dried gourd stripes (kanpyoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity
kanpyoo, kampyoo 干瓢
getrocknete Kürbisstreifen
The fruit of the "evening face" yuugao
yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant)
The plant contains large amounts of iron, phosphorous and calcium.
. Morning Glory (asagao).
Torii Tadateru brought them to Shimotsuki province in the Edo period.
From Tochigi along the Tokaido to Minokuchi.

The stripes are about 5 cm wide and 2 mm thick before drying in wind and sunshine, on a rainy day under plastic roofs. Hung up in the morning, they are done by evening.
They are cut off the large fruit with a special cutting device.
The local farm wives take the inner parts with the seed (nakago) and prepare simple dishes after cutting them to pieces and peeling off the seeds. Mixed with other vegetables, or with an ankake sauce or simply in miso soup are they a delicioud addition to the dinner table in the season.
In Minokuchi, a secial dish is prepared at O-Bon for the ancestors.
Kanpyo and green peppers (ao toogarashi) are boiled together and put as an offering on the family altar, with a prayer for a good harvest in the coming year.
. Dried food (kanbutsu) .

KIGO for late summer
. kanpyoo muku 干瓢剥く (かんぴょうむく )
cutting small stripes of calabash .
(Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida). kampyo
... kanpyoo hagu 干瓢はぐ(かんぴょうはぐ)

kanpyoo hosu 干瓢干す(かんぴょうほす)
drying the calabash stripes
shin kanpyoo 新干瓢(しんかんぴょう)new calabash stripes
The calabash is cut in long stripes with a maschine or by hand and then dried, best in the sunshine. New stripes are offered to the ancestors for the obon festival.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way

famous woodblock print by Hiroshige
about the kanpyoo perparations in Minaguchi,
along the Tokaido.
歌川広重「水口名物干瓢」 (Minakuchi)
The 53 stations of the Tokaido
Minaguchi is located in the modern city of Kooka (Koka) in Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
This postal station was developed as early as the Muromachi period, as its location was convenient for travelers going to the Grand Ise Shrine and the Ise Bay. On the eastern border of Minaguchi-juku, the road split into three paths.
On the western border, the post station also served as a castle town for Minakuchi Castle and was an important travel route.

Since this illustration by Hiroshige was published, the Kanpyo from Minaguchi became famous all over Japan.
. Tokaido 50. Minaguchi-juku (Kōka) .

source : web_ukiyoe
水口 Old Photo from 1910
Related words
***** - Summer Vegetables -
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