsuppe, Sushi oder Sugatani, eine Zubereitungsart, bei der das Haifleisch unter Beibehaltung der ursprünglichen Form gekocht wird. Frische Haifischflossen dienen auch als Belag auf dem handgeformten Nigiri-zushi.

Haifischflossensuppe zählt seit Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts zum festen Speiseplan der chinesischen Küche und wird bei besonders festlichen Anlässen serviert. Haifischflossen symbolisieren bis heute Reichtum und Prestige in der Gesellschaft. Zudem soll die nahrhafte Suppe mit ihrem hohen Kollagengehalt zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit beitragen. Weil das Fleisch von Haifischen kalorien- und fettarm ist und zudem über einen hohen Eiweißanteil verfügt, ist es besonders für Kinder und Senioren geeignet. Im Rahmen der chinesischen Heilkunde (kanpō) werden Kollagen, Knorpel und Leber zu verschiedenen Medikamenten verarbeitet.
Chinarestaurants in Japan bieten Haifischflosse zu jeder Jahreszeit an und für Eilige stehen Instantsuppen oder Konserven dieser Delikatesse bereit.

Länger gelagertes Haifischfleisch nimmt sehr schnell den Geschmack von Ammoniak an. Aus diesem Grund war es vor der Verbreitung von modernen Kühlmethoden im bergigen japanischen Landesinneren kaum bekannt. Mit Ausnahme der Bergregion in Westjapan. Dort wurde in den Wintermonaten frisches Haifischfleisch als Sashimi oder als Haifisch-Frikadelle angeboten. Entlang der "Silber­straße" wurde der Fisch von den Häfen am Japanischen Meer transportiert. Dieser Transportweg zwischen der Küste und den Bergen, dem die angrenzenden Silberminen seinen Namen gaben, war relativ gut ausgebaut, sodass die Händler mit ihrer verderblichen Ware zügig vorankamen. In den Berggebieten wird das Haifischfleisch in den Speisen häufig "Krokodilgericht" (wani ryōri) genannt.

Das Fleisch junger Fische aus modernen Aquakulturen hat einen nicht so starken Ammoniakgeruch und schmeckt milder. Dennoch werden die Haifischflossen selten frisch und roh angeboten. Meist wird die Flosse zunächst enthäutet und das Fett entfernt, dann gekocht und sonnengetrocknet. Vor der weiteren Verarbeitung wird das Fleisch in Wasser eingeweicht. Im Handel sind auch tiefgefrorene Stücke erhältlich, die nach kurzer Auftauzeit verwendet werden können.

- - - Haifische um Japan - - -
Bereits in den Überresten prähistorischer Siedlungen in Aomori aus der Jungsteinzeit (Jōmon-Zeit, ca. 5000–300 v. Chr.) fanden sich Knochen von Haifischen, insbesondere der Arten Dornhai (aburatsunozame) und "Sternen-Haifisch" (hoshizame).
Die kulturelle Bedeutung von Haifischfleisch für die Japaner belegt, dass seit jeher am großen Schrein von Ise, dem höchsten Shinto-Heiligtum, getrocknetes Haifischfleisch zu den Opfergaben für die Gottheiten gehört.
Es gibt mehr als 250 Haifischarten unterschiedlichster Größen in den Weltmeeren. In den japanischen Gewässern wurden bis zu 150 Arten gezählt. Die Rückenflossen und die Schwanzflosse der Blauhaie werden am häufigsten verarbeitet. Der Yoshikirizame-Blauhai wird bis zu vier Meter lang und wiegt bis zu 200 Kilogramm. Die männlichen Fische leben in südlichen Gewässern um Japan, die weiblichen ziehen nach Norden und kehren erst wieder zurück, wenn sie ausgewachsen sind.
In zoologischen Aquarien sind Haifische beliebte Ausstellungstiere. Kinder und Eltern können den scharfen Kiefern hier gefahrlos nahe kommen. Das große Aquarium im Sea Paradise auf der Insel Hakkeijima vor Yokohama hat sogar ein Grabmal für Haifische angelegt, das einmal jährlich von einem buddhistischen Priester besucht wird, der für die Seelen der im Aquarium verstorbenen Tiere betet.


jinkoo fukahire 人工ふかひれ artificial shark fin
made of pork gelatine and other gelatine, to be used for soups
It has the flavoring of the real thing.
Since real shark fin is becoming more and more expensive, companies try to make this new ones, which are a lot cheaper.
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- quote
Shark's fin are popular and luxury materials of Chinese cuisine. In the 17th century, they were frequently exported from Nagasaki, Japan to China as one of the popular dried products. Since then, they have become a major export good of Japan to China. Today, with its high-standard processing techniques, Japan is the leading producer of top-quality artificial shark's fin, which enjoy a good reputation in the Chinese food industry around the world.

Sharks are landed as incidental fish in long-line tuna fishing. However, the recent supply of sharks comes to be insufficient due to the decrease in numbers of long-line fishing ships, fishing control sanctions, and a shortage of sharks. As a result, the market faces imbalance of demand and supply, and the price of shark's fin soars tremendously. Under these circumstances, Ritsurin Bussan has developed the new products - dried and frozen artificial shark's fin, which are quite similar to natural shark's fin in both taste and appearance. Artificial shark's fin have already been penetrated the domestic and international market as a suitable substitute for natural shark's fin, and their production are increasing year by year.

The price of shark's fin, which rose at the end of last year (2000), has risen again by 20 to 50 % in June due to the shortage of sharks. Dealers say "shark's fin are luxury food whose high price has made it quite unpalatable merchandise." That is the reason why artificial shark's fin have been invented and marketed to meet the need. On account of their good taste and lower price, the fins win great popularity in the market.
Artificial shark's fin offers as great taste as the natural fins. They are very cost-effective so that Chinese food material manufacturers, distributors and Chinese restaurants can offer Chinese cuisine with shark's fin at a reasonable price. Both dried and frozen,Heatproof artificial shark's fin are available for different purposes.

Characteristics of Artificial shark's fin
Chewing feel just like the natural shark's fin
Color, thickness and taste relatively similar to the natural shark's fin
Consistent supply at a reasonable price
Suitable for many kinds of cuisine
Easy to cook and superior storage
Enable you to create value-added dishes (for egg dishes, hot-pot dishes, salad, pasta, etc.)

source : . Ritsurin Bussan

Worldwide use


. “Bujang Senang”man-eating crocodile .

