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Glossary ... Japanisch – Deutsch – English

update December 2010

....................................... AAA

aamondo ... Mandel, almond
abokadoアボカド… Avocado. Avocadobirne
abura ... Fett, Öl.
aburaage, abura-age ... frittierter Tofu. frittierte Tofu-Taschen …deep-fried tofu pouches
aburafu, abura-fu あぶら麩 … frittierter FU (Weizen-Gluten)
aburasoba、abura-soba … “Öl-Nudeln”.
aburazuke kanzume … Büchsen mit Öl, meist Fisch. Tins with oil
aburi ... kurz rösten oder anbraten
aburiyaku ... kurz rösten oder grillen oder anbraten
ae, xyz-ae ... xyz mit Dressing
ahiru no tamago ... Enteneier (ahiru ... Anas platyrhynchos)
ainame ... あいなめ【鮎魚女/鮎並】Ainame. Hexagrammos otakii. fat greenling
aji ... Geschmack

aji 鯵 ..... Rossmakrele #Pferdemakrele #Stachelmakrele. #Makrelenhecht (das ist sanma). Fam. Carangidae. horse mackerel.
. . . maaji, ma-aji 真鯵 Trachurus japonicus, Bastardmakrele, Stöcker. saurel
aji no hiraki ... getrocknete Rossmakrele
. . . akaaji, aka-aji 赤鰺 ... Stachelmakrelen-Art. Decapterus akaadsi or jurroides

ajinomoto … Ajinomoto. .Streuwürze. Würzmittel mit Glutamat.
ajisai-age, ajisai age あじさいあげ ... Gebratene »Hortensie«, with croutons from toasted bread
akagai ... Rote Venusmuschel. Scapharca broughtoni §Anadara broughtoni. ark shell, bloody clam
akai … rot
akaika, aka-ika … Pfeilkalamar. Ommastrephes bartramii
akamai, akagome ... roter Reis, roter Japonica-Reis
... im gegensatz zu . . . sekihan, gekochtem Reis mit roten Azuki-Bohnen

akamatsu ... japanische Rotkiefer. Pinus densiflora
akamugi senretsu … „Farbkräftiger roter Weizen“. Biersorte aus Bieicho, Hokkaido
Akashidako ... Oktopus von Akashi (Kobe)
akategani ... ?“Rotarmige Krabbe“. Chiromantes haematocheir
aka-uni, akauni ... Roter Seeigel. Psudocentrotus depressus
Akita komachi ... „Schönheit von Akita“. Reissorte
aku あく【灰汁】 ... bitterness, harshness, alkalische Lösung aus gekochter Holzasche, Pflanzenlauge, Gerbsäure. lye, limewater
akunuki, aku-nuki ... gründlich wässern, Entlaugen. Entfernen der Bitterkeit .

amadai甘鯛 ... Blauer Ziegelfisch. Lopholatilus chamealeonticeps. horse-head fish; a tilefish
amaebi, ama-ebi, botan-ebi, akaebi ... Botan-Garnele. Pandalus nipponensis. wörtlich : Pfingstrosen-Garnele ?Riesengarnele, ?Eismeergarnele
amago ... Süsswasserfisch あまご【甘子】Oncorhynchus rhodurus
amai ... süß
amakawa „sweet skin“あま‐かわ【甘皮】 … Endocarp, innerste Schicht der Fruchtwand. Bei Bambus und Bohnen-Arten
amanatto ... mit Zucker glasiert, z.B. Bohnen oder Kartoffeln
Ama-no-hashidate ... “Himmelsbrücke”
amanori ... „Süße Nori“. genus Porphyra
amasagi, wakasagi ... Stint. Fisch. kyuuri uo . Smelt
amazake ... süßer Reiswein. (nicht Mirin) mit geringem Alkoholgehalt
amazu ... süßer Essig (mit mirin und Zucker)
ame ... Bonbon
ameni, ame-ni 飴煮 food 「boiled down [candied] in soy sauce and sugar
ame yobare ... gemeinsames Essen von Malz-Sirup §Malzzucker-Sirup
ami アミ ... less then one cm small seafood, mostly ebi. They are boiled sweetly with soy sauce.
amiabura, ami-abura ... Bauchfett vom Schwein, „wie ein Netz“
amimoto ... Netzmeister
amiyaki ... auf dem Rost oder Netz grillen

anago ..... Meeraal-Art. Congriscus megastomus §Astroconger myriaster. blackmouth angler. “Kind der Höhle”. ma-anago, maanago Conger myriaster. In West-Japan “schwarzer Meeraal”, kuro anagoクロアナゴ C. japonicus Bleeker,. conger eel, sea eel.
anago meshi … Meeraal auf Reis. Hiroshima, Miyajima
anchiobi アンチヨビ ... Anchovy, Anchovis. Sardelle, Engraulis japonica (katakuchi iwashi)
anisu ... Anis, aniseed

ankake ...dicke Sauce (aus Pfeilwurzel-Stärke) ev. angedickte Sauce . ? süßsaure Sauce ? Gemuesesauce
... soboro ankake ?soboro-ankake. torisoboro ankake ... angedickte Sauce mit gehacktem Hühnerfleisch

anko, an 餡子 ... süßes Bohnenmus ?Rote Bohnenpaste. ?süße rote Bohnenpaste ??Bohnenpüree. ?DAS An. aus roten Azuki-Bohnen
... siehe auch tsubuan, tsubu-an, grobes süßes Bohnenmus
... koshian, koshi-an, feines süßes Bohnenmus

ankoo ... Seeteufel-Art . Lophiomus setigerus
ankoo nabe ... Seeteufel-Eintopf

annindoofu ... Mandelgelee (chinesischer Nachtisch)
antipasto アンテイパスト ... Antipasto. traditional first course of a formal Italian meal
antore アントレ… entrée, Vorspeise, Zwischengericht
anzen anshin 安全安心 ... food safety and peace of mind

