


The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki



Vegetables of Winter ... fuyu no yasai 冬の野菜

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Plants


The Haiku WINTER starts on November 7, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

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fuyu yasai 冬野菜


Early Winter

bamboo shoots in the cold 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ) kanchiku no ko
kan take no ko 寒筍(かんたけのこ)
more about
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts in Spring


lotus root, digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
... hasune horu 蓮根掘る
... hasu hori 蓮堀(はすほり)digging for lotus (root)

. renkon 蓮根 lotus root  
regional dishes with lotus root 

karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus root stuffed with hot japanese mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard / Kumamoto

Lotoswurzel mit Senfpaste gefuellt

karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス Karashi Renkon Chips
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town, Kurashiki
The fields are dried first, then each lotus is carefully pulled out.


pokeroot, pokeweed 山牛蒡 (やまごぼう) yamagoboo
azami goboo 薊牛蒡(あざみごぼう)
Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

red cabbage 紫甘藍 (むらさきかんらん) murasaki kanran
murasaki kyabetsu 初冬 紫キャベツ(むらさききゃべつ)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !



spikenard in the cold 寒独活 (かんうど) kan udo
... kanudo 寒土当帰(かんうど)
Aralia cordata Thunb
more about Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus" in the cold


Late Winter


All Winter

aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe blossoms Aloe vera in bloom
and related food

broccoli ブロッコリ burokkori
komochi hanayasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)
Brokoli, Brokkoli

Brussels sprouts 芽キャベツ (めきゃべつ) me kyabetsu
komochi kanran 子持甘藍(こもちかんらん)
hime kanran 姫甘藍(ひめかんらん)
hime kyabetsu 姫キャベツ(ひめきゃべつ)

white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, napa 白菜 (はくさい) hakusai
hakusaizuke 白菜漬(はくさいづけ) pickled cabbage
another word is KANRAN 甘藍
Brassica pekinensis
Often used for nabemono hodgepodge.
Had been introduced during the Meiji period from China to Japan.
They get sweeter in taste when they have some very cold nights.
in Korea, it is prepared into Kimchee (Kimchi, kimuchi キムチ).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


carrots 人参 ( にんじん) ninjin

They were called after the "Korean carrots" koorai ninjin, the ginseng roots, which where known in Japan before the carrots were introduced in the 16th century. The species cultivated today have been introduced since the Meiji period.
. . kintoki ninjin 金時にんじん / 金時人参 "Kintoki" carrots
They have been cultivated in Japan in the Edo period. They are red and not orange. When used raw, they give a "red and white" (koohaku 紅白) auspicious touch to food. They are used for New Year Food.
Sometimes also called "Carrots from Kyoto" kyoo ninjin 京人参. 
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

They can be cut in beautiful plum blossom forms.
nejiri ume ねじり梅 "twisted plum blossoms"

Until the 17th century, all carrots were purple.
Now you can choose to eat orange, red, yellow or white ones too!

source : Interesting Facts, facebook

now we know
the true colors of carrots -
curry for tonight

Gabi Greve


cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)

cellory セロリ serori
seruki セルリ、oranda mitsuba オランダ三葉(おらんだみつば)

dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold

horse radish 山葵大根 (わさびだいこん) wasabi daikon
Ainu wasabi アイヌ山葵(あいぬわさび)
yamawasabi やまわさび horseradish / Hokkaido


leafy vegetables in winter 冬菜 (ふゆな)
fuyu na

hana 葉菜(はな),
kabu na, kabuna かぶ菜(かぶな)leaves of turnips
suzuna 菘(すずな)leaves of turnips (also one of the seven herbs of spring)
aona 蔓菁(あおな), matsuna まつ菜(まつな)、
aburana 油菜(あぶらな) colza, Brassica campestris
... toona 唐菜(とうな)
... tsukena 漬菜(つけな)pickled leaves
... yudena ゆで菜(ゆでな)boiled leaves
. "oil flowers" abura na, aburana 油菜 .
- another name for : na no hana 菜の花, rapeseed blossoms, rapeseed flower

Mikawajima na 三河島菜(みかわじまな)
Mikawajima is a place in Centrla Tokyo

komatsuna 小松菜(こまつな)
Brassica campestris
contains a lot of calcium.
It is not bitter like spinach and often used to feed children.

taina 体菜(たいな)、shakuna 杓子菜(しゃくしな)、sajina 匙菜(さじな)
Hoteina 布袋菜(ほていな)"leaf like Hotei" (God of Good Luck)

Hino na 日野菜(ひのな)from Hino
Hiroshima na 広島菜(ひろしまな)from Hiroshima
Nozawana, Nozawa na 野沢菜(のざわな)from Nozawa
Inekogi na 稲核菜(いねこきな)

katsuo na 鰹菜(かつおな)、shinobu na 信夫菜(しのぶな)

obazuke おはづけ、taguchi na 田口菜(たぐちな)
yuki na 雪菜(ゆきな)vegetable leaves in snow
suiguki na すいぐき菜(すいぐきな)
hi no na 緋の菜(ひのな)scarlet vegetable leave

fuyuna batake 冬菜畑(ふゆなばた)
field of leafy winter vegetables

fuyuna uri 冬菜売(ふゆなうり)
vendor of leafy winter vegetables

na arau 菜洗う(なあらう)washing leafy vegetables
na kuzu 菜屑(なくず)left-overs

fuyuna meshi 冬菜飯(ふゆなめし)
cooked rice with leafy winter vegetables


Leek 葱 (ねぎ) naganegi
Lauch, Porree

lily bulbs
yurine ゆり根 百合根 bulbs of lilies, lily bulb Hokkaido
Lilium leichtlinii Hook.
ko oniyuri こおにゆり【小鬼百合】
The name comes from the many parts that form the bulb, like "100 meetings, yuri" 百合.


