Showing posts with label SAIJIKI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAIJIKI. Show all posts




The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki



Vegetables of Winter ... fuyu no yasai 冬の野菜

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Plants


The Haiku WINTER starts on November 7, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

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fuyu yasai 冬野菜


Early Winter

bamboo shoots in the cold 寒竹の子 (かんちくのこ) kanchiku no ko
kan take no ko 寒筍(かんたけのこ)
more about
take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts in Spring


lotus root, digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
... hasune horu 蓮根掘る
... hasu hori 蓮堀(はすほり)digging for lotus (root)

. renkon 蓮根 lotus root  
regional dishes with lotus root 

karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus root stuffed with hot japanese mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard / Kumamoto

Lotoswurzel mit Senfpaste gefuellt

karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス Karashi Renkon Chips
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town, Kurashiki
The fields are dried first, then each lotus is carefully pulled out.


pokeroot, pokeweed 山牛蒡 (やまごぼう) yamagoboo
azami goboo 薊牛蒡(あざみごぼう)
Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

red cabbage 紫甘藍 (むらさきかんらん) murasaki kanran
murasaki kyabetsu 初冬 紫キャベツ(むらさききゃべつ)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !



spikenard in the cold 寒独活 (かんうど) kan udo
... kanudo 寒土当帰(かんうど)
Aralia cordata Thunb
more about Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
"mountain asparagus" in the cold


Late Winter


All Winter

aroe no hana アロエの花 aloe blossoms Aloe vera in bloom
and related food

broccoli ブロッコリ burokkori
komochi hanayasai 子持花椰菜(こもちはなやさい)
Brokoli, Brokkoli

Brussels sprouts 芽キャベツ (めきゃべつ) me kyabetsu
komochi kanran 子持甘藍(こもちかんらん)
hime kanran 姫甘藍(ひめかんらん)
hime kyabetsu 姫キャベツ(ひめきゃべつ)

white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, napa 白菜 (はくさい) hakusai
hakusaizuke 白菜漬(はくさいづけ) pickled cabbage
another word is KANRAN 甘藍
Brassica pekinensis
Often used for nabemono hodgepodge.
Had been introduced during the Meiji period from China to Japan.
They get sweeter in taste when they have some very cold nights.
in Korea, it is prepared into Kimchee (Kimchi, kimuchi キムチ).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


carrots 人参 ( にんじん) ninjin

They were called after the "Korean carrots" koorai ninjin, the ginseng roots, which where known in Japan before the carrots were introduced in the 16th century. The species cultivated today have been introduced since the Meiji period.
. . kintoki ninjin 金時にんじん / 金時人参 "Kintoki" carrots
They have been cultivated in Japan in the Edo period. They are red and not orange. When used raw, they give a "red and white" (koohaku 紅白) auspicious touch to food. They are used for New Year Food.
Sometimes also called "Carrots from Kyoto" kyoo ninjin 京人参. 
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

They can be cut in beautiful plum blossom forms.
nejiri ume ねじり梅 "twisted plum blossoms"

Until the 17th century, all carrots were purple.
Now you can choose to eat orange, red, yellow or white ones too!

source : Interesting Facts, facebook

now we know
the true colors of carrots -
curry for tonight

Gabi Greve


cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)

cellory セロリ serori
seruki セルリ、oranda mitsuba オランダ三葉(おらんだみつば)

dropwort in winter 冬芹(ふゆぜり) fuyuzeri
kanzeri 寒芹 (かんぜり) dropwort in the cold

horse radish 山葵大根 (わさびだいこん) wasabi daikon
Ainu wasabi アイヌ山葵(あいぬわさび)
yamawasabi やまわさび horseradish / Hokkaido


leafy vegetables in winter 冬菜 (ふゆな)
fuyu na

hana 葉菜(はな),
kabu na, kabuna かぶ菜(かぶな)leaves of turnips
suzuna 菘(すずな)leaves of turnips (also one of the seven herbs of spring)
aona 蔓菁(あおな), matsuna まつ菜(まつな)、
aburana 油菜(あぶらな) colza, Brassica campestris
... toona 唐菜(とうな)
... tsukena 漬菜(つけな)pickled leaves
... yudena ゆで菜(ゆでな)boiled leaves
. "oil flowers" abura na, aburana 油菜 .
- another name for : na no hana 菜の花, rapeseed blossoms, rapeseed flower

Mikawajima na 三河島菜(みかわじまな)
Mikawajima is a place in Centrla Tokyo

komatsuna 小松菜(こまつな)
Brassica campestris
contains a lot of calcium.
It is not bitter like spinach and often used to feed children.

taina 体菜(たいな)、shakuna 杓子菜(しゃくしな)、sajina 匙菜(さじな)
Hoteina 布袋菜(ほていな)"leaf like Hotei" (God of Good Luck)

Hino na 日野菜(ひのな)from Hino
Hiroshima na 広島菜(ひろしまな)from Hiroshima
Nozawana, Nozawa na 野沢菜(のざわな)from Nozawa
Inekogi na 稲核菜(いねこきな)

katsuo na 鰹菜(かつおな)、shinobu na 信夫菜(しのぶな)

obazuke おはづけ、taguchi na 田口菜(たぐちな)
yuki na 雪菜(ゆきな)vegetable leaves in snow
suiguki na すいぐき菜(すいぐきな)
hi no na 緋の菜(ひのな)scarlet vegetable leave

fuyuna batake 冬菜畑(ふゆなばた)
field of leafy winter vegetables

fuyuna uri 冬菜売(ふゆなうり)
vendor of leafy winter vegetables

na arau 菜洗う(なあらう)washing leafy vegetables
na kuzu 菜屑(なくず)left-overs

fuyuna meshi 冬菜飯(ふゆなめし)
cooked rice with leafy winter vegetables


Leek 葱 (ねぎ) naganegi
Lauch, Porree

lily bulbs
yurine ゆり根 百合根 bulbs of lilies, lily bulb Hokkaido
Lilium leichtlinii Hook.
ko oniyuri こおにゆり【小鬼百合】
The name comes from the many parts that form the bulb, like "100 meetings, yuri" 百合.


Radish 大根 daikon, big radish
Raphanus sativas
In the Zen sect, daikon also represents Shakyamuni Buddha.
One of the most important winter vegetables.

more RADISH kigo

Takuan daiko 沢庵大根(たくあんだいこ)
hoshi daiko 干大根(ほしだいこ)
Miyashige daikon 宮重大根(みやしげだいこん)、
aokubi daikon 青首大根(あおくびだいこん)、
Oowari daikon 尾張大根(おわりだいこん)、
Miura daikon 三浦大根(みうらだいこん)、
Nerima daikon 練馬大根(ねりまだいこん)、
Teraoo daikon 寺尾大根(てらおだいこん)、
risoo daikon 理想大根(りそうだいこん)、
Nishimachi daikon 西町大根(にしまちだいこん)、
Hooryoo daikon 方領大根(ほうりょうだいこん)、
Horie daikon 堀江大根(ほりえだいこん)、
Misono daikon 御園大根(みそのだいこん)、
Narutaki daikon 鳴滝大根(なるたきだいこん)、
Momoyama daikon 桃山大根(ももやまだいこん)、
Akita daikon 秋田大根(あきただいこん)、
Akasuji daikon 赤筋大根(あかすじだいこん)、
Shoogo-in daikon 聖護院大根(しょうごいんだいこん)

Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke pickles in Kyoto.

Kuramaguchi daikon 鞍馬口大根(くらまぐちだいこん)、
Moriguchi daikon 守口大根(もりぐちだいこん)、
Nezumi daikon 鼠大根(ねずみだいこん)、
Ibukiyama daikon 伊吹山大根(いぶきやまだいこん)、
Tokkuri daikon 徳利大根(とくりだいこん)、

Uguro daikon うぐろ大根(うぐろだいこん)、
karami dakion 辛味大根(からみだいこん)、
ike daikon 埋大根(いけだいこ)、
kakoi dakion 囲大根(かこいだいこ)、
senroppon 千六本(せんろっぽん)、

sengiri せん切(せんぎり)、aone おおね、daiko だいこ、
tsuchi daiko 土大根(つちだいこ)、

daikon batake 大根畑(だいこんばたけ) field with radishes

daikon doki 大根時(だいこんどき) time for radishes

daikojiru 大根汁(だいこじる) radish soup
daiko oroshi, daikon oroshi
大根おろし(だいこおろし)grated radish

Takuanzuke 沢庵漬(たくあんづけ)

daiko ichi 大根市(だいこいち)market selling radish

daiko uri 大根売(だいこうり)vendor of radish

Onnayama daikon 女山大根 radish from Onnayama, Saga pref. Kyushu
Its outside is red and so it makes a lovely dish for the new year.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Onnayama daikon aisu 女山大根アイス icecream

janbo daikon ジャンボ大根
all-Japan festival for jumbo daikon radishes ! 39,4 kilogram !


taro like a shrimp 海老芋 (えびいも) ebi imo, ebi-imo
... 蝦芋(えびいも)
Kyoo imo 京芋(きょういも) potato from Kyoto
grown near the temple Toji.
Used for the famous dish "potato on a stick" imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


turnips 蕪 ( かぶ) kabu

aona 菘(あおな)、suzuna すずな、kaburana かぶらな、suwari kabu 据り蕪(すわりかぶ)、
oomi kabu 近江蕪(おうみかぶ)、Shoogo-In kabu 聖護院蕪(しょうごいんかぶ)、
Oowari kabu 尾張蕪(おわりかぶ)、
Hino kabu 日野蕪(ひのかぶ)、Yorii-Kabu 寄居蕪(よりいかぶ)、Tsuta kabu 津田蕪(つたかぶ)(they have red outside and white inside)、Hakata kabu 博多蕪(はかたかぶ)、Atsumi kabu 温海蕪(あつみかぶ)

. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka .

kokabu 小蕪(こかぶ) small trunips
oono akakabu 大野赤蕪(おおのあかかぶ)turnips with red outside, from Ono

ookabura 大蕪(おおかぶ)big turnips
Kabura 蕪菁(かぶら)
kabura hiku かぶら引く(かぶらひく)picking turnips

kabura hosu かぶら干す(かぶらほす)drying turnips
hoshi kabura 干蕪(ほしかぶ)dried turnips

kaburajiru 蕪汁(かぶらじる)miso soup with turnips
kabura mushi 蕪蒸(かぶらむし)steamed turnips
kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi

MORE kabura turnip dishes

Shoogo-in kabu 聖護院蕪 turnips from Temple Shoogo-In
rather sweet and juicy, made into senmaizuke せんまいづけ 千枚漬 pickles in Kyoto.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


New Year

Chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot
Stachys affinis, Stachys sieboldii
It looks a bit like a silkworm.
It is supposed to give a special impetus to your brain function.
Chinese artichoke, crosne, artichoke betony
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Knollenziest, Stachysknöllchen


Vegetables as a TOPIC for Haiku

aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke
Cynara scolymus
Artischoke, Artischocke

gooya ゴーヤ bitter gourd Okinawa. Goya.
They are also eaten in summer to get rid of the summer tiredness (natsubate).
Momordica charantia
bittere Gurke

kikuimo, 菊芋 Jerusalem artichoke
Heliantus tuberosus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Topinambur. Erdbirne

Things found on the way


冬野菜 ほうれんそうよ よく育て
fuyu yasai hoorensoo yo yoku sodate

winter vegetables -
dear spinach, please,
grow well

source : mobeji
spinach is a spring kigo


first date -
he snickers at the broccoli
between my teeth

Melinda Hipple

a green smile
spreads across her face-
spinach for lunch

Claudia Cadwell

source : My Facebook Friends May 2009


Western Vegetables
not native to Japan, most are NOT yet KIGO

aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Artichoke, kigo for all summer

biitsu ビーツ beet, beets
rote Rüben

chikorii チコリーchicory
Cichorium intybus.

endaibu エンダイブ endive
andiibu アンデイーブ
Cichorium endivia

esharotto エシャロット echalote

hoosuradisshu ホースラディッシュ horseradish

radisshu ラディッシュ radish
small red radishes

riiki リーキ leek
originally from the Mediterranean region
Lauch (other than the Japanese negi types)

rubaabu ルバーブ rhubarb, ruubabu ルーバブ
Rheum rhaponticum

torebisu トレビス trevis
(from the town of Terviso in Italy)
a kind of red cabbage
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Chinese Vegetables

chingensai チンゲンサイ【青梗菜】
Brassica campestris L. var. chinensis
spinach-like vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

koosai 香菜、コウサイ kosai, Bean Scoops
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kuushinsai 空芯菜(くうしんさい)kushinsai, green leafy vegetable
often prepared stir-fried
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kikakugai yasai 規格外野菜 "vegetables outside the norm"
slightly round cucumbers
tomatoes of different shapes
and many more are now sold at local centers and supermarkets for about half the price. Especially in the summer of 2009, when much rain damaged the growth, they made their appearance.

CLICK here for PHOTOS !


Vegetables and Games 野菜かるた

Karuta games and other card games

okaeri yasai おかえりやさい recycled vegetables


Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures





..... WKD : Farmers Work in Winter

CLICK for more winter vegetables



Ni Ku ... February 9 and MEAT


Day of Meat (niku no hi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Humanity


NI means 2, February
KU means 9, day number 9 of the month

NIKU also means MEAT in Japanese 肉 (にく)

niku no hi 肉の日 (にくのひ) day of meat
February 9 2月9日

English Reference


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The 29 of each month is also a "small NI KU" day of the meat.

CLICK here for PHOTOS !

uruo niku no hi 閏肉の日(日本)"leap day of meat"
2月29日 February 29
the most special day of meat, every 4 years only.
Last in 2008

yooniku 羊肉の日(日本)yooniku no hi
April 29, Day of mutton and lamb meat in Japan

Most supermarkets offer a lot of cheap meat on these days.


The custom of eating meat from four-legged animals in Japan, especially beef, became more popular after the Meiji restauration.
Buddhists are not allowed to eat meat of animals with four legs.
Before modern times, beef was not eaten, only the hides of cows were used for drums and other items. But the meat of killed animals was a waste of food, so it was turned into a kind of "medicine" 薬食 and eaten by the rich.

The daimyo of Hikone Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 had meat from Omi cows  近江牛 prepared as misozuke, pickled in miso paste, and send it to Edo to the Tokugawa Shogun, especially also to Nariaki of Mito 水戸斉昭.
Nariaki even wrote a letter to thank for the meat.
Original from ...
徳川斉昭書状別紙, 嘉永元年(1848年)12月

The beef from Hikone was also dried in the cold 「寒」の干牛肉 during the coldest month of January and then eaten as "medicine".
When Ii Naosuke was killed in the Sakuradamon incident on March 24, 1860, by a group of samurai from Mito, the shipments to Mito Tokugawa Nariaki stopped and Nariaki was quite unhappy about this turn of events.

. Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 and 桜田門 Sakuradamon .

In Edo, meat was offered at the market of Kojimachi 麹町.
chiku 畜 referred to four-legged animals that should not be eaten by Buddhists and kin 禽 referred two-legged animals, birds to be eaten.

. kajikibashi 鹿食箸 chopstsicks to eat "mountain meat"  
from Suwa Shrine, Nagano
Meat from four-legged animals was not allowed for the pious Buddhist to eat and also not approved in Shinto. But there were exceptions, especially for ill people and for the poor mountain villages and hunter areas, since the Heian period.


Bikuni Bridge in Snow - Utagawa Hiroshige - with a signboard for
yamakujira 山くじら wild boar
advertising for for the dealer Owariya 尾張屋, who also served dishes with wild boar meat.

momonjiya ももんじ屋 ・百獣屋 
selling meat "from one-hundred wild animals" in Edo

kedamonoya 獣屋 dealers in wild animals
yamaokuya 山奥屋 dealers with stuff from the far-away mountains
kusuriguiho 薬食舗 restaurant serving "medicine" meat

momonji referes to the meat of wild animals, like wild boar, deer or tanuki badgers.
The first momonjiya shop in Edo was most probably the Kooshuuya 甲州屋 Koshuya in Koojimachi 麹町 Kojimachi.

A senryu refers to this shop

koojimachi kitsune o uma ni nosete kuru

Kojimachi town -
a fox comes riding
on a horse

百獣屋(ももんじや)and senryu
source : tachibana2007

a fox riding a horse means things that do not fit together.
But it seems Koshuya sold meat from fox and wolf too.

Eating meat was allowed for ill or weak people, as medicine.
. kusuri gui, kusurigui 薬喰 "eating medicine" .
kigo for winter

. Food vendors in Edo .

. Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district in Edo .

百獣屋の猛者たち - 御助宿控帳


aibikiniku, aibiki niku あいびき【合い挽き】
mixture of ground beef and ground pork
gemischtes Hackfleisch

Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe

Buta ... Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた) Schwein
bunaniku 豚肉 pork meat

Jidori, toriniku
Jidori 地鳥 (じどり) Local Chicken types
toriniku chicken meat

Konchu Ryori, konchuu ryoori 昆虫料理 Insects as food

Matagi, Bear hunters and other mountain meat
inoshishi 猪 wild boar botannabe
kiji 雉 pheasant
kuma 熊  bear
shika 鹿 deer and momiji nabe

Sakana ... 魚 FISH of all kinds

Usagi ウサギ肉 rabbit meat

Wagyuu, wagyu 和牛 Japanese beef
biifu ビーフ beef
gyuuniku 牛肉 beef, often steak
roosuto ロースト― roast

Yagi 山羊料理 . Goat meat in Okinawa
Goats and Goat Meat .. in Kenya

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


CLICK for original LINK and more

meat day !
grandma remembers
an old recipe

Nakayama Ishino, February 29, 2008

Related words

. Places of Edo 江戸の名所 .





Setsubun Ehomaki


Ehomaki Sushi Roll (ehoomaki)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late winter
***** Category: Humanity


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ehoomaki 恵方巻き ehomaki roll, eho-maki, "fortune roll" fortune rolls
Rolled sushi for the setsubun festival on February 3, eaten in the evening, with closed eyes, in silence, one roll making a wish, facing the auspicious direction of the new year.

marukaburizushi 丸かぶりずし sushi eaten in one go
marukajiri まるかじり in the Kinki area.

ehoozushi 恵方寿司 Sushi for the auspicious direction

With seven auspicious ingredients for the seven gods of good luck:
oboro denbu (pink), egg roll or datemaki, cucumber, kanpyoo stripes, Kooyadoofu, anago or eal, shiitake mushrooms. All the good luck and good fortune is rolled up (maki) in this sushi.

A Chinese roll of this type is often made with eight ingredients, for the eight Chinese gods of good luck 八福神.

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. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Sometimes the roll is made with 12 ingredients, usually eaten at the Setsubun festival on February 3.

Legend says when Toyotomi Hideyoshi was fighting for the rulership of Japan, one of his samurai, Horio Yoshiharu 堀尾 吉晴 ate a rolled sushi (makizushi) on the evening before the battle and then the warriors won the battle. So now it is eaten to bring good luck when driving out the demons of Setsubun.

Others say it comes from Osaka and the Kansai area, where rolled sushi was eaten hoping for prosperity in the coming year.

The store Hisagozushi in Kyoto also prepares a roll with the egg outside and the imprint of a demon on it.

CLICK for more photos

and here is the ONIMAKI 鬼巻 demon's roll
sold only on February 3.

source :

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In the town of Yakake 矢掛, Okayama, they prepare a large roll of about 730 grams of rice ! called
Daimyoomaki, daimyo maki 恵方大名巻き The Lord's roll

Clever bakeries in Okayama make an auspicious roll with sponge cake in green color from powdered tea and roll fruit of the season and whipped cream inside.
ehoomaki rooru 恵方巻きロール roll cake for the auspicious direction
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Sushi-Rolle für die glückverheißende Himmelsrichtung


Setsubun was the last day of winter and thus also the eve of the beginning of spring and the New Year according to the old lunar calendar.

EHOO, the auspicious direction of the Year

According to ancient Asian lore, the new year comes with a new deity, the "God/Godess of the Year" toshi toku jin (Toshitokujin) 歳德神. This is part of the Yin-Yang Theory of China, called "onmyoodoo 陰陽道" in Japanese.
He is celebrated in a part of the estate which shows to the auspicious direction of this year (ehoo 恵方). People erect a small shelf with sacred decorations for the purpose and pray for a boutifull harvest and good luck as farmers.

MORE in the WKD :
God of the Year (toshi toku jin)
and the auspicious direction EHOO

Things related to EHOO are kigo of the New Year.


Ehoosha 恵方社 Eho Shrine, Ehosha Shrine

This is the only shrine in Japan which changes its direction every year, so the visitors can bow toward the auspicious direction of the new year.
The priests come to turn the upper stone on a special device to change the direction.

In the park Shinsen-En 神泉苑, Kyoto


Driving away the demons
with bow and arrow

Bags of beans are sold at the shrines Yoshida Jinja 吉田神社, Heian Jingu 平安神宮 and others to throw at the demons.
At Yoshida shrine, a blue, red and yellow demon are driven out with bow and arrow on the day before setsubun in front of many spectators. The event starts after 6 in the evening. A demon queller, called Hoosooshi 方相氏(ほうそうし) appears with arms, then people on the stage shoot magic arrows (魔力を封じる弓矢) to ban them completely. The demons leave crying loudely as the children cheer them out.

Kindergardens and other facilities also have events driving out the demons with toy bows and arrows.

source : kyoto shinbun, 2009


Eight gods of good luck, including Daruma 八福神

CLICK for original LINK ...

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

hiiragi sasu 柊挿す (ひいらぎさす) piercing with a holly
kigo for late winter

iwashi no kashira sasu 鰯の頭挿す(いわしのかしらさす)
piercing the head of a sardine
mamegara sasu 豆殻挿す(まめがらさす)piercing bean shells

hiiragi uri 柊売(ひいらぎうり)seller of holly branches

yaikagashi やいかがし、yokkagashi よつかがし
metsuki shiba目突柴(めつきしば)

oni no mesashi 鬼の目さし(おにのめさし)
piercing the eyes of a demon

Holly and Sardine Head (hiiragi iwashi 柊鰯)CLICK for more photos

You pierce the head and eat the sardine !
The holly branch with the fish head is placed outside of the front door to ward off evil influence and keep you healthy. The demons do not like the smell of this fish and keep off. Demons also fear the sharp needles of the holly pierce their eyes, so both together are a powerful talisman. This custom is more common in the Kansai area.

. akaiwashi uri 赤鰯売り selling "red iwashi sardines" .
. . . . .

oni no mesashi might point to the Chinese custom of piercing one eye of a person and make him a slave.

facebook : Mariko Shimizu


CLICK for more photos

hiiragi no hana 柊の花 (ひいらぎのはな)
flowers of the holly

Osmanthus heterophyllus
kigo for early winter

hiiragi no ha no aida yori hana kobore

between the leaves
of the holly tree
some flowers

Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子

Holly Tree (Ilex family) KIGO

. Mezashi 目刺 "pierced eyes", dried sardines


iwashi no atama yaki イワシの頭焼き (yakigashi 焼嗅がし)
grilling 1000 sardine heads, the Sumiyoshi shrine 住吉神社 in Hiroshima
***** Iwashi sardines 鰯 (いわし) KIGO


ehoo maki tabete fuku nara ikutsu demo

sushi roll for the auspicious direction ...
if this brings good luck
I will eat as many as it takes



oni yoke no roonin yoke no sashi hiragi

protection from demons
and wild samurai...
lucky holly

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

Related words

CLICK for more setsubun fotos
..... Setsubun Festival 節分 (February 3)

***** WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI









This saijiki contains kigo about seafood and fish of all seasons.
More haiku will be added later.

FISH AND SEAFOOD ... THIS complete Saijiki

. WASHOKU : Fish and Seafood
Individual posts

. "Career Fish"(shusse-uo 出世魚)  
They change their name as they grow larger.

. Fishing in all seasons  
humanity kigo

. Boats and ships used for fishing  
humanity kigo

. Sakana  魚 toys and amulets with FISH .


Seafood in Spring

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Humanity


The word seafood just like that is not a kigo.

I will make a list here of the seafood that appears in the Japanese Saijiki and the ones we added so far worldwide. Since most of the seafood end up at the table, they are now included in the WASHOKU part of the World Kigo Database.

Two types of shells (seashells, sea shells)
(general terms, not used as kigo)

nimaigai 二枚貝 (にまいがい) bivalve shell
zweischalige Muschel; Bivalvia

makigai 巻き貝 (まきがい) conch, spiral shell
Kreiselschnecke; Spiralmuschel


Late Spring

. shiohigai 汐干貝(しおひがい)shells in the tideland
and more kigo about seashells


Sakuraebi, sakura ebi, sakura-ebi 桜蝦 (さくらえび)
"cherryblossom shrimp", stardust shrimp
hikari ebi ひかり蝦(ひかりえび)
This is a speciality of the Suruga Bay, Sagami Bay and a few others.
Spring Kigo from the Beach
A favorite spring food.

Uni 雲丹 (うに) sea urchin


All Spring

Akagai, "red shell", ark shell, ark clam 赤貝 (あかがい)
Anadara broughtoni
..... kisa 蚶(きさ)
"blood shell", chigai 血貝(ちがい)
Information and Dishes with arc clam


Asari, asari 浅蜊 (あさり) short-neck clam; baby-necked clam; littleneck clam
Ruditapes philippinarum
collecting littleneck clams, asari tori 浅蜊取(あさりとり)
vendor of littleneck clams, asari uri 浅蜊売(あさりうり)
boat to collect asari clams , asaribune 浅蜊舟(あさりぶね)
asari clam soup, asarijiru 浅蜊汁(あさりじる)
Asari-Muschel; kleine Miesmuschel

They are a favorite in Miso soup or fried with butter.
They live in the estuary of rivers, being saltwater clams. In Edo, many were harvested in the Sumida river by children in the morning and sold in the streets for the breakfast soup, like Shijimi clams too.

mukimi uri, mukimi-uri 剥き身売り selling shelled (stripped) clams
a job for children in Edo
They walked around in the morning around the public baths calling
asari mukin, hamaguri mukin 浅蜊むきん蛤むきん
mukin was their way of saying mukimi 剥き身

clams were also sold in their shells, calling :
kara asari asari からあさりあさり
hamaguri ya hamaguri はまぐりやはまぐり

The children were dressed in simple yukata with spotted patterns, wearing a short obi belt (sanshaku obi 三尺帯) for children, with a small tenugui 手拭い towel over the shoulder.

mukimi-uri gyoosan ni shite hitotsu make

the vendor of stripped clams
makes a big fuss and then
gives one extra

go mon ga mukimi suribachi o naigi dashi

five penny for the stripped clams
and the wive of the vendor brings
the grinding mortar

stripped clams were often grinded and put into soup or salads.

. Food vendors in Edo .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

- - - - -

kageroo ni pakkari kuchi o asari kana

in the heat shimmers
its mouth pops up open -
littleneck clam

Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶


Bakagai, surf clam 馬珂貝 (ばかがい)
Mactra chinensis
..... bakagai 馬鹿貝(ばかがい, バカ貝)
ubagai うば貝(うばがい)ootorigai おおとり貝(おおとりがい)
meat of a surf clam, aoyagi あおやぎ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Looks similar to a hamaguri clam.

baka means a stupid person. Since this clam has its foot hanging out, it looks like the toungue of a stupid person with his mouth always open.

Another type is the
shiofuki "water sprouting clam" 潮吹 (しおふき)
shiofukigai 潮吹貝(しおふきがい)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
It is often prepared as tsukudani, but not as delicious as asari.

Another type is the
Hokkigai 北寄貝 (ほっきがい, ほっき) surf clam
Spisula sachalinensis
hokki hiku ほっき曳く(ほっきひく)
hokki nabe, hodgepodge with hokki ほっき鍋(ほっきなべ)
vendor of hokki, hokki uri ほっき売(ほっきうり)
steamed hokki, mushi hokki 蒸ほっき(むしほっき)
speciality of Yamagata, also in sushi.
Ubagai, (eine Trogmuschel)


Hamaguri, clam shells, venus clams 蛤 (はまぐり)

sudaregai, 簾貝 (すだれがい )
sudare hamaguri スダレハマグリ


Igai, mussle 貽貝 (いがい)
Mytilus coruscus
tansai 淡菜(たんさい),i no kai 貽の貝(いのかい)
"black mussle", kurogai 黒貝(くろがい)
"princess mussle", himegai 姫貝(ひめがい)
nitarigai にたり貝(にたりがい)
Setogai 瀬戸貝(せとがい)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Seemuschel (Familie Miesmuscheln)

karasugai, "crow mussle" 烏貝 (からすがい)
Found in all rivers and sweetwaters of Japan. Its name comes from the black color of the shell. It tasts of mud and is not a favorite for food.
Cristaria plicata spatiosa

Isoginchaku 磯巾着 (いそぎんちゃく) sea anemone
Spring kigo from the Beach

Itayagai, itaya shell, 板屋貝 (いたやがい)
Pecten albicans
shakushi gai 杓子貝(しゃくしがい)
. . . CLICK here for Photos and English information !

shajuji, shamoji 杓子 is a spatula for scooping rice.


Kisago 細螺 (きさご) trochid sand snail, sand snail
Umbonium costatum
zezegai ぜぜ貝(ぜぜがい). ibokisagoいぼきさご, kishago きしゃご
Not used as food.

Koyasugai 子安貝 (こやすがい) cowrie
takaragai "treasure shell" 宝貝(たからがい),たから貝
"treasure from Hachijoo Island" hachijoo takara
八丈宝貝 (はちじょうたから) hachijoo takaragai
baishi 貝子(ばいし)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kaurischnecke; Kaurimuschel


Mategai, razer shell 馬蛤貝 (まてがい, 馬刀貝)
Solen gouldi
mate 馬刀(まて)
"razor shell", kamisorigai 剃刀貝(かみそりがい)
matetsuki 馬刀突(まてつき)、
digging for razor shells, mate hori 馬刀堀(まてほり)


Nina 蜷 (にな) fresh-water snail, marsh snail
Semisulcospira bensoni
mina みな、
river nina, kawanina 川蜷(かわにな)
sea nina, umi nina 海蜷(うみにな)、
beach nina, iso nina いそにな
path a nina took, nina no michi 蜷の道(になのみち)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Most haiku are about the sweetwater type found in rivers and wet rice fields.
spiralförmige Süßwasserschnecke, Kawanina

moji no naki mukashi no arite nina no michi

long long ago
there was a time without letters -
path of the marsh snail

Amemiya Kinuyo 雨宮きぬよ

Nina no Michi 蜷の道 高橋時枝句集
Poetry collection by Takahashi Tokie


Sakuragai 桜貝 (さくらがい) cherry shell
Nitidotellina nitidula
"beni-red shell, benigai 紅貝(べにがい)
"blossom shell", hanagai 花貝(はながい)
The shell has the thin, slight pink color of a cherry blossom. Often found along the beaches of the Inland Sea. Children love to collect it.

Sazae, 栄螺 さざえ, turban shell
tsubu つぶ、sazae 拳螺(さざえ)
"grilled in the conch", tsuboyaki 壷焼 (つぼやき)

Shijimi 蜆 (しじみ) corbicula
Corbicula japonica
shijimigai 蜆貝(しじみがい), mashijimi 真蜆(ましじみ)
big shijimi, ooshijimi 大蜆(おおしじみ)
Yamato shijimi 大和蜆(やまとしじみ)
Seta shijimi 瀬田蜆(せたしじみ)
collecting shijimi, shijimi tori 蜆採(しじみとり)
scratching for shijimi, shijimi kaki 蜆掻(しじみかき)
digging for shijimi, shijimi hori 蜆堀(しじみほり)
vendor of shijimi, shijimi uri 蜆売(しじみうり)
river with shijimi, shijimi kawa蜆川(しじみかわ)
boat for collecting shijimi,
shijimibune 蜆舟(しじみぶね)
die Corbicula

Shijimi was very popular during the Edo period. Children would get them and sell them in the early morning hours for the shijimi miso soup and thus make a little pocket money.
Shijimijiru 蜆汁, しじみ汁 miso with corbicula clams

Shiomaneki 望潮 (しおまねき) fiddler crab
Uca arcuata
ushiomaneki 潮招(うしおまねき)
tauchigani 田打蟹(たうちがに)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Tanishi 田螺 (たにし) paddie snails, mud snails

Tokobushi, round abalone 常節 (とこぶし)
Sulculus diversicolor aquatilis
tokobushi 小鮑(とこぶし)
"ten thousand year old abalone" mannen awabi 万年鮑(まんねんあわび)
"thousant year old shell", sennengai 千年貝(せんねんがい)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Torigai, 鳥貝 (とりがい)egg cockle
"bird clam" - Fulvia mutica

the last body of the
cockle-pickers washed ashore ...
frightened children

(Illegal immigrant Chinese cockle-pickers drowned along the north-eastern English coast)
- Susumu Takiguchi - 2005


Tsukihigai, kind of scallop 月日貝
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
close to the hotategai.
lit. "moon sun scallop", denoting the passge of time.


Yadokari (yadogari) 寄居虫 (やどかり) hermit crab
goona ごうな, hon yadokari 本やどかり(ほんやどかり)
vendor of yadogari , goona uri ごうな売(ごうなうり)-
..... yadokari uri やどかり売(やどかりうり)
Crab living in the shell of a conch. Vendors come from the sea towns to the big cities to sell their fare as an entertainment for children or food.
Einsiedlerkrebs. Fam. Paguroidea
goona, gauna 身寄虫

sumi-zurai sato wa nai to ya gauna dono

"No cruel village
for me!"
Mr. Hermit Crab

I assume that the first two phrases are being spoken by the crab. Issa, rejected and scorned by many of the people in his own home village who took the side of his stepmother in his long and bitter inheritance dispute, envied the crab that carries home on his back.
Tr. and comment : David Lanoue

sumizurai sato wa nai to ya gōna-dono

Sir Hermit Crab says
I feel right at home
in any village

This hokku is from the second lunar month (March) in 1824. This was two months after Issa's last surviving child had died and ten months after his wife had died. In the hokku Issa reads the behavior of a land hermit crab and guesses what it seems to be implying (to ya) with its body language. The "hermit" part of the crab's name is not part of its Japanese name. Issa uses its venerable ancient name, pronounced with a long o in his time, although he probably knows its colloquial name, too: yado-kari, 'creature that borrows its house.' This colloquial name reflects the fact that hermit crabs borrow shells of various sizes to fit their own changing size as they grow larger, shells they can withdraw into when danger appears. Once they find a shell of the right size, they drag it around with them for protection as long as it fits them.

Issa speaks politely to the crab, as if he were an honored human being, and he takes the crab to be telling him there aren't any villages that are or would be difficult for the crab to live in. The crab keeps his shell with him at all times, so he has no problem feeling at home wherever he is. Issa seems to be interested in the honored crab's advice, since he is in the opposite situation himself. Judging by the tone of the hokku, Issa seems to imply that although he possesses no shell to help him forget the loss of his family and the coldness of most of his fellow villagers, he can appreciate what the crab is telling him. By this time he probably realizes he needs to develop at least a soft shell in order to remain in his hometown for the rest of his life -- his firm commitment.

Chris Drake

Worldwide use

Olm, or proteus (Proteus anguinus)

Things found on the way : japanese seafood recipes
more than 10 pages to explore


matetsuki no ko no joosu nari tsudoi miru

a child reaching for razor shells
gets more and more skillfull...
the whole family watches

Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子


omoshiro ya mate no iru ana iranu ana

how interesting !
a hole with a razor shell
a hole without one

Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規

Illustraded by Terry Steudlein, September 2008

Related words

. kaiawase, kai-awase 貝合 (かいあわせ) clam shell game








Seafood in Spring : FISH

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Animal / Humanity


The word FISH (sakana  ) just like that is not a kigo.

I will make a list here of the fish that appear in the Japanese Saijiki. Worldwide fish are listed separate. Since most fish end up at the table, they are now included in the WASHOKU part of the World Kigo Database.

Please add your fish haiku, haiga and info
in the comments to this BLOG.

fish under water -
the illusion of words
we think we know

© Gabi Greve

. Toys and Amulets with FISH .


The Art of Slicing Fish and Fowl in Medieval Japan
By Xenia Heinickel
In Western eyes, the delicately cut piece of food is often regarded as central to traditional Japanese cooking. The skilful use of the knife is indeed one of the most prominent features of the Japanese kitchen, and mastery of various cutting-techniques is a matter of course to the Japanese chef as well as to the ambitious homemaker. However, the origins of this focus on the knife as the most favored kitchen tool are not well understood. The search for these origins leads us back many a century to the world of classical and medieval Japan and to one of the least known of the Japanese arts:, the art of slicing the meats of fish and fowl.

The first traces of this art are to be found in the classical or Heian period (794-1185 CE). Heian Japan was a large aristocractic-bureaucratic state in which the court nobles held an unrivalled position as the political and cultural leaders. The core and center of their world was the capital Heiankyo (modern Kyoto), where the Emperor’s court and other spacious residences were situated There the nobles led leisurely lives, with their days dedicated to the refinement of various arts, aesthetic ideas, and pastimes, one of which was cooking.

source :


Early Spring

whitebait / icefish, shirauo 白魚
Salanx microdon



Fugu, globefish, pufferfish at spring equinox, higan fugu
Tetraodon pardalis
彼岸河豚 (ひがんふぐ)
Nagoya fugu 名古屋河豚(なごやふぐ)

"rape seed globefish", natane fugu 菜種河豚 (なたねふぐ)
kigo for late spring


Haze, goby with roe, komochi haze 子持鯊 (こもちはぜ)
gobi of spring, haru no haze 春の鯊(はるのはぜ)

Yamame variety, trout-salmon, yukishiro yamame
雪代山女 (ゆきしろやまめ)
yukishiro iwana 雪代岩魚(ゆきしろいわな)
yukishiro masu 雪代鱒(ゆきしろます)


Late Spring

Ayu variety, young sweetfish, junge Forelle, waka-ayu 若鮎
Plecoglossus altivelia
small sweetfish, ko-ayu 小鮎
baby sweetefish, ayu no ko 鮎の子
sweetfish swimming upstream, nobori-ayu 上り鮎


. buna densetsu 鮒 伝説 crucian carp - all kigo and legends .

Buna variety, first crucian carp, hatsubuna, hatsu buna
初鮒 (はつぶな )
nokkomi buna 乗込鮒 (のっこみぶな)
pregnant crucian carp, komochi buna 子持鮒 (こもちぶな)
crucian carp in spring, haru no funa 春の鮒(はるのふな)
fishing crucian carp in spring, harubuna tsuri

"young carps leaving the nest", funa no subanare
鮒の巣離れ (ふなのすばなれ)
funa no sudachi 鮒の巣立(ふなのすだち)
kigo for mid-spring

. Kibuna, ki-buna 黄鮒 / 黄ぶな yellow crucian carp amulet .


Crappie (Pomoxis), North America


Gonzui, striped eel catfish, 権 瑞(ごんずい)
barbel eel
gigi ぎぎ, guguぐぐ
ギギ: bagrid catfish, forktail bullhead, Pelteobagrus nudiceps


Hanaika, hana ika, hana-ika 花烏賊 blossom cuttlefish,
blossom squid. BLOSSOM here refers to the cherry blossoms.
sakura-ika 桜烏賊
kooika, koo ika, koo-ika 甲烏賊
Sepia esculenta

Nishin, Herring 鰊
Hering, zubereitet auch Rollmops
Speciality of Fukushima

Higai fish 鰉 (ひがい)
sakurabae さくらばえ, hoyaru ほやる
Leuciscus variegatus


Masu, trout, masu 鱒 (ます)
Salmo milktschitsch
benimasu 紅鱒(べにます), umimasu 海鱒(うみます)
Karafuto masu 樺太鱒(からふとます)from Hokkaido
"real trout", honmasu 本鱒(ほんます)
"cherry trout", sakuramasu 桜鱒(さくらます)
masunosuke ますのすけ 鱒之介
"camel trout" rakuda masu 駱駝鱒(らくだます)
seppari masu 背張鱒(せっぱります)
fishing for trout, masutsuri 鱒釣り(ますつり)
trout coming upstream, masu noboru鱒上る(ますのぼる)

Mutsugoroo, a type of haze, mudskipper
むつ五郎 (むつごろう)

むつ五郎, ムツゴロウ 睦五郎)
Boleophthalmus pectinirostris
He lives in the mud of flatlands, especially in the Ariakekai Ariake sea of Kyushu.
mutsu むつ, hon mutsu 本むつ(ほんむつ)
digging for mutsugoro, mutsu horu 鯥掘る(むつほる)
mutsu kake 鯥掛け(むつかけ)
mutsu is flying, mutsu tobu むつ飛ぶ(むつとぶ)
net to catch mutsugoro, mutsubikiami
..... mutsubukuro ami 鯥袋網(むつぶくろあみ)
. . . Mutsugoro dishes from Saga prefecture and Haiku
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Sakuradai, red sea bream, 桜鯛
Sparus species and sometimes also applied to "red snapper" Lutianus species.
Literally the name means "Cherry Blossom Bream", because of the delicate pink meat.
During the Flower viewing season, they are called
Cherry blossom-viewing sea bream, hanamidai 花見鯛

Traditional Folk Toys : all sorts of Sea Bream dolls


Sawara, spanish mackerel, 鰆
Scomberomorus niphonius
This one even carries the SPRING 春 in the Chinese character, composed of fish and spring.
..... 馬鮫魚(さわら), sagoshi 狭腰(さごし), imesawara いぬさわら, taiwan sawara たいわんさわら
oki sawara 沖鰆(おきさわら)
fish for catching sawara, sawarabune 鰆船(さわらぶね)
net for catching sawara, sawara ami 鰆網(さわらあみ)
japanische Makrele

prepared as
鰆のお造り sashimi
鰆のたたき tataki like katsuo
鰆の味噌たたき tataki with miso  
鰆の幽庵焼き yuuanyaki grilled with yuzu
鰆の味噌漬け pickled in Kyoto miso

sawara no ji ookiku kaite basugaido

the character for SAWARA
is written so big
by the bus guide

Fujio Yuge 藤尾ゆげ
(Haiku Weekly)


Smelt, Osmerus mordaxAmerica, kyuuri uo (Japan)


by Oohno Bakufuu  大野麦風 Ono Bakufu, Ohno Bakufu

Ugui Japanese dace, sakura ugui 桜鰔 (さくらうぐい, 桜石斑魚)
hana ugui 花うぐい(はなうぐい)
"red fish", akauo赤魚(あかうお)
"red stomach", akappara 赤っ腹(あかっぱら)
white mullet, Tribolodon hakonensis
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . . . . . . . another name is
hae 鮠(はえ), yanagi hae 柳鮠 (やなぎはえ ), haya はや


Uojima, "fish island" 魚島 (うおじま)
great numbers of pregnant fish coming near the shores in late spring, often followed by sea birds going for a bite.
time for "fish islands", uojimadoki 魚島時(うおじまどき)


All Spring

Cod as dried cod (hidara) 干鱈 ひだら
hoshidara 乾鱈(ほしだら)
boodara, slices of dried cod 棒鱈(ぼうだら)
imoboo芋棒(いもぼう)"potato stick", Kyoyo fish soup
tara tenbu 鱈田夫(たらでんぶ, 鱈田麩)
dried and then roasted cod pieces

greenling,ainame 鮎魚女 (あいなめ, 鮎並)
fat greenling, aburame あぶらめ、aburako あぶらこ
Hexagrammos otakii

"horse fish", umauo, uma-uo 馬魚 (うまうお)
watako 黄鯛魚 (わたこ), wataka わたか,wadaka わだか
fish of the koi carp family

meji, small tuna, young tuna めじ
komeji 小めじ(こめじ), meji maguro めじまぐろ
KIGO with maguro 鮪 tuna


moroko fish, 諸子 (もろこ) - minnows or fry - Karpfenarten
This refers to a group of small fish or individual fish types which live in rivers and lakes. They are scooped with a net and grilled or prepared in vinegar.
moroko uo 諸子魚(もろこうお) Gnathopogon elongatus
hatsu moroko 初諸子 first Moroko
tamoroko, ta moroko 田諸子 (type of carp, about 10 cm long)
yanagi moroko 柳もろこ(やなぎもろこ)
moroko hae 諸子鮠(もろこはえ)
hon moroko 本もろこ(ほんもろこ)
Honmoroko (Gnathopogon caerulescens)
Honmoroko from Lake Biwa is eaten in Kyoto as a very expensive fish. Now farmers in Tottori are growing it in old rice paddies and sell it to Kyoto, since the one's living in Lake Biwako are overpowered by foreign fish types, like Bass.
moroko umani もろこ旨煮 sweet stew of moroko carp (from Shiga prefecture)
shishamo 柳葉魚 a Shishamo smelt (susam in the Ainu language)
モロコ属やイトモロコ属, at least seven types like
- and
moroko (Kue=Ara) クエの老成魚の異名: Kelp Bass, Kelp Grouper, Saladfish, Niphon spinosus

Inahata Teiko lists the moroko (minnow) as a speciality for March.

Half of the minnows
within this sunlit shallow
are not really there.

James Hackett -- The Zen Haiku and other Zen Poems

ko ya moroko tsuru hi no usugumori

this lake - fishing
for minnows on a slightly
cloudy day

. 正岡子規 「寒山落木」Masaoka Shiki .

松瀬青々 「妻木」

日野草城 「青芝」

長谷川櫂 「果実」

- reference source : kigosai -


pond swelt, wakasagi 公魚 (わかさぎ)
suzume uo 鰙雀魚(すずめうお)
sakura uo 桜魚(さくらうお)
chika, ちか ... amasagi あまさぎ
der Stint

rock fish , mebaru 眼張 めばる, mebare メバレ
black rock fish, kuro meabru, kuromebaru 黒めばる(くろめばる)
red rodk fish, aka mebaru, akamebaru 赤めばる(あかめばる)
gold rock fish, kinbebaru 金めばる(きんめばる)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Felsfisch, Sebastes

sardines of spring, haru iwashi 春鰯 (はるいわし)
ooba iwashi 大羽鰯(おおばいわし)
***** Iwashi sardines 鰯 (いわし) KIGO and FOOD

snipe fish, sayori さより
..... "bamboo fish" sayori 竹魚(さより)
"needle fish" hari-o 針魚(はりお), sayori 水針魚(さより)
sayori 細魚(さより)
boat for catching sayori, sayoribune 鱵舟(さよりぶね)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sand lance, ikanago 玉筋魚 (いかなご)
sand eel, Ammodytes personatus
koonago こうなご, kamasugo かますご
kamasujako かますじゃこ,
shiwa ikanago しわ鮊子(しわいかなご)
boat for fishing ikanago, ikanagobune
drying ikanago, ikanago hosu 鮊子干す(いかなごほす)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ikanago no Kugini is a famous tsukudani dish from Hyogo. The fish are only about 2 cm long.


Toyama squid, firefly squid, hotaru ika 富山蛍烏賊

sparkling enope squid
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hana-ika 花烏賊 (はないか), sakura ika 桜烏賊(さくらいか), koo ika 甲烏賊(こういか) ma ika, ma-ika 真烏賊(まいか)

octopus in spring, iidako 飯蛸 (いいだこ)
kigo for early spring
ishidako いしだこ, iidako 望潮魚(いいだこ)
Takasago iidako 高砂飯蛸(たかさごいいだこ)

Worldwide use



Snapper in Australia (Pagrus auratus)

Fish Kigo from Russia

Things found on the way


園部 雨汀 著
博友社 刊
ISBN; 4-8268-0107-6


More Fish and seafood as Food

aozakana 青魚 (あおざかな) fish with a green-blue back
(mostly makerels, saury and sardines)
hikarimono ひかりもの "shiny things"
shiromizakana 白身魚(しろみざかな) "fish with white meat,

gindara 銀鱈(ぎんだら) lingcod
ginmutsu ぎんむつ Japanese bluefish

greenling ほっけ hokke, Atka mackerel
Pleurogrammus azonus, Atkamakrele

tachi-uo 太刀魚(たちうお) tachiuo cutlass
Trichiurus lepturus auriga, Degenfisch

Fish and seafood as Spring Food
kasago かさご(笠子) rock fish, Skorpionfisch
kibinago キビナゴ(黍魚子)a member of the round herring family




takotsubo ya hakanaki yume o natsu no tsuki

octopus pots ...
ephemeral dreams
unter the summer moon

Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
Heikedako, Octopus of the Heike clan

Related words

***** Flounder, sole (karei) as food. Japan

***** Octopus (tako) Japan. Also squid (ika)

***** Carp Streamers (koinobori, Japan)

***** Mackerel Clouds (iwashigumo) Japan

***** Mermaid Parade, N.Y., USA


***** FISH ... WORLDWIDE Saijiki


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