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......................................... .. TTT
tabaragani ... Königskrebs. Rote Krabbe. Paralithodes camtschaticus
tachiuo, tachi uo ... “Haarschwanz” (Fisch mit großem Schwert) §Degenfisch. Trichiurus lepturus auriga. largehead hairtail . cutlassfisch
tade …Knöterich, Wasserpfeffer Polygonum hydropiper
tai, madai ... Rote Seebrasse §Meerbrasse Pagrus major . Fam. Sparidae. Sea bream-. sea bream … fuedai. Schnapper. Lutjanus stellatus. snapper
tai no karamushi 鯛の唐蒸し ... gedünstete Seebrasse mit Gemüse. steamed sea bream with vegetables
taiyaki ... Waffel in Form einer Seebrasse
takaashigani, taka-ashi kani ... „Japanische Spinnen-Krabbe“. Macrocheira kaempferi . Japanese Spider Crab, giant spider crab
takana ... Takana-Wirsing. Brassica juncea
taka no tsume ... roter Pfeffer. rote Pfefferschote. Capsicum annuum..
take, madake ... Bambus. Phyllostachys bambusoides
takenoko, take no ko ... Bambussprossen. Bambussprössling §Bambuswurzel
takesudare, take sudare ... Rollmatte aus Bambus . Bambusmatte, klein, zum Rollen von Speisen, besonders Sushi (makisu まきす)
takikomigohan ... Reis gekocht mit weiteren Zutaten
tako, madako ... Oktopoden. Gemeiner Oktopus, Krake : §Oktopus, Octopus vulgaris
takohiki, takobiki … Messer zum Zerschneiden von Kraken für Sashimi.
tako no fukurogo … Eiersack des weiblichen Kraken.
tako no sakurani, sakura-ni ... gekochter Oktopus “wie Kirschblüten“
takoyaki ... Oktopus-Teigbällchen
takoyaki nabe ... Takoyaki-Eisen. (Ersatzweise Augenpfanne)
takuan ... Takuan. Eingelegter Rettich
tamago ... Ei
tamagokake gohan ... „Reis mit rohem Ei“
tamagoyaki ... japanisches Omelett
tamari shooyu ... Tamari-Sojasauce
tamanegi #tama-negi ... Zwiebel
tango no sekku ... Knabenfest
tanishi ... Teichschnecke. Cipango paludina.
tanpaku ... Protein. protein
tansan manjuu ... Backpulver-Manju. juutansan sooda ist sodium bicarbonate
tarabagani ... roter Königskrebs §Königskrabbe. Paralithodes camtschaticus
tara, madaraタラ(鱈) ... Kabeljau. Gadus morhua §Gadus macrocephalus. atlantic cod. Sein Rogen ist “shirako”.
tarako ... Gesalzener Rogen vom Alaska-Pollak. (Alaska-Seelachs) ?nicht Kabeljaurogen
tara no me ... Knopsen der japanischen Aralie. Aralia elata 楤の芽
tare ... Sauce zum Dippen $Eintauchen
taroimo, satoimo, taro imo, sato imo ... Taro-Wurzeln. Colocasia esculenta
tataki ... roh Geschnetzeltes
tataki … scharf angebrates, z. B. buri oder katsuo
tateba chaya 立場茶屋 ... tea stall serving food by the roadside whilst standing
tawashi … Scheuerbürste (japanische TAWASHI sind anders wie deutsche)
teishoku ... Gedeck §Menü. set meal, let lunch,
tekka ... glühend heiße rote Kohlen.
tekkamaki ... Sushi-Rollen mit Thunfisch. „Fleisch so rot wie glühende Kohlen und so heiß wie ein Bissen Wasabi.“
temaki-zushi, temakizushi ... von Hand selbst gerolltes Sushi (meist in Form einer Tüte)
... maki-zushi, makizushi ... gerolltes Sushi. ?Sushirolle, ?Sushi-Rolle (in einer Bambusmatte gerollt) Maki-Sushi.
??Maki-zushi mit Inside-out-rolls.
Tempel Sensooji
tenagadako ... „Langarm-Oktopus“. Octopus minor
tendon … Schale Reis mit Tempura
tengusa … Agar-Agar. Gelidium amansii.
tenkasu ... Tenkasu, frittierte Tempura-Panadereste (als Ersatz .. grob geriebene Semmelbrösel §Grobe Brotkrumen als Ersatz)
tenmenjan ... chinesische süße schwarze Miso-Paste. Chinese sweet black miso
tennen kinenbutsu 天然記念物 ... Naturdenkmal
tennoo … Kaiser. §Tennoo
tenpura ... Das Tempura §Tenpura
tenshin 点心 ... refreshment, eaten shortly before lunch. dim sum in Chinese.
teppanyaki ... Braten auf der Eisenplatte. Gemischte Grillplatte.
teriyaki ... Teriyaki, mariniert mit Teriyaki-Sauce. Teriyaki-Glasursauce.
tessa ... Sashimi vom Kugelfisch, Fugu-Sashimi
te-uchi soba, teuchi soba ... von Hand geknetete Buchweizennudeln, ?handgemachte Buchweizennudeln
tobiko, tobiuonoko, tobiuo no ko, tobikko ... Rogen von fliegendem Fisch $Fliegenfischrogen
tobiuo ... fliegender Fisch. Fam. Exocoetidae, Cypselurus... . hontobiuo C. hiraii. hamatobiuo C. pinnatibarbatus japonicus, oder Cheilopogon agoo (Japanese flying fish). In Tottori wird er AGO genannt.. flying fish
toge kurigani ... Eßkastanien-Krabbe mit Stacheln. Telmessus acutidens
togurokooika togurokoo ika … Posthörnchen. Spirula spirula
toki daikoo … “Trommel zur Stundenanzeige”. Schnaps in Doogo Onsen.
tokkuri … Sakeflasche mit engem Hals
tokobushi床伏... Abalonenart. Sulculus diversicolor aquatilis
tokusa ... Schachtelhalm. Equisetum hyemale
tonburi ... Samen der Sommerzypresse. "Berg-Kaviar". Frucht der Kochia scoparia
ton, buta ... Schwein
tonjiru ... miso soup with pork. Schweine-Miso-Suppe
tonkatsu … Schweineschnitzel
tonkotsu … Schweineknochen. Für Ramen ausgekocht-
toobanjan ... chinesische scharfe rote Miso-Paste. $rote Chilipaste.
toobanyaki, tooban yaki … Grillen-Braten-Kochen auf einer Keramikplatte
toochi … chinesische würzige schwarze Bohnenpaste 豆鼓(トウチ/ トーチ)Black bean sauce
toofu … DER Tofu. ?Bohnenquark ?Sojabohnenquark
toofu ryoori ... Tofugerichte oder Tofu-Gerichte
toogan … Wintermelone. Benincasa hispida
toogarashi ... die Chili (als Schote), der Chili (als Gewürz)
Toohoku, Tookyoo, Kyooto … Tohoku, Tokyo, Kyoto !
toonyuu ... Sojabohnenmilch. ??Sojamilch. Nach Zugabe von Salzsole-Bitterstoff (nigari) entsteht Milchbruch.
tooshi ... „Pfirsischzweige“. Konfekt
tooyadoofu, tooya toofu 冬夜豆腐 ... Tofu eaten on a winter night
torigai ... Herzmuschel. Fulvia mutica
tori no kara-age … frittiertes Hühnerfleisch
toromi ... Dickheit einer Suppe. Andicken. thickness of soup.
tororo … geschabter Kombu-Seetang
tororo ... geriebene Jamswurzel
tororo imo ... Jamswurzeln. Dioscorea japonica
tororojiru ... Suppe mit geriebener Jamswurzel
toshikoshi soba ... Silvester-Buchweizennudeln „für einen guten Rutsch“
tsuboyaki ... (sazae ?Kreiselschnecke ) gegrillt in der Schale
tsubuan, tsubu-an ... gekochte süße Azuki-Bohnen, nicht püriert. #Bohnenpüree
tsubugai ... Tsubugai-Muschel. Babylonia japonica
tsuishi ... Bällchen aus Mehl. Konfekt für Neujahr.
tsuji-uranai ... Glückskekse, zum Neujahrsfest in Kanazawa
tsukemen ... Nudeln zum Eintauchen
tsukemono , o-tsukemono, otsukemono 漬物 ... Pickles. Eingelegtes Gemüse.
tsukimi dango ... Klößchen für die Mondschau
tsuki no wa guma ... Kragenbär . Selenarctos thibetanus.
tsukudani ... „Eingekochtes von der Insel Tsukuda“. in Sojasauce mit Zucker und Mirin geschmort ?Mit gesüßter Sojasauce und Gewürzen.
tsukushi, sugina ..... Schachtelhalm. Equisetum arvense
tsumami, otsumami, o-tsumami ... Kleinigkeit zu Essen, Häppchen zum Alkohol. (wird gekocht)
tsumami ... Snack (meist in einer Verpackung)
tsurumurasaki, tsuru murasaki つるむらさき【蔓紫】 ... Basella rubra. Malabar-Spinat
tsuwabuki ... Tsuwabuki-Huflattich. Farfugium japonicum 石蕗 japanese silver leaf
.......... UUU
uchiko うちこ【打(ち)粉】 ... "Mehl werfen", verhindert, dass die Nudeln miteinander verkleben
udo ... Udo. mountain vegetable. Aralia cordata Thunb. (Berg-Spargel) Japanese spikenard, wild sarsaparilla. Veleriana celtica ist Speik. – shishiudo, shishi-udo (Angelica pubescens). “Japanische Bergangelika“ scheint was anderes zu sein
uerudan ウエルダン well-done. gut durchgebraten.
udon ... Udon-Nudlen. ?Udon. dicke Weizennudeln
uikyoo ういきょう【茴香】 fennel. Fenchelart. Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
uinaa, uinaa sooseeji ウィナーソーセージ , ウインナソーセージ... Wiener Würstchen, Wienerle. Wiener saussage. ?Siedewürstchen
uisukii ... Whisky (Scotch), Whiskey (irischer Whiskey)
ukiko … feines Reismehl浮粉 (Weizenmehl wird mit Wasser geknetet, bis die Stärke und das Eiweiß getrennt sind. Die Stärke wird verwendet.
ukokkei ... „Schwarzes Huhn“. Hühnerrasse. „ „Knochen wie ein Rabe“ ?Rabenknochen. Schwarze Knochen und Haut.
umai ... „Das schmeckt lecker!“ . delicious
umami ... Schmackhaftigkeit. savory. der 5. Geschmack. yummy
ume 梅 ... a Japanese apricot. apricot variety in Japan. ?Pflaume, plum. Prunus mume Sieb., eigentlich eine Aprikosenart (Pflaume ist PURAMU, plum)
umeboshi ... "getrocknete Pflaume", getrocknete Salzpflaume
umezu (§umesu)... „Pflaumen-Essig“, Flüssigkeit beim Einlegen von Salzpflaumen.
umi no sachi ... „Segen aus dem Meer“ §"Segen des Meeres”$Meeresprodukte
umi no sachi yama no sachi ... Segen des Meeres und der Berge (sansai ist ein "Geschenke des Waldes")
unagi ... Japanischer Aal . §Aal. Anguilla japonica. Japanese eel
uni ... Seeigel. Fam. Echinoidea.
uni … Seeigelkeimdrüsen. Männliche und weibliche werden unterschieden. sea urchin
unohana ... Rückstände bei der Herstellung von Tofu.
unshuu mikan ... Mandarinenart. Citrus unshiu. 温州蜜柑
uragoshi ... sieben, seihen
uramaki, ura-maki 裏巻き(うらまき ... "Inside-out rolls", kind of california roll of sushi / temaki no ... handgeformte Sushi-Rolle mit Füllung "nach außen gekehrt"
uri うり (瓜) ... gourd, oriental melon. Uri-Melone. ?Zuckermelone
uruchigome, uruchimai ... gewöhnlicher Reis, nicht klebender Reis. Oryza sativa. uruchigomeko … Reismehl. Mehl von gewöhnlichem Reis, komeko 米粉
urume ... runde Heringsart.urume-iwashi Etrumeus teres. round herring big-eye sardine
ushiojiru ... Meersalzsuppe mit frischen Meeresfrüchten
usukuchi shooyu ... helle Sojasauce (#milde)
usutaasoosu … Worcestersauce, Worcestersoße
uuroncha, uuron cha ウーロン茶 ... Ulong-Tee. Olong-Tee.
utsubo …Kidako-Muräne. Gymnothorax kidako
uzura … Wachtel. Coturnix cotrunix. quail
uzura no tamago ... Wachtelei ?Wachtel-Ei
uzuramame, uzura mame うずらまめ【鶉豆】 ... pinto bean. (kind of ingen). gesprenkelte Bohne
.......... WWW
wabicha 佗び茶 ... "rustic tea ceremony"
wafuu ... im japanischen Stil. japanese style
wafuu soosu ... Sauce im Japanischen Stil.
wakame ... Wakame. Riesenblättertang. Undaria pinnatifida
wakasagi公魚、鰙、若鷺 … Japanischer Stint. Hypomesus nipponensis. japanese smelt
wankosoba ... Wankosoba. Buchweizennudeln in kleinen Schalen serviert, zum Schnellessen.
warabi ... Adlerfarn. Pteridium aquilinum. bracken
warazaiku, wara zaiku ... Kunstewerke aus Reisstroh
warigo重箱 ... gestapelte Kästen oder Schachteln für Essen
warishita ...angesüßte Sojasauce, meist für Sukiyaki oder dojoonabe
wasabi ... Das Wasabi. Japanischer Meerrettich. Wasabia japonica. #grüner Meerrettich . Japanese Horseradish
.... Produkte :
wasabi peesuto 山葵ペースト / ワサビペースト ... Wasabipaste (wasabi paste)
... neriwasabi, neri-wasabi 練りわさび is in the tube as paste. geriebenes Wasabi
kona wasabi 粉山葵(粉ワサビ). wasabi kona わさび粉 ... Wasabipulver (wasabi powder)
wasabijooyu 山葵醤油 ... Wasabi-Sojasauce
... wasabi dipping sauce
wasanbon ... Wasanbon. Wasambon. Japanischer Zucker. aus Zuckerrohr von Kagawa und Tokushima. Saccharum sinense Roxb, Chinese sugar cane
wasei haabu ... Japanese herbs, like myooga and shiso
washi ... Japanpapier
wata-ame, wataame わたあめ / 綿あめ / 綿飴 cotton candy. Zuckerwatte
watarigani, gazami ... Gazami-Schwimmkrabbe. Portunus trituberculatus
..... YYY
yadokari... Einsiedlerkrebs. $Fam. Paguroidea
yaezakura ... Gefüllte Kirschblüten vom Baum Prunus lannesiana
yaki (yaku) ... grilled, roasted ..
yakibuta ... Japanischer Krustenbraten
yakidoofu ... gegrillter Tofu
yakiimo, yaki-imo ... geröstete Süßkartoffeln. ?Süßkartoffel aus dem Ofen
yakimeshi ... aufgebratener Reis, oft „chaahan“
yakimochi ... gerösteter Reiskuchen. Eifersucht
yakiniku ... gegrilltes Fleisch „Koreanisches Barbeque“ (auf koreanische Art), gebratenes Fleisch
yakinori ... geröstete Nori
yakishio ... Tafelsalz
yakisoba ... gebratene Nudeln (chinesische Nudeln)
yakitori ... Hünchen am Spieß
yakizakana ... gebratener Fisch, Bratfisch. Häufig eher über Holzkohlen gegrillter Fisch. Beim traditionellen yakizakana wird kaum Öl verwendet. grilled or broiled fish
yaku ... grillen, braten, rösten usw.
yakumi ... Gewürze (und Kräuter)
yakuzen ... „Medizin-Essen“ 薬膳 316
yamabudoo ... „Berg-Trauben“, wilde Trauben, Vitis coigenetiae. Scharlach-Rebe. Crimson glory vine
yamaimo, yama-imo ... runde Jamswurzel. Dioscorea japonica.
yamakake 山かけ ... Thunfisch-Stücke auf Reis mit geriebener Jamswurzel
yama no sachi ... "Segen der Berge". ?Segnungen des Waldes und der Berge ?Segnungen des ?Waldes. ?Produkte der Berge (des Landes). „Segen aus den Bergen“ ?„Segenungen der Berge“
yamazuke ... "bergförmig gesalzener Lachs". gesalzener Lachs der Ainu
yana ... Bambus-Fischwehr . Fischreuse. Bambus-Wehr zum Fang von Lachs
yanagibashi ... Essstäbchen aus Weidenholz. Für Neujahr.
yariika, yari ika ... Bleekers-Kalmar ( „Speer-Tintenfisch”) . Loligo bleekeri.
yasai ... Gemüse
yatsume unagi ... Neunauge. Lampetra japonica
yomogi ... Beifuß. Artemisia princeps. mugwort
yokochoo … “Gasse”, eigentlich Seitenstraße.
yookan 羊羹 … Yookan. ?Yōkan-Gelee-Paste. Süßes Bohnengelee in Stangenform. Süßigkeit aus Bohnenmus, Zucker, Mehl und Agar-Agar. mizu yokan. swetened and jellied been paste (often in a bar form)
yoonashi ... „Westilche Birne“. Birne
yosenabe ... Eintopfgericht
yoshikirizame ... 葭切鮫... Blauer Hai. Prionace glauca, blue shark. 104
yuba ... Yuba. Haut von Sojamilch ?Haut der Sojabohnenmilch. ?Sojamilchhaut (falsch: Tofuhaut)
yuusoku kojitsu 有職故実 ... formal rules for behaviour and eating at the court
yubeshi ... Süßigkeit aus einer ausgehölten Yuzu-Citrusfrucht, gefüllt mit diversen Zutaten ...
yubiki 湯引き ... blanchierte Speisen
yudoofu ... Tofu in warmem Wasser. „Heiß gebadet“
yukishio, yuki-shio雪塩 ... snow-salt. Schnee-Salz
yuri ... Lilie. Fam. Lilium
yurine ... Lilienknolle百合根。Von Lilium auratum
yuuanyaki, yuuan yaki ... 幽庵焼き(ゆうあんやき)柚庵(ゆあん)焼き .. seared (grilled) fish with radish an lots of yuzu juice and soy sauce a la teriyaki.
yuusoku 有職 ... formal etiquette at courd, Hofetiquette
yuzu … Yuzu-Zitrone. Citrus junos. yuzu no kawa ... Yuzuschale, ersatzweise Limettenschale
.......... ZZZ
zanban 残飯 ... left over rice, zanbanya 残飯屋 stall selling left-over rice to the poor. zanpan
zarame, zarametoo 粗目 (ざらめ) ... Kristallzucker, chrystal sugar
zaru 笊 ... Bambuskorb #Bambussieb
zarusoba ... Kalte Buchweizennudeln im Korb serviert
zenji marugaki ... „Die runde Persimone vom Zen-Tempel“, in Kawasaki, Tempel Oozen-Ji.
zenmai ... Taubenfarn. Osmunda japonica. - レガリスゼンマイ Osmunda regalis . Königsfarn
zenmai meshi ... Reis mit Taubenfarn
zenzai … dicke süße Bohnensuppe mit Mochi
zerii ゼリー ... jelly, Gelee, Götterspeise
zooni ... Zōni, eine Gemüsesuppe mit Mochi ?Neujahrssuppe.
zoosui ... (dicke) Reissuppe mit weiteren Zutaten
zundamochi ... Reiskuchen mit grüner Bohnenpaste
zuwaigani ... Schneekrabbe. Chionoecetes opilio
.......................... END
Japanische Gerichte / Speisenliste
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Top of this Glossary
MAY ... gogatsu 五月
.............. May 1, 2009
Related words
JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月
FEBRUARY ... nigatsu 二月
MARCH ... sangatsu 三月
APRIL ... shigatsu 四月
MAY ... gogatsu 五月
JUNE ... rokugatsu 六月
JULY ... shichigatsu 七月
AUGUST ... hachigatsu 八月
SEPTEMBER ... kugatsu 九月
NOVEMBER ... juuichigatsu 十一月
DECEMBER ... juunigatsu 十二月
MAY ... gogatsu 五月
.............. May 1, 2009
Related words
JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月
FEBRUARY ... nigatsu 二月
MARCH ... sangatsu 三月
APRIL ... shigatsu 四月
MAY ... gogatsu 五月
JUNE ... rokugatsu 六月
JULY ... shichigatsu 七月
AUGUST ... hachigatsu 八月
SEPTEMBER ... kugatsu 九月
NOVEMBER ... juuichigatsu 十一月
DECEMBER ... juunigatsu 十二月
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野菜歳時記 / やさい歳時記
Including other kinds of edible plants.
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food from the WASHOKU files
Aroe アロエ Aloe vera
Azuki 小豆 red beans
Berry, berries Beeren aller Art
berii ベリー berry
chiisa na kajitsu 小さな果実 "small fruit"
Daikon 大根 big radish Rettich
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 traditional vegetables
Edo-Vegetables (Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜)
Vegetables from Edo/Tokyo
Gobo, goboo 牛蒡 Burdock root
Sesame (til, tila, gingili) India goma, goma no hana
Hanayasai ハナヤサイ(花椰菜) Cauliflower
including broccoli
Hoorensoo ほうれん草 / 菠薐草 spinach, Spinat
Jagaimo 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) potato, potatoes
Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Kaisoo (kaisoo 海草) seaweed
Kankitsu, kankitsurui かんきつ(るい)(柑橘(類)citrus fruit
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others
Kanpooyaku 漢方薬 Chinese plant medicine Kampo
Kinoko, take きのこ(茸/蕈/菌) mushrooms
Kome, o-kome お米 rice
Konyaku, konnyaku こんにゃく(蒟蒻/菎蒻) Konjak
Kudamono, fruit ... OBST LIST
Kurumi くるみ (胡桃) Walnut
Kuko Wolfberry
Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse
Mame 豆 all kinds of Beans
Mi 実 Berries and Nuts from the forest
Nuesse und Beeren
Mitsuba 三つ葉 (みつば) "Three leaves" honewort
Moyashi udo もやし独活(もやしうど)sprouts of spikenard and more moyashi
Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 (みょうが). Zingi-Ingwer
Naganegi 葱 (ねぎ) leek, green onions
Nasu 茄子 (なす), nasubi なすび eggplant, aubergine
Ninniku ニンニク 大蒜 Garlic
Okra オクラ(okura) : Abelmoschus esculentus
Sansai 山菜 Mountain vegetables
Sansho, Sanshoo, Japanese pepper, "Mountain pepper"
satoimo, sato imo 里芋 taro root, imo 芋 (いも) taro
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes
Süßkartoffel, Batate
Shiitake Mushrooms
shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new types of vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST
Shiso, beefsteak plant, Perilla 紫蘇
Shokuyoo no hana, Edible Flowers
Shooga, Ginger 生姜
Shungiku, garland chrysanthemum 春菊
Soba buckwheat
somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier
yasai somurie 野菜ソムリエ vegetable sommelier
Taroimo, taro imo タロ芋 Colocasia esculenta
Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus"
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish わさび、山葵.
Wasabia japonica
Yakumi やくみ (薬味) spices and condiments
yamaimo, yama imo, 山芋 Dioscorea japonica. yam
tororoimo, tororo imo とろろ芋、トロロ芋.
Yomena Starwort
Yomogi よもぎ 蓬 mugwort
Beifuss, Beifuß
yurine 百合根 Lilium auratum
Yuzu citron dishes for autumn Japan
The SAIJIKI according to seasons follows below.
Just keep scolling down.