Radish 大根 daikon, big radish
Raphanus sativas
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
One of the most important winter vegetables.

more RADISH kigo

Takuan daiko 沢庵大根(たくあんだいこ)
hoshi daiko 干大根(ほしだいこ)
Miyashige daikon 宮重大根(みやしげだいこん)、
aokubi daikon 青首大根(あおくびだいこん)、
Oowari daikon 尾張大根(おわりだいこん)、
Miura daikon 三浦大根(みうらだいこん)、
Nerima daikon 練馬大根(ねりまだいこん)、
Teraoo daikon 寺尾大根(てらおだいこん)、
risoo daikon 理想大根(りそうだいこん)、
Nishimachi daikon 西町大根(にしまちだいこん)、
Hooryoo daikon 方領大根(ほうりょうだいこん)、
Horie daikon 堀江大根(ほりえだいこん)、
Misono daikon 御園大根(みそのだいこん)、
Narutaki daikon 鳴滝大根(なるたきだいこん)、
Momoyama daikon 桃山大根(ももやまだいこん)、
Akita daikon 秋田大根(あきただいこん)、
Akasuji daikon 赤筋大根(あかすじだいこん)、
Shoogo-in daikon 聖護院大根(しょうごいんだいこん)

Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke pickles in Kyoto.

Kuramaguchi daikon 鞍馬口大根(くらまぐちだいこん)、
Moriguchi daikon 守口大根(もりぐちだいこん)、
Nezumi daikon 鼠大根(ねずみだいこん)、
Ibukiyama daikon 伊吹山大根(いぶきやまだいこん)、
Tokkuri daikon 徳利大根(とくりだいこん)、

Uguro daikon うぐろ大根(うぐろだいこん)、
karami dakion 辛味大根(からみだいこん)、
ike daikon 埋大根(いけだいこ)、
kakoi dakion 囲大根(かこいだいこ)、
senroppon 千六本(せんろっぽん)、

sengiri せん切(せんぎり)、aone おおね、daiko だいこ、
tsuchi daiko 土大根(つちだいこ)、

daikon batake 大根畑(だいこんばたけ) field with radishes

daikon doki 大根時(だいこんどき) time for radishes

daikojiru 大根汁(だいこじる) radish soup
daiko oroshi, daikon oroshi
大根おろし(だいこおろし)grated radish

Takuanzuke 沢庵漬(たくあんづけ)

daiko ichi 大根市(だいこいち)market selling radish

daiko uri 大根売(だいこうり)vendor of radish

Onnayama daikon 女山大根 radish from Onnayama, Saga pref. Kyushu
Its outside is red and so it makes a lovely dish for the new year.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Onnayama daikon aisu 女山大根アイス icecream

janbo daikon ジャンボ大根
all-Japan festival for jumbo daikon radishes ! 39,4 kilogram !


taro like a shrimp 海老芋 (えびいも) ebi imo, ebi-imo
... 蝦芋(えびいも)
Kyoo imo 京芋(きょういも) potato from Kyoto
grown near the temple Toji.
Used for the famous dish "potato on a stick" imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


turnips 蕪 ( かぶ) kabu

aona 菘(あおな)、suzuna すずな、kaburana かぶらな、suwari kabu 据り蕪(すわりかぶ)、
oomi kabu 近江蕪(おうみかぶ)、Shoogo-In kabu 聖護院蕪(しょうごいんかぶ)、
Oowari kabu 尾張蕪(おわりかぶ)、
Hino kabu 日野蕪(ひのかぶ)、Yorii-Kabu 寄居蕪(よりいかぶ)、Tsuta kabu 津田蕪(つたかぶ)(they have red outside and white inside)、Hakata kabu 博多蕪(はかたかぶ)、Atsumi kabu 温海蕪(あつみかぶ)

. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka .

kokabu 小蕪(こかぶ) small trunips
oono akakabu 大野赤蕪(おおのあかかぶ)turnips with red outside, from Ono

ookabura 大蕪(おおかぶ)big turnips
Kabura 蕪菁(かぶら)
kabura hiku かぶら引く(かぶらひく)picking turnips

kabura hosu かぶら干す(かぶらほす)drying turnips
hoshi kabura 干蕪(ほしかぶ)dried turnips

kaburajiru 蕪汁(かぶらじる)miso soup with turnips
kabura mushi 蕪蒸(かぶらむし)steamed turnips
kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi

MORE kabura turnip dishes

Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke せんまいづけ 千枚漬 pickles in Kyoto.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


New Year

Chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot
Stachys affinis, Stachys sieboldii
It looks a bit like a silkworm.
It is supposed to give a special impetus to your brain function.
Chinese artichoke, crosne, artichoke betony
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Knollenziest, Stachysknöllchen


Vegetables as a TOPIC for Haiku

aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke
Cynara scolymus
Artischoke, Artischocke

gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd Okinawa. Goya.
They are also eaten in summer to get rid of the summer tiredness (natsubate).
Momordica charantia
bittere Gurke

kikuimo, 菊芋 Jerusalem artichoke
Heliantus tuberosus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Topinambur. Erdbirne

Things found on the way


冬野菜 ほうれんそうよ よく育て
fuyu yasai hoorensoo yo yoku sodate

winter vegetables -
dear spinach, please,
grow well

source : mobeji
spinach is a spring kigo


first date -
he snickers at the broccoli
between my teeth

Melinda Hipple

a green smile
spreads across her face-
spinach for lunch

Claudia Cadwell

source : My Facebook Friends May 2009


Western Vegetables
not native to Japan, most are NOT yet KIGO

aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Artichoke, kigo for all summer

biitsu ビーツ beet, beets
rote Rüben

chikorii チコリーchicory
Cichorium intybus.