Things found on the way

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samezuka 鮫塚 memorial stone for sharks
to pray for the sould of the animals that died at the aquarium.

is a leisure land surrounded by nature. It is located at the tip of Yokohama Bay and is a new generation style amusement park. It is the home of one of the top aquariums in Japan.
source :
中乃島水族館, シーパラダイス


Shark and Crocodile, same and wani

reading the legend of
YamaSachiHiko and UmiSachiHiko

A similar legend about a young man from the sea who lost the hook of his elder (father/brother) and lived with a princess who later turned into a crocodile (wani) and about 8 islands created by the gods is found in the island of Malaita in the Solomon Islands.
There might be a common origin of some mongoloid tribes that moved from a lost paradise called Sundaland (near the Malay peninsula) to the south and north ... and met at some time again in Japan.
Malaita (Auki)

WASHOKU : Umi no sachi

The legend of Lemuria and sunken Sundaland.
The legend of the sunken continent of Atlantis.

is a biogeographical region of Southeastern Asia that comprises the Maritime Southeast Asia islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and surrounding smaller islands. The eastern boundary of Sundaland is the Wallace Line, identified by Alfred Russel Wallace, which marks the eastern boundary of the Asia's land mammal fauna, and is the boundary of the Indomalaya and Australasia ecozones. The islands east of the Wallace line are known as Wallacea, and are considered part of Australasia.
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funabito ra same nado yuki ni kakiorosu

these fishermen
they just rake the shark down
into the snow     

加藤楸邨 Katoo Shuuson, Kato Shuson (1905 - 1993)


samebune no hara ni sakana mure shiosumeri

水原秋桜子 Mizuhara Shuuooshi, Mizuhara Shuoshi (1892 - 1981)


Sharp teeth deadly strong
Like a drunk Australian
Chasing a female

source : "nineteen to the dozen"

Related words


WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes



Buta pig and pork


Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity


In the barn, it is the pig, on your plate, the pork ...

CLICK for some Japanese Pigs

Saiboku Ham / Pig and Pork Museumサイボク
Saitama 埼玉県日高市下大谷沢546

Saiboku featured a Daruma Exhibition in December 2009 !
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butaniku ryoori 豚肉 料理 pork dishes
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Aomori butaniku 青森 豚肉 pork meat from Aomori
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Asahi buta 新潟産朝日豚 pigs from Niigata prefecture
bacon steak from Asahi pigs ベーコンステーキ
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Azumino buta 安曇野豚 pork meat from Azumino, Nagano pref.
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butabara 豚バラ, buta baraniku 豚ばら肉 pork belly meat
Schweinebauch. Often used for kakuni
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butaman パンダまん
and pandaman from Yokohama Chinatown

buta no kakuni 豚かくに / 豚角煮 square pieces of pork
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butaniku 豚肉 ぶたにく pork meat

buta sorobo 豚そぼろ minced pork meat
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chaashuu チャーシュー roast pork, chinese style
mostly placed on ramen soup
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Ramen, raamen ラーメン Chinese noodle soup

Hoe Buta Don ホエー豚丼 bowl of rice with Hoe Buta
from Hokkaido. hoe-buta from Hanabatake Bokujo (hana batake)
Hanabatake Bokujoo 花畑牧場 in Hokkaido
This brand of pork contains a lot of collagen.
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kurobuta 黒豚 black pig, black pork
often prepared as kakuni 角煮
Speciality of Kagoshima and Okinawa. The pigs are Berkshire and have black hair, but the skin is pink. They have short legs, stubby snouts and upright ears.
These pigs had been given to the Ryukyu kingdom in 1800 from the government of England and some pigs made it to Satsuma (now Kagoshima prefecture).
It takes longer to raise and is more difficult to bring to reproduce. But the pork tasts much better than from a white pig. It is marbled with soft white fat and has a rich taste.
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Mikawa pooku 三河ポーク Mikawa pork
Mikawa buta みかわ豚 pork from Mikawa, Aichi

nibuta 煮豚 simmered pork
served alone or on ramen noodles in soup, as a kind of chaashu.
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shirkorokoro, shiro korokoro 白コロコロ grilled long intestines
The intestines of pork are sometimes called "white" shiro. korokoro referst to the rather hard pieces being rolled on the grill to get them done. The result is a rather chewy bite.

shoogayaki 豚肉しょうが焼き ginger pork
butaniku shoogayaki
roasted pork with ginger flavor, served with cut cabbage
One of the most popular dishes.
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subuta 酢豚 "sweet and sour pork"
simmered in vinegar
a dish of Chinese cuisine, but very popular in Japan
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subuta no sara o fuchidoru ryuu ya fuyu no kure

the dragon at the border
of my plate of sweet and sour pork -
winter dusk

Fujita Satoshi 藤田哲史


tonkatsu 豚カツ cutlet from pork
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tonkotsu とんこつ 豚骨 bones of pigs
used to prepare soup stock
Charshu Pork Ramen
Tonkotsu Noodle Soup とんこつラーメン tonkotsu raamen
with pieces of pork meat (chaashuu) grated red pickled ginger and chopped spring onions. Sometimes half a hard boiled egg is added for extra stamina.
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tonsoku 豚足 とんそく  feet of pig, Eisbein
In Fukuoka, it is very popular, either cooded or fried or grilled.
Grilled with pepper and salt it is WHITE, shiro.
Grilled with hot chili sauce and shichimi toogarashi it is RED, aka.
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--- age-tonsoku 揚げ豚足 pig feed deep-fried
with a ponzu vinegar sauce and some cabbage, served in izakaya
熊本 speciality of Kumamoto.
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Yamagata sangen pooku 山形 三元豚 pork from Yamagata
Shoonai pooku  庄内豚 pork from Shonai, Yamagata
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Yamato buta やまと豚 Yamato pork
from Gunma prefecture, furiiden bokujoo フリーデン牧場
Father pig is デュロック種, mother pig is ランドレース種 and 大ヨーク種.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yanaka shooga no buta roosu maki 谷中しょうがの豚ロース巻き
Yanaka ginger wrapped with pork loin
A kushiage dish.

