
Shin yasai new vegetables



New Types of Vegetables (shin yasai)

shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 "new vegetables"

New crossbreeds of vegetables for the modern consumer. Some are bred with the need to haravest the item during the whole year.
Some are bred for their colorful exterior or a special form, others for more vitamin contents or other nutritional properties.

The list also comprizes vegetables that have been introduced to Japan after 1950.

Many new vegetables also come from China, where they have a long tradition, and are used for Chinese food in Japan.

daikon samitto 大根サミット
Radish Summit - Daikon Sumit
In 2005, members of Nagai Town and Utsunomiya University started to work together to introduce new vegetables (shin yasai 新野菜 ). One of them is the chives for mountain ascetics, see below.

Some of these vegetables are also KIGO.
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New Vegetables 新野菜 ABC

aachishooku アーチチョーク artichoke
Cynara scolymus

aisupuranto, aisu puranto アイスプラント "ice plant" sea fig, chrystal leaf
also called
barafu バラフ Barafu.
Saga prefecture

asukko あすっこ Asukko
"vitamin leaf" and broccoli crossbreed ビタミン菜とブロッコリー . Grown in Shimane.
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biitsu ビーツ beets, kind of red turnips
... enkasai 火焔菜(かえんさい)
Beta vulgaris
winter vegetable
Rübe, Rande

burokkori ブロッコリー broccoli
Brassica oleracea
Cauliflower and Broccoli and some cross breeds.

chikorii チコリー chicory
kikunigana 菊苦菜 きくにがな "bitter chrysanthemum leaf"
Cichorium intybus
Chicoree. Chicorée oder Schikoree
... torebisu トレビス Italian chicory
kigo for early spring

endaiibu エンダイブ endive
Cichorium endivia. Used for European cuisine. Originated in Ancient Egypt.

esharotto エシャロット echalote, a kind of onion.
Allium cepa.
Mostly used for French cuisine.
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guriin haato, guriinhaato グリーンハート "green heart"
a kind of tomato. More sour than red tomatoes, with tough flesh.
Rich in vitamin A, B and C.

gyoojana 行者菜 Gyojana,
"green chives for mountain ascetics"

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hanakkori はなっこりー Hanakkori
Chenese leafy vegetable and broccoli crossbreed
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howaito serori ホワイトセロリ white cellory
with a less strong tast than real cellory. Has more vitamines than cellory and can be boiled to a soft fiber mash.
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weisser Sellerie

kairan カイラン野菜 / 介藍 Chinese leafy vegetable
In English, it is called "Chinese kale" チャイニーズケール.
A kind of cabbage or broccoli.
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kinsai キンサイ Chinese leafy vegetable
Related to the Japanese parseley (seri せり / 芹), dropwort.
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koosai コウサイ coriander
... shanzai 香菜(シャンツァイ)

koosaitai コウサイタイ Chinese vegetable
related to the Chinese aburana "fat leaves" vegetables
... honshaitai ホンツァイタイ【紅菜薹】
Grown in China since the Tang period. It is quite soft and contains few fibers. It is rather sweet and has an individual fragrance. Eaten as salad, or blanched or in fried vegetable dishes.
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kuushinsai 空心菜 "empty center vegetable"
a kind of Chinese vegetable like yoosai ヨウサイ(蕹菜) Ipomoea aquatica
The inside of the stem is empty, hence the name. It contains a lot of carotene.
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maashu マーシュ kind of lettuce
Kind of ominaeshi Patrinia scabiosaefolia Fisch
The leaves have the form of a sheep. Therefore also called "lamb lettuce" ラムレタス.
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makomotake, makomo take まこもたけ (真菰竹) kind of sugar cane
When eaten raw, it tasts like bamboo shoots. It is rich in fibers and prevents ageing, also low in calories, and good for your diet.
makomo まこも【真菰】 is a kind of wild rice, water oats, Zizania latifolia Turcz.
from Okinawa
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moroheiya モロヘイヤ molokheiya, Jew's marrow
Corchorus Olitorius
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neginira ねぎニラ / ネギニラ Neginira
crossbreed of negi leek and nira Chinese chives.
For Chinese dishes.
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okahijiki, oka hijiki オカヒジキ (陸鹿尾菜) "land seaweed"
Salsola komarovii Iljin
green vegetable, resembling hijiki algae. Rich in minerals and vitamines and considered very healthy. The sticks are about 6 cm long.
Eaten steamed or blanched, with vinegar and mustard.
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papurika, piiman ピーマン green sweet pepper bell pepper
... anasutashia アナスタシア, "Anastasia", a kind of
fruit piman フルーツピーマン furuutsu piiman from Russia
It has more vitamin C than normal bell pepper.
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puchiueeru プチヴェール "petit vail" type lettuce
crossbreed from kale and brussle sprouts (keeru to hakyabetsu ケールと芽キャベツ).
it contains a lot of sugar, almost like a fruit.
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riiki リーキ leek
kind of European leek, seiyoo negi 西洋ネギ.
winter vegetable
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Lauch, Porree