endaibu エンダイブ endive
andiibu アンデイーブ
Cichorium endivia

esharotto エシャロット echalote

hoosuradisshu ホースラディッシュ horseradish

radisshu ラディッシュ radish
small red radishes

riiki リーキ leek
originally from the Mediterranean region
Lauch (other than the Japanese negi types)

rubaabu ルバーブ rhubarb, ruubabu ルーバブ
Rheum rhaponticum

torebisu トレビス trevis
(from the town of Terviso in Italy)
a kind of red cabbage
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Chinese Vegetables

chingensai チンゲンサイ【青梗菜】
Brassica campestris L. var. chinensis
spinach-like vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

koosai 香菜、コウサイ kosai, Bean Scoops
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kuushinsai 空芯菜(くうしんさい)kushinsai, green leafy vegetable
often prepared stir-fried
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kikakugai yasai 規格外野菜 "vegetables outside the norm"
slightly round cucumbers
tomatoes of different shapes
and many more are now sold at local centers and supermarkets for about half the price. Especially in the summer of 2009, when much rain damaged the growth, they made their appearance.

CLICK here for PHOTOS !


Vegetables and Games 野菜かるた

Karuta games and other card games

okaeri yasai おかえりやさい recycled vegetables


Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures





..... WKD : Farmers Work in Winter

CLICK for more winter vegetables



Shun and Vegetables


Specialities of the Season (shun no mono)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


SHUN 旬 (しゅん) season, the best season for fresh food

shun no mono, 旬の物 specialities of the season, seasonal food
shun no aji, 旬の味 taste of the season
shun no mikaku 旬の味覚 seasonal delicacies

The most important part of washoku. It dates back to the time when no refrigerators were available.
shun is also the time when a vegetable (or something else) is "at its best" as a kigo for haiku, for example the ants in summer.

Most of the ingredients for cooking are also kigo.
See the World Kigo Database

CLICK for more photos CLICK for many more photos


Vegetables from a hothouse are found in the stores at any time of the year, they are never SHUN.

Vegetables of the season are full of the energy of the season, full of nutrition and vitamines and best for the human health. Vegetables produced on the free land have a lot more energy than those from the greenhouses.

In spring, the first sun givee new energy to the plants. Buds and first leaves of plants are eaten most often, like fuki no too or tara no me. (see mori no megumi)

In summer the energy circle is at it's hight. Most plants produce fruits and vegetables to eat, like cucumbers, eggplants or tomatoes.

In autumn, many grains and fruit or nuts from trees are harvested, like rice or persimmons. Natural energy tends to provide for the next generation already.

In winter, natural energy takes a rest. Now most of the roots of vegetables are eaten, like radish and turnips. They have a lot of fibers and are a great addition to the winterly nabe hodgepodge dishes.

Within each season, the FIRST hatsumono 初物 of something was also a great pleasure for the gourmets of Edo.
Ships would race to carry the first catch of bonitos, hatsugatsuo, hatsu gatsuo, to fetch a good price or bring it as a special present to the Shogun of Edo.
First rice or first tea of the season are also well known specialities.

Check the main
Washoku Saijiki
for more details about dishes with these seasonal ingredients.


Vegetables for Spring Cooking
asparagus, endomame beans, jagaimo potatoes, kyabetsu cabbage, nanohana mustard flowers, retasu lettuce and salads, tamanegi onions, udo Japanese spikenard and many more.

Vegetables for Summer Cooking
CLICK for more summer vegetableskyuuri cucumbers, mame-rui all kinds of beans, nasu eggplants, serori cellery, shishitoo hot peppers, shooga ginger, tomato, toomorokoshi corn, zucchini.
hyakka 万葉(ひゃっか)"onethousand leaves" manba, takana from Kagawa

Vegetables for Autumn Cooking
kabu turnips, kabocha pumpkin, kinoko ki no ko mushrooms, ninjin carrots, rakkasei peanuts, piiman paprica, satoimo sato-imo yam, satsumaimo satsuma-imo sweet potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, tororo-imo yamspotatoes and many other mushrooms.

Vegetables for Winter Cooking
CLICK for more photos daikon radish, hakusai Chinese cabbage, hoorenso spinach, karifurawaa cauliflower and broccoli, komatsuna, kyoosai Kyoto vegetables, naganegi leek, renkon lotus roots, shungiku garland chrysanthemums, yamaimo yama-imo yam and others.


YAM ... Dioscorea
is a genus of over 600 species of flowering plants in the family Dioscoreaceae, native throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. The vast majority of the species are tropical, with only a few species extending into temperate climates.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

yamaimo, yama imo, yama-imo 山芋
Dioscorea japonica
Japanese yam
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
yama no imo ヤマノイモ(山の芋)"root from the mountain"
There used to be about 13 different wild ones in the mountains of Japan.
They came to Japan via China as a cultivated plant. There are no wild ones.

They are the most popular, grown all year as "ichinen imo" 一年芋.
Also called "tokkuri imo" トックリイモ(徳利芋).
Jinenjo 自然薯(学名: Dioscorea japonica Thunb.)
In Okayama prefecture, Kibi Chuo Town, mochi are prepared with these roots.

Some special forms of yamaimo:
gingko leaf root, ichoo imo イチョウイモ(銀杏芋)because of the form.

These are also called "hands folded in Buddhist prayer" busshoo imo ブッショウイモ(仏掌芋).