Yanbaru buta 沖縄・やんばる豚 from Yanbaru, Okinawa
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Pork dishes from Okinawa


inobuta, ino buta イノブタ cross between pig and wild boar
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Worldwide use

Schwein, Schweinebraten, Schweinefleisch, Schweinekotelett, Schweineschnitzel

Things found on the way

Buta ... ぶただるま ... Pig Daruma


konkatsu, kon-katsu 婚活,婚カツ Marriage Hunting
結婚活動 kekkon katsudoo
restaurants, shrines, temples and other open spaces are trying to invite lonely people interested in marriage to meet and chat.
When a couple finds each other, they go eat a tonkatsu ... what else !

The word surfaced in 2007, after a book was published "Konkatsu no jidai 婚カツの時代" (The era of marriage-hunting), by Masahiro Yamada and Toko Shirakawa.

HAIKU and Senryu

kogarashi ni kusu-kusu buta no netari keri

in winter wind
the pig giggles
in his sleep

This is only the second haiku that I have translated by Issa that mentions a pig. Shinji Ogawa notes,
"From China and Holland, pigs were imported to Nagasaki in the middle of the Edo period but propagated only sporadically until the Meiji period because they belonged to the 'foul food' category (any meat of a four-legged animal was considered 'foul food')."

Tr. and comment from David Lanoue


chikatetsu no iriguchi ni nita buta no hana 

it looks like the
entrance to the subway ...
nose of this pig

Aki no Tsuki 秋の月


buta nigete ue kara warau kasen koo  

the pig escaped ...
from above the laughter
of the wiring worker  

Kooon 弘温


mihon to wa chigau usude na katsu raisu

much thinner than
the plastic sample ...
pork cutlet on rice

Man Yanagi 万柳

Related words

***** butakusa 豚草 (ぶたくさ) "pig plant", ragweed
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
plant kigo for late summer


All about MEAT and
Day of Meat (niku no hi)
Febraruy 9, NI KU

WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

. Katsu !! - Koan and Daruma

pork from Japan



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local dishes, regional specialities ...
kyodo ryori, kyoodo ryoori 郷土料理

lokale Küche, Küche der Heimat
from all prefectures of Japan

CLICK for more photos Here I will list some typical dishes of each area, trying to find a haiku as we go along.
Travel from the North to the South of Japan, and through the seasons !

Most prefectures have antenna shops in Tokyo, where you can sample regional specialities.

LINKS only to this BLOG


Check the local dishes HERE!

HOKKAIDO 北海道 [ 道北 道東 道央 道南 ]

Ainu Food ... アイヌ料理


TOHOKU 東北 [ 青森 岩手 宮城 秋田 山形 福島 ]

WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
しょっつる鍋 shotsuru nabe, shottsuru nabe
made with fermented sauce of hatahata fish
はたはたずし hatahata sushi
じゅんさい junsai vegetables
rolled yellowtail, makiburi 巻鰤(まきぶり)
toofu kasutera 豆腐カステラ Castella cake with tofu instead of flower.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
speciality of Noto peninsula
とんぶり, tonburi seeds from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia
matsukawa mochi 松皮餅(まつかわもち)"mochi from pine bark"
Akita miso
MORE dishes from Akita

いちご煮 ichigoni, soup with uni and awabi
たらのじゃっぱ汁 tara no jappa jiru, soup with cod
八戸するめ Hachinohe surume, dried cuttlefish from Hachinohe
りんご apples
famous dishes from Aomori

さんしょううおのくんせい sanshoo-uo no kunsei, smoked salamander
komugi manjuu 小麦まんじゅう manjuu cakes from wheat flour
kozuyu こづゆお椀 from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津
Dishes from Fukushima

わんこそば Wankosoba, Morioka, noodles
南部鼻曲がり Nambu hanamagari, dried salmon
松藻 matsumo, kind of hornwort
Nanbu senbei, Nambu senbei, Nambu Sembei 南部せんべい waffles from Morioka
More dishes from Iwate and Morioka

ほやの酢の物 hoya no su no mono, vinegared sea cucumber
笹かまぼこ sasa kamaboko, boiled fish paste in sasa leaves form sasakamaboko
塩釜 shiogama, salt from Shiogama
Sendai Miso
famous dishes from Miyagi and Sendai and Kesennuma

いもっこ汁  imokko jiru, soup with sato-imo poatotes RP
imoni, imo-ni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes in large pots
dongarajiru 寒鱈汁(どんがら汁)
さくらんぼ sakuranbo, cherries
Minden Nasu 民田なす Eggplant from Yamagata
modatsu もだつ kind of mushroom

Dadacha mame, dadachamame だだちゃ豆 Edamame from Yamagata
米沢こい Yonezawa koi, carp from Yonezawa
Yonezawa gyuu, beef from Yonezawa

Dishes from Yamagata

"Hokki Ichigoni", "Hokki-shell Soup", and "Mashed Sardines"
Peppers Pickles Misawa Town
Long taros harvested in Misawa
Misawakko sweet cakes
"Ichigo-ni" literally means "boiled strawberries". Hachinohe
sweet chrysanthemum petals for food
Hachinohe: "Ika-Sommon," "Shio-kara," "Ichiya-boshi,"
Preserved Pond Smelt from Towada

Sweets from Tohoku 東北の甘いもの

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


[ 東京 神奈川 埼玉 千葉 茨城 栃木 群馬 山梨 ]

Sweets from the KANTO region

なめろう・さんが nameroo, sanga, kind of chopped fish
かわはぎ kawahagi, filefish; a leatherfish; Stephanolepis cirrhifer
落花生 rakkasei, peanuts
imo yookan, imo yokan 芋洋館 from sweet potatoes
Rape blossom dishes (nanohana, na no hana)
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Chiba

刺身こんにやく sashimi konyaku, raw konyaku slices
キャベツ kyabetsu, cabbage   
Okirikomi, okkirikomi おきりこみ, おっきりこみ
下仁田ねぎ Shimonita negi, leek
Dishes from Gunma

ankoo あんこうのとも酢 . 鍋 . どぶ汁  ankoo nabe, dobujiru and more anglerfish specialities
水戸納豆 Mito no natto
わかさぎ wakasagi, pond smelt
かんぴょうの立田揚げ kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings, special preparation
しもつかれ imotsukare, PHOTO and recipe
いちご ichigo, strawberries
かんぴょう kanpyoo, dried gourd shavings
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく)garland chrysanthemum
Dishes from Ibaraki