aona 菘菜(あおな) "Grünkraut" ( kind of rapesed アオナ(青菜) in the Manyo-Shu. not a kabura type. suzuna 鈴菜 is another name for this as a kabu turnip.)
aonori ... Aonori. Aonori-Seetang. Aonori-Pulver. grüner Seetang, oft fein geschnitten. Grüne Algen. Enteromorpha linza
aoriika, aori ika ... „Aori-Tintenfisch“. Sepioteuthis lessoniana
aosa … Blaualge石蓴 Ulva pertusa Kjellm.. sea lettuce
aotoogarashi, ao toogarashi … grüner spanischer Pfeffer
aoyagi ... Braune/Glatte Venusmuschel ?Trogmuschel (Art bakagai)
aozakana (ao-sakana) ... lit. "blue fish" "blauer Fisch", Fische mit blauem Rücken

appurupai, appuru pai アップルパイ apple pie

ara あら ... Reste von Fischen ohne Fleisch, meist nur Kopf und Knochen. what is left after the fish has been fileted
ara アラ ... there are three types of fish called ara
arai ... a kind of sashimi. “to wash”
araizu あらいず【洗い酢】 … leftover vinegar after preparing fish or meat with it
arajio, arashio ... grobkörniges Salz
arakezuri … grobe Katsuobushi, grobe Bonitoflocken.
arame … essbare Seegrasart. Eisenia bicyclis.
arare ... Arare, japanische Reiskäcker aus Mochigome-Klebreismehl.
arare ... Kräcker aus Mochigome-Klebreismehl
aru dente アルデンテ ... al dente

asaichi, asa-ichi ... Morgenmarkt
asari ... Japanische Teppichmuschel. §kleine Miesmuscheln. Ruditapes philippinarum. littleneck clam, baby-necked clam
asatsuki … Schnittlauch. Asatsuki-Lauch. Allium schoenoprasum var. foliosum. chives
ashirai あしらい ... to arrange food pleasingly on the plates
ashitaba … Ashitaba-Pflanze. Angelica keiskei
asupara … Spargel. Asparagus
asupikku アスピック ... Aspik, aspic
atsuage, atsu-age … frittierter Tofu in Blockform
atsumejiru集め汁... Suppe mit allerlei Einlagen

awa … Kolbenhirse. Setaria italica.
awabi ... Riesen-Meerohr. ?Abalone. Haliotis giganitea.
awabi noshi … getrocknete Abalonenstreifen. Neujahrsessen
awamori … Hirseschnaps, Okinawa
awasesu … gemischter Reisessig. blended vinegar
ayu ... Ayu. §Süßwasserlachs. Plecoglossus altivelis. family of smelts. sweetfish – ochiayu, ochi-ayu: nach dem Laichen abwärts schwimmender Fisch (art Forelle). Ryūkyū ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis)
azuki ... Azuki-Bohnen. Rote Bohnen. Vigna angularis
azukigayu ... Reisgrütze mit Azuki-Bohnen

..... BBB

bafununi, bafun uni ... „Pferdeapfel“-Seeigel Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
baigai ... ?Japanischen Wellhornschnecke . Ostasiatische Meeresschnecke. Babylonia japonica (wrong spelling : Balylonia japonica )
baikingu ...Buffet-Restaurants, bei denen man zum Einheitspreis essen kann, so viel man will
bainiku ばいにく【梅肉】 ... Fruchtfleisch von Salzpflaumen (umeboshi)/ Umeboshi-Paste / (Umeboshi-Fruchtfleisch)/ (Umeboshi-Fleisch) / Fruchtfleisch einer Pflaume; Fruchtfleisch einer Umeboshi; Fruchtfleischpaste einer Umeboshi.

baishi ... „Pflaumenzweige“, Konfekt / Frittiertes Reismehlgebäck in Form eines Pflaumenzweigs . other official new year food :
... Frittiertes Reismehlgebäck in Form eines Pfirsichzweigs (tooshi)
... Frittierter oder gedünsteter Weizenmehlsnack in Form eines Skorpions (kakko)
... Zimt-Weizenmehl/Klebreismehl-Gebäck (keishin)
... Frittierte oder gekochte runde Mehlbällchen (tsuishi)
... Frittierte Klebreismehlkuchen (densei)
... Kräcker aus einer Mischung von Weizen- und Hirsemehl (hichira)
... Kräcker aus einer Mischung von Weizenmehl und geriebenen grünen Sojabohnen in Form eines Säckchens (kankidan)

bakagai ... Trogmuschel. Mactra chinensis

bancha ばんちゃ【番茶】 ... coarse tea. Bancha-Tee. einfacher grüner Tee
banbanji ... Kalter Gurken- und Hühnerfleischsalat
banjan ... Chilisauce, chinesische, für Mabodofu
bannonegi, bannoo negi ... Lauch
banshaku ... abendlicher Reisweintrunk

barako ... Lachsrogen „Kinder im Bauch“.
barazushi ... „Gemischtes Sushi“ aus Okayama. Eine Art chirashizushi.
basashi ... rohes Pferdefleisch – baniku ... Pferdefleisch
batapii, bata pii ... buttered peanuts
bataanattsu sukuasshu ... Butternut-Kürbis. butternut squash バターナッツスクアッシュ. Cucurbita moschat
bataayaki bataa yaki ... in Butter geschwenkt
... Bauchspeck, Frühstücksspeck

benibana ... Färberdistel. Färbersaflor. Carthamus tinctorius
benishooga ... eingelegter roter Ingwer
benizuwaigani ... rote Schneekrabbe. Chionoecetes japonicus 

bentoo, obentoo, o-bentoo, Bentō, o-bentō ... Bento. #Bento-Lunchpaket ?Esspaket ?Bento-Paket #Lunchpaket, #Verpflegungspaket . # Mitnahmeessen . packed box lunch,

