100 Favorite Dishes of Edo
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. Food vendors in Edo .
. yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant in Asakusa .

. . . . . Tofu (touhu)
arare toofu 霰豆腐 "tofu like hail stones"
The tofu is cut in little cubes like a dice. It may be deep-fried.
asaji dengaku あさじでんがく covered with umeboshi soysauce paste
浅茅田楽 . see Konome Dengaku.
atsuyaki toofu 厚やき豆腐 Thick fried tofu.
bekkau toofu べっかう豆婦 "tortoise shell tofu"
(bekkoo toofu べっこう豆腐)
Cut in triangles, fried to a tortoise shell color.
chawan mushi 茶碗むし / 茶碗蒸 "steamed in a tea bowl"
A favorite in the winter months.
chikuwa toofu 竹輪豆婦 Tofu with chikuwa tubes.
ebi toofu 苗埋菽乳 Tofu with shrimps.
fuwafuwa toofu ふはふは豆腐 soft ground tofu with an egg
The mixture is put in boiling water to form a ball, sesame added for flavor.
tamago fuwafuwa 玉子ふわふわ boiled egg with dashi and irizake 煎酒, made from boiled down sake (to about 80%), with pickled umeboshi plums, bonito shavings and a bit of salt. This irizake (iri-zake, sake o iru, to boil down ricewine) was used until soy sauce became more readily available as a flavoring.
ganseki toofu 巖石とうふ "Tofu like a rock"
Placed in a clear broth.
gookan toofu 合歓とうふ "Silk tree tofu"
One mochi is placed on top of the tofu.
gutsuni toofu ぐつ煮とうふ gently simmered tofu
With Saikyo miso or red miso. Flavored with mountain pepper.
Served in an earthen pot to keep warm.
hanpen toofu ハンペン豆腐 Hampen made from yam, tofu, water and a bit of salt. Served in a clear hot broth. Also called "shiratama 白玉", white ball
hiryauzu - kaku hiryausu "flying dragon head"
ヒリャウヅ -方ヒレウズ / 飛竜子 / 飛竜頭 / 角飛龍頭
ひりゃうず - かくひりゃうず / 飛竜頭 豆腐
In Kanto it is called ganmodoki がんもどき.
In Kansai it is called hiryoozu ひりょうず.
Tofu with a lot of vegetables.
imokake toofu 薯蕷かけ豆腐 Tofu with thick sauce made from grated yam
Served in a broth with katsuobushi.
ise toofu 五瀬豆腐 grind tofu, sea bream, yam and other ingredients, with an egg, simmered in a box, flavored with miso and sansho pepper.
ishiyaki toofu 石焼とうふ stone-fried tofu
Similar to sukiyaki, flavored with grated radish and raw soy sauce.
kamaboko toofu 肉ぼことうふ made in the form of small kamaboko
Tofu and sesame are blended together and simmered into kamabako shape.
kaminari toofu 雷とうふ "Thunder tofu"
Fast fried in sesame oil, so it makes a noise like thunder.
komon toofu 小もんとうふ tofu mixed with slightly grilled nori seaweed, wrapped like a bag
Served in hot broth.