ねぎま汁 negimajiru, soup with leek
小田原かまぽこ Odawara kamaboko
小梅干し ko-umeboshi, small dried apricots/plums
... Enoshima Tsuboyakikigo
Dishes from Kanagawa 神奈川 郷土料理


gokaboo 五家宝 kind of sweet (see sweets link above)
kikuimo, kiku-imo キクイモ 菊芋 "chrysanthemum potato"
Soka senbei, Sooka senbei 草加せんべい
Dishes from Saitama 埼玉郷土料理

moro モロ slices of shark. nezumi same
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
Ootsuka soosu 大塚ソース Sauce from Otsuka company, for yakisoba and many other dishes, made in Utsunomiya town
gyooza 餃子, Utsunomiya gyooza
shimotsukare しもつかれ Shimotsuke Family Dish
Dishes from Tochigi 栃木の郷土料理

うなぎのかば焼き unagi no kabayaki, eel on skewers
江戸前ずし Edomae zushi
天ぷら Tempura
柳川鍋 yanagikawa nabe
くさや kusaya, "smelly one", dried horse mackerel (which has a very strong smell)
つくだ煮 tsukudani, simmered food in the style of Tsukuda Island
七色唐辛子 ground mixture of red pepper and aromatic spices
べったら漬け bettarazuke, radish pickles
Senjunegi, Senju negi 千住葱 leek from Senju, Tokyo
Dishes from Tokyo

Fujisan 富士山 and food specialities from Mount Fuji


Beginning of Chubu, Chuubu Chihoo 中部地方

CLICK for more chubu

SHINETSU 信越 [ 新潟 長野 ]

こいの洗い koi no arai, carp
ハチの子,ザザムシ hachi no ko, zazamushi, bee larvae
そばがき sobagaki, soba dumplings
五平餅 gohei mochi, rice dumplings with miso
のざわな漬け Nozawana zuke, pickles of nozawa leaves
Rokuben, Bento for a kabuki performance ろくべん, 大鹿歌舞伎 Nagano.
Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe
Dishes from Nagano / shio no michi, the Salt Road

のっぺ汁 , noppejiru, vegetable stew
Sasadango 笹団子 (ささだんご)
わっぱ煮 wappani, food prepared in a wooden wappa container
いごねり igoneri, seaweed food, Sado Island
たらの親子漬け tara no oyako zuke, cod roe pickles
Dishes from Niigata 新潟郷土料理

Shinshuu Soba, Shinshu Soba 信州蕎麦


HOKURIKU 北陸 [ 富山 石川 福井 ]

今庄干しがき Imajoo hoshigaki, dried oysters from Imajo
ゆでがに yudegani, boiled crabs, Echizengani, Echizen Kani
へしこ heshiko, pickled saba mackerel for one year
Dishes from Fukui

じぶ煮 jibuni, stewed duck with vegetables and more specialities
ごりの唐揚げ gori no kara-age, deep-fried gori fish
..... gorijiru is Summer Kigoカブラずし kaburazushi, turnip sushi
たいの唐蒸し tai no karamushi, steamed sea bream with vegetables
(jap. wiki)
あまえび amaebi, sweet small shrimp
くちこ kuchiko, the roe of namako, dried in triangular shape, bachiko (eaten by Rosanjin)
konowata (is CHINMI and kigo for winter)
Dishes from Ishikawa

いかの黒作り ika no kurozukuri, squid with black
越中ばいがい Etchuu baigai, bai-shells. (Balylonia japonica)
ほたるいか hotaruika, hotaru squid (Akaika (Ommastrephes bartramii))
Dishes from Toyama

Dishes from Yamanashi 山梨郷土料理


TOKAI 東海 [ 愛知 岐阜 静岡 三重 ]

かしわの水炊き kashiwa no mizutaki
chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
miso of variuos kinds
きしめん kishimen, kishimen noodles
このわた konowata, dried roe of fish
Dishes from Aichi 愛知郷土料理

富有がき fuyuu gaki, pregnant oysters
あゆの塩焼き ayu no shioyaki, grilled ayu fish and other sweetfish dishes
朴葉(ほおば)みそ hooba miso, with hooba leaves
tamari miso
Dishes from Gifu 岐阜の郷土料理

しらすタタミ shirasu tatami, small fish spread
麦とろ mugitoro, creamy wheat sauce for topping
静岡茶 Shizuoka cha, tea from Shizuoka
わさび漬け wasbizuke, wasabi pickles spring kigo
Dishes from Shizuoka

... End of Chubu ...


KINKI / KANSAI 近畿 [ 大阪 兵庫 京都 滋賀 奈良 和歌山 ]

HYOGO Kobe, Himeji
たこの直煮(じかに) tako no mani, jikani, boiled squid
赤穂の塩 Akoo no shio, salt from Akoo
Akashiyaki 明石焼, Takoyaki from Akashi
Dishes from Hyogo

KYOTO, Kyooto
Kyoyasai, kyooyasai 京野菜 vegetables from Kyoto
京懐石 Kyoo kaiseki, Kaiseki from Kyoto
湯葉 yuba soy milk skin
Uji-Cha 宇治茶 tea from Uji
Hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ)
skin of the conger pike; pike eel

Dishes from Kyoto

てこねずし/ てこね寿司 tekonezushi, fish zushi mixed with the hands
牛肉の網焼き gyuuniku no amiyaki, grilled beef on the net (Matsuzaka beef)
Matsuzaka beef
時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 shigure hamaguri, clamshells
tamari miso
Ise udon 伊勢うどん at Ise Shrine 伊勢神宮
fukuhiki senbei 福引煎餅 large threeangular senbei for setsubun, with talismans inside. you have to smash them and eat the crumbs.
Dishes from Mie prefecture