bibinba ... Koreanisches Reisgericht. Bibimba
biikyuu gurume ... Gourmet der B-Klasse
biiru ... Bier, beer. nama biiru. Fassbier, Bier vom Fass, draft beer, wird auch in Büchsen geliefert. ragaa biiru ist Lagerbier
... biru ... building
bishoku kurabu美食倶楽部 ... „Klub der Feinschmecker“ von Kitaoji Rosanjin
biwa ... Japanische Mispel. Japanische Wollmispel. Eriobotrya japonica. Loquat

boodara ... getrockneter Schellfisch. Stockfisch
bora ... graugestreifte Meeräsche. Mugil cephalus. striped black mullet
botamochi ... Reiskloß, mit süßem Bohnenmus bedeckt
botan ... Päonie, Pfingstrose. Paeonia suffruticosa .
botan nabe, botannabe ... Wildschwein-Eintopf. „Päonien-Eintopf“, Wildschweinfleisch
botanyaki chikuwa ... „Päonien-Chikuwa“
bottoru kiipu ... bottle keep (in your favorite bar or restaurant)

Buddha ... O-Shaka-Sama ... Gautama Buddha, Begründer des Buddhismus in Indien
buna ... Siebold-Buche. Fagus Sieboldii. beech tree

bunka seikatsu 文化生活... cultured living, eating cultured food
bunkazai ... nationaler Kulturschatz ??geistiges Nationalkulturerbe, ?geistiges Nationalkulturgut (important intangible folk culture property)
burandomai ... Markenreis

buri ..... die Seriola §Gelbschwanz, Grosse Basse, (kleiner Fisch ist hamachi in Kansai, inada in West-Japan.. Seriola quinqueradiata. yellowtail. kanburi “Winter-Gelbschwanz”
burikama … Halsteile des Gelbschwanzes
buri no herazushi … Sushi mit Gelbschwanz-Resten. Tosa

burikko … Eiersack des hatahata Sandfisches. Delikatesse in Akita.
burokkorii ... Broccoli. Brassica oleracea var. italica
buroiraa ブロイラー ... broiler . Brathähnchen
bussan sentaa … lokales “Produkte-Zentrum”

buta ... pig, pork . Schwein
butajiru ... Suppe mit Schweinefleisch
butaman, buta-man, buta man ... buns with pork filling, Teigbällchen mit Schweinefleischfüllung
butaniku no chirinabe ... Eintopf mit Schweinefleisch

..... CCC

cha 茶 ocha, o-cha ... Tea, Tee. Im allgemeinen Grüner Tee. ?Grüntee
chaahan ... gebratener Reis, chinesische Art
chaashuu, chashu ... Schweinebraten in Scheiben
chakin shibori, chakinshibori 茶巾絞り ... mit einem Tuch geformte Paste) 
chaashuumen ... Nudelsuppe mit Einlage aus gegrilltem Schweinefleisch
chakaiki 茶会記 ... records of the tea ceremony
chanchan yaki ... roasting salmon with vegetables on a hot plate
chankonabe ... Sumo-Ringer-Eintopf ?Eintopf der Sumo-Ringer, ?Sumoringer-Eintopf
chanpon ... Chanpon. Eintopf mit Nudeln, Meeresfrüchten und Gemüse. Champon

charumera チャルメラ portugese charamela. ... flute of a street vendor or yatai

. Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良土人形 clay dolls from Sagara .

chasen 茶筌 ... bamboo tea whisk. Teequirl. #Bambusbesen. kleiner Besen aus Bambus
chattizushi, chatti sushi ... Sushi mit Chayote-Kürbis
chawanmushi …gedämpfter Eierstich
cha zen ichimi 茶禅一味 ... tea and meditation are of the same flavour
chazuke, ochazuke ... Schale Reis mit Beilagen und grünem Tee übergossen

chidori sakazuki 千鳥杯, 千鳥の杯 ... plover sake cups, flat cups for just one sip
chiikama ... Chikuwa mit Käsefüllung
chiizu ... Käse
chiizu keeki ... Käsekuchen. チーズケーキ cheese cake
chiizu purin ... Käsepudding. cheese pudding
chiizu tonkatsu ... Cordon bleu

chikin チキン ... chicken. toriniku 鶏肉 ... Hühnerfleisch / ?Hähnchenfleisch / ?Hünchenfleisch
chiku 畜... four-legged animals, forbidden for Buddhists to eat
chikutoo ... Zuckerbambus. Saccharum sinense Roxb, Chinsese sugar cane
chikuwa ... Fischpastetenrollen. Chikuwa
chimaki ちまき【粽】 ... rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves. in Bambusblätter gewickelte Reiskuchen
chinmi ... Delikatesse . Nihon sandai no chinmi . drei größten Spezialitäten
chiporo ... Ainuwort für Lachsrogen
chirashizushi ... Sushi-Reis mit aufgestreuten Beilagen. Sushi-Reis mit Auflagen, in der Schüssel serviert. Barazushi in Okayama
chirimenjako 縮緬雑魚 .... getrocknete Shako; getrocknete kleine Fische.
chirinabe, chiri-nabe ... Fischeintopf
chisa チサ ..... チシャ(萵苣・苣 kind of lettuce. Lactuca sativa. ?Japanese parsley
chitose ... „Tausend Jahre“, Süßigkeit aus Kaga
chitose ame ... süße rot-weiße Lutschstange „für tausend Jahre“

choomiryoo ... Gewürz.
chorogi ... Knollenziest. Chinesische Artischoke. Stachys sieboldii.

chuugen, o-chuugen ... Geschenk zur Jahresmitte
chuuka ryoori ... chinesische Gerichte
chuukamen ... chinesische Nudeln
chuuya imo 中夜芋 … “day and night raro”

..... DDD

dachoo no tamago ... Straußeneier
dagashi ... billiges Konfekt

daidokoro kairyoo 台所改良 ... renovating the kitchen (to adjust to modern times)
daifuku, daifukumochi … Mochi-Reiskuchen mit süßem Bohnenmus gefüllt. Daifuku mochi.
daigakuimo, daigaku imo ... Frittierte Süßkartoffel
daikon ... Rettich. Raphanus sativus ??der Daikon
daikonjiru ... Suppe mit Rettich
daimyoo ... Landesfürst, §Regionalfürst. R (dann auch Daimyo).
daioo ... Rhabarber. Rheum officinale.
daizu ... Sojabohne. Glycine max. soybean, soya bean “grosse Bohne” (330)
dama, tama ... eine Portion, z. B. Udonうどん玉

dango 団子 ... Reismehlklößchen ?Reismehl-Bällchen. Kloß. ?Klößchen, ?Bällchen, ? Dango-Nudelklößchen
??Reisbällchen, ?Knödel. Aus besonderem Reismehl oder anderen Mehlsorten. Auch bei Fischbällchen oder Fleischbällchen (niku dango). dumpling
(Im Unterschied zum Onigiri, Reisball, ist DANGO ein Reismehlklößchen ?Reismehl-Bällchen.)
dangojiru, dagojiru だご汁 ... soup with dumplings, they look like Gnocchi. from Oita. Klößchen-Suppe
dangoko だんご粉 ... Dango-Mehlmischung

dashi ... Dashi-Brühe. Dashi-Pulver. ?klare Brühe, einfache Dashi, Kombu-Dashi.
dashimaki tamago ... Dashimaki. Mit Dashi zubereitetes Omelett

datemaki ... gerolltes süßes Omelett mit Fischpaste

demae ... Auslieferung von Essen. ?Lieferservice für Essen
demi gurasu soosu デミグラス・ソース ... Demiglace-Soße (falsch : domigurasu soosu ドミグラスソース)
denbu ... zerfaserter Weißfisch
dengaku ... mit Miso-Paste bestrichene und gegrillte Speisen
densei, tensei ... „Nabelkuchen“, Konfekt für Neujahr.

dobujiru ... Suppe aus Seeteufel-Teilen
doburoku ... trüber Reiswein
don ... Schale Reis mit xzy.
dojoo ... Schmerle. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. loach
dojoonabe ... Schmerleneintopf
donabe ... irdener Kochtopf
donburi ... Donburi. ,Tiefe Schale mit gekochtem Reis und Beilagen. bowl of rice. - tiefe Schale Reis mit einem Kotelett (katsudon)
donburi yokochoo ... „Gasse der Reisschalen“. Hakodate
donerukebabu "ドネルケバブ" ... Döner, Dönerkebab
donguri ... Eichel. Vom Baum Quercus acutissima
donpikoどんぴこ... Herz des Lachses
doonatsu ... Donut
dorayaki ... Castilla, gefüllt mit süßem Bohnenmus
doria ... eine Art Reisgratin
doresshingu ... Dressing für Salate. sarada doresshingu
doria ... Reiseintopf mit Fisch oder Hühnerfleisch
dotenabe ... „Damm-Eintopf“ . Dotenabe-Eintopf, mit einem Rand aus Sendai-Miso

Top of this Glossary


Nori laver seaweed


Laver seaweed (nori)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Humanity


laver, sea lettuce, nori 海苔
..... Porphyra tenera

to dry laver, nori hosu 海苔干す
dried laver, hoshinori 干海苔

sweet laver, amanori 甘海苔(あまのり)
laver from Asakusa, Asakusa nori 浅草海苔(あさくさのり)
laver from Kasai, Kasai nori 葛西海苔(かさいのり)

laver sheets to eat, nori hibi 海苔篊(のりひび)

bamboo poles to grow seaweed among, nori soda 海苔粗朶(のりそだ)
floating seaweed, nagarenori 流海苔(ながれのり)
picking up seaweed, hiroi nori拾い海苔(ひろいのり)
board to dry seaweed 海苔砧(のりきぬた)、norisu 海苔簀(のりす)

susabi nori すさび海苔(すさびのり)
Nori from Uppuri Island, uppurui nori 十六島海苔(うっぷるいのり)

boat to harvest laver, noribune 海苔舟

gathering laver, harvesting laver, nori tori 海苔採
harvesting nori seeweeds, nori toru 海苔採る(のりとる)

... ... ...

"rock laver", iwa nori 岩海苔 いわのり
kigo for early spring

..... kaifu nori 海府海苔(かいふのり)
They are picked from the rocks and cliffs by hand when the tide receedes and are quite expensive.

"hair of the sea", ugo 海髪 うご
a kind of red seaweed, igisu
..... ogo おご、ogo nori 江籬(おごのり)、ugo nori うごのり、nagoya なごや

white seaweed (duckweed), shiramo 白藻 しらも
..... tsurushiramo 蔓白藻(つるしらも)、oo ogonori おおおごのり

green seaweed, aonori 青海苔
..... ito aosa いとあおさ、naga aonori 長青海苔(ながあおのり)、sasanori 笹海苔(ささのり)、usuba aonori 薄葉あおのり(うすばあおのり)、hito-e gusa ひとえぐさ

"cherry blossom seaweed" sakuranori 桜海苔 さくらのり
..... mukade nori むかで海苔(むかでのり)、okitsu nori 興津海苔(おきつのり)

"pine seaweed" matsu nori 松海苔 まつのり
..... pine needle seaweed, matsuba nori 松葉海苔(まつばのり)、tenboso てんぼそ

Saga nori 佐賀のり / 佐賀海苔 Saga Nori Laver. seaweed
from the Ariakekai Sea


regional humanity kigo for the New Year

yukinori, yuki nori 雪海苔 "snow-nori"
also called
hatsu nori 初海苔, or ichiban nori 一番海苔
This is a local kigo about the iwanori from Sado Island and along the coast of Echigo. They are given as an offering to the deity of the New Year on January first.
Even Ryokan has written a poem about this nori.