roketto sarada ロケットサラダ "rocket salad"
leafy vegetable. kind of rucola.
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rukkora ルッコラ rucola
for salads and on pizza.
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sarasare reddo さらさらレッド new type of red onion
tasts more pungent than a normal onion
from 栗山町, since 2006
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saishin 菜心 / サイシン Chinese vegetable
A very healthy vegetable, meaning "the Heart of Vegetables"., Rich in carotene and vitamins B and C. Prevents obesity, and improves the immune system.
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sunappu endoo スナップエンドウ snap pea
They can be eaten with the pea pot. Originally from America.
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grüne Erbsen

sutikku seniyooru スティックセニョール "stick senior"
Chinese vegetable, between kairan broccoli and cabbage.
Rich in vitamin C and D and carotene.
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tsubomina 蕾菜(つぼみな)"sprout vegetable"
It brings the spring to Hakata (Kyushu).
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tsurumurasaki, tsuru murasaki つるむらさき【蔓紫】
Basella rubra.
"Indian spinach" インドのほうれん草
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Malabar-Spinat. Basellgewächse
kigo for early autumn


urui ウルイ Urui
also called
gibooshi ギボウシ(擬宝珠)
Hosta fortunei. A mountain vegetable (sansai)
In Yamagata, the stems are used as a vegetable for many dishes or eaten after blanching and some ponzu dressing added.
It is one of the first wild vegetables that comes out in early spring after the snow has thawed.
ginbo ギンボ is the Yamagata name for this plant.
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The flower of hosta (gibooshi) is edible.
Edible blossoms, edible flowers (shokuyoo no hana)

kigo for early summer

gibooshi no hana 擬宝珠の花 (ぎぼうしのはな)
hosta flowers
..... giboshi ぎぼし, hana giboshi 花ぎぼし(はなぎぼし



yaakon ヤーコン Yakon potato
Smallanthus sonchifolius
Has long been pruduced in the Andes mountains of South America. Grown in Japan since about 80 years ago, mostly in Hokkaido.
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yama wasabi 山わさび white horseradish
Armoracia rusticana

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zukkiini ズッキーニ zucchini, courgette
Cucurbita pepo melopepo
Of the pumpkin family. Low calory vegetable for diet. With a lot of vitamen K, carotin and calium.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Knorr Cup Soup Shin Yasai no Potage series
Vegetable Soups from Knorr クノール
New Series
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Dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 Traditional Vegetables

Traditionelle Gemüsesorten 


new vegetables -
the rusty knife
of my mother

Nakayama Ishino, 2002

Related words

***** WASHOKU :

. PLANTS - - - the Complete SAIJIKI .  



Milk and milk products


Milk and milk products

Milch und Milchprodukte

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mirukuseeki ミルクセーキ milk shake
kigo for all summer



History of Milk and Cheese in Japan

Via Korea the production of milk, butter and even cheese (so 蘇 ) was known before the Heian period. But when Shotoku Taishi elevated Buddhism and meat was forbideen to eat, the production stopped.

The 7. Shogun Yoshimune sponsored the import of cows from India and the daimyo Satomi in Chiba supervised the production of dairy products as a kind of medicine.
Maeda Tomekichi was the first to sell fresh milk in Yokahama around 1863, having studied from Holland how to handle cows.

Since the Meiji period, Hokkaido became the center of dairy products, thanks to its vast grazing grounds and fresh water. Holstein cows are most popular and produce about 8000 kg per year each.

The village Tsuruimura 鶴居村 (つるいむら) was the first "cow village" in Kushiro, Hokkaido.

So そ 蘇(そ)酥 / 蘇 milk products of the Asuka period

. daigomi 醍醐味 "taste of Daigo" ghee butter .
and Emperor Daigo

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miruku ミルク milk
gyuunyuu 牛乳 cow's milk
kanraku 乾酪 cheese
gyuuraku 牛酪 butter

Some MILK vocabulary

bataa miruku バターミルク buttermilk

dasshinyuu だっしにゅう【脱脂乳】 skim milk
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fettarme Milch

gyuunyuu haitatsu 牛乳配達 daily milk delivery
Still practised in many parts of Japan. There are special boxes to put the milk cartons in.
Milchzustellung, Milchmann

gyuunyuu seihin 牛乳製品 milk products
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gyuunyuu tsubo 牛乳壺 milk pot
There is one for the milk in most homes.

ichigo miruku いちごみるく strawberry milk
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junryoo gyuunyuu 純良牛乳 pure milk
reine Milch

miruku hooru ミルクホール milk bar
... miruku sutando ミルクスタンド

nyuu seihin 乳製品 milk products

nyuu shiboo 乳脂肪 milk fat

ochichi, o-chichi, o-chi お乳 (御乳) mother's milk
Milch, Euter
... nyuujuu 乳汁(にゅうじゅう)

raku 酪 processed milk

rakugyuu 酪牛 milk cow
... nyuuyoo gyuu 乳用牛 cow for milk

rakunoo らくのう【酪農】 dairy farming
... rakunooka 酪農家 dairy farmer
... chikusan nooka 畜産農家 dairy farmer
... rakunoo seihinn 酪農製品 dairy product
Molkereiprodukt; Molkereierzeugnis

roo fatto miruku ローファットミルク low fat milk
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fettarme Milch; Magermilch

sakkin gyuunyuu 殺菌牛乳 sterilized milk
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sterilisierte Milch

sanpainyuu 酸敗乳 sour milk
saure Milch

shinyuu 市乳 milk sold on the market
auf dem Markt verkaufte Milch

sukimu miruku スキムミルク skimmed milk
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entrahmte Milch

