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The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki



Vegetables of Autumn ... aki no yasai 秋の野菜

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plants


The Haiku AUTUMN begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

Berries, fruit, mushrooms etc. will be listed elsewhere.

aki yasai 秋野菜
CLICK for more photos


Early Autumn

green beans
sayaingen, saya Ingen さやいんげん 莢隠元 string beans, French beans
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Stangenbohne (nicht unbedingt: Grüne Erbse)
The Ingen mame gets its name from the priest Ingen who brought the beans (Ingen mame 隠元豆) from China in the 16th century.
Embassies to China 遣唐使 Gabi Greve
BEANS as KIGO for autumn

potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)

wax gourd, white gourd-melon 冬瓜 (とうが) tooga
toogan とうがん、kamo-uri かもうり、
toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd
Benincasa hispida
It used to be the food of poor people in the Edo period, when the outside of the fruit was white with a natural powder, inside more seeds. Now they are cleaned and green and have more flesh. The tasteless flesh takes on any seasoning and tasts good with all kinds of preparations.
Mostly produced in Aichi prefecture.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !



foxtail millet 粟 (あわ) awa
ears of the foxtail millet 粟の穂(あわのほ)awa no ho
field with millet 粟畑(あわばたけ)awabatake
foxtail millet mochi 粟餅(あわもち)awamochi
rice with foxtail millet 粟飯(あわめし)awameshi

Selling kumade and awamochi in Edo

. awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき in Edo .

maize 玉蜀黍 (とうもろこし) toomorokoshi
morokoshi もろこし、yakitookibi 焼唐黍(やきとうきび)
nanban kibi 南蛮黍(なんばんきび)"millet from the Southern barbarians" (Europeans)
nanban なんばん "Barabarians's food"
kooraikibi 、高麗黍(こうらいきび)"millet from the Koreans"
tookibi 玉黍(とうきび), tookibi 唐黍(とうきび) "millet from China"
Introduced to Japan since the Meiji period.
WKD : Maize, corn in Kenya

millet 黍 (きび) kibi
ears of the millet 黍の穂(きびのほ)kibi no ho
cutting millet, 黍刈る(きびかる)kibi karu
"pulling out millet" 黍引く(きびひく) kibi hiku
field with millet 黍畑(きびばた)kibibata
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
. Momotaro and Okayama specialities .

. WKD : Millet (awa, hie, kibi)

propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
nukago ぬかご、mukabu 球芽(むかぶ)
imoko いもこ mukago tori零余子とり(むかごとり)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

red pepper leaves 葉唐辛子 (はとうがらし) ha toogarashi

03 boat with sweet potatoes
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)
sweet potatoes

sprouts of radish or turnips 貝割菜 (かいわりな) k
kaiwarena 貝割れ菜(かいわれな)、kaiwarina 殻割菜(かいわりな)
... futaba na 二葉菜(ふたばな)
..... mabiki na 間引菜 (まびきな), nuki na 抜菜(ぬきな)
tsumami na 摘み菜(つまみな), nakanuki na 中抜き菜(なかぬきな)、uronuki na 虚抜き菜(うろぬきな), kona 小菜(こな)"small leaves",
namabiku 菜間引く(なまびく) thinning out the sprouts


Late Autumn

beet, table beet 火焔菜 (かえんさい) kaensai
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa Dumort
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
rote Rübe

eggplant seedlings 種茄子 (たねな) tane nasu

radish sprouts 中抜大根 (なかぬきだいこん) nakanuki daikon
uronuki daidon 虚抜き大根(うろぬきだいこん), oronuki daikon 疎抜き大根(おろぬきだいこん)
mabiki daikon 間引大根(まびきだいこん) thinning out radish plants

shalott flowers, rakkyoo no hana 辣韮の花 (らっきょうのはな)
..... 薤の花(らっきょうのはな)

taro stems 芋茎 (ずいき) zuiki
... imo gara 芋殻(いもがら)
... imo no kuki 芋の茎(いものくき)
... 、芋茎干す(ずいきほす) drying the stem of taro
Taro imo, sato-imo as a KIGO and an explanation of the naming
. Dishes with ZUIKI

wolfberry. Lycium rhombifolium
berries of wolfberry 枸杞の実 (くこのみ) kuko no mi
kuko shi 枸杞子(くこし)
kuko shu 枸杞酒(くこしゅ) ricewine with wolfberries


