Showing posts with label soup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soup. Show all posts


Shokuyoo no hana


Edible blossoms, edible flowers
(shokuyoo no hana)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


Blumen zum Essen 食用の花
essbare Blumen, ebßare Blumen
エディブルフラワー ediburu furawaa

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These blossoms contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, just as our edible vegetables. They are now often sold in sets of various colors in the supermarket, to give color to the daily meals. They also have an effect in the color therapy. So if you are tired, prepare a cup of hot water in a glass and drop an edible flower in it, it will make you feel better.
See the cherry blossom tea below.

Vitamin A
cosmos, pansies, dianthus, calendula, nasturtium ナスターチウム

Vitamin C
roses, carnation, touch-me-not (Impatiens balsamina, hoosenka ほうせんか【鳳仙花】 Balsamine; Springkraut, auch kinrenka キンレンカ(金蓮花) )

dietary fibers 食物繊維
Dianthus, roses, carnations and others.


pansies and violas
CLICK for original LINK


Seven Herbs of Spring. Haru no Nanakusa 春の七草

Maybe the most famous is the rapeseed flower, nanohana.

rape blossoms, rape flower, na no hana 菜の花

na no hana ya tsuki wa higashi ni hi wa nishini

rapeseed blossoms -
the moon is in the east,
the sun in the west

Yosa Buson


"Spring Chrysantheum" (shungiku) as food

春菊 (しゅんぎく )

kakinomoto, kaki no moto かきのもと
edible chrysanthemums from Niigata
They have a violet color and become even more colorful when dipped in vinegar and cold water.
as hitashi, with some vinegar, they become even more colorful
as tenpura, tsukudani, goma-ae or on chirashizushi
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bara バラ roses
contain a lot of vitamin C and fibers. Good for constipation.
Flowers are used for jelly and jam. Tea, also rose hip tea.
WKD : rose, bara 薔薇 (ばら) KIGO
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kanzoo カンゾウ(萱草)daylily blossoms
They last only one day, but taste mild and juicy.
put into soups

WKD : Daylily (kanzoo) KIGO


haibisukasu ハイビスカス, 食用ハイビスカス
Made into a sour kind of tea.
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Hibiskus, Hibiskustee

Rose of Sharon (mukuge) / Hibiscus (bussooge) KIGO

Cotton rose, Rose-Mallow (fuyoo, fuyo, fuyoh) Hibiscus mutabilis. KIGO

hosuta, gibooshi ホスタ, (ギボウシ 擬宝珠)
hosta blossoms

a kind of lily
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Gibooshi no Hana 擬宝珠の花 KIGO


kanna 食用カンナ(ショクヨウカンナ)Canna
Canna generalis
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kigo for autumn

kosumosu コスモス cosmos flowers
Cosmos bipinnatus. Mexican aster
キバナコスモス kibana kosumosu has been used as food since the Showa period. It represents autumn on the table.
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akizakura 秋桜 (あきざくら) "autumn cherry (blossoms)"

kigo for mid-autumn


panjii パンジー pansy
They come in many lovely colors. They have no strong smell or special taste and can go with salad or into soups.
Stiefmütterchen; Viola tricolor var. hortensis.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Pansy, pansies
"Three-colored violet", sanshoku sumire 三色菫
Viola Pansie, panjii uioora パンジー ウイオーラ


rabendaa ラベンダー lavender
It balaces the taste of meat and fish.
Made into bisquits and icecream.
More often used for aroma oils アロマオイル.
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Lavendel. lat.: Lavandula.


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sakuracha 桜茶 cherry blossom tea
from salted pickled cherry blossoms
This tea is good for a hangover.
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WKD : Cherry Blossoms (sakura) KIGO

yu no yado no kyaku ni motenasu sakuracha

at the hot spring resort
guests are welcomed with
cherry blossom tea

Watanabe sama 渡辺様


suiitopii スイートピー sweet peas
Lathyrus odoratus.
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Worldwide use

Das Auge isst mit
Traditionelle japanische Speisen werden auf einem Tablett serviert. Bei der einfachsten Anrichtung liegen ganz vorne die Essstäbchen, rechts darüber die Schale mit der Miso-Suppe, links darüber die Schale mit dem Reis. In der zweiten Reihe steht rechts eine Schale mit Gemüse, links eine Platte mit Fisch oder Fleisch, der Kopf des Fisches zeigt dabei nach links. Dazwischen steht noch eine kleinere Schale mit eingelegtem Gemüse (tsukemono). Je nach Jahreszeit können einige bunte Blüten oder Blätter diesem einfachen Gedeck etwas Festliches verleihen.
Im Restaurant wird besonderen Wert auf passendes Geschirr und elegante jahreszeitliche Dekoration gelegt . Einen Höhepunkt dieser Präsentation von Speisen bietet die Kaiseki-Cuisine, bei der alles mit künstlerischer Sorgfalt zubereitet wird, um den bestmöglichen ästhetischen Eindruck zu erreichen.

Das gute Geschäft mit den Blättern
Die richtigen Blüten und Blätter je nach Jahreszeit für die Dekoration zu bekommen, ist für ein Restaurant im Stadtgebiet von Kyoto oder Tokyo gar nicht so einfach. Inzwischen haben sich einige Gemeinden in Shikoku darauf spezialisiert und machen ein „Geschäft mit Blättern“. Die Bauern sammeln Blätter aus dem Wald und pflanzen besondere Farnkräuter, Bambus, Bäume und Büsche mit dekorativen grünen Blättern und Ahornbäume, die im Herbst wegen ihrer roten Blätter geschätzt sind. Die Blätter werden gewaschen, sortiert und in kleinen Mengen verpackt, Angebot und Nachfrage erfolgt über das Internet, das die Bauersfrauen schnell selbst zu beherrschen gelernt haben. „Ich bin ganz stolz auf unser „Geschäft mit den Blättern“, dadurch hat unser Dorf neues Leben gewonnen und die Nachbarschaft hat etwas zu tun. Es ist genau das richtige für uns alte Leute!“, berichtet Frau Higuchi, 72 Jahre alt, aus dem Dorf Kamikatsu in Tokushima.
Farnkräuter vermitteln einem Gedeck in den Januartagen das besondere Festgefühl zum Neuen Jahr, Bambusblätter geben einem Sommergericht etwas Kühle und Frische und im Herbst dürfen die roten Ahornblätter und die glänzenden bunt gefleckten Blätter der Persimonenbäume nicht fehlen.