YAKULT - The Main Company HP
source : yakult.co.jp/english


Milk for breakfast (朝飯) asagohan

BILK ビルク Hokkaido Milk Beer : Milk + Beer = Bilk
Milk products from Hokkaido

gyuunyuu senbei 牛乳せんべい milk cookies
Miyakejima 三宅島, Tokyo

milk tofu, gyuunyuu doofu 牛乳豆腐 gyunyu tofu
Milk products from Hokkaido

Asukanabe 飛鳥鍋 hodgepodge from Asuka
prepared with milk
so 蘇(そ)酥 / 蘇 milk products of old, Asuka no So 飛鳥の蘇
the oldest milk of Japan

SKAL, sukooru, スコール
milk-based soft drink from Shimonoseki


Butter バター bataa

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Often sold in round tin boxes.

bataa cha バター茶 tea with butter, from Tibet
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bataa itame bataa itame バター炒め frying with butter
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bataa keeki バターケーキ butter cake
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bataa kukkii バタークッキー butter cookies
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... shio bataa kukkii 塩バタークッキー butter cookies with salt

bataa naifu バターナイフ butter knife

bataa shooyu バター醤油 butter-soysauce
shooyu bataa しょう油バター
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... bataa shooyuu mi potetochippusu バターしょうゆ味 ポテトチップス
potato chips with butter soysauce flavor
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bataa toosuto バタートースト toast with butter
The toast bread is usually quite thick. A common snack at a cafeteria, also for breakfast.
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bataa yaki, bataayaki バター焼き grilled, roasted with butter
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gaarikku bataa ガーリックバター garlic butter

hachimitsu bataa 蜂蜜バター honey butter
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Hokkaidoo bataa 北海道バター butter from Hokkaido
Most of the Japanese butter comes from Hokkaido.

jagabataa じゃがバター potatoes with butter
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kurumi bataa くるみバター walnut butter

Trappist Butter from Hakodate

shio bataa 塩バター butter with salt

Butter Boutique at the Marunouchi Brick SquareReference

yagi bataa 山羊バター butter from goats milk
goats butter
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Daijin ke no daikyoo 大臣家大饗
First banquet of the Ministers on the New Year
Since the Heian period.
The ministers greet visitors in their own homes (omoya) and have a feast. The most important visitor is called 尊者 sonsha.
On this day an envoy from the imprial court, 蘇甘栗使 soamaguri no tsukai, is also welcomed.
He brought an old version of butter, 牛酪 gyuuraku, and dried chestnuts kachiguri 搗栗.

. First Court Rituals .


Cheese チーズ Käse

Cheese is imported from other countries, but also made in Japan.

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cheese gyoza チーズギョーザ gyoza with cheeze filling

chiizu keeki チーズケーキ cheese cake
from Hokkaido

kuriimu chiizu クリームチーズ cream cheese
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purin プリン pudding


Sweets, caramels, ice cream and others

Aisu アイス ice

Ice cream, soft cream. Eiscreme, Eis

chokoreeto チョコレート chocolate

Daisen Mirukubatake aisu 大山みるく畑 アイス icecream
"from the Milk Fields of Mount Daisen"
from Tottori

Genjimaki, Genji-maki 源氏巻 "Genji-Rolls"
from Shimane

Hiruzen sweets 蒜山スイーツ
from the milk of the Jersy cows ジャージー, Okayama prefecture



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hakkoonyuu 発酵乳 fermented milk, yoghurt
fermentierte Milch

When first introduced to Japan, it was not well liked because of its sourness. Akutagawa Ryunosuke wrote about it, to promote the milk of his fathers farm, but it was not well liked.
Then at the World Exhibition in Osaka in 1970, the real Bulgarian Yoghurt was introduced and soon became a hit.

aroe yooguruto アロエヨーグルトyoghurt with aloe vera

bihidasu ビヒダスヨーグルト bifidus yoghurt
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bifizusukin yooguruto ビフィズス菌ヨーグルト yoghurt with
bifidobacterium; Lactobacillus bifidus. bifizusu kin

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burugaria yooguruto ブルガリアヨーグルトBulgarian yoghurt
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funwari yooguruto ふんわりヨーグルト

furuutsu yoogurto フルーツヨーグルト fruit yoghurt
. . . 彩り果物ヨーグルト
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furoozun yooguruto フローズンヨーグルト frozen yoghurt
It comes in different flavors.
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Hiruzen jaajii yooguruto 蒜山ジャージーヨーグル from the milk of Jersey cows
from Hiruzen Highland, Okayama
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kasukipai yooguruto カスピ海ヨーグルト yoghurt like in the Caspian Sea
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mashumaro yooguruto マシュマロヨーグル marshmallow yoghurt
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mizukiri yooguruto 水切りヨーグルト yoghurt with little water
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nomu yooguruto 飲むヨーグルト yoghurt ready to drink
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nuta-ae ぬた和え yoghurt dressing
Yoghurt mixed with miso paste, vinegar and other nuta ingredients.

pureen yooguruto プレーンヨーグルト plain yoghurt
without any additions

suiito yoogurto スイートヨーグルト sweet yoghurt

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teishiboo 低脂肪ヨーグルト low-fat yoghurt
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Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Greve cheese, Grevé cheese
a semi-hard cows’ milk cheese from Sweden.