All Autumn

barngrass, barnyard grass ひえ【稗】 a kind of millet
Daruma hie だるまヒエ Strong variety, grown in Iwate prefecture and other places.
barnyard millet. Also widely eaten by the Ainu in Hokkaido.
When properly dried, barngrass grains can be stored for more than 10 years and were used by the poor farmers as a stash for times when the rice production failed.

Beans 豆、まめ mame all kinds of beans and peas

Chrysanthemum kiku

Edamame 枝豆 green soybeans on branches

Eggplants in autumn 秋茄子 (あきなす) aki nasu
... aki nasubi 秋なすび(あきなすび)
... nagori nasu 名残茄子(なごりなす)

Gourd and gourd pickles (uri)

Ginger, jinjaa ジンジャー, shooga 生姜

hajikami はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
端赤 。。。 はじかみ 。。。 edges are red
hajikami comes from leaf ginger (hashooga 葉しょうが)
hajikami suzuke はじかみ(薑/椒) hajikami is a type of ginger
"blushing ginger pickle"
gari がり for sushi , or with fried fish

red pepper, hot pepper 唐辛子 (とうがらし) toogarashi

rice , Reis
Ine, the rice plant
rice plants in autumn, ine no aki 稲の秋
Kome, o-kome お米 cooked rice

Okra オクラ okura
... Amerika neriアメリカねり
... 陸蓮根(おかれんこん) oka renkon
Abelmoschus esculentus
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
It came to Japan after the Meiji restauration, first popular in Okinawa. Ishigaki island and Nanjo Town in Okinawa are one of the growing areas, also Amakusa in Kyushu.
Cut in small circles for salads and dressing. Boiled to go with other vegetables.
Ground okra gives a sticky mass, which is loved by some gourmets in Japan, like the other tororo "slimy" dishes.
Fried and katsuobuhsi are added. Eaten blanched for a moment and then miso is added.
. . . CLICK here for FOOD Photos !

Pumpkins, Kabocha ... all sorts of pumpkins
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷南瓜(カボチャ)pumpkins from Shishigatani

Pepper, red hot pepper, paprika (papurika) and more
piiman, pimento, bellpepper, Piment, Nelkenpfeffer
Togarashi,toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more
Pimento Mori, some fun !

taro 芋 (いも) imo
Colocasia antiquorum Schott var. esculenta
imo batake 芋畑(いもばたけ)fiels of taro
oyaimo 親芋(おやいも)parent taro
koimo 子芋(こいも)child taro
kinu katsugi 衣被ぎ(きぬかつぎ)
imo no aki 芋の秋(いものあき)autumn of the taro
... imo aki 芋秋(いもあき)
dotare 土垂(どたれ)"hanging on the ground"
Bungo imo 豊後芋(ぶんごいも)taro from Bungo
Yoshihama imo 吉浜芋(よしはまいも)taro from Yoshihama
Yoshino imo 吉野芋(よしのいも)taro from Yoshino
dango imo 団子芋(だんごいも)taro for balls
shiro imo 白芋(しろいも)white taro
shigami imo しがみ芋(しがみいも)
futo imo 太芋(ふといも)thick taro
akame imo 赤芽芋(あかめいも)taro with red buds
taimo, ta imo 田芋(たいも)taro in the field
eguimo, egu imo 蘞芋(えぐいも)、
hasu imo 蓮芋(はすいも)"taro like lotus"
imogara 芋がら(いもがら)、
zuiki、芋茎(ずいき)stem of the taro
zuiki imo ずいき芋(ずいきいも)zuiki taro
satoimo dengaku 里芋田楽(さといもでんがく)

yam 自然薯 (じねんじょ ) jinenjo
... yama imo, yamaimo, yama-imo 山芋(やまいも) "mountain potato"
... yama no imo 山の芋(やまのいも)
... naga imo 薯蕷 (ながいも)
naga-imo 長薯(ながいも)
rakuda imo 駱駝薯(らくだいも) "camel potato"
tsukune imo 仏掌薯 (つくねいも) "Buddha Hands yam"
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... tsuku imo つくいも、
... tuskune つくね、kobushi imo こぶしいも "fist potato"
kashuu imo 何首烏芋 (かしゅういも)Dioscorea bulbifera L

Things found on the way


秋野菜 だいこん畑 きゃべつだよ
aki yasai daikon batake kyabetsu da yo

autumn vegetables -
a field full of radishes
and cabbage

source : 里山散歩


bush clover,
eulalia, arrowroot,
pink, patrinia,
also, mistflower
and morning faces flower

Seven Herbs of Autumn (aki no nanakusa 秋の七草)

Sieben Herbstgräser (秋の七草 aki no nanakusa)
Buschklee (hagi), Nelke (nadeshiko), Wasserdost (fujibakama), Glockenblume (kikyoo), Knabenkraut (kuzu), Goldbaldrian (ominaeshi), Susuki-Gras (susuki)

kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
Yoshino kuzu 吉野葛 from Nara prefecture

Planting, harvesting and preparing food in AUTUMN kigo





Shun and Vegetables


Specialities of the Season (shun no mono)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


SHUN 旬 (しゅん) season, the best season for fresh food

shun no mono, 旬の物 specialities of the season, seasonal food
shun no aji, 旬の味 taste of the season
shun no mikaku 旬の味覚 seasonal delicacies

The most important part of washoku. It dates back to the time when no refrigerators were available.
shun is also the time when a vegetable (or something else) is "at its best" as a kigo for haiku, for example the ants in summer.

Most of the ingredients for cooking are also kigo.
See the World Kigo Database

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Vegetables from a hothouse are found in the stores at any time of the year, they are never SHUN.

Vegetables of the season are full of the energy of the season, full of nutrition and vitamines and best for the human health. Vegetables produced on the free land have a lot more energy than those from the greenhouses.

In spring, the first sun givee new energy to the plants. Buds and first leaves of plants are eaten most often, like fuki no too or tara no me. (see mori no megumi)

In summer the energy circle is at it's hight. Most plants produce fruits and vegetables to eat, like cucumbers, eggplants or tomatoes.

In autumn, many grains and fruit or nuts from trees are harvested, like rice or persimmons. Natural energy tends to provide for the next generation already.

In winter, natural energy takes a rest. Now most of the roots of vegetables are eaten, like radish and turnips. They have a lot of fibers and are a great addition to the winterly nabe hodgepodge dishes.

Within each season, the FIRST hatsumono 初物 of something was also a great pleasure for the gourmets of Edo.
Ships would race to carry the first catch of bonitos, hatsugatsuo, hatsu gatsuo, to fetch a good price or bring it as a special present to the Shogun of Edo.
First rice or first tea of the season are also well known specialities.

Check the main
Washoku Saijiki
for more details about dishes with these seasonal ingredients.


Vegetables for Spring Cooking
asparagus, endomame beans, jagaimo potatoes, kyabetsu cabbage, nanohana mustard flowers, retasu lettuce and salads, tamanegi onions, udo Japanese spikenard and many more.

Vegetables for Summer Cooking
CLICK for more summer vegetableskyuuri cucumbers, mame-rui all kinds of beans, nasu eggplants, serori cellery, shishitoo hot peppers, shooga ginger, tomato, toomorokoshi corn, zucchini.
hyakka 万葉(ひゃっか)"onethousand leaves" manba, takana from Kagawa

Vegetables for Autumn Cooking
kabu turnips, kabocha pumpkin, kinoko ki no ko mushrooms, ninjin carrots, rakkasei peanuts, piiman paprica, satoimo sato-imo yam, satsumaimo satsuma-imo sweet potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, tororo-imo yamspotatoes and many other mushrooms.

Vegetables for Winter Cooking
CLICK for more photos daikon radish, hakusai Chinese cabbage, hoorenso spinach, karifurawaa cauliflower and broccoli, komatsuna, kyoosai Kyoto vegetables, naganegi leek, renkon lotus roots, shungiku garland chrysanthemums, yamaimo yama-imo yam and others.


YAM ... Dioscorea
is a genus of over 600 species of flowering plants in the family Dioscoreaceae, native throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. The vast majority of the species are tropical, with only a few species extending into temperate climates.
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yamaimo, yama imo, yama-imo 山芋
Dioscorea japonica
Japanese yam
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
yama no imo ヤマノイモ(山の芋)"root from the mountain"
There used to be about 13 different wild ones in the mountains of Japan.
They came to Japan via China as a cultivated plant. There are no wild ones.

They are the most popular, grown all year as "ichinen imo" 一年芋.
Also called "tokkuri imo" トックリイモ(徳利芋).
Jinenjo 自然薯(学名: Dioscorea japonica Thunb.)
In Okayama prefecture, Kibi Chuo Town, mochi are prepared with these roots.

Some special forms of yamaimo:
gingko leaf root, ichoo imo イチョウイモ(銀杏芋)because of the form.

These are also called "hands folded in Buddhist prayer" busshoo imo ブッショウイモ(仏掌芋).

In the Kanto area, they are called "Yamato imo" ヤマトイモ(大和芋).
Varieties are "tsukuneimo" ツクネイモ(つくね芋), "Tanba no imo" 丹波山の芋, Iseimo 伊勢芋.

nagaimo... 長芋(Dioscorea batatas Decne)

Yamaimo are used to make the slimy tororo, they are therefore also called
tororoimo, tororo imo とろろ芋、トロロ芋.
(Dioscorea opposita)

. Tororo jiru とろろ汁 (とろろじる)grated yam with miso bean paste soup  
and other autumn dishes

tokoro ところ【野老】 Japanese yam
Dioscorea tokoro
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
The roots of this plant are only edible after getting rid of the bitterness. It is eaten in some areas by the poor farmers.

more KIGO with yama-imo, Japanese YAM

propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
of the yam

Jamswurzel, Yamswurzel

Matsuo Basho and haiku about TOKORO yam

. Yam dreaming . Australia  


The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
has traditionally been referred to as a "yam" in parts of the southern United States and Canada even though it is not part of the Dioscoreaceae family.
The word yam comes from Portuguese inhame or Spanish ñame, which both ultimately derive from the Wolof word nyam, meaning "to sample" or "taste"; in other African languages it can also mean "to eat", e.g. yamyam and nyama in Hausa.
The majority of the vegetable is composed of a much softer substance known as the "meat". This substance ranges in color from white or yellow to purple or pink in ripe yams.
Konnyaku belongs here too.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


satoimo, sato imo 里芋 taro

Colocasia esculenta
taro imo タロ芋

In German we have
Taro-Kartoffel sato-imo
Jamswurzel (Duden spelling), Yamswurzel, yama-imo
Süßkartoffel ist Satsumaimo.


the name derived from the Portugese, which introduced this vegetagle from Cambodia (カンボジア kambojia ... kaboja). The Chinese characters imply "a gourd that came from the south (Nagasaki)" 南瓜.

kabocha 南瓜 (かぼちゃ) pumpkin, squash


Cauliflower and Broccoli
Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Japanese name for cauliflower is hanayasai ハナヤサイ(花椰菜) flower vegetable or hanakanran ハナカンラン(花甘藍)flower cabbage, literally the German "Blumen Kohl". Or
花梛菜(はなはぼたん)hana habotan "Blumen-Pfingstrose" flower-peony. The second Chinese character 梛 is NAGI, Podocarpus nagi, Japanische Steineibe.

Broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica
Japanese name for broccoli: midori hanayasai ミドリハナヤサイ(緑花野菜)
green flower vegetable or flower vegetable hanayassai メハナヤサイ(芽花野菜)
Grown in Yamaguchi prefecture, a mix between broccoli and the chinese vegetable saishin 薄葉細辛Asiasarum sieboldii is called hanakkori はなっこりー and is sold since 2003.
A mixture of broccoli and cauliflower is called romanesuko ( ロマネスコromanesque) in Europe, but in Japan it is karikkorii カリッコリー.
Main growing areas are Saitama, Aichi, Hokkaido.

Both vegetables came to Jaan after the Meiji restauration in 1868, not only as a vegetable but as a flower to enjoy in the garden. After WWII it became more widespread as food in Japan, together with a wider influnece of Western food.

burokkori ブロッコリ broccoli
komohcihana yasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)"vegetable with a flower that has children"
kigo for all winter

Blumenkohl und Brokkoli


WKD : Radish (daikon) Rettich  
(Raphanus sativus L.)

nezumi daikon ねずみだいこん/ ねずみ大根 "rat radish, mouse radish"
from Shimabara. It has a very strong taste. They are quite small and thick.
Similar to Momoyama daikon.
Since 1695, this radish was mentioned as grown by farmers in a district called NEZUMI, Rat in Shinshuu and eaten with buckwheat noodles. 信州埴科郡坂城町中之条の鼠地区
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hatsuka daikon 二十日大根 ( はつかだいこん) "20 days old radish"
a fast-growing round and small radish. Comes in the colors red, yellow, purple and white. Originally from Europa, indroduced to Japan in the Meiji period. also called
radisshu ラディッシュ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Shinshu-ji-daikon, Maesaka-daikon, Oyadakarami-daikon, Akaguchi-daikon, Daimon-daikon, Tatara-daikon, Togakusi-daikon, Wattera-daiokn わってら大根, Haibara-daikon, Maki-daikon, Kirehamatumoto-ji-daikon and more varieties.

Ueno-daikon 上野大根
Edo Yasai, Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜
Traditional vegetables of Edo

Dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 Traditional Japanese Vegetables


More vegetable kigo for All Winter

hakusai 白菜 (はくさい) chinese cabbage
ninjin 人参 (にんじん) carrots

early winter
kanchiku no ko 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ)
babmoo shoots in the cold
... 寒筍(かんたけのこ)



shishitoo ししとう【獅子唐】
small sweet green pepper

shishitoogarashi 獅子唐辛子
best in summer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Fushimi toogarashi 伏見トウガラシ
Manganji toogarashi 万願寺トウガラシ
from Kyoto、both are rather sweet

taka no tsume 鷹の爪 "tallon of a hawk"
Evodiopanax innovans
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Togarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper


kinpira キンピラ simmered root vegetables

Worldwide use

jahreszeitliche Spezialitäten
Zutaten aus der Jahreszeit

Things found on the way


yawashiro kaze fuite karei no shun to naru

wind blows
over the rice seeldings ...
season for flounders

Ninomiya Miyo 二宮美代


ninjin o narabete okeba wakaru nari

when I arrange
the carrots side by side
I understand

Tokita Tomoya 鴇田智哉 (1969 - )


yamabie no donzoku kusuri gui no shun

in the middle of
cold winter mountains ...
season for medicinal food

Fujita Minoru 藤田美乗

source : 俳句例句データベース Japanese haiku about SHUN

kusurigui, "eating medicine" kigo for all winter

Related words
kulinarisch Augenschmauß

Daikon ... Radishes used in Temple Ceremonies

Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse

. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .

***** WASHOKU :
YASAI . Vegetable Saijiki






The Japanese Food Saijiki



Autumn Food

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity


The Haiku Autumn begins on August 8, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

There are many food specialities for Autumn in Japan.
In Alphabetical order of the Japanese.
Use your browser to find a word, please !

If the name of a vegetable is mentioned, it represents the cooked form as it is served with rice.

shokuyoku no aki 食欲の秋  Autumn Eating, Autumn Appetite
the season of hearty appetites
the season for strong appetites
feeling strong appetite in autumn


Early Autumn

Sakubei 索餅(さくべい) Sakubei-noodles

Sasagemeshi 豇豆飯 ささげめし
cooked rice with soybeen milk

Shin doofu 新豆腐 (しんどうふ)
new soybean curd, new tofu

Tofu (toofu), bean curd Japan

toogajiru 冬瓜汁(とうがじる)soup with wax gourd tooganjiru

Yakigome 焼米 (やきごめ) roasted rice
yaigome やいごめ、hiragome ひらごめ、irigome いりごめ、
torinokuchi とりのくち
yakigome uri 焼米売(やきごめうり) seller of roasted rice



Botamochi "Ricecakes in difficult times" Gonan no mochi
御難の餅 (ごなんのもち)
in memory of saint Nichiren

Hararago 鮞 (はららご) fish roe, hard roe
harako はらこ、roe of salmon
sujiko 筋子(すじこ) salted salmon roe 、suzuko すずこ、甘子(あまこ)
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harara jiru 鮞汁(はららじる) soup with hard salmon roe
hararago meshi 鮞飯(はららごめし)
cooked rice with hard salmon roe

Hassaku no iwai 八朔の祝 Hassaku Harvest Festival
hassaku gama 八朔釜. Rice Gruel, O-bana no kayu 尾花の粥

Hishikozuke 鯷漬 (ひしこづけ)
pickles hishiko sardines

hishiko hosu 鯷干す(ひしこほす) drying hishiko sardines
hishiko are also called katakuchi iwashi.
CLICK here for Photos !
***** Iwashi 鰯 (いわし) sardines and hishiko KIGO List and FOOD

Hizu namasu 氷頭膾 (ひずなます)
vinegared fish head namasu

A speciality of the Northern provinces of Japan. The head cartilage parts are especially chopped up for this.
CLICK here for Photos !
. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing


Kinukatsugi 衣被 (きぬかつぎ)
cooked satoimo taro potatoes

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A court food of the Heian period aristocracy. A special kind of potato (satoimo 里芋) is cooked with the peel, then the peel is take off and the mash slightly salted.
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Kurimeshi 栗飯 (くりめし)
cooked rice with sweet chestnuts

栗強飯(くりおこわ) kuri okowa
Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Japan. Castanea sativa


Matsutakemeshi 松茸飯 (まつたけめし)
cooked rice with matsutake mushrooms

kinokomeshi 茸飯(きのこめし)cooked rice with mushrooms
Mushrooms (kinoko, Japan ki no ko, take

とんぶり, tonburi seeds
from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia

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Late Autumn

Asazuke daikon 浅漬大根 (あさづけだいこん)
lightly pickled big raddish

Radish (daikon) Japan. Pickled radish, takuan.

HOW TO prepare tsukemono


Hachi no ko 蜂の仔(はちのこ, 蜂の子)
bee and wasp larvae

roasted bee larvae, jibachi yaki 地蜂焼(じばちやき)
rice with bee larvae, hachi no ko meshi 蜂の子飯(はちのこめし)

Hoshigaki 干柿 (ほしがき, 干し柿)
dried persimmons

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The sight of persimmons lined up to dry from the eaves of a farm house is a special treat of AUTUMN in Japan.
hanging persimmons, tsurushigaki 吊し柿(つるしがき)、tsurigaki 釣柿(つりがき)kushigaki 串柿(くしがき)persimmons on sticks
amaboshi 甘干(あまぼし)、shirogaki 白柿(しろがき)
drying persimmons, 柿干す(かきほす)kaki hosu
kaki tsurusu 柿吊す(かきつるす)hanging persimmons
korogaki ころ柿(ころがき), korogaki 枯露柿(ころがき)
kaki sudare 柿すだれ(かきすだれ)"persimmon curtain"
kaki yookan 柿羊羹 (かきようかん) sween persimmon jelly
Persimmon (kaki, hoshigaki) Japan