越の海 野積の裏の 海苔を得ば 懸けて偲ばぬ 月も日もなし
良寛 Ryokan


Nori (Japanese: 海苔) (Chinese: 海苔; pinyin: haitāi, Korean: kim or gim) is the Japanese name for various edible seaweed species of the red alga Porphyra including most notably P. yezoensis and P. tenera, sometimes called laver. The term nori is also commonly used to refer to the food products created from these "sea vegetables", similar to the Korean gim. Finished products are made by a shredding and rack-drying process that resembles papermaking. Japan, Korea, and China are the current major producers of nori.

CLICK for more photosNori is commonly used as a wrap for sushi and onigiri. It is also a common garnish or flavoring in noodle preparations and soups. Nori is most typically toasted prior to consumption ("yaki-nori" in Japanese). A very common and popular secondary product is toasted and flavored nori ("ajitsuke-nori" in Japanese), in which a flavoring mixture (variable, but typically soy sauce, spices and sugar in the Japanese style or sesame oil and salt in the Korean style) is applied in combination with the toasting process. Nori is also eaten by making it into a soy sauce flavored paste noritsukudani (海苔佃煮).

A related product, prepared from the unrelated green algae Monostroma and Enteromorpha, is called aonori (青海苔 literally "blue nori") and is used like herbs on everyday meals like okonomiyaki and yakisoba.

Great source of Iron and Calcium.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Asakusa nori 浅草海苔 Nori from Asakusa / Edo

江戸自慢三十六興 品川海苔
Utagawa Toyokuni 3rd 歌川豊国三代

A lady is sitting next to a dinner tray, grilling the Nori for a moment over charcoal on a Hibachi brazier to make them crisp and more tasty.

- quote -
Nori is an indispensable element of any sushi meal. At first glance, the black sheets of dried seaweed may look unappetizing, but nori is a healthy, nutritious sea vegetable. The type called Asakusa nori was once synonymous with nori, but is now fast disappearing.

The primary countries with nori-eating cultures in the world today are Japan, South Korea, and parts of China. In Japan, nori is a handy food item that is either used to wrap balls or rolls of rice or sliced into thin strips and sprinkled over various food items as a condiment. In the past, Westerners unfamiliar with nori were surprised to see Japanese people eating "black paper." But today, nori is widely recognized as a health food derived from the sea, and it can be found on the shelves of most natural food shops and supermarkets in the United States.

When Japanese people hear the word "nori," most conjure up images of Asakusa nori. But the type that is sold today is invariably the type called Susabi nori, as it is almost impossible to find Asakusa nori on the market today.

- - - - - Origins
Nori in Korean is called gim, which grows from spores on underwater rocks and branches of sea plants. According to Chosen shokubutsu-shi (The Flora of Korea) by Korean culinary expert Chun Daesong, nori first entered Japan in the late sixteenth century following a military expedition to Korea by warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Nori was reportedly brought back to Japan, first to Hiroshima and eventually to Edo (present-day Tokyo), after which nori aquaculture began in Tokyo Bay.

Great progress was made in aquaculture techniques following World War II. Nori is harvested much like green tea, with only freshly grown "sprouts" being plucked. Sprouts are soft while young, but they harden as they grow. Harvest periods are very short and yields small if the process is left completely to nature.

Thus a method was developed to prolong the harvest period. Seedlings on nets are lowered into the sea until they grow to around 3 to 4 centimeters. They are then drawn up and preserved in a frozen state. When the nets are lowered into the sea again, the nori starts growing again. This method has more than doubled nori's harvest period.

- - - - - The Disappearance of Asakusa Nori
Nori usually refers to amanori (genus Porphyra), of which the Asakusa variety was once quite common. Most amanori freshly harvested off Japan's coast has a sweet aroma and a faintly sweet taste, giving rise to its name (amanori means "sweet nori"). Most amanori is found along the Pacific coast, in the Seto Inland Sea, and on the northwest shores of Kyushu in the upper intertidal. It is most commonly seen near river mouths, where water tends to have lower salinity.

Asakusa nori is extremely vulnerable to changes in temperature and to seawater contamination and is highly susceptible to disease. It may only be natural, then, that this type gradually disappeared as pollution grew more serious in Japan.

- - - - - Shigemi Koga, an Asakusa Nori Grower
Growing Asakusa nori without acid treatment requires the use of healthy seeds. Shigemi Koga (58) thus frequently visits a fisheries research center that cultivates a type of Asakusa nori called Noguchi in June to check the growth of seedlings. In September he prepares the breeding grounds by inserting metal poles that will hold the nets, and in mid-October, when seawater is around 22 to 23 degrees, he releases the spores. If seawater temperatures rise too high, the seedlings will die. To each net he hand-ties small bags of oyster shells that contain nori filaments. This is a task that continues from early morning to late at night with the help of many colleagues.

- - - - - Preserving Asakusa Nori
There are others in Kyushu's Ariake Bay-where Susabi nori has become the norm-besides Koga who are at least choosing not to cave in to the acid treatment trend in an effort to keep Asakusa nori aquaculture alive.
Read more :
- source : - Shiokawa, Kyoko 2008-

. Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .
Seaweed Shop of Nakajimaya Heiemon
御膳海苔所 . 中島屋平左衛門

Worldwide use

Nori : Rotalgentang

Things found on the way


Matsuo Basho wrote :

otoroi ya ha ni kuiateshi nori no suna

getting weak
when a tooth bites down
sand in seaweed

Tr. Reichhold

ebbing strength--
my teeth detect a grain of sand
in the dried seaweed

Tr. Ueda

teeth sensitive to the sand
in salad greens --
I'm getting old

Tr. Hass

feeling decrepit
biting on a bit of sand
in the dried seaweed

Tr. Larry Bole

Written in 1691 元禄4年, Basho age 48.
Suddenly Basho feels old, by just a small incident at the dinner table.
(This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 1.)


