Aloe vera (aroe)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity

aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe flowers
... hana aroe 花アロエ aloe flowers
Between the fleshy leaves a stem comes out with beautiful red flowers.
In Japan kidachi aroe 木立アロエ is most common.
It blooms from November till February.
Some saijiki do not list ALOE as a kigo.
It grown in Southern areas, mostly in Okinawa.
Aloe vera アロエベラ
Aloe vera, also known as the medicinal aloe,

In India, the plant is known as Ghritkumari or Gheekvar and in Pakistan,the plant is known as Quargandal and is used in Ayurvedic medicine.
In Tamil nadu, Aloe vera is known as katraazhai and hit has also a pet name kumari. Since use of Aloe vera extends one's longevity it has that pet name. The pulp is used extensively in Siddha medicines for treating constipation, enlargement of spleen, zymotic disease, chengamaari (a type of venereal infection) etc.
Aloe vera leaves when cut exude two fluids, with differing effects and properties. The yellow/green sap predominantly exuded wherever the green surface of the leaf is cut is an irritant. This contains the latex-like compound, aloin. On the other hand, the transparent fluid exuded by the inner leaf wherever it is cut or crushed, is soothing and said to promote healing.
Aloe vera has a long association with herbal medicine, although it is not known when its medical applications were first discovered.
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aroeburo, aroe-buro アロエ風呂 bath with aloe extract
is quite popular.
Aloe from Okinawa is mostly produced for cosmetics, but a lot is also eaten, see below.
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The following are not kigo.
Dishes with Aloe アロエ料理
(mostly served in the winter months)

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aroe cha アロエお茶 aloe tea
aroe gyooza アロエギョーザ aloe gyoza dumplings
aroe juusu アロエジュース juice from aloe
aroe karee アロエカレー aloe curry
aroemen アロエ麺 noodles with aloe
aroe purin アロエプリン pudding with aloe
aroe sashimi アロエ刺身 raw aloe slices
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aroe sushi アロエのお寿司 sushi rice with aloe
a kind of nigirizushi
aroe sofuto kuriimu aisu アロエソフトクリーム soft cream ice with aloe
It has a rather green color.
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aroeshu アロエ酒 liquor from aloe
aroe tenpura アロエ天ぷら aloe tempura
aroe yooguruto アロエヨーグルトyoghurt with aloe
Quite popular in all Japan.
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aroe no hachimitsuzuke アロエの蜂蜜漬け
aloe pickled in honey
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aroe no su no mono アロエの酢の物
aloe salad with vinegar dressing
Worldwide use
neat plantation--
a muddy bucket filled
with aloe vera
Jescah Auma
Kenya Haiku Forum
. Aloe plants in Kenya
Aloe graminicola
Aloe rabaiensis
Aloe secundiflora
Aloe volkensii
Things found on the way
hoshidaikon hosori kittari aroe saku
dried radish
cut ever so finely -
aloe blossoms
Kiyozaki Toshiroo 清崎敏郎 (1922 - 1999)
aroe saku yue ni majikashi ama shuuraku
aloe blossoms
therefore it is also near
the hamlet of diving women
Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一
uncluttered blue skies
greet subdued september --
healing tear of aloe
- Shared by Caroline Cecile -
Joys of Japan, August 2012
Related words
***** WASHOKU :
Okinawa Dishes 沖縄料理
1 comment:
'dear john letter' --
the aloe vera ice cream
Melinda Hipple
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