Beim „Inari-Zushi mit Blüten“ schneidet die Hausfrau kleine Blütenformen direkt aus den bunten Speisen. Gelb aus Omelett, grün aus Brokolistämmen, weiß oder rot aus Kamaboko, orange aus Karotten – der Fantasie sind hier keine Grenzen gesetzt.

Tempura von roten Ahornblättern
Die roten Blätter des Ahorns symbolisieren den Herbst Japans und dienen der herbstlichen Dekoration auf dem Speisetisch. Sie bilden in der Natur einen wunderbaren Kontrast mit den vielen weißen Wasserfällen des Landes.
In ferner Vergangenheit, im siebten Jahrhundert praktizierte der Asket En no Gyooja, Gründer der Shugendoo und der Yamabushi-Bergpriester, am Wasserfall in Mino, in der Nähe von Osaka und nährte sich dabei nur von den Pflanzen des Waldes. Die roten Ahornblätter glänzten verlockend in ihrer roten Pracht, so pflückte er sich einige, briet sie im Rapsöl seiner kleinen Lampe und verspeiste sie mit großem Genuß. In Erinnerung an diese Überlieferung wird heute noch am Temple Minoji ein süßes Tempura zubereitet. Die Ahornblätter müssen ein Jahr in Salzl liegen, bis sie essbar sind. Dann werden sie mit einem süßen Ausbackteig, in dem Zucker und Sesam vermischt sind, in Rapsöl zu einem aromatischen Tempura ausgebacken. So entstand ein begehrtes Reisemitbringsel dieser Gegend.

Essbare Blüten
Neben den Blüten als farbigen Dekorationen werden auch einige Blüten direkt verspeist. Sie enthalten Vitamine und Ballaststoffe im Dienste der Gesundheit und erfreuen obendrein nach dem Konzept der Farbtherapie das Auge und die Seele durch ihre Farbenpracht.
Stiefmütterchen, Schmuckkörbchen, Kapuzinerkresse, Ringelblume und Nelken enthalten viel Vitamin A, Rosen, Nelken und Springkraut Vitamin C. Rosen und Nelken sind reich an Ballaststoffen.
Diese Blüten finden sich mit Zucker in Küchlein gebacken, im Winter im Eintopf und im Sommer auf Salaten.

sind wegen ihrer kräftigen gelben Farbe beliebt. Chrysanthemen sind in Japan die Symbolblume für die kaiserliche Familie.

werden häufig zu Tee verarbeitet.

bringen den Frühling auf den Tisch.
Tee von in Salz eingelegten Kirschblüten, s.S.?172.

haben einen kräftigen Eigengeschmack und passen gut zu Fleisch- und Fischgerichten. Sie werden auch in Biskuits und Eiscreme verarbeitet.

bringen den Frühling auf den Tisch und in die Eintöpfe. Raps wird besonders in der Präfektur Chiba angebaut.

enthalten viel Vitamin C und Faserstoffe. Sie sind wirksam bei Verstopfung. Sie werden als Tee oder in Gelee-Zubereitungen genossen.

Schmuckkörbchen (Cosmos)
zieren in Japan im Herbst viele brachliegende Felder und sind als „Kirschblüten des Herbstes“ seit der Shoowa-Zeit sehr beliebt.

sind wegen ihrer Farbenvielfalt und ihres geringen Eigengeschmackes besonders beliebt auf Salaten und in Suppen.

blühen, wie der Name sagt, nur einen Tag. Sie sind mild im Geschmack und fleischig in der Konsistenz. Sie werden oft in Suppen angeboten. Auch andere Lilienblüten, wie die der Hosta-Blume, werden gegessen.

sind nicht nur beliebt für Blumengebinde, sondern auch auf bunten Salaten und in Suppen.

Things found on the way


edible plants
bring some color on your plate -
summer deepens

Gabi Greve
Summer 2007

Related words

WKD : Lotus as KIGO

***** WASHOKU : General Information

. Orchid tree, Kachnar tree blossoms .
Eaten in India.



Rice Reis, meshi gohan


Rice, Reis, with many Japanese words

The Japanese Rice Culture -
die Reiskultur Japans.

Rice is the staple food of Japan.
There are many words for it, from the plant to the cooked product. Many of them are kigo.

Rice plant (ine 稲, sanae 早苗 )
Rice grains are called "kome, mai 米".
On the table and cooked, it is called

"Gohan" ご飯 or "meshi" 飯 めし.

CLICK for more tanada photos
Tanada ... Terraced rice fields of my home in Ohaga
Gabi Greve, Japan

Japan is a rice-growing culture. It has many regional celebrations and rituals related to rice growing and harvesting.
Rice is traditionally much more than just food.

Please read this first and come back:

Japanese Rice Culture
by Nold Egenter

Imperial Rituals in Japan
The Emperor, embodying the god of the ripened rice plant, plants the first rice of the spring and harvests rice from the plants of the autumn. In one of the most solemn Shinto ceremonies of the year the Emperor, acting as the country's chief Shinto priest, ritually sows rice in the royal rice paddy on the grounds of the Imperial Palace.

The Great Food Offering —in which the Emperor spends the night with the Sun Goddess as a dinner guest—is something every emperor is required to do shortly after ascending to the throne. First recorded in A.D. 712, the ritual takes place at night because the Sun Goddess is in the sky during the day.

The rite follows a ritual bath, symbolizing purification, and takes place in two simple huts, made of unpealed logs and lit with oil lamps, erected on the Imperial Palace ground in Tokyo. The huts are believed to represent the original first huts where Jimmu Tenno communed with the Sun Goddess.

During the Great Food Offering, the Emperor absorbs some of the Sun Goddess spirit and thus "becomes a kind of living ancestor of the entire Japanese family." The pre-World War II belief that the Emperor was a living god is based on this ritual.
Murray Sayle wrote in the New Yorker, "I witnessed the most recent Great Food Offering....from my position behind a police barrier a hundred yards away. During my chilly vigil, all I saw was a figure in white silk—presumably the Emperor—flitting from one small building to another. It took perhaps one second in all."

No one but the Emperor has ever witnessed the ceremony. According to a press release from the Imperial Household Agency, "The new Emperor ... offers newly-harvested rice to the Imperial Ancestor [the Sun Goddess] and the deities of Heaven and Earth and then partakes of the rice himself, expresses gratitude to the Imperial Ancestor and these deities for peace and abundant harvests, and prays for the same on behalf of the country and people."
source :

A set of harvest festivals in November carried out at the imperial palace and shrines throughout the country:
. Niiname sai 新嘗祭
"Celebrations of the First Taste" .

November 23

. Inari 稲荷 Fox Deity, Rice Deity .