Terazaki Kogyo (Sozan)
Related words
shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST
***** WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI

Iro Nabeshima Plate with Vegetables
野菜歳時記 / やさい歳時記
Including other kinds of edible plants.
Please use your browser to find a word!

food from the WASHOKU files
Aroe アロエ Aloe vera
Azuki 小豆 red beans
Berry, berries Beeren aller Art
berii ベリー berry
chiisa na kajitsu 小さな果実 "small fruit"
Daikon 大根 big radish Rettich
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 traditional vegetables
Edo-Vegetables (Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜)
Vegetables from Edo/Tokyo
Gobo, goboo 牛蒡 Burdock root
Sesame (til, tila, gingili) India goma, goma no hana
Hanayasai ハナヤサイ(花椰菜) Cauliflower
including broccoli
Hoorensoo ほうれん草 / 菠薐草 spinach, Spinat
Jagaimo 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) potato, potatoes
Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Kaisoo (kaisoo 海草) seaweed
Kankitsu, kankitsurui かんきつ(るい)(柑橘(類)citrus fruit
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others
Kanpooyaku 漢方薬 Chinese plant medicine Kampo
Kinoko, take きのこ(茸/蕈/菌) mushrooms
Kome, o-kome お米 rice
Konyaku, konnyaku こんにゃく(蒟蒻/菎蒻) Konjak
Kudamono, fruit ... OBST LIST
Kurumi くるみ (胡桃) Walnut
Kuko Wolfberry
Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse
Mame 豆 all kinds of Beans
Mi 実 Berries and Nuts from the forest
Nuesse und Beeren
Mitsuba 三つ葉 (みつば) "Three leaves" honewort
Moyashi udo もやし独活(もやしうど)sprouts of spikenard and more moyashi
Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 (みょうが). Zingi-Ingwer
Naganegi 葱 (ねぎ) leek, green onions
Nasu 茄子 (なす), nasubi なすび eggplant, aubergine
Ninniku ニンニク 大蒜 Garlic
Okra オクラ(okura) : Abelmoschus esculentus
Sansai 山菜 Mountain vegetables
Sansho, Sanshoo, Japanese pepper, "Mountain pepper"
satoimo, sato imo 里芋 taro root, imo 芋 (いも) taro
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes
Süßkartoffel, Batate
Shiitake Mushrooms
shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new types of vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST
Shiso, beefsteak plant, Perilla 紫蘇
Shokuyoo no hana, Edible Flowers
Shooga, Ginger 生姜
Shungiku, garland chrysanthemum 春菊
Soba buckwheat
somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier
yasai somurie 野菜ソムリエ vegetable sommelier
Taroimo, taro imo タロ芋 Colocasia esculenta
Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus"
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish わさび、山葵.
Wasabia japonica
Yakumi やくみ (薬味) spices and condiments
yamaimo, yama imo, 山芋 Dioscorea japonica. yam
tororoimo, tororo imo とろろ芋、トロロ芋.
Yomena Starwort
Yomogi よもぎ 蓬 mugwort
Beifuss, Beifuß
yurine 百合根 Lilium auratum
Yuzu citron dishes for autumn Japan
The SAIJIKI according to seasons follows below.
Just keep scolling down.

Terazaki Kogyo (Sozan)
Related words
shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST
***** WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI

Iro Nabeshima Plate with Vegetables
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Please use your browser to find a word!
Vegetables of Spring ... haru no yasai 春の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku SPRING starts on February 4, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
Spring is the time when a lot of sprouts and buds appear on the table or are made into preserves and pickles. I made an extra page with the pickles of spring, 春の漬物.
Tsukemono (Pickles)