. MILK served for Japanese school lunches  

. Soy Milk (toonyuu 豆乳) and
skin of boiled soy milk ゆば . 湯葉 yuba


kissaten miruku seeki no natsu honban

coffee shop -
the summer season for
milk shakes (begins)

Rurika Sama ルリカ様


koruri naki kurumi mo hieshi yooguruto

the Siberian blue robin sings -
walnuts in the cold

Sawada Ryokusei 澤田緑生 (1918 - )

Related words

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Wagyuu (和牛)Wagyu, Japanese cattle
Rind, Milchkuh

. Cheese Kigo from Europe





Aloe vera


Aloe vera (aroe)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity


CLICK for more photos kigo for all winter

aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe flowers
... hana aroe 花アロエ aloe flowers

Between the fleshy leaves a stem comes out with beautiful red flowers.
In Japan kidachi aroe 木立アロエ is most common.
It blooms from November till February.

Some saijiki do not list ALOE as a kigo.

It grown in Southern areas, mostly in Okinawa.

Aloe vera アロエベラ


Aloe vera, also known as the medicinal aloe,
CLICK for more information is a species of succulent plant that probably originated in Northern Africa, the Canary islands and Cape Verde. Aloe vera grows in arid climates and is widely distributed in Africa and other arid areas. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine.

In India, the plant is known as Ghritkumari or Gheekvar and in Pakistan,the plant is known as Quargandal and is used in Ayurvedic medicine.

In Tamil nadu, Aloe vera is known as katraazhai and hit has also a pet name kumari. Since use of Aloe vera extends one's longevity it has that pet name. The pulp is used extensively in Siddha medicines for treating constipation, enlargement of spleen, zymotic disease, chengamaari (a type of venereal infection) etc.

Aloe vera leaves when cut exude two fluids, with differing effects and properties. The yellow/green sap predominantly exuded wherever the green surface of the leaf is cut is an irritant. This contains the latex-like compound, aloin. On the other hand, the transparent fluid exuded by the inner leaf wherever it is cut or crushed, is soothing and said to promote healing.

Aloe vera has a long association with herbal medicine, although it is not known when its medical applications were first discovered.
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aroeburo, aroe-buro アロエ風呂 bath with aloe extract
is quite popular.

Aloe from Okinawa is mostly produced for cosmetics, but a lot is also eaten, see below.
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The following are not kigo.

Dishes with Aloe アロエ料理

(mostly served in the winter months)

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aroe cha アロエお茶 aloe tea

aroe gyooza アロエギョーザ aloe gyoza dumplings

aroe juusu アロエジュース juice from aloe

aroe karee アロエカレー aloe curry

aroemen アロエ麺 noodles with aloe

aroe purin アロエプリン pudding with aloe

aroe sashimi アロエ刺身 raw aloe slices
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aroe sushi アロエのお寿司 sushi rice with aloe
a kind of nigirizushi

aroe sofuto kuriimu aisu アロエソフトクリーム soft cream ice with aloe
It has a rather green color.
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aroeshu アロエ酒 liquor from aloe

aroe tenpura アロエ天ぷら aloe tempura

aroe yooguruto アロエヨーグルトyoghurt with aloe
Quite popular in all Japan.
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aroe no hachimitsuzuke アロエの蜂蜜漬け
aloe pickled in honey
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aroe no su no mono アロエの酢の物
aloe salad with vinegar dressing

Worldwide use


neat plantation--
a muddy bucket filled
with aloe vera

Jescah Auma
Kenya Haiku Forum

. Aloe plants in Kenya
Aloe graminicola
Aloe rabaiensis
Aloe secundiflora
Aloe volkensii

Things found on the way


hoshidaikon hosori kittari aroe saku

dried radish
cut ever so finely -
aloe blossoms

Kiyozaki Toshiroo 清崎敏郎 (1922 - 1999)


aroe saku yue ni majikashi ama shuuraku

aloe blossoms
therefore it is also near
the hamlet of diving women

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一


uncluttered blue skies
greet subdued september --
healing tear of aloe

- Shared by Caroline Cecile -
Joys of Japan, August 2012

Related words

***** WASHOKU :

Okinawa Dishes 沖縄料理



Kagoshima Satsuma


Kagoshima (Satsuma)

Kagoshima Prefecture (鹿児島県, Kagoshima-ken)
is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyūshū. The capital is the city of Kagoshima.
Kagoshima Prefecture is located at the southwest tip of Kyūshū and includes a chain of islands stretching further to the southwest for a few hundred kilometers. The most important group is the Amami Islands.
It has a bay called Kagoshima Bay (Kinkowan).
The prefecture boasts a chain of active and dormant volcanoes, including the great Sakurajima, which towers out of the Kagoshima bay opposite Kagoshima city.

Kagoshima Prefecture corresponds to the ancient Japanese provinces Ōsumi and Satsuma 薩摩  , including the northern part of the Ryukyu Islands.

The prefecture has strong agricultural roots, which are reflected in its most well-known exports: green tea, sweet potato, radish, Pongee rice, Satsuma pottery and Berkshire pork ("kurobuta"). Kagoshima prefecture's production of bonito flakes is second only to that of Shizuoka. In addition it produces Japan's largest volume of unagi eels.
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Kagoshima is the second largest tea growing area in Japan, right after Shizuoka.

