
Kudamono Fruits Obst


Fruit used in Cooking

Since fruit grown in natural environment comes in its season, most of the fruit used in the kitchen are also kigo for haiku.
Nowadays, many fruit are grown in hot houses.

A lot of trees and plants bear fruit in autumn.
Their blossoms are kigo of spring or summer.

shuuka 秋果 (しゅうか) autumn fruits
..... aki no kudamono 秋の果物(あきのくだもの)
kigo for all autumn

Many are listed below.
Please check this list for more:


079 fruit display shelf

If you do not find your keyword here, please check the

. WKD : Berry, berries - Beeren .



. Anzu 杏 apricot .
Prunus armeniaca

. Banana, banana バナナ banana fruit .

biwa, loquat びわ 枇杷 
kigo for mid- or late summer

The original loquat (biwa) was a wild variety of fruit in Japan, but it is believed that the origin of the mogi loquat was a fruit brought from China on a Chinese ship between 1830 and 1840. A woman by the name of Miura Shio brought back the seeds for this Chinese loquat, and when she planted it in her brother's field in the village of Mogi, it thrived and bore sweet fruit. This was the first generation of the mogi loquat. Plant husbandry was later improved through grafting, and today the loquat, as the taste of early summer in Nagasaki, is a specialty in which the entire country takes pride.
This full-flavored fruit is small yet sweet and is not only eaten raw but also processed into many sweet products such as jelly candy, while the leaves can be used for loquat tea.
source : www.at-nagasaki.jp

Japanische Mispel. Eriobotrya japonica

kigo for mid-winter

biwa no hana 枇杷のはな (びわのはな) loquat blossoms
biwa saku 枇杷咲く(びわさく)loquat are blossoming
hana biwa 花枇杷(はなびわ) blossoms of loquat

. loquat leaves as medicine in Edo .
biwayootoo 枇杷葉湯 (びわようとう) biwa yootoo, biwa yoto
drink from dried loquat leaves
- - - - - biwa yootoo uri 枇杷葉湯売り
vendor of loquat leaves medicine


budoo 葡萄 ぶどう grape, grapes

. Grapes (budoo) and wine .

Some grapes are grown for wine, others for eating like this.

Yamanashi is famous for its wine production.
Grapes Yakushi, Budoo Yakushi 葡萄薬師 God of Wine
Temple Daizen-Ji

pioone ピオーネ blue Pione grapes
a very large tuff with grapes like cannon balls. Grown for eating like this.
Sugar degree of 18. Sourness medium. Concentrated sweet taste. Harvested end of September.
Grown in Okayama prefecture.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
European grape, ヨーロッパ・ブドウ Vitis vinifera
アメリカ・ブドウ (Fox grape) Vitis labrusca
マスカダイン (Muscadine) Vitis rotundifolia
ヴィティス・アムレンシス (Vitis amurensis ) Mostly grown in Mongolia. Strong in Winter.

Trauben, Pione-Trauben

Der Traubenanbau wird in Takamatsu bereits seit 1919 betrieben. Im Jahre 1960 begann man mit der Produktion von kernlosen Trauben, und seit dem Weinlesejahr 1973/1974 wird die Kyoho-Traube angebaut. Hier konzentriert sich das Know-how in Bezug auf den Anbau leckerer Trauben.
Auf der Japanmeerseite erstreckt sich eine ca. 170 ha große Dünenlandschaft, in der die qualitativ hochwertigen und süßen Arten Delaware sowie Kyoho hauptsächlich in Treibhäusern angebaut werden.
Mit der Produktion dieser Rebsorte in Takamatsu wurde begonnen, als im Jahre 1919 ein gewisser Herr Eijiro Ichimura im Gebiet des heutigen Sakuraimachi ein 70 Ar großes Grundstück für den Traubenanbau urbar machte.
source : www.city.kahoku.lg.jp


Hakutoo, white peach 白桃
..... momo, peach 桃
kigo for early autumn
Persica vulgaris

momo no mi 桃の実 (もものみ) fruit of the peach
hakutoo 白桃(はくとう), suimitsutoo水蜜桃(すいみつとう), tenshintoo 天津桃(てんしんとう)、nekutarin ネクタリン
yutoo 、油桃(ゆとう)
. . . CLICK here for HAKUTO Photos !

There is a Momotaro Festival Momotaroo Matsuri 桃太郎まつり in Okayama town.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Okayama is famous for this type of peach. See haiku below.

Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy Hodgepodge

Peaches and the Queen Mother of the West, Xiwang Mu or Hsi Wang Mu
Peaches for Immortality in Chinese Legend


samomo 早桃 (さもも) early peach
natsu momo 夏桃(なつもも) summer peach
kigo for late summer

. momo 桃 peach fruit art motives .


ichigo イチゴ 苺 strawberries
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Strawberries Cranberries kigo

. ichijiku 無花果 fig, figs .


Kaki 柿 persimmon Persimone kigo
kaki persimmon dishes


Kankitsu rui, かんきつるい (柑橘類) citrus fruit in general
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, satsuma, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others

Oranges, Mandarin Oranges, Tangerines kigo

kiiui furuutsu キーウィフルーツ kiwi fruit
kiui キウイ
Actinidia deliciosa
from Ehime, Fukuoka, Wakayama, Shizuoka, Kanagawa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Mikan, mandarin orange, tangerine
mikan 蜜柑 (みかん)
tangerine mountain, mikan yama 蜜柑山(みかんやま)
field with tangerine trees, mikanbatake 蜜柑畑(みかんばたけ)
kigo for all winter

green tangerine, ao mikan 青蜜柑 (あおみかん)
early tangerine, wasemikan 早生蜜柑(わせみかん)
kigo for all autumn