魚すき sakana suki, fish hodgepodge
お好み焼き・たこ焼き okonomiyaki, takoyaki, omelett or shid balls
船場汁 senbajiru, soup at the harbour
あわおこし awa okoshi, sweet from Osaka
塩こんぶ shio konbu, salted konbu seaweed
ばってら hattera, kind of saba makerel sushi
Kushiage, kushi-age 串揚げ deep-fried food pieces on bamboo skewers
shungkiku 春菊 (しゅんぎく )garland chrysanthemum
Osaka no kuidaoreEat until you are broke
unagizushi 鰻寿司 unagi eel on sushi rice (not common elswhere)
Dishes from Osaka (Naniwa)

かきの葉ずし kaki no hazushi, sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
茶がゆ・茶飯 chagayu, chahan, rice gruel with tea
奈良漬け Narazuke, pickled vegetables
三輪そうめん Miwa soomen, thin noodles from Miwa
Dishes from Nara Prefecture

かもすき kamosuki, duck pot
ふなずし bunazushi, funazushi, crucian carp sushi
げんごろうぶな gengoroo buna, crucian carp pickled
丁稚(でっち)ようかん detchi yookan, sweet bean jelly
Dishes from Shiga Prefecture

WAKAYAMAKishu, Kishuu
紀州たかな・めはりずし Kishuu takana, mebarizushi, fish sushi
すずめずし suzumezushi, suzume fish sushi
なれずし narezushi, fermented sushi
紀州みかん 蜜柑 Kishuu mikan, mandarins from Kishuu
高野豆腐 Kooya doofu, dried tofu from Mount Koya, kigo for late winter
Kishu no Umeboshi
whale meat from Taji
Dishes from Wakayama

Kansai Specialities


CHUGOKU CHIHO 中国 [鳥取 島根 岡山 広島 山口 ]

かきの土手鍋 kaki no dote nabe, oyster hodgepodge
わにの刺身, 鮫 wani no sashimi, shark sashimi
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
かき oysters
小いわし ko iwashi, small sardines
Dishes from Hiroshima

ままかりの酢漬け  mamakari suzuke,
mamakari fish pickled in vinegar
しらうお shirauo, whitefish
momo ... peaches and Peach Boy Festival
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy Hodgepodge
pione grapes
tobiuo, flying fish
Dishes from Okayama 岡山

some are similar to TOTTORI.
Izumo Soba
Imoni 芋煮 boiled sweet potatoes
Uzume sushi うずめ寿司
Gojiru 呉汁
Sasamaki 笹巻き
Shijimijiru しじみ汁
Tonbarazuke とんばら漬け
Shimane dishes

ののこ , ののこ飯 nonoko, a type of Inari zushi
Inari Sushi (inarizushi いなり寿司)
あごちくわ, とうふ竹輪 ago chikuwa, tofu chikuwa
すずきの奉書焼き susuki no hoosho yaki, susuki fish wrapped in washi paper and fried
めのは飯 menoha meshi, rice with vegetables
津田かぶ tsuda kabu, turnips from Tsuta
Izumo Soba, Shimane Wariko Soba 割子そば(わりごそば)and more Izumo specialities
Kuromame, black beans, schwarze Bohnen
Rakkyo 、rakkyoo 辣韮 pickled shallots
Tottori dishes 鳥取

いとこ煮 itokoni, boiled pumpkin with red beans
岩国ずし Iwakuni zushi, sushi from Iwami
ちしゃなます chisha namasu
いりこ iriko, small dried fish, used to make dashi
うに uni, sea-urchin eggs
Fugu from Shimonoseki, pufferfish
Yamaguchi dishes 山口

external link : 山口名物

Setonaikai、瀬戸内海 from the the Inland See

tai 鯛 たい sea bream is best here.

akauni, aka-uni 赤海栗 red sea urchin
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hakata no shio raamen 伯方の塩ラーメン salt ramen from Hakata, a small island famous for salt making.
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Murakami Suigun Nabe 村上水軍鍋 Hodgepodge with seafod and one whole tako octopus
on Oshima Island.
tako octopus is also boiled like "cherry blossoms", tako no sakurani, sakura-ni 蛸の桜煮
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Western Japan 西日本 Nishi Nihon
Sweets from Western Japan


SHIKOKU 四国 [ 徳島 香川 愛媛 高知 ]

いずみや , 泉屋 izumiya, small fish in vinegar
ふくめん fukumen, noodle soup from Uwajima 宇和島
五色そうめん・たいめん goshiki soomen, taimen, noodles
いもたき 芋炊き boiled satoimo potatoes (different from Yamagata)
伯方の塩 salt from Hakata, salt icecream
タルト taruto, roll cake
World Tasty Museum 世界食文化博物館, Imabari
Dishes from Ehime

MORE Kagawa Dishes
Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride Marugame, Sanuki

KOCHI (Koochi)
Sawachi ryoori 皿鉢料理 Sawachi cuisine, celebration food
katsuo no tataki かつおのたたき chopped katsuo tuna fish

かつお節 katsuobushi, bonito shavings
Tosa no Inakazushi (inaka sushi) 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa
MORE dishes from Kochi
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine

そば米雑炊 sobagome zoosui, porridge with buckwheat and rice
でこまわし dekomawashi, grilled on open fire, like potatoes and fish on a stick
すだち sudachi, type of citron fruit
鳴門わかめ Naruto wakame, seaweed from Naruto
Dishes from Tokushima

Settai, O-Settai ... Giving Alms to Henro Pilgrims
satsuma imo tempura 芋天ぷら in Tosa

Shikoku Sweets 四国スイーツ Sweets from Shikoku


KYUSHU Kyuushuu 九州
[ 福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島 ]

あぶってかも abuttekamo, cooked susuki fish type
Gameni がめ煮 mixed boiled vegetables and chicken meat
博多水炊き Hakata mizutaki, chicken and vegetables cooked in a pot at the table and eaten after being dipped in a sauce
ふぐ刺し fugu sashi, fugu puffer fish
明太子(めんたいこ) mentaiko, roe of tara fish
八女茶 yamecha, green tea
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
Dishes from Fukuoka and Hakata

KAGOSHIMA (former Satsuma)
酒ずし sakezushi, sushi
薩摩汁 satsumajiru, soup
豚骨 butabone, pig bones, kurobuta black pork
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう)
Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Satsuma-age さつま揚げ fried fish cake from Satsuma
Satsumazuke さつま漬け pickles from Satsuma
Dishes from Kagoshima / Satsuma