Sakurajima 桜島 The Sakurajima volcano

Satsuma Pottery
Satsuma Ware 薩摩焼 Satsumayaki


satookibi サトウキビ / 砂糖黍 sugar cane
Saccharum officinarum. Zuckerrohr

It used to be grown widely, but with cheaper imports, its fields were abandoned.
Now some areas grow it back in memory of the good old times, prepare sugar like their grandfathers did and make sweets for the local children to remember.

boomaki 棒まき "sugar wrapped around a stick"
simmered cane juice is wrapped around a cane stick and sucked.
The simmered juice is also spread on thin pancakes and eaten as oyatsu snack.
It can be used in sauces for grilled or fried fish.

satookibi 甘蔗 (さとうきび) sugarcane, sugar cane


Regional Dishes from Kagoshima

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akumaki あくまき(灰汁巻き)mochigome rice cakes, Chimaki
from Takachiho, around Kirishima and also in Miyasaki.
Eaten for the Boy's festival. akumochi.
Glutinous rice is wrapped in bamboo leaves and simmered for 3 to 4 hours in alkaline lye. Thus they can be kept for a long time when done. The army of Satsuma used these when going to war. It tasts rather alkaline. It is cut in pieces and covered with sugar and kinako soy powder before eating.
There is also
tsunomaki つのまき in Tanegashima Island
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tojinkan in Bonotsu Island.
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butabone 豚骨 pig bones
kurobuta 黒豚 black pig from Satsuma

. nettabo ねったぼ dumplings  
from mashed sweet potatoes and mochigome rice
Sprinkled with kinako powder.

sakezushi 酒ずし sushi with sake


Satsuma age, satsumaage, satsuma-age さつま揚げ fried fish cake from Satsuma
Pounded white fish meat and flour is mixed to prepare a compact paste that is solidified through frying. Sometimes tofu is added into the mix.
Many ingredients can be added for extra flavor, for example vegetabels.
This food originated in Vietnam and came to Okinawa brought by local fishermen. From there, it found its way to Kagoshima (former Satsuma) and then spread all over Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Satsuma Imo 薩摩芋, サツマイモ Sweet potatoes
imodango, imo dango いも団子 / さつま芋団子 / 芋団子
Speciality from Ibusuki town いぶすき【指宿市】.

. Tanegashima Annoo Imo 種子島あんのう芋 / 安納芋
mitsuimo, mitsu imo 蜜芋 "honey sweet potato" 

Satsumajiru 薩摩汁 soup with sweet potatos


Satsumazuke さつま漬け pickles from Satsuma

Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう)
Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Yamakawa katsuobushi 山川鰹節
from the Yamakawa family production
They are prepared by hand in the family tradition. They are smoked before drying.
They are freshly shaved, added some sesame and soysauce and this is put on rice for a delicious meal.
From Kagoshima, Makurasaki 枕崎
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Things found on the way


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes



Karashi mustard


Mustard plant (karashina)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant


kigo for all spring

brown mustard plant 芥菜 (からしな / からし菜) karashina
..... 芥子菜(からしな), nagarashi ながらし
aokarashi 青芥(あおがらし)
karashina 芥菜(からしな)、菜芥(ながらし)
Brassica juncea Czern. et Coss

ha karashina 葉からしな, hatakena はたけな
Leaf mustard、Oriental mustard

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From China, introduced in the Heian period, probably aready the Yayoi period.
The Chinese name, when used as a medicine, is gaishi 芥子(生薬名:がいし) and refers to the seeds.

The leaves also have a strong taste and are eaten as a vegetable.

100 g contains 26 kalories. proteines 3.3g、fat.1g、carbonides4.7g、fibers3.7g、carotin2800μg、Vitamin E 3.1mg、Vitamin 260μg、Vitamin B1 0.12mg、VitaminB2 0.27mg、Niacin 1.2mg、Vitamin B6 0.25mg、folic acid310μg、panthoten acid 0.32mg、Vitamin C 64mg、natrium 60mg、calium 620mg、calcium 140mg、magnesium21mg、phosphor72mg、iron2.2mg etc.

Chinese name : gai choy, kaai tsai, taai kaai tsai, ye yong jie cai

Different types grow in various regions.
It has a strong hot taste.


kigo for mid-autumn

karashina maku 芥菜蒔く からしなまく
sowing mustard plant seeds


The following items are not kigo.

karai からい ... is a word to imply HOT, spicy food.

The seeds of the mustard plant are small and round.
They are dried and prepared to

wa karashi 和からし (wagarashi 和がらし) or simply called
karashi からし【芥子/辛子】】 Japanese mustard

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It comes in tubes as a paste ready to use or in powder form to prepare fresh for each meal.

kona karashi 粉からし mustard powder
neri karashi ねりからし mustard paste


masutaado マスタード mustard
yoo karashi 洋からし (yoogarashi 洋がらし)
"Western Karashi", Western-style mustard
This type comes from a different plant. It is much less pungent than "Japanese mustard" 和がらしwagarashi and has more of a vinegary taste.
It comes in a white and a brown version.

The origin was the plant from the Dijon area, where even today all kinds of mustard are made with wine-vinegar.