Mandarinen, Zitrusfrucht


Nashi, Asian pear, Japanese pear
kigo for autumn
Pyrus serotina var. culta

nashi 梨子(なし) Nashi pear
nihon nashi 日本梨(にほんなし), aka nashi 赤梨(あかなし), ao nashi 青梨(あおなし)
choojuuroo 長十郎(ちょうじゅうろう)named after Tooma Choojuuroo, the grower
nijusseiki 二十世紀(にじっせいき)(from Tottori)
Sorte „Japanbirne aus Atago“ (Atago nashi) 愛宕梨(あたごなし)
Sorte Niitaka nashi 新高梨(にいたかなし)
yoonashi, western pear 洋梨(ようり)
shina nashi シナ梨(しななし)、
ari no mi ありのみ
vendor of nashi, nashi uri 梨売(なしうり)
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Nashi Kaidoo 梨街道 "old Nashi Road" Nashi Kaido
市川市 Ichikawa, Chiba prefecture
Many nashi farmers are in the area and in autumn they carry their loads and nashi are sold everywhere.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Ishii wase 石井早稲 early blossoming sort, started by Ishii san from Ishikawa town.

kigo for late spring

nashi no hana 梨の花 (なしのはな) nashi blossoms
..... rika 梨花(りか), nashibana 梨花(なしばな)
nashi saku 梨咲く(なしさく)Nashi tree is blossoming

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

iwanashi no hana 岩梨の花 (いわなしのはな)
blossoms of Epigaea asiatica
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arinomi, ari no mi ありの実 (ありのみ)
round Japanese pear

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

seiyoonashi, seiyoo nashi 西洋梨 (せいようなし)
Western pear, European pear

Pyrus communis

yamanashi 山梨 (やまなし) "mountain nashi pear"
..... konashi 晩秋 小梨(こなし)
..... inunashi 犬梨(いぬなし)
Pyrus pyrifolia.


kigo for all winter

okusankichi 晩三吉 (おくさんきち) Okusankichi
a variety grown in Niigata. The fruit is about 400 to 500g.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

fuyu no nashi 冬の梨(ふゆのなし) Nashi in winter


- found on the way

Nashinoki Jinja 梨の木神社 Shrine Nashinoki
京都府京都市上京区寺町通広小路上る染殿町680 - Kyoto

- quote
Nashinoki Shrine is located on the east side of Kyoto's Imperial Palace (Gosho), on Teramachi opposite Rozanji (Rozan Tendaikoji) Temple, both are a short stroll from Demachiyanagi Station or Kyoto Prefectural Hospital on Kawaramachi Dori.
Nashinoki Shrine was built in 1885 and enshrines Sanetsumu Sanjo (1802-1859) and his son Sanetomo, who were both imperial advisers in the late Edo Period, a time marked by political upheaval and violence.
Sanetomo was an ardent supporter of the sonnojoi (Revere the Emperor; expel the barbarians) doctrine and movement, a political forerunner of the Meiji Restoration, which saw the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1868 and the Emperor leave Kyoto and take up residence in Edo (renamed Tokyo), which became the new capital of Japan.
Sanetomo was later to become a minister in the new Meiji state established from 1868.
- source : www.japanvisitor.com

- reference -


. natsume なつめ 棗 date, dates .
Ziziphus jujuba


. oriibu オリーブ Olive, olives .

. painappuru パイナップル pineapple .
ananasu あななす ananas

. papaiya パパイヤ papaya .

Ringo りんご (林檎) apple, apples
speciality of Aomori around Mt. Iwaki
リンゴ apples from Aomori

Hatoyama apples 鳩山 リンゴ Ocotber 2009

Fuji apple and other varieties
Apple (ringo) kigo

Apfel, Äpfel


Sakuranbo, sakuranboo さくらんぼう (桜ん坊)
cherry fruit

サクランボ, sakurambo ... also called
ootoo 桜桃(おうとう)(peach of the cherry tree) .
ootoo no mi 桜桃の実 (おうとうのみ)

speciality of Yamagata, Aomori and Yamanashi prefecture. Also grown in Akita.
The cherry tree is the symbol tree of Yamagata prefecture.
The "Western Cherry tree" seiyoo zakura セイヨウミザクラ has been introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period to Hokkaido by the prussian R. Gaertner R.ガルトネル, from Hokkaido they spread to other areas of Northern Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Cherry trees are mostly grown for their beautiful blossoms in spring.

yusura 山桜桃 (ゆすら) Nanking cherry
..... yusura ume ゆすらうめ
Prunus tomentosa

sakuranbo matsuri さくらんぼ祭 (さくらんぼまつり)
cherry festival

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observance kigo for mid-summer
Yamanashi prefecture is known for its cherry fruit production. In the town of Sagae 寒河江市 there is a festival on the first sunday in June.
A haiku meeting is part of the festival.
sakuranbo haiku taikai さくらんぼ俳句大会


. Sumomo 李 "sour plum" .
Reneclaude. Prunus salicina

Ume, plums for umeboshi
Plum blossoms (ume) Japan.
Dried plums (ume boshi) and any related UME kigo.
Pflaumen, Aprikosen


yamanashi、yama-nashi 山梨 (やまなし) "mountain pear"
Malus sieboldii
kigo for late autumn

Yuzu, a citron fruit
Yuzu (Japan) a ctirus fruit
..... Yuzu citron dishes for autumn Japan
Yuzu products from Yufuin, Kyushu


. zakuro 石榴(柘榴)(ざくろ) pomegranate  

kigo for mid-autumn
Punica granatum. Granatapfel
mizakuro 実石榴 pomegranate fruit


Many fruits are packed into small paper bags when they begin to form on the branches, to prevent the rain and insects to spoil them. Shortly before the harvest, the first paper bag is taken off, then about two weeks later the last one to have them ripen in the sunshine for a short while.
Since this has to be done one by one the farmers are very busy, especially the apple and grape farmers.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

fukurokake 袋掛 (ふくろかけ) "packing fruit in paper bags"

kigo for all summer

Before the harvest they have to be unpackes. Often two different type of bags are used, one is taken off two weeks before harvesting, the next one in the next week.

