Types of Japanese rice / Reissorten
Rice plant (ine 稲, sanae 早苗 )
Rice grains are called "kome, mai 米"
Oryza sativa var. japonica
cooked rice is gohan ご飯 or meshi 飯 (めし)
There are many local brands, some quite expensive.
burandomai ブランド米, ブランドマイ
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Many are short grain rice types.
There is also mochigome もちごめ もち米, sticky rice brands.
Some sources quote it as "pearl rice".
mochigome is not only used crushed for mochi rice-cakes, but also for "sekihan 赤飯" festival rice with red beans and "okowa お強" steamed mochigome with red adzuki beans.
. Rice cakes (mochi 餅) Reiskuchen .

tanadamai 棚田米 rice from terraced fields
rather tasyt, since the temperature differences from day and night are usually large in mountainous areas
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あいがも米 / アイガモ米 / 合鴨米
rice grown in fields with aigamo ducks
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a popular organic farming methods for paddy rice. Various brands are on the market.
The ducks feed on the insects and leave their excrements as fertilizer.
a brand called hatsushimo ”ハツシモ”, first frost.
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合鴨米ミルキークイーン Aigamo mai Milky Queen
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akagome, akamai 赤米(あかごめ、あかまい)
red rice, one of the kodai mai.
roter Reis
kodaimai 古代米 "rice of olden times"
Reis aus der guten alten Zeit
kodai no akamai 古代の赤米 "red rice of old"
Has been planted since the Asuka period, introduced from China.
shinzenmai 神饌米 red rice for the gods
There are three shrines in Japan where red rice is used for food offerings in ceremonies.
岡山県総社市の国司神社 Okayama, Kunishi Jinja
... in two locations 新庄国司神社・本庄国司神社
長崎県対馬市の多久頭魂神社 Nagasaki, Takuzudama Jinja
with more than 13 ceremonies per year. rice is grown in "temple fields 寺田".
鹿児島県種子島の宝満神社 Kagoshima, Tanegashima, Hooman Jinja
Rice is grown in 御畔 fields. More than 2000 years of tradition.
Akamai Sama - The red rice of Tsushima, Nagasaki
akamai shinji 赤米神事 ritual of the red rice
Tsushima is an island between Japan and Korea, and was an important trade stop-over for the sea trade since olden times. Rice from the mainland came via this island to Japan.

In the "fields of the Gods" at Takuzutama Shrine (たくずたまじんじゃ 多久虫玉神社) there are 15 farmer families who keep the tradition. They cultivate the rice for offerings. Each family is leading the ceremonies for one year. After the harvest they prepare a large tawara straw bag with seed rice of the first harvest, called the "tanemomidawara 種籾俵" and hang it high in the tokonoma space for prayers. They add some special seaweed, nezumi mo ねずみ藻, to the decoration to appease the god of the sea.
The deity in residence at the shrine is Takamimusubi no mikoto 高皇産霊尊 at a special shrine, Takamimusubi jinja 高御魂神社.
On the 10th day of the first month in the new year, they take the bale down, put a ceremonial garment around it and carry it to the shrine in a procession along every household. Torches lit the way and people kneel along the road to pray to the deity.

The sacred shrine fields of Takuzutama Shrin

The red risps of the rice ears. 赤米の赤穂
akage mai 赤毛米
source : hero1945
Shrine Izoo no Miya 伊雜宮 Izo no Miya
Ise no o-taue 伊勢の御田植 (いせのおたうえ)
planting rice at Ise
Rice for the Gods
. Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu .
genmai 玄米 - げんまい brown rice
unpolished rice
It comes in many regional varieties.
brauner Reis, ungeschälter Reis
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Akebono 曙 アケボノ Morgensonne im Frühling
. Akebono - spring morning light.
Akita komachi, Akitakomachi あきたこまち
"The Beauty Komachi from Akita"
named after the beauty Ono no Komachi (ca. 825-900), born in Yuzawa Town, Ogachi City, in the southeast of the prefecture.
short grain
Iwate, Akita
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. WKD : Ono no Komachi .
Asahi 朝日 morning light
domannaka どまんなか
fukuhikari "shining luck"

fukkurinko (hukkurinko) ふっくりんこ happy child
Glueckliches Kind
This is also a play with the sound of fukkura, for a fluffy soft cooked rice.
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Fukuoka, Kyushu
hananomai, hana no mai
Yamagata, Chiba
Fukushima, Tochigi, Chiba
hime no mochi ひめのもち / ヒメノモチ
"mochi for the princess"
Mochi fuer die Prinzessin
Developed as mochi-grains in the year 1962 at the Tohoku Rice Research Center 東北農業試験場.
It is resistant against many dieseases, like imochibyo いもち病 and yields a large harvest.
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. Rice cakes (mochi 餅) Reiskuchen .
hinohikari ”ひのひかり”light of the sun
Fukuoka, Saga, Kumamoto, Oita
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hitomebore ひとめぼれ "Liebe auf den ersten Blick"
"falling in love with a person at first glance"
short grain, good in cold regions
Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima
Hitomebore is one of the most popular brands in Japan, grown in large areas ranked second in the year 1994. It is quite resistant to natural damages.
It tasts good when hot or cool.
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hoshinoyume, hoshi no yume 星の夢 "dream of stars"