konome dengaku, ko no me dengaku 木の芽田楽 Mountain pepper dengaku.
covered with miso paste.
koori toofu 玲瓏とうふ tofu in kanten jelly.
Served with a bit of Japanese mustard.
Sometimes brown sugar is added and the tofu eaten as a desert.
koozu yufoofu 高津湯とうふ Hot tofu a la Kozu
Kinugoshi tofu covered with a hot sauce of kuzu ankake. Also called
Nanzenji tofu 南禅寺豆腐
mino dengaku 簑でんがく "dengaku in a straw coat"
tamago dengaku 鶏卵でんがく egg dengaku
みのでんがく - たまごでんがく
The dengaku is flavored with hot pepper.
The egg dengaku is covered with soy sauce, an egg yolk and sprinkled with black poppy seeds.
misotsuke toofu 味曾漬とうふ Tofu with miso sauce.
mizore soba 霙蕎麦 "buckwheat dumplings in sleet"
Oborodofu is boiled in dashi shooyu, then some sobakiri buckwheat dumplings are added. White leek, grated radish or wasabi for flavoring.
Ogasawara toofu 小笠原菽乳 Tofu simmered in arrowroot water (kuzuyu 葛湯)
Decorated with grated radish, thick arrowroot sauce and some katsuobushi.
osasa toofu, ozasa tofu 小竹葉とうふ fried tofu
Fried tofu is simmered in soysauce and mirin, a half-boiled egg added. Sesame adde extra flavor.
Cold it can also be used in a bento box.
rokujoo 腐軋 Rokujo Tofu
ろくじょう / 六浄豆腐
This tofu was first made in Kyoto, Rokujoo 京都六条.
It shows the theme of snow at the 88th night, before the first harvest of tea leaves.

Restaurant Dining in Edo
shin no udon toofu 真うどん豆腐 Tofu cut in thick pieces like udon noodles.
shiran toofu 芝蘭菽乳 "white tofu"
しらんとうふ / ちーらん
White sesame seeds are ground finely, white miso added, white leek parts added. Heaped on hot tofu, with some grated radish.
sushini 酢烹 tofu cooked on a deep-fried sardine
tataki toofu 叩き豆腐 "beaten tofu"
Fried tofu is beaten (chopped) with a knife, an egg white added. The mixture is formed like a hamburger, wrapped in wheat flour and fried.
Best eaten cold.
toofumen 菽乳麺 somen noodles with tofu
Flavored with sesame oil.
tsutsumi age 包油煤 wrapped and fried tofu
uzumaki toofu 渦まき豆腐 "whirl tofu"
Rolled in a large seaweed leaf (Suizenji nori) 水前寺海菜, with some hardboiled egg-white and kanpyo.
uzumi toofu 埋豆腐 "burried tofu"
Flavored with mountain pepper, roasted sesame seeds, hot pepper powder, grated ginger and yuzu citron.
Miso is placed on the burried tofu and rice is placed on top of it.
yukige meshi 雪消飯 "snow-melt rice"
Short-cut udon-tofu covered with rice and grated radish. Served in a broth.
Tofu Dishes . Bean Curd
. . . . . daikon 大根 large radish dishes

agedashi daikon 揚出大こん Radish in hot broth
Radish fried in sesame oil, then served in a broth of soy sauce and garnished with mountain pepper
daikon mushi 大根蒸 broiled radish
Made from dried kiriboshi daikon stripes. Sometimes fish is added to make a good broth.
daikon sanchuu ae 大こんさんちやう醤 radish mixew with other ingredients to a saladd
Kiriboshi radish stripes are used. Mixed with white sesame seeds, red miso paste and sake. A bit of wasabi is added before serving.
daikon shio zoosui 大根塩ざうすい rice gruel with radish and salt
daikon tooshunkin 大根都春錦 "radish parcel"
Peeled radish, wrapped in yuba, flavored with hot pepper or mountain pepper.
daikon yu namasu 大根湯なます
Japanese style radish salad. Served cold.
Jooshuu Tatehayashi meibutsu daikon soba
Buckwheat noodles served with a lot of radish shavings.
Nooshuu meibutsu hoshi daikon meshi
Made from dried kiriboshi radish, a crunchy dish.
Rikyuu abe daikon 利休あへ大根り radish "a la Rikyu"
Flavored with cinamon and sesame.
. Sen Rikyuu, Sen Rikyū 千利休 Sen Rikyu .
rinmaki oofurofuki daikon 林巻大風呂吹大根
radish cut like tree rings, boiled in dashi, served on a bed of miso paste, with a slice of yuzu on top.
sanshu awase daikon 三種合大根 radish with katsuobushi
soomen daikon 素麺大根 radish like somen noodles.
Cut in long strings, served with vinegar, as a mouth cleanser betewen other dishes.
Radish Dishes
. . . . . gohan, meshi 飯 rice dishes