. Kai Ichi no Miya monzen no fukurokake .
Oonishi Yasuo 大西八洲雄 Onishi Yasuo

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

kigo for late summer

inu biwa 犬枇杷 (いぬびわ) "loquat for dogs"
koichijiku 小無花果(こいちじく)
yama biwa 山枇杷(やまびわ), tensenka 天仙果(てんせんか)
Ficus erecta


hakutoo o suii yamaguni no sora nurasu

I suck on a white peach
the sky of the mountain province
becomes wet  

Sakai Hiroshi 酒井弘司

Maybe he is talking of the mountains of Okayama ...

hakutoo no enshuuritsu o omoi ku

I eat a white peach
thinking of its
circle constant pi π

Kappa 河童

source : 白桃 俳句


nashi moide aozora fuyasu kao no ue

as I pick nashi
the blue sky increases
above my face

Takahashi Etsuo 高橋悦男 (1934 - )


a baked peach-
yesterday a flower
in your hair

Alex Serban
Romania, July 2011

Related words

Peach blossoms (momo no hana) Japan

furuutsu somurie フルーツソムリエ fruits sommelier
somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier



***** . Nuts from the Forest .



Jagaimo Potato


Potato (jagaimo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant / Humanity


kigo for mid-summer

jagaimo no hana 馬鈴薯の花 (じゃがいものはな)
blossoms of the potato plant
jagatara no hana じゃがたらの花(じゃがたらのはな)
bareisho no hana馬鈴薯の花(ばれいしょのはな)
Kartoffelblüten, jaga-imo no hana

kigo for early autumn
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potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo, jagaimo, jaga-imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)


the following are NOT kigo

from Hokkaido

Danshaku, danshaku imo, May Queen. Kitaakari, Waseshiro, Matilda, Tooya, Cynthia.
Baron Danshaku Kawada Ryuukichi (1856-1951) introduced European potatoes to Hokkaido and helped breed a variety that yielded more than the old Japanese ones. Thus he helped the farmers survive the harsh climate of Hokkaido.
They were known in Kyushu as "oranda imo" potatoes from Holland.
The name comes from the harbour of .. Jakarta ... jagatara ... jagaimo.

However, the situation has begun to change recently. Varieties called Cynthia, Chérie and Inka-no Mezame (or Inca's awakening, a seed potato from the Andes) are among the newcomers whose output has been increasing rapidly over the past several years.
New varieties of potatoes

shinjaga 新じゃが new potatoes
in spring. They can be eaten with the skin after scrubbing carefully.
neue Kartoffeln

jagabataa ジャガバター potatoes with butter

jagaimo amanattoo じゃがいも甘納豆 potatoes pickled in sugar
sugar-glazed potatoes
from Otaru 糖漬け
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Food with potatoes じゃがいも料理 jagaimo ryoori
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

fukinko dango ふきんこ団子 potato balls, wrapped in a cloth
... imo dango 芋だんご

nikujaga 肉じゃが potatoes with meat

Unweit von Hiroshima liegt die Hafenstadt Kure 呉, ein wichtiger Stützpunkt der japanischen Kriegsmarine. Der Admiral Toogoo Heihachiroo (1847-1934) lernte bei seinen Fahrten in Europa ein Gericht kennen, das er seinen Soldaten auf dem Schiff unterwegs zu Essen gab und das von Kure aus ganz Japan eroberte – die inzwischen so beliebte Hausmannskost "Kartoffeln mit Fleisch" (nikujaga). In Kure werden dazu nur Kartoffeln der Sorte May Queen, Rindfleischscheiben, Shirataki-Konnyaku-Fadennudeln und Zwiebeln zusammen ohne Wasser eingekocht. In anderen Gegenden kommen nach Geschmack noch Möhren und Erbsen dazu.
Die Stadt Kure bemüht sich mit diesem und anderen Gerichten, die auf Schiffen der Kriegsmarine gegessen werden, einen „Marine-Gourmet“ (kaigun gurume) aufzubauen und viele Restaurants in Kure servieren inzwischen diese Gerichte für die Touristen.


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yudejaga ni shiokara ゆでじゃがに塩辛
jaga shiokara じゃが塩辛
boiled potatoes with some fish guts pickled in salt
This was quite a speciality for the landlocked farmers of Hokkaido in the times before the refrigerator.

Worldwide use


. Irish Potatoes  

Things found on the way

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Mr. Potato Head

German Potato Doritos ドリトス・ジャーマンポテト snack with flavor of German Potatos
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Reference : German Potatos, Japan


Heißgeliebte Kartoffel

Die Kartoffeln kamen vor etwa 400 Jahren mit den europäischen Händlern und Missionaren über Jakarta nach Japan. Jakaruta ... jagatara ... jaga ... diesen lautmalerischen Namen haben sie noch heute.
Die „Holländische Kartoffel“ (orandaimo) wird in Dokumenten aus dem Jahre 1857 von Shimazu Nariakira erstmals belegt, der beschreibt, dass die amerikanischen Kriegsschiffe diese Kartoffeln mit nach Okinawa (damals noch Ryuukyuu) gebracht hatten. Die „Holländische Kartoffel“ wird auch im Gegensatz zur Süßkartoffel „Gelbe Kartoffel“ genannt. Sie enthält einen geringeren Wasseranteil und ist gut aufzuheben. Ein Fischer aus Itoman brachte einige Knollen in seine Heimat, dort werden sie daher „Itoman-Kartoffeln“ genannt. Im Gegensatz zu den in Satsuma bekannten Süßkartoffeln wurden die neuen Arten auch als „Salat-Kartoffeln“ bezeichnet.