In the Kanto area, they are called "Yamato imo" ヤマトイモ(大和芋).
Varieties are "tsukuneimo" ツクネイモ(つくね芋), "Tanba no imo" 丹波山の芋, Iseimo 伊勢芋.

nagaimo... 長芋(Dioscorea batatas Decne)

Yamaimo are used to make the slimy tororo, they are therefore also called
tororoimo, tororo imo とろろ芋、トロロ芋.
(Dioscorea opposita)

. Tororo jiru とろろ汁 (とろろじる)grated yam with miso bean paste soup  
and other autumn dishes

tokoro ところ【野老】 Japanese yam
Dioscorea tokoro
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
The roots of this plant are only edible after getting rid of the bitterness. It is eaten in some areas by the poor farmers.

more KIGO with yama-imo, Japanese YAM

propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago
of the yam

Jamswurzel, Yamswurzel

Matsuo Basho and haiku about TOKORO yam

. Yam dreaming . Australia  


The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
has traditionally been referred to as a "yam" in parts of the southern United States and Canada even though it is not part of the Dioscoreaceae family.
The word yam comes from Portuguese inhame or Spanish ñame, which both ultimately derive from the Wolof word nyam, meaning "to sample" or "taste"; in other African languages it can also mean "to eat", e.g. yamyam and nyama in Hausa.
The majority of the vegetable is composed of a much softer substance known as the "meat". This substance ranges in color from white or yellow to purple or pink in ripe yams.
Konnyaku belongs here too.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


satoimo, sato imo 里芋 taro

Colocasia esculenta
taro imo タロ芋

In German we have
Taro-Kartoffel sato-imo
Jamswurzel (Duden spelling), Yamswurzel, yama-imo
Süßkartoffel ist Satsumaimo.


the name derived from the Portugese, which introduced this vegetagle from Cambodia (カンボジア kambojia ... kaboja). The Chinese characters imply "a gourd that came from the south (Nagasaki)" 南瓜.

kabocha 南瓜 (かぼちゃ) pumpkin, squash


Cauliflower and Broccoli
Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Japanese name for cauliflower is hanayasai ハナヤサイ(花椰菜) flower vegetable or hanakanran ハナカンラン(花甘藍)flower cabbage, literally the German "Blumen Kohl". Or
花梛菜(はなはぼたん)hana habotan "Blumen-Pfingstrose" flower-peony. The second Chinese character 梛 is NAGI, Podocarpus nagi, Japanische Steineibe.

Broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica
Japanese name for broccoli: midori hanayasai ミドリハナヤサイ(緑花野菜)
green flower vegetable or flower vegetable hanayassai メハナヤサイ(芽花野菜)
Grown in Yamaguchi prefecture, a mix between broccoli and the chinese vegetable saishin 薄葉細辛Asiasarum sieboldii is called hanakkori はなっこりー and is sold since 2003.
A mixture of broccoli and cauliflower is called romanesuko ( ロマネスコromanesque) in Europe, but in Japan it is karikkorii カリッコリー.
Main growing areas are Saitama, Aichi, Hokkaido.

Both vegetables came to Jaan after the Meiji restauration in 1868, not only as a vegetable but as a flower to enjoy in the garden. After WWII it became more widespread as food in Japan, together with a wider influnece of Western food.

burokkori ブロッコリ broccoli
komohcihana yasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)"vegetable with a flower that has children"
kigo for all winter

Blumenkohl und Brokkoli


WKD : Radish (daikon) Rettich  
(Raphanus sativus L.)

nezumi daikon ねずみだいこん/ ねずみ大根 "rat radish, mouse radish"
from Shimabara. It has a very strong taste. They are quite small and thick.
Similar to Momoyama daikon.
Since 1695, this radish was mentioned as grown by farmers in a district called NEZUMI, Rat in Shinshuu and eaten with buckwheat noodles. 信州埴科郡坂城町中之条の鼠地区
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hatsuka daikon 二十日大根 ( はつかだいこん) "20 days old radish"
a fast-growing round and small radish. Comes in the colors red, yellow, purple and white. Originally from Europa, indroduced to Japan in the Meiji period. also called
radisshu ラディッシュ
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Shinshu-ji-daikon, Maesaka-daikon, Oyadakarami-daikon, Akaguchi-daikon, Daimon-daikon, Tatara-daikon, Togakusi-daikon, Wattera-daiokn わってら大根, Haibara-daikon, Maki-daikon, Kirehamatumoto-ji-daikon and more varieties.

Ueno-daikon 上野大根
Edo Yasai, Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜
Traditional vegetables of Edo

Dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 Traditional Japanese Vegetables


More vegetable kigo for All Winter

hakusai 白菜 (はくさい) chinese cabbage
ninjin 人参 (にんじん) carrots

early winter
kanchiku no ko 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ)
babmoo shoots in the cold
... 寒筍(かんたけのこ)



shishitoo ししとう【獅子唐】
small sweet green pepper

shishitoogarashi 獅子唐辛子
best in summer
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Fushimi toogarashi 伏見トウガラシ
Manganji toogarashi 万願寺トウガラシ
from Kyoto、both are rather sweet

taka no tsume 鷹の爪 "tallon of a hawk"
Evodiopanax innovans
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Togarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper


kinpira キンピラ simmered root vegetables

Worldwide use

jahreszeitliche Spezialitäten
Zutaten aus der Jahreszeit

Things found on the way


yawashiro kaze fuite karei no shun to naru

wind blows
over the rice seeldings ...
season for flounders

Ninomiya Miyo 二宮美代


ninjin o narabete okeba wakaru nari

when I arrange
the carrots side by side
I understand

Tokita Tomoya 鴇田智哉 (1969 - )


yamabie no donzoku kusuri gui no shun

in the middle of
cold winter mountains ...
season for medicinal food

Fujita Minoru 藤田美乗

source : 俳句例句データベース Japanese haiku about SHUN

kusurigui, "eating medicine" kigo for all winter

Related words
kulinarisch Augenschmauß

Daikon ... Radishes used in Temple Ceremonies

Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse

. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .

***** WASHOKU :
YASAI . Vegetable Saijiki



Yomogi mugwort



Mugwort (yomogi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All spring
***** Category: Humanity


Yomogi よもぎ (艾蓬, 蓬 ヨモギ) mugwort
Artemisia princeps

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Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort or common wormwood) is one of several species in the genus Artemisia with names containing mugwort. It is also occasionally known as Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood, or St. John's Plant (not to be confused with St John's wort). It is native to temperate Europe, Asia and northern Africa, but is also present in North America where it is an invasive weed. It is a very common plant growing on nitrogenous soils, like weedy and uncultivated areas, such as waste places and roadsides.