All kinds of Western mustard are available in Japan.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of mustard seeds!


karashi jooyu からし醤油 soysauce with mustard
and dashi and a bit of sugar
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!

karashi miso からし味噌 miso with mustard
mit scharfem japanischem Senf
often used with lotus roots 蓮根とからし味噌
Bandai karashi miso 磐梯からし味噌 from Mount Bandai
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!

karashi su ae からし酢和え with mustard and vinegar
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!
karashi su shooyu からし酢醤油 with soy sauce

kaki no karashi su 柿のからし酢 with persimmons


It is also used to pickle other vegetabels.

Karashizuke からし漬け pickles with mustard
A pickling bed is made of "sakekasu" and mustard. Pickle salted vegetables in the bed.
Red peppers and sesame seeds can also be used.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!


karashi renkon

source : www.ritsumei.ac.jp / click for the moving version

karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus roots with mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard, sometimes fried.
Sometimes white miso, kamaboko ground fish paste and katsuobushi are used for the filling.
From Kumamoto

CLICK for more photos When the daimyo of Kumamoto, Hosokawa Tadatoshi, 細川 忠利 became sick, a priest from the temple 豊前国耶馬溪羅漢寺 in Buzen told his aides to prepare some lotos roots for him. One of the kitchen crew, Heigoro 平五郎, remembered that Kato Kiyomasa had some lotus planted in the moat of Kumamoto castle as food for emergencies, so they took some out filled the holes with a paste of mustard powder, wheat miso paste and egg yolk. They fried this in oil and offered it to the ailing lord, who ate it with gusto and became well soon.

digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
kigo for early winter

karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス
Karashi Renkon Chips
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


daikon karashizuke 大根からし漬 with radish
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kazunoko karashi zuke 数の子からし漬け herring roe pickled in mustard
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kyuuri karashizuke きゅうりからし漬け with cucumbers
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nasu karashizuke 茄子辛子漬け with eggplants
Rather famous in many areas of Japan.
minden-nasu みんでんなす, 民田なす Minden eggplant pickles

Nozawana no karashizuke 野沢菜のからし漬け
from Nozawa town, with nozawana spinach

piiman karashizuke ピーマンからし漬け with bellpeppers (paprika)

shiitake karashizuke 椎茸からし漬け with shiitake mushrooms
Prepared in many regions famous for shiitake growing.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Shiitake mustard pickles
Dishes from Yufuin, Oita, Kyushu.


Other dishes with "karashi"

inarizushi いなり寿司 Inari sushi
In Matsumoto, they smear karashi mustard on the inside of the pouch.

hotaru-ika no karashi sunomono ほたるいかの辛子酢物
from Namerigawa town 滑川市
Dishes from Toyama prefecture

karashina no masutaato ae からし菜のマスタード和え
mustard plants with mustard dressing

nanohana to ika no karashi ae 菜の花といかの辛子あえ squid and hot mustard dressing
Rape blossoms ( 花菜漬 nanohana, na no hana)

shimazushi しまずし/ 島寿司 Sushi from the Islands
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Since there grows no Japanese horseradish (wasabi) on the islands, this sushi is usually served with mustard (karashi) or hot pepper.
Hachijojima Island.

wakegiae, wakegi ae わけぎあえ wakegi leek with dressing
Best prepared in spring for the Doll Festival. Boiled with shells and asari shells, white miso, karashi mustard, sugar and vinegar.
Dishes from Kagawa, Shikoku

Worldwide use


Things found on the way

ariru karashi abura アリルからし油
from Izu Town
This is made from wasabi, Japanese horseradish.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

spicy mentaiko (辛子明太子, karashi mentaiko).
marinated roe of pollock


toogarashi 唐辛子 chilli peppers "Chinese karashi"

komatsuna こまつな 小松菜 Japanese Mustard Spinach


初鰹 銭と辛子で二度涙
hatsugatsuo zeni to karashi de nido namida

first bonito of the season ...
for the prize and for the pungency
we have to cry twice

The "Children of Edo" liked the first expensive bonito of the season, cut in sashimi and with a dip of Japanese mustard.

There was an old way to prepare the mustard seeds by grinding them fine, then put a piece of paper on top of them and add hot water. Now a redhot piece of charcoal is added to the pot and the whole stays over night. The charcoal takes on the pungency of the mustard, and a fine fragrance remains.


karashina ni massugu tsumorikeri haru no yuki

on the mustard plant field
it piles up in straight rows -
snow of spring

Maeda Shura 前田普羅 (1888 - 1954)


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karashina o yu o tooshitaru midori kana

this special green
of mustard leaves blanched
in hot water

Nakamura Seijichiro 中村青一路

Related words

***** . Mustard greens, Senfkraut (takana 高菜) .

SPRING vegetables


***** WASHOKU :



Sesame street day



Sesame street day

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity


November 10

google November 10, 2009


Happy Birthday !

Sesame Street is an American educational children's television series and a pioneer of the contemporary educational television standard, combining both education and entertainment. Sesame Street is well known for its Muppets characters created by Jim Henson. It premiered on November 10, 1969, and is the longest running children's program on US television.The show is produced in the United States by the non-profit organization Sesame Workshop, formerly known as the Children's Television Workshop (CTW), founded by Joan Ganz Cooney and Ralph Rogers.

Before the show's premiere, the producers created five one-hour episodes for the purpose of testing whether children found them comprehensible and appealing.