Etwa 100 Jahre später fand die Kartoffeln von Nagasaki aus ihren Weg nach Hokkaido. Erste Dokumente aus Setana, einer Stadt im Südwesten Hokkaidos, berichten im Jahre 1706 vom Anbau der Kartoffeln. Nach der Meiji-Restauration begann dann der Anbau auf Großflächen. Die erste Sorte war „Danshaku imo“, wörtlich „Kartoffeln des Barons“, die von Baron Kawada Ryuukichi (1856-1951) von Hakodate im Jahre 1908 aus England eingeführt wurden. Danshaku-Kartoffeln eignen sich mehr für Kartoffelbrei, während die zweithäufigste Sorte, May Queen, eher im Eintopf und als gekochte Kartoffel auf den Tisch kommt.

Während der Meiji-Zeit breitete sich die Kartoffel in ganz Japan aus und Kartoffelgerichte wurden auch als Mahlzeiten in den Schulen gereicht. In den Kriegsjahren gab es mittags oft nur entweder eine Süßkartoffel oder zwei gekochte Kartoffeln und etwas Tee.

Seit einigen Jahren wird in Japan auch mit dem Anbau anderer Sorten experimentiert, selbst Kartoffel mit bunten Farben sind gefragt, weil sie etwas Farbe auf den Esstisch bringen. Insbesondere „Cynthia“, eine eiförmige Kartoffel mit zarter Haut, die beim Kochen recht gut den Geschmack von Würzsaucen annimmt und nicht so schnell zerfällt, hat das Gefallen der japanischen Hausfrauen gefunden.

Inzwischen ist Hokkaido die Präfektur mit dem größten Kartoffelanbau Japans.
In Otaru werden Kartoffeln sogar in Zucker glasiert und als Süßigkeit angeboten!
Und Kartoffelchips mit Schokoladenüberzug werden auch nicht verschmäht.

Japanischer Kartoffelsalat enthält keinen Essig, sondern Mayonnaise und ein gekochtes Ei, er ist daher wesentlich sähmiger. Er ist keine eigenstängige Mahlzeit sondern nur eine Beilage zum Reis. Viele japanische Bento-Lunchpakete enthalten etwas Kartoffelsalat in einem Eck, auch Sandwiches werden mit Kartoffelsalat bestrichen, der allerdings eher einem Kartoffelbrei mit Gemüsebeilagen ähnelt.

Als Snack stehen die Kartoffelchips an erster Stelle der Wunschliste bei Kindern und Erwachsenen und im Familienrestaurant sind die Pommes nicht wegzudenken. Abends zum Bier im Izakaya stehen die „Deutschen Kartoffeln“ auf dem Speisezettel, jaaman poteto, German Potato in japanischer Aussprache, oder einfach nur die „Kartoffeln mit Butter“ und etwas Soyasauce, wenn es beliebt.


banyuu inryoku ari bareisho ni kubomi ari

there is gravitation in the universe
there are dents in potatoes

Okusaka Maya 奥坂まや


this potato
winks as i pick it up
for peeling

that kind of night--
before i cook & eat
painting potatoes

Kris Kondo
Japan, November 2010

Related words

Sato-imo 里芋 Taro potato

. Sweet potatoe (satsuma imo 薩摩芋)

. Daruma as a potato ... of all kinds .

***** WASHOKU :



Goboo Kyoto Vegetables


Burdock (goboo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Plant and Humanity


edible burdock, comfrey, gobo, goboo 牛蒡
Arctium lappa, Greater Burdock
CLICK for more photos
japanische Schwarzwurzel, "grosse Klette"

It has medicinal properties and is used in Chinese medicine (kanpo). Said to help with fatique, prevents catching a cold, provokes urin production and detoxifies.
Japan seems the only place where it is eaten as a normal vegetable.
Before use in Japanese food it has to be soaked in vinegar to remove the bitterness. Its fibers are good for digestion.

kinpira goboo 金平, the name comes from the Strong Boy, Kintaroo 金太郎.
Kintaro, Daruma daki Kintaroo だるま抱き金太郎
Something that gives you strenth, kin hira 金平

planting burdock, goboo maku 牛蒡蒔く(ごぼうまく)
kigo for spring

flower of burdock, goboo no hana 牛蒡の花 (ごぼうのはは)
kigo for summer

planting burdock in autumn, aki no goboo maku
pulling out burdock, goboo hiku 牛蒡引く (ごぼうひく)
digging for burdock, goboo horu 牛蒡掘る (ごぼうほる)
kigo for autumn


kigo for mid-autumn

Fuji goboo 富士牛蒡(ふじごぼう) "Mount Fuji burdock"
subashiri goboo 、須走牛蒡(すばしりごぼう)
Fuji azami 富士薊 (ふじあざみ) "Mount Fuji thistle"
azami goboo 薊牛蒡(あざみごぼう)
Cirsium purpuratum
The name is burdock, but the plant belongs to the thistle family. The roots are often sold as a speciality of mountain hot springs and around Mount Fuji.


Hiraki goboo 開牛蒡 (ひらきごぼう) "open" burdock
"divining sticks" burdock, sangi goboo 算木牛蒡(さんぎごぼう),
"crushed" burdock tataki goboo 叩牛蒡(たたきごぼう)
The long burdock roots are inscised various times and boiled long as they are. They resemble the divining sticks of temples and shrines. Sometimes the burdock is crushed.
kigo for the New Year


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sacred rope like burdock, goboo jime 牛蒡注連( ごぼうじめ)
kigo for the New Year
Shimenawa 注連縄 details about the sacred rope


Yamamori Goboo 山盛りのゴボウ
Eating large portions of burdock

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This is an event in the town of Kuninaka in Echizen, Fukui prefecture.
The "Goboo eating group" goboo koo ごぼう講 meets on February 17. The men in official robes eat long stripes of burdock and drink sake to pray for a good harvest and good luck for the coming year.
This dates back to the year 1705 when the poor villagers kept a secret field in the compounds of the local shrine Kuninaka jinja 国中神社 to grow some extra rice they did not have to give a way as tax crop. They offered the rice and burdock to the local deity and partook of it afterwards. Nowadays, 48 families of the village still keep this tradition.