Early Spring
arrowhead 慈姑 (くわい) kuwai
shiro kuwai 白慈姑(しろぐわい)white arrowhead
ao kuwai 青慈姑(あおぐわい)green arrowhead
kuwai no me 慈姑の芽(くわいのめ) arrowhead buds
Sagittaria trifolia var. edulis
Its leaves look like a howe KUWA, hence the name. Since it is like a potato, it was first called kuwai imo 慈姑芋 ... kuwai.
Since its buds sprout quite visible, it is an auspicious food for "me ga deru", to have good luch (eyes coming out). It can be cut with six corners to resemble a little bell.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
digging for arrowhead 慈姑掘る (くわいほる) kuwai horu
kigo for all spring
Suita kuwai 吹田くわい arrowhead from Suita town, Osaka
kuroguwai 烏芋 (くろぐわい) "black kuwai"
goi ごい、egu imo えぐいも、kuwaizuru くわいずる
leafy "february leaf" 如月菜 (きさらぎな) kisaragi na
..... kisaragina 二月菜(きさらぎな), タアサイ
Mibu-leaf 壬生菜 (みぶな) mibuna
..... itona 糸菜(いとな) "thread leaf"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
potato seedlings 種芋 (たねいも) tane-imo
tane imo 種薯(たねいも)、imo tane 芋種(いもたね)
imo no me 芋の芽(いものめ)potato sprouts
imonae 藷苗(いもなえ) potato seedlings
potherb mustard 水菜 (みずな) mizuna
uwabamisoo 蟒草 (うわばみそう) "large snake plant"
..... kyoona 京菜(きょうな) "Kyoto leaf"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Xiu Cai, Kyona, Japanese Mustard, Japanese Greens, California Peppergrass, Spider Mustard
The taste of mizuna has been described as a "piquant, mild peppery flavor...slightly spicy, but less so than arugula."Mizuna makes an excellent salad green, and is frequently found in mesclun.It is also used in stir-frys, soups, and nabemono.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Wildnesselart: Elatostema umbellatum.
spinach 菠薐草 (ほうれんそう, ほうれん草) hoorensoo, horenso
Aralia 五加飯 (うこぎ) ukogi
Fatsia japonica blossoms (yatsude no hana) Japanese Aralia
Chinese leek, garlic chives 韮 (にら)
kamira かみら、mira みら、futamoji ふたもじ
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chives 胡葱 (あさつき) asatsuki
itonegi 糸葱(いとねぎ)、senbon wakegi 千本分葱(せんぼんわけぎ)
senbuki せんぶき
garlic 蒜 (にんにく) ninniku
葫(にんにく)、hiru ひる、
big garlic 大蒜(おおにんにく) oo ninniku
Ninniku Garlic
"Horsetail" horsetail 土筆和(つくし) tsukushi
mountain pepper bark 山椒の皮 (さんしょうのかわ) Sanshoo no kawa
bark of the mountain pepper
rape-like "nightingale leaf" 鶯菜 (うぐいすな ) uguisuna
also like komatsuna
radish in spring 春大根 (はるだいこん) haru daikon
sangatsu daikon 三月大根(さんがつだいこん)
nawashiro daikon 苗代大根(なわしろだいこん)
shitagsu daikon 四月大根(しがつだいこん)
Starwort 嫁菜 (よめな)Yomena
Wolfberry 枸杞 (くこ) kuko
Late Spring
asparagus アスパラガス asuparagasu, asupara
matsuba udo 松葉独活(まつばうど), matsuba udo 石刀柏(まつばうど), seiyoo udo 西洋独活(せいよううど), oranda kiji kakushi オランダ雉隠し(おらんだきじかくし)
beans blossoms 豆の花 (まめのはな) mame no hana
..... soramame no hana 蚕豆の花(そらまめのはな) broad beans blossoms
..... endoo no hana 豌豆の花 (えんどうのはな) blossoms of shell peas
Pisum sativum
leek blossoms 葱坊主 (ねぎぼうず) negi boozu
..... negi no hana 葱の花(ねぎのはな)
..... negi no gibo 葱の擬宝(ねぎのぎぼ)
Leek (naganegi) green onions, scallion, porree Japan
"march leaf" 三月菜 (さんがつな) sangatsuna
Mugwort よもぎ (艾蓬, 蓬 ヨモギ) yomogi
myooga stems 茗荷竹 (みょうがたけ) myoogatake
Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 (みょうが). Zingi-Ingwer
suiitopii スイートピー sweet pea, Wicke
kakoo rensoo 麝香連理草(じゃこうれんりそう)
jakoo endoo 、麝香豌豆(じゃこうえんどう)
nioi endoo におい豌豆(においえんどう)fragrant endo
Lathyrus odoratus
radish blossoms 大根の花 (だいこんのはな) daikon no hana
..... hana daikon 花大根(はなだいこ)
Radish (daikon) Japan.
Rapeseed blossoms (na no hana) Japan
Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど) udo
. . . moyashi udo もやし独活(もやしうど)sprouts of spikenard and more moyashi
sprouting vegetables 茎立 (くくたち) kukitachi
..... kukidachi くきだち
..... kukitachina 茎立菜 (くきたちな)
..... くくたち菜(くくたちな), okuna 晩菜(おくな)
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish わさび、山葵.
Wasabia japonica
warabi 蕨汁(わらび)bracken
zenmai ぜんまい飯(ぜんまい) zenmai fern
All Spring
brown mustard 芥菜 (からしな) karashina
..... 芥子菜(からしな), nagarashi ながらし
aokarashi 青芥(あおがらし)
karashina 芥菜(からしな)、菜芥(ながらし)
Brassica juncea Czern. et Coss
From China, introduced in the Heian period. Different types in various regions.
It has a strong hot taste.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
garland chrysanthemum 春菊 shungiku "spring chrysanthemum"
Chrysanthemum coronarium
honewort, mitsuba honewort 三葉芹 (みつばぜり) mitsuba seri
mitsuba みつば
Cryptotaenia japonica. Added to many soups and salads.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
lettuce 萵苣 (ちしゃ) chisha
chisa ちさ、kakijisha 掻ぢしゃ(かきぢしゃ), tamajisha 玉ぢしゃ(たまぢしゃ), retasu レタス、saradana, sarada-na サラダ菜(さらだな)
The use of lettuce for salad became popular in Japan after 1970. There are more than 200 different types of lettuce grown.
The Japanese word CHISHA goes back to the stem of the lettuce, when cut, some whitish liquor is coming out, "plant producing milk" 乳草 chi gusa .. chisha.
koogen retasu 高原レタス lettuce from the highlands, best in July and August
Kawakami village 川上村 in Nagano produces the most lettuce in Japan. They are grown on white multisheets and harvesting starts at 4 in the morning, to bring them to the markets in town via truckloads.
hanimuun sarada ハニムーンサラダ
"honeymoon salad"
made only of salad leaves.
... Lettuce only ... let us only ...
Salat, Salatkopf
leafy spring vegetables 春菜 (はるな) haruna
Japanese parcely 芹 seri, dropwort
Oenanthe javanica
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Brunnenkresse, Rebendolde, Japanisches Petersilie
seri tsumi 芹摘(せりつみ)picking Japanese parcely
serita 芹田(せりた)field with J. parcely
seri no mizu 芹の水(せりのみず)water flowing through a J.parcely field
taseri 田芹(たぜり)J. Parcely from a field (farmed types)
... hataseri 畑芹(はたぜり)
nezeri 根芹(ねぜり)root of the J. parcely
mizuzeri 水芹(みずぜり)water dropwort
shirozeri 白芹(しろぜり)white J. parcely
dokuseri 毒芹(どくぜり)poisonous J. parcely
oozeri 大芹(おおぜり)large j.parcely
ekisaizeri 益斎芹(えきさいぜり)
Apodicarpum ikenoi Makino
sawazeri 沢芹(さわぜり)J. parcely in a swamp
... numazeri 沼芹(ぬまぜり)
nejirogusa 根白草(ねじろぐさ)plant with white roots
tsumimashigusa つみまし草(つみましぐさ)
Haru no Nanakusa 春の七草 Seven Herbs of Spring
Japanese parsley or dropwort (seri せり),
Shepherd's purse, (nazuna 薺),
cottonweed (gogyo 御行, 五形、御形),
chickweed (hakobera はこべら),
Buddha's Seat(hotoke no za 仏の座) Lapsana apogonoides,
Japanese Turnip (suzuna すずな),
Long Radish (daikon))suzushiro すずしろ.
seri is well loved in many hodgepodge dishes in winter too. It is grown in houses (for example in the area for Miseki seri 三関セリ) in Northern Japan. It is harvested with its roots, which are long and white and also eaten after removing all the earth.
There is an old story about a poor girl picking dropwort in winter, because her mother was ill and she could not afford better medicine. Prince Shotoku saw her, fell in love with her and made her his princess, hence the "dropwort picking princess" , Seritsumi Hime 芹摘姫. / Kashiwate Hime 膳夫姫.
Story from the temple Kashiwate dera 膳夫寺 (かしわてでら), Nara.
Matsuo Basho in the year Genroku 6, when he was 50 years old.
When he visited some pupils and they treated him to this dish:
(The Seri is used to cover the meat taste of the duck meat. It was picked at the nearby irrigation pond of the foothills, which was still covered with thin ice.)
seriyaki ya susowa no ta-i no hatsu goori / seri yaki
parsley baked duck -
first ice around the irrigation pond
at the mountain's foot
Written in 元禄6年, Basho age 50
He had been treated to some of this food by his pupils around Shokushi 濁子.
. . . . .
kanashiman ya Bokushi seriyaki o mite mo nao
does he grieve
the poet when he sees parsley
grow dark with cooking
Tr. Reichhold
Reichhold's comment:
"'Seri' is the 'water dropwort' or 'Japanese parsley' ('Oenanthe javanica'). It was baked with duck or pheasant in a soy sauce and vinegar marinade. The dish of cooked parsley and meat looked like the first ice on an irrigation pond."
seri no meshi 芹の飯 rice with dropwort
- Basho Haiku about Food 松尾芭蕉 -

seri no hana 芹の花 (せりのはな) dropwort flowers
kigo for mid-summer
. dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold
. Fern (shida) and seri .
Things found on the way

zenmai no no no ji bakari no jakkoodo
the zenmai fern
is all round and round (like the character の ) -
Jakko Paradise
Kawabata Boosha 川端茅舎 Kawabata Bosha
Jakko Jodo 寂光浄土 (jakkoo joodo) "Pure Land of Tranquil Light" is one of the Buddhist paradises, the highest one of the four paradises of the Tendai sect.
The roundness of the new fern is compared to the promised paradise.
***** . Roundness and Spirituality .
WKD : Haiku about Spinach
Related words
***** The Asian Lunar Calendar. Reference
***** Rice, with many Japanese words
Rice plant (ine 稲, sanae 早苗 )
Rice grains are called "kome, mai 米".
On the table and cooked, it is called
"Gohan" ご飯 or "meshi" 飯 めし.
***** Planting, harvesting and preparing food in SPRING kigo
- quote
On drinking, May and battling the blues
... As for spring food, for the sakanazuki (魚好き, pescaterians), there’s the hatsugatsuo (初鰹, new bonito) that the Tokyoite has valued for centuries. During the Edo Period (1603-1867), nyōbō wo shichini iretemo hatsugatsuo (女房を質に入れても初鰹, a man will pawn his wife if it means he can eat the new bonito) was a popular phrase — an interesting indicator of the Japanese male mindset.
On the veggie front, there’s the soramame (空豆, broad beans), and the medicinal haruno gosanke (春の御三家, spring triumvirate) of myōga, (茗荷, ginger), wakegi (分葱, scallion) and shiso (紫蘇, perilla) all treasured since the days of Japan’s oldest anthology of poems “The Manyōshyū” (万葉集) for their restorative effects.
- source : Japan Times, May 2014
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Please use your browser to find a word!
Vegetables of Spring ... haru no yasai 春の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku SPRING starts on February 4, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
Spring is the time when a lot of sprouts and buds appear on the table or are made into preserves and pickles. I made an extra page with the pickles of spring, 春の漬物.
Tsukemono (Pickles)

Early Spring
arrowhead 慈姑 (くわい) kuwai
shiro kuwai 白慈姑(しろぐわい)white arrowhead
ao kuwai 青慈姑(あおぐわい)green arrowhead
kuwai no me 慈姑の芽(くわいのめ) arrowhead buds
Sagittaria trifolia var. edulis
Its leaves look like a howe KUWA, hence the name. Since it is like a potato, it was first called kuwai imo 慈姑芋 ... kuwai.
Since its buds sprout quite visible, it is an auspicious food for "me ga deru", to have good luch (eyes coming out). It can be cut with six corners to resemble a little bell.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
digging for arrowhead 慈姑掘る (くわいほる) kuwai horu
kigo for all spring
Suita kuwai 吹田くわい arrowhead from Suita town, Osaka
kuroguwai 烏芋 (くろぐわい) "black kuwai"
goi ごい、egu imo えぐいも、kuwaizuru くわいずる
leafy "february leaf" 如月菜 (きさらぎな) kisaragi na
..... kisaragina 二月菜(きさらぎな), タアサイ
Mibu-leaf 壬生菜 (みぶな) mibuna
..... itona 糸菜(いとな) "thread leaf"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
potato seedlings 種芋 (たねいも) tane-imo
tane imo 種薯(たねいも)、imo tane 芋種(いもたね)
imo no me 芋の芽(いものめ)potato sprouts
imonae 藷苗(いもなえ) potato seedlings
potherb mustard 水菜 (みずな) mizuna
uwabamisoo 蟒草 (うわばみそう) "large snake plant"
..... kyoona 京菜(きょうな) "Kyoto leaf"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Xiu Cai, Kyona, Japanese Mustard, Japanese Greens, California Peppergrass, Spider Mustard
The taste of mizuna has been described as a "piquant, mild peppery flavor...slightly spicy, but less so than arugula."Mizuna makes an excellent salad green, and is frequently found in mesclun.It is also used in stir-frys, soups, and nabemono.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Wildnesselart: Elatostema umbellatum.
spinach 菠薐草 (ほうれんそう, ほうれん草) hoorensoo, horenso
Aralia 五加飯 (うこぎ) ukogi
Fatsia japonica blossoms (yatsude no hana) Japanese Aralia
Chinese leek, garlic chives 韮 (にら)
kamira かみら、mira みら、futamoji ふたもじ
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chives 胡葱 (あさつき) asatsuki
itonegi 糸葱(いとねぎ)、senbon wakegi 千本分葱(せんぼんわけぎ)
senbuki せんぶき
garlic 蒜 (にんにく) ninniku
葫(にんにく)、hiru ひる、
big garlic 大蒜(おおにんにく) oo ninniku
Ninniku Garlic
"Horsetail" horsetail 土筆和(つくし) tsukushi
mountain pepper bark 山椒の皮 (さんしょうのかわ) Sanshoo no kawa
bark of the mountain pepper
rape-like "nightingale leaf" 鶯菜 (うぐいすな ) uguisuna
also like komatsuna
radish in spring 春大根 (はるだいこん) haru daikon
sangatsu daikon 三月大根(さんがつだいこん)
nawashiro daikon 苗代大根(なわしろだいこん)
shitagsu daikon 四月大根(しがつだいこん)
Starwort 嫁菜 (よめな)Yomena
Wolfberry 枸杞 (くこ) kuko
Late Spring
asparagus アスパラガス asuparagasu, asupara
matsuba udo 松葉独活(まつばうど), matsuba udo 石刀柏(まつばうど), seiyoo udo 西洋独活(せいよううど), oranda kiji kakushi オランダ雉隠し(おらんだきじかくし)
beans blossoms 豆の花 (まめのはな) mame no hana
..... soramame no hana 蚕豆の花(そらまめのはな) broad beans blossoms
..... endoo no hana 豌豆の花 (えんどうのはな) blossoms of shell peas
Pisum sativum
leek blossoms 葱坊主 (ねぎぼうず) negi boozu
..... negi no hana 葱の花(ねぎのはな)
..... negi no gibo 葱の擬宝(ねぎのぎぼ)
Leek (naganegi) green onions, scallion, porree Japan
"march leaf" 三月菜 (さんがつな) sangatsuna
Mugwort よもぎ (艾蓬, 蓬 ヨモギ) yomogi
myooga stems 茗荷竹 (みょうがたけ) myoogatake
Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 (みょうが). Zingi-Ingwer
suiitopii スイートピー sweet pea, Wicke
kakoo rensoo 麝香連理草(じゃこうれんりそう)
jakoo endoo 、麝香豌豆(じゃこうえんどう)
nioi endoo におい豌豆(においえんどう)fragrant endo
Lathyrus odoratus
radish blossoms 大根の花 (だいこんのはな) daikon no hana
..... hana daikon 花大根(はなだいこ)
Radish (daikon) Japan.
Rapeseed blossoms (na no hana) Japan
Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど) udo
. . . moyashi udo もやし独活(もやしうど)sprouts of spikenard and more moyashi
sprouting vegetables 茎立 (くくたち) kukitachi
..... kukidachi くきだち
..... kukitachina 茎立菜 (くきたちな)
..... くくたち菜(くくたちな), okuna 晩菜(おくな)
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish わさび、山葵.
Wasabia japonica
warabi 蕨汁(わらび)bracken
zenmai ぜんまい飯(ぜんまい) zenmai fern
All Spring
brown mustard 芥菜 (からしな) karashina
..... 芥子菜(からしな), nagarashi ながらし
aokarashi 青芥(あおがらし)
karashina 芥菜(からしな)、菜芥(ながらし)
Brassica juncea Czern. et Coss
From China, introduced in the Heian period. Different types in various regions.
It has a strong hot taste.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
garland chrysanthemum 春菊 shungiku "spring chrysanthemum"
Chrysanthemum coronarium
honewort, mitsuba honewort 三葉芹 (みつばぜり) mitsuba seri
mitsuba みつば
Cryptotaenia japonica. Added to many soups and salads.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
lettuce 萵苣 (ちしゃ) chisha
chisa ちさ、kakijisha 掻ぢしゃ(かきぢしゃ), tamajisha 玉ぢしゃ(たまぢしゃ), retasu レタス、saradana, sarada-na サラダ菜(さらだな)
The use of lettuce for salad became popular in Japan after 1970. There are more than 200 different types of lettuce grown.
The Japanese word CHISHA goes back to the stem of the lettuce, when cut, some whitish liquor is coming out, "plant producing milk" 乳草 chi gusa .. chisha.