aonori zoosui 青苔雑炊 rice gruel with green nori seaweed
daikon meshi 大根飯 with radishes
..... Echizen no daikon meshi 越前国大根飯
with radishes from Echizen
hidara meshi 乾呉魚飯 rice with dried cod
Mentioned in a cookbook from 1802. The fish filets are dried over a medium heat and then cut in small stripes. They are then mixed with the cooked rice.
names of the cooking heat in Edo
bunka 文火 (ぶんか) low heat/flame (yowabi 弱火)
bunbuka 文武火(ぶんぶか)medium heat/flame (chuubi 中火)
buka 武火(ぶか) high heat/flame (tsuyobi 強火)
hotarumeshi, hotaru meshi ホタル飯 "firefly rice"
ほたるめし / 蛍飯
During the hunger periods. 190 g rice was cooked with 4,300 g of starowort leaves (yomena) and mugwort (yomogi). The few white rice grains would look like fireflies in the green leaves mush.
((( Another way to make cooked rice last longer during a famine was putting more water into rice gruel, calling it "mirror rice" (kagami meshi 鏡飯) or omoyu おもゆ 重湯】). )))
kadame meshi 海帯めし rice with wakame kelp.
kadame 加太和布 is a special kelp harvested in Wakayama, Kishu, in Kada town 加太浦.
kakimeshi 牡蛎飯 rice with oysters
Cooking oysters would prevent the outbreak of indigestion and food poisoning in times without refrigerator.
. kokerazushi こけらずし kokera sushi
konnyaku meshi 蒟蒻飯 rice with konyak devil's tongue
konoha meshi 木の葉めし"rice with tree leaves"
Fresh sprouts and buds were mixed in spring food.
kotori, shookin zoosui 小禽ざうすい
rice gruel with "little birds"
mana zoosui 菁蕪菜雑炊 rice gruel with leaves of turnip
namakai meshi 石明魚飯 rice with fish
nankin gayu なんきん粥 kayu. rice gruel with pumpkin
Pumpkin and red beans were cooked with the rice. It was a very warming slightly sweet dish in winter.
nasubi zoosui 茄子ざうすい rice gruel with eggplants
nattoo modoki 賽淡鼓 "looking like fermented beans"
modoki was a way to prepare vegetable dishes "looking like" fish or meat. It was often done in temples.
negi meshi 葱めし rice with leek
Many other vegetables can be added, also sweet chestnuts and shiitake mushrooms. Served in a hot broth 達失汁.
leek was grown in the fields around Edo, see Edo Vegetables below.
negi zoosui 葱ざうすい gice gruel with leek
nira zoosui 韮ざうすい rice gruel with nira leek
leek dishes are all typical winter dishes.
Rikyuu meshi 利休めし rice cooked "a la Rikyu"
Sen no Rikyu (千利休, 1522 – 1591) was the founder of the tea ceremony.
Rice is cooked with hoojicha tea, then dashi broth is added. Some green stems of rape (na no hana) are added as topping.
This is a typical dish of spring.
. sakurameshi 桜めし "cherryblossom rice"
shijimi meshi 蜆肉飯 rice with corbilula clams
shiso meshi 紫蘇飯 rice with perilla
soba meshi 蕎麦飯 with buckwheat noodles
someii, somei-i 染飯 colored rice
Already mentioned in 1553. It is colored with kuchinashi gardenia and becomes a bright yellow color. It was popular in the tea stalls along the 53 stations of the Tokaido road. Gardenia extract was like a medicine against weak feet and brought back energy.
taimeshi 道味魚飯 -鯛飯 rice with slices of sea bream
たいめし - たいめし
toofu zoosui 菽乳雑炊 rice gruel with tofu
yamabuki meshi 山吹めし "yellow rice"
yamabuki is the yellow color of the plant "yellow rose", the color of coins in the Edo period and the color of egg yolk.
A hard-boiled egg is placed on the rice, served with broth, some grated ginger and a bit of salt.
yudoofu modoki 賽湯菽乳 "looking like hot tofu"
Hot rice gruel with arrowroot sauce, some grated ginger and mustard for flavoring.
Some of the ingredients mixed with rice have their own entry in this BLOG.
Rice Dishes (meshi, gohan)
. . . . . tai 鯛 sea bream dishes