The leaves and buds, best picked shortly before the plant flowers in July to September, were used as a bitter flavoring agent to season fat, meat and fish. In Germany, known as Beifuß, it is mainly used to season goose, especially the roast goose traditionally eaten for Christmas. From the German, ancient use of a sprig of mugwort inserted into the goose cavity, comes the saying "goosed" or "is goosed".

Mugwort is also used in Korea and Japan to give festive rice cakes a greenish color. After the cherry trees bloom in Korea, hordes of bonneted grandmothers collect wild mugwort. It is a common seasoning in Korean soups and pancakes. Known as a blood cleanser, it is believed to have different medicinal properties depending on the region it is collected. In some regions, mugwort thins the blood, while in another region, it is proposed to have hallucigenic properties, leading to some bonneted grandmothers passing out from direct skin contact (dermal absorption) with the active chemicals. For this reason, Koreans also wear a silk sleeve when picking mugwort plants.

In the Middle Ages Mugwort was used as part of a herbal mixture called gruit, used in the flavoring of beer before the widespread introduction of hops. Once again, it is possible that drinkers of the beer were not only intoxicated from the beer, but also from the hallucinogenic properties of the plant.

In Korea, this herb is often used as a flavouring for soft ricecakes (called "sook-dok" or so-ok in current Korean common usage), soups, and other foods. Once cooked, the plant's hallucinogenic chemicals are neutralized.

The plant contains ethereal oils (such as cineole, or wormwood oil, and thujone), flavonoids, triterpenes, and coumarin derivatives. It was also used as an anthelminthic, so it is sometimes confused with wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). The plant, called nagadamni in Sanskrit, is used in Ayurveda for cardiac complaints as well as feelings of unease, unwellness and general malaise.

Mugwort is used in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in a pulverized and aged form called moxa from which we derive the English word 'moxy'.
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yomogi iro よもぎ色 the color YOMOGI

said to drive away evil spirits


kigo for all summer

natsu yomogi 夏蓬 (なつよもぎ) mugwort in summer
The plant has now grown large and deep green, the stem almost like a tree. It also has flowers now. It is considered quite a weed in many gardens, because of its abundant grow.
The following expression derives from this growth

hoohoo 蓬々, 蓬蓬 growing abundantly

The leaves have small white hair. They are dried and used for moxabustion herbs.

. Moxabustion (mogusa, o-kyuu) and kigo .


Some uses of mugwort

yomogi shanpuu よもぎシャンプー shampoo with mugwort
yomogimizu よもぎ水 mugwort lotion


Yomogi dishes よもぎ料理 yomogi ryoori

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Boil and rinse well before use.
Used for mochi ricecakes, with seseme dressing or raw in tempura.

yomogicha よもぎ茶 tea from dried mugwort leaves
about 3 to 5 g for one cup
speciality of Niigata
can also be used in your bathtub.
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yomogipan, yomogi pan よもぎパン bread with mugwort
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yomogi zenzai よもぎぜんざい with sweet bean paste
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Echi no Goshiki Mochi 越の五色餅
Mochi in five colors, from Echi (Echizen/Echigo)
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Kusa mochi, yomogi mochi よもぎ餅 is a green variety of mochi flavored with yomogi (mugwort).
yomogi dango よもぎ団子(くさもち kusamochi)
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sasakomochi, sasako mochi 笹子もち mochi with yomogi and sweet beanpaste
When they get old and hard, they can be grilled to soften.

WASHOKU : Mochi Rice Dumplings

kankoromochi kankoro mochi かんころもち(甘古呂餅)
speciality of Goto Retto Islands, off Nagasaki
These mochi are not so hard and have a green color.
yomogi or sesame was also added to the mix.
WASHOKU : kankoro かんころ 甘古呂 dishes with sweet potatoes

In Aomori at Osorezan, there is soft ice cream with yomogi (mugwort). It looks quite green and delicious.
Summer Drinks as Kigo

Momotaro Nabe 桃太郎鍋 hodgepodge from Okayama
The red demon is represented by mochi with red rice, whereas the green demon has yomogi mugwort mochi.
Okayama ... Momotaro Nabe

kusudama 薬玉 クスダマ
(kusuridama) yomogi as medicine
food with yomogi mugwort

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Yomogi Manju with Daruma san

From Kawasaki Daishi

. Kawasaki Daishi and Kukai Kobo Daishi 川崎大師 .


kaisan no aida ni furusato ya yomogi-mochi

between sea and mountains
there is my homeland !
rural ricecakes

Matsumoto Yachiyo

yomogi-mochi are special rice cakes made from mugwort and provoke a feeling of homeland and mother's cooking.
Furusato and Haiku

. . . CLICK here for yomogi ricecake Photos !

Related words

WASHOKU : Mori no Megumi
Food from the Bountiful Woods




Wasabi green horseradish



Japanese Horseradish (wasabi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below.
***** Category: Humanity


Wasabi, Japanese horseradish

green horseradish

和佐比, わさび,ワサビ, 山葵
Wasabia japonica , Cochlearia wasabi, or Eutrema japonica
kigo see below

Few places are suitable for large-scale wasabi cultivation, and cultivation is difficult even in ideal conditions, because it needs extremely clear water
In Japan, wasabi is cultivated mainly in these areas with plenty of good water:

Izu peninsula, Shizuoka prefecture
Iwate prefecture
Nagano prefecture
Shimane prefecture
Yamanashi prefecture

The word, in the form 和佐比, first appeared in 918 in
The Japanese Names of Medical Herbs (本草和名 Honzō Wamyō, honzoo wamyoo).
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Water quality is vital for mizu wasabi (water horseradish), which grows in running water. The three necessary conditions require the water to be so clean that iwana (char) and yamame (landlocked salmon) can live in it, to be plentiful, and to have a temperature from 8 to 18 centigrade all year round.