For his time he wasn't a young man anymore, not old, but the common age of dying was around 50. He didn't need to use oysters to become aroused so he wrote:

kaki yori wa nori o ba oi no uri mo sede

rather than oysters
it's dried seaweed one should sell
when one is old

Basho has no need for oysters because he is of age, but to stay healthy he ate dried seaweed.

source : Kristjaan Panneman

Written in the spring of 1687 貞亨4年春.
It seems he observend an old man with a shoulder carrying pole, selling oysters, and wondered if the lighter seaweed would not be a better deal.

. . . . .

nori jiru no tegiwa mise keri asagi wan

he is so skillfull
at serving seaweed soup -
in this laquer bowl l

Tr. Gabi Greve

seaweed soup
shows such skill
in a decorated bowl 

Tr. Reichhold

Written in 1684 貞亨元年.
He visited his disciple Kasuya Chiri 粕谷千里, who lived in Asakusa, Edo, a place famous for its nori even today.
The green norijiru soup was served in a light yellow bowl to make a colorful contrast.

asagiwan 浅葱椀 "blue laquer bowl"
in the translations of Shirane
The bowls are covered with black laquer and then decorated with golden flower and bird design.

More haiku by Basho and details about
. asagiwan 浅葱椀 - Bowls and Haiku .

***** . asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 - 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .

MORE food hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Related words

***** Seaweed (kaisoo) Japan

Including laver (nori), kelp (wakame), duckweed (mo) and agar agar (tengusa)

Seaweeds are a daily ingredient in Japanese food.
Seaweeds are sometimes called "sea vegetables".
Sea vegetables are seaweeds used as vegetables.

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. BACKUP

kelp, wakame, 若布, 和布
..... Undaria pinnatifida

nigime にぎめ
boat for harvesting kelp, wakamekaribune 若布刈舟

harvesting wakame seeweeds, wakame karu
若布刈る (わかめかる)
wakame toru 若布採る(わかめとる)

drying seeweeds, wakame hosu 若布干す(わかめほす)
drying hijiki seaweed, hijiki hosu ひじき干す(ひじきほす)
harvesting mirume seaweed, mirume karu みるめ刈る(みるめかる)
harvesting arame seaweed, arame karu 荒布刈る(あらめかる)

Kigo for SUMMER

gathering agar agar, tengusa tori 天草採り

cutting duckweed, mo kari 藻刈り
late summer

Kigo for NEW YEAR

gulf weed, seagrapes, sea grape, hondawara ほんだわら

Seaweed Daruma , Konbu Daruma 昆布だるま  

尼崎大覚寺のこんぶ達磨、from Daikaku-ji, Amagasaki  
Kigo for New Year or Spring at Amagasaki





Kaisoo Kigo BACKUP

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BACKUP ONLY ... september 2008


Seaweed (kaisoo 海草)

***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Plant


The word "seaweed (kaisoo 海藻)" itself is not a kigo and can be used all year for haiku.

There are however some kigo with individual kinds of seaweed.

Seaweeds are a daily ingredient in Japanese food.

Kigo for SPRING

laver, sea lettuce, nori 海苔
early spring

..... Porphyra tenera

to dry laver, nori hosu 海苔干す
dried laver, hoshinori 干海苔

sweet laver, amanori 甘海苔(あまのり)
laver from Asakusa, Asakusa nori 浅草海苔(あさくさのり)
laver from Kasai, Kasai nori 葛西海苔(かさいのり)

laver sheets to eat, nori hibi 海苔篊(のりひび)

bamboo poles to grow seaweed among, nori soda 海苔粗朶(のりそだ)
floating seaweed, nagarenori 流海苔(ながれのり)
picking up seaweed, hiroi nori拾い海苔(ひろいのり)
board to dry seaweed 海苔砧(のりきぬた)、norisu 海苔簀(のりす)

susabi nori すさび海苔(すさびのり)
Nori from Uppuri Island, uppurui nori 十六島海苔(うっぷるいのり)

boat to harvest laver, noribune 海苔舟

gathering laver, harvesting laver, nori tori 海苔採
harvesting nori seeweeds, nori toru 海苔採る(のりとる)

... ... ...

"rock laver", iwa nori 岩海苔 いわのり
kigo for early spring

..... kaifu nori 海府海苔(かいふのり)
They are picked from the rocks and cliffs by hand when the tide receedes and are quite expensive.

"hair of the sea", ugo 海髪 うご
a kind of red seaweed, igisu
..... ogo おご、ogo nori 江籬(おごのり)、ugo nori うごのり、nagoya なごや

white seaweed (duckweed), shiramo 白藻 しらも
..... tsurushiramo 蔓白藻(つるしらも)、oo ogonori おおおごのり

green seaweed, aonori 青海苔
..... ito aosa いとあおさ、naga aonori 長青海苔(ながあおのり)、sasanori 笹海苔(ささのり)、usuba aonori 薄葉あおのり(うすばあおのり)、hito-e gusa ひとえぐさ

"cherry blossom seaweed" sakuranori 桜海苔 さくらのり
..... mukade nori むかで海苔(むかでのり)、okitsu nori 興津海苔(おきつのり)

"pine seaweed" matsu nori 松海苔 まつのり
..... pine needle seaweed, matsuba nori 松葉海苔(まつばのり)、tenboso てんぼそ

... ... ...

kelp, wakame, 若布, 和布
..... Undaria pinnatifida

nigime にぎめ
boat for harvesting kelp, wakamekaribune 若布刈舟

harvesting wakame seeweeds, wakame karu
若布刈る (わかめかる)
wakame toru 若布採る(わかめとる)

drying seeweeds, wakame hosu 若布干す(わかめほす)

Photo Gabi Greve, 1993

drying seaweed -
these dancing shadows
on the sand

© Gabi Greve, with more photos !


drying hijiki seaweed, hijiki hosu ひじき干す(ひじきほす)
harvesting mirume seaweed, mirume karu みるめ刈る(みるめかる)
harvesting arame seaweed, arame karu 荒布刈る(あらめかる)

Kigo for SUMMER

gathering agar agar, tengusa tori 天草採り

cutting duckweed, mo kari 藻刈り
late summer

dulse seaweed, red algae (Palmaria palmata) ダルス
North America

Kigo for NEW YEAR

gulf weed, seagrapes, sea grape, hondawara ほんだわら

Seaweed Daruma , Konbu Daruma 昆布だるま  

尼崎大覚寺のこんぶ達磨、from Daikaku-ji, Amagasaki  
Kigo for New Year or Spring at Amagasaki

This is a little talisman to ward off evil and bring good business. He is sold at the temple Daikaku-ji in Amagasaki during the Spring Festival. Since the Meiji period every year the temple prepares a little Daruma with a short jacket made from a bleached seaweed (konbu) for people who apply for it.

On the seaweed the name and age of the person and his zodiac animal are written and then this is put up at the Family Shelf of the Gods for daily prayer. The sheet of seaweed is fastened with a belt of an auspicious braided red and white cord (mizuhiki). This Daruma helps to ward off evil and disaster and takes on a cold on your behalf (migawari). He is also called "Daruma who wards off evil" (yakuyoke Daruma 厄よけだるま). When the year is over, you bring him back to the temple for consecration and apply for a new one.

The little Daruma is about 5 cm high and used to be made in Osaka but he is now made in Kyoto and is usually called "Tiny Roly-Poly" (mameagari 豆上がり). His face is painted very simply and his head has a golden dot, therefore he is also called "Gold-headed Daruma" (kinten Daruma 金天だるま).

His existence is also based on a play of words. "To feel happiness" (yoro-kobu) becomes "Yoro-Konbu"; you feel happy about getting better after illness or if your daughter finds a good match.

So the seaweed type called KONBU carries an auspicious meaning and is usually part of a meal at the New Year and other auspicious occasions.
Konbu Daruma, by Gabi Greve

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


ukikusa ya uo sukuutaru ko suge-gasa

rescuing a fish scooped up
with a little sedge hat

Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)


konbu ichijō sawayaka ni gyofu tamoto nashi

ten feet of kelp--
in the freshness, the fisherwoman
has no sleeves

Furutachi Sōjin 古舘曹人


in aquamarine rock-pools
reflections flicker - are gone
seaweed gently swirls

Part of a rengay by
frances ryan
paul t conneally


aonori ya iwa no kubomi no wasure-jio

green seaweeds -
some seawater is forgotten

in a dent of the rock

Takai Kitoo 高井几董(たかいきとう, 1741~1789)
(Tr. Gabi Greve)


Seaweed Haiku by Zhanna P. Rader

She shares with him
her Dulse seaweed - the tint
and the taste of her lips...

Just me in the waves...
swimsuit full
of red seaweeds.

Wading knee-deep -
seaweed wraps
around my legs.

Seaweed Cafe
overlooking the marina -
we're lost in the menu.

Related words

***** Jelly strips (tokoroten)


WASHOKU SAIJIKI : Kaisoo, sea vegetables

Back to the Worldkigo Index


Kanbutsu himono dried food



Dried food (kanbutsu, himono)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Dried food items have been most important in former times without electricity.
himono 干物(ひもの) dried things

CLICK for more photos

Preserving food for a long shipment, winter and other hard times was most important.
There were many dealers in dried food in the cities of the Edo period (kanbutsuya, kanbutsu donya 乾物屋) .
Before drying, the food had to be prepared, fish cut open, some parts salted.

Dried food was dried in the sun (hiboshi 日干し) to increase the flavor and the nutrients. When rehydrating dried food, the water can be used for soups or boiling other food.

The three specialities of the Chinese cuisine are

dried fukahire sharks fin, dried awabi abalones and dried namako sea cucumber
俵物三品 ふかひれ、干しアワビ、干しなまこ

haiboshi 灰干し  dried in the ashes
This way they dry rather fast and independent of the weather.

hiboshi 日干し drying in the sun
sonnengetrocknet, Dörren

hiboshi 火干し drying over a fire
am Feuer Getrocknetes
kunsei 燻製 くんせい smoking, auch mit Rauch, Räuchern

hoshimono 干し物 / 干物/ kanbutsu 乾物 dried things
etwas in der Sonne Getrocknetes

kageboshi 陰干し drying in the shade
Trocknen im Schatten

kezuribushi 削りぶし shredded dried things
especially katsuobushi and iwashi sardines from Kanbara
iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし

maruboshi 丸干し dried whole fish
only very small fish can be dried whole with entrails.

mirinboshi ミリン干し dried after marinating in mirin sweet sake
(sometimes some sesame seeds are added)

niboshi, ni-boshi 煮干し boiling and drying
katakuchi iwashi are prepared like this.

tennenboshi てんねんぼし/ 天然干し naturally dried
tenpiboshi 天日干し

yakiboshi 焼き干し "grilled and dried" small sardines


Drying techniques

Drying techniques for preserving seaweed and other marine products as well as fruit and vegetables have been refined since the Jomon period (10,000-300 B.C.). There are two major categories of kanbutsu dried foods:
those soaked in water and cooked or flavored and
those used as is to blend with and bring out the flavors of other ingredients.
Preparing dishes made with dried ingredients takes considerable time and effort as the ingredients must first be rehydrated.