"Sesame Street is best known for the creative geniuses it attracted, people like Jim Henson and Joe Raposo and Frank Oz, who intuitively grasped what it takes to get through to children."
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the Muppet Characters

Ernie and Bert
Big Bird
Cookie Monster
the Count

セサミストリート Japan
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Home - Sesame Street


Elmo cookies

Ernie and Bert cookies

Cookie Monster Cookie



cookie monster

クッキーモンスター in Japan

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セサミストリート弁当 Seseame Street Bento
lunch boxes with Sesame street characters

click the image for many more !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


sesame street friends
peeking through my window -
google in autumn

Gabi Greve, 2009

Related words

***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI



Akagai (ark clam)



Ark clam , "red clam" (akagai)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Spring
***** Category: Animal


akagai あかがい【赤貝】 lit. "red clam"
ark shell, bloody clam, bloody shell
..... kisa 蚶(きさ)
"blood shell", chigai 血貝(ちがい)
Anadara broughtoni
Scapharca broughtonii

It lives on the muddy bottom of shallow inlays. Its liquid is bright red like blood.
Its edible parts are the "tongue" and the "thread" (akahimo 赤紐), also the liver.

From Yuriage 閖上(ゆりあげ) near Sendai, this is the best from Japan.

The fishermen in Yuriage port only take out big ones and make sure not to overfish. Caught in the morning for four hours during the season in April and May, they are shipped and sold at Tsukiji market in Tokyo next morning.
Later in the year, akagai come from Ehime.
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This mussle is also called "butterfly mussle", because for sashimi or sushi it is cut to look like a butterfly. 蝶貝

Th black liver is especially taken out and prepared raw, boiled or fried.

During the Edo period, when rich folk and samurai started to eat white rice, this akagai was their only source of vitamin B.
Edo wazurai, see below.

Kubota Mantaro, the Haiku Poet died on 6 May 1963 at the age of 73, of food poisoning, after eating an akagai clam at a party held by Ryuzaburo Umehara.

Kanman-ji 虫甘満寺 / 蚶満寺 the Temple Kanman
The first Kanji character ‘虫甘’ means ‘赤貝(akagai), ark shells”. . . lit.虫甘 "insect that tasts sweet", an old Chinese character for the ark shell.

akagai from Kisakata, Temple Kanman-Ji
Matsuo Basho


In the "Records of Ancient Matters" (Kojiki 古事記) we read this:

Umugaihime and Kisagaihime
蛤貝比売命(うむがいひめ) / 蚶貝比売命(きさがいひめ)

CLICK for original LINK ... genbu.net
source : genbu.net.data/toutoumi/kisa_title.htm

According to the Kojiki account, the two deities dispatched by Kaminusuhi to resurrect Ōnamuchi after his eighty brothers had killed him with a heated rock. Kisagaihime gathered shavings from seashell and Umugaihime mixed them with the juice from a clam, applying them "as mother's milk" to the burns and thus reviving Ōnamuchi.

Umugaihime is a personification of the
cherry-stone clam (hamaguri), while
Kisagaihime personifies the ark-shell (akagai).

As a result, this story appears to involve the mythic iteration of an ancient folk remedy, in which grindings from the ark-shell were mixed with the juice from the cherry-stone clam to produce a treatment for burns.
source : Yumiyama Tatsuya, 2005
Kokugakuin University


Dishes with the "red clam" 赤貝料理

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

In Japan it is often sold in cans. The type saruboogai サルボウガイ is used.

akagai don 赤貝丼 served in a bowl on cooked rice

akagai himo 赤貝ひも / 赤貝紐 thread of the ark clam
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

akagai kamaboko 赤貝かまぼこ fish paste with venus mussels
prepared in Sendai.

akagia kimo 赤貝肝 liver of the arc clam
often fried or put in soup
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

akagai marine 赤貝のマリネ marinated ark clams

akagai nuta 赤貝ぬた seasoned with miso and vinegar

akagai shabushabu 赤貝しゃぶしゃぶ
in water of only 65 degrees, eaten with ponzu, sesame and chives sauce

akagai no su no mono 赤貝の酢の物 marinated with vinegar

akagai sushi 赤貝 寿司 sushi with ark-shell
The red meat is cut slightly (kazari boochoo) to make the meat better chewable.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Together with white ika squid it gives an "auspicious meal" for festivities.


aji okowa 味おこわ tasty rice gruel with red beans
Prepared for festivals and celebrations. In the mountains prepared with mountain vegetables, along the coast with red ark shells (akagai).
Dishes from Tottori

Worldwide use

Rote Venusmuschel, Archenmuschel.

Things found on the way

Edo wazurai えどわずらい
"the Illness of Edo", Edo disease

beriberi; vitamin B deficiency
. . . . . kakke 脚気(かっけ)

Toward the 18th century, this mysterious disease started as an affliction of the rich and wealthy, who could afford to eat polished rice, which let to vitamin B deficiency.
Poor townspeople in Edo, who ate brown rice, did not get it, also the poor in the countryside.
Even the 8th Shogun Yoshimune suffered from it for a while, until his cooks gave him a sidedish with the ark clam in miso-vinegar. The ark clam contains a lot of vitamin B.

