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.......... JJJ

jagaimo, jaga-imo ... Kartoffel (Danshaku und May Queen) Solanum tuberosum
jajamen ... Jajamen. Nudelgericht aus Morioka.
janjanyaki ... Braten von Lachs auf der heißen Eiesnplatte

jibachiyaki ... gegrillte Larven der Erdwespe
jibuni冶部煮... Jibuni. Wildente mit Gemüse gekocht, aus Kanazawa
jidai ... xzy-Zeit !
jidori ... lokale Hühnerarten
jigoku mushi ... „Dämpfen in der Hölle“. Für Hühner und andere Zutaten aus Oita
jigokumushi gama ...Dampfgarer

jingisukaan nabe, Genghis Khan nabe, ... Dschingis Khan-Grillgericht, Eintopf mit Hammelfleisch
jizaikagi ... Kesselhaken

Joomon jidai ... Jomon-Zeit. ?Jungsteinzeit
... joomon 縄文 Schnurmuster; Strohschnurmuster #Schnurabdruckdekor

jooyanabe ... „Eintopf für jeden Abend“ "hodgepodge for each evening"
joshinko ... Mehl aus Uruchi-Reis 上新粉

junmaishu ... Reiner Reiswein, ohne Zusatz von Alkohol oder Zucker
junmaisu ... Reiner Reisessig, pure rice vinegar
jure ジュレ ... jelly . from the French: gelee

................................................ KKKK

..... KAKAKA

kaa カー ... spice from south-east asia. sold raw, dry or frozen.
kabayaki かばやき【蒲焼き】 ... grilled or broiled eel. gebratener Aal
kabocha ... Kürbis. Gartenkürbis. Cucurbita moschata
kabocha taikai ... „Fest der großen Kürbise“ auf Shoodoshima
kabosu ... Kabosu-Zitrusfrucht. Citrus sphaerocarpa.
kabu ... Mairübchen §Rüben, scheint das gleiche wie kabura zu sein.
kabura ... Rübe, Brassica campestris var. rapa
kaburazushi ... Fermentierte Rüben und Gelbschwanz
kaerichirimen, kaeri-chirimen かえりちりめん ... kind of small, dried fish (shirasu boshi)
kaeshi, okaeshi … Gegengeschenk
kagamimochi … „Neujahrs-Mochi“. rundes Mochi. „Spiegel-Mochi“. kazarimochi ... Dekorations-Mochi. Neujahrsdekoration.
kagen jooyu, kagenzu 加減醤油 加減酢 ... tpye of mixes soy sauce / vinegar. can be mixed with ricewine or dashi.

kaibashira かいばしら【貝柱】 ... adductor muscle in a shellfish. Muschelband (der Jakobsmuschel). sold dry or in cans.
kaienupeppe カイエヌペッパ ... cayenne pepper
kaiseki ryoori ... Kleine Mahlzeit vor der Teezeremonie懐石
kaiseki ryoori ... Kaiseki-Cuisine. Festliche Mahlzeit. 会席料理
kaisendonburi, kaisen donburi ... Schale Reis mit gemischten Meeresfrüchten 海鮮どんぶり
kaishiki かいしき ... white paper to place food on. in olden times, sasa leaves were used.
kaisho 会所 ... place to come for eating a formal kaiseki meal (example: Golden Pavillion)
kaisoo ... Seegras. 海草 seaweed
kaitoo 解凍 ... thaw, defrost. auftauen
kaitooge ... Eier des Kraken海藤花(かいとうげ)
kaiware daikon ... Rettichsprossen (vom weißen Rettich), see kaiwari.
kaiwarena ... Samensprossen
kaiwari 貝割り ... tool to open shells
kaiwarina 貝割り菜 (kaiwarena) ... frisch gesprossenes Gemüse, radish or beans. also kaiware.
kaiyaki … Muscheln in der Schale gegrillt
kajika ... Kaulkopf (Spinnenfisch). Cottus kazika
kajikibashi ... Essstäbchen für Wildfleisch

kaki, magaki ... Fam. Pazifische Felsenaustern (Meresfrüchte). Fam. Crassostrea – gemeine Pazifische Felsenauster : magaki, Crassostrea gigas ist Pacific cupped oyster, pacific giant oyster (Pazifische Riesen-Felsenauster, iwagaki,Crassostrea nippona. Oysters)
kaki, kaki no ki ... Persimone (Früchte), Sharonfrucht. Diospyros kaki. Persimmon, Sharon Fruit (bitter kaki variety prepared for eating)
kakiage, kaki age ... Kakiage. geschnitzeltes Tenpura mit geschnittenen Muscheln, Krabben und Gemüse.
kakigoori ... Raspeleis §Geraspeltes Eis. ?Kratzeis
kaki no dotenabe ... Austern-Dotenabe-Eintopf
kaki no tane ... Arare in der Form von Persimonen-Samen
kakitamajiru かきたまじる / 掻き卵汁 ... soup with beaten egg
kakko ... „Skorpion-Snack“. Konfekt aus China. 餲餬
kakuni 角煮 ... das Kakuni, in Würfel geschnittenes x. diced pork.
kakushiaji かくしあじ【隠し味】 ... Geschmacksverfeinerung
kakuterusoosu カクテルソース ... cocktail sauce

kama ... Breitblättriger Rohrkolben. Typha latifolia.
kamaboko ... Fischpastete. (Fischkuchen)
kamameshi ... Reis und Beilagen im gleichen Topf gekocht
kamasu 梭魚 (かます) ... Roter Barrakuda §Edelhecht . Sphyraena pinguis . yamato kamasu : Sphyraena japonica … red barracuda
kaminariika, kaminari ika ... „Donner-Tintenfisch“. mongo-ika für Sushi. Sepia lycidas. kobu-ika

kanagushi 金ぐし ... metal skewer
kanappe カナッペ ... cannape. Kanapee, Cocktailhappen
kanbaikoo 寒梅粉 ... mochigome-Klebreismehl, in der Zeit gemacht, wenn die „Pflaumen im Kalten“ blühen. kanbai
kanbiiru ... Bier in Dosen, Büchsenbier
kanbutsu ... getrocknete Lebensmittel
kancha ... „Tee aus der kalten Jahreszeit“, Tokushima
kaneroni カネロニ ... cannelloni

kani ... Krebs. ?Krabbe. Fam. Brachyura ... siehe Untergruppen mit Eigennamen
kanikama / kanifuumi kamaboko かに風味かまぼこ... Kamaboko aus Krabbenfleisch
kanikurokke ... Krabben-Kroketten
kanimiso ... Paste aus Krabbeneingeweiden
kanitama ... Omlett mit Krabbenfleisch, chinesische Art
kanizoosui ... Angedickte Reissuppe mit Krabbenfleisch. rice porridge

kankidan, danki ... „Freuden-Kräcker“. Neujahrskonfekt.
kankoro ... Mehl aus Süßkartoffeln. Shoodoshima
kankoro soba ... Kankoro-Nudeln.
kanpachi ... Gelbschwanzstachelmakrele §Bastard-Makrele (Ersatz: Meeräsche oder Knurrhahn) Seriola dumerili. greater amberjack
kanpo ... chinesische Medizin
kanpyoo ... getrocknete Kürbisstreifen. von Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida
kanraku ... Käse. 乾酪
kanroni ... in angesüßter Soyasauce gekochtes
kansaba 寒サバ ... „Makrele im Kalten“
kansui ... alkalische Lösung, für die Ramen-Nudelherstellung
kantamago ... im Winter gelegte Hühnereier
kanten ... Agar-Agar. aus Tengusa. Gelidium amansii
kanzoo甘草 ... Süßholz, Lakrize. Glycyrrhiza uralensis und G.glabra
kanzoo萱草 ... Taglilie. Hemerocallis fulva

kaoyaapin カオヤーピン / 烤鴨餅... chinese food, kind of crepe, to wrap pecking duck and others.

kappamaki ... „Gurken-Rolle für einen Wasserkobold“ Sushiart

kappoo 割烹(かっぽう) ... "Geschnittenes und Gekochtes" . Lebensmittel zubereiten. kappyo ryoori Traditionelles Japanisches Essen.

kara-age, karaage ... ohne marinieren Frittiertes, nur in katakuriko oder Mehl gewendet . Tatsuta.age, tatsutaage mariniert in Sojasauce und Mirin, dann nur katakuriko.
karashi ... Japanischer Senf. scharf
karashi mentaiko ... Alaska-Seelachsrogen, scharf
karashina ... Senfkraut. Brassica juncea
karasumi ... getrockneter Rogen der Meeräsche
karayaki ... Meeresfrüchte in der Schale gegrillt
karee ... der Curry (als Gewürz), das Curry (als Gericht)
karee pan ... Curry in Brotteig
karei ... Kliesche. Limanda limanda §Seriola dumerili. dab
karei鰈 ... Flunder. Platichtichthys flesus. flounder
karei, magarei ... §Seezunge (Scholle, Plattfisch). Pleuronectes herzensteini
karifurawaa ... Blumenkohl. Brassica oleracea var. botrytis.
karubi … Koreanische Speise. Rinderrippen in Sauce mariniert für yakiniku. Calbie, galbi in Korean.