Eminent examples of "natural foods," kanbutsu have long been prized for the particular flavors they acquire in the process of drying. Today, they are drawing renewed attention as healthy foods containing no chemical preservatives.
continue here:
source :


The most important dried food items

kaisoo 海藻 seaweeds
寒天 kanten, Agar-Agar
海苔 nori, Meerlattich, Seegras. Porphyra tenera.
アオノリaonori, Grüne Algen. Enteromorpha linza
ひじき hijiki. Hijiki-Alge. Braune Meeresalge. Hizikia fusiformis
あらめ arame . Arame, essbare Seegrasart. Eisenia bicyclis.
昆布 konbu. Kombu, Kobu (だし昆布、とろろ昆布、おぼろ昆布、根昆布、納豆昆布)
wakame ワカメ Riesenblättertang. Undaria pinnatifida

gyokairui 魚介類 fish and seafood
ふかひれ fukahire, sharks finn, Haifischflosse
干しアワビ hoshi awabi, abalone
干しなまこ hoshi namako, Seegurke, Seewalze.. Sticbopus japonicus
干しえび hoshi ebi, Garneelen
身欠きニシン, (みがきにしん)migaki nishin dried sardines
干貝 hoshigai, getrocknete Muscheln
棒だら boodara, getrockneter Schellfisch. Stockfisch
氷下魚 komai, saffron cod. Eleginus gracilis. Pacific saffron cod
塩クラゲ shio kurage, gesalzene Quallen
鰹節 katsuobushi. Bonitoflocken
煮干し niboshi . getrocknete kleine Sardinen
ちりめんじゃこ chirimenjako 縮緬雑魚. getrocknete Shako; getrocknete kleine Fische.
スルメ surume . Japanischer fliegender Tintenfisch. Todarodes pacificus
イカ徳利 ika tokkuri. getrocknet wie eine Tokkuri-Sakeflasche
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

干しダコ hoshidako . Oktopus
干しヤツメウナギ - hoshi yatsume unagi . Neunauge. Lampetra japonica.

Vegetables,野菜、mountain vegetables 山菜、
mushrooms キノコ

かんぴょう kanpyoo, getrocknete Kürbisstreifen. kampyo. von Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida. dried shavings of calabash
切り干し大根 kiriboshi daikon, getrockneter Rettich
キクラゲ kikurage, „Quallen der Bäume“. Holunderschwamm. Auricularia auricula, yama kurage 山くらげ
干し椎茸 hoshi shiitake, Shiitakepilze
干しシメジ hoshi shimeji, Shimejipize
ゼンマイ zenmai ... Taubenfarn. Osmunda japonica
いもがら imogara 芋幹 Blattstiel m der Taro-Kartoffel

干し芋 hoshi imo ... getrocknete Suesskartoffeln
The variety "tamayutaka タマユタカ" is best suited. Most of these sweet potatoes are prepared by hand, Ibaraki is one of the main producers.

Dry fruits 果物(ドライフルーツ)
レーズン reszun, Rosienen
クコの実 kuko no mi, Frucht vom chinesischen Bocksdorn, Lycium chinense
干し柿 hoshikagi, getrocknete Persimonen

other food items
茶 tea, Tee
高野豆腐 Kooya doofu Koya dofu Tofu
ジャーキー jerkeys
あぶらかす aburakasu, Ölkuchen(Reste vom Ölpressen)
麩 fu. Fu-Croutons, aus Weizenmehl
凍りコンニャク frozen konnyaku
乾麺 dried noodles, Nudelarten

CLICK for more photos

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

external LINK
Kanbutsu, basic knowledge (in Japanese)
source :

himono info


kanbutsu no sakana o modoseru koto hajime

the dried fish -
my first housework

Kimura Teruyo 木村てる代

koto hajime, first work at the New Year

Related words




Niigata Echigo


Niigata prefecture

Niigata Prefecture (新潟県, Niigata-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on Honshū island on the coast of the Sea of Japan. The capital is the city of Niigata. The name Niigata literally means "New Lagoon".
Niigata prefecture was originally divided into Echigo Province and Sado Province until the Meiji Restoration. During the Sengoku period it was ruled by Uesugi Kenshin.

The major industry in Niigata is agriculture. Rice is the principal product, with Niigata ranking 2nd (after Hokkaidō) among the prefectures for total rice output. The area around Uonuma is especially known for its Koshihikari variety of rice, which is widely thought of as the highest quality rice in Japan.

Rice-related industries are also very important to the local economy. Niigata prefecture is known throughout Japan for its quality sake, senbei, mochi, and arare. In sake production, Niigata is third in the country after Gunma and Kyoto prefectures.

The prefecture is famous as the original home of the ornamental carp known as koi, and the best-quality koi are still considered to come from the farms of Niigata.

Niigata is known for the following regional specialities:

Uonuma koshihikari rice: considered the best quality rice in Japan.
Shoyu (soy-sauce) and Yofu (western-style) katsudon.
Shoyu sekihan.
Sasa-dango, sasadango (mochi balls filled with red bean paste, seasoned with mugwort and wrapped in bamboo leaves).
Po-po-yaki (steamed bread flavored with brown sugar).
"Tsubame-Sanjo ramen" (ramen made using thick udon-style noodles).
Kirazu (dishes using okara).
Kakinomoto (edible chrysanthemums).

Kanzuri (a special seasoning from Myōkō (Myookoo, Myoko) made by leaving chili pepper exposed on snow, then adding flour, salt and yuzu).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Tenchijin (天地人)
is the 48th NHK Taiga drama for 2009! NHK大河ドラマ
The life of Naoe Kanetsugu 
直江兼続(なおえ かねつぐ 1560 - 1619)
Kanetsugu in Yamagata


Niigata Dishes 新潟郷土料理

abura-age 油あげ deepfried tofu pouches
Tochio aburage あぶらげ (aburaage is called "aburage" in Tochio 栃尾), where there is even an "aburage matsuri" festival あぶらげまつり.
They are made with 100 % Niigaga soybeans. With leek and ginger, they are a delicacy.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

anbo あんぼ balls from rice and vegetables
rice flour and finely chopped vegetables of the season, sansai and soy beans are kneaded with them. A food for the cold winter morning breakfast.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

ayu no ishiyaki 鮎の石焼 ayu fish fried on hot stones
You collect stones by the riverside and heat them up for 2 hours. Thes the innards of the fish and miso paste are fried on the stone. It is just a little bitter in taste.

boodara no nitsuke ぼうだらの煮付け simmered dried cod
boodara 棒鱈