Kawakami village 川上村 in Nagano produces the most lettuce in Japan. They are grown on white multisheets and harvesting starts at 4 in the morning, to bring them to the markets in town via truckloads.
hanimuun sarada ハニムーンサラダ
"honeymoon salad"
made only of salad leaves.
... Lettuce only ... let us only ...
Salat, Salatkopf
leafy spring vegetables 春菜 (はるな) haruna
Japanese parcely 芹 seri, dropwort
Oenanthe javanica
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Brunnenkresse, Rebendolde, Japanisches Petersilie
seri tsumi 芹摘(せりつみ)picking Japanese parcely
serita 芹田(せりた)field with J. parcely
seri no mizu 芹の水(せりのみず)water flowing through a J.parcely field
taseri 田芹(たぜり)J. Parcely from a field (farmed types)
... hataseri 畑芹(はたぜり)
nezeri 根芹(ねぜり)root of the J. parcely
mizuzeri 水芹(みずぜり)water dropwort
shirozeri 白芹(しろぜり)white J. parcely
dokuseri 毒芹(どくぜり)poisonous J. parcely
oozeri 大芹(おおぜり)large j.parcely
ekisaizeri 益斎芹(えきさいぜり)
Apodicarpum ikenoi Makino
sawazeri 沢芹(さわぜり)J. parcely in a swamp
... numazeri 沼芹(ぬまぜり)
nejirogusa 根白草(ねじろぐさ)plant with white roots
tsumimashigusa つみまし草(つみましぐさ)
Haru no Nanakusa 春の七草 Seven Herbs of Spring
Japanese parsley or dropwort (seri せり),
Shepherd's purse, (nazuna 薺),
cottonweed (gogyo 御行, 五形、御形),
chickweed (hakobera はこべら),
Buddha's Seat(hotoke no za 仏の座) Lapsana apogonoides,
Japanese Turnip (suzuna すずな),
Long Radish (daikon))suzushiro すずしろ.
seri is well loved in many hodgepodge dishes in winter too. It is grown in houses (for example in the area for Miseki seri 三関セリ) in Northern Japan. It is harvested with its roots, which are long and white and also eaten after removing all the earth.

Story from the temple Kashiwate dera 膳夫寺 (かしわてでら), Nara.
Matsuo Basho in the year Genroku 6, when he was 50 years old.
When he visited some pupils and they treated him to this dish:
(The Seri is used to cover the meat taste of the duck meat. It was picked at the nearby irrigation pond of the foothills, which was still covered with thin ice.)
seriyaki ya susowa no ta-i no hatsu goori / seri yaki
parsley baked duck -
first ice around the irrigation pond
at the mountain's foot
Written in 元禄6年, Basho age 50
He had been treated to some of this food by his pupils around Shokushi 濁子.
. . . . .
kanashiman ya Bokushi seriyaki o mite mo nao
does he grieve
the poet when he sees parsley
grow dark with cooking
Tr. Reichhold
Reichhold's comment:
"'Seri' is the 'water dropwort' or 'Japanese parsley' ('Oenanthe javanica'). It was baked with duck or pheasant in a soy sauce and vinegar marinade. The dish of cooked parsley and meat looked like the first ice on an irrigation pond."
seri no meshi 芹の飯 rice with dropwort
- Basho Haiku about Food 松尾芭蕉 -

seri no hana 芹の花 (せりのはな) dropwort flowers
kigo for mid-summer
. dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold
. Fern (shida) and seri .
Things found on the way

zenmai no no no ji bakari no jakkoodo
the zenmai fern
is all round and round (like the character の ) -
Jakko Paradise
Kawabata Boosha 川端茅舎 Kawabata Bosha
Jakko Jodo 寂光浄土 (jakkoo joodo) "Pure Land of Tranquil Light" is one of the Buddhist paradises, the highest one of the four paradises of the Tendai sect.
The roundness of the new fern is compared to the promised paradise.
***** . Roundness and Spirituality .
WKD : Haiku about Spinach
Related words
***** The Asian Lunar Calendar. Reference
***** Rice, with many Japanese words
Rice plant (ine 稲, sanae 早苗 )
Rice grains are called "kome, mai 米".
On the table and cooked, it is called
"Gohan" ご飯 or "meshi" 飯 めし.
***** Planting, harvesting and preparing food in SPRING kigo
- quote
On drinking, May and battling the blues
... As for spring food, for the sakanazuki (魚好き, pescaterians), there’s the hatsugatsuo (初鰹, new bonito) that the Tokyoite has valued for centuries. During the Edo Period (1603-1867), nyōbō wo shichini iretemo hatsugatsuo (女房を質に入れても初鰹, a man will pawn his wife if it means he can eat the new bonito) was a popular phrase — an interesting indicator of the Japanese male mindset.
On the veggie front, there’s the soramame (空豆, broad beans), and the medicinal haruno gosanke (春の御三家, spring triumvirate) of myōga, (茗荷, ginger), wakegi (分葱, scallion) and shiso (紫蘇, perilla) all treasured since the days of Japan’s oldest anthology of poems “The Manyōshyū” (万葉集) for their restorative effects.
- source : Japan Times, May 2014
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
some keywords have their own entry,
check the ABC index of the database.
Vegetables of Summer ... natsu no yasai 夏の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku SUMMER starts on May 6, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

natsu yasai 夏野菜
A lot of fruit also ripens in summer.
Here are listed just a few.
A lot of plants blossom in summer.
Here are listed just a few.
. Yakumi 薬味 spices and condiments .
Use your browser to find a word.
Early Summer
endoo 豌豆 (えんどう)endo beans, field pea beans
... saya endoo 莢豌豆(さやえんどう)
japanische Erbsen
fuki 蕗 (ふき butterbur)
Petasites japonicus
fuki kari 蕗刈り(ふきかり)cutting butterbur
akita fuki 秋田蕗(あきたふき)fuki from Akita
fuki no hiroba 蕗の広葉(ふきのひろば)broad leaves of butterbur
fuki no ame 蕗の雨(ふきのあめ)rain on the butterbur
kandoo 欵冬(かんどう)
. gibooshi no hana 擬宝珠の花 hosta flowers .
Hosta fortunei. A mountain vegetable (sansai)
goboo no hana 牛蒡の花 (ごぼうのはな) burdock blossoms
... hana goboo 花牛蒡(はなごぼう)
hechima nae 糸瓜苗 seedlings of the sponge gourd
sowing sponge gourds, hechima maku 糸瓜蒔く
flower of the sponge gourd, hechima no hana 糸瓜の花
hana hechima 花糸瓜(はなへちま)
. . . . . and
karasuuri no hana 烏瓜の花 flower of the snake gourd
Trichosanthes cucumeroides
hisago nae 瓢苗 gourd seedlings
kikujisha きくぢしゃ "chrysanthemum lettuce" endive
nigajisha 苦蒿苣(にがぢしゃ)"bitter lettuce"
hanajisha 花蒿苣(はなぢしゃ)
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣(おらんだぢしゃ)"lettuce from Holland"
Cichorium endivia. Endiviensalat
kyabetsu キャベツ (European) cabbage
... kanran 甘藍 (かんらん) , tamana 玉菜(たまな)"leaves ball"
Brassica oleracea
Cabbage is good for the digestion.
Often eaten as sengiri 千切り shredded in "1000 cuts" in small stripes, added to a tonkatsu cutlet (in Kanto).
Torn by hand it is called chigiri kyabetsu チギリキャベツ, added to a kushikatsu cutled on skewers in Kansai.
kushikatsu 串カツ pork meat on skewers
koorusuroo コールスロー coleslaw salad
also as rolled cabbage ロールキャベツ rooru kyabetsu.
In Chinese kitchen, as hoikooroo ホイコーロー / 回鍋肉hoikoro pork meat with cabbage
. . . "cabbage white", (Pieris rapae) a butterfly. Kleine Kohlweißling.
- - - - - but
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
kigo for all winter
and other types of "winter cabbage" and "kyabetsu" in the Japanese name.
. SAIJIKI - Winter Vegetables .
kyuuri no nae 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber seedlings
hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり) cucumber blossoms
kyuuri no hana 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber flowers
..... hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり)
nasu nae 茄子苗 なすなえ eggplant seedlings
kleine Auberginenpflanzen
shin jaga, shinjaga 新馬鈴薯 (しんじゃが ) new potatoes
soramame 蚕豆 (そらまめ) fava beans, broad beans
... hajiki mame はじき豆(はじきまめ)
The black of the strings was used to prepare a substance called "ohaguro, o-haguro おはぐろ (御歯黒/お歯黒/ 鉄漿)" to blacken the teeth of the married beauties of the Edo period.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of black teeth!
kanetsuke 鉄漿付け
© OHAGURO ... More in the WIKIPEDIA !
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts
with more kigo
uri no nae 瓜の花 (うりのはな ) gourd seedlings
aobashoo 青芭蕉 (あおばしょう)green leaves of banana
bashoo wakaba 芭蕉若葉(ばしょうわかば)
natsu bashoo 夏芭蕉(なつばしょう) summer banana tree
imo no hana 芋の花 (いものはな) sweet potato blossoms
jagaimo no hana 馬鈴薯の花 (じゃがいものはな)
jagatara no hana じゃがたらの花(じゃがたらのはな), bareisho no hana馬鈴薯の花(ばれいしょのはな)
Kartoffelblüten, jaga-imo no hana
kabocha no hana 南瓜の花 pumpkin flowers
karigi 刈葱 (かりぎ) kind of leek
...yagura negi 楼子葱(やぐらねぎ), sankai negi 三階葱(さんかいねぎ)
ninjin no hana 人参の花 (にんじんのはな) carrot blossoms
... hana ninjin 花人参(はなにんじん)
oriibu no hana オリーブの花 (おりーぶのはな) olive blossoms
オリーブ Olives from Shodoshima 小豆島 ... Kagawa prefecture
satsumaimo no hana 甘藷の花 flower of the sweet potato
..... kansho no hana 甘藷の花(かんしょのはな)
suika no hana 西瓜の花 (すいかのはな)
watermelon flowers
toogarashi no hana 唐辛子の花 (とうがらしのはな)
flowers/blossoms of the red pepper
..... 蕃椒の花(とうがらしのはな)
Late Summer
asuparagasu no hana アスパラガスの花 asparagus flowers
bashoo no hana 芭蕉の花 (ばしょうのはな ) banana blossoms
... hana bashoo 花芭蕉(はなばしょう)
chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot , Knollenziest
Stachys sieboldii
Often used for New Year food because of its red color when pickled.
hasu no hana 蓮の花
lotus flowers, renge 蓮華
. kanpyoo muku 干瓢剥く (かんぴょうむく )
cutting small stripes of calabash .
(Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida). kampyo
... kanpyoo hagu 干瓢はぐ(かんぴょうはぐ)
kanpyoo hosu 干瓢干す(かんぴょうほす) drying the calabash stripes
shin kanpyoo 新干瓢(しんかんぴょう)new calabash stripes
The calabash is cut in long stripes with a maschine or by hand and then dried, best in the sunshine. New stripes are offered to the ancestors for the obon festival.
famous woodblock print by Hiroshige
about the kanpyoo perparations in Minakuchi,
along the Tokaido.
getrocknete Kürbisstreifen
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
myooga no ko 茗荷の子 "children of myoga ginger"
nasu eggplant, 茄子 (なす), aubergine nasubi なすび
with more kigo
natsumame 夏豆 (なつまめ) "summer soy beans"
... shin edamame 新枝豆(しんえだまめ) new edamame soybeans
natsu negi, natsunegi 夏葱 (なつねぎ) summre leek
Leek (negi)
painappuru パイナップル pineapple
ananasu あななす ananas
matsuringo まつりんご, hoori 鳳梨(ほうり)
shin imo 新藷 (しんいも) new sweet potatoes
... hashiri imo 走り藷(はしりいも)
. shiso 紫蘇 しそ beefsteak plant .
Perilla frutescens
tomato トマト (とまと)
banka 蕃茄(ばんか), aka nasu 赤茄子(あかなす)"red eggplant"
Momotaro Tomatoes from Okayama 桃太郎トマト
toomorokoshi no hana 玉蜀黍の花 (とうもろこしのはな)
maize flowers, corn flowers
nanban no hana なんばんの花(なんばんのはな)
tookibi no hana 唐黍の花(とうきびのはな) "Kibi from Tang China" flowers
uri 瓜 gourd
oriental melon, makuwa uri
hime uri 姫瓜 (ひめうり)
shiro uri 越瓜 (しろうり)
shiro uri 白瓜(しろうり)
ao uri 青瓜 (あおうり )
meron メロン
waka goboo, wakagoboo 若牛蒡 (わかごぼう) new young burdock
... shin goboo 新牛蒡(しんごぼう)
yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant)
yuugaodana 夕顔棚(ゆうがおだな) shelf for bottle gourds
Lagenaria siceraria
All Summer
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Cynara scolymus
kigo in California
The Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a perennial thistle originating in southern Europe around the Mediterranean.
The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud about 8–15 cm diameter with numerous triangular scales; the individual florets are purple.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Artichoke thistle, cardoon: Cynara Cardunculus
aotoogarashi あおとうがらし【青唐辛子・青蕃椒】green hot pepper
grüner Pfefferschoten
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Many are grown as Kyoto Vegetables.
banana バナナ banana
mibashoo 甘蕉(みばしょう) "sweet bashoo"
kyuuri 胡瓜 (きゅうり) cucumber
The name comes from "yellow gourd" ki-uri 黄瓜 きうり , which changed to kyuuri. If you let a cucumber hang long enough, it will turn yellow when ripe.
... itazuri 板刷り to rub the cucumber on a wooden board with salt
... shiomomi 塩もみ cut cucumber pieces kneaded with salt to get rid of some water
The Chinese characters for uri 瓜 and tsume 爪 are very similar BUT
uri ni tsume ari, tsume ni tsume nashi.
. mame no hana 豆の花 various beans flowering in summer .
nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)dengaku with eggplants
nasu no hana 茄子の花 (なすのはな) eggplant blossoms
... hana nasu 花茄子(はななす)
natsu daikon 夏大根 (なつだいこん) summer radish
Radish (daikon)
natsu kabu 夏蕪 (なつかぶ) summer turnips
..... natsu kabura 夏蕪(なつかぶら)
natsu na, natsuna 夏菜 (なつな)"summer leaves" Swiss chard
... fudansoo 不断草(ふだんそう)Swiss chard
Beta vulgaris
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
papaiya パパイヤ papaya
... papaya パパヤ、chichiuri no kiちちうりのき
mokka木瓜(もっか)、mannjuka 万寿果(まんじゅか)
paseri パセリ parsley
oranda seri 和蘭芹(オランダぜり)
rakkyoo 辣韮 (らっきょう) shallot
... rakkyoo 薤(らっきょう)、rakkyo らっきょ
Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel. Schalotte
tade 蓼 (たで) smartweed, water pepper
yanagi tade 柳蓼(やなぎたで), hontade 本蓼(ほんたで), matade 真蓼(またで)
tade tsumu 蓼摘む(たでつむ)picking tade
tade uri 蓼売(たでうり)selling tade
tade su 蓼酢(たです) tade vinegar
Knöterich, Wasserpfeffer, Polygonum hydropiper
takana 高菜 mustard greens, Senfkraut
Brassica juncea var. integlifolia
tamanegi 玉葱 (たまねぎ) round onion
first indroduced from North America, now almost half of the Japanese production. Grown in Hokkaido, Abashiri, Furano, Ishikari and Sorachi from April to September.
On of the old vegetables, which gave stamina to the constructors of the pyramids in egypt.
onionringu オニオンリング onion rings, a snack
Things found on the way
cerori セロリ celery
Apium graveolens L. var. dulce
often eaten as sticks, serori sutikku セロリステイック
. . . . .
guriin piisu グリーン ピース green peas
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
a kind of endomame. ao-endoo あおえんどう(青豆)
saya endoo さやえんどう
They are the unripe form of endomame.
They are often sold in cans or frozen in Japan.
They contain a lot of fibers and are good for your diet.
satoozaya サトウザヤ sweet grean peas
a type where you can eat the peas and the sheath around them, when you put them into hot water for a moment. They are rather sweet.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . .
junsai じゅんさい【蓴菜】water shield
Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel.
quite similar to water lilies. The leaves are eaten. They excrete a slippery liquid and the dishes are slimy, but very nutritious. Often pickled with vinegar.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
nunawa ou 蒪生う (ぬなわおう) planting water shield
junsai ou 蒪菜生う(じゅんさいおう)
kigo for mid-spring
WKD : Water shield (junsai, nunawa)
kureson クレソン cresson, ウォータークレス watercress
Tasts good with meat dishes
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
oranda garashi 和蘭芥子 (おらんだがらし)
kawana 川菜(かわな), kawa takana 川高菜(かわたかな)、kizugarashi みずがらし
moroheiya モロヘイヤ Moroheya, Jew's marrow
from the arabic: molokheiya
Once a king of Egypt became ill and recovered when eating this vegetable soup. So it was named "for the King only". Cleopatra also liked to eat it.
Corchorus olitorius
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
moroheya soup
tsuruna 蔓菜 "つるな" New Zealand spinach
..... 蕃菜(つるな), hamana 浜菜(はまな)
hamajina 浜蒿苣(はまぢしゃ)
Tetragonia tetragonoides
zukkiini ズッキーニ zucchini, courgette
Cucurbita pepo melopepo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
of the pumpkin family, although it resembles a cucumber.
hana zukkiini 花ズッキーニ flowers of the zucchini, also eaten
cucumber glut --
one day slices, one day stripes
on our faces
~ ~ ~
warm rain drips
from ripe tomatoes ...
the call for salad
~ ~ ~
a lovely hangout
for my onions too ...
baby swallows
~ ~ ~
the taste of green beans
and a swallow's song --
this year's summer
Heike Gewi, Yemen, May 2009