kasago笠子... Skorpionsfisch-Art. Sebastiscus marmoratus. false kelpfish. sebastinae sind Stachelköpfe
kasairui かさいるい【花菜類】 ... fruits and vegetables. Früchte und Gemüse
kashi no mi ... Eichel. Von der Eiche Quercus glauca.
kashoo 花椒 ... kind of chinese mountain pepper
kashooen 花椒塩 ... salt with Chinese mountain pepper
kashuunatsu カシューナツ / カシューナッツ ... cashew nuts
kasu かす【滓/糟/粕】 ... lees, dregs grounds. Treber, Bodensatz, Rückstand
kasujiru  粕汁 ... soup with sake lees
kassuree カッスレー ... cassoulet
kasuzuke 粕漬け ... pickled with sake lees
kasutaado ... Vanillepudding, Vanillesauce. custard
kasutera ... Castella. Castilian cake. Biskuitkuchen. Spanischer Kastenkuchen. Kastella.

katakuchi iwashi ... Anchovis. Sardelle. Anchovy. Engraulis japonica
katakuriko かたくりこ【片栗粉】 ..... Hundsveilchen-Stärke . #Stärkemehl (aus Hundsveilchen) Erythronium japonicum
kataniku, kataroosu 肩肉  ... Fleisch von der Schulter
katei ryoori ... Hausmannskost
katorari カトラー ... cutlery. Besteck
katoruepisu, katoru episu カトルエピス ... quatre epice, quatre espices. mixed spices

katsu ... Kotelette ?Schnitzel ?Schweineschnitzel / auch "fight to win"
katsuretsu カツレツ ... cutlet. Kotelette
katsudon ... Reis mit Schnitzel
katsukaree, Katsu karē ... Schnitzel mit Currysauce ?Kotelette mit Currysauce

katsuo ... Bonito-Thunfisch. . Echter Bonito ??Bonito / Blaufisch (Thunfischart) . Katsuwonus pelamis. skipjack tuna
katsuobushi ... Katsuobushi.
There are two different things
the hard pieces Katsuobushi ?Katsuobushi-Stücke and
the small light flakes, Katsuobushi-Flocken ? Katsuobushi-Späne 鰹節 (kezurikatsuo ?Bonitospäne ?Bonitoflocken) .
katsuo no tataki ... Bonito-Sushi ?Katsuo-Sushi mit gehackten Frühlingszwiebeln und Knoblauch (scharf angebratener Bonito)

katteeji chiizu カッテージチーズ ... cottage cheese. Hüttenkäse, körniger Schichtkäse

kawaebi, kawa-ebi ... Flußgarnele. Macrobrachium nipponense
kawahagi ... Segelfeilenfisch §Feilenfisch Stephanolepis cirrhifer. thread-sail filefish
kawakani, sawagani ... Flußkrabbe, Flusskrabbe. Geothelphusa dehaani. Japanische Süßwasserkrabbe
kayaki ... weiße Nanbu-Waffeln für die Suppe. nanbu senbei
kayu, o-kayu, okayu ... Reissuppe. Reisgrütze (nicht Reisbrei). shirakayu白粥 . weisse Reissuppe
kazunoko, kazu no ko かずのこ【数の子】 ... herring roe. Heringsrogen. „Unzählbare Kinder“.

.......... KEKEKE

kegani ... Haarkrabbe. Kegani-Krabbe. Haarkrabben (haarige Krabbe). Erimacrus isenbeckii. hairy crab. 大栗蟹 ookurigani, Esskastanienkrabbe
keishin ... Zimtgebäck.
keihan鶏飯(けいはん)... Reis mit Hühnchen
kenboo ... good mother. ryoosai kenboo 良妻賢母 good wife and wise mother
kengyo 献魚 ... Fisch als Opfergabe
kenzakiika, kenzaki ika, kensaki ika ... Schwertspitzen-Kalmar. § Schwertspitzen-Tintenfisch. Loligo edulis
keshoojio ... „Salz-Makeup“ für Grillfische, auf Schwanz und Flossen.

.......... KIKIKI

kibi ... Hirse. Panicum miliaceum.
kibidango, kibi dango … Hirsekloß, Hirseklößchen, Hirsebällchen黍団子 millet dumplings ... mit mochikibi. Mischung aus ca. 60% Mochigome und 40% Hirse
kibimochi ... Mochi aus Hirsemehl.
kibinago黍女子、黍魚子、吉備女子、吉備奈仔... „Blaue Sprotte“. Spratelloides gracilis. Silver-stripe round herring, Slender sprat
kichiji ... Fisch. Sebastolobus macrochir. Art „kasago“.
kihada黄肌、木肌... Gelbflossen-Thunfisch. §Gelbflossen-Thun.. Thunnus albacares. yellowfin tuna
kiji ... Fasan Phasianus colchicus tohkaidi
kijooyu udon ... udon mit Sojasauce生醤油(きじょうゆ)
kikurage ... „Quallen der Bäume“. Holunderschwamm. Auricularia auricula
kikuza きくざ【菊座】 ... "Chrysanthemensitz", japanische Kürbisart. Kikuza Squash. Cucurbita moschata

kimchi ... Kimchi, kimchee, Korean kimchee
kimi ... Eigelb
kimiyaki ... Braten mit einem Eigelb. auch oogonyaki, Gold-Gebratenes.

kin 禽 ... two-legged animals, birds to be eaten
kinako きなこ【黄な粉】 ... soybean flour. Sojabohnenmehl. „Gelbes Mehl“. gedörrtes Sojabohnenmehl
kinkatoo ... „Goldener Blumen-Zucker“, Süßigkeit aus Kanazawa
kinmedai金目鯛... Kinmedai. Centroberyx druzhinini 金目鯛 §Südlicher Kaiserbarsch. §Beryx splendens. - Golden Eye snapper. alfonsino
kinjisoo ... 金時草 … Kinjiso. Blattgemüse aus Kanazawa. Gynura bicolor
kinpira ... Schwarzwurzel gekocht in Sojasauce und Sesamöl
kinoko, ki no ko ... Pilze (allgemeine Bezeichnung)
kinomi, ki no mi ... Nüsse
kintoki mame ... Kintoki-Bohnen. Phaseolus vulgaris. large adzuki beans
kinton ... Kinton-Brei. Aus Süßkartoffeln oder Esskastanien oder Bohnen.
kinugoshidoofu ... Seiden-Tofu #Seidentofu. Durch ein Seidensieb passierter Tofu
kinusaya ... Zuckererbse, Zuckererbsenschote. Fam. Leguminosae

kirimugi ... „geschnittener Weizen“, Name für Nudeln in der Kamakurazeit

kiritanpo ... Gerösteter Reis am Stab . das Kiritampo, ?gegrillter Kiritanpo-Reis, Reisrolle (?Kiritanpo $Fischrolle)

kiru 切る ... cutting food. xxxkiri, xxxgiri ... see extra entry.
kisago ... Strandschnecke. Umbonium costatum
kisaminegi ... fein geschnittener Lauch
kinshi tamago ... „Goldfaden-Ei“. Dünnes Omelett, in feine Streifen geschnitten
kishimen ... Bandnudeln aus Nagoya. Weizennudeln
kisu ... Japanischer Sillago. §Sillago (Sillago japonica §Sillaginidae, Weißlinge) . japanese whiting
kitamaebune ... Schiff der nördlichen Handelsrute
kitsune ... Fuchs. Inari ist die Fuchsgottheit.
kitsune udon, kitsune soba ... mit Abura-Age, der Lieblingsspeise des Fuchses: Udon-Nudelsuppe mit einem Fuchs“ „Buchweizen-Nudelsuppe mit einem Fuchs“