Once the Tokugawa Shogun established the government in Edo (the former name for Tokyo,) the city attracted people and merchants, drawn to the new capital. Edo is thought to have been the largest city in the world at that time. There was a saying at the time that “Fires and brawls are the flowers of Edo.” Vast numbers of people migrated into the city as workers.
The new arrivals were poor but healthy while Edokko or people who had lived in the town for several generations were suffering from “Edo Wazurai,” or beriberi. Soba turned out to be the prevention and cure, the secret that had protected the newcomers.

Beriberi is caused by a deficiency in Vitamin B. Rich people could afford polished rice; the poor ate whole rice or soba cheaper but much more nourishing. So Edo Wazurai became a condition among the rich. The actual cause of beriberi was unknown until the mid-20th century. Japanese Imperial Army doctors who studied in Germany believed it was the result of bacteria, while Navy doctors studying in England believed the cause was a dietary deficiency and proposed equipping the entire Imperial fleet with baking ovens. This did not, in the end, go forward because of budget constraints.
source : Tetsuya Iizuka (Soba Canada Inc.)


. . . CLICK here for Kagurazaka restaurant Photos !

Kagurazaka 神楽坂
is a trendy neighbourhood in Tokyo, near Iidabashi Station.

It is also widely regarded as an important center of Japanese cuisine within the Kanto region. Several old and famous "ryotei 料亭" are to be found in the winding back streets, often accessible only by foot.
These ryotei provide expensive "kaiseki" cuisine, which is generally regarded as the pinnacle of Japanese food. Ryotei also allow diners to invite geisha to provide entertainment during the course of the evening.
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hiyahiya to akagai no nuta haru no yuki

so cold, rather cold
the ark clam with miso sauce -
snow in spring

Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂

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akagai no himo o kamu nari Kagurazaka

I chew a lot
on the thread of the ark clam -

Sagawa Akiyoshi 佐川昭吉

場違ひの赤貝貧し雪催 鈴木真砂女 夕螢
数の帆は赤貝とりや揚雲雀 野村喜舟 小石川

赤貝と一声今日は上客にて 鳴島ナミ
赤貝のからや乗初(のりぞめ)餓鬼大将 濯資 選集「板東太郎」
赤貝のひもに終りし夜の鮓 森澄雄
赤貝の剥かれて赤さ増しにけり 鈴木久美子
赤貝の割れし殻もて進みをる 山田真砂年
赤貝の大根おろしの霙かな 久米正雄 返り花
赤貝の身内に溜めて薄き泥 小澤實
赤貝は毛ものでありし笊に笹 山田尚良
赤貝をめんこのやうに打ちつける 小口たかし
赤貝をよく噛みのちのつれづれや 津森延世
source : HAIKUreikuDB

Related words

***** WKD Kigo Index




Bernd Siefert



Bernd Siefert
Von Michelstadt nach Japan

ベアンド ・ ジーフェルト

Michelstadt is very close to my birthplace in Germany.

Today I saw a program on TV about Bernd Siefert working in Tokyo for the
International World Cake Fair in Yokohama. He also teaches how to make desert to Japanese customers.

He made something like a Schwarzwzalder Kirschtorte with matcha green tea and azuki red beans.

CLICK for more photos


Das Cafe Siefert gehört zu den rennomiertesten und am höchsten dekorierten Konditoreien Deutschlands und ist die Heimat von Bernd Siefert, Weltmeister der Konditoren.

Unsere Kunden finden Sie in der ganzen Welt, in USA genauso wie in Simbabwe oder Wien. Ob per Post oder Luftfracht, Ihre Bestellungen finden immer Ihren Weg und kommen pünktlich an.



         Bernd Siefert

In Yokohama Sogoo
横浜そごうの茶語(Cha Yu)





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February 2009
International World Cake Fair in Yokohama

World Pastry Cup 2009

CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie


Bernd Siefert was born in Bad Urach, Germany.
He and his sister Astrid are the owners of Café Siefert, which has been in his family for 250 years. Bernd began his career as an apprentice for his parents at the pastry shop in Michelstadt, Germany. While apprenticing, he continued to learn from attending many seminars on many subjects including sugar, chocolate and Italian pastries.

Bernd has also staged at Fauchon, Mulot and Damanns, and earned a Master's degree at the masterschool in Heidelberg in 1990 and a Bachelor's of Economics in Frankfurt.

Bernd's expertise has also been demonstrated in competition. In 1993 he competed in the Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie in Lyon, France. 1994 brought him a 4th place finish at the Pastry Chef of the Year championships and a win, with the help of his sister, at the IKF (international pastry show in Germany). Bernd returned to Lyon, France as the team coach for the 1995 Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie. He also made it on to the World Championships in Milan Italy with Manfred Bacher and the Champion at the Swiss Sugar Art Trophy in 1995. Since 1996 he has earned many more awards and medals including is the world champion title 1997-99 in Stuttgart.

In addition to running the pastry shop in Michelstadt, Bernd lends his talents consulting for different companies such as PreGel, the Hilton, and Ritz Carlton, all over the world. He also does foodstyling for different magazines like Thuries Magazine, France, KoCa Germany, and Pasticceria Internationale, Italy.

He is also a member of the young and wild (Germany 's most popular TV Chefs organization), and a member of the Gastromomical Academie of Germany.

His many achievements also include being the German champion in pastry from '95- '97 and '98- '99, being named the most innovative pastry chef of the world in 1995 in Milan Italy.

source 2009


the smile
as he shows his creation -
sweets for all seasons

Gabi Greve

Related words

***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI
