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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query artichoke. Sort by date Show all posts






zairyoo 材料

Raw materials, spices and seasonings are listed here.
Some come with extra lists for details.

A lot of the ingredients are also KIGO.
Please check the World Kigo Database for their details.


aamondo, アーモンド almonds

abura 油 all kinds of oil, öl
goma abura ごま油 seseme oil, Sesamöl
oriibu abura オリーブ油 olive oil
piinattsu abura ピーナッツ油 peanut oil
roofatto oiru ローファットオイル low fat oil
sarada abura サラダ油 salad oil
tenpura abura 天婦羅油 tempura oil
tsubaki abura, see below

. abura uri 油売り oil vendor in Edo .

Azuki 小豆 adzuki beans, many other dried beans are used.
daizu 大豆 soy bean
sasage mame ささげ(大角豆) soy bean variety

Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe

BUTA ... Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた) Schwein

Chikuwa ちくわ(竹輪) "bamboo ring" grilled fish saussage

Chirimen jako ちりめんじゃこ、ちりめんざこ(縮魚) semi-dried very small sardines
kigo for spring

choomiryoo 調味料 flavoring, seasoning
awase choomiryoo あわせ調味料 mixing seasonings

Daikon 大根 big radish Rettich
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.

daizuko 大豆粉 soybean flour, soy flour

Dashi ... soup stock

Edo-Vegetables (Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜)

Fu, Wheat gluten (fu 麩) and FU products. fu-croutons
Fu ふ (麩) breadlike pieces of dried wheat gluten

Furikake and Ochazuke ... toppings for a bowl of rice 振り掛け, お茶漬け

Gobo, goboo 牛蒡 Burdock root

Goma 胡麻 sesame, seeds or goma abura ゴマ油 oil
shirogoma 白胡麻,white seeds. kurogoma 黒胡麻, black seeds.
chagoma 茶胡麻 "tea sesame".
kingoma 金胡麻 "golden goma" and mixtures of white and golden are available.
surigoma, crushed. kirigoma, cracked.
nerigoma 練り胡麻, paste.
gomashio, gomasio, with salt.
mukigoma, hulled
gomadare, goma dipping sauce
kingoma has the most oil of all seeds.
Sesame (til, tila, gingili) India goma, goma no hana (Japan)
The more you squeeze the farmers and sesame seeds, the more you get out of them.

Gyoza no kawa, gyooza 餃子の皮 gyoza dumpling wrappers

haabu  ハーブ herbs, Gewürzkräuter

Hamaguri, clam shells, venus clams Venusmuscheln

Hanpen はんぺん (hanpei 半平/hanpen 半片) fluffy fish cake made of ground fish

Ichiyaboshi いちやぼし (【一夜干(し)) "dried for one night" air-dried fish

Iriko いり‐こ(熬り子) dried sardines, niboshi 煮干し

Jidori 地鳥 (じどり) Local Chicken types

Kaiso Sea Vegetables 海草Edible seaweeds, LIST

Kamaboko かまぼこ (蒲鉾) fish cake, fish paste
Fischwurst; Fischpastete

Kanbutsu 乾物 kambutsu dried food items Getrocknete Lebensmittel

Kani 蟹料理 CRAB dishes

Kankitsu, kankitsurui かんきつ(るい)(柑橘(類)citrus fruit
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others

Kanpyo かんぴょう(干瓢/乾瓢) dried gourd ribbons

Kanten 寒天 gelatine (mostly from agar agar)

Karashi からし(芥子/辛子) Japanese mustard. Senf
often in powder form to prepare fresh for use

Karee カレー Japanese curry preparations

Katakuriko, Starch 片栗粉. potato starch. Stärkemehl

Katsuobushi, dried bonito shavings 鰹節 , dried bonito flakes

Ken, tsuma and karami, garnish with Sashimi
ken けん, tsuma つま, and karami 辛み, 辛味, 辛み.

Keshi no mi 芥子の実 white poppy seeds

Kikuimo, 菊芋 Heliantus tuberosus. Jerusalem artichoke
Topinambur. Erdbirne

Kinako 黄粉 "yellow powder", toasted soybean flour

Kinoko, take きのこ(茸/蕈/菌) mushrooms LIST

Kiriboshi daikon きりぼし大根 shredded radish, also other shredded items are used

Ko, kona 粉 flour, Mehl

Konbu 昆布 kombu kelp seaweed
Seaweed (kaisoo 海草) as kigo

Konchu Ryori, konchuu ryoori 昆虫料理 Insects as food

Konyaku, konnyaku こんにゃく(蒟蒻/菎蒻)
sometimes braid-cut pieces
..... shirataki "white waterfall" konnyaku noodles, konnyaku
..... aka konnyaku, red konnyaku, red with iron residues

Kudamono, fruit ... LIST

Kuri no kanro-ni 栗の甘露煮  chestnuts in syrup
Kanro-Ni, sweet simmering

Kurumi くるみ (胡桃) walnuts Walnuss
Walnut (kurumi) as kigo

Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse

Masu and Ayu : Trouts and sweetfish ... the naming Forellenarten

Matsu no mi まつのみ (松の実) pine nuts, often used for Chinese cooking

menjitsuyu 綿実油 cotton seed oil

Menrui ... all kinds of noodles 麺類 Nudeln
Soba, Udon, Somen

Mi 実 Berries and Nuts from the forest Nuesse und Beeren

Midorimushi みどりむし / yuugurena ユーグレナ Euglena

Mirin みりん 味醂 ミリン ... sweet cooking ricewine, syrup rice wine

Miruku ミルク / gyuunyuu 牛乳 Milk and milk products Butter, Cheese, Pudding, Yoghurt

Miso paste 味噌 miso dishes

Mitsuba 三つ葉 (みつば) "Three leaves" honewort

. Mizuame (水飴) is a sweetener from Japan .

Mochi ricecakes, 餅 (もち) rice cakes

Moyashi 萌やし、糵, もやし bean sprouts of various types
..... kaiware かいわれ, supurauto スプラウト sprouts, often daikon radish, for garnishing

Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 (みょうが). Zingi-Ingwer
japanischer Ingwer

nagaimo, naga-imo ながいも(長芋)yam, Chinese yam

Naganegi 葱 (ねぎ) leek, green onions

Nasu 茄子 (なす), nasubi なすび eggplant, aubergine

Natto, nattoo 納豆 fermented soy beans

Niku 肉 にく all kinds of meat from four-legged animals

Nori 海苔 dried laver, as sheets or chopped. Meerlattich
... ao-nori, green nori, iwa nori from the rocks, yaki-nori toasted, ajitsuke-nori with flavor

Oboro and Denbu ... shredded meat, fish or vegetables おぼろ (朧) / 田麩

Pan パン Bread
..... koppepan コッペパン spindle-shaped small bread, sometimes with a cut in the top to add some other food items. Often sweet.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
anpan アンパン, meronpan メロンパン melon bread, and many more 
tsukudani toast 佃煮トースト

Panko パン粉 "bread flour", bread crumbs,
often used as coating before deep-frying food

Rice お米 o-kome


Sakana ... 魚 FISH of all kinds

Sake 酒 ricewine, rice wine Reiswein
..... amazake, 甘酒 sweet white rice wine,
..... amakuchi, 甘口  sweet
..... karakuchi, 辛口 dry
Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein as KIGO

Sansai 山菜  Mountain vegetables

Sansho, Sanshoo, Japanese pepper, "Mountain pepper"

Satoo 砂糖 sugar
..... kurosato "black" sugar from Okinawa, brown sugar
..... mizuame, mizu ame 水飴, syrup, made from barley or other grains
..... wasanbon 和三盆 Japanese sugar from Shikoku

Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes

Shiitake 椎茸 shiitake mushrooms
Shiitake Mushrooms as KIGO

Shio ... Salt  塩
Meersalz, Salz

Shirasuboshi しらす‐ぼし (白子干し/白子乾し) blanched very small sardines
kigo for spring

Shiso, beefsteak plant, Perilla 紫蘇

Shooga, Ginger 生姜

Shoyu, Soy Sauce shooyu 醤油

SHUN 旬の物 / 旬の味 Specialities of the Season

Shungiku, garland chrysanthemum 春菊

Soomen, somen noodles 索麺

Su 酢 , komezu, komesu 米酢 rice vinegar


Tamago 卵 (たまご) egg dishes

Tara 鱈 Cod fish

Tare タレ Sauces and dressings

Tofu, toofu, dofu, doofu 豆腐 Soy bean curd and its preparations

Togarashi, toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper

Tonkatsu soosu 豚カツソース sauce for pork cutlet. fruity taste like a Worcestershire sauce

Tsubaki abura 椿油) camellia oil

Tsukemono and how to make them ... 漬物

Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)

Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled plums
Umezu 梅酢 plum vinegar, liquid from the pickled plums

Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹)

Wagyuu, wagyu 和牛 Japanese beef Rindfleisch

Wasabi, Japanese horseradish わさび、山葵. Wasabia japonica

Wakame 若布 kelp
Seaweed (kaisoo 海草) as kigo

Yasai 野菜 やさい vegetables
Vegetables in the season, shun no yasai

Yakumi やくみ (薬味) spices and condiments
dokumi, kayaku

Yomogi よもぎ 蓬 mugwort
Beifuss, Beifuß

Yurine ゆり根 bulbs of lilies (lilly)
Lilienknollen. used for chinese medicine. grown in Hokkaido.
yurine manjuu 百合根饅頭

Yuzu 柚子 ゆず citron, juice or peel is used
Yuzu as KIGO a ctiron fruit
..... Yuzu citron dishes for autumn Japan



Seaweed (kaisoo 海草) as kigo