.......... KOKOKO

kobumaki, konbumaki ... Kombu-Rollen
kochi, magochi鯒 ... Indischer Plattkopf §Plattkopf (Fisch) Platycephalus indicus $Platycephalus sp. Bartail flathat
kochi ... Entenschnabel-Plattkopf. Bembrops anatirostris. duckbill flathat
kochi … Indischer Plattkopf, Platycephalus indicus, bartail flathat
kogomi ... Straußenfarn. Matteuccia struthiopteris. oistrich fern
kohada/ shinko ... Gefleckter Pazifikhering §Alse/Maifisch. Konosirus punctatus. dotted gizzard shad
Kojiki ... älteste Geschichtschronik, 8. Jhd.
kokemomo ... Preiselbeere
kokemushi 苔蒸し… moss simmering
kokuminshoku 国民食 ... national dish
kokumotsu ... Getreide
kokusan 国産 ... domesitcally produced food, Japanese food source
komatsuna ..... Senfspinat #Das Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) spinach mustard
kome ... Reis auf dem Feld. Oryza sativa var. japonica, short-grain rice
komesu, yonezu … Reisessig
komochi ... „mit Kindern“ weibliche Fische
komodoofu, komo toofu コモドウフ tofu wrapped in a straw coever
komugi ... Weizen. Triticum aestivum. komugiko ... wheat flour

konbini コンビニ ... Konbini. ?Kombini / convenience store, Selbstbedienungsladen. Conbini

konbu ... Kombu (DAS Kombu). ?Kombu-Seetang ?Konbu. ?Riementang. ?Braunalge.. Laminaria japonica. Laminaria saccharina. Royal or Sweet Kombu. Sea spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata).
konbumaki ... Kombu-Rollen ?Konbu-Rollen

kondate 献立 ... menu, Menü. Zusammenstellung der Speisen für eine Mahlzeit
konebachi ... Knetschale. Für Soba und Udon

konnyakuimo, konnyaku imo ... Konjak. Konjakknolle ?Konnyaku-Knolle. #Konjakwurzel . Amorphophallus konjac. Wunderwurzel Glucomannan. auch Teufelszunge oder Tränenbaum
konnyaku ... Konjak. #?Konnyaku #Konjac – ito-konnyaku ... Faden-Konjak #Faden-Konnyaku. gelatineartige Masse aus Aronstabknollen. Amorphophallus konjac. nama-imo konnyaku, roher Konjak (direkt aus Knollen zubereitet)
konnyaku ko .. 蒟蒻粉.. Konjakmehl. #Konjacmehl. Konjak-Extrakt. Ein Verdickungsmittel
... ita-konnyaku ... Konjak im Block
... shirataki ... Konjak-Glasnudeln
... konnyakudama ... Konjak-Knolle

konomiyaki ... siehe Okonomiyaki
konowata ... gesalzene Eingeweide der Seegurke
konpeitoo ... sugar candy. Konfekt. 金平糖; 金米糖. vom portugiesischen confeito. also aruheitoo 有平糖
konsome karyuu ... Brühe-Granulat §granulierte Brühe
konton ... Teigtaschen mit Fleischbällchen und Gemüse

koogen yasai ... Gemüse der Hochebenen
kooika, koo ika ... Tintenfisch. Sepia esculenta甲烏賊
kooji ... Hefe. Kooji-Pilzkultur. Reis-Kooji, kome kooji, Aspergillus oryzae 米麹. - mugi-kooji Weizen-Kooji. mamekooji, Bohnen-Kooji-Pilzkultur (Aspergillus hatcho)
koon コーン... Mais / Babymaiskolben. (tomorokoshi, corn)


koonfureeku ... Cornflakes

Autumn sunrise---
the smell of

Fred Masarani
Autumn 2012


koo no mono 香の物 ... pickles
Koorai ninjin 高麗人参... Koreanischer Ginseng. Panax ginseng
koppepan ... süßes Hefebrötchen
korokke ... Krokette
koshiabura, koshi-abura ... „Koshi-Abura-Sprossen“. Acanthopanax sciadophylloides (Fam. der Aralien)
kowa, okowa, kowameshi ... Mochi-Klebreis mit roten Bohnen
kowaii, kowameshi 強飯 ... hard boiled rice from uruchimai
Kooyadoofu ... Koya-Tofu. getrockneter Tofu vom Bergkloster Koyasan. (166)

.......... KUKUKU

kuchi ... anderer Name für „ishimochi“ ... Adlerfisch. Argyrosomus argentatus.
kuchikiri, kuchi kiri 口切り ... opening the lid of a new tea container
kuchinashi ... Gardenie. Gardenia jasminoides
kuchioto, kuchi oto 口音 ... noises of the mouth when eating
kudamono … Frucht, Obst.
kuitsumi … “Essen gemeinsam herauspicken” zum Neujahrsfest
kujira ... Walfisch
kujira nabe ... Walfleisch-Eintopf
kukkii ... Keks, Gebäck, Plätzchen
kuko no mi ... Frucht vom chinesischen Bocksdorn, Lycium chinense. chinese wolfberry

kuma ... Bär. Fam. Ursidae
kuma nabe, kumanabe ... Bären-Eintopf
kumogani ... „Spinnenkrabbe“. ?Schneekrabbe? Chionoecetes opilio
kuppa ... Koreanische Reissuppe

kuri ... Esskastanie. Castanea crenata.
kuriaji kabocha ... Hokkaidokürbis. Cucurbita maxima convar. akai kabocha roter Hokkaidokürbis aus Kaga (als Ersatz für Nanking-Kürbis)
kurigani ... „Eßkastanien-Krabbe“. Telmessus cheiragonus 
kurigohan ... Reis mit Esskastanien
kurikinton 栗金団 ... Mus aus Esskastanien ?Püree aus Esskastanien
kurimeshi ... Reis mit Esskastanien
kuri shiroppu 栗シロップ ... Kastaniensirup
kuritaruto ... Törtchen mit Esskastanienpaste

kuroawabi ... Schwarze Abalone. Haliotis discus
kurodai ... dunkle Meerbrasse. Acanthopagrus schlegeli
kurogoma ... schwarzer Sesam. Sesamum indicum nigrum
kurokawa ... Schwarzer Kürbis . kind of pumpkin

kuromaguro, kuro maguro ... nördlicher Blauflossen-Thunfisch. §nördlicher Blauflossen-Thun („Schwarzer Thunfisch“). Thunnus thynnus. northern bluefin tuna (§Thunnus orientalis)

kuromame ... schwarze Sojabohnen. Fam. Glycine max
kuromamecha ... Tee aus schwarzen Bohnen, Tottori
kuromejio … Salz vermischt mit Kurome-Seetang
kuromugi ... „schwarzer Weizen“, Name für Buchweizennudeln inder Heian-Zeit

Kuroshio 黒潮 ... Kuroshio-Strömung ?Kuroshio-Strom. Nordäquatorialstrom. lit. Strömung

kurosu ... “Schwarzer Reisssig” aus braunem Reis.
kuroyaki 黒焼き ... black grilled, dark baked (refers to animal meat in the Edo period)
kurozatoo ... brauner Zucker, Rohrzucker
kurozukuri … „schwarze Zubereitung“, in eigener Tinte und mit Salz gewürzter Tintenfisch

kuruma ebi, kuruma-ebi ... Geißelgarnele. Penaeus japonicus
kurumi ... Walnuss
kurimi-miso ... Walnuss-Miso ?Walnussmiso ?Walnusspaste

kusaya … “Stinker”

kushi ... Spieß. skewer
kushi-age ... auf Spießen in heißem Fett ausgebackene Speisen
kushi-dango, kushidango ... Klößchen am Spieß. see DANGO #Reisbällchen
kushigaki ... auf Spießen getrocknete Persimonen
kushikatsu ... frittiertes Schweinefleisch am Spieß
kushiyaki ... am Spieß gebratenes, meist gegrillt

kuwai ... Pfeilkraut, #Blattgemüse. Sagittaria trifolia. arrowhead bulb

kuzu くず【葛】 ... kudzu [Japanese arrowroot]. Pfeilwurzel, Knabenkraut, DAS Kuzu. Pueraria thunbergiana, P. lobata. ( マランタ Maranta rundinacea seems to be a different plant in the tropics)
kuzuko 葛粉(くずこ ) kudzu starch, made from the root. Pfeilwurzel-Stärke. #Kuzu-Stärke # Pfeilwurzelmehl, Knabenkrautmehl
kuzuan 葛餡 ... An-Masse auf Pfeilwurzel-Basis
kuzukake 葛掛け ... Gericht mit Pfeilwurzel-Sauce
kuzukiri 葛切り ... Nudeln aus Pfeilwurzel-Stärke
kuzumochi 葛餅 ... Küchlein aus Pfeilwurzel-Stärke
kuzuzakura 葛桜 ... mit rotem Bohnenmus gefülltes, mit einem Kirschblatt bedecktes Manju).
kuzuyu 葛湯 ... Pfeilwurzelmehlsuppe
kuzu ukon, kuzuukon クズウコン (葛鬱金) Pfeilwurz. Maranta arundinacea.

kyabetsu ... Kohl, Weißkohl. Fam. Brassica oleracea var. capitata … me-kyabetsu芽キャベツ, Rosenkohl, Brassia oleracea var. gemmifera. aka-kyabetsu … Rotkohl
..... とんがりキャベツ Spitzkohl, Pointed Cabbage

kyaraben … “Bentoo mit Characterfiguren”
kyooyasai … Gemüse aus Kyoto. Kyoto-vegetables. kyoosai, kyosai
kyuuri ... Gurke. Cucumis sativus. The Japanese cucumber is about 18 – 20 cm long, 2 mm in diameter and weighs about 180 – 200 grams. It is much smaller than a german Salatgurke. Landgurke.
kyuushoku ... Schulessen.Schulspeisung. school lunch

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EKIBEN ABC Station Lunch Box

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Train Station Lunch Box (ekiben)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Kigo for late spring
***** Category: Humanity


ekiben 駅弁 famous lunch boxes at every train station,

a box lunch (sold at train stations or on trains), railway boxed meal
railroad boxed meal, railway lunchbox

CLICK for more ekiben mark photos
Ekiben Mark 駅弁マーク
Every officially approved ekiben carries this mark, since 1988.