ripe artichoke-
so much work
to find the heart
© Photo and Haiku. Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009
kyabetsu kau tsuki wa konya mo pechanko
I buy a cabbage -
the moon tonight
is all flat again
Amano Motoko 天野素子
source : HAIKUreikuDB
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
some keywords have their own entry,
check the ABC index of the database.
Vegetables of Summer ... natsu no yasai 夏の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku SUMMER starts on May 6, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

natsu yasai 夏野菜
A lot of fruit also ripens in summer.
Here are listed just a few.
A lot of plants blossom in summer.
Here are listed just a few.
. Yakumi 薬味 spices and condiments .
Use your browser to find a word.
Early Summer
endoo 豌豆 (えんどう)endo beans, field pea beans
... saya endoo 莢豌豆(さやえんどう)
japanische Erbsen
fuki 蕗 (ふき butterbur)
Petasites japonicus
fuki kari 蕗刈り(ふきかり)cutting butterbur
akita fuki 秋田蕗(あきたふき)fuki from Akita
fuki no hiroba 蕗の広葉(ふきのひろば)broad leaves of butterbur
fuki no ame 蕗の雨(ふきのあめ)rain on the butterbur
kandoo 欵冬(かんどう)
. gibooshi no hana 擬宝珠の花 hosta flowers .
Hosta fortunei. A mountain vegetable (sansai)
goboo no hana 牛蒡の花 (ごぼうのはな) burdock blossoms
... hana goboo 花牛蒡(はなごぼう)
hechima nae 糸瓜苗 seedlings of the sponge gourd
sowing sponge gourds, hechima maku 糸瓜蒔く
flower of the sponge gourd, hechima no hana 糸瓜の花
hana hechima 花糸瓜(はなへちま)
. . . . . and
karasuuri no hana 烏瓜の花 flower of the snake gourd
Trichosanthes cucumeroides
hisago nae 瓢苗 gourd seedlings
kikujisha きくぢしゃ "chrysanthemum lettuce" endive
nigajisha 苦蒿苣(にがぢしゃ)"bitter lettuce"
hanajisha 花蒿苣(はなぢしゃ)
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣(おらんだぢしゃ)"lettuce from Holland"
Cichorium endivia. Endiviensalat
kyabetsu キャベツ (European) cabbage
... kanran 甘藍 (かんらん) , tamana 玉菜(たまな)"leaves ball"
Brassica oleracea
Cabbage is good for the digestion.
Often eaten as sengiri 千切り shredded in "1000 cuts" in small stripes, added to a tonkatsu cutlet (in Kanto).
Torn by hand it is called chigiri kyabetsu チギリキャベツ, added to a kushikatsu cutled on skewers in Kansai.
kushikatsu 串カツ pork meat on skewers
koorusuroo コールスロー coleslaw salad
also as rolled cabbage ロールキャベツ rooru kyabetsu.
In Chinese kitchen, as hoikooroo ホイコーロー / 回鍋肉hoikoro pork meat with cabbage
. . . "cabbage white", (Pieris rapae) a butterfly. Kleine Kohlweißling.
- - - - - but
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
kigo for all winter
and other types of "winter cabbage" and "kyabetsu" in the Japanese name.
. SAIJIKI - Winter Vegetables .
kyuuri no nae 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber seedlings
hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり) cucumber blossoms
kyuuri no hana 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber flowers
..... hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり)
nasu nae 茄子苗 なすなえ eggplant seedlings
kleine Auberginenpflanzen
shin jaga, shinjaga 新馬鈴薯 (しんじゃが ) new potatoes
soramame 蚕豆 (そらまめ) fava beans, broad beans
... hajiki mame はじき豆(はじきまめ)
The black of the strings was used to prepare a substance called "ohaguro, o-haguro おはぐろ (御歯黒/お歯黒/ 鉄漿)" to blacken the teeth of the married beauties of the Edo period.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of black teeth!
kanetsuke 鉄漿付け
© OHAGURO ... More in the WIKIPEDIA !
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts
with more kigo
uri no nae 瓜の花 (うりのはな ) gourd seedlings
aobashoo 青芭蕉 (あおばしょう)green leaves of banana
bashoo wakaba 芭蕉若葉(ばしょうわかば)
natsu bashoo 夏芭蕉(なつばしょう) summer banana tree
imo no hana 芋の花 (いものはな) sweet potato blossoms
jagaimo no hana 馬鈴薯の花 (じゃがいものはな)
jagatara no hana じゃがたらの花(じゃがたらのはな), bareisho no hana馬鈴薯の花(ばれいしょのはな)
Kartoffelblüten, jaga-imo no hana
kabocha no hana 南瓜の花 pumpkin flowers
karigi 刈葱 (かりぎ) kind of leek
...yagura negi 楼子葱(やぐらねぎ), sankai negi 三階葱(さんかいねぎ)
ninjin no hana 人参の花 (にんじんのはな) carrot blossoms
... hana ninjin 花人参(はなにんじん)
oriibu no hana オリーブの花 (おりーぶのはな) olive blossoms
オリーブ Olives from Shodoshima 小豆島 ... Kagawa prefecture
satsumaimo no hana 甘藷の花 flower of the sweet potato
..... kansho no hana 甘藷の花(かんしょのはな)
suika no hana 西瓜の花 (すいかのはな)
watermelon flowers
toogarashi no hana 唐辛子の花 (とうがらしのはな)
flowers/blossoms of the red pepper
..... 蕃椒の花(とうがらしのはな)
Late Summer
asuparagasu no hana アスパラガスの花 asparagus flowers
bashoo no hana 芭蕉の花 (ばしょうのはな ) banana blossoms
... hana bashoo 花芭蕉(はなばしょう)
chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot , Knollenziest
Stachys sieboldii
Often used for New Year food because of its red color when pickled.
hasu no hana 蓮の花
lotus flowers, renge 蓮華
. kanpyoo muku 干瓢剥く (かんぴょうむく )
cutting small stripes of calabash .
(Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida). kampyo
... kanpyoo hagu 干瓢はぐ(かんぴょうはぐ)
kanpyoo hosu 干瓢干す(かんぴょうほす) drying the calabash stripes
shin kanpyoo 新干瓢(しんかんぴょう)new calabash stripes
The calabash is cut in long stripes with a maschine or by hand and then dried, best in the sunshine. New stripes are offered to the ancestors for the obon festival.

about the kanpyoo perparations in Minakuchi,
along the Tokaido.
getrocknete Kürbisstreifen
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myooga no ko 茗荷の子 "children of myoga ginger"
nasu eggplant, 茄子 (なす), aubergine nasubi なすび
with more kigo
natsumame 夏豆 (なつまめ) "summer soy beans"
... shin edamame 新枝豆(しんえだまめ) new edamame soybeans
natsu negi, natsunegi 夏葱 (なつねぎ) summre leek
Leek (negi)
painappuru パイナップル pineapple
ananasu あななす ananas
matsuringo まつりんご, hoori 鳳梨(ほうり)
shin imo 新藷 (しんいも) new sweet potatoes
... hashiri imo 走り藷(はしりいも)
. shiso 紫蘇 しそ beefsteak plant .
Perilla frutescens
tomato トマト (とまと)
banka 蕃茄(ばんか), aka nasu 赤茄子(あかなす)"red eggplant"
Momotaro Tomatoes from Okayama 桃太郎トマト
toomorokoshi no hana 玉蜀黍の花 (とうもろこしのはな)
maize flowers, corn flowers
nanban no hana なんばんの花(なんばんのはな)
tookibi no hana 唐黍の花(とうきびのはな) "Kibi from Tang China" flowers
uri 瓜 gourd
oriental melon, makuwa uri
hime uri 姫瓜 (ひめうり)
shiro uri 越瓜 (しろうり)
shiro uri 白瓜(しろうり)
ao uri 青瓜 (あおうり )
meron メロン
waka goboo, wakagoboo 若牛蒡 (わかごぼう) new young burdock
... shin goboo 新牛蒡(しんごぼう)
yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant)
yuugaodana 夕顔棚(ゆうがおだな) shelf for bottle gourds
Lagenaria siceraria
All Summer
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Cynara scolymus
kigo in California
The Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a perennial thistle originating in southern Europe around the Mediterranean.
The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud about 8–15 cm diameter with numerous triangular scales; the individual florets are purple.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Artichoke thistle, cardoon: Cynara Cardunculus
aotoogarashi あおとうがらし【青唐辛子・青蕃椒】green hot pepper
grüner Pfefferschoten
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Many are grown as Kyoto Vegetables.
banana バナナ banana
mibashoo 甘蕉(みばしょう) "sweet bashoo"
kyuuri 胡瓜 (きゅうり) cucumber
The name comes from "yellow gourd" ki-uri 黄瓜 きうり , which changed to kyuuri. If you let a cucumber hang long enough, it will turn yellow when ripe.
... itazuri 板刷り to rub the cucumber on a wooden board with salt
... shiomomi 塩もみ cut cucumber pieces kneaded with salt to get rid of some water
The Chinese characters for uri 瓜 and tsume 爪 are very similar BUT
uri ni tsume ari, tsume ni tsume nashi.
. mame no hana 豆の花 various beans flowering in summer .
nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)dengaku with eggplants
nasu no hana 茄子の花 (なすのはな) eggplant blossoms
... hana nasu 花茄子(はななす)
natsu daikon 夏大根 (なつだいこん) summer radish
Radish (daikon)
natsu kabu 夏蕪 (なつかぶ) summer turnips
..... natsu kabura 夏蕪(なつかぶら)
natsu na, natsuna 夏菜 (なつな)"summer leaves" Swiss chard
... fudansoo 不断草(ふだんそう)Swiss chard
Beta vulgaris
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papaiya パパイヤ papaya
... papaya パパヤ、chichiuri no kiちちうりのき
mokka木瓜(もっか)、mannjuka 万寿果(まんじゅか)
paseri パセリ parsley
oranda seri 和蘭芹(オランダぜり)
rakkyoo 辣韮 (らっきょう) shallot
... rakkyoo 薤(らっきょう)、rakkyo らっきょ
Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel. Schalotte
tade 蓼 (たで) smartweed, water pepper
yanagi tade 柳蓼(やなぎたで), hontade 本蓼(ほんたで), matade 真蓼(またで)
tade tsumu 蓼摘む(たでつむ)picking tade
tade uri 蓼売(たでうり)selling tade
tade su 蓼酢(たです) tade vinegar
Knöterich, Wasserpfeffer, Polygonum hydropiper
takana 高菜 mustard greens, Senfkraut
Brassica juncea var. integlifolia
tamanegi 玉葱 (たまねぎ) round onion
first indroduced from North America, now almost half of the Japanese production. Grown in Hokkaido, Abashiri, Furano, Ishikari and Sorachi from April to September.
On of the old vegetables, which gave stamina to the constructors of the pyramids in egypt.
onionringu オニオンリング onion rings, a snack
Things found on the way
cerori セロリ celery
Apium graveolens L. var. dulce
often eaten as sticks, serori sutikku セロリステイック
. . . . .
guriin piisu グリーン ピース green peas
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a kind of endomame. ao-endoo あおえんどう(青豆)
saya endoo さやえんどう
They are the unripe form of endomame.
They are often sold in cans or frozen in Japan.
They contain a lot of fibers and are good for your diet.
satoozaya サトウザヤ sweet grean peas
a type where you can eat the peas and the sheath around them, when you put them into hot water for a moment. They are rather sweet.
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junsai じゅんさい【蓴菜】water shield
Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel.
quite similar to water lilies. The leaves are eaten. They excrete a slippery liquid and the dishes are slimy, but very nutritious. Often pickled with vinegar.
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nunawa ou 蒪生う (ぬなわおう) planting water shield
junsai ou 蒪菜生う(じゅんさいおう)
kigo for mid-spring
WKD : Water shield (junsai, nunawa)
kureson クレソン cresson, ウォータークレス watercress
Tasts good with meat dishes
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oranda garashi 和蘭芥子 (おらんだがらし)
kawana 川菜(かわな), kawa takana 川高菜(かわたかな)、kizugarashi みずがらし
moroheiya モロヘイヤ Moroheya, Jew's marrow
from the arabic: molokheiya
Once a king of Egypt became ill and recovered when eating this vegetable soup. So it was named "for the King only". Cleopatra also liked to eat it.
Corchorus olitorius
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moroheya soup
tsuruna 蔓菜 "つるな" New Zealand spinach
..... 蕃菜(つるな), hamana 浜菜(はまな)
hamajina 浜蒿苣(はまぢしゃ)
Tetragonia tetragonoides
zukkiini ズッキーニ zucchini, courgette
Cucurbita pepo melopepo
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of the pumpkin family, although it resembles a cucumber.
hana zukkiini 花ズッキーニ flowers of the zucchini, also eaten
cucumber glut --
one day slices, one day stripes
on our faces
~ ~ ~
warm rain drips
from ripe tomatoes ...
the call for salad
~ ~ ~
a lovely hangout
for my onions too ...
baby swallows
~ ~ ~
the taste of green beans
and a swallow's song --
this year's summer
Heike Gewi, Yemen, May 2009

ripe artichoke-
so much work
to find the heart
© Photo and Haiku. Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009
kyabetsu kau tsuki wa konya mo pechanko
I buy a cabbage -
the moon tonight
is all flat again
Amano Motoko 天野素子
source : HAIKUreikuDB
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Vegetables of Autumn ... aki no yasai 秋の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku AUTUMN begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
Berries, fruit, mushrooms etc. will be listed elsewhere.
aki yasai 秋野菜

Early Autumn
green beans
sayaingen, saya Ingen さやいんげん 莢隠元 string beans, French beans
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Stangenbohne (nicht unbedingt: Grüne Erbse)
The Ingen mame gets its name from the priest Ingen who brought the beans (Ingen mame 隠元豆) from China in the 16th century.
Embassies to China 遣唐使 Gabi Greve
BEANS as KIGO for autumn
potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)
wax gourd, white gourd-melon 冬瓜 (とうが) tooga
toogan とうがん、kamo-uri かもうり、
toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd
Benincasa hispida
It used to be the food of poor people in the Edo period, when the outside of the fruit was white with a natural powder, inside more seeds. Now they are cleaned and green and have more flesh. The tasteless flesh takes on any seasoning and tasts good with all kinds of preparations.
Mostly produced in Aichi prefecture.
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foxtail millet 粟 (あわ) awa
ears of the foxtail millet 粟の穂(あわのほ)awa no ho
field with millet 粟畑(あわばたけ)awabatake
foxtail millet mochi 粟餅(あわもち)awamochi
rice with foxtail millet 粟飯(あわめし)awameshi

Selling kumade and awamochi in Edo
. awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき in Edo .
maize 玉蜀黍 (とうもろこし) toomorokoshi
morokoshi もろこし、yakitookibi 焼唐黍(やきとうきび)
nanban kibi 南蛮黍(なんばんきび)"millet from the Southern barbarians" (Europeans)
nanban なんばん "Barabarians's food"
kooraikibi 、高麗黍(こうらいきび)"millet from the Koreans"
tookibi 玉黍(とうきび), tookibi 唐黍(とうきび) "millet from China"
Introduced to Japan since the Meiji period.
WKD : Maize, corn in Kenya
millet 黍 (きび) kibi
ears of the millet 黍の穂(きびのほ)kibi no ho
cutting millet, 黍刈る(きびかる)kibi karu
"pulling out millet" 黍引く(きびひく) kibi hiku
field with millet 黍畑(きびばた)kibibata
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
. Momotaro and Okayama specialities .
. WKD : Millet (awa, hie, kibi)
propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
nukago ぬかご、mukabu 球芽(むかぶ)
imoko いもこ mukago tori零余子とり(むかごとり)
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red pepper leaves 葉唐辛子 (はとうがらし) ha toogarashi

Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)
sweet potatoes Süßkartoffel
sprouts of radish or turnips 貝割菜 (かいわりな) k
kaiwarena 貝割れ菜(かいわれな)、kaiwarina 殻割菜(かいわりな)
... futaba na 二葉菜(ふたばな)
..... mabiki na 間引菜 (まびきな), nuki na 抜菜(ぬきな)
tsumami na 摘み菜(つまみな), nakanuki na 中抜き菜(なかぬきな)、uronuki na 虚抜き菜(うろぬきな), kona 小菜(こな)"small leaves",
namabiku 菜間引く(なまびく) thinning out the sprouts
Late Autumn
beet, table beet 火焔菜 (かえんさい) kaensai
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa Dumort
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rote Rübe
eggplant seedlings 種茄子 (たねな) tane nasu
radish sprouts 中抜大根 (なかぬきだいこん) nakanuki daikon
uronuki daidon 虚抜き大根(うろぬきだいこん), oronuki daikon 疎抜き大根(おろぬきだいこん)
mabiki daikon 間引大根(まびきだいこん) thinning out radish plants
shalott flowers, rakkyoo no hana 辣韮の花 (らっきょうのはな)
..... 薤の花(らっきょうのはな)
taro stems 芋茎 (ずいき) zuiki
... imo gara 芋殻(いもがら)
... imo no kuki 芋の茎(いものくき)
... 、芋茎干す(ずいきほす) drying the stem of taro
Taro imo, sato-imo as a KIGO and an explanation of the naming
. Dishes with ZUIKI
wolfberry. Lycium rhombifolium
berries of wolfberry 枸杞の実 (くこのみ) kuko no mi
kuko shi 枸杞子(くこし)
kuko shu 枸杞酒(くこしゅ) ricewine with wolfberries
All Autumn
barngrass, barnyard grass ひえ【稗】 a kind of millet
Daruma hie だるまヒエ Strong variety, grown in Iwate prefecture and other places.
barnyard millet. Also widely eaten by the Ainu in Hokkaido.
When properly dried, barngrass grains can be stored for more than 10 years and were used by the poor farmers as a stash for times when the rice production failed.
Beans 豆、まめ mame all kinds of beans and peas
Chrysanthemum kiku
Edamame 枝豆 green soybeans on branches
Eggplants in autumn 秋茄子 (あきなす) aki nasu
... aki nasubi 秋なすび(あきなすび)
... nagori nasu 名残茄子(なごりなす)
Gourd and gourd pickles (uri)
Ginger, jinjaa ジンジャー, shooga 生姜
hajikami はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
端赤 。。。 はじかみ 。。。 edges are red
hajikami comes from leaf ginger (hashooga 葉しょうが)
hajikami suzuke はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
"blushing ginger pickle"
gari がり for sushi , or with fried fish
red pepper, hot pepper 唐辛子 (とうがらし) toogarashi
rice , Reis
Ine, the rice plant
rice plants in autumn, ine no aki 稲の秋
Kome, o-kome お米 cooked rice
Okra オクラ okura
... Amerika neriアメリカねり
... 陸蓮根(おかれんこん) oka renkon
Abelmoschus esculentus
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It came to Japan after the Meiji restauration, first popular in Okinawa. Ishigaki island and Nanjo Town in Okinawa are one of the growing areas, also Amakusa in Kyushu.
Cut in small circles for salads and dressing. Boiled to go with other vegetables.
Ground okra gives a sticky mass, which is loved by some gourmets in Japan, like the other tororo "slimy" dishes.
Fried and katsuobuhsi are added. Eaten blanched for a moment and then miso is added.
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Pumpkins, Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷南瓜(カボチャ)pumpkins from Shishigatani
Pepper, red hot pepper, paprika (papurika) and more
piiman, pimento, bellpepper, Piment, Nelkenpfeffer
Togarashi,toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more
Pimento Mori, some fun !
taro 芋 (いも) imo
Colocasia antiquorum Schott var. esculenta
imo batake 芋畑(いもばたけ)fiels of taro
oyaimo 親芋(おやいも)parent taro
koimo 子芋(こいも)child taro
kinu katsugi 衣被ぎ(きぬかつぎ)
imo no aki 芋の秋(いものあき)autumn of the taro
... imo aki 芋秋(いもあき)
dotare 土垂(どたれ)"hanging on the ground"
Bungo imo 豊後芋(ぶんごいも)taro from Bungo
Yoshihama imo 吉浜芋(よしはまいも)taro from Yoshihama
Yoshino imo 吉野芋(よしのいも)taro from Yoshino
dango imo 団子芋(だんごいも)taro for balls
shiro imo 白芋(しろいも)white taro
shigami imo しがみ芋(しがみいも)
futo imo 太芋(ふといも)thick taro
akame imo 赤芽芋(あかめいも)taro with red buds
taimo, ta imo 田芋(たいも)taro in the field
eguimo, egu imo 蘞芋(えぐいも)、
hasu imo 蓮芋(はすいも)"taro like lotus"
imogara 芋がら(いもがら)、
zuiki、芋茎(ずいき)stem of the taro
zuiki imo ずいき芋(ずいきいも)zuiki taro
satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)
yam 自然薯 (じねんじょ ) jinenjo
... yama imo, yamaimo, yama-imo 山芋(やまいも) "mountain potato"
... yama no imo 山の芋(やまのいも)
... naga imo 薯蕷 (ながいも)
naga-imo 長薯(ながいも)
rakuda imo 駱駝薯(らくだいも) "camel potato"
tsukune imo 仏掌薯 (つくねいも) "Buddha Hands yam"
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... tsuku imo つくいも、
... tuskune つくね、kobushi imo こぶしいも "fist potato"
kashuu imo 何首烏芋 (かしゅういも)Dioscorea bulbifera L
Things found on the way
秋野菜 だいこん畑 きゃべつだよ
aki yasai daikon batake kyabetsu da yo
autumn vegetables -
a field full of radishes
and cabbage
source : 里山散歩
bush clover,
eulalia, arrowroot,
pink, patrinia,
also, mistflower
and morning faces flower
Seven Herbs of Autumn (aki no nanakusa 秋の七草)
Sieben Herbstgräser (秋の七草 aki no nanakusa)
Buschklee (hagi), Nelke (nadeshiko), Wasserdost (fujibakama), Glockenblume (kikyoo), Knabenkraut (kuzu), Goldbaldrian (ominaeshi), Susuki-Gras (susuki)
kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
Yoshino kuzu 吉野葛 from Nara prefecture
Planting, harvesting and preparing food in AUTUMN kigo
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Vegetables of Autumn ... aki no yasai 秋の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku AUTUMN begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.
Berries, fruit, mushrooms etc. will be listed elsewhere.
aki yasai 秋野菜

Early Autumn
green beans
sayaingen, saya Ingen さやいんげん 莢隠元 string beans, French beans
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Stangenbohne (nicht unbedingt: Grüne Erbse)
The Ingen mame gets its name from the priest Ingen who brought the beans (Ingen mame 隠元豆) from China in the 16th century.
Embassies to China 遣唐使 Gabi Greve
BEANS as KIGO for autumn
potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)
wax gourd, white gourd-melon 冬瓜 (とうが) tooga
toogan とうがん、kamo-uri かもうり、
toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd
Benincasa hispida
It used to be the food of poor people in the Edo period, when the outside of the fruit was white with a natural powder, inside more seeds. Now they are cleaned and green and have more flesh. The tasteless flesh takes on any seasoning and tasts good with all kinds of preparations.
Mostly produced in Aichi prefecture.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
foxtail millet 粟 (あわ) awa
ears of the foxtail millet 粟の穂(あわのほ)awa no ho
field with millet 粟畑(あわばたけ)awabatake
foxtail millet mochi 粟餅(あわもち)awamochi
rice with foxtail millet 粟飯(あわめし)awameshi
Selling kumade and awamochi in Edo
. awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき in Edo .
maize 玉蜀黍 (とうもろこし) toomorokoshi
morokoshi もろこし、yakitookibi 焼唐黍(やきとうきび)
nanban kibi 南蛮黍(なんばんきび)"millet from the Southern barbarians" (Europeans)
nanban なんばん "Barabarians's food"
kooraikibi 、高麗黍(こうらいきび)"millet from the Koreans"
tookibi 玉黍(とうきび), tookibi 唐黍(とうきび) "millet from China"
Introduced to Japan since the Meiji period.
WKD : Maize, corn in Kenya
millet 黍 (きび) kibi
ears of the millet 黍の穂(きびのほ)kibi no ho
cutting millet, 黍刈る(きびかる)kibi karu
"pulling out millet" 黍引く(きびひく) kibi hiku
field with millet 黍畑(きびばた)kibibata
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
. Momotaro and Okayama specialities .
. WKD : Millet (awa, hie, kibi)
propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
nukago ぬかご、mukabu 球芽(むかぶ)
imoko いもこ mukago tori零余子とり(むかごとり)
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red pepper leaves 葉唐辛子 (はとうがらし) ha toogarashi
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)
sweet potatoes Süßkartoffel
sprouts of radish or turnips 貝割菜 (かいわりな) k
kaiwarena 貝割れ菜(かいわれな)、kaiwarina 殻割菜(かいわりな)
... futaba na 二葉菜(ふたばな)
..... mabiki na 間引菜 (まびきな), nuki na 抜菜(ぬきな)
tsumami na 摘み菜(つまみな), nakanuki na 中抜き菜(なかぬきな)、uronuki na 虚抜き菜(うろぬきな), kona 小菜(こな)"small leaves",
namabiku 菜間引く(なまびく) thinning out the sprouts
Late Autumn
beet, table beet 火焔菜 (かえんさい) kaensai
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa Dumort
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
rote Rübe
eggplant seedlings 種茄子 (たねな) tane nasu
radish sprouts 中抜大根 (なかぬきだいこん) nakanuki daikon
uronuki daidon 虚抜き大根(うろぬきだいこん), oronuki daikon 疎抜き大根(おろぬきだいこん)
mabiki daikon 間引大根(まびきだいこん) thinning out radish plants
shalott flowers, rakkyoo no hana 辣韮の花 (らっきょうのはな)
..... 薤の花(らっきょうのはな)
taro stems 芋茎 (ずいき) zuiki
... imo gara 芋殻(いもがら)
... imo no kuki 芋の茎(いものくき)
... 、芋茎干す(ずいきほす) drying the stem of taro
Taro imo, sato-imo as a KIGO and an explanation of the naming
. Dishes with ZUIKI
wolfberry. Lycium rhombifolium
berries of wolfberry 枸杞の実 (くこのみ) kuko no mi
kuko shi 枸杞子(くこし)
kuko shu 枸杞酒(くこしゅ) ricewine with wolfberries
All Autumn
barngrass, barnyard grass ひえ【稗】 a kind of millet
Daruma hie だるまヒエ Strong variety, grown in Iwate prefecture and other places.
barnyard millet. Also widely eaten by the Ainu in Hokkaido.
When properly dried, barngrass grains can be stored for more than 10 years and were used by the poor farmers as a stash for times when the rice production failed.
Beans 豆、まめ mame all kinds of beans and peas
Chrysanthemum kiku
Edamame 枝豆 green soybeans on branches
Eggplants in autumn 秋茄子 (あきなす) aki nasu
... aki nasubi 秋なすび(あきなすび)
... nagori nasu 名残茄子(なごりなす)
Gourd and gourd pickles (uri)
Ginger, jinjaa ジンジャー, shooga 生姜
hajikami はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
端赤 。。。 はじかみ 。。。 edges are red
hajikami comes from leaf ginger (hashooga 葉しょうが)
hajikami suzuke はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
"blushing ginger pickle"
gari がり for sushi , or with fried fish
red pepper, hot pepper 唐辛子 (とうがらし) toogarashi
rice , Reis
Ine, the rice plant
rice plants in autumn, ine no aki 稲の秋
Kome, o-kome お米 cooked rice
Okra オクラ okura
... Amerika neriアメリカねり
... 陸蓮根(おかれんこん) oka renkon
Abelmoschus esculentus
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
It came to Japan after the Meiji restauration, first popular in Okinawa. Ishigaki island and Nanjo Town in Okinawa are one of the growing areas, also Amakusa in Kyushu.
Cut in small circles for salads and dressing. Boiled to go with other vegetables.
Ground okra gives a sticky mass, which is loved by some gourmets in Japan, like the other tororo "slimy" dishes.
Fried and katsuobuhsi are added. Eaten blanched for a moment and then miso is added.
. . . CLICK here for FOOD Photos !
Pumpkins, Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷南瓜(カボチャ)pumpkins from Shishigatani
Pepper, red hot pepper, paprika (papurika) and more
piiman, pimento, bellpepper, Piment, Nelkenpfeffer
Togarashi,toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more
Pimento Mori, some fun !
taro 芋 (いも) imo
Colocasia antiquorum Schott var. esculenta
imo batake 芋畑(いもばたけ)fiels of taro
oyaimo 親芋(おやいも)parent taro
koimo 子芋(こいも)child taro
kinu katsugi 衣被ぎ(きぬかつぎ)
imo no aki 芋の秋(いものあき)autumn of the taro
... imo aki 芋秋(いもあき)
dotare 土垂(どたれ)"hanging on the ground"
Bungo imo 豊後芋(ぶんごいも)taro from Bungo
Yoshihama imo 吉浜芋(よしはまいも)taro from Yoshihama
Yoshino imo 吉野芋(よしのいも)taro from Yoshino
dango imo 団子芋(だんごいも)taro for balls
shiro imo 白芋(しろいも)white taro
shigami imo しがみ芋(しがみいも)
futo imo 太芋(ふといも)thick taro
akame imo 赤芽芋(あかめいも)taro with red buds
taimo, ta imo 田芋(たいも)taro in the field
eguimo, egu imo 蘞芋(えぐいも)、
hasu imo 蓮芋(はすいも)"taro like lotus"
imogara 芋がら(いもがら)、
zuiki、芋茎(ずいき)stem of the taro
zuiki imo ずいき芋(ずいきいも)zuiki taro
satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)
yam 自然薯 (じねんじょ ) jinenjo
... yama imo, yamaimo, yama-imo 山芋(やまいも) "mountain potato"
... yama no imo 山の芋(やまのいも)
... naga imo 薯蕷 (ながいも)
naga-imo 長薯(ながいも)
rakuda imo 駱駝薯(らくだいも) "camel potato"
tsukune imo 仏掌薯 (つくねいも) "Buddha Hands yam"
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... tsuku imo つくいも、
... tuskune つくね、kobushi imo こぶしいも "fist potato"
kashuu imo 何首烏芋 (かしゅういも)Dioscorea bulbifera L
Things found on the way
秋野菜 だいこん畑 きゃべつだよ
aki yasai daikon batake kyabetsu da yo
autumn vegetables -
a field full of radishes
and cabbage
source : 里山散歩
bush clover,
eulalia, arrowroot,
pink, patrinia,
also, mistflower
and morning faces flower
Seven Herbs of Autumn (aki no nanakusa 秋の七草)
Sieben Herbstgräser (秋の七草 aki no nanakusa)
Buschklee (hagi), Nelke (nadeshiko), Wasserdost (fujibakama), Glockenblume (kikyoo), Knabenkraut (kuzu), Goldbaldrian (ominaeshi), Susuki-Gras (susuki)
kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
Yoshino kuzu 吉野葛 from Nara prefecture
Planting, harvesting and preparing food in AUTUMN kigo
The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Vegetables of Winter ... fuyu no yasai 冬の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku WINTER starts on November 7, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

fuyu yasai 冬野菜
Early Winter
bamboo shoots in the cold 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ) kanchiku no ko
kan take no ko 寒筍(かんたけのこ)
more about
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts in Spring
lotus root, digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
... hasune horu 蓮根掘る
... hasu hori 蓮堀(はすほり)digging for lotus (root)
. renkon 蓮根 lotus root
regional dishes with lotus root
karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus root stuffed with hot japanese mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard / Kumamoto
Lotoswurzel mit Senfpaste gefuellt
karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス Karashi Renkon Chips
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Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town, Kurashiki
The fields are dried first, then each lotus is carefully pulled out.
pokeroot, pokeweed 山牛蒡 (やまごぼう) yamagoboo
azami goboo 薊牛蒡(あざみごぼう)
Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
red cabbage 紫甘藍 (むらさきかんらん) murasaki kanran
murasaki kyabetsu 初冬 紫キャベツ(むらさききゃべつ)
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spikenard in the cold 寒独活 (かんうど) kan udo
... kanudo 寒土当帰(かんうど)
Aralia cordata Thunb
more about Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus" in the cold
Late Winter
All Winter
aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe blossoms Aloe vera in bloom
and related food
broccoli ブロッコリ burokkori
komochi hanayasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)
Brokoli, Brokkoli
Brussels sprouts 芽キャベツ (めきゃべつ) me kyabetsu
komochi kanran 子持甘藍(こもちかんらん)
hime kanran 姫甘藍(ひめかんらん)
hime kyabetsu 姫キャベツ(ひめきゃべつ)
white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, napa 白菜 (はくさい) hakusai
hakusaizuke 白菜漬(はくさいづけ) pickled cabbage
another word is KANRAN 甘藍
Brassica pekinensis
Often used for nabemono hodgepodge.
Had been introduced during the Meiji period from China to Japan.
They get sweeter in taste when they have some very cold nights.
in Korea, it is prepared into Kimchee (Kimchi, kimuchi キムチ).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
carrots 人参 ( にんじん) ninjin
They were called after the "Korean carrots" koorai ninjin, the ginseng roots, which where known in Japan before the carrots were introduced in the 16th century. The species cultivated today have been introduced since the Meiji period.
. . kintoki ninjin 金時にんじん / 金時人参 "Kintoki" carrots
They have been cultivated in Japan in the Edo period. They are red and not orange. When used raw, they give a "red and white" (koohaku 紅白) auspicious touch to food. They are used for New Year Food.
Sometimes also called "Carrots from Kyoto" kyoo ninjin 京人参.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

They can be cut in beautiful plum blossom forms.
nejiri ume ねじり梅 "twisted plum blossoms"
Until the 17th century, all carrots were purple.
Now you can choose to eat orange, red, yellow or white ones too!

source : Interesting Facts, facebook
now we know
the true colors of carrots -
curry for tonight
Gabi Greve
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
cellory セロリ serori
seruki セルリ、oranda mitsuba オランダ三葉(おらんだみつば)
dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold
horse radish 山葵大根 (わさびだいこん) wasabi daikon
Ainu wasabi アイヌ山葵(あいぬわさび)
yamawasabi やまわさび horseradish / Hokkaido
leafy vegetables in winter 冬菜 (ふゆな)
fuyu na
hana 葉菜(はな),
kabu na, kabuna かぶ菜(かぶな)leaves of turnips
suzuna 菘(すずな)leaves of turnips (also one of the seven herbs of spring)
aona 蔓菁(あおな), matsuna まつ菜(まつな)、
aburana 油菜(あぶらな) colza, Brassica campestris
... toona 唐菜(とうな)
... tsukena 漬菜(つけな)pickled leaves
... yudena ゆで菜(ゆでな)boiled leaves
. "oil flowers" abura na, aburana 油菜 .
- another name for : na no hana 菜の花, rapeseed blossoms, rapeseed flower
Mikawajima na 三河島菜(みかわじまな)
Mikawajima is a place in Centrla Tokyo
komatsuna 小松菜(こまつな)
Brassica campestris
contains a lot of calcium.
It is not bitter like spinach and often used to feed children.
taina 体菜(たいな)、shakuna 杓子菜(しゃくしな)、sajina 匙菜(さじな)
Hoteina 布袋菜(ほていな)"leaf like Hotei" (God of Good Luck)
Hino na 日野菜(ひのな)from Hino
Hiroshima na 広島菜(ひろしまな)from Hiroshima
Nozawana, Nozawa na 野沢菜(のざわな)from Nozawa
Inekogi na 稲核菜(いねこきな)
katsuo na 鰹菜(かつおな)、shinobu na 信夫菜(しのぶな)
obazuke おはづけ、taguchi na 田口菜(たぐちな)
yuki na 雪菜(ゆきな)vegetable leaves in snow
suiguki na すいぐき菜(すいぐきな)
hi no na 緋の菜(ひのな)scarlet vegetable leave
fuyuna batake 冬菜畑(ふゆなばた)
field of leafy winter vegetables
fuyuna uri 冬菜売(ふゆなうり)
vendor of leafy winter vegetables
na arau 菜洗う(なあらう)washing leafy vegetables
na kuzu 菜屑(なくず)left-overs
fuyuna meshi 冬菜飯(ふゆなめし)
cooked rice with leafy winter vegetables
Leek 葱 (ねぎ) naganegi
Lauch, Porree
lily bulbs
yurine ゆり根 百合根 bulbs of lilies, lily bulb Hokkaido
Lilium leichtlinii Hook.
ko oniyuri こおにゆり【小鬼百合】
The name comes from the many parts that form the bulb, like "100 meetings, yuri" 百合.
Radish 大根 daikon, big radish
Raphanus sativas
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
One of the most important winter vegetables.
more RADISH kigo
Takuan daiko 沢庵大根(たくあんだいこ)
hoshi daiko 干大根(ほしだいこ)
Miyashige daikon 宮重大根(みやしげだいこん)、
aokubi daikon 青首大根(あおくびだいこん)、
Oowari daikon 尾張大根(おわりだいこん)、
Miura daikon 三浦大根(みうらだいこん)、
Nerima daikon 練馬大根(ねりまだいこん)、
Teraoo daikon 寺尾大根(てらおだいこん)、
risoo daikon 理想大根(りそうだいこん)、
Nishimachi daikon 西町大根(にしまちだいこん)、
Hooryoo daikon 方領大根(ほうりょうだいこん)、
Horie daikon 堀江大根(ほりえだいこん)、
Misono daikon 御園大根(みそのだいこん)、
Narutaki daikon 鳴滝大根(なるたきだいこん)、
Momoyama daikon 桃山大根(ももやまだいこん)、
Akita daikon 秋田大根(あきただいこん)、
Akasuji daikon 赤筋大根(あかすじだいこん)、
Shoogo-in daikon 聖護院大根(しょうごいんだいこん)
Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke pickles in Kyoto.
Kuramaguchi daikon 鞍馬口大根(くらまぐちだいこん)、
Moriguchi daikon 守口大根(もりぐちだいこん)、
Nezumi daikon 鼠大根(ねずみだいこん)、
Ibukiyama daikon 伊吹山大根(いぶきやまだいこん)、
Tokkuri daikon 徳利大根(とくりだいこん)、
Uguro daikon うぐろ大根(うぐろだいこん)、
karami dakion 辛味大根(からみだいこん)、
ike daikon 埋大根(いけだいこ)、
kakoi dakion 囲大根(かこいだいこ)、
senroppon 千六本(せんろっぽん)、
sengiri せん切(せんぎり)、aone おおね、daiko だいこ、
tsuchi daiko 土大根(つちだいこ)、
daikon batake 大根畑(だいこんばたけ) field with radishes
daikon doki 大根時(だいこんどき) time for radishes
daikojiru 大根汁(だいこじる) radish soup
daiko oroshi, daikon oroshi
大根おろし(だいこおろし)grated radish
Takuanzuke 沢庵漬(たくあんづけ)
daiko ichi 大根市(だいこいち)market selling radish
daiko uri 大根売(だいこうり)vendor of radish
Onnayama daikon 女山大根 radish from Onnayama, Saga pref. Kyushu
Its outside is red and so it makes a lovely dish for the new year.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Onnayama daikon aisu 女山大根アイス icecream
janbo daikon ジャンボ大根
all-Japan festival for jumbo daikon radishes ! 39,4 kilogram !
taro like a shrimp 海老芋 (えびいも) ebi imo, ebi-imo
... 蝦芋(えびいも)
Kyoo imo 京芋(きょういも) potato from Kyoto
grown near the temple Toji.
Used for the famous dish "potato on a stick" imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
turnips 蕪 ( かぶ) kabu
aona 菘(あおな)、suzuna すずな、kaburana かぶらな、suwari kabu 据り蕪(すわりかぶ)、
oomi kabu 近江蕪(おうみかぶ)、Shoogo-In kabu 聖護院蕪(しょうごいんかぶ)、
Oowari kabu 尾張蕪(おわりかぶ)、
Hino kabu 日野蕪(ひのかぶ)、Yorii-Kabu 寄居蕪(よりいかぶ)、Tsuta kabu 津田蕪(つたかぶ)(they have red outside and white inside)、Hakata kabu 博多蕪(はかたかぶ)、Atsumi kabu 温海蕪(あつみかぶ)
. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka .
kokabu 小蕪(こかぶ) small trunips
oono akakabu 大野赤蕪(おおのあかかぶ)turnips with red outside, from Ono
ookabura 大蕪(おおかぶ)big turnips
Kabura 蕪菁(かぶら)
kabura hiku かぶら引く(かぶらひく)picking turnips
kabura hosu かぶら干す(かぶらほす)drying turnips
hoshi kabura 干蕪(ほしかぶ)dried turnips
kaburajiru 蕪汁(かぶらじる)miso soup with turnips
kabura mushi 蕪蒸(かぶらむし)steamed turnips
kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
MORE kabura turnip dishes
Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke せんまいづけ 千枚漬 pickles in Kyoto.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
New Year
Chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot
Stachys affinis, Stachys sieboldii
It looks a bit like a silkworm.
It is supposed to give a special impetus to your brain function.
Chinese artichoke, crosne, artichoke betony
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Knollenziest, Stachysknöllchen
Vegetables as a TOPIC for Haiku
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke
Cynara scolymus
Artischoke, Artischocke
gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd Okinawa. Goya.
They are also eaten in summer to get rid of the summer tiredness (natsubate).
Momordica charantia
bittere Gurke
kikuimo, 菊芋 Jerusalem artichoke
Heliantus tuberosus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Topinambur. Erdbirne
Things found on the way
冬野菜 ほうれんそうよ よく育て
fuyu yasai hoorensoo yo yoku sodate
winter vegetables -
dear spinach, please,
grow well
source : mobeji
spinach is a spring kigo
first date -
he snickers at the broccoli
between my teeth
Melinda Hipple
a green smile
spreads across her face-
spinach for lunch
Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009
Western Vegetables
not native to Japan, most are NOT yet KIGO
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Artichoke, kigo for all summer
biitsu ビーツ beet, beets
rote Rüben
chikorii チコリーchicory
Cichorium intybus.
endaibu エンダイブ endive
andiibu アンデイーブ
Cichorium endivia
esharotto エシャロット echalote
hoosuradisshu ホースラディッシュ horseradish
radisshu ラディッシュ radish
small red radishes
riiki リーキ leek
originally from the Mediterranean region
Lauch (other than the Japanese negi types)
rubaabu ルバーブ rhubarb, ruubabu ルーバブ
Rheum rhaponticum
torebisu トレビス trevis
(from the town of Terviso in Italy)
a kind of red cabbage
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Chinese Vegetables
chingensai チンゲンサイ【青梗菜】
Brassica campestris L. var. chinensis
spinach-like vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
koosai 香菜、コウサイ kosai, Bean Scoops
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kuushinsai 空芯菜(くうしんさい)kushinsai, green leafy vegetable
often prepared stir-fried
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kikakugai yasai 規格外野菜 "vegetables outside the norm"
slightly round cucumbers
tomatoes of different shapes
and many more are now sold at local centers and supermarkets for about half the price. Especially in the summer of 2009, when much rain damaged the growth, they made their appearance.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Vegetables and Games 野菜かるた
Karuta games and other card games
okaeri yasai おかえりやさい recycled vegetables
Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures
..... WKD : Farmers Work in Winter

The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki
Vegetables of Winter ... fuyu no yasai 冬の野菜
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Plants
The Haiku WINTER starts on November 7, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

fuyu yasai 冬野菜
Early Winter
bamboo shoots in the cold 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ) kanchiku no ko
kan take no ko 寒筍(かんたけのこ)
more about
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts in Spring
lotus root, digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
... hasune horu 蓮根掘る
... hasu hori 蓮堀(はすほり)digging for lotus (root)
. renkon 蓮根 lotus root
regional dishes with lotus root
karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus root stuffed with hot japanese mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard / Kumamoto
Lotoswurzel mit Senfpaste gefuellt
karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス Karashi Renkon Chips
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town, Kurashiki
The fields are dried first, then each lotus is carefully pulled out.
pokeroot, pokeweed 山牛蒡 (やまごぼう) yamagoboo
azami goboo 薊牛蒡(あざみごぼう)
Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
red cabbage 紫甘藍 (むらさきかんらん) murasaki kanran
murasaki kyabetsu 初冬 紫キャベツ(むらさききゃべつ)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
spikenard in the cold 寒独活 (かんうど) kan udo
... kanudo 寒土当帰(かんうど)
Aralia cordata Thunb
more about Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus" in the cold
Late Winter
All Winter
aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe blossoms Aloe vera in bloom
and related food
broccoli ブロッコリ burokkori
komochi hanayasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)
Brokoli, Brokkoli
Brussels sprouts 芽キャベツ (めきゃべつ) me kyabetsu
komochi kanran 子持甘藍(こもちかんらん)
hime kanran 姫甘藍(ひめかんらん)
hime kyabetsu 姫キャベツ(ひめきゃべつ)
white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, napa 白菜 (はくさい) hakusai
hakusaizuke 白菜漬(はくさいづけ) pickled cabbage
another word is KANRAN 甘藍
Brassica pekinensis
Often used for nabemono hodgepodge.
Had been introduced during the Meiji period from China to Japan.
They get sweeter in taste when they have some very cold nights.
in Korea, it is prepared into Kimchee (Kimchi, kimuchi キムチ).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
carrots 人参 ( にんじん) ninjin
They were called after the "Korean carrots" koorai ninjin, the ginseng roots, which where known in Japan before the carrots were introduced in the 16th century. The species cultivated today have been introduced since the Meiji period.
. . kintoki ninjin 金時にんじん / 金時人参 "Kintoki" carrots
They have been cultivated in Japan in the Edo period. They are red and not orange. When used raw, they give a "red and white" (koohaku 紅白) auspicious touch to food. They are used for New Year Food.
Sometimes also called "Carrots from Kyoto" kyoo ninjin 京人参.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

They can be cut in beautiful plum blossom forms.
nejiri ume ねじり梅 "twisted plum blossoms"
Until the 17th century, all carrots were purple.
Now you can choose to eat orange, red, yellow or white ones too!

source : Interesting Facts, facebook
now we know
the true colors of carrots -
curry for tonight
Gabi Greve
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
cellory セロリ serori
seruki セルリ、oranda mitsuba オランダ三葉(おらんだみつば)
dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold
horse radish 山葵大根 (わさびだいこん) wasabi daikon
Ainu wasabi アイヌ山葵(あいぬわさび)
yamawasabi やまわさび horseradish / Hokkaido
leafy vegetables in winter 冬菜 (ふゆな)
fuyu na
hana 葉菜(はな),
kabu na, kabuna かぶ菜(かぶな)leaves of turnips
suzuna 菘(すずな)leaves of turnips (also one of the seven herbs of spring)
aona 蔓菁(あおな), matsuna まつ菜(まつな)、
aburana 油菜(あぶらな) colza, Brassica campestris
... toona 唐菜(とうな)
... tsukena 漬菜(つけな)pickled leaves
... yudena ゆで菜(ゆでな)boiled leaves
. "oil flowers" abura na, aburana 油菜 .
- another name for : na no hana 菜の花, rapeseed blossoms, rapeseed flower
Mikawajima na 三河島菜(みかわじまな)
Mikawajima is a place in Centrla Tokyo
komatsuna 小松菜(こまつな)
Brassica campestris
contains a lot of calcium.
It is not bitter like spinach and often used to feed children.
taina 体菜(たいな)、shakuna 杓子菜(しゃくしな)、sajina 匙菜(さじな)
Hoteina 布袋菜(ほていな)"leaf like Hotei" (God of Good Luck)
Hino na 日野菜(ひのな)from Hino
Hiroshima na 広島菜(ひろしまな)from Hiroshima
Nozawana, Nozawa na 野沢菜(のざわな)from Nozawa
Inekogi na 稲核菜(いねこきな)
katsuo na 鰹菜(かつおな)、shinobu na 信夫菜(しのぶな)
obazuke おはづけ、taguchi na 田口菜(たぐちな)
yuki na 雪菜(ゆきな)vegetable leaves in snow
suiguki na すいぐき菜(すいぐきな)
hi no na 緋の菜(ひのな)scarlet vegetable leave
fuyuna batake 冬菜畑(ふゆなばた)
field of leafy winter vegetables
fuyuna uri 冬菜売(ふゆなうり)
vendor of leafy winter vegetables
na arau 菜洗う(なあらう)washing leafy vegetables
na kuzu 菜屑(なくず)left-overs
fuyuna meshi 冬菜飯(ふゆなめし)
cooked rice with leafy winter vegetables
Leek 葱 (ねぎ) naganegi
Lauch, Porree
lily bulbs
yurine ゆり根 百合根 bulbs of lilies, lily bulb Hokkaido
Lilium leichtlinii Hook.
ko oniyuri こおにゆり【小鬼百合】
The name comes from the many parts that form the bulb, like "100 meetings, yuri" 百合.
Radish 大根 daikon, big radish
Raphanus sativas
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
One of the most important winter vegetables.
more RADISH kigo
Takuan daiko 沢庵大根(たくあんだいこ)
hoshi daiko 干大根(ほしだいこ)
Miyashige daikon 宮重大根(みやしげだいこん)、
aokubi daikon 青首大根(あおくびだいこん)、
Oowari daikon 尾張大根(おわりだいこん)、
Miura daikon 三浦大根(みうらだいこん)、
Nerima daikon 練馬大根(ねりまだいこん)、
Teraoo daikon 寺尾大根(てらおだいこん)、
risoo daikon 理想大根(りそうだいこん)、
Nishimachi daikon 西町大根(にしまちだいこん)、
Hooryoo daikon 方領大根(ほうりょうだいこん)、
Horie daikon 堀江大根(ほりえだいこん)、
Misono daikon 御園大根(みそのだいこん)、
Narutaki daikon 鳴滝大根(なるたきだいこん)、
Momoyama daikon 桃山大根(ももやまだいこん)、
Akita daikon 秋田大根(あきただいこん)、
Akasuji daikon 赤筋大根(あかすじだいこん)、
Shoogo-in daikon 聖護院大根(しょうごいんだいこん)
Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke pickles in Kyoto.
Kuramaguchi daikon 鞍馬口大根(くらまぐちだいこん)、
Moriguchi daikon 守口大根(もりぐちだいこん)、
Nezumi daikon 鼠大根(ねずみだいこん)、
Ibukiyama daikon 伊吹山大根(いぶきやまだいこん)、
Tokkuri daikon 徳利大根(とくりだいこん)、
Uguro daikon うぐろ大根(うぐろだいこん)、
karami dakion 辛味大根(からみだいこん)、
ike daikon 埋大根(いけだいこ)、
kakoi dakion 囲大根(かこいだいこ)、
senroppon 千六本(せんろっぽん)、
sengiri せん切(せんぎり)、aone おおね、daiko だいこ、
tsuchi daiko 土大根(つちだいこ)、
daikon batake 大根畑(だいこんばたけ) field with radishes
daikon doki 大根時(だいこんどき) time for radishes
daikojiru 大根汁(だいこじる) radish soup
daiko oroshi, daikon oroshi
大根おろし(だいこおろし)grated radish
Takuanzuke 沢庵漬(たくあんづけ)
daiko ichi 大根市(だいこいち)market selling radish
daiko uri 大根売(だいこうり)vendor of radish
Onnayama daikon 女山大根 radish from Onnayama, Saga pref. Kyushu
Its outside is red and so it makes a lovely dish for the new year.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Onnayama daikon aisu 女山大根アイス icecream
janbo daikon ジャンボ大根
all-Japan festival for jumbo daikon radishes ! 39,4 kilogram !
taro like a shrimp 海老芋 (えびいも) ebi imo, ebi-imo
... 蝦芋(えびいも)
Kyoo imo 京芋(きょういも) potato from Kyoto
grown near the temple Toji.
Used for the famous dish "potato on a stick" imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
turnips 蕪 ( かぶ) kabu
aona 菘(あおな)、suzuna すずな、kaburana かぶらな、suwari kabu 据り蕪(すわりかぶ)、
oomi kabu 近江蕪(おうみかぶ)、Shoogo-In kabu 聖護院蕪(しょうごいんかぶ)、
Oowari kabu 尾張蕪(おわりかぶ)、
Hino kabu 日野蕪(ひのかぶ)、Yorii-Kabu 寄居蕪(よりいかぶ)、Tsuta kabu 津田蕪(つたかぶ)(they have red outside and white inside)、Hakata kabu 博多蕪(はかたかぶ)、Atsumi kabu 温海蕪(あつみかぶ)
. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka .
kokabu 小蕪(こかぶ) small trunips
oono akakabu 大野赤蕪(おおのあかかぶ)turnips with red outside, from Ono
ookabura 大蕪(おおかぶ)big turnips
Kabura 蕪菁(かぶら)
kabura hiku かぶら引く(かぶらひく)picking turnips
kabura hosu かぶら干す(かぶらほす)drying turnips
hoshi kabura 干蕪(ほしかぶ)dried turnips
kaburajiru 蕪汁(かぶらじる)miso soup with turnips
kabura mushi 蕪蒸(かぶらむし)steamed turnips
kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
MORE kabura turnip dishes
Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke せんまいづけ 千枚漬 pickles in Kyoto.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
New Year
Chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot
Stachys affinis, Stachys sieboldii
It looks a bit like a silkworm.
It is supposed to give a special impetus to your brain function.
Chinese artichoke, crosne, artichoke betony
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Knollenziest, Stachysknöllchen
Vegetables as a TOPIC for Haiku
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke
Cynara scolymus
Artischoke, Artischocke
gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd Okinawa. Goya.
They are also eaten in summer to get rid of the summer tiredness (natsubate).
Momordica charantia
bittere Gurke
kikuimo, 菊芋 Jerusalem artichoke
Heliantus tuberosus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Topinambur. Erdbirne
Things found on the way
冬野菜 ほうれんそうよ よく育て
fuyu yasai hoorensoo yo yoku sodate
winter vegetables -
dear spinach, please,
grow well
source : mobeji
spinach is a spring kigo
first date -
he snickers at the broccoli
between my teeth
Melinda Hipple
a green smile
spreads across her face-
spinach for lunch
Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009
Western Vegetables
not native to Japan, most are NOT yet KIGO
aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Artichoke, kigo for all summer
biitsu ビーツ beet, beets
rote Rüben
chikorii チコリーchicory
Cichorium intybus.
endaibu エンダイブ endive
andiibu アンデイーブ
Cichorium endivia
esharotto エシャロット echalote
hoosuradisshu ホースラディッシュ horseradish
radisshu ラディッシュ radish
small red radishes
riiki リーキ leek
originally from the Mediterranean region
Lauch (other than the Japanese negi types)
rubaabu ルバーブ rhubarb, ruubabu ルーバブ
Rheum rhaponticum
torebisu トレビス trevis
(from the town of Terviso in Italy)
a kind of red cabbage
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Chinese Vegetables
chingensai チンゲンサイ【青梗菜】
Brassica campestris L. var. chinensis
spinach-like vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
koosai 香菜、コウサイ kosai, Bean Scoops
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kuushinsai 空芯菜(くうしんさい)kushinsai, green leafy vegetable
often prepared stir-fried
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kikakugai yasai 規格外野菜 "vegetables outside the norm"
slightly round cucumbers
tomatoes of different shapes
and many more are now sold at local centers and supermarkets for about half the price. Especially in the summer of 2009, when much rain damaged the growth, they made their appearance.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Vegetables and Games 野菜かるた
Karuta games and other card games
okaeri yasai おかえりやさい recycled vegetables
Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures
..... WKD : Farmers Work in Winter

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