いきなりだご ikinaridago, ikinari dango ... dumplings
肥後田楽 Higo dengaku,
ひともじのぐるぐる hitomoja no guruguru, pickles
辛子れんこん karashi renkon, lotus roots with mustard
朝鮮飴 choosen ame, Korean sweets
Higo zuiki 肥後ずいき dried taro root
Taipiien 太平燕(たいぴーえん)harusame noodle soup
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Nasu 茄子 (なす), eggplant, aubergine
kabosu カボス citrus fruit
Dishes from Kumamoto

しいたけ飯 shiitake meshi, rice with shiitake mushrooms
冷や汁 hiyajiru, cold soup
サボテン漬け sabotenzuke, pickled cactus
日向かぽちゃhinata kabocha, pumpkin
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps
Dishes from Miyazaki 宮崎料理

具雑煮 kai zooni, mixed boil of shells
卓袱(しっぽく)料理 shipoku ryoori, Shippoku dishes
チャンポン chanpon, mixed noodle soup
カステラ kasutera, castella sponge cake
からすみ karasumi, dried mullet roe ... chinmi
Dishes from Nagasaki 長崎郷土料理 

OITA . ooita
だんご汁 dangojiru, soup with dumplings
頭(びんた)料理 binta ryoori, katsuo fish meal
やせうま yaseuma, "thin horse" wheat noodles and more specialities
かぼす kabosu, kind of sour mandarin
kabusu juice in ramen soup / kabosu aisu カボスアイス icecream
toriten 鳥天 tori tenpura
(different from karaage kara-age) chicken tempura / toriten raamen, toriten karee
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Dishes from Oita

SAGA 佐賀県
がん漬け ganzuke, pickles
松浦漬け Matsu-ura zuke, pickles from Matsuura
むつごろう mutsugoroo, haze-type mudskipper of the wetlands
dabu だぶ food for communal festivities
Dishes from Saga : Arita, Karatsu, Imari, Ariake sea


沖縄 [ 沖縄 ] OKINAWA FOOD

さつま揚げ satsuma age, fried sweet potatoes
さつま漬け satsuma zuke, pickles
沖縄そば Okinawa soba, noodle soup
チャンプルー chanpuru, soup
ラフテー fafutee, quare boiled pig meat, buta no kakuni
黒糖 kurosato, black sugar
地豆豆腐 "jiimamidoofu" jimame toofu, tofu from local beans, meaning peanuts.
inoshishi sashimi ... wild boar meat from Yanbaru
awamori schnaps

Okinawa Ryori (Okinawa Ryoori) 沖縄料理

Related words

***** Ekiben 駅弁 Train station lunch boxes
with local specialities


***** Hakubutsukan, 食文化博物館   Food Museums and Theme Parks

***** WASHOKU Regional Dishes from Hokkaido to Okinawa



Wakayama Kumano Koya



Wakayama Prefecture

Wakayama Prefecture (和歌山県, Wakayama-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the Kii Peninsula in the Kansai region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Wakayama.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

In october, daidai mikan だいだい 和歌山 are shipped to all of Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Koya San in Wakayama 高野山

The ancient Kumano Pilgrims Road
Kumano Kodoo, Kumano Kodō (熊野古道)

Waterfall of Nachi, Nachi no Taki


Regional dishes from Wakayama 和歌山の郷土料理
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In olden times, many refugees from the capital found a new home in the valleys of Wakayama and brought some of the food culture from the capital (Nara, later Kyoto) with them.

ayuzushi, ayu sushi 鮎ずし sushi with sweetfish
best from the clear waters of the river Kozagawa 古座川
in this river there are also tenagaebi 手長えび、unagi うなぎ、zugani ずがに.
and other ayu dishes
ayu no nikuzushi 鮎の肉ずし、ayu no segohsi 鮎のせごし、ayu no shirago 鮎の白子 roe of the female、ayu no misoni 鮎の味噌煮、ayu no kanroni 鮎の甘露煮、aburiayu あぶり鮎、ayu no zoosui 鮎の雑炊

chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea
Especially in the mountainous area of Kumano, where each farmhouse has its own small tea plantation for private use. They can not grow much rice and to give the daily portions more volume, the rice was cooked with hoojicha tea until it was soft. It is now eaten for breakfast or dinner together with some side dishes.
The color is a brown-green mix.

gomadoofu, gomadofu, goma tofu ごま豆腐 tofu with sesame paste
Mount Koya is especially famous for this dish. It is very healthy and has a pleasant fragance.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hijiki no tsukudani ひじきの佃煮 sweetly simmered hijiki seaweed
From Higashi Murogun 東牟婁. The seaweed is collected in early spring. funori and tengusa are also collected.

hoorakuyaki, hooraku yaki ほうらく焼き simmered in an earthen pot
Fish with white meat of the season is simmered in an earthen pot. Sauce from pickled plums is added.
hooroku 焙烙 / 炮烙 / ホーロク / ほうろく is a special earthen pot
hooraku is a local dialect version.

igami no nitsuke いがみの煮付け boiled igami fish
a typical fish of Soutern Wakayama, igami budai「いがみ(ブダイ)
Leptoscarus japonicus.
Served for the new year, boiled with its head and some potatoes to go with it.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

inoko mochi 猪子餅, 亥の子餅 ricecakes like little wild boars
Made for the autumn festival of Wild Boars (inoko matsuri いのこ祭り for the deity of Wild Boars 亥の神様, to see him off to the mountains for his winter rest.
The mochi war white and red anko is pasted around them. There are 12 in a common year and 13 in a leap year (uruudoshi 閏年), placed in a wooden masu as offering to the deity.
Marishiten and the wild boar mochi connection

imomochi, imo mochi いももち sweet potato mochi
mat along the coast of Kumano, where there was not enough space to grow rice. In former times, a little wheat and sweet potatoes was the daily food of the poor farmers, especially along the coast of Higashi Muro 東牟婁海岸. Their other food was
ukecha うけ茶, when the dried sweet potaotes were placed in a bowl of green tea.