On April 10 is the day of the Ekiben
ekiben no hi 駅弁の日!
The Chinese character 弁 looks like a 十 (ten) and the image of number 4 are combined in the image pun for this day.
Thanks to Mariko Shimizu for this info.

Bento, bentoo 弁当 lunch box, lunchbox, Lunchpaket

bentoobako, bentobako, boxes for this lunch 弁当箱

Bentō; O-Bentō, Lunch-Paket
Bentō-Schachtel; Frühstückskasten, Bentoschachtel

CLICK for original LINK ... Keio
source : keionet. order bento online

Many department stores have special sales of famous EKIBEN. You can order them also online.
The containers too are attractive and many collect them. They can be made from ceramic, wood or plastic. Some can later be used as something else, for example a piggy bank.

Others are not so special on the outside and just have a nice label.

Ekiben should contain some rice to live up to its name.

There are also many sandwiches sold at stations.

There is also a museum, EKIBEN Hakubutsukan
external LINK

ekiben gurume 駅弁ぐるめ gourmet who travels to eat ekiben

In 2007, there were special ekiben prepared along the Tokaido line for its 120 years of existence.


History of the Ekiben 駅弁の歴史

The first train lines opened in 1872.
A lot of written material has been lost during the war.
The first Tokaido line between Tokyo and Kobe opened in 1889 and since then the dining cars and lunch box operations became a general busines.
The first lunch boxes were simple nigiri rice balls.
In 1888 the first "maku no uchi bento 幕の内弁当" with more ingredients was sold at Himeji Station. It contained one box with rice and one box with the ingredients.
In 1890 the first lunch boxes with local specialities were sold at Ichinoseki and Kurosawajiri (Iwate). They sold sushi.
In 1899 the first dining car operated.

Some stations take pride in being the really first ones to sell this kind of lunchbox.

Utsunomiya 宇都宮 (Tochigi) in 1885
A simple nigiri with black sesame outside and a dried plum inside, and a slice of takuan pickled radish to go with it.
First made by the restaurant Shiragiya 白木屋.

Umeda 梅田(Osaka) in 1877
Kobe (Hyogo) in 1877
Travellers had to buy it before boarding. Mostly for soldiers of the "Seinan War" with Kagoshima and Kyushu. The ships with the soldiers sailed from Kobe to the south, and soldiers moved from Osaka station to Kobe station.

Koyama 小山駅 (Tochigi) in 1885
Okinazushi 翁ずし with nori seaweed, abura-age tofu and an egg.
Made by Kashiwaya 柏屋. An old maid called OKINA made very good sushi by hand and sold it.

Ueno 上野 (Tokyo) in 1883
made by Fujinoya 弁当料理ふぢのや

Kumagaya (Saitama) in 1883
Since the first day of the train line, they sold sushi and bread.
Ueno and Kumagaya lines opened in the same year and some sold the lunch boxes "outside the station" (eki mae).

Takasaki 高崎 (Gunma) in 1884
mentioned in a survey of Ekiben in 1956.
Some trains seemed to have had a dining car, shokudoosha 食堂車.
Takaben later became famous because they used a container with Daruma san.

Takaben - Takasaki Bento Daruma


Bentoobako ― Lunchboxes with Daruma Bentoobako 弁当箱

CLICK for original link ... mamaron


In 1914 the modernism of the Taisho-Period began and also the first world war started. More lunch boxes were sold at many stations. The wrapping paper for lunch boxes became more elaborate with special local designs.

During world war 2 rice became scarce and many lunch boxes served bread or other grains instead. Since 1945 after the war people got used to eating out and the consumption of lunch boxes soared. Also "army lunch boxes" (gunben 軍弁) became popular.
CLICK for original link ...
source .

After 1956 the Tokaido Main Line became electrified, in 1969 the Tokaido Shinkansen 東海道新幹線 started to run. Along with the travelling boom came the need for more and more specialized local ekiben.
Since 1960 there is an annual "Ekiben Meeting" ekiben taikai 駅弁大会 with a competition to win.
Even now, when people can buy cheap lunch boxes at convenience stores in front of a station, many still prefer the real EKIBEN.

The most expensive, by the way, is the one with special Matsuzaka beef and costs more than 100 dollars.


Ekiben selling(駅弁売り) - The man or woman who sells "Ekiben"
on the platform to the passengers in the train,while the train stops at the station.
This work has gone since the current train window will not open, but The window from the Meiji to the Showa period was easily opened by hand.

Railway advertisement in the Meiji Taisho period
Lithographic Printing, a Beauty riding at the first class train and Ekiben Selling
36.5 cm × 25.5 cm
- source : Hiromi on facebook 2017 -

Georges-Ferdinand Bigot (1860-1927)
"Railroad between Tokyo to Kobe" published in 1893.
on the platform Ekiben selling · · · only for 1st,2nd class cars
- source : Hiromi on facebook 2017 -


Famous Ekiben A B C

Aizu Wakamatsu (Fukushima)
Kurisansai bentoo with chestnuts and mountain vegetables

Goshokawahara (Aomori, Tsugaru)
Dazai bentoo だざい弁当 lunchbox a la Dazai

Hamamatsu (Shizuoka)
unagi meshi eel with rice

Hachinohe (Aomori)
tako ninniku buta kimuchi don 田子にんにく豚キムチ丼
Rice with garlic and pork kimchee
CLICK for more ekiben from Aomori prefecture

Hitoyoshi (Kumamoto) 人吉駅弁
kuri bentoo 栗弁当 with sweet chestnuts
kuri meshi 栗めし, served in a container shaped like a chestnut
ayuzushi 鮎すし sushi of a whole sweetfish
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kamogawa (Chiba) 鴨川
umi to sazae meshi うにとさざえめし rice with uni and sazae
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
oraga don おらが丼」"my very own bowl" rice with seafood
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kanayama (Chiba) 金山
biwa bentoo びわ弁当
ichigo mochi
kujira bentoo くじら弁当 

Kareigawa (Kumamoto ) 嘉例川駅
百年の旅物語 かれい川 Kareigawa : Hyakunen no Tabi Monogatari

Kisarazu (Chiba) 木更津
asari bentoo アサリ弁当 / 漁り(あさり)
nanohana bentoo 菜の花弁当 
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kobe (Hyogo)
Shin-Kobe Shinkansen
Toomasu ranchi トーマスランチ
Lunchbox with Thomas, the locomotive
CLICK for more photos

Koriyama Kooriyama 郡山, Fukushima
Aizu Jidori Torimeshi 会津地鶏 Local Chicken Meat from Aizu Wakamatsu

Kuji 奥久慈駅弁 Oku Kuji Ekiben
Shamo Bento しゃも弁当 , Local Chicken Lunchbox

Kuroiso (Tochigi)
Kijiyaki, fried pheasant
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Matsue ( Shimane )
Oyogi-ushi no bentoo およぎ牛の弁当  with beef from the "swimming cows" of Oki no shima 隠岐の島.

Matsuzaka (Mie)
Mootaroo bentoo モー太郎弁当
CLICK for more MOO TAROO photos
With the famous Matsuzaka beef!
極上松阪牛ヒレ牛肉弁当 : The most expensive one in Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the most expensive beef filet !
COWS in Japan and the World
The Daily MOOOO BLOG / Amy Chavez

Miyajima (Hiroshima)
Anago Meshi 穴子飯弁当 . あなごめし Rice with conger eel

Miyako 宮古 (Iwate)
Ichigo bentoo いちご弁当
Lunchbox with uni and awabi, sea urchin eggs and abalone

Mitsuwasoo (Miyazaki)
Mitsuwasoo 三ツ和荘道弁
sono manma そのまんま 宮崎地鶏丼 jidori don with local chicken

Nagoya (Aichi)
ganso misokatsu monogatari "元祖みそかつ物語”
Original cotelette with miso Story,
with cutlets on a stick
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. "Nobunaga Bento" 「信長膳」Nobunaga Zen .