About 30 menfolk of the neighbourhood meet at the home of the one in charge for this year. They have to eat a lot of rice and burdock, 5 go cups of cooked of rice each (gogoo mossoomeshi 五合物相飯). This year 3oo kilograms of burdock were cooked and eaten with the fingers.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of shrine Kuninaka Jinja ! 国中神社



Dishes with burdock root

kinpira gobo, kinpira gobō, kinpira goboo

simmered burdock root, braised burdock root
Carrots and burdock are stir-fried with salt and sugar.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Chikuzen-Ni with gobo
Fukuoka speciality.

Goboojiru 牛蒡汁 Miso soup with burdock
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Horikawa goboo 堀川牛蒡 (ほりかわごぼう)
burdock from Horikawa
One of the Kyoto Vegetables. It has been discovered under the "Horikawa" moat which Toyotomi Hideyoshi had build more than 300 years ago.
It is so big the inside is hollowed out and stuffed with minced meat of chicken or fish before it is braized.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Yahata-maki やはたまき (八幡巻き) goboo burdock roll
Kyoto speciality.
With goboo from Yahata town.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

CLICK for more item.rakuten.co.jp/kimonoyasan/273-0298/
Tenugui, small towels with vegetable design

Kyooyasai 京野菜 vegetables from Kyoto
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! Kyoyasai

Kyoosai 京菜 Kyoto Vegetables
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse

Kyo yasai vegetables are not of origin in Kyoto, but include vegetables that have been introduced from other areas. The vegetables have adapted well to the soil and the water of Kyoto. The seeds and the cultivation methods have improved over the generations and these vegetables are now very important to the cuisine of the town. There are about 50 different kinds available, usually named after its place of origin. They are all of strong appetizing colors and mostly eaten fresh, often used in the temple kitchen and for the tea ceremony cooking. Nowadays, they are even advertised on the internet.
Many are cultivated since the Heian period and a lot grow in temple gardens. Some count 34 varieties as the traditional "Kyoto Vegetables of the temple cuisine".

Farmers wifes bring the vegetables to their customers in hand carts on certain days of the week.

Kyoto vegetables and pickles from these vegetables are also used in "obanzai" おばんざい Kyoto home cooking.
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. Kyoto Obanzai Dishes

daikon (だいこん) 大根 radish
from temple 聖護院 (Shoogooin)・辛味・青味・時無・桃山・茎・佐波賀 Sabaka in Maizuru ,郡大根
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Temple Shogo-In
This giant radish is also used for the dish called furofuki daikon "Gesimmerter Rettich".

ebiimo, ebi-imo 海老芋 sweet potatoes in the form of a shrimp and are prepared in famous dishes, like imoboo いもぼう【芋棒】potato sticks.
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kabu カブ turnips 佐波賀・松ヶ崎浮菜・聖護院 Shogoin・大内・舞鶴 , 東寺蕪 Toji kabu
Tempel Toji, Kyoto

kabocha, see
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷かぼちゃ pumpkin from Shishigatani, Kyoto

Kamo nasu, Kamonasu 賀茂茄子・京山  (eggplant) from the Kamigamo-area are as large as 300 to 400 grams per piece and are a summer vegetable. They are almost round. They are eaten boiled or fried with oil. With miso paste as dengaku.
They are the most well known of the Kyoto Vegetables. They are also used for pickles called "shibazuke".
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... moginasu もぎなす they are a little smaller and harvested in early summer.

Kintoki ninjin 金時人参 Kintoki carrots Kyoo ninjin 京人参 "Kyoto carrots"

Kujoo negi, kujonegi 九条葱 leek from Kujoo
Near the tmeple Tooji.
Long green onion. It tastes best in the winter time. It is rather sticky, but this gives it a sweeter taste. The contrast of the white stem and green leaves is well liked and the leaves are also eaten.
These leek dates back to 711, according to the Kyoto Prefecture's Gardening Almanac of 1909.
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kuwai クワイ arrowhead bulb
Sagittaria trifolia

kyoo takenoko 京竹の子/ 京筍 bamboo shoots from Kyoto
They are a typical spring vegetable. They are grown in special groves of Rakusai (western Kyoto) and different from the wild varieties. They are sweet and soft and can be served raw when freshly picked, only with a vinegar-miso-sauce.

kyuuri, Shoogooin kyuuri 聖護院胡瓜(キュウリ) cucumbers
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. Manganji toogarashi 万願寺唐辛子 hot green peppers from temple Mangan-Ji .

mibuna 壬生菜(ミブナ)leavy vegetables from the Mibu area
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Mibu Temple Kyoto

mizuna (Japanese cabbage) called mibuna, grown near Mibu-dera (Mibu temple) a temple renowned for kyogen (comic drama flourished from the middle of the 14th century). The clear spring water helped with the irrigation of the fields to grow this plant. It has feathery leaves and the stalk is white and thin. The color contrast is one of its charms, so is its crunchy bite. It is used for soups, pickles, fried or in a salad.

Made with steamed and cut mibuna :
. tonsho mochi 屯所餅 "garrison mochi" .   

myooga 京茗荷(ミョウガ)Japanese ginger

sasage 柊野ささげ(ササゲ) cowpea; black-eyed pea; southern pea
Vigna sinensis. Sasage-Bohne

seri 京芹(セリ) Japanese parsley; dropwort

Shishigatani nankin (pumpkin) see:
Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷かぼちゃ pumpkin from Shishigatani, Kyoto

Shogoin kabura, Shoogooin kabu 聖護院かぶ, a kind of turnip started with seeds from Omi brought to Kyoto during the Edo period. The thinly sliced turnips, salted and pickled with kombu (kelp) are called senmaizuke 千枚付け, which is the first of its kind to be eaten with no other food.
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sugukina 酸茎菜(スグキナ)"sour turnip leaves"
Brassica rapa var. neosuguki
They are used for the pickle called "sugukizuke".
suguki are eaten as ochazuke in Kyoto.
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toogarashi トウガラシ chilli peppers

udo, kyoo udo 京独活(ウド)京うど
mountain plant which produces fat, white, edible stalks.
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Udo from Edo

uri, Katsura uri 桂瓜(ウリ)gourd, melon
Cucumis. melo var. conomon
Katsura uri is used as the original ingredient for narazuke (pickles).
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The temple cooks and chefs of Kyoto restaurants use these fresh vegetables for traditional dishes as well as some new experiments with Westernized dishes.
Nishiki Ichiba 錦市場 (Nishiki "Brocade" Market) is the kitchen of Kyoto.
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Kyoo yasai tsumishi bakari no suzushisa ni

Kyoto vegetables -
freshly picked
they are so cool

Koono Kei-ichi 河野啓一
source : seseragi


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kiku kabura 菊かぶら / 菊蕪 "chrysanthemum turnip"
The best known are from Kamekura village 亀蔵.

This is a pickled turnip, which is cut many times and looks almost as a yellow chrysanthemum blossom. The yellow color is enhanced with seeds of the gardenia (kuchinashi). The pickle liquid is rather sweet.


For specially trained cooks, there is the title of

Meister of Kyoto Vegetables 京野菜マイスター
kyooyasai maisutaa
"Kyo-yasai Meister"

You must pass an examination to become one and get a certificate for it.
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There is also a special logo mark for Kyoto specialities, including vegetables.
Kyoo maaku 京マーク Kyoto Speciality Logo


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furoshiki with vegetable patterns 京野菜風呂敷
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tamanokoshi (marry into the purple) charm 玉の輿お守り
to marry a rich husband or wife
with design of Kyoto Vegetables
talisman at Imamiya shrine 今宮神社
Einheirat in eine reiche Familie


sokobie no yado no kinpira goboo kana

foot-cold -
the little inn serves
burdock roots

Tsuda Teiko 津田汀子

Related words

kigo for mid-summer

***** yamagoboo no hana 山牛蒡の花 (やまごぼうのはな)
flower of the pokeroot, pokeweed
Phytolacca esculenta

yamagoboo ni ishikoro yosenu arakihari

Takada Chooi 高田蝶衣 Takada Choi


Togarashi, toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper




Edo Yasai


Edo-Vegetables (Edo yasai)

The special vegetables grown in Edo (and still now in Tokyo) to feed the shoogun and the inhabitants of Edo castle and the whole town.
Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜
Traditional vegetables of Edo

Edo Tokyo Yasai 江戸東京野菜

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. Edo no takenoko 江戸の筍 bamboo shoots in Edo .


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Kameido daikon 亀戸大根 large radish from Kameido
it grows about 30 long, a small daikon. It is very white and was loved for its color, an early spring harbinger.

.... Nerima daikon 練馬大根 from Nerima
has been introduced by Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, 5th shogun, to help feed the growing population of Edo. It is usually prepared as takuan pickles.
The radish is scrabbed with the skin of shark fish (dry skin is soaked in water to make it softer), then pickled in rice bran. Thus the vitamiens of the rice bran would soak easily into the radish.
For the poor people of Edo this was a cheap way to prevent beri-beri disease, which was caused by the polished white rice.
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The most famous of the daikons of Edo is the Nerima daikon. High in fiber, it is perfect for making takuan pickles. The crispy takuan made with Nerima daikon was a favorite of the Edoites and helped artisans and laborers supplement the salt that they had sweat away.

The Kameido daikon, first cultivated in the Kameido area during the Bunkyu era (1861-64), is another famous daikon of Edo. It was favored by Edoites as an early spring vegetable for its dense flesh and the suitability of both root and leaves for pickling.

The Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture has also been a center of Japanese radish production for ages, as evidenced by documents dating as far back as 1841. The Miura daikon, which would later become a big name in the vegetable world, is a natural hybrid between the Nerima daikon and locally grown varieties, such as the Koenbo and Nakabukura.

The Nerima, Kameido, and Miura daikons were all popularly cultivated until the middle or latter half of the Showa era (1926-1989) and formed the cornerstones of a rich food culture. But their production would soon plummet. Diseases and natural disasters, the urbanization of former farmland, the hassle of harvesting, changes in consumer diets, and the expansion of nuclear families all undermined the production of these local varieties.
source : www.tokyofoundation.org / Daikon


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Edogawa ward
komatsuna こまつな (小松菜) leafy vegetabel, like spinach
Brassica campestris
from Edogawa 江戸川区小松川 Edogawa Komatsugawa
Has been grown there since Shogun Yoshimune ordered it.