itadori nimono イタドリ煮物 boiled itadori fern
gathered from the end of march. For keeping it is pickled in salt, shiozuke 塩漬け.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

jakozushi, jako sushi じゃこ寿司 sushi from small river fish
jako (zako) じゃこ【雑魚】
kawauo 川魚(じゃこ jako in the local dialect) river fish, they were quite common in the waters around Wakayama. They were boiled with sweet soy sauce and then put on sushi rice, eaten in summer and as oshizushi for the autumn festival. Often wrapped in a persimmon leaf, like the
Benkei no jakosushi 弁慶のじゃこすし
from fish of the river Ki no Kawa 紀ノ川 near Koya-san 高野山.


kaki 柿 persimmon
an important product of Wakayama

kushigaki 串柿 ( くしがき) dried persimmons on a stick
town of Shigo, Katsuragi

kakijamu, kaki jam 柿ジャム persimmon jam
It contains a lot of vitamin C, carotin and calium. Like this it could be eaten the whole year.

kaki no hazushi, kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉ずし sushi wrapped in a persimmon leaf
more famous in Nara 柿の葉 葉寿司

kaki no nukazuke 柿の粕漬け persimmons pickled in rice bran
from the Ito area 伊都地方, were Fuyuugaki 富有柿 were grown. It was a special gift of this area.

kakizuke daikon 柿漬け大根 pickled radish with persimmons
The peel of bitter persimmons was pickled with takuan radish in rice bran. The liquor from the fruit would give it a special fruity flavor.


kakimaze かきまぜ(o-maze おまぜ) mixed sushi
. . . kashiwa ha no sushi 柏葉のすし sushi in an oak tree leaf
with carrots, goboo, shiitake, fuki no to and bamboo shoots or other seasonal vegetables.
Prepared for memorial services in red color. For happy occasions and festivals yellow omelett stripes and pickled pink ginger were added.
Katsuura and Nachi area 那智勝浦町太田地域


kamakurazuke kamakura tsuke かまくら漬 / 鎌倉漬 fish sushi
from the Arita area 有田
Especially prepared for visitors, a kind of narezushi, mostly with saba, pickled together with radish, carrots and renkon lotus root, with a lot of salt, sugar and rice vinegar.


Kishuu no umeboshi 紀州の梅干 
dried plums from Kishu

Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled salty plums
from 紀州産 南高 梅

Kishuu ume flavor 紀州梅を使用した梅味の柿の種 snack, kaki no tane
also with peanuts 紀州梅味 柿の種 ピーナッツ入り 
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Kishuu ume konbucha 紀州梅昆布茶 Kombu-Tea with ume flavor
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Kishuu ume koshu (furuzake) 紀州梅古酒 "old liquor"
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Kishuu ume monaka 紀州梅と梅最中 / 紀州梅もなか Waffers with ume
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Kishuu ume negijio raamen 紀州梅ネギ塩ラーメン soup with leek and pickled plums
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Kishuu ume sofuto 紀州梅ソフト soft icecream
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Kishuu ume suupu ほんのり紀州梅 スープ春雨 instant soup
with edamame beans and nori
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Kishuu ume tan / sumi 紀州梅炭 coal from Kishuu plum trees
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Kishuu ume zerii 紀州梅ゼリー jelly with plums from Kishu
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ume udon 梅うどん red udon noodles with ume in the dough
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also as instant soup from Nisshin Ume Donbei どん兵衛

usujio Kishuu ume うす塩紀州梅 pickled with less salt

tomato ume とまと梅 tomato plum sauce
from Minabe Village, Yutosei 優糖星


kokerazushi, kokera sushi こけらずし layered festival sushi
From Matsue area 松江
For the autumn festival. Made with shrimp and seasoned fish powder (soboro).
kokerazushi 柿鮓 "wood shingled sushi", layered sushi

komugi mochi 小麦餅 wheat flour mochi
11 days after hangeshoo (はんげしょう)半夏生, the summer solstice.
haggeshoomochi 小麦餅(はげっしょう餅 )from Nara

kuenabe, kue nabe クエ鍋 kelp grouper hodgepodge
kue 九絵 Epinephelus moara
This fish loves the warmer sea south of the Kanto area. It grows until about 1 meter long. It lays its eggs in the cliffs around Hidaka coast. In winter, it is eaten in hodgepodge, as sashimi or soaked in ricewine.
from Hidaka 日高町
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kujira 鯨 whale
Mostly caught in Taiji (太地町, Taiji-chō), located in Higashimuro District.
Taiji Whale Museum opened in 1969.
太地の鯨料理 紀州 Kishu Dishes with whale meat

Wada Kakuemon, later known as Taiji Kakuemon, invented the whaling net technique called Amitori hoo (網取法) to increase the safety and efficiency of whaling. This method lasted more than 200 years.

kujira no goma-ae 鯨のごま和え whale meat with sesame dressing
first prepared by 太地角右衛門 Taji Kakuemon in the Edo period. Also prepared with misoae.

kujira no tazuta age 鯨の竜田揚げ deep-fried whale meat
This was most common in the good old days.

kujira suteeki 鯨ステーキ whale meat steak

sarashikujira no sumiso-ae さらし鯨の酢味噌和え
whale meat with vinegar-miso paste dressing
sarashi kujira さらしくじら【晒し鯨】 The fins and skin are thinly cut, blanched in boiling water to get rid of the skin and then "cooled down" (sarashi) in ice water. This tasts good with a vinegary flavor dressing. It is also eaten in miso soup.
whale meat dishes as KIGO for summer

saezuri 鯨さえずり the tongue of the whale, often as sashimi or bacon
saezuri is a word for the twittering of birds
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WKD : Whale, kigo for all winter


kurumimochi, kurumi mochi くるみ餅 mochi with walnuts
Mochi are prepared with the new rice for the autumn festival and offered to the tutelary clan deities (ujigami 氏神様) . Their light green color is pleasant.
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mamegohan, mame gohan 豆ごはん rice with reeen peas
from Inancho town 印南町, a growing region for endomame えんどう【豌豆】 podded peas.
There are many varieties of these peas like oranda オランダ、usui ウスイ、saya endoo サヤエンドウ. For cooking with rice, the usui-endo are used.
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menosushi, me no sushi めのすし sushi wrapped in seaweed
Every spring, a specially wide seaweed of the kombu family is harvested near East Muro town 東牟婁 (and in parts of neighbouring Mie prefecture).
antokume あんとくめ, hirome ひろめ are names for this seaweed. It is dried in the sun and can be used all year long for wrapping sushi.

