
UPDATE WS various



kakioko, kaki oko カキオコ omelette with oysters
kaki okonomiyaki ... kakioko was coined in 2008 for promoting the village.
About 10 to 15 oysters per portion are put in a kind of okonomiyaki pizza style omelette with a lot of cut cabbage.
It is also called "Hinase yaki" 日生焼き
from Hinase fishing port 日生地区, near Bizen

Dishes from Okayama


makurobaiochikusu マクロバイオチクス
macrobiotic food

A macrobiotic diet (or macrobiotics), from the Greek "macro" (large, long) and "bios" (life), is a dietary regimen that involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with other foodstuffs such as vegetables and beans, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods. Macrobiotics also addresses the manner of eating by recommending against overeating and requiring that food be chewed thoroughly before swallowing.
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Nishimura Mayumi 西邨まゆみ
born 1956
was the macrobiotic cook for Madonna !
makurobiotikku マクロビオティック
She is promoting regional macrobiotic dishes, according to the ingredients available in each country.
Also a kind of petit-macro プチマクロ , a bit easier to prepare.

kenkoo shokuhin けんこうしょくひん【健康食品】
health food


tanjooiwaimochi, tanjoo iwai mochi 誕生祝い餅(たんじょういわいもち)
isshoomochi  一升餅・一生餅(いっしょうもち)
mochi for the first birthday of a baby

fumimochi 踏み餅 "stand with both feet on the earth" mochi
The round mochi weights isshoo (一升, ca. 1,8 kg) and is put into a rucksack for the baby to carry. If it does so without crying, it will have rice to eat for his whole life (isshoo 一生).
The round mochi also represents the sun and the sun deity Amaterasu.
They are also sometimes used for other important birthdays, especially when people get older, with the wish for a long life.
I once was present of the birthday party of a little boy who carried it with great joy.

Rice cakes (mochi 餅)



UPDATE chikaramochi


Benkei no Chikaramochi

Rice cakes in momory of Benkei, the stron warrior-monk

These CHIKARAMOCHI are also sold at other temples with a relation to Benkei, the strong warrior-monk. For example in Iwate, near the temple Chuson-ji.

... Hiraizumi Fujiwara Festival


***** 弁慶の力餅 Benkei no Chikaramochi



UPDATE chopsticks



Haiku about chopsticks

waribashi no keba yukiguni no sabishisa yo

the fluff of
disposable wooden chopsticks ...
loneliness in the Snow Country

Tomo-oka Shikyo . Tomooka Shikyoo 友岡子郷 (1934 - )

Maybe he was trying to eat some soba noodle soup at a cheap shop near the station in Hokkaido. When he realized he could not break the chopsticks in one fine cut, he became aware of his own sticking to details.


***** Chopsticks (hashi, ohashi, o-hashi お箸)


UPDATE Tofu from Saga, Kyoto



UPDATE Tofu from Saga


Read more HERE

SAGA 嵯峨 in Kyoto 

toofu 豆腐 bean curd
Saga is famous for its various bean curds.

Saga doofu 嵯峨豆腐 Tofu from Saga

mukashidoofu むかし豆腐
old-fashioned tofu (touhu)

Made by the shop Morika 森嘉(もりか)near Shakado Hall (Seiryo-ji Temple).
It is made with sumashi-ko すまし粉), sekko, a kind of calcium sulfate instead of nigari. This dates back to a time after the war when they could not get any real nigari and had to find a substitute.
The store uses only the old equipment and all is made by hand.
Kawabata Yasunari was fond of this hard tofu.

. Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 Yasunari Kawabata .

Morika no karashidoofu からし豆腐 tofu with mustard flavor


Related words

***** Kyoto, the Old Capital of Japan






FEBRUARY ... nigatsu 二月


.............. February 1, 2010

Lamb Raised on Wine Lees on Sale in Japan

Fujisan Farm, located in Fujiyoshida City in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, started selling lamb labeled "Fujisan Wine Lamb" in January 2010. The animals are raised on feed containing wine lees and bean curd refuse.
The feed was developed at the Yamanashi Prefecture Livestock Experiment Station utilizing wine lees and bean curd refuse, which are usually disposed of as industrial waste. The same type of feed has been used for beef cattle, but this is the first time it has been used for sheep.


budookasu ブドウかす wine lees

Fujisan wain ramu 富士山ワインラム Fujisan wine lamb


.............. February 3, 2009

Ehomaki Sushi Roll (ehoomaki) for Setsubun

World Pastry Cup 2009 Yokohama クープ・デュ・モンド・ドゥ・ラ・パティスリー
Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie


.............. February 9, 2009

Day of Meat (niku no hi) NI KU
nigatsu kunichi


February 8/9 Tengu Matsuri in Sakaide

tengujiru 天狗(てんぐ)汁 soup with 10 vegetable ingredients
TEN is from the english number 10, GU is from the Japanese meaning ingredients.
TENGU is also the long-nosed goblin of Japanese legend.

This kindof soup was given to the people at 国分寺で健康まつり in Shikoku, for example.
and to 2500 people at the Tengu Festival in Sakaide, Shikoku. 坂出天狗まつり(坂出市)
十種類の野菜を使った てんぐ汁
10種類の具が入った てんぐ汁

Tengu and Daruma 天狗とだるま

天狗汁 まだ やられたか日本語に

tengu jiru ...
again I am surprized
by the Japanese

Gabi Greve


.............. February 10, 2009

CLICK to go to Tokyo Taste Website

Food Fair in Tokyo

A three-day gastronomic extravaganza kicked off Monday in Tokyo, bringing in top chefs from around the world to stimulate the culinary industry and promote Japanese food culture.
"Tokyo Taste — the World Summit of Gastronomy 2009" is the first culinary event of its kind in Japan, organizers said, featuring programs from onstage cooking performances and workshops to exhibition booths for food products.

The industry is hoping this kind of summit will help Japanese cuisine gain further popularity, given that Tokyo has recently been acclaimed by some as the world's capital of good food, not to mention Michelin awarding more to restaurants here than in any other city.
"Japanese food is the most closely watched in the world," former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said at an opening ceremony.
source : Japan Times

 More reference


.............. February 11, 2009

Oita's shiitake farmers benefit as demand for cheap imports drops
Oita Prefecture's shiitake farmers, who have struggled for years amid a flood of low-priced imports from China, are enjoying an unexpected change in fortunes as demand for domestically grown food surges.

The prefecture, which boasts of being the largest producer of dried shiitake in Japan, is benefiting from consumer concerns about the safety of food products from abroad, particularly China.

"Ordinary consumers are opting for domestic shiitake and steering clear of Chinese products due to a series of scandals involving Chinese-made food products last year," said Eiji Kugumiya, who advises a farmers' cooperative, referring to incidents in which Japanese people fell ill after eating tainted imports.

Mushroom growers in the prefecture were given welcome news by Oita's shiitake agricultural cooperative in December, when it was confirmed that the average bidding price in 2008 reached ¥4,859 per kg.

Although the price was lower than the ¥6,812 recorded in the heady days of 1983, it was a considerable improvement on the prices of around ¥2,000 recorded in the second half of the 1980s as imports of Chinese mushrooms surged.

Oita Prefecture accounted for around a quarter of the 16,000 tons of shiitake mushrooms produced in the country when output peaked in 1984.
In 2007, the latest year for which data are available, domestic production had fallen to about 3,500 tons, of which Oita contributed about 1,300 tons.

Imports of Chinese mushrooms exceeded 9,000 tons in 1997 but dropped to around 7,000 tons in 2007. Most of the imports are supplied to businesses, according to Oita cooperative adviser Kugumiya.
The Oita shiitake co-op has about 4,000 members, a decline of about 2,600 from 25 years ago, and the average age of members is 68.

source : www/japantimes.co.jp


.............. February 13, 2009

Philip Harper is a Briton. He is the first foreign-born person to earn the title of toji (brewmaster) in Japan. Harper is at the moment the master brewer at the Tamagawa brewery in Kumihama, Japan.
He is author of "The Insider's Guide to Sake".


.............. February 19, 2009

quote Japan Times

Tokyo Taste summit provides food for thought
Top chefs stimulated by fresh ingredients, health consciousness and rich culture

These days, the mere mention of Tokyo is enough to make gourmands drool. After garnering a staggering 227 Michelin stars this year, the city became the focus of the culinary world. So for several internationally renowned chefs who look to Japan for inspiration, traveling here last week to participate in the Tokyo Taste World Gastronomy Summit must have felt like a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The event at the Tokyo International Forum, which aimed to foster intercultural communication through the language of cuisine, brought foreign superstars such as Ferran Adria of Spain's El Bulli , Joel Robuchon of Paris' L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon and Pierre Gagnaire of Paris' Pierre Gagnaire restaurant together with local celebrities including Seiji Yamamoto of Roppongi's Ryugin and Yoshihiro Narisawa of Aoyama's Les Creations de Narisawa, as well as chefs representing the next generation of the avant garde. Over the course of three days, the chefs wowed audiences with displays of kitchen wizardry, producing fantastic creations using Japanese ingredients.

With Japanese restaurants numbering 25,000 worldwide and countless others serving dishes influenced by Japan, food translates into valuable cultural capital for the country. For many, a bite of sushi or a sip of miso soup is their first contact with Japanese culture.

Adria, often credited with popularizing molecular gastronomy, a deconstructivist interpretation of nouvelle cuisine that relies heavily on science and cutting-edge technology, cites his first visit to Japan as a life-changing experience. Referring to Japanese cuisine as "a mysterious world of complexity," he noted that Japanese culture has been slow to make inroads into Europe.

Nobuyuki Matsuhisa of the world-famous chain of Nobu restaurants described acquainting foreign diners with Japanese foods such as sashimi as a delicate process that requires a great deal of modification. Now that the foundation has been laid, he hopes to introduce more traditional Japanese foods and techniques abroad.

Beyond the discovery of new ingredients such as yuzu (citrus fruit) and sansho (Japanese pepper), chefs find inspiration in Japanese attitudes toward food: the appreciation of seasonal offerings, emphasis on quality and pride in local produce.

This "reverence for ingredients" and established practices led Britain's foremost molecular gastronomist, Heston Blumenthal of The Fat Duck restaurant, to re-evaluate his own country's culinary history. His research has unearthed a treasure trove of recipes from the Victorian era that have fallen out of fashion, such as mock turtle soup, which uses organ meats to imitate the viscous texture of green turtle soup.

But despite a tradition of proper concern for food, evidence suggests that even the famously health-conscious Japanese aren't immune to the negative effects of modern life, which have taken a toll on eating habits. In response to a growing concern over lifestyle-induced health problems such as metabolic syndrome, in 2005 the government enacted the Basic Law on Shoku-iku (food and nutrition education), an initiative designed to increase awareness of Japanese food culture and encourage healthy habits through school- and community-based programs. Japan was the first country to take such measures.

Blumenthal maintains that it's important for chefs who have been fortunate enough not to have felt the effects of the recession, to be socially aware and active. He spoke passionately about the need to educate youth and discussed his book "Kitchen Chemistry" (2005), a resource for schools produced in partnership with Britain's Royal Society of Chemistry. Blumenthal's intention with the book is to explain practical chemistry in a light-hearted way with examples from the kitchen, such as the role of salt in cooking and the science involved in making ice cream.
Chefs Heston Blumenthal and Grant Achatz look to redefine dining Adria serves as director of the Alicia Foundation, which takes its name from a combination of the Spanish words for "food" and "science" — alimentacion and ciencia — a research center created by the Catalonian Parliament and the Bank of Manresa. The center focuses on exploring technology in kitchen science, preserving traditional foods and recipes, and advancing food safety, particularly in developing countries.

Adria believes that technology can be instrumental in promoting health and nutrition. During a demonstration with fellow Spaniard Andoni Luis Aduriz of the restaurant Mugaritz, Adria used liquid nitrogen to make a fat- and sucrose-free sorbet from fresh orange juice. He also discussed the positive health implications of vacuum-based cooking techniques such as sous-vide, which allows ingredients to be heated very slowly over a low heat, thus preserving their structural integrity and nutritional value.

As Kunio Tokuoka of Kyoto Kitcho pointed out, Japanese cooking techniques and ingredients have a role to play. Chef Tokuoka showed how glutamate-rich konbu dashi (seaweed soup stock) could be used to create simple, flavorful dishes that contain little fat and salt.

The presentations stimulated minds as well as appetites, and a tinge of excitement lingered in the air as Tokyo Taste came to a close. With events such as these being held in the city, eyes and palates should stay trained on Japan in the years to come.

The Japan Times (C) All rights reserved


Don't call it molecular gastronomy — it's 'sensory design'
Chefs Heston Blumenthal and Grant Achatz look to redefine dining

A flaming sorbet served in a dish lined with red leather, a strip of clear film that releases the flavor of frankincense across the palate, a pressed wafer meant to smell of a newborn baby. I'm not talking about the sequel to "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory," but chef Heston Blumenthal's presentation at last week's Tokyo Taste event.

Blumenthal — owner of The Fat Duck restaurant in Bray, England — dismisses the standard label of "molecular gastronomy" for his cooking and refers to his unique brand of dinner theater as "sensory design." His fanciful experiments stem from the belief that food should elicit an emotional response and his desire to introduce a sense of "wonderment" into a meal. Kaiseki — a Japanese light "tasting-menu" meal — he says, is one of the few culinary forms to retain this element of drama and spectacle.

Blumenthal's eccentric creations are elaborate and require context — as well as instructions. His mock turtle soup, for example, is based on both a revised Victorian recipe and the Mad Hatter's tea party from "Alice in Wonderland." Diners are directed to dip bouillon that is molded in the shape of a pocket watch, wrapped in gold-leaf and attached to a tea-bag string, into a teacup of steaming-hot water before pouring the contents over a melange of pressed calf's head and a mock turtle "egg" adorned with tiny enoki mushrooms.

In a dish he calls Sound of the Sea, Blumenthal constructs a sandy seascape of fresh shellfish and pickled seaweed perched atop a curious mixture of tapioca maltodextrin (a food starch), crushed shirasu (baby anchovies) and powdered konbu (seaweed), finished with a spray of dashi (soup stock) foam. The platter is served alongside an iPod nestled in a conch shell, through whose speakers the sounds of waves and sea gulls can be heard. Blumenthal hit upon this idea after working with a behavioral psychologist who showed him how sound can affect a person's perception of taste.

One of the most rewarding aspects of his job, he says, is being able to collaborate with creative people in different disciplines. At the moment, he's working with a magician to find a way to ignite his signature flaming sorbet with a snap of the fingers. And next? Blumenthal says that he's interested in working with a scriptwriter to explore the narrative potential of a meal.

Tokyo Taste summit provides food for thought While Blumenthal aims to dazzle with whimsy, Grant Achatz seeks to challenge with intellectual rigor. The 35-year-old owner and chef of Alinea restaurant in Chicago outlined design, food and service as the basic elements of the new wave of restaurants, where entertainment and the conjuring of emotions are among the primary objectives. Achatz and his team have become famous for their use of aroma "injections" to complement certain dishes. In one example, the chef introduced the scent of burning leaves to induce a nostalgic recollection of autumn.

Designer Martin Kastner, who manufactures cutlery and dishes expressly for Achatz's food, spoke with him about the importance of "challenging the vernacular of tableware" in order to expand the chef's ability to compose. His innovative designs establish new relationships between diners and the staff. One of his creations is a perfectly spherical bowl that can't be set down, requiring the dish to be handed directly from the server to the guest.

Service, Achatz asserts, can be utilized as an artistic tool. The guests could get directly involved in the creative process, for example, by choosing adjectives from a list that the kitchen staff would use to make a dish exhibiting those qualities. To break the rhythm of the service, diners could be led away from their tables midway through the meal to retrieve a morsel from a box set into the wall. The whole point is to "intimidate" people and cause them to question their concepts of food and the dining experience.

Chef Achatz concluded his demonstration by preparing a dish of thinly sliced wagyu beef topped with a vinegar reduction. As the room filled with the intoxicating aroma of rendered fat, we were reminded that — all intellectualizing aside — restaurants are still about food, and that, in the end, it has to taste good.

The Japan Times (C) All rights reserved

Related words

JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月

DECEMBER ... juunigatsu 十二月  



Regional Japanese Dishes

Roadside stations (michi no eki 道の駅) Highway Service Areas

Ekiben 駅弁 Train Station Lunch Box



Midorimushi Euglena



Euglena (midorimushi) for food

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Animal and Humanity


Midorimushi, the little green insect, is now researched in Japan for its power as food and bio-fuel.

yuugurena ユーグレナ Euglena


Euglena is a genus of unicellular protists, of the class Euglenoidea of the phylum Euglenozoa (also known as Euglenophyta). They are single-celled organisms. Currently, over 1000 species of Euglena have been described.
Some Euglena are considered to have both plant and animal features.

A Euglena is a protist that can both eat food as animals by heterotrophy; and can photosynthesize, like plants, by autotrophy.
Euglena can survive in fresh and salt water. In low moisture conditions, a Euglena forms a protective wall around itself and lies dormant as a spore until environmental conditions improve. Euglena can also survive in the dark by storing paramylon granules in pyernoid bodies within the chloroplast.

Euglena is rich in nutrients and contains paramylon. Currently there is one Euglena product already in the market. The product contains Euglena, royal jelly, condroitin, and brewers yeast. The product is advertised as a dietary supplement, an antioxidant, and as a colon cleanser. Researchers are now looking into other possible uses of Euglena such as the application of the protists' paramylon as cosmetics, biodegradable film, and pharmaceuticals.
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. . . CLICK here for Photos !

みどりむし サプリ supplement medicine with Euglena
midorimushi sapuri
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

バイオザイム -BIOZYME-


Food with Euglena ミドリムシ 食品

It lowers fat and cholesterol and is good for your health!

In a powder preparation it can be placed over white rice and eaten as a kind of chazuke, with hot green tea poured over the mix.

midorimushi beeguru みどりむしベーグル Euglena bagel

midorimushi kukkii みどりむしクッキ cookies from Euglena

midorimushi no tsukudani みどりむしの佃煮 tsukudani
Midorimushi boiled with soy sauce and sugar

. . . . . types of tsukudani offered so far

みどりむし舞昆海苔佃 tsukudani boiled with maikon nori
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

舞昆じゃこ山椒 and shako

赤富士明太子舞昆 and mentaiko

一口椎茸舞昆 and shiitake

 舞昆しじみ貝 and shijimi clams


Worldwide use

Things found on the way


midorimushi -
the pond in Ueno
full of life

Watching some researchers taking out water with bristling midorimushi from the pond in Ueno, bringing it to their laboratory nearby and making new experiments for food products.

Gabi Greve, January 2010

Related words

***** WKD Reference



Doggy Bag


Doggy Bag

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


doggii baggu ドッギーバッグ  doggy bag

It is quite mottainai to leave food on your plate, but to ask for a bag to carry it back home is not very popular either.

Only very few restaurants offer this kind of service.

Here is a new approach to it, in Japanese

doggybag japan

名称 : ドギーバッグ普及委員会
事務局所在地 : 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山4-17-33 n-OM1ビル 2F
電話 : 03-5484-6049
理事長 : 山本 啓一郎

Take a look at the products, some are really



This is a campaign in Tokyo.
You have to bring 15 pet bottle covers and get a doggy bag, where restaurants which participate will let you take home your leftovers.


Doggy bags slowly infiltrate Japanese dining scene
By Mayumi Saito

Diners do not flinch at the generally big portions served in U.S. restaurants. It’s not necessarily because they can finish but know that they can take leftovers home. If you ask for the same option at Japanese restaurants, however, most would refuse, citing the lack of boxes ready and fear of food poisoning.

Consider the agriculture ministry’s 2001 report that the customers’ leftovers constituted 58% of food waste at restaurants nationwide. In fiscal 2007, 11 million tons of food were reportedly discarded from the entire food industry, one of the highest figures among the industrial countries, despite Japan’s lowest self-sufficiency rate.
“Doggy bags are taken for granted in the U.S. and many parts of Asia. We wanted to spread the custom in Japan, too. People in this country used to take leftovers home after weddings just a few decades ago,” Miyazawa says.

Like-minded people founded non-profit organizations DoggyBag Committee in Tokyo in March and Doggybag Promotion Business Cooperatives in Saitama Prefecture in April last year. ReacJapan Co promoted their doggy bags together with the former group at events and festivals in Tokyo neighborhoods and beyond.

Thanks to their campaign efforts, now more than 200 restaurants carry reusable doggy bags and so do over 250 stores across the country. Large supermarket chain Ito Yokado Co’s 107 stores just started carrying the Reac Japan’s boxes in January, and the design company has shipped 85,000 boxes so far since their launch.
source : www.japantoday.com


Can doggy bags save the world?
The Japan Times Online
March 21, 2010

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** WASHOKU : General Information



Shashin keeki cake



Cake with a photo (shashin keeki)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


A bakery in Tokyo offers this special service.

shashin keeki 写真ケーキ edible photo cake

CLICK for more photos

On a "paper" made by some kind of gelatine the chef uses a special "copy maschine", a cake decorating printer, where the ink is made from oficcialy approved edible colors.
He has the permission of the Ministry of Health and Welfare to make these cakes.

You bring a photo and he will make a delious cake with lots of whipped cream and strawberries, and on top the sweet copy of your photo.

CLICK for more photos

It takes about four days preparations. The colors might get a bit off, but they sure look delicious !

It can be anything, from a birthday party to the photo of your child's first painting ...

The baker also uses photos from your pet to make

doobutsu keeki どうぶつケーキ cakes with animal photos

ハナビシ Hanabishi
東京・練馬大泉 Tokyo, Nerima


Edible Photo Cake

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
and more reference

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI






JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月

The great festival of Ebisu "Ebessan"
God of the Fishermen

New Year Food 2010


.............. January 1, 2010


.............. January 1, 2009

This year, UDON are eaten to "pass over into the new year" (toshikoshi udon 年越しうどん). Some are only decorated with red carrot pieces, pickles salted plums (umeboshi) and some green for the "pines on the gates" (kadomatsu) decoration of a home.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !


Food safety in Japan
A panel of the Cabinet Office on Nov. 25 made public a report on a scandal involving the reselling of contaminated rice for human consumption, which had surfaced in September 2008. The report said officials of the farm ministry lacked a sense of responsibility for their role in ensuring the safety of food for people.
As a result, the ministry has disciplined 25 high-ranking officials. The government now should strive to restore people's trust in food safety by taking concrete action. The nation has seen a series of food safety-related scandals since January 2008, including contaminated "gyoza" dumplings imported from China and falsified labels for eel and other products from China that made them look like they originated in Japan.
The rice, contaminated with pesticide residues and mold toxin, was part of accumulated "minimum access" stocks imported from China, Vietnam and other countries under 1994 world trade rules. The farm ministry sold the rice on the condition that it be used for non-edible purposes only. But Mikasa Foods in Osaka and a few other companies resold the rice, knowing it would be used for human consumption. About 390 entities bought the rice and some of them, including shochu liquor and snack makers, had to recall their products.
source :  Japan Times


.............. January 3, 2009

WAGOKORO 和憩 Culture Space

will hold a Festival of Traditional Japanese Things, including serving Japanese food on January 25 in Suita, Osaka.

wagaku 和学 Japanese Learning
source: wagokoro.sarashi.com
source: wagokoro Japanese Food of the Season


.............. January 7, 2009

Tsukiji Bluefin Tuna First Auction
The battle over a bluefin tuna that sold for ¥9.63 million at the first auction of the year at Tokyo's Tsukiji market, the highest price fetched in eight years, ended when the Japanese and Chinese bidders agreed to share the fish, market participants said Thursday.
Ricky Cheng Wai-tao (left), manager of a Hong Kong sushi chain, celebrates with rival bidder Yosuke Imada (center) Monday at Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo after they agreed to jointly buy a tuna for .63 million, the highest price in eight years, in the first auction of the year.
Yosuke Imada, the 63-year-old manager of the prestigious sushi restaurant Kyubey in Tokyo's Ginza district, and Ricky Cheng Wai-tao, the 41-year-old Chinese manager of the Itamae Sushi chain in Hong Kong and elsewhere, each took half of the fish, which was caught off Oma, Aomori Prefecture.
The tuna was cut in two at the market immediately after Monday's bidding, with one half transported to Hong Kong and the other to Ginza.
One piece of "otoro" sushi, using the fattest portion of the fish, costs around ¥1,100 in Hong Kong restaurants and ¥2,000 in Ginza.
Yukitaka Yamaguchi, 46, a longtime middleman for Imada who also started to work with Cheng last year, found himself in a quandary after both asked him to buy the top fish "at any cost" in the auction.
Summoning both of them to a hotel bar in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, on the eve of the auction, Yamaguchi suggested they jointly purchase the fish.
The two accepted the plan because Imada wanted to avoid an unnecessary battle that would drive up the cost ...
source : Japan Times, Januray 7, 2009. Kyodo News


Collagen Nabe コラーゲン鍋 Hodgepodge with collagen
A new fad with the ladies for a beautiful tsuru tsuru skin.
Now FamilyMart Co. has started selling collagen nabe at its 7300 outlets across Japan on Nov. 18.
The merit of collagen eaten as food to improve the skin contidion is discussed by the scientists.


.............. January 11, 2009

Tsukiji to reopen tuna auctions to public after tourism ban

The famed Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo will allow tourists to resume watching its early-morning tuna auctions from Jan. 19 after a monthlong ban instituted in mid-December ends on Jan. 17, Tokyo government officials said Saturday.
Although the gigantic fish market in Chuo Ward run by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has established a worldwide reputation through its own promotions, it put a 34-day ban in place on Dec. 15 to keep away "ill-mannered tourists" — most of them from abroad.
The market also cited hygiene risks and interference from curious onlookers attempting to touch the tuna and take flash photos — nuisances often raised by the auctioneers.
The ban also came in conjunction with the busy tuna trade before the New Year holidays.
According to the metro government, more than 500 tourists come to watch the tuna auctions at 5:30 each morning, and more than 90 percent of the visitors are from overseas.
source : Japan Times
WASHOKU : Tsukiji, the big fish market in Tokyo
築地市場, Tsukiji shijoo


.............. January 27, 2009

Consumers warm to ginger in drinks, soups
Kyodo News

Long used as a spice in cooking, "shoga" (ginger) is now being added to caramel, cocoa, vegetable juice and "happoshu" beerlike drinks.

Kuracie Foods Ltd., a Tokyo-based sweets and ice cream manufacturer, marketed a new product called Ginger Cube in September. Each pack consists of eight caramel cubes containing condensed ginger extract. People consuming the entire pack ingest 15 grams of ginger, which boosts body warmth, the company claims.

The sugary taste of caramel and the spiciness of ginger blend in the mouth so that even men who are not fond of sweets like the product and do not tire of it, said Minori Tsuda, who is in charge of developing the product.

Major beer maker Asahi Breweries Ltd. has released Ginger Draft, a combination of ginger and happoshu that the company says keeps the bitter taste of beer at bay while providing a refreshing, hot and spicy aftertaste.

Takayuki Fukutomi, the company official in charge of the new drink, is targeting Ginger Draft at young people who are already familiar with ginger in cocktails.

Also on the market are Shoga Cocoa produced by Bourbon Corp. of Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture, and Hachimitsu Shoga Aojiru (honey ginger green juice) made by Kirin Yakult NextStage Co. based in Tokyo.

Nagatanien Co., a Tokyo-based food product maker, began marketing a cup of soup called Hieshirazu san no Shoga Series (ginger series of soups to warm people up) in 2007.
The product captured the hearts of young women plagued by poor circulation. Total sales amounted to about ¥400 million in the initial year.

The company now has a "ginger section" that grows ginger and researches its effects. The section also provides information on its research and recipes.
source :  Japan Times

Related words

JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月

FEBRUARY ... nigatsu 二月

MARCH ... sangatsu 三月

APRIL ... shigatsu 四月

MAY ... gogatsu 五月

JUNE ... rokugatsu 六月

JULY ... shichigatsu 七月

AUGUST ... hachigatsu 八月

SEPTEMBER ... kugatsu 九月

OCOTBER ... juugatsu 十月

NOVEMBER ... juuichigatsu 十一月  

DECEMBER ... juunigatsu 十二月  




Somurie ... Sommelier



Wine steward (somurie)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


The sommelier (somurie ソムリエ ) is a wine steward who helps you choose a wine in a restaurant or an expensive wine shop.

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A sommelier or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, commonly working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service as well as wine and food matching. The role is more specialized and informed than that of a wine waiter.
The principal work of a sommelier is in the area of procurement, storage, wine cellar rotation, and to provide expert service to customers.

The modern word is French. It derives from Middle French where it referred to a court official charged with transportation of supplies. This use of the term dates to a period when pack animals would be used to transport supplies. The Middle French probably finds its origin in Old Provençal where a saumalier was a pack animal driver.
Sauma referred to a pack animal or the load of a pack animal. In Late Latin, sagma referred to a packsaddle.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

shoochuu adobaisaa 焼酎アドバイザー adviser for shochu (liquor)


Sake tastings and sake symposiums
by a certified sake sommelier!

Ad Blankestijn

The author of this site, Ad Blankestijn, is an officially licensed Master Sake Sommelier and Sake Instructor. Both licenses were obtained from the Sake Service Institute in Tokyo.

Ad Blankestijn is active in promoting sake and spreading knowledge about sake in various ways, for example by giving sake workshops and doing tastings in both Europe and Japan. Ad also works as Director Overseas Marketing and Sales for the Daishichi Sake Brewery, which provides him with first-hand knowledge “from the source.” But it goes without saying that he does his sommelier work from a neutral and independent stance.

With much more information about Japanese culture:
source : www.japannavigator.com

Sake Serving Institute (in Japanese)
. . www.sakejapan.com/

Sake Sommelier Association


In Japan, it has become fashionable to name any
connoisseur of food a "sommelier" of some kind.

The popular comedian Tamura Atsushi Tamura 田村淳
has become a vegetable sommelier and started a trend of male sommeliers of all kinds.

. . . CLICK here for Tamura Photos !

fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kita no fuudo somurie 北のフードソムリエ
Food Sommelier from Hokkaido

haabu somurie ハーブのソムリエ sommelier for herbs
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kani sumurie カニソムリエ connoisseur for crabs
Especially in the town of Hamasaka 浜坂, Hyogo pref.
They have a group of ladies, the
somurie gyaru ソムリエ・ギャル sommelier girls
A haul of crab and firefly squid is the largest in Japan. Female crab is especailly delicious.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Miso sommelier Toyoko Miyoko  

raamen somurie ラーメンソムリエ
sommelier for ramen soup

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

soba no sumurie ソバのソムリエ
sommelier for buckwheat noodles
sobarie 「ソバリエ」, Edo sobarie 江戸ソバリエ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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yasai somurie 野菜ソムリエ vegetable sommelier
With many books available on the market, just click on the thumbnail.
Vegeta magazine . bejiita (ベジータ)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- quote
When kids see red over eating greens
How do you get children to eat more vegetables?
The Japan Vegetable Sommelier Association organized courses in Tokyo recently for youngsters aged 5 to 9 in which trained chefs tried to help them overcome their yuck instinct.
- source : Japan Times June 2014

日本野菜ソムリエ協会 - Japan Vegetable Sommelier Association
- source : www.vege-fru.com


Seminar for winter vegetables sommelier
Vege-Fru Power
Vege-Fru Life
The teacher is Shimada Naoko 島田尚子(しまだ なおこ)
J.S. BURGERS CAFE 青山店 in Aoyama, Tokyo


furuutsu somurie フルーツソムリエ fruits sommelier

and melon adviser メロンアドバイサー


Nihonn somurie kyookai
Japan Sommelier Assosiation
(for wine)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Nihon bejitaburu to furuutsu maisutaa kyookai
Japan Vegetable and Fruit Meister Association
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

You can take a course of becoming a fruit and vegetable sommelier, since 2001.


Vegetable Sommelier Store Ef since 2004
Setagaya Ward, Tokyo
Veggie & Fruit EF:
Ef: JUICE plus
Farmer’s Market in Tokyo
Manager : Nomura Tomokazu


Worldwide use

Things found on the way

The Cow Sommelier

source : jun1.blog


onsen somurei kyokai 温泉ソムリエ協会
connoisseur of hot springs

Photos !

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oto no somurie 音のソムリエ sommelier for sound
Japanese version of a disc jockey
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


The sommelier Tomoda Akiko ソムリエの友田晶子 has rated this Daruma Sake.

. 達磨正宗
Daruma Masamune Sake


somurie no ude no napukin hana no hie   

the napkin
at the arm of the sommelier -
cold spell in the cherry blossoms season

Imano Kimiko 今野紀美子


Christmas dinner ...
the sommelier brings
the wrong bottle

Gabi Greve, Christmas 2009

Related words

***** WASHOKU :



Futsukayoi Hangover


Hangover (futsukayoi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


futsukayoi, futsuka-yoi ふつかよい【二日酔い/ 宿酔 】
"still feeling drunk on the second day"

My neighbours always suggest some umeboshi as a remedy.

CLICK for more funny photos


A hangover (veisalgia) or delayed alcohol-induced headache describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. The most commonly reported characteristics of a hangover include headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, dysphoria, diarrhea and thirst. A hangover may also induce psychological symptoms including heightened feelings of depression and anxiety.

Hypoglycemia, dehydration, acetaldehyde intoxication, and vitamin B12 deficiency are all theorized causes of hangover symptoms. Hangovers symptoms may persist for several days after alcohol was last consumed.

There is debate about whether a hangover might be prevented or at least mitigated, along with much folk medicine and simple quackery.

Check the most common remedies HERE
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

illustration by Robert Seymour


Traditional Japanese remedies for hangover

Dried salted plums (umeboshi 梅干)

The caring housewife always keeps them handy when her husband came home late the night befor. It contains a lot of organic acid, which eases the stomach pains and nausea. It also contains sodium and potassium.
If the umeboshi is eaten before you start to drink, it is even better, since it will slow the absorption of alcohol.

Persimmon (kaki 柿)

They are used all over Asia to work their wonders on the next day. The catalase which they contain flushes the acetaldehyde out of the system. Potassium gets rid of the other alcoholic toxines and the persimmons add an extra amount of vitamin C to keep you fresh.

Venus clams (hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり)

corbicula (shijimi 蜆)

Shijimijiru 蜆汁, しじみ汁 miso soup with corbicula clams

littleneck clam (asari 浅蜊 )

They are a familiar ingredient in the Morning Misu Soup. Their high concentration of glycogen, calcium and iron counteract the headache and heal the damaged cells. The other minerals and the amino acid of the miso soup itself is also healing and good for an irritated stomach.


Click for more red photos suika スイカ / 西瓜 watermelon
This is an ancient Chinese remedy, containing the antioxidizing aminoacid citrulline, which helps increase blood circulation and improves the liver function.
The company San Koa Suikatoo サン・コア西瓜糖 from Kumamoto put this substance in its "watermelon sugar remedy"
suika no chikara すいかの力 "power of the watermelon"

ninniku shotto ニンニクショット garlic shot
drinks with a high amount of vitamin B1, C and glucose. The vitamin B produces the same strong smell as the garlic. Garlic extract is also used, although it seems better to eat the garlic BEFORE drinking.

CLICK for more medicine ukon ウコン tumeric
kurkuma. Curcuma domestica
This is the YELLOW that turns the Indian curry into a delicious dish.
It is mostly grown in Okinawa and contained in many popular medicines. It can also be used for other medical purposes, like perventing cancer and depression and more. It soothes the upset stomach.
Ukon-medicines also contain other ingredients like fruit-extracts and herbs to combat hangover. In Okinawa, a lot of awamori schnaps is consumed.

supootsu dorinku スポーツドリンク Sports drinks
with many minerals are a modern treat, bringing magnesium and potassium back to the system.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Honey (hachimitsu 蜂蜜 / はちみつ)

Another natural remedy is a spoonful of honey before going to bed, if you are still in control of what you are doing.

Worldwide use

Kater, Brummschädel

Things found on the way

Biiru ... Beer Bier

Jizake, local ricewine brands

Sake 酒 Rice wine (ricewine) Reiswein 

Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong liquor


futsukayoi mono kawa hana no aru aida

youte nen nadeshiko sakeru ishi no ue

MORE - hokku about sake and a hangover by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


futsukayoi asahi zo niou yamazakura

hangover -
the morning sunshine smells
of wild cherry blossoms

or ?

the morning sun
smells of my hangover -
wild cherry blossoms

Shiinomoto Saimaro 椎本才麿 (1656 - 1738, January 2)

He was born in Yamato as Hachirozaemon 八郎左衛門 and also used the haiku name 才丸.
He learned haiku from Ihara Saikaku.


. Hangover Haiku  


ukon no hana 鬱金の花 (うこんのはな) tumeric flowers

kigo for early autumn

. WKD : Tumeric, Kurkuma  

Related words

***** WASHOKU : General Information

Food as Medicine (yakuzen 薬膳)

Drinks (nomimono) SAIJIKI
- #futsukayoi #hangover -


Presents for all seasons


Presents for all seasons

To give presents and acknowledge one's duty to others is an important factor in traditional Japanese society. Give and take are very closely related and if you get something, you have to give something back (o-kaeshi お返し), for your neighbour, friend, on the workplace or from a family member.
Giving a small gift is a great way to express your gratitude toward the other person.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

For a wedding people bring nicely decorated envelops with a money gift. And when the wedding ceremony is over, they get a little present back, usually a piece of ceramics for keeps ... (some end up at the recycle stores lately! ).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

If you move to a new home, you give a little present to your neighbours, sice you moved "near" SOBA 側, some buckwheat noodles (hikkoshi soba 引越し蕎麦) are not uncommon.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Twice a year there are "official" times for giving gifts to all that have been helpful to you during the past six months.
In former times you had to carry the present yourself, combined with a short polite visit to the receiver.
Nowadays, this is easier. Many department stores and shopping malls offer seasonal presents and send them for you, including a small greeting card.
Local post offices have long magazines with offers for local specialities to be send around.

Many gifts are seasonal and a lot include food items. In summer, beer is a most welcome gift. But washing powder is also appreciated.

CLICK for more photos
oseibo, o-seibo 歳暮 present for the end of the year
Usually given from December 20 till the end of the year. This present does not need a revanche present.
It started off as a gift from the sub-family (bunke 分家) to the main family (honke 本家)to give an offering for the family altar in the main family home and was an opportunity for the families to get together and celebrate.
Geschenk zum Jahresende

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ochuugen, o-chuugen お中元 present for midsummer
chuugen is an idea from Chinese Taoism, where the year has been divided into three parts.
It overlaps with the Buddhist ancestor festival of O-Bon.
Geschenk zur Jahresmitte

Chugen, chuugen 中元 -
giving mid-year money or presents


CLICK for more photos

omiyage, o-miyage お土産 local souvenir

This is usually something to eat or drink which you bring back from a trip. You can thus share the "taste" of your destination with the less favorite one's who could not go with you. Especially important is a little souvenir for the people at your work place. If a Japanese travels abroad, he will fill his coffers with souvenirs for the ones back home.
In Japan, all travel destinations have their local souveniers and many stores sell them along the access roads to temples and shrines (sandoo 参道 ) and of course at the station.
At Tokyo station, you can buy these souvenirs from all of Japan (just in case you forgot to buy some on your trip).
It could be local senbei or manju or pickled vegetables.
You can even buy life crab along the ports of the Sea of Japan and have them shipped on ice to your relatives, friends or other people with obligations.


barentain dii バレンタイン St. Valentine present
The custom to give some chocolates has been introduced from America. You can buy a variety of things at the sweets stores or make some chocolates at home.
Not only do you give sweets to your beloved friend, but also "duty chocolate, obligatory cocolate" (giri choko ギリチョコ / 義理チョコ) to all male members of your working surroundings. GIRI 義理 is the word for "doing your duty" and CHOKO of course, short for Chocolade.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

But this is not the end to Valentine's day in Japan. On March 14 now the male receivers have to give back (remember, o-kashi).

howaito dii ホワイトデイ "white day" present
The reverse present is usually a piece of white chocolate.
This day was invented in Japan in 1978 to promote business and has been well accepted by the young consumers, now even in Korea, Taiwan and China.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
"Weisser Tag"


If someone brings a present to your home or comes visiting, he brings a gift and hands it over with the words

tsumaranai mono desu ga "It is really just a trivial thing!" even if it is a melon for 100 Dollars worth. You are not supposed to open it in front of your visitor.
To visit without a gift is bad manners, tebura (手ぶら) "empty handed".

The gift is usually placed in a bag, best the paper bag from the store where you bought it.

Some expensive gifts, like melons for 100 dollars, are not eaten by yourself but often given away soon to the next one in line of your obligatory gift receivers list. These are some kind of "merry go round" presents.


Visiting, obligatory visiting
and sending greeting cards

For many occasions it is customary to visit or send cards, some of these visits are kigo called
xyz MIMAI 見舞.

kigo for mid-summer

. mizu mimai 水見舞 (みずみまい)
visiting after a water damage

lit. "water visit", after a typhoon

also given as a kigo for mid-autumn

. aki demizu 秋出水 (あきでみず) autumn floods  
mizu mimai 水見舞(みずみまい)"inquiry after the water situation"


kigo for late summer

shochuu mimai 暑中見舞 (しょちゅうみまい)
visiting in the greatest heat

doyoo mimai 土用見舞(どようみまい)visiting on the dog days
natsu mimai 夏見舞(なつみまい)visiting in summer

. . . CLICK here for 暑中見舞いはがき postcard Photos !


kigo for mid-winter

. susu mimai 煤見舞(すすみまい)
visit during the cleaning season


kigo for late winter

. kan mimai 寒見舞 (かんみまい)
visiting in the cold season

... kanchuu mimai 寒中見舞(かんちゅうみまい)
yuki mimai 雪見舞 (ゆきみまい) "snow visit"
visiting a friend during the snow season 

. . . CLICK here for 寒中見舞い postcard Photos !


kigo for all winter

. kaji mimai 火事見舞
visiting someone after a fire damage
Usually with a good gift of money.

Worldwide use

Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft!

Things found on the way


dorayaki mo torayaki mo kite o-chuugen

I got Dorayaki
and also some Torayaki -
presents for mid-year

Iijima Haruko 飯島晴子 (1921 - 2000)

This is a play with words of DORA and TORA (Tiger).

torayaki 虎焼き Dorayaki in form of a little tiger

Dorayaki sweets


Related KIGO

barentain dii / Valentine’s Day

Chugen, chuugen 中元 -
giving mid-year money or presents

howaito dii / White Day

Seibo, seiboo 歳暮 -
giving Year End money or presents

Otoshidama, o-toshidama お年玉 Money Presents for the New Year

Related words

***** WASHOKU : General Information