. Toyouke no Ookami 豊受大神
The Great Deity that gives Bountiful .

Deity of Rice and Food

. Akamai shinji 赤米神事 ritual of the red rice .
At Takuzutama Shrine 多久虫玉神社, Tsushima Island, Nagasaki

mikeden 御鐉殿(みけでん) "the sacred dining hall"
for the deities at Ise shrine.

Higoto asayū ōmike sai
A celebration at the Grand Shrines of Ise (Ise Jingū) in which sacred food is offered twice daily, in the morning and evening, to Amaterasu Ōmikami and other deities.
Also referred to as the regular sacred offering (jōten mike), this celebration corresponds to the daily offering (Onikku) ceremony conducted at ordinary shrines. In response to a dream revelation from Amaterasu Ōmikami during Emperor Yūryaku's reign, Toyouke Ōmikami was moved from Tanba Province to Ise Shrine as the tutelary deity of foodstuffs (miketsu kami).

Based on this lineage, kami seats (shinza) for Amaterasu Ōmikami, Toyouke Ōmikami, and a "deity enshrined on a subordinate altar in the same honden" (aidono no kami) are built in the Outer Shrine's Sacred Dining Hall (Mikeden). The Mikeden has an ancient architectural style with "log storehouse" (ita azekura) wall construction and steps carved from a single piece of timber (kizami kizahashi).
This structure is also where members of the Watarai priestly clan have traditionally served in such roles as senior priests (negi) reciting the norito or as children who observe votive abstinence and serve in ritual services (monoimi).

With the Meiji Restoration, shinza were added to auxiliary sanctuaries (betsugū) and senior priests, junior priests (gonnegi), and shrine administrators (gūshō) began serving inside the Mikeden. Although "Meiji-Period Rules for Ritual Procedures at Jingū" (Jingū Meiji saishiki) did not designate this ceremony as a matsuri, the later "Regulations on Ritual Observances at Jingū" (Jingū saishirei) positioned it as a lesser festival (chūsai) and named it Higotoasayū ōmikesai.
Whereas other Ōmike ceremonies take place in front of the main sanctuary (shōden) building, this celebration is unique because the deity is "worshipped at a distance" (yōhai) from inside the Mikeden.
source : Nakanishi Masayuki, 2006, Kokugakuin

Shingu shinden 新宮神田 rice fields for the deities
at Ise shrine. 神田(しんでん=神殿)
They are 3 hectar large.

. Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮 .

. shinden 神田 - saiden 斎田 "divine rice field" .

. Hoozuki ichi 鬼燈市 lampion flower market .
shiman rokusen nichi 四万六千日 46000 days
Why 46000 days, you might ask?
This is supposed to be the number of rice grains in one Japanese measure of rice, Japan being an old rice-growing nation and wasting even one grain of it was a big sin.

The koku, kokudaka (石/石高) is a Japanese unit of volume, equal to ten cubic shaku. In this definition, 3.5937 koku equal one cubic metre, i.e. 1 koku is approximately 278.3 litres. The koku was originally defined as a quantity of rice, historically defined as enough rice to feed one person for one year (one masu is enough rice to feed a person for one day).
A koku of rice weighs about 150 kilograms.
During the Edo period of Japanese history, each han (fiefdom) had an assessment of its wealth, and the koku was the unit of measurement.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Some vocabulary

chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea and
chahan 茶飯 / 大和茶飯 rice boiled with tea and soy beans
from Nara prefecture 

daikon-meshi 大根飯 rice with radish
gekochter Reis mit geschnetzeltem Rettich

gohan no tomo ご飯の供 "friend of the cooked rice"
condiments and food you place on your rice bowl, for example furikake
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CLICK for more photos gohan no tomo ご飯の友 "friend of cooked rice"
a spedial brand from Kumamoto. A kind of furikake, with various flavors.
shiso perilla, hijiki seaweed, spicy sesame, norigoma seaweed with sesame

gyohan 魚飯 "fish rice"
Special dish served for celebrations, especially along the Inland Sea and at Takehara. The rich owners of salt production fields served it to their visitors.
Various ingredients are finely shredded, the shrimp flavored with salt. The ingredients are served separately on a huge plate. Each visitor takes a bit of each on his bowl of rice, then plenty of dashi soup is added.

kama-meshi 釜飯 rice, meat, and vegetables boiled together in a small pot
Gericht, bei dem Reis mit den anderen Zutaten zusammen in einem kleinen Topf gedämpft wird
Reis und Beilagen im gleichen Topf gekocht

katemeshi かて めし (糅飯) rice mixed with vegetables, radish, seaweed or other ingredients to make it last longer in times of scarcity
gemischter Reis

kenmai 献米 rice offering
. shinjin kyooshoku 神人共食
God and Man eating together .

shinsen 神饌 Shinto- Food offerings / Shinto-Speiseopfer
shinsenmai 神饌米 Reis als Speise-Opfergabe in Shinto-Zeremonien.
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koge, o-koge, okoge, rice crust in the pot おこげ (御焦げ)
kogemeshi こげめしdishes with okoge
festgebackener Reis, angebrannter Reis am Topfboden

mochi もち (餅) pounded rice taffy
das Mochi; Reiskuchen

nuka ぬか (糠) rice bran

ojiya, o-jiya おじや kind of rice gruel with miso base
The name comes from the sound of the slowly cooking broth, jiyajiya じやじや.
kigo for winter
dicke Reissuppe; (mit Miso oder Sojasoße gewürzt)

o-kayu, okayu, kayu 粥 rice gruel
Reissuppe; Reisgrütze
auch ojiya genannt.
(nicht identisch mit dem in Deutschland als REISBREI bekannten Gericht mit Zimt und Zucker)
. . . Chinowagayu, chinowa-gayu 茅の輪粥 rice porridge
chi no wa kayu, served on the last day of the sixth month.

kodaimai こだいまい 古代米 rice of old / my photo
rice from the time of the gods
genmai, gokoku mai

o-kowa, okowa おこわ (御強) "the honorable strong one"
mix of regular Japanese short grain rice and mochi-gome, sticky rice cooked with other ingredients.
kowameshi こわめし
Mochi-Klebreis mit roten Bohnen

Onigiri おにぎり rice balls
der Onigiri; Reiskloß, Reisball


sakameshi (さかめし - 酒飯)  "rice wine rice"
special fermented rice kooji used for brewing Sake. It was used by the poor of Edo boiled a bit to make it a Kowameshi 強飯 .

sakameshi no tenohira ni kakaru mizore kana

my poor dinner
in the palm of my hand...
falling sleet

Tr. David Lanoue

sleet falls
on a palm holding
steamed rice for sake

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku was written on 10/28 (Dec. 11) in 1803, when Issa was living in Edo. The hokku and the hokku following it in Issa's diary seem to be based on a visit to a sake brewery. Issa had just written a kasen renku sequence with the poet and rich merchant Seibi, so he could have gone with Seibi to visit a brewery. In any case, Issa is interested by the newly steamed rice that one of the brewers seems to be inspecting.

The rice used in making sake is first washed and steam-cooked (not boiled) and then cooled before it is mixed with the other ingredients. This specially steamed rice is still fairly hard on the outside and is not considered food or delicious. The brewer needs to test its feel, smell, color, body, and whether it's been cooked enough, but it's a dark winter day and there are only a few oil lamps inside for light, so he carries a handful of the rice outside the brewery door, where it's lighter and he can see better. The way the warm steam rises up from the rice through the cold sleet falling on it perhaps suggests the intensity of the brewer's stare and his obvious strong desire to steam the latest batch of rice inside just the right amount.

Chris Drake

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


sakurameshi (さくらめし) 桜飯、桜めし "cherryblossom rice"
boiled with sake and soy sauce
sakura gohan さくらご飯 "cherry blossom rice" Shizuoka
mit Sojasoße und Sake gekochter Reis

sekihan 赤飯(せきはん) "red rice"
cooked for celebrations
Reis für Feierlichkeiten, mit roten Bohnen, Reis mit roten Bohnen
Usually salt with black sesame (gomajio) is used to sprinkle over the rice, but in the town of Naruto, Tokushima, people use freshly ground white sesame with a lot of sugar. (The salt fields of Naruto provided people with cheap salt, so on a festive day, they wanted to eat something better, sweet sugar.

semai 施米 (せまい) alms of rice

kigo for late summer
Every year in the sixth lunar month, the Heian court officials would give offerings to the temples and poor begging monks of the capital, Kyoto. Often they also gave some salt.
Summer Ceremonies SAIJIKI

shiina 粃 unripe rice
Bezeichnung für taube Reiskörner, unreifer Reis; unreife Ähre, unreife Frucht

sutamina raisu スタミナライス stamina rice
a plate of rice, pork cutlet, cut cabbage and vegetables fried with sesame oil (Chinese style) and a fried egg on top of it all
From Nemuro town, Hokkaido 北海道根室
There are many dishes with a plate of rice and various topping, Western style. The influence of Western Food was quite strong in this part of Hokkaido.
panchi raisu パンチライス "ice with a punch"
(with sauted pork, some spagetti, a fried egg on a plate of rice)
esukaroppu エスカロップ escalop

takikomi gohan, takikomigohan たきこみご飯 ・ 炊き込みご飯
mixed rice since a number of ingredients are added in the rice.
source : / Recipe
Reis gekocht mit weiteren Zutaten

. taue meshi 田植飯(たうえめし)rice eaten during rice planting  
usually some nigiri for all the participants, eaten in a hurry to finish the work needed for the day.
tauezakana 田植肴(たうえざかな)side dishes for rice planting
usually a few slices of pickled radish takuan and plums (umeboshi).
kigo for mid-summer

togi-jiru, togijiru とぎじる(研ぎ汁)
water in which rice has been washed
Wasser, in dem Reis oder andere Nahrungsmittel gescheuert worden sind

yuzu gohan ゆず御飯 rice with yuzu citrons at temple Sanpo-ji, Kyoto

zakkoku mai, ざっこく(雑穀) rice mixed with various cereal grains like buckwheat, millet, whole grains and mixed seeds
(minderwertige) Geteidesorten
Getreidesorten außer Reis und Weizen

zoosui 雑炊 rice gruel, rice soup with ingredients like vegetables and chicken
Reissuppe mit Gemüse. #zosui

The great rice paddle in Miyajima 宮島しゃもじ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kiganmai 祈願米 "consecrated rice"
It is first placed in front of the deity in a Shinto shrine or a Buddhist temple and the priest performs purifying rites with his wand or chants sutras for purification. Later this rice is sold in the shops to bring happiness for the new year, help students pass the examinations and keep people healthy.

Many shrines in Japan perform these rites during the New Year festivities. Click on the photo to see some more.
shoofuku kigan mai 招福祈願米
consecrated rice to bring good luck

The rites were performed for example at Temple Saidai-Ji in Okayama in January 6, 2010.

peanuts are also consecrated in this way.
shoofuku kigan mame (kiganmame) 招福祈願豆

Beans are also consecrated for the Setsubun festivities on February 2/3.


kome kona, kome no kona こめこな / 米の粉 rice flour
ground rice powder

The group "Food Action Nippon" is promoting the use of this, to increase the food self-sufficiency of Japan.
. . . Reference : FOOD ACTION NIPPON(フードアクションニッポン)
Flour is used for noodles, bread and cakes or mixed with wheat flour.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


observance kigo for the New Year

hatsu kashigi 初炊ぎ (はつかしぎ) first cooking (of rice)
kashigizome 炊ぎ初(かしぎぞめ)
takizome 炊初(たきぞめ), takizome 焚初(たきぞめ)
wakameshi 若飯(わかめし)first cooked rice

hatsu kamado 初竈 (はつかまど)
first use of the hearth (fire)

Firsts things in the New Year


in the World Kigo Database

Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan

God of the Rice Paddies (田の神 ta no kami) Japan

. . . . . fukidawara 蕗俵(ふきだわら)"butterbur barrels" as an offering to the God of the Fields

kometsuki 米搗き professional grain pounders

Nikkoo Goohan-Shiki 日光強飯式Gohanshiki.
Ceremony of eating large bowls of rice

Pounding Rice (mochi tsuki) Japan, Philippines
..... New Year's Rice Dumplings (toshi no mochi, kagamimochi, zoonimochi) and a few more
..... The Hare/Rabbit in the Moon

Raw fish, sashimi, sushi and .. rice balls (onigiri) Japan

..... Rice plants (ine) Japan. A list of kigo. New rice
(shinmai 新米 (しんまい))

Rice fields(tanbo, tanada) Japan. A list of kigo.

Rice cake offerings for the New Year (kagami mochi) Japan

Rice gruel (kayu) Japan. Porridge, congee in many kigo.

Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein

Withered rice paddies (karita) Japan


25 komebitsu small wood bowl for rice

komebitsu 米びつ container to keep cooked rice for serving


CLICK for more photos

meshizaru 飯笊 (めしざる) basket for rice
..... meshikago 飯籠(めしかご)
Mostly of woven bamboo, which has some ability to keep the rice from getting bad in summer.
Before putting the rice in the basket, a towel is spread to prevent the rice grains from getting squeezed in the holes of the basket.
kigo for all summer

- quote
jikirou 食籠 jikiroo, jikiro
A lidded food container,
usually layered and lacquered with decorations of sunken gold *chinkin 沈金, carved lacquer *choushitsu 彫漆, mother-of-pearl inlay *raden 螺鈿, or metal leaf decoration, haku-e 箔絵, or sometimes of plain black lacquer, woven bamboo, or pottery. Round, quadrilateral hexagonal, octagonal and circular flower shapes are common.
Made in Yuan and Ming period China and in the Ryuukyuu 琉球 (now Okinawa prefecture), jikirou have been imported to Japan since the Kamakura period. They were later used as sweets containers at tea ceremonies.
A common type is the juubako 重箱 (tiered food box) usually covered with *makie 蒔絵 and consisting of two, three, five or more tiers to store cooked rice, stewed dished, fish, or raw vegetables separately. In the Edo period juubako were common at picnics, and used with sagejuu 提重 (a picnic box holding various food and beverage containers in a light and compact form). The upper classes had highly decorated lacquer boxes while the lower classes had plain wood or unadorned lacquered grounds.
- source : Jaanus

. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .


ohachi-ire 飯櫃入 (おはちいれ) container to keep the rice warm
(word used in Kanto)
hitsuire 櫃入れ(ひついれ)(word used in Kansai)
ohachibuton 飯櫃蒲団(おはちぶとん)quilt to cover it
ohachifugo 飯櫃畚(おはちふご)straw mat to cover it
A container made from straw with a lid. The rice containder with the cooked rice (komebitsu) was put it here to keep the rice warm for the next meal.
kigo for all winter

ohachi-ire shibuhikari to mo susuhikari to mo

warmer for cooked rice -
shines of incrustations
shines of soot

Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子


Dishes with mostly rice

Bibimba, Korean rice dish
Koreanisches Reisgericht

Chaahan, fried rice
gebratener Reis, chinesische Art

Schale Reis mit Beilagen und grünem Tee übergossen

Chikin raisu, chicken rice
Huhn auf Reis

Schale mit gekochtem Reis und Beilagen

Reiseintopf mit Fisch oder Hühnerfleisch
Italian food イタリアン料理 Spaghetti, Pizza, Pasta, Doria, Pesto

Gomoku gohan (kayaku gohan)
Reis mit aufgeletem Gemüse und Fischstücken

Hayashi raisu
Haschee auf Reis

Karee raisu, curry rice

Kuppa, Korean rice soup
Koreanische Reissuppe

Makunouchi bentoo
Lunchpaket „zwischen den Akten“

Meshi, gohan, white cooked rice
Weißer Reis

Reis mit fermentierten Natto-Bohnen

Schale Reis mit grünem Tee übergossen

Mochireis-Klößchen, mit Anko bedeckt

Okayu, kayu, simple rice soup
Einfache Reissuppe

Mochi-Klebreis mit roten Bohnen

Ojiya, thick rice soup
Dicke Reissuppe

Omuraisu, omlet with rice
Omelett mit Reis

Reiskloß, Reisball

Pilaf, gebratener Reis

Takikomigohan, rice cooked with further ingredients
Reis gekocht mit weiteren Zutaten

Tamagokakegohan, rice with a raw egg
„Reis mit rohem Ei“

Zoosui, rice soup with other ingredients
Reissuppe mit weiteren Zutaten


SHU 13 rice cooking 051119

cooking rice in Japan

はじめちょろちょろなかぱっぱ 赤子泣いても蓋とるな
hajime choro-choro, naka pappa,
akago naitemo futa toru na

First use low heat, then turn it up in the middle
and never take off the lid even if your baby cries.

Anfangs choro-choro, langsam anheizen bis es Blasen gibt und man das Blubbern hört, dann kräftig weiterkochen, bis das Wasser papp-pa zischt.
Und auf keinen Fall den Deckel abheben, selbst wenn die Kinder vor Hunger weinen.

The first slow heat gives the grains time to soak up water choro-choro. When they are full of water they can be cooked much faster papp-pa. And after cooking, keep it standing for a while (even if the children are hungry).

Auch die Reihenfolge in der Familie beim Reisessen war festgelegt.

Even the order of eating rice in the family was given.
First the children.
Then the menfolk, starting with the eldest.
Next the mother-in-law and other in-law family members.
Finally the daughter in law.


tsuyu shimeri karee raisu o tabe ni keri

humid rainy season ...
I go out to eat some
curry rice

Wakimoto Maki 脇本 眞樹(塾長)
月曜日, 6月 29, 2009


kinako musubi "きな粉むすび" rice balls with bean flour

niawashi ya mame no ko meshi ni sakura-gari

so fitting -
bean-flour rice balls
while blossom hunting

Tr. Barnhill

Written in 1690 元禄3年
While visiting Iga Ueno.

mame no ko meshi is cooked rice sprinkled with kinako bean powder (kinako meshi きな粉飯), which can be formed to musubi balls. This is simple but nurrishing food for the very poor.
sakura-gari is an expression referring to the elegant cherry blossom parties of the court of the Heian period. The normal word would be hanami.
Here Basho contrasts the simple food with a free enjoyment of blossoms, just right for the haikai friends in Ueno.


seri gohan 芹の飯 cooked rice with dropwort

waga tame ka tsuru hami-nokosu seri no meshi

just for me -
the crane left over some
rice with dropwort

A disciple from Iga brought this dish to his master.
Ishikawa Senten 石川山店
dates unknown.
He was the younger brother of Ishikawa Hokkon 北鯤.
One of his hokku is in Sarumino.

1683. Basho is reminded of a a line in the poem by the Chinese poet Du Fu (Tu Fu), imagining the rice gruel at a shop in Seidei town. He is also comparing his disciple Senten to a crane, which likes dropwort very much.
Senten spared some of his own rice and gave it to him.

meshi ni wa niru Seidei bootei no seri

For cooking rice
dropwort picked at the embankment
of Seidei pond are best.

Seidei 青泥 was a town near the capital of Cho-an 長安, China.

is it for me
the crane leaves rice with parsley
for me to eat

Tr. Reichhold

Hokku about food and rice dishes by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. Japanese parcely 芹 seri, dropwort .
Oenanthe javanica
kigo for spring


Poem by Du Fu.


Types of Japanese Rice .. 米 kome, mai

Favorite Rice Dishes from Edo .

My photos with RICE !