In Kansai, wasabi is cultivated in Kakumagi, Wakayama Prefecture, where wasabi is presumed to have originated, and in Azai Town in Shiga Prefecture's Kohoku area around the northern part of Lake Biwa, both noted for their water. Wasabi sushi, in which rice and salted mackerel are rolled in a wasabi leaf, is a famous product of Shimizu Town in Wakayama.
source :  www.kippo.or.jp



Daio Wasabi Farm 山葵園 Wasabi-En

The Daioo Wasabi Farm lies in the peaceful outskirts of Hotaka town and is recognised as the largest such farm in Japan. Founded in 1915, the farm has enjoyed a long history throughout the years that has even seen it featured in the 1990 film Dreams, directed by the internationally acclaimed director Akira Kurosawa. The quaint watermills that were especially constructed for the film remain in the farm today, and can be best viewed by taking one the special raft-tours that are available throughout the spring and summer months.

While the Daio Wasabi Farm has long been a favourite of Japanese tourists for its picturesque beauty, the farm is also notable for the wide-array of culinary delights offered by its restaurants and shops. Visitors can try traditional staples such as wasabi soba (buckwheat noodles, a local speciality) and wasabi tempura (deep-fried prawns and vegetables), to the slightly less conventional likes of wasabi ice-cream and wasabi wine - surprisingly delicious, despite their rather strange sounding taste!
source : www.azumino-e-tabi.net

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wasabida 山葵田 wasabi fields

for examle in 安曇野 Azumino, Nagano pref.


wasabi to jooruri wa naite homeru

wasabi and Joruri puppet theater recitation are praized with your tears.

Good wasabi is so hot you start to cry.
Good bunraku theater performance is so sad that you cry.

Wasabi und den Begleitgesang beim Puppentheater lobt man durch Tränen.

wasabi wa kowai kao de orose

Wasabi muss man mit einem ernsten Gesicht reiben.
this means
you should do it strongly and seriously to get the pungent ingredient アリルインチオシアネートout of the root. So you have to keep grinding more and more in a good circle to prepare a good wasabi.

sushi no karami wa wasabi ni kagiru

a spicy sushi is best made with wasabi

wasabi is called namida なみだ in the sushi shops, meaning "tears".


CLICK for more photos If you want your sushi without wasabi, ask for

sabinuki さびぬき (さび抜き).


Station lunchbox from Numazu, Shizuoka

Minato Ajizushi Bento

Sushi from horse mackerel with wasabi
A piece of fresh wasabi is added to the bento, with a tiny green grinder for extra fresh flavor!


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wasabi matsuri わさびまつり wasabi festival

in Izu Town 伊豆市地蔵堂

the pungent ingredient is ariru karashi abura アリルからし油


wasabi ryoori わさび料理 wasabi dishes
from the area of Nikko


wasabizuke わさび漬け(山葵漬け pickled wasabi
perpared with the stem and leaves of the plant and seke lees. A bit of sugar can be added.

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Memorial stone for wasabizuke, which originated in Shizuoka
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This is a kind of hot sidedish with many types of fish. It is said to prevent stomach upset in the summer season. The easiest preparation is with sugar and vinegar, but there are regional recipies for the mix, mostly with sake lees.
It is a favorite regional souvenir.
. wasabi - spring Kigo .   

In Yamanashi, best from Kosuge village 小菅村, proud of its clean water.
. Washoku - Yamanashi Prefecture .   


from my neighbourhood souvenir store

wasabi arare わさびあられ rice crackers
255 wasabi arare crackers

wasabi senbei わさびせんべい small crackers
254 wasabe senbei

Wasabi from Noboribetsu, Hokkaido 登別のわさび

from Izu Peninsula :

wasabi daifuku わさび大福 dumplings with sweet bean paste and a bit of ground wasabi in the middle
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tempura from fresh wasabi leaves
crackers with cream cheese and a tip of ground wasabi

Worldwide use

Japanischer Meerrettich

Normaler weisser Meerrettich ist yamawasabi

Things found on the way

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yamawasabi 山わさび normal white horseradish,
grown in Hokkaido, indroduced by the Europeans.
北海道の山わさび, lit. "mountain horseradish"

temaki yamawasabi kappa
hand-wrapped cucumber rolls with wild wasabi


kigo for late spring
wasabi 山葵田(わさびだ) field with wasabi
wasabizawa 山葵沢(わさびざわ)creek with wasabi
hawasabi 葉山葵(はわさび)leaf-wasabi
tsuchi wasabi 土山葵(つちわさび)wasabi in the earth
hata wasabi 畑山葵(はたわさび)wasabi in the field

shiro wasabi 白山葵(しろわさび)white wasabi
aokuki wasabi 青茎山葵(あおくきわさび)
wasabi with a green stem
akakuki wasabi 赤茎山葵(あかくきわさび)
wasabi with a red stem

kigo for mid-spring
wasabizuke 山葵漬 (わさびづけ)

kigo for early summer
wasabi no hana 山葵の花 flowers of wasabi
CLICK for more photos

They are rather small, but a whole field in bloom is quite a sight.

taki kara no mizu ni wasabi ga hikishimari

in the water
from the waterfall wasabi becomes
all tough and strong

Shibuya Shiori 渋谷志をり

wasabida o nozokeba utsuru hito no kao   

peeking into
a wasabi field it reflects
the human face

Kiuchi Shiyuu 木内紫幽 (しゆう)



山葵漬 長子は 父を敬遠す          

Related words




Yomena Starwort


Starwort leaves cooked with rice (yomenameshi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-spring
***** Category: Humanity


cooked rice with starwort leaves, yomena meshi
嫁菜飯 (よめなめし)