kakitaimushi, kaki tai mushi かき鯛むし
steamed sea bream with oysters
makitai 巻鯛 "rolled sea bream"
sarasa tai さらさ鯛 "chinz sea bream"
Satsuma meibutsu koro iridai 薩摩名物ころ煮鯛
simmered sea bream a la Satsuma
Satsuma satootsuke tai さつま砂糖漬鯛
sea bream pickled in brown sugar, a la Satsuma
Satsuma tai no atsumejiru 薩摩鯛のあつめ汁
Rice soup atsumejiru with sea bream, a la Satsuma
sugiyaki tai 杉やき鯛 sea bream served in a box made of cedar wood.
Fish is flavored with miso paste.
taimaru ageni 鯛丸あげ煮 whole fried sea bream
A small fish is used. Flavored with soy sauce.
taimeshi 道味魚飯 - 鯛飯 rice cooked with sea bream
たいめし - たいめし
tai no koo no mono sushi 鯛の香物酢
sea bream pickled with vinegar
tai no soborojiru 鯛のそぼろ汁
doosuma ・同すましそぼろ
small pieces of sea bream in hot broth
tai no tororojiru 鯛の青淵汁
Soup with grated jinenjo yam and sea bream
Sea Bream Dishes
. . . . . tamago 卵 egg dishes

aemaze あえまぜ a kind of fish salad, with vegetables and egg
Sometimes sake was used for a dressing.
isona tamago いそなたまご "beach flavor eggs"
After boiling half-soft in vinegar and irizake, they are sprinkeld with nori from Asakusa or wasabi.
matsukaze tamago 松風卵 egg a la "wind in the pines"
Rikyuu tamago - Kurumi tamago 利休卵 / 胡桃卵
りきゅうたまご - くるみたまご
eggs "a la Rikyu" and walnut eggs
Simmered egg with ground sesame seeds (or ground walnut meat), flavored with soy sauce and sake.
shigure tamago 時雨卵 "winter drizzle eggs"
A kind of okonomiyaki omelette.
tamago dojoo たまごどじょう loach soup with egg
Yanagigawa nabe 柳川鍋(やながわなべ)
tamago hanpen 玉子半ぺん hampen with egg
tamago iridashi 玉子いり出し soup with egg
tamago kaiyaki 玉子貝焼 fried eggs with seashells
uzura tamago 鶉卵 quail eggs
yosetamago 寄卵 eggs mixed with other ingredients
Food colored yellow with egg yolk was called yamabuki, for example
yamabuki kamaboko やまぶきかまぼこ yellow kamaboko fish paste.
Egg Dishes
tamago hyakuchin 「卵百珍」(たまごひゃくちん)
100 dishes with eggs
cookbook from 1785

Illustrated Book
. Reference : 江戸料理百選
江戸の料理本 Cooking Books from Edo
『万宝料理秘密箱 卵百珍』の江戸料理レシピ
- source : codh.rois.ac.jp/edo-cooking -
Books about the food culture of Edo

江戸食百珍 Edo Shoku Hyaku Chin
- - - - - external link
Banquets against Boredom
Eric C. Rath, University Kansasfae
Things found on the way
. nattoo uri 納豆売り natto vendor in Edo .
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .
Edo, The City That Became Tokyo
. The town of Edo 江戸 大江戸
. Edo-Vegetables (Edo yasai 江戸東京野菜)
. Edo no takenoko 江戸の筍 bamboo shoots in Edo .
Related words
***** . Miso culture in Japan (みそ or 味噌) .
. WASHOKU - Dishes from Tokyo
***** WASHOKU : General Information
***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
- #edofood #edoryori #edowashoku #washokuedo -
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Edo - the flourishing past !
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