Nikko 日光 Tobu Line
masu sushi 日光鱒寿し Sushi from masu, local trout

Numazu Shizuoka
Minato Ajizushi mackerel sushi with extra wasabi

Oarai, O-Arai (Ooarai 大洗駅弁) Kagoshima
Isobushi Bento 磯節弁当 "Seashore Lunchbox"

Odawara (Kanagawa)
tai meshi たいめし

Odate (Akita)
大館駅, Oodate eki
Matagi na torimeshi マタギな鶏めし
Chicken with rice like the bear hunters
CLICK for more photos

Okayama 岡山
Momotaro bento 桃太郎

. . . . . Matsurizushi 祭り寿司 Sushi with various toppings
. . . . . おかやま和牛肉弁当 Bento with beef from Okayama with 牛時雨(しぐれ)煮

Orio Kashiwameshi 折尾駅  かしわめし Kitakyushu

Shin-Osaka Tokaido Shinkansen and Tokaido
Hakkaku Bento
八角弁当 with eight corners
Conger eel roll, koya-dofu (freeze-dried bean curd), kelp roll, eggplant cut into pieces, taro and lotus root cooked in mild-tasting Kansai style. No deep-fried food.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Shimizu (Shizuoka)
Sakura ebi sushi 桜えびすし
sushi with sakura shrimp

Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi)
gansoo fukumeshi 元祖ふくめし
the original puffer fish with rice

tai red snapper

Shuzenji (Shizuoka)
Ajizushi no ekiben あじ寿司 駅弁 Horse makerel sushi

Takamatsu (Kagawa)
Anpanman bentoo アンパンマン弁当
. . . CLICK here for Bentoo Photos !
anpan あんパン bread or bun with an (sweet bean paste)

Tateyama 館山 (Chiba)
Kujira bentoo
くじら弁当 Whale meat bento

Tokyo Station 東京駅
Shookadoo Bentoo 松花堂弁当 Shokado Bento

Toyama (Fukui) 富山
masu no sushi 富山ますのすし Sushi from trout
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Toyohashi 豊橋 (Mikawa)
Handheld fireworks bento 手筒花火 Tezutsu Hanabi Bento

Kodai suzume sushi, 小鯛雀寿し small sea bream sushi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yatsushiro 八代駅 (Kumamoto)
Ayuya sandai 鮎屋三代 "Third Generation of Sweetfish"
with one whole sweetly simmered ayu fish. Forelle.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yokohama (Kanagawa)
Kiyooken shuumai 崎陽軒 シウマイ

Kiyoken Chinese shumai dumplings

Yokokawa (Gunma)
Tooge no Kamameshi, Toge no kamameshi 駅弁 峠の釜飯
Started in 1958 at 横川駅 as one of the oldest "travelling souvenier bento".
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yonago (Tottori)
Gozaemon sushi 米屋吾左衛門寿し Sushi
from sea brass or crabs. with a thick layer of konbu.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yonezawa (Yamagata)
gyuuniku domannaka 牛肉どまんなか Beef Domannaka Yonezawa beef and Domannaka rice.

Yonezawa gyuuniku Matsukawa bentoo
CLICK here for PHOTOS !


Lately there is a trend toward extra big ekiben:
mega ekiben メガ駅弁 . 特盛

CLICK for more photos
Special size Shumai Bento from Yokohama, since 2008

oomori ekiben 大盛り駅弁 Large-size ekiben
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

source : BS JAPAN 駅弁列島

Ekibengaku kooza 駅弁学講座
Hayashi Junshin / Kobayashi Shinobu
ISBN 4087200523

Ekiben History

Ekiben Museum


ekiben ni te no hira no shake ga tsuki

station lunch box ...
a piece of salmon
the size of my hand   

Hoshi Reiko 星令子


ekiben -
my thoughts follow
the rails

a little drama
at every station -

Gabi Greve, June 2009

Related words

***** WASHOKU : General Information

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

Roadside stations (michi no eki 道の駅) Highway Service Areas

***** WASHOKU : EKIBEN 駅弁 Station Lunch Boxes



Tateyama ekiben



Tateyama Stationlunch
TATEYAMA Ekiben Station lunchbox

Kujira bentoo
くじら弁当 Whale meat bento

CLICK for more photos

Whale meat has been eaten in the old province of Boso sinc olden times. The owner of the present shop, who makes the bento, has been eating it since childhood and tries to keep the taste "of his mother" for the bento.
The meat is first cooked and the scum taken off carefully, then it is simmered with sugar and soy sauce (Yamatoni, Yamato-ni 大和煮), adding shredded ginger and green shiso leaves to cover the raw taste of fish. Simmer for three hours at least and then let sit over night in the refrigerator.
Soboro "shredded whale meat" is also prepared with a special sauce.
The meat is put on the rice and in the middle a layer of scrambled egg to add some color. For a final touch, some of the sauce is poored over the whale meat.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


more KUJIRA information

Whales, kujira 鯨


Tateyama station, CHIBA prefecture
JR 内房線・館山駅 Uchi Boosoo sen Main Line
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
The station building is one of the 100 most beautiful ones in Japan,with its atmosphere of the mediterranean.

Tateyama town 館山 
Chiba prefecture

Tateyama (館山市, Tateyama-shi) is a city located at the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba 千葉, Japan. It lies at the mouth of Tokyo Bay, on the more easterly side.
Tateyama is unique and symbolic in Japanese history. Three days after the signing of the surrender papers to end World War II, American troops first set foot on Japanese soil at Tateyama. It marked the first time the nation had been successfully invaded by a foreign power.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

Ekiben 駅弁 Station Lunch Box

Regional Japanese Dishes

Roadside stations (michi no eki 道の駅) Highway Service Areas





Seafood in Winter : FISH

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity


. Fishing in all seasons

Some fish names are combined :

kan xyz ... in the cold
fuyu no xyz ... in winter

Fish heavy with eggs come down the rivers to the estuaries to lay eggs,
others come down from the colder northern waters to the southern shores of Japan

ochi xyz ... coming down


Early Winter

Cod hatsu tara 初鱈 (はつたら) first tara of the season
more see below

sand lance in frost, shimofuri kamasu
霜降かます (しもふりかます)

Sea bass coming down (ochi suzuki 落鱸 (おちすずき))
futobara suzuki 太腹鱸(ふとばらすずき)
"sea bass with a big belly"
..... harafuto はらふと "big belly "
Lateolabrax japonicus

smelt, shishamo 柳葉魚 (ししゃも)
the name comes from the Ainu language
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
grilling shihsamo, shishamo yaku ししゃも焼く(ししゃもやく)
They are also often eaten with the roe, komochi shishamo.

Ainu Food : Shishamo from Mukawacho 鵡川町



Flounder in the cold, kangarei 寒鰈(かんがれい)
shimotsukigarei 霜月鰈 (しもつきがれい) flounder in december
(shimotsuki, "month with frost", name of the old 11th lunar month)

Gissu coming down, ochi gisu 落鱚 (おちぎす)
for Gissu, see below

Yellowtail, first yellowtail, hatsu buri
初鰤 (はつぶり)
for buri, see below


Late Winter

carp in the cold, kangoi 寒鯉 (かんごい)
itegoi 凍鯉(いてごい)freezing carp
kangoi tsuri 寒鯉釣(かんごいつり)fishing for cold carp

Crucian carp in the cold, kan buna, kanbuna 寒鮒 (かんぶな)
Fam. Carassius
kannare 寒馴れ(かんなれ) fish "used to the cold"
kanbuna tsuri 寒鮒釣(かんぶなつり)fishing for cold crucian carp
kogoribuna, kogori buna こごり鮒(こごりぶな)
"jellied crucian carp" dish

dace in the cold, kanbaya 寒鮠 (かんばや)
Japanese dace, haya.
Leuciscus hakonensis. Bartgrundel
Dace in all seasons

Lamprey eel, yatsume unagi 八目鰻
Lampetra japonica
Despite its name, this in not a member of the eel family.
yatsume 八目(やつめ)"eight eyes"
kan yatsume 寒八目(かんやつめ)lamprey in the cold
river yatsume, kawa yatsume 川八目(かわやつめ)
sand yatsume, suna yatsume 砂八目(すなやつめ)
In zoology, lampreys are often not considered to be true fish because of their vastly different morphology and physiology. I also added them with the seafood selection.

Sea bream in the cold, kandai 寒鯛 (かんだい)
fuyu no tai 冬の鯛(ふゆのたい)sea bream in winter


All Winter

Alaska pollack, sukesoodara
助宗鱈 (すけそうだら)

Theragra chalcogramma
..... sukedoo dara 介党鱈(すけとうだら)
"Tara from Sado Island, "Sadodara 佐渡鱈(さどだら)
"fish with roe", mentaigyo 明太魚(めんたいぎょ)
fish roe from Alaska pollack, momijiko 紅葉子(もみじこ)
Alaska-Seelachs, Alaska-Pollack

angler fish, ankoo 鮟鱇 (あんこう)
Lophiomus setigerus
"biwa fish", biwagyo 琵琶魚(びわぎょ)
"old woman fish", robagyoo 老婆魚(ろうばぎょ)
kaseigyo 華臍魚(かせいぎょ), jugyo 綬魚(じゅぎょ)
hanging angler fish up for cutting, anko no tsurushigiri
..... especially liked for its raw liver (ankimo)and ankonabe hodgepodge in winter.
Seeteufel. monkfish
. . . . . and
nabekowashi 鍋破 (なべこわし) great sculpin
Myoxocephalos polyacanthocephalus

Ara, oki suzuki 阿羅(あら)
Niphon spinosus
araami, ara-ami あら網(あらあみ)net for Ara fishing


bluefish, Japanese bluefish, mutsu 鯥 (むつ)
mutsu no ko 鯥の子(むつのこ) bluefish eggs
Scombrops boops. japanischer Blaubarsch

Cod tara 鱈 (たら) codfish, haddock
tara "snow fish" 雪魚(たら)
"real cod", madara 真鱈(まだら), hondara 、本鱈(ほんだら)
"tara along the beach" isodara 磯鱈(いそだら)
"tara in the open sea", okidara 沖鱈(おきだら)
taraba, place to fish for tara 鱈場(たらば)
tarabune, ship to fish for tara 鱈船(たらぶね)
tara ami, net to catch tara 鱈網(たらあみ)
tarako, roe of the cod 鱈子(たらこ)
tarachiri, hodgepodge with tara 鱈ちり(たらちり)
tarajiru, soup with tara 鱈汁(たらじる), dongarajiru 寒鱈汁(どんがら汁)


Dolphin, iruka 海豚 (いるか)
lit. "pig of the sea"
ma iruka 真海豚(まいるか)oceanic dolphin
gondoo kujira ごんどう鯨(ごんどうくじら)
hunting for dolphines, irukagari 海豚狩(いるかがり)
Delphin, dorufin ドルフィン

nobiagari dorufin kubi o fureba haru

when the dolfin comes out
and stretches its head -
it is spring

Arima Akito 有馬朗人


Gissu, dabogisu だぼ鱚 (だぼぎす)
..... gisu ぎす / 義須
Pterothrissus gissu

Globefish, Blowfish (fugu 河豚)
pufferfish, swellfish,
fugu choochin 河豚提燈(ふぐちょうちん)fugu as a lampion decoration
fugu no doku 河豚の毒(ふぐのどく)blowfish poison
fugu atari 河豚中り(ふぐあたり)blowfish poison poisoning
kita makura, kitamakura 北枕(きたまくら)
"death pillow in the north"
harisenbon, hari senbon 針千本(はりせんぼん)
"one thousand needles"
. . . . . and
many more names of this poisonous fish
. . . . . and
fugunabe, blowfish stew 河豚鍋(ふぐなべ)and more food
. . . . . and
fugu tsuri 河豚釣(ふぐつり)fishing for fugu
fugu ami 河豚網(ふぐあみ) net for fishing fugu

Gurnard, hooboo 竹麦魚 (ほうぼう)
Chelidonichthys spinosus
. . . . . and another kind of gurnard
kanagashira 方頭魚 かながしら
"gold head", kanagashira 金頭(かながしら)
"fire fish", hi uo 火魚(ひうお)


Herring, round herring, urume ウルメ, 潤目鰯
big-eye sardine
..... urume うるめ
Etrumeus teres. Urume-Hering

Himeji ひめじ / ヒメジ
Upeneus japonicus
hime ひめ, himeichi, hime-ichi ひめいち
Kintaroo 金太郎(きんたろう)
Kintaroo, the Golden Boy Legend 金太郎

Isaza, isaza 魦 (いさざ) Lake Biwa goby
Gymnogobius isaza and Chaenogobius isaza
eine Grundelart
isazabune 魦舟(いさざぶね)boat for fishing isaza
isazaryoo 魦漁(いさざりょう)fishing for isaza
isaza ami 魦網(いさざあみ)net for isaza
or a special variety, Neomysis intermedia, almost like small shrimp
isaza eri 魦魞(いさざえり)trap for catching isaza
It grows to about 8 cm in length. Sweetwater fish, often in the lake Biwako, where it is prepared to some delicious dishes.
Some say it is the same as the "white fish", シロウオ shirouo.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Marlin, kajiki maguro 梶木鮪
(かじきまぐろ, 旗魚鮪)

..... kajiki 旗魚
fishing for marlin, kajiki tsuri かじき釣り(かじきつり)

Menuke 眼抜 (めぬけ)
menuki めぬき
Sebastes alutus
Alaska Menuke, lives in the colder waters of Northern Japan.


pomfret, silver pomfret, managatsuo
マナガツオ 真名鰹, (まながつお)
harvest fish
Pampus argenteus
"the real katsuo", fished in the Inland Sea off Sanuki / Kagawa pref.
They call it this way to make sure it is the real KATSUO, not the one eaten in Tosa, at the southern side of Shikoku island.
The fish must be very fresh. To cover its special taste, it is marinated in miso or wine or other sauces for a while.
Its bones are soft and can be deep-fried, served as "bone senbei crackers".
It is also served at the Emperor's palace, prepared as French Food and eaten with knife and fork.


saffron cod 氷魚 (ひお) hio, lit. "ice fish"
... komai 氷下魚 (こまい) "fish under ice"
... kankai カンカイ(寒海)"cold sea"
Eleginus gracilis

Sandfish, hatahata 雷魚 (はたはた, 鰰, 鱩)
Arctoscopus japonicus
..... "thunder fish", kaminari uo かみなりうお
Speciality of Akita : hata-hata

Sculpin, Japanese sculpin,
杜父魚 (かくぶつ) kakubutsu
. 杜夫魚(かくぶつ)
arare uo 霰魚(あられうお)"hailstone fish"
arare gako 霰がこ(あられがこ)
Cottus pollux. (kajika). Kaulkopf
He comes with many local names, for example gori dishes in Ishikawa.
A kind of anglerfish (anko), see above.

. Sea bream varieties
budai 舞鯛 (ぶだい) "dancing sea bream"
..... maidai まいだい
Calotomus japonicus
. . . . . and
itoyoridai いとよりだい【糸縒鯛】
.... itoyori 金糸魚 (いとより)
itoyouo, ito uo 糸魚(いとうお)"thread fish"
itokuri uo糸繰魚(いとくりうお)
kinsengyo 金線魚(きんせんぎょ)"Golden Thread Fish"
Nemipterus virgatus
. . . . . and
kinmedai 金目鯛 (きんめだい) Alfonsino, "Golden Eye Tai"
nishikidai 錦鯛(にしきだい) "brocade tai"

. . . . .

Shark, same 鮫 (さめ)
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch
superorder Selachimorpha
fuka 鱶(ふか)
"blue shark", yoshikirizame 葭切鮫(よしきりざめ)
its fins are used for sharks fin soup
aozame 青鮫(あおざめ)
"star shark", spotted smooth-hound shark, hoshizame 星鮫(ほしざめ)
"tiger shark", torazame 虎鮫(とらざめ)
"cat shark", bullhead shark, nekozame 猫鮫(ねこざめ)
"saw shark", spurdog shark, nokogirizame 鋸鮫(のこぎりざめ)
and many more shark types


Sole, hirame 鮃 (ひらめ) Bastard halibut
sole in the cold, kanhirame, kanhirame 寒鮃(かんひらめ)
Paralichthys olivaceus. 平目、比目魚, ヒラメ

striped black mullet in the cold
kanbora 寒鰡 (かんぼら)

mekurabora 盲鰡(めくらぼら)"blind bora"
hinode bora 日出鰡(ひのでぼら) "bora at sunset"
Mugil cephalus
Dishes with the springer
. . . . . but
gray mullet, bora 鯔 Mugil cephalus
kigo for autumn


Tilefish, amadai 甘鯛 "sweet tai"
Okitsudai 興津鯛(おきつだい)sea bream from Okitsu, Shizuoka
guji ぐじ
Lopholatilus chamealeonticeps

Trout surviving (this year) tooshi-ayu 通し鮎 (とおしあゆ)
..... tomari-ayu 止り鮎(とまりあゆ)
More about ayu, masu, trout, sweetfish . . .
Plecoglossus altivelis


Tuna, maguro 鮪 (まぐろ)
shibi しび, binnaga 鰭長(びんなが)
mebachi めばち / 眼撥 Thunna obesus. big-eyed tuna. großäugiger Thunfisch

"black tuna", bluefin tuna, kuromaguro 黒鮪(くろまぐろ)
... Thunnus thynnus
"real tuna", hon maguro 本鮪(ほんまぐろ)

boat for fishing for tuna, magurobune 鮪船(まぐろぶね)
fishing for tuna, maguro tsuri 鮪釣(まぐろつり)
net for tuna, maguro ami 鮪網(まぐろあみ)

Maguro . KIGO and Food


Whales, kujira 鯨
semi kujira 背美鯨(せみくじら)Eubalaena japonica

makkoo kujira 抹香鯨(まっこうくじら)sperm whale
Physeter macrocephalus

zatoo kujira 座頭鯨(ざとうくじら)humpback whale
Megaptera novaeangliae

iwashi kujira 鰯鯨(いわしくじら)sei whale
Balaenoptera borealis]
nagasu kujira 長須鯨(ながすくじら)
Balaenoptera musculus
..... shironagasu kujira 白長須鯨(しろながすくじら)

kokujira 小鯨(こくじら)"small whale"

isana 勇魚(いさな)Isana. old name for the whale


Yellowtail, buri 鰤 (ぶり)
Seriola quinqueradiata
big yellowtail, ooburi 大鰤(おおぶり)
"a tonsured goblin", nyuudoo 入道(にゅうどう)
"big fish" ooio 大魚(おおいお)
net for catching yellowtail 鰤網(ぶりあみ)
place for fishing, buriba 鰤場(ぶりば)
salted yellowtail, shioburi 塩鰤(しおぶり)
rolled yellowtail, makiburi 巻鰤(まきぶり)

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
speciality of Noto peninsula
thunder in winter, when the yellowtail are coming,
buri okoshi 鰤起し(ぶりおこし)
Yellowtail is used for the New Year soup (zooni) in Western Japan.
The name BURI is a contraction of ABURA, full of fat, A is left out and BURA becomes BURI.

yellowtail in the cold, kanburi 寒鰤 (かんぶり)
This one has the most fat and is used in Toyama Bay cooking and Kaga Ryori.
kigo for late winter

Yellowtail of middle-size, warasa (わらさ)
kigo for all autumn

- December 20 -
buri no hi 鰤の日 day of the yellowtail

Created by Radio Nagano.
goroawase with 2 bu 0 ri 「ぶ(2)り(0)
The kanji for the fish has on its right side the kanji for D
ecember 師 (shiwasu).