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lit. it means "plant of the daughter in law"

yomena 嫁菜 (よめな ) starwort
a kind of starwort, a kind of wild aster.
Aster yomena. Kalimeris yomena

yomena tsumu 嫁菜摘む(よめなつむ)picking starwort
ubagi 莵芽木(うばぎ)、ohagi 薺蒿(おはぎ)
yomegahagi よめがはぎ、hagina はぎな

Stellaria media, Caryophyllaceae
. Michaelmas Daisy .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


sedo chikaku tsunde motenasu yomena meshi

I pick them close to the back door 
and prepare food for visitors ...
starwort cooked rice  

Uemura Toshiko 上村とし子
Tr. Gabi Greve


takiagete usuki midori ya yomena meshi

when finally cooked
they look soft green ...
starwort in cooked rice

Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女
Tr. Gabi Greve


a small universe
delivers my rice's companion...
starwort leaves

Heike Gewi

Related words

kigo for mid-autumn

***** yomena no hana 嫁菜の花 (よめなのはな)
starwort flowers

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kigo for mid-summer

nomi no fusuma 蚤の衾 (のみのふすま) "pillow for fleas"
bog chickweed
Stellaria alsine

It grows wild on the azemichi paths between rice paddies. Its flowering period is quite long, from April to October. Its small leaves look like a nice cushion for the fleas.


. Nogiku, wild asters  



Toogarashi red pepper


Red pepper (toogarashi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: see below
***** Category: Plant


CLICK for many more red photos

kigo for all autumn

toogarashi 唐辛子 (とうがらし) red pepper, hot pepper
Capsicum annuum, roter Pfeffer, dried chili pepper
..... 唐辛(とうがらし)、..... 蕃椒(とうがらし)

nanban 南蛮(なんばん)、nanban koshoo 南蛮胡椒(なんばんこしょう)
pepper from the "Southern Barbarians" (the first Europeans coming in via Nagasaki around 1605)

koorai koshoo 高麗胡椒(こうらいこしょう)pepper from Koorai-Korea

tenjumori 天井守(てんじょうもり)kind of red pepper
tenjiku mori 天竺まもり(てんじくまもり)
sagari さがり
This is a kind with a straight stem and many fruits on it like a tussle, so it is also called "yatsubusa" 八房(やつぶさ)"with eight tussles".
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taka no tsume 鷹の爪(たかのつめ)red pepper "like the claw of a hawk"
Evodiopanax innovans
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..... Fushimi toogarashi 伏見唐辛子 Kyoto speciality from the Fushimi area
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..... Manganji toogarashi 万願寺唐辛子 Kyoto speciality from temple Manganji
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and from these areas in Kyoto Tanaka 田中. Yamashina 山科. Takagamine 鷹ヶ峰
Shichimiya Honpo 七味家本舗(しちみやほんぽ), since 1655 is a dealer in Kyoto, close to the temple Kiyomizudera.


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piiman ピーマン green sweet pepper, pimiento, pimento
Capsicum annuum L. var. angulosum, bell pepper
The large variety is called
janboo piiman ジャンボピーマン jumbo green pepper

karaa piiman カラーピーマ colorful bellpeppers
The green variety is usually harvested when still unripe and becomes a red, yellow, purple or orange variety.
Green bell pepper is very rich in vitamin C.
It has been eaten in Japan since the 1950s.
Grown in Miyazaki prefecture.
It is eaten in salads, grilled on a net, fried in the pan with other vegetables, put in soup, cut small for fried rice, put in vinegar for pickles. Western style as ラタトゥイユ Ratatouille or ピペラード piperade.

Hasaki piiman 波崎ピーマン from Hasaki town
This town 波崎町 in Ibaraki grows the most piiman in Japan.

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Shimajiri piiman 具志頭ピーマン - from Shimajiri town, Okinawa

Yaese piiman 八重瀬ピーマン - from Yaese town, Okinawa



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..... shishitoo, shishito ししとう / 獅子唐
small sweet green pepper
Spanischer Pfeffer; Capsicum annuum var. angulosum.
They are often serves on skewers, slightyl grilled and salted, at a yakitoria restaurant.
There are various varieties cultivated during the Edo period. Since the end of this pepper reminded the Japanese of the head of a lion mask, it got this name "lion dans mask pepper".
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There are also plants with five different colors on one
goshiki toogarashi 五色唐辛子
They are used as decorative garden plants.
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kigo for mid-autumn

ha toogarashi 葉唐辛子 (はとうがらし)
leaves of the red pepper
They are used for tsukudani boiling with sweet soy sauce.
You can make it yourself or by a bottle in the supermarket.
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kigo for mid-summer

toogarashi no hana 唐辛子の花 (とうがらしのはな)
flowers/blossoms of the red pepper

..... 蕃椒の花(とうがらしのはな)
They are small and white.
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kigo for late summer

aotoogarashi, ao toogarashi 青唐辛子 (あおとうがらし) green fruit of the red pepper
..... 青蕃椒(あおとうがらし)
ha toogarashi 葉唐辛(はとうがらし) red pepper leaves


The following are NOT KIGO.

CLICK for original LINK
© PHOTO : shobo-an

shichimi toogarashi しちみとうがらし【七味唐辛子】
shichimi togarashi, nanami toogarashi, nanami togarashi
"seven flavors and red pepper"

seven flavor chili pepper
ground mix of red pepper and other aromatic spices
pepper blend with seven spices, spice mixture with seven ingredients

Also named Yagenbori 薬研堀 / やげん堀 after a canal street where the first dealers in Edo lived.