Komatsuna, or spinach mustard,
is commonly eaten during the New Year. In season from November through March, nearly 10,000 tons of spinach mustard is produced yearly in Edogawa Ward. Komatsuna gets its name from the Komatsugawa district, which includes Edogawa, Katsushika and Adachi wards. Tokyo was the second-largest regional producer of komatsuna in 2004.
The hardy green vegetable tastes best in winter, when its leaves become rich in flavor. Komatsuna is served blanched or in zoni boiled rice cake soup. Demand for komatsuna peaks around this time of the year.
source : www.metro.tokyo.jp / with PHOTO

. Komatsugawa district 小松川 "river Komatsu" .
Edogawa ward


Koganei 小金井
They grow some kinds of old vegetables.
Most is grown in hothouses near the homes of the farmers and now used for bringing life back into the community (machiokoshi, machi okoshi).

nagakabu 長カブ long turnips
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noraboona のらぼう菜 leafy vegetable
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ookura daikon 大蔵大根(おおくらだいこん)extra large radish
It grows up to 50 cm lenght and is very compact. Good for boiling, since it does not change its form.
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shintorina しんとりな / しんとり菜 leafy stem vegetable
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. Koganei 小金井 Koganei district .


Kanamachi kokabu 金町こかぶ / 金町小かぶ
small turnips from Kanamachi
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Magome 馬込 from Magome
Magome sansui ninjin 馬込三寸人参(まごめさんすんにんじん)
Magome hanjiro kyuuri 馬込半白胡瓜(まごめはんじろきゅうり
. Magome - photos of vegetables .

Naitoo kabocha ないとうかぼちゃ / 内藤(ないとう)かぼちゃ
pumpkin from Naito
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Senjuunegi, Senjuu negi 千住葱 leek from Senju, Senjunegi 千寿葱
They are best when simply grilled over charcoal.

Shinagawa kabu 品川カブ turnips from Shinagawa
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Takinogawa ninjin 滝野川人参(たきのがわにんじん)
carrots from Takinogawa

Terashima nasu 寺島なす eggplants from Terashima

udo, Tokyo udo 東京うど udo from Tokyo
Aralia cordata Thunb
yama udo 山独活 Mountain spikenard
"mountain asparagus". A mountain vegetable which produces fat, white, edible stalks.
Its tender stalks are similar to asparagus, their flavor is a light fennel. It is also one of the "Kyoto Vegetables".
Peel the outer layer of the stem, cut in oblong pieces, soak in vinegar-water and dry. Eat with vinegared dressings or vinegar miso. The very top of the plant can be used for tempura.

CLICK for more photos It is grown deep under the earth about 4 meters deep in long tunnels (udo muro "独活室”) in Tachikawa 立川.
Very crunchy to the taste (shakishaki, knusprig).
Locally it is served as udo ramen soup 独活ラーメン or in a dressing with salmon like a western asparagus salad (Spargelsalat).
Other specialities from Tachikawa 立川ウド are
udo arare
Kichijoji Udo 吉祥寺ウド is also known.

udo senbei
udo yookan
udo dorayaki
udo pai
. . . CLICK here for Tachikawa Udo Photos !

moyashi udo もやしうど white udo sprouts
A whole group of local farmers continue with the growing of this udo and develop new dishes with it.

udo ae, udo-ae 独活和 (うどあえ) spikenard in dressing
kigo for late spring

udo no kinpira うどのきんぴら boiled in soy sauce and sugar

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Western asparagus is called "seiyoo udo" 西洋独活.

nanka udo なんかウド/ 軟化独活 soft white udo
grown in Tochigi in special trenches in the dark and harvested three times a year.
They made it to a local speciality, with udo gyooza 独活餃子 at the local chinese restaurant.
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Waseda myooga 早稲田茗荷 Myoga from Waseda

Yanaka shooga 谷中生姜 ginger from Yanaka

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Tokyo Pigs

Tokyo X buta 東京X豚 Tokyo X pork from special pigs
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Tokyo-X is a new Japanese breed, bred for high quality pork production. It is unusual for its marbled meat, seldom seen in pork.
Breeding Tokyo-X started in 1990 by the Tokyo Metropolitan Livestock Experiment Station. They combined bloodlines from the Duroc (USA), Berkshire (UK) and a Beijing Black (China) breeds. After five generations of breeding and selection, the first meat was marketed in 1997.
Often processed into a Tokyo Curry.

Related words

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Edo Tokyo Yasai 江戸東京野菜

***** WASHOKU : Kyooyasai 京野菜 Vegetables from Kyoto

***** . 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo - 江戸料理百選

***** . Tokyo - Local Dishes


WASHOKU : General Information


. Edo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district .
Edo no Aomono Ichiba 江戸の青物市場 Vegetable Markets in Edo
In the "three vegetable district" 青物三ケ町 Aomono Sangamachi in Kanda
Tachō, 多町 Tacho - 連雀町 Renjakucho - 永富町 Eifukucho
- - - aomono uri 青物売り vegetable vendor




Azuki red beans Anko



Red Beans, "small beans" (azuki 小豆 )

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: see below
***** Category: Humanity


Azuki Beans, adzuki beans 小豆 ( あずき)
red beans for sweet bean paste

click for more photos

Because of their red color, they are auspiciuos and ward off evil influence.


kigo for early summer
azuki maku 小豆蒔く(あずきまく)sowing (planting) red beans

kigo for all summer

yude azuki 茹小豆 (ゆであずき) boiled azuki beans
niazuki 煮小豆(にあずき)
hiyashi shiruko 冷し汁粉(ひやししるこ)sweets with red beans
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azuki aisu 小豆アイス(あずきあいす) icecream with red beans

koori azuki 氷あずき(こおりあずき)red beans on ice

Minazuki 水無月Kyoto sweets for June
with a layer of azuki


kigo for all autumn

azuki arai 小豆洗い(あずきあらい)washing adzuki beans


azuki no kayu 赤豆の粥(あずきのかゆ)
rice gruel with red beans
kigo for mid-winter
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o-kayu, okayu, kayu 粥 rice gruel

Dicke Reissuppe mit roten Bohnen


The red bean paste (anko 餡子) is made from these beans.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of dishes with ANKO !

anko made from minced meat was originally used in China for making manju. Around 600, when the kentoshi ambassadors to China brought this back to Japan, it was then used in temples, where the monks and nuns were not allowed to eat meat.
So instead of meat the bean paste was used for manju.
The red color of the bean paste is also auspicious for warding off evil.