Other Yellowtail LINKS

Buriwake Shinto Ritual 鰤分け神事
January 1, Shimomura Kamo Shrine, Takaoka, Toyama pref.

buri daikon ぶり大根 yellowtail with radish and more buri dishes from Ishikawa prefecture
..... kaburazushi 蕪ずし salted yellowtail sandwiched between turnips

Hakata Zooni, Hakata Zoni soup with yellowtail

rolled yellowtail, makiburi 巻鰤(まきぶり) from Akita prefecture

buri no shirako ぶりの白子fish roe from yellowtail
buriko ブリコ, or burikko ぶりっこ the hard roe of the hatahata fish from Akita

buri tsuru 鰤釣る(ぶりつる)fishing for yellowtailand related KIGO

Yellowtail in the soup for the New Year
"yellowtail tuna to pass into the New Year" toshitori buri 年取鰤 is a speciality for New Year in Western Japan.

hamachi はまち yellowtail, the young fish
kigo for summer

hiketaburi, Hiketa buri ひけた鰤 /引田鰤 a kind of hamachi
young buri from Hiketa town
Often the first of the season in Okayama and Kagawa
The market for it startes usually around November 7.

. buri kaido 鰤街道 yellowtail road .
From Wakasa to Nagano


eel (capitone) in Italy
The capitone is offered during the Christmas eve dinner which only consists of fish courses.

on the table cloth
the capitone waits
for its turn

Moussia, Italy

Roast Eel, Capitone Arrosto
This is a classic Christmas Eve dish from Altamura, in northwestern Puglia, Italy.
I remember in Germany we also have eel as a favorite winter fish, because of its fat.
In Japan, as we saw above, the eel is eaten in the middle of the summer heat.

Gabi Greve


sea bream waffles, taiyaki 鯛焼き

stall selling tai waffles, taiyaki ya 鯛焼屋(たいやきや)

This is a sweet, a kind of waffle or pancake filled with sweet red bean paste and sold at streat stalls, especially during the cold winter days. It has the form of a sea bream, hence the name.
The TAI itself is an auspicious fish, because its word tail, so to speak, is the same as the end of the word MEDETAI, auspicious. It is eaten at special ceremonies and the New Year.

white taiyaki 白い鯛焼き is made with tapioka flour, so the waffle stays white. It is more chewy than the normal one. They started to be made in Fukuoka by Fukakusa Tomohiro in 2007. Tapioka flour is sold by Torigoe.
Taiyaki started in 1909 in Asabu juuban, Minato ward, Tokyo. White taiyaki can be served frozen in summer, like a kind of sherbet.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kanda Daruma 神田のたい焼き屋 達磨 with Daruma Taiyaki

... fishing for tai sea bream with a large net, taiami 鯛網
kigo for late spring.


New Year

A lot of fish and seafood is prepared for the special dishes of
the New Year Season, O-Setchi Ryori
(osetchi ryoori おせち料理, 御節料理 )

New Year Food, Neujahrsessen


Fish as Topic

Many contributions in this category might even be considered senryu.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

shinkaigyo しんかいぎょ (深海魚) deep-sea fish
in more than 200 meters. Many are caught in the Bay of Suruga.
There are special sushi shops in Heda and Doi to sell these.
深海魚の寿司 shinkaigyo no sushi!

げほう→トウジン ... gehoo ... toojin. Coelorinchus japonicus
とろぼっち→アオメエソ ... torobotchi ... aome eso 青眼狗母魚. greeneyes. Chlorophthalmus albatrossis
めぎす→ニギス ... megisu ... nigisu. Japanese argentine. Glossanodon semifasciata
どんこ→エゾイソアイナメ ... tongo ... ezoin ainame 蝦夷磯相甞. brown hakeling. Physiculus maximowiczi
ごそ→ハシキンメ ... goso ... hashikinme. "golden eye" . Gephyroberyx japonicus
赤かさご→シロカサゴ ... akasago ... shiro kasago . Setarches longimanus . kasago 笠子 is a rock fish

CLICK for original LINK..


kengyo 献魚 (けんぎょ) fish as an offering
Fisch als Opfergabe
kengyosai 献魚祭 Ceremony with a fish offering
Especially at Oki no Shima (沖ノ島) and other shrines


tabibito ni kinoo wa iwana kyoo wa ayu

for the traveller
yesterday local trout
today sweetfish

Morita Toge 森田峠

iwana, Salvelinus pluvius
ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis

Related words

Related words

. Food of the New Year Season, O-Setchi Ryori .
(osetchi ryoori おせち料理, 御節料理 )

including fish dishes


***** funaryoori 船料理 (ふなりょうり)
food served on board a ship or boat

Decorations and Vocabulary


. Fishing in all seasons

. "Career Fish"(shusse-uo 出世魚)    
They change their name as they grow larger.








The most important methods for preparing food are introduced here.


aburadooshi あぶらどおし【油通し】 frying food quickly
usually before simmering or other cooking methods. Often done with Chinese cooking The outside gets a small membrane that will not let the taste leek out later. Usually done at 150 to 160 degrees centigrade.

あぶらぬき【油抜き】 to drain off oil
after frying and deep-frying. Put it in hot water for a moment to drain of the oily taste.

aburu あぶる【焙る/炙る】 to per-heat
Both sides of a food are heatet for a moment over a grill or gas flames to get rid of excess moisture and warm the food. Nori get tasty after this treatment.


Aemono あえ物、和え物 (あえもの) Japanese Dressing

... Namasu dressing 膾 , 鱠, なます


Ageru 揚げる (あげる) frying, stir-frying
this word is also used for tenpura and furai (fried shrimp)

Kara-age and Tatsuta-age ... deep-frying 唐揚げ / 竜田揚げ

Kushiage, kushi-age 串揚げ deep-fried food pieces on bamboo sticks

agebitashi あげびたし【揚(げ)浸し】first frying and then marinating in flavored broth for some time.
With eggplants. Fish get softer bones when prepared like this.

agedama あげだま【揚(げ)玉】bits of fried batter
for example after cooking some tempura (tempura kasu, tenkasu 天かす)
in Kanto, these are put into udon soup )Tanuki udon.
Also put into miso soup.

agedashi あげだし【揚(げ)出し】deep fried food with a batter is placed in broth, some yakumi spices are added and shredded daikon radish, to sap off the oil.
Usually for Tofu (agedashidoofu) and eggplants (agedashi nasu 揚げだし茄子)
. . . CLICK here for eggplant Photos !

ageni, age-ni あげに【揚(げ)煮】 first frying, then simmering
Fish, meat or vegetables.


Aku nuki, akunuki あくぬき (灰汁抜き) removing bitterness
the vegetables are often rubbed and rolled in a special liquid.
aku has an acrid, alkaline flavor.
Bitter chestnuts and acorns were treated in running water for days before eating.
Bamboo shoots need to be treated too, by boiling them with rice bran (komenuka).
Many ferns and other sansai mountain vegetables need to be treated.
rubbing with salt, shiomomi しおもみ(塩揉み)

aku tori, akutori アク取り take off the scum from boiling food
usually a flat spoon or sieve is used
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


amani, ama-ni あまに【甘煮】 "sweetly simmered"
Simmering food with extra lots of sugar. Especially kabocha, sweet potatoes and beans. People in Nagasaki use a lot of sugar in the food.

amiyaki あみやき【網焼き】 grilling, broiling
when the food is placed on a metal net or squeezed between two nets.

aomi あおみ "greenness"
to add green color for decoration.
for sashimi : aojiso perilla, spinach, cucumbers, cauliflower
for dressings (aemono) : rapeseed, shungiku chrysanthemum, spinach, cucumber, mitsuba, menegi leek
for nimono simmering : sayaendoo green beans, sayaingen, rapeseed, shungiku, mizuna, kinome tree buds
for soups : mitsuba, green leek, spinach, shungiku, mizuna, mibuna, kaiwarena.


aramijin あらみじん / 粗みじん cut into rough small pieces
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

araregiri あられぎり / あられ切り cut to squares like arare pieces
especially for vegetables with a lenght of 4 to 5 cm.

ataru あたる grinding
The proper word would be suru する【擂る】for grinding, but this has a negative feeling to it (engi ga yokunai), so its opposite ataru あたる【当たる/中る】was choosen.

Im Mörser zerreiben

suribachi すりばち【擂り鉢/摺り鉢】 earthwear mortar
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Denbu and Oboro 田麩 / おぼろ (朧)... shredded food preparations
sakura denbu

Dengaku 田楽 dance and food
pieces on skewers with miso paste


heating food

Old names of the Edo period:
the words in brackets are used now

bunka 文火 (ぶんか) low heat/flame (yowabi 弱火)
bunbuka 文武火(ぶんぶか)medium heat/flame (chuubi 中火)
buka 武火(ぶか) high heat/flame (tsuyobi 強火)


Hitasu 浸す (ひたす)
soaking, steeping
Ohitashi お浸し o-hitashi 御浸し


iburi いぶり, ibusu 燻す to smoke, smoking, smoked food
kunsei 燻製 smoked food, often with cherry wood chips.

Iru いる (炒る /煎る) roasting, toasting
rösten; dörren; brennen; braten.
Preparation with little oil or whater, simply stirring the food frequently.

Kara iri からいり (乾煎り/ 空炒り), parching without using oil, dry-roasting

see ... iridoofu, iridori, iritamago.


Kanro-Ni, kanroni 甘露煮 sweet simmering
for small fish or fruit


Kiru 切る cutting Japanese food
an art in itself !


Kosu こす straining
strainer for miso, misokoshi みそこし (味噌漉し)
sarashi さらし, sarashinuno さらし布 thin cloth for straining food


Modosu もどす(戻す) rehydrating dried food, soaking dried food in water


Musu むす (蒸す)steaming
dünsten, schmoren, in einer Pfanne, wenn die Lebensmittel Wasser ziehen

mushiki むしき (蒸し器) steamer
mushiyaki ... 蒸し焼き steaming
This is a typical preparation for Chinese food items and some Japanese fish dishes.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

jigoku mushi 地獄蒸し boiled in hot steam of a hot spring
Gokuraku Onkei 極楽温鶏 whole steamed chicken from Oita 極楽温鶏

in Dampf kochen

seiromushi, seiro mushi セイロ蒸し steamed in a seiro steamer
a traditional seiro is made of bamboo (take seiro 竹せいろ).
Or you can use a metal pot and have two or more seiro to put on it.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Niru 煮る simmering
nitsuke 煮付け simmering with soy sauce, sugar and mirin
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Hokke no nitsuke ... and Prime Minister Aso some politics !

aoni あおに【青煮】"simmering while keeping the green color"
mostly with salt and thin soy sauce.

nimono 煮物 simmered/boiled food
. niuriya, niuri-ya 煮売屋 / 煮売り屋 / にうりや selling simmered, boiled food .
saiya 菜屋
niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 quick lunch vendor
ochazuke ya お茶漬け屋 selling o-chazuke
- niuribune 煮売船 / 煮売り船

inakani, inaka-ni 田舎煮 cooked food, "rural style"
vegetables boiled with soysauce and sugar, until almost all liquid is gone. Often prepared with taro.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

suppa-ni すっぱ煮 sour simmered food

umani, uma-ni うまに 【旨煮/甘煮】 "deliciously simmered"
fish [meat] and vegetables boiled in soy sauce and sugar
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Onigiri おにぎり rice balls

Orosu おろす grating

grating radish, daikon oroshi だいこんおろし (大根卸し)
metal grater, oroshigane おろしがね (下ろし金/卸し金), comes in many shapes, some used directly at the table for wasabi etx.
samekawa oroshi-ki 鮫皮 下ろし器 grater for shakeskin


Otoshibuta おとしぶた (落とし蓋) "dropped down lid", lid resting directly on the food in a pot or pan
to simmer, poach or braise food
The lid has to be a little bit smaller than the opening of the pot or pan.


Shiokara ... salty and pugnant pickles 塩辛

Shiozuke しおづけ(塩漬(け)) preserved in salt, pickled in salt
preserve fish in salt
Einsalzen, Einlegen in Salz (Fisch, Gemüse, Eier).
Pökeln (Fleisch und Wurstwaren)

Einsalzen ist neben dem Trocknen eine der ältesten Methoden zur Konservierung von Lebensmitteln. Dabei wird durch das Salz die Feuchtigkeit in den Produkten für Mikroorganismen unbrauchbar. Um zuverlässig zu wirken, muss das Salz die Lebensmittel vollständig und gleichmäßig durchdringen. Dem Salz können auch trockene Gewürze zugegeben werden, um den Geschmack zu verbessern ...
Bei einigen Produkten, z.B. Weißkohl oder grünen Bohnen, tritt durch eine genau abgemessene Salzmenge Saft aus. Die darin enthaltenen Mikroorganismen bewirken eine langsame Fermentation, bei der Zucker in Säure verwandelt wird.
Dabei kommt außer dem Salz noch Salpeter zum Einsatz, der die bakterienhemmende Wirkung des Salzes verstärkt.
Pökeln mit Nitritpökelsalz
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Shogayaki ... Ginger Roast Meat 生姜焼き


Suritsubusu すりつぶす(磨り潰す/擂り潰す) crushing, mashing, grinding
groved grating mortar, suribachi すりばち(擂り鉢/摺り鉢)


Tare, タレ all kinds of sauces for dipping
amadare, あまだれ 甘タレ sweet dipping sauce
gomadare, ごまだれ(胡麻垂れ) seseme sauce
misodare みそだれ 味噌タレ miso sauce
shabushabu no tare しゃぶしゃぶのタレ comes with different kinds of sauces for dipping, some are the specialities of a restaurand kept for many generations.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
shoogadare しょうがだれ ginger sauce
wasabidare, wasabijooyu (wasabi shoyu) わさびだれ、山葵醤油 soy sauce with Japanese horseradish

tataki たたき food chopped with a knife
aji no tataki アジのたたき chopped horse mackerel


. tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura .

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tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 .
天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura
deep-fried battered food
many ingredients are deep-fried. Mostly fish and seafood and vegetables.
Even the new leaves of greet tea are made into tempura during the season 新茶の天婦羅.
The recipe for tempura was introduced to Japan by Portuguese Jesuit missionaries particularly active in the city of Nagasaki also founded by the Portuguese, during the sixteenth century (1549).
Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, reportedly loved tempura. Originally, tempura was a popular food eaten at street venders called 'yatai'(屋台) since the Genroku era.
Today, tempura is still a popular side dish at home, and is frequently eaten as a topping at soba stands.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
frittierter Fisch, frittiertes Gemüse

WASHOKU : Tenpura Tempura dishes in our BLOG

basu tenpura バス天ぷら tempura from black bass
From Lake Biwa

Maple leaves tempura (momiji tenpura)

kinpura きんぷら 【金麩羅】Kinpura
the coating is made with buckwheat flour. Oil from torreya nuts (kaya 榧(かや) is used for frying.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

tenpuraya 天麩羅屋 vendor of tenpura in Edo
They were the beginning of small stalls selling "fast food" to be eaten while standing, for the fast-living workers of Edo.

source :

. Food vendors in Edo .

tenpura no yubi o giboshi e hikinasuri

he wipes his fatty tempura fingers
on the giboshi decoration
of the bridge

This senryu tells us about the carefree behaviour of the tempura cooks. Tempura was made with some flavor on the food items, but not served with sauce as it is today. Tempura dipping sauce was introduced much later in the Meiji period.

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

. giboshi 擬宝珠 metai decoration of a railing .


Tsukemono 漬物 Pickles

asazuke あさづけ【浅漬け】lightly pickled vegetables

Tsukimi, with an egg as "moon viewing" decoration

tsukudani つくだに (佃煮, つくだ煮) simmering in sweetened soy sauce


Yahata-maki やはたまき (八幡巻き) goboo burdock roll
from Yahata village, Kyoto


Yaku 焼く "burning, heating", baking, toasting, broiling, grilling, pan searing
this word is used for many preparations, sometimes using oil.

shichirin しちりん (七輪) small portable stove for grilling with charcoal
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

YAKU ...
Aburi-yaki, Horoku-yaki, Kara-yaki, Kimi-yaki, Miso-yaki, Namban-yaki, O-kariba-yaki, Shio-yaki, Teri-yaki
and many more !


CLICK for more
Yamatoni, Yamato-ni 大和煮 simmering meat of wild animals and birds in soy sauce, sugar and ginger
for whale meat, ginger and perilla leaves are cut finely and simmered too.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
This method evolved in the Meiji period, when meat was eaten more frequently in Japan. A procucer of canned chicken meat, Maeda 前田道方 made it famous.
In 1915 the company Meijiya 明治屋 produced canned beef.
In 1923 Mitsukoshi in Nihonbashi had bargain sales of the canned meat. The Japanese army used this canned meat too.
hogei 捕鯨(ほげい) catching whales became popular and much whale meat was produced for canning, also sheep, horse and deer, even bears and sea lions. But all this meet has a strong animal tast and needs long hours of simmering.
See .. Kujira Ekiben from Tateyama, Chiba.

. Yamato Province in Nara prefecture   

Yudoshi, yudooshi ゆどおし(湯通し) blanching in boiling water


Zubereitung, Zubereitungen von Speisen