Kinuhikari, kinu hikari キヌヒカリ sparkling silk
Glitzernde Seide
This brand has been developed in 1988. The plant is a bit shorter than Koshihikari, but does not bend so easily. The taste is the same as Koshihikari.
Kinuhikari has short culm and high lodging resistance.
Ibaraki, Shiga, Fukuoka
A new rice cultivar 'YUMETSUKUSHI' ユメツクシ
developed by Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center in 1993 was selected from the cross between 'KINUHIKARI' and 'KOSHIHIKARI.

kirara きらら sparkling
strahlend. Kirara 397
This was the first brand that changed the image of rice from Hokkaido from being unpalatable to a really delicious treat.
Traditionally, producing rice in Hokkaido was difficult because of the island’s long, cold winters. However, in 1980 after many years in development, the delicious Kirara 397 variety which is resistant to the cold climate was born. Hokkaido eventually became Japan’s leading rice producing prefecture, topping rival Niigata. Its rice brands such as Nanatsuboshi and Hoshi No Yume won Hokkaido rice an A rank (second out of five) from the Japan Grain Inspection Association in 2004. And yet wholesale prices of Hokkaido rice remained low. That year the price of Japan’s leading rice brand, Niigata’s Koshihikari, was 19,138 yen per 60 kilogram while Akita prefecture’s Akitakomachiwent for 15,646 yen.
Yet Hokkaido’s Kirara 397 only managed 12,888 yen, a price that could not even recoup farmers’ production costs.
source : www.dentsu-pr.com
koshihikari こしひかり コシヒカリ, 越光
"light from Koshi"
"NOT: the shimmering hip"
beams from Koshi, Strahlen von Koshi
short grain from Fukui
also from Uonumasan
Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Saitama, Chiba, Niigata, Ishikawa, Nagano, Gifu, Aichi, Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Koochi (Kochi), Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima
Koshihikari was first created in 1956, by combining 2 different strains of Nourin No.1 and Nourin No.22 at the Fukui Prefectural Agricultural Research Facility. It has become very popular now in Japan, in part due to its good appearance. It is one of the most highly-grown varieties of rice in the country, and its taste is said to differ per region. Some people think very highly of the Koshihikari harvested in Uonuma area of Niigata Prefecture and so traded at the most expensive price in all of Japan.
The character for koshi (越) is used to represent old Koshi Province, which stretched from present-day Fukui to Yamagata. Koshihikari can be translated as "the light of Koshi ".
Other rice varieties close to its strains, such as Akitakomachi, Hitomebore, and Hinohikari have been created afterwards by cross-breeding Koshihikari with other Japanese varieties of rice.
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Kumasan no Chikara ”くまさんのちから”熊産の力
Kumamoto, Kyushu

mirukii kuiin ミルキークィーン "Milky queen"
a new brand developed from koshihikari.
with a low amylose content, so the rice is more sticky. The grains are almost transparent before cooking and quite beautiful.
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from Hyogo
Mangetsu mochi 満月餅 "full moon mochi"
It shows a rabbit in the moon pounding rice.
. Pounding rice in the moon .
Mie mochi 三重餅 Mochi-rice from Mie prefecture
"Mochi aus Mie"

Murasaki ムラサキ - Murasaki Mai ムラサキ米
lit. purple rice
violetter Reis
a kind of genmai, unhulled rice.
But this name also reminds us of Lady Murasaki Shikibu of the Heian Court.
. Murasaki Shikibu ... 紫式部 .
Koochi, Kochi
Niigata soosei
Notohikari, Noto hikari
Sagabiyori さがびより "Fine weather in Saga"
From Saga prefecture, Kyushu.
This variety has been developed by the Prefecture, because it is more resistent to the summer heat and changing weather patterns bring more heat to Saga.
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from Akita
sasanishiki ささにしき bamboo grass brocade
short grain
from Sendai, Miyagi
Created as a mixture of Hatsunishiki and Sasashigure at Furukawa Agricultural Experiment Station in Miyagi prefecture in Japan in 1963.
It keeps its taste even when cool. So it is suited for Sushi and Onigiri.
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Iwate, Yamagata, Akita
early ripe
Tsugaru otome 津軽乙女 girl from Tsugaru
Tsugaru Roman 津軽ろまん - つがるロマン
romantic Tsugaru
Romantisches Tsugaru.
Grown at the foot of Mount Iwaki.
It was derived from Koshihikar, and is seen as the "grandchild" of this brand.
From the Tsugaru peninsula of Aomori.
The illustration of the package features this famous
. Nebuta Festival ねぶた .
and with good rice, you make a good ricewine!

六花酒造 津軽 うめ カップ
With fresh water from the mountains of Shirakami Sanchi
and white rice from Aomori, Mutsu Homare むつほまれ
with plum patterns reminding of the Hirosaki Castle
and Mount Iwaki
and in a black bottle

yamahooshi, yamabooshi

Yume pirika ゆめぴりか beautiful dream
pirika is a word from the Ainu language, meaning beautiful.
Rice Tasting Event
Sapporo and Tokyo, in March and May each year

This rice field in the village of Inakadate, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, tells the story of an ancient battle between a warrior monk and a little hero-archer.
Over 1,000 villagers helped creating this amazing field.

This other field represents ‘The tale of the bamboo cutter’, also known as Princess Kaguya, which is a 10th century Japanese folktale, and considered the oldest extant Japanese narrative.
More is here
source : www.thezigzagger.com
Ganbaro がんばろ
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .
Kurz- und Langkornreis
Für den Handel unterscheidet man zwischen den beiden Extremen:
Langkornreis (auch Brühreis, Patna, es gibt sowohl trocken kochende indische und javanesische als auch klebrig kochende japanische Reissorten) und
Rundkornreis (auch Milchreis).
Langkornreis hat eine Länge von mehr als 6,0 mm. Das Verhältnis von Länge zu Dicke ist größer als 2 und kleiner als 3 bei Japonica, bzw. 3 und mehr bei Indica. Mittelkornreis ist 5,2–6,0 mm lang und das Verhältnis der Länge zur Breite beträgt weniger als 3. Rundkornreis ist 5,2 mm lang oder kürzer und das Verhältnis Länge zu Breite beträgt weniger als 2.
Die nach ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung wichtigsten Unterarten von Oryza sativa sind:
Oryza sativa ssp. indica, Langkornreis (Patna-Reis, Basmati-Reis)
Oryza sativa ssp. japonica, Langkornreis, auch Klebreis sowie Risotto-Reis
Oryza sativa ssp. javanica, Mittelkornreis
Oryza sativa var. glutinosa wird zum Beispiel in China oder Thailand angebaut.
Unterart japonica (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)
Das Korn ist weicher als Langkornreis, wird im deutschsprachigen Raum vor allem für Milchreis gebraucht und ist auch unter dieser Bezeichnung im Handel. Die Körner sind kurz und dick, beinahe rund.
In Japan selbst wird dieser Reis normalerweise ohne Salz in Wasser gekocht und mit Gemüse, Fisch und Fleisch gegessen. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um eine Beilage, da der Reis als zentraler Bestandteil der Mahlzeit angesehen wird.
Auf Grund der großen Nord-Süd-Ausdehnung des Landes und somit sehr unterschiedlichen klimatischen Bedingungen werden viele verschiedene Reissorten angebaut. Die wohl bekanntesten sind Koshihikari und Sasanishiki. Der Reis wird sowohl poliert (hakumai: 白米 oder seimai: 精米) als auch unpoliert (genmai: 玄米) im Handel angeboten.
Neben dem „normalen“ Reis gibt es Reissorten, die für besondere Zwecke angebaut werden.
So ist Mochigome (餅米)
die japanische Bezeichnung für den trüben Klebreis, der normalerweise gestampft wird, so dass eine zähe, klebrige Masse entsteht, die sowohl für traditionelle Süßigkeiten benutzt werden kann als auch als Suppeneinlage oder geröstet als Mahlzeit.
Sakamai (酒米)
ist eine besonders großkörnige und stärkehaltige Reisart, die zur Herstellung von Sake, japanischem Reiswein, gebraucht wird.
Roter und schwarzer Naturreis sind in Japan unter dem Namen
Kodaimai (古代米) auf dem Markt, sie werden wegen ihres hohen Preises üblicherweise dem normalen Reis nur beigemischt.
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indikamai, indika-mai インデイカ米 / インデイカ種 Indica rice
good for risotto, pilaf and fried rice.
Worldwide use
ukiine, uki-ine 浮きイネ floating rice, deepwater rice
in Mali, a traditional rice growing method, where the cutting occurs with boats floating along the rice fields.
The stems grow up to five meters when the Niger river water starts to float the fields.
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Things found on the way
History of Rice Cultivation
Rice has been cultivated in China since ancient times and was introduced to India before the time of the Greeks. Chinese records of rice cultivation go back 4,000 years. In classical Chinese the words for agriculture and for rice culture are synonymous, indicating that rice was already the staple crop at the time the language was taking form. In several Asian languages the words for rice and food are identical. Many ceremonies have arisen in connection with planting and harvesting rice, and the grain and the plant are traditional motifs in Oriental art. Thousands of rice strains are now known, both cultivated and escaped, and the original form is unknown.
Read more: rice: History of Rice Cultivation
source : www.infoplease.com
kodaimai -
the smell of the gods
from ancient times
Gabi Greve, June 2009
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Dishes with Rice
"Gohan" ご飯 or "meshi" 飯 めし.
***** WASHOKU : General Information
Rice plant (ine) . A list of kigo.
New rice (shinmai)

"Planting rice"
Ohno Bakufu (1888-1976)
source : facebook
tokonoma 床の間 alcove for decorations, art nook
- part of the entry about
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
The Impact of Rice in Japan
Part 1:
The introduction and expansion of rice cultivation
Part 2:
The importance of the Jomon tradition
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