Red bean paste or Azuki bean paste is a sweet, dark red bean paste originating from China. It is used in Chinese cuisine, Japanese confectionery, and Korean cuisine. It is prepared by boiling and mashing azuki beans and then sweetening the paste with sugar or honey. The husk of the beans may be removed by sieving before sweetening, which leads to a smoother and more homogeneous paste.

Red bean paste is graded according to its consistency. In Chinese cuisine, the most common types are:

Mashed: Azuki beans are boiled with sugar and mashed. The paste is smooth with bits of broken beans and bean husk. Depending on the intended texture, the beans can be vigorously or lightly mashed. Some unmashed beans can also be added back into the bean paste for additional texture. This is the most common and popular type of red bean paste eaten in Chinese confections. Can also be eaten on its own or in sweet soups.
Smooth: Azuki beans are boiled without sugar, mashed, and diluted into a slurry. The slurry is then strained through a sieve to remove the husk, filtered, and squeezed dry using cheesecloth. Although, the dry paste can be directly sweetened and used, Oil, either vegetable oil or lard, is usually used to cook the dry paste and improve its texture and mouth feel. Smooth bean paste is mainly found as fillings for Chinese pastries.
In Japanese cuisine, the most common types are:

anko ... süßes Bohnenmus
Tsubuan (粒餡), whole red beans boiled with sugar but otherwise untreated (grobes süßes Bohnenmus)
Tsubushian (潰し餡), where the beans are mashed after boiling
Koshian (漉し餡), which has been passed through a sieve to remove bean skins; the most common type (feines süßes Bohnenmus)
Sarashian (晒し餡), which has been dried and reconstituted with water
(getrocknetes, pulverisiertes koshi-an)

In Japanese, a number of names are used to refer to red bean paste; these include an (餡), anko (餡子), and ogura (小倉 ). Strictly speaking, the term an can refer to almost any sweet, edible, mashed paste, although without qualifiers red beans are assumed.
Common alternatives include
shiroan (白餡), made from white kidney beans, and
kurian (栗餡), made from chestnuts.

Red bean paste is used in many Japanese sweets, such as:
Anmitsu (an and jelly)
Anpan (an and bread)
Dorayaki (azuki bean pancake)
Oshiruko or Zenzai (azuki bean soup, commonly served over shaved ice with dango. Sweetened condensed milk is often poured over the top for added flavor)
Uirō (uiroo, a traditional Japanese steamed cake)
Yōkan (yookan, red bean jelly)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

ankohii, an koohii あんコーヒー anko and coffee
A big spoon full of sweet red beans tsubuan is put into the coffee cup, than black coffee is added. It is served with a spoon to stirr the mixture for extra sweetness and then eat the beans with the coffee flavor (and savor the coffee with the sweet bean flavor).
Served at Gyokuen Tea Shop 茶寮ぎょくえん


Bichu, Kurashiki Anko Meguri Stamp Ralley, October 2009
備中・倉敷あんこめぐり スタンプラリー


dainagon azuki 大納言あずき special Dainagon-brand of azuki
they are much larger than the normal ones. The Dainagon beans from Tanba are especially famous.
The ANKO made from them is of high quality.
dainagon is the word for the "Great Counillor" of the ancient Japanese government. This food is therefor eaten with the wish for a good career and prepared expecially for auspicious days of children.
azukimeshi, azuki-meshi 小豆飯 rice with red adzuki beans
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erimoshoozu えりもしょうず Erimoshozu
variety from Hokkaido, Tokachi area, with very small beans.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Azuki Daruma

source :  www.loftwork.com : Sakai


. Anko Daruma Wrapper 餡子だるま


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Azuki-Arai 小豆洗い Monster washing azuki beans

and a sake with this label !

. Mizuki Shigeru and GEGEGE (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) .  


. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .

Shiruko 汁粉 in the Edo period
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Shirukoya, by Utagawa Hiroshige

There were quite a few yatai stalls which sold this sweet. Some had a shop sign saying "New Year Store" (shoogatsuya 正月屋). Maybe because they also sold zooni mixed soup, which in special on the first of January.
Sometimes the red azuki beans were made into a powder (ko 粉) and put into the soup (shiru 汁).
Or the name derives from the beans left as such in the broth (ko 子/ 実) served with mochi (餡汁子餅)and the name later contracted to shiruko written with the Chinese character for powder..

There is also the dish called zenzai 善哉(ぜんざい).
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It developed during the Edo period. In Kyoto and Osaka, the beans were boiled in brown sugar in a broth with round white mochi (shiratama). In Edo the beans were skinned first and boiled in white sugar and then square kirimochi were boiled in the broth.
This is also called "country soup with sweet red beans" inaka shiruko.

In Kansai when beans were skinned, the broth was called shiruko and koshian was called zenzai. In Edo, benas prepared for zenzai werw called tsubushi-an つぶし餡, chunky paste of sweet beans).

In Kansai there is also kameyama 亀山, a white mochi with a tsubushi-an on top and no broth, it is said to resemble the "turtle mountain" Kameyama of Kyoto.


yo no sumi ni ima shin azuki yudeagaru

in a corner of this world
now the new red beans
are cooked and ready 

Suzuki Setsuko 鈴木節子


azuki meshi asa kara haha ni hima ga nashi

rice with red beans -
from morning on my mother
has not a free moment

Ikeda Kashoo 池田可宵

Related words


WASHOKU : YASAI . Vegetable Saijiki


Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki 人形焼 figure waffles

Daruma Museum Japan