Kachiguri tsukuru 搗栗作る (かちぐりつくる)
preparing dried chestnuts

uchiguri tsukuru 打栗作る(うちぐりつくる)
preparing chestnuts by hitting them


Karasumi (からすみ) dried mullet roe
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Chinmi, special delicasies


Kiku namasu 菊膾 (きくなます)
vinegar pickles of chrysanthemum blossoms
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The Chrysanthemum is one of the typical flowers of Autumn in Japan.
Chrysanthemum kiku, chiyomigusa (Japan)
Chrysanthemum Festival kiku matsuri (Japan)
. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing

Kiritanpo きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice
tanpomochi たんぽ餅(たんぽもち), yamamochi やま餅(やまもち)
CLICK for more photos A speciality of the Akita region. Freshly cooked rice is pounded and mashed, then formed into a cylindrical saussage form around cryptomeria skewer. It is then roasted over an open hearth. It is served with sweet miso or used cut as dumplings in soups and stews.
tanpo is a word for a special spear with a top rounded by cloth, used for practise. The form is similar to this food. Because the food stick is cut (kiri) the name developed.
WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice


Kuri no ko mochi 栗の子餅 (くりのこもち)
mochi rice cakes from sweet chestnuts

kurikomochi 栗子餅(くりこもち)、kuri no ko mochi 栗の粉餅(くりのこもち)

Kuri yookan 栗羊羹 (くりようかん)
jelly from sweet chestnuts

kurimushi yookan 栗蒸羊羹(くりむしようかん)
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Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Castanea sativa


Mukago meshi 零余子飯 (むかごめし)
cooked rice with propagule from wild yam potatoes

nukago meshi ぬかご飯(ぬかごめし)、nukago jiru ぬかご汁(ぬかごじる) soup of mukago
imogo meshi 薯子飯(いもごめし) cooked rice with wild yam potatoes
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Sanma .. 秋刀魚 (さんま).. pacific saury fish

aburi-sanma boozushi 炙りさんま棒寿司 pressed sushi with seared saury
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boozushi ぼうずし【棒鮨】 (bozushi) is a kind of pressed sushi.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Shin kooji 新麹 (しんこうじ) new malted rice
rice yeast, Hefe

Shin mai 新米 (しんまい) New rice
kotoshi mai 今年米(ことしまい)rice of this year
wase no meshi 早稲の飯(わせのめし)
komai 古米(こまい)old rice (of last year)
koko mai 古古米(ここまい)old rice of two years ago
shin mochi 新糯(しんもち), shin nuka 新糠(しんぬか)
..... Rice plants (ine) New rice (shinmai)

Shinshu 新酒 (しんしゅ) ... new ricewine
Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein

Shin soba 新蕎麦 (しんそば)
new buckwheat noodles
aki soba, autumn buckwheat 秋蕎麦(あきそば)、hashiri soba 走り蕎麦(はしりそば)
hatsu soba 初蕎麦(はつそば) first buckwheat, ara soba 新蕎麦(あらそば)
Buckwheat (soba), Buckwheat flowers Japan


Tochimochi 橡餅 (とちもち)
ricecakes with horse chestnuts

tochimen 橡麺(とちめん)、tochidango 橡団子(とちだんご)
rice gruel with horse chestnuts, tochi gayu 橡粥(とちがゆ)
It takes a lot of effort to get the bitterness out of the chestnuts. But the poor farmers of old did not have much choice but use any kind of nuts from the autumn forrest as food to survive the harsh winter.
..... Horse Chestnut (tochi) Aesculus hippocastanum


Uruka (うるか) salted entrails and roe of ayu trout fish
kouruka (こうるか), wata uruka 臓うるか(わたうるか)
niga uruka, bitter entrails, 苦うるか(にがうるか)
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Yubeshi 柚餅子 (ゆべし) Yuzu rice cakes
yubishio 柚醤(ゆびしお)
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Yuzu citrons are cut out in the middle and filled with a paste of mochigome rice, miso, sugar and soy sauce. They are simmered about 20 minutes. The paste comes out of the top, has to be stuffed in back, then the yuzu is dried in the cold air. This is repeated until the inside is completely dry. Many of my neighbours still prepare this and hand it to their neighbours as an autumn present.
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Yumiso 柚味噌 (ゆみそ) miso with yuzu citron
yuzu miso 柚子味噌(ゆずみそ), yugama 柚釜(ゆがま), yumisogama 柚味噌釜(ゆみそがま)
Yuzu (Japan) a ctiron fruit

yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし) boiled water chestnuts
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All Autumn

Edamame 枝豆 (えだまめ) green soybeans snack, twig beans
tsukimi mame 月見豆(つきみまめ) beans for moon viewing
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The green soy beans are cooked for a short while. When they are cold, they are salted and peeled as you eat them.
They are a favorite snack in autumn evenings with a cool beer !

WKD : Edamame and Haiku

TSUKIMI, moonviewing food and haiku


inago 蝗, 稲子 ( いなご) 螽 grasshopper
catching grashoppers, inago tori 蝗捕り(いなごとり)
grashoppers on sticks, inagogushi 蝗串(いなごぐし)
inago no tsukudani

. kohadazushi 小鰭鮨(こはだずし) Kohada sushi  
from spotted shad, Clupanodon punctatus


Saki namasu 裂膾 (さきなます, 裂き膾)
"torn" vinegared sardins

. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing

Suzuki namasu 鱸膾 (すずきなます)
vinegared sea bass
. . . MORE ABOUT Namasu dressing


Tororo jiru とろろ汁 (とろろじる)
grated yam with miso bean paste soup

yam paste, yam gruel
tororojiru 薯蕷汁(とろろじる)、tororo とろろ
yam soup, imojiru 薯汁(いもじる)
yam rice gruel, imogayu 薯粥(いもがゆ)
grated yam with wheat, mugitoro 麦とろ(むぎとろ)
buckwheat noodles with grated yam, sobatoro 蕎麦とろ(そばとろ)
tororo yam, tororo imo 薯蕷芋 (とろろいも) a kind of "long yam", naga-imo
Tororo preparations are especailly common in the mountainous areas, where the yam potatoes still grow, even if rice is scarce. They turn into a rather sticky mass when grated.
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Tororojiru at the Tokaido Hanga and Food
'Mariko no Tororojiru'

tororomeshi, tororo meshi とろろめし rice with ground yam
a specialtiy in many mountainous areas.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Yam (Dioscorea japonica), kigo and food  


Yashoku 夜食 (やしょく) Night meal, midnight snack
taking a night meal, yashoku toru 夜食とる(やしょくとる)
eating a midnight snack, yashoku kuu 夜食喰う(やしょくくう)
time for a night meal, yashokudoki 夜食どき(やしょくどき)
rice gruel for a night meal, yashokugayu 夜食粥(やしょくがゆ)
In autumn farmers are especially busy until it gets dark to bring in the harvest. The meal was often taken late an night. Now also students who prepare for an examination take a late meal.

The normal evening meal, supper or dinner is called yuushoku 夕食 and is a topic for haiku.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


across the Pacific
in their lexicon

Kiyoshi Fukuzawa, Asahi Shinbun, August 2008


surikogi de hae o oi keri tororo-jiru

chasing off flies
with a pestle...
grated yam soup

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

Related words

*********** WINTER FOOD

*********** SUMMER FOOD

***** The Asian Lunar Calendar. Reference
