
Aemono Dressing


Dressing (aemono)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


traditional Japanese dressings, ae-mono, aemono
あえ物、和え物 (あえもの)
aeru あえる, to make a dressing 和える/ 韲える

Mixing two or more ingredients to achieve a special new flavor. Vegetables, meat, fish or seafood can be used.

Japanese dressing, aegoromo あえ衣
The dressing is rather delicate and should be added just before serving.

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Some varieties of Japanese dressing

bainiku-ae, bainikuae , 梅肉あえ ばいにくあえ
with mashed dried plums (umeboshi)
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goma-ae, gomaae ごまあえ sesame-based dressing
also called: goma-yogoshi
..... goma-shooyu-ae, with sesame and soy sauce
mit Sesam
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

fuki-miso, fuki no to with miso paste
kigo for early spring

karashi-su-ae, with mustard and vinegar

kinome-ae, with buds of trees and sanshoo pepper
Japanese pepper, "Mountain pepper"
kigo for all spring

kurumi-ae, kurumiae くるみあえ dressing with walnut sauce
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mit Walnussauce

miso-ae,misoae みそあえ miso-based dressing
..... sumiso-ae, misopaste and vinegar dressing
(with saikyo miso paste)
..... karashi sumiso, with mustard and miso paste
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mizore-ae, with grated radish

nuta-ae, nutaae ぬたあえ (饅和え/饅韲え)
nuta namasu ぬたなます
salad seasoned with vinegar and miso
dressing with vinegared miso. for vegetables, fish and seafood.
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piinattsu-ae, with peanuts

shira-ae, shiraae しらあえ tofu-based dressing
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teppooae, teppoo-ae 鉄砲和え "gun dressing"
vinegar, white miso and hot pepper are mixed.
Because the leek is hollow like a gun and the mustard goes straight to your nose, it is called "gun dressing".

Seta shijimi no teppoo-ae 瀬田しじみの鉄砲和え

Shiga prefecture

teppoo yaki, teppooyaki, teppoyaki 鉄砲焼き "hot gun grilling"

Fish or meat is wrapped in a sauce of red hot pepper vinegar miso paste and grilled.

. Fugu blowfish, "gun fish" ...
teppoo, (鉄砲) meaning rifle or gun


udo-ae, udo roots with white miso dressing
kigo for late spring

wakame-ae, wakame seaweed with vinegar-miso
kigo for all spring


External LINK
Aegoromo (traditional Japanese dresssings)Recipes

Worldwide use

Salat anmachen
Japanisches Dressing

Things found on the way

su no mono, vinegared dish 酢の物
often served as kuchinaoshi, a palate cleanser.

den schlechten Nachgeschmack beseitigen


Related words

***** Namasu dressing 膾 , 鱠, なます



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