The most commonly mixed spices are in the colors of a rainbow, and you can ask a specialized shop to have your own mixture

asa no mi あさのみ【麻の実】 hemp seed (gray, grey)
aonori あおのり【青海苔】 green seaweed (green)
keshi no mi けしのみ【芥子の実】poppy seed (beige)
kuro koshoo くろこしょう【黒胡椒】black pepper (black)
sanshoo さんしょう【山椒】mountain pepper (moss green)
shiro koshoo しろこしょう【白胡椒】white pepper (beige)

shooga しょうが【生姜】ginger
fresh red pepper (orange)
unshuu mikan うんしゅうみかん【温州蜜柑】 mandarin orange peel (yellow)
roasted red pepper (brown)
kuro goma くろごま【黒胡麻】black sesame seed (black)
shiso しそ【紫蘇】 perilla
yuzu ゆず【柚/柚子】yuzu citron peel (from Citrus junos)

It is used in soups, for noodles and many other dishes.

CLICK for more You can buy it in a hyootan gourd-shaped container like this one.
Or in a glass bottle like other spices. Some come in a bamboo container or in a little barrel (taru).

Sieben-Gewürz-Pulver, Sieben-Gewürz-Mischung

shichimi toogarashi mentaiko 七味唐辛子明太子
fish roe with red pepper spice mixture
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hachimi toogarashi 八味とうがらし, 八味唐辛子
hot pepper mix with eight ingredients
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ichimi toogarashi 一味唐辛子 ground red chili pepper
"only one flavor"
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. nanairo toogarashi 七色唐辛子
chili pepper with seven colors .

One of them is orange from the peels of Fukure Mikan ふくれみかん / 福来(ふくれ)みかん
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speciality of the Mount Tsukuba area 筑波山, Ibaraki


Yagenbori 薬研堀 "Yagen Canal" in Edo

CLICK for more photos Yagen is a chemist's or doctor's mortar form which is like a V, deep and small, to crush medicine. The canals in Edo were often in this form.

Yagen Shichimi Togarashi
Yagenbori in Edo is in Asakusa, an old center of entertainment.
A medicine dealer of the area (Yagenbori Shichimi Togarashi), more than 400 years ago, began to mix these ingredients to serve as condiments to go with noodles and other Edo food. It can be mixed to be very hot, medium or rather mild.


CLICK for more YAGEN photos
Yagen red pepper containers

. Doctors in Edo .
Many doctors lived at a moat named after the mortar to prepare medicine, called Yagenbori 薬研堀 in Edo.
東京都中央区東日本橋 Now in Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo ward

Some of their homes had various exits for the patient to come and go unnoticed.

orosu koto mottomo shigoku Yagenbori

is most extremely done
at Yagenbori moat


Yagenbori Fudo Myo-O 薬研堀不動明王
Gofunai Henro Temple Nr. 23

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
Nr. 23 - 薬研堀不動院 Yagenbori Fudo-In
- 川崎大師東京別院 Kawasaki Daishi Tokyo Betsu-In
中央区東日本橋2-6-8 / 2 Chome-6-8 Higashinihonbashi, Chūō ward


Tochigi Santaka 栃木三鷹 "three hawk talons" from Tochigi
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From Otawara village 大田原

It is harvested by pulling out including the roots, then hang with the roots to dry under a plastic roof for two months. Next each talon is picked by hand, one picker woman can do about five kilos a day. The local shops make different kinds of food from this chilies.

toogarashi raamen 唐辛子ラーメン chillies noodle soup
chillies are added to the dough for the noodles too, so they look rather red.

ebichiri toogarashi pan エビチリとうがらしパン bread with a filling of shrimps in hot sauce
the dough for the bread includes chillies too.

choppiri チョッピリ chocolate with red hot peppers
choppiri yookan チョッピリ羊羹 yookan paste with red peppers

also sold in a set with five flavors of yookan bean paste like blueberry and green tea, salty and yuzu citrons.
(orijinaru hitokuchi yookan オリジナル一口ようかん) in memory of the brave archer warrior
Nasu no Yooichi 那須与一 (Nasu no Yoichi)
Nasu no Yoichi (1169 - 1232)

Things found on the way

Daruma Mascot and Hot Pepper Miyuki Chan
Hot Pepper だるま マクコット


The TOO 唐 in Toogarashi refers to Tang-China,
but can also simply mean any foreigner in Japan during the Edo period.


. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

Red Pepper to ward off insects to chew on the hina dolls when they are packed away during the rest of the year. Also with the wish that no "bad insects" (male friends) will hang around and harm the little girl as it grows up.
They should ward off evil influence of all kinds.


akatonboo hane o tottara toogarashi

red dragonfly -
when you take the wings off
it is just a red pepper

Takarai Kikaku ・【宝井基角】(たからい・きかく)
With a reply from Matsuo Basho
Dragonfly and Haiku


青くても 有るべきものを 唐辛子
aokute mo aru beki mono o toogarashi

green was just right
and yet now it's
a red pepper

Tr. Barnhill

to have stayed green -
the pepper

Tr. Addiss

Written in 1692. 元禄5年9月
At a meeting with his disciple Shadoo 洒堂 Shado coming to Edo to visit his Basho-An in Fukagawa. He wanted to praise his student, but still ...

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
with more toogarashi haiku

. Shadoo 洒堂 Shado - - Hamada Chinseki 浜田珍夕/珍碩 .


moyuru ma ga inochi onna to toogarashi

burning red hot
when alive ... a woman
and red pepper

Mitsuhashi Takajo 三橋鷹女


long fingers of heat
reaching into winter

a lot of people used to hand these in bunches to dry for use in the winter when a little bit of heat in the food helps warm the insides.

Brenda Roberts
. WKD ... on FACEBOOK . June 2009


red hot pepper -
another fight over
Indian curry

Gabi Greve
my husband likes it REALY HOT !

Related words

Mountain pepper (sanshoo, sansho) Japan

***** WASHOKU :


- #togarashi #redpepper #yagenbori -