Naraae, Nara ae, Nara-ae 奈良あえ Nara salad
with radish, carrots, abura-age tofu, dried shiitake mushrooms, goboo, and a sauce with sake, sugar, vinegar and salt.
The area of Hirai, Kozagawa 古座川町平井地区
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This area is famous for the fugitives from the capital Nara, who kept their food culture like in the old days. Their regional specialities have quite a revival these days. For example yuzu products and
ayuzushi and uzumidoofu in our list here.

ni namasu, ninamasu 煮なます boiled "namasu"
finely chopped raw fish and vegetables soaked in vinegar, then boiled

osasuri おさすり (ebitsu えびつ)festival confect
Offering on May 5, for the Boy's festival, together with chimaki dumplings.
They used to be made from wheat flour in green color or with past of soramame beans.
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saba no hayazushi to amazake 鯖の早寿しと甘酒
mackerel sushi and sweet ricewine
From Hidaka 日高地方
Prepared for the autumn festival in October, a kind of narezushi (fermented sushi), but nowadays vineger is used.
narezushi is prepared for festivals since more than 800 years. The Arita area 有田 also has a long tradition. They wrap the sushi into a leaf similar to the susuki reed grass, called ase no ha sushi あせの葉寿司.

saba no takikomi gohan 鯖の炊きこみご飯 mackerel cooked with rice
Along the coastline of Wakayama, takikomi rice cooked with ingredients is often prepared. Also sanma pacific saury, oysters or mussles are used. In the mountains, mushrooms and sansai mountain vegetables are cooked with the rice.

saera no teppoo さえらのてっぽう Pacific saury sushi
Along the southern coastline, when autumn turns in winter, sanma Pacific saury comed down from the North and has less fat, just right to prepare sushi.
This is a special dish for festivities., prepared with vinegared sushi rice and hand-kneaded sushi.
saerazushi さえらずし(sanmazushi さんまずし)

sanmazushi, sanma sushi さんまずし 秋刀魚 Pacific saury sushi
sanma comes down from Hokkaido and reaches Wakayama in winter. It has less fat and is right for maruboshi 丸干し, drying in the sun and wind of the beach. The fish is salted over night and then dried for two or three days. Grilled is a delicacy.
For sugatazushi, with head and tail, some juice of daidai mikan is added to the sushi rice.
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Makrelenhecht. Cololabis saira.

satoimo kukizuke 里芋くき漬け pickles from taro stems
from Higashi Murogun 東牟婁.
The stems are also eaten as boiled vegetables or with dressing.
(see zuiki below)


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tachiuo, tachi-uo たちうお【太刀魚】
hairtail; cutlass fish; scabbard fish
Trichiurus lepturus auriga

tachi-uo to chiizu no pai tsutsumi 太刀魚とチーズのパイ包み
scabbard fish wrapped in cheese and baked as a pie

tachi-uo sushi, tachiuo sushi タチウオすし sushi from scabbard fish
The best in Japan, as they say.
From Arita town. 有田市 which has the highest catch of this fish.
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takanazushi, takana sushi 高菜ずし sushi from takana leaves
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Brassica juncea var. integrifolia.
nubarizushi, nubari sushi めばり寿司 from Mie prefecture
. . . meharizushi, mehari sushi めはりずし large sushi
wrapped inthe pickled leaves of Takana, which are pickled in winter and early spring. They were used to wrap the lunch rice for forest workers.
The names comes from a wordplay, with "opeinig your eyes wide when seeing this huge lunch paket" "me o miharu hodo okii".
Nara no mehari sushi

. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .

toofuyaki 豆腐焼き grilled tofu
For the New Year preparations. A kind of dengaku with miso paste.
In Wakayama spielt der Tofu bei den Neujahrsvorbereitungen eine wichtige Rolle. Nach dem großen Neujahrs-Hausputz am 31. Dezember treffen sich die Mitglieder der „Tofu-Gruppe“ (toofukoo豆腐講) abwechselnd in einem Haus und genießen gegrillten Tofu mit Miso-Paste (toofudengaku), während sie die Ereignisse des abgelaufenen Jahres besprechen und sich an glückverheißenden symbolischen Wortspielen mit MISO (失敗、弱みそ, 泣きみそ) und TOFU erfreuen.


umebishio, ume hishio 梅びしお paste from pickled plums
umeboshi were made into a fine paste and cooked with sugar. Their sweet-sour taste was a condiment for all food, for salads and fish dishes.
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ume gohan, umemeshi 梅ごはん pickled umeboshi plums with rice
Best in summer, when people were tired and the sourness of the plums together with the perilla brought back their appetite. It was good cold as a luchbox.
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utsubo ryoori うつぼ料理 moray (eel) dishes
in Kushimoto, Southern Kishu 南紀串本
it was eaten as a stamina food for the farmers and fishermen. Dried in the cold wind, then prepared as tsukudani. It was given to pregnant women and after birth to make the milk flow for the baby.
It best season is in summer, like hamo eel.
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. utsubo 靱 moray eel, Kidako eel .
Gymnothorax kidako

. utsubogusa 靱草 (うつぼぐさ) "Kidako eel plant" .

uzumidoofu, uzumi tofu, uzumi dofu うずみ豆腐 "tofu burried in rice"
uzumaru 埋まる lit. means to be burried under something.
It can be freshly cooked white rice or rice gruel (kayu) or mochigome sticky rice.
From the mountainous area around Kozagawa 古座川町, where followers of the Heike lived in secrecy and kept the tradition of the capital Nara.

yorori no zushi ヨロリのずし sushi from black tuna
ヨロリis another name for kuroshibi kamasu クロシビカマス
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black tuna, Promethichthys prometheus
He looks rather black,has a lot of fat and tasts superb. You can also fry the meat, cook it or use it for other fish dishes.

yubamaki ゆば巻 "suhsi rolled in soymilk skin"

zuiki no nimono ずいきの煮物 boiled taro stems
mostly from yatsuhashi 八つ頭 and ebi-imo えび芋 varieties.
zuiki is good for women after giving birth.
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival


External LINK

Food, Dining, Festivals in Wakayama

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Wakayama .