Traditional Folk Toys : Rice and Rice straw dolls

"Planting rice" Ohno Bakufu (1888-1976)
source : facebook


. Fertility rites - praying for a good harvest .


For more words with RICE as food, check the main
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI



Nasu aubergine

. nasu 茄子と伝説 Legends about eggplants .

Aubergine, eggplant (nasu)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various
***** Category: Humanity


Eggplant, aubergine, is a kigo for haiku.
Eggplant, aubergine (nasu 茄子) Japan

The origin of the Japanese word comes from 中酸実(なかすみ)nakasumi, slightly vinegar taste, and 夏実(なつみ)natsumi, fruit of summer.
Main producing areas are Kochi, Kumamoto and Fukuoka.

Its purple was also a favorite color of the peopole of Edo 江戸庶民のおしゃれ、茄子紺色.

food kigo for late summer

eggplant, nasu 茄子 (なす), nasubi なすび
first eggplant, hatsu nasu 初茄子(はつなす)

pickled eggplants, nasuzuke 茄子漬(なすづけ)
. . . . WASHOKU
nasu karashizuke 茄子辛子漬け with hot mustard

soup with eggplants (usually miso soup), nasujiru 茄子汁(なすじる)
grilled eggplants, shigiyaki 鴫焼(しぎやき)
fried or grilled eggplants, yakinasu 焼茄子(やきなす)
... especially for barbeques

egg-shaped or long eggplants, tsuruboso sennari 蔓細千成(つるぼそせんなり)
... orido nasu 折戸茄子(おりどなす)
"really black", shinkuro 真黒(しんくろ)

mountain eggplants, yamanasu 山茄子(やまなす)
"violet stem", heta murasaki 蔕紫(へたむらさき)

long eggplant, naga nasu 長茄子(ながなす)
round eggplant, maru nasu 丸茄子(まるなす)

pouch-shaped eggplant, kinchaku nasu 巾着茄子(きんちゃくなす)

white eggplant, shiro nasu 白茄子(しろなす)


April 17 - day of the eggplant
goroawase - numbers sounding like ..
4月17日 yo i na (su) よい茄子 - you guess it,
the day of the good eggplant


aonasu, ao-nasu 青なす "green eggplant"
from Saitama 「埼玉青(さいたまあお)なす」
Tokigawa town ときがわ町

This is a regional plant, also called "white eggplant". It has been introduced in the early Meiji period and used for Narazuke pickles, eaten in miso soup or boiled with other vegetables. It had been out of production after the war.

Local people have now helped to plant this aubergine again and bring it to a large size, some even reach one kilogram, the average is 300 gram. The meat is lightly green and crunchy.
The menu in town offers various dishes, even sweet pie and jam, but the traditional dengaku with sweet miso seems the best.
The harvest is from mid-July till beginning of October.


mizunasu, mizu nasu 水なす "water-eggplant"
speciality of Senshu district in southern Osaka Prefecture.

They are round and very juicy and have a beautiful shine.
You can even squeeze the liquid out of a freshly harvested plant. The plants stand in water during the rainy season. They can be harvested from July till late in October.

They taste delicious as asazuke, lightly pickled.
But it is also used locally for curry or fry dishes.

CLICK here for PHOTOS !

One longer variety of this eggplant is the

babanasu, baba nasu 馬場なす
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Here we look at some dishes with this plant.

Aemono なすの和えもの with dressing

Agehitashi なすの揚げ浸しfried and soakes as hitashi

Dengaku, 茄子田楽 with miso paste
なすの田舎風しょうゆ煮 and soy sauce
Dengaku 田楽 dance and food Nasu Dengaku

Itame 茄子のカラフル炒め fried with other vegetables

Kajiki かじきとなすの鍋照り fried with kajiki fish

Mabo nasu 麻婆茄子, a kind of mabodofu

Sarada 茄子の和風サラダ Japanese-type salad

Yakinasu 焼きなす fried

kik, toga
Worldwide use

Things found on the way


mezurashi ya yama o Dewa no hatsu nasubi

how wonderful and extraordinary !
coming out of the sacred Dewa mountains
to these first eggplants

"After we confined ourself in Haguro-Sanzan Shrine to pray for seven days,we have come down to Tsuruoka Town. Then we are given a warm welcome at Nagayama Juko's residence. How delicious the new egg plants are at the dinner."

Matsuo Basho at Sakata

Minden Nasu 民田なす Eggplant from Yamagata


Matsuo Basho in May of the year Genroku 7 (1694), on his last trip to Kansai.

'Owing to the heavy rains of May, the Ooi River was swollen so that I had to
wait at Shimada staying with Joshuu 如舟 and Jochiku 如竹.'

chisa wa mada aoba nagara ni nasubi-jiru

the lettuce
leaves are just as green
eggplant soup

Tr. Reichhold

Basho was not feeling well at this time and the prolonged stay at the inn might have been a good rest for him.

The chisa lettuce had been introduced from China during the Heian period. Now we can eat it all year round, but in the time of Basho, it was a spring food, and served here out of season, with the early eggplants of summer. Basho expressed his thanks to the host family with this haiku.

More haiku about eggplants
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Related words

***** Eggplant, aubergine (nasu) (Japan)


. nasu 茄子と伝説 Legends about eggplants .



Negi Leek


Leek (negi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Plant


The Japanese word NEGI 葱 (ねぎ) includes a lot of varieties, according to its age and place of growth.

The onion is a round negi, tamanegi 玉葱 (たまねぎ)

Here we are concerned with the "long onion",
NAGANEGI 長ネギ、(長ねぎ, ながねぎ)
leek, long green onion, scallion, spring onion

and the NEGI 葱 with its bigger stem.
Lauch, Porree

There is a bit of a confusion in the naming of this vegetable.
Also called

oriental bunching onion
(Allium fistulosum) Welsh onion
. . . CLICK here for Photos : Allium fistulosum !

shironegi, white leek, is often used in Kansai dialect for this plant.

. . . CLICK here for Photos : Allium grayi !


fukanegi 深葱(ふかねぎ), nebuka 根深(ねぶか)
ki, 葱(き)
"like Chinese character ONE", hitomoji ひともじ

winter leek, fuyunegi 冬葱(ふゆねぎ)

leaves of the leek, hanegi 葉葱(はねぎ)
(often put on sushi rice)

field with leek, negibatake 葱畑(ねぎばたけ)
pulling leek, negi nuku 葱ぬく(ねぎぬく)
..... nebuka hiku 根深引く(ねぶかひく)
washing leek, negi arau 葱洗う(ねぎあらう)
washed leek, arainegi 洗葱(あらいねぎ)
rinse leek, sarashinegi 晒葱(さらしねぎ)

thin leek, yasenegi 痩葱(やせねぎ)
frozen leek, itenegi 凍葱(いてねぎ)

leek soup, negijiru 葱汁(ねぎじる)
leek soup, nebukajiru 根深汁(ねぶかじる)
leek in rice soup, negizoosui 葱雑炊(ねぎぞうすい)

vendor of leek, nebuka uri 根深売(ねぶかうり)

Akuminegi, Akumi negi 飽海葱(あくみねぎ)

................... from special areas:

Akuminegi, Akumi negi 飽海葱(あくみねぎ)
Leek from Akumi, a town in Tohoku, Yamagata pref.

fugu negi 河豚葱/ふぐねぎ /フグネギleek for globefish dishes
fugu is quite popular in Shimonoseki, where they grow a special kind of very thin leek, almost like chives, to serve with the fish
yasuoka negi 安岡ねぎ
Speciality of Yamaguchi.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Fukayanegi, Fukaya negi 深谷葱(ふかやねぎ)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
247 Fukaya Negi Leek
One of the mostly grown varieties along the river Tonegawa. With a rather sweet taste. Full of Alicin, good for your health.

Kujoonegi, Kujoo negi 九条葱(くじょうねぎ)
Leek from Kujoo, Kyoto. An important "Vegetable of Kyoto".
They have a lot of thick juice and come in different thickness, according to the earth they are grown in.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Iwatsukinegi, Iwatsuki negi 岩槻葱(いわつきねぎ)

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
from Iwatsuki town, Saitama.

It has been out of use for many years but now revived by some diligent farmers. It is a special leek with 10 to 20 stems growing from the same stem. The white stems are about 20 cm long, and the soft green leaves are also eaten. It tasts rather sweet when cut fresh and put on a grill, the whole white and green plant.

The town uses this leek to revitaize the region,
"negiwai no machi" 「ぶらり岩槻観光『ねぎわい』マップ」.

They have a map with stores that sell special leek dishes.
Raw with white miso paste, negi nuta.
Mixed in yakisoba fried noodles and even baked into pie or a mix of leek and miso as a paste inside a bread bun.


Nissatonegi, Nissato negi 新里葱(にっさとねぎ)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Senjuunegi, Senjuu negi 千住葱 leek from Senju, Tokyo
They are especially sweet and juicy and welcomed by gourmet cooks. Now mostly from Kita-Senju. It is auctioned off in special auctions, the only vegetable to have this honor in Japan.
You can eat them as a simple tempura without any condiments.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Senjunegi 千寿葱

Shimonitanegi, Shimonita negi 下仁田葱(しもにたねぎ)
leek from Shimonita, Kanto
King of the Negi, single stalk Japanese bunching onion. Gets sweeter when cooking.
The short and fat white root makes the Simonita Negi look more like a leek than a scallion. The Shimonita Negi is popular throughout Japan, but particularly so in its place of origin, Shimonita Town, famous for its produce.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Shimouekinegi, Shimo-Ueki Negi 下植木ネギ
from Isesaki town, Gunma prefecture
They are very thick and large and all parts can be eaten. The white part is about two fingers wide, the green leaves up to 50 cm long and the part in the ground swollen where the thin roots sprout. The seeds are taken every year to produce new plants of the same high quality, supervized by a group of farmers.
Local people even put them on pizza.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yagirinegi, Yagiri negi 矢切葱(やぎりねぎ) Edo
Yagiri no Watashi was a famous exit road of Edo.
矢切の西蓮寺. 江戸川土手. 葱が多く植えられ特有の匂いに包まれる.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

leek is good for your health, it warmth the body, recovering from fatigue and enhances the metabolism. It also contains vitamins, iron, calcium and kalium.


aonegi, ao-negi あおねぎ / 青葱 green leek is preferred in West-Japan
shironegi, shiro-negi しろねぎ / 白葱 / 白ネギ white leek is preferred in Kanto and the north.

. . . CLICK here for AO NEGI Photos !

. . . CLICK here for SHIRO NEGI Photos !

akanegi, aka-negi あかねぎ / 赤ねぎ red leek
local variety of Japanese welsh onion, red in color

bannoonegi, bannonegi, banno negi 万能ねぎ, 蕃納葱
very thin variety of leek
leafy leek.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

me-negi めねぎ spring onion


negi - Lauch, Porree

neginuta ねぎぬた/ ネギヌタ leek with maguro and ika
nuta 沼田 . from Tochigi prefecture

negima 葱鮪 dishes with leek and maguro tuna fish


asatsuki あさつき 浅葱, chives, Schnittlauch

hiru 蒜 includes leek, onions and spring onoins. Old name for the vegetables of the yurika.ユリ科の多年草
nobiru 野蒜 leek, Allium grayi. Chinesischer Lauch
nira, araragi 韮 Chinese leek. Allium grayi. „Chinesischer Schnittlauch“


nira, araragi 韮 leek. Allium grayi
„Chinesischer Schnittlauch“

CLICK for more photos

nira 韮 (にら)
... kamira かみら、mira みら
futamoji ふたもじ "two Chinese characters"
this is with respect to normal leek, which was called "hitomoji 一文字" in the elegant language of the court cooking ladies, already in the Heian period.
kigo for mid-spring

nira no hana 韮の花 にらのはな
kigo for late summer

nira zoosui 韮雑炊(にらぞうすい)rice porridge with leek
kigo for all winter

kinira, ki-nira 黄韮 / 黄ニラ yellow nira leek
speciality of Okayama. It is harvested and dried in the sun during autumn and winter. It has a delicious fragrance and can be added to many Japanese dishes to improve the taste.
The first crop of green nira is harvested, then the plot covered with sheet to keep it in the dark and the second crop is let grow, the yellow variety this time.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- - - and a soy sauce with it

Specialities from Okayama
In some parts of Misakicho town it is grown in the dark of old mine shafts.
Momotaro nabe 桃太郎鍋 hodgepodge with yellow leek
ki nira donburi 黄ニラどんぶり bowl of rice with yellow nira

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Leeks (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum (L.) or synonym Allium porrum) are just one of many vegetables in the onion family. Cultivated from wild leek , it is closely related to elephant garlic and Kurrat (from Egypt) (all these are Allium ampeloprasum subspecies) and further related to chives and ramsons.

Leeks are commonly called (der) Lauch or (die) Porree in German and are tall, thick plants with straight, alternating leaves and non-bulbing roots. Farmers bury the sets (little plants) deep to blanch as much of the stalk as possible, but all parts of the leek are edible. They are usually about 1 inch in diameter, but can be eaten smaller or larger. They taste like a mild onion and garlic mix. They often have a sharp bite when raw, but are sweet when cooked.

Leeks have been used in Germany since the Middle Ages. Before that, people used wild garlic called ramsons or "Bärlauch" (Allium ursinum) for food and medicinal purposes for at least 5000 years. Ramsons grow wild and is gathered in May. Germans cook a cream soup (roux base) with it or use it in soft cheese spreads.

Leeks are famous for vichyssoise, a French potato leek soup and are always in a Suppengrün bundle, to be used as an herb. They are used in place of onions in many dishes and casseroles.

Another leek relative shows up in North America and is known as ramps, ramson or wild leek (Allium tricoccum). It is used in Appalachian cuisine and in Pennsylvania, where festivals are held each year in its honor.

Clean leeks by slitting them down the side and rinsing the dirt out of the rings under running water. Trim ends and slice or chop. Try cooking leeks in fat (or bacon grease) until soft and adding cream, salt and pepper for a side vegetable.

Pronunciation: Lauch - "Lauw-ch" (gutteral "ch"), Porree - "Pour-ay"

Also Known As:
(der) Lauch, (die) Porree, Breitlauch, Sommerlauch, Winterlauch, Borree, Welschzwiebel, Gemeiner Lauch, leek (English)

Common Misspellings: poree

source :


ネギの種類 Types of NEGI

青葱 aonegi, green negi
mostly in the Kansai area
ワケネギ(わけねぎ) 株分れ(分けつ) しながら成長する葉ねぎ

白葱 shironegi, white negi
mostly in the Kanto area
ポロねぎ 地中海料理などで普通に使われるネギ。

曲がりねぎ(白葱) magarinegi , bent negi (white negi)

その他 Others
© More in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA !

A proverb

鴨が葱を背負ってくる kamo wa negi o seotte kuru
"Ducks come with a leek on their back"

When leek is put in a hodgepodge of duck meat, it takes away the strong flavor and makes the dish more pleasant. "Two good things follow each other".
kamonegi, a gullible person.


There are quite a few
traditional Japanese colors named NEGI.

moegi iro 萌葱色もえぎいろ #006e54

usu moegi 薄萌葱うすもえぎ #badcad

mizu asagi 水浅葱みずあさぎ #80aba9

sabi asagi 錆浅葱さびあさぎ #5c9291

asagi iro 浅葱色あさぎいろ #00a3af

hana asagi 花浅葱はなあさぎ #2a83a2

toki asagi 鴇浅葱ときあさぎ #b88884

If you can not see them properly, go to this LINK
and input 葱 .
source : colors named 葱

. asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 - 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .



negi boozu -
my neighbour plants
a few more

Gabi Greve, Spring 2010

. Welsh Onion Head (negi boozu 葱坊主)  


Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村
was very fond of leek, especially from Koshigaya 越谷ネギ.

fuyuzare ya kotori no asaru nirabatake

withering plants in winter . . .
little birds search food
in the nira leek fields


nebuka katte kareki no naka ni kaeri keri

I buy some leek
and then walk home
under bare trees
. . .

Here Buson contrasts the brown dreary color of the withered trees and the fresh green he carries home to his wife and children for a delicious hot leek soup.


ura machi ni negi uru koe ya yoi no tsuki

in the nearby village
the voice of the leek sellers ...
moon of tonight


discussion about haiku with leek


There is also a special ramen soup with extra leek in memory of Buson

Buson Raamen + negi 蕪村ラーメン+ねぎ Buson Ramen
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Buson soba 蕪村そば noodle soup with extra leek

Buson-An sells
negi miso senbei 蕪村庵のねぎみそせんべい
rice crackers with Kujo negi


Related words

kigo for early autumn

sanran 山蘭(さんらん)"mountain leek"
(yama araragi)
hiyodoribana 鵯花 ひよどりばな "bulbul flower"
zawa hiyodori 沢ひよどり(さわひよどり)
Eupatorium chinense
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kamo 鴨 duck
Duck (kamo) KIGO
aigamo あいがも【合鴨】call duck
Anas platyrhyncha var. domestica


Edo Yasai, Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜
Traditional vegetables of Edo

WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes




Moyashi bean sprouts


Bean sprouts (moyashi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: see below
***** Category: Plants


moyashi 萌やし、糵, もやし bean sprouts.

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from the following three types of beans

burakku mappe ブラックマッペ black mapte beans from Thailand and Malaysia
used for salads, with dressings and in fried dishes

ryootoo, ryoto 緑豆 "green beans" Vigna radiata. also called "green mapte"
used for fried dishes

oyashi, mame moyashi おやし、 豆もやし soybean sprouts.
daizu 大豆 soy beans, Glycine max
for fried dishes, in soups and namuru ナムル Korean dishes.
also for Sapporo Ramen, Genghis Khan Nabe, Chanchanyaki, Nagasaki chanpuru and dishes from Okinawa, Chinese-style yasaitiame fried vegetables, Korean namuru dishes.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of soy bean sprouts !


moyashi udo もやし独活(もやしうど)sprouts of spikenard
me udo, me-udo 芽独活(めうど)buds of spikenard
Udo, Spikenard, Japanese spikenard 独活(うど)
kigo for late spring

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Sprouts which are NOT KIGO

arufarufa アルファルファ Alfalfa
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Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop. In the UK, Australia and New Zealand it is known as lucerne and as lucerne grass in south Asia.
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scent of alfalfa:
the grace of an Afghan hound
running down rabbits

Charles Trumbull
source : Shiki Kukai 1/31/99

burning alfalfa--
old farmer pelted by
fleeing grasshoppers

Michael Maiello
source : Shiki Kukai 5/2/99


kaiwarena かいわれな 【貝割れ菜】sprouts of all kinds
mostly of daikon radish (kaiware daikon かいわれだいこん)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

supurauto スプラウト sprout, sprouts of various kinds
for example from
buckwheat ソバ soba supurauto
bukokkoli ブロッコリ brokkoli
masutaado マスタード  mustard sprouts

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

A young Japanese who grows fast and is tall is sometimes called a

moyashikko もやしっ子 "moyashi child"

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


yukima yori usumurasaki no me-udo kana   

in a patch of earth between the snow
there are some light purple
sprouts of spikenard

Matsuo Basho 芭蕉

yukima is a short word in Japanese, but difficult to render in English.

More haiku with UDO

Related words

***** WASHOKU :

. Beans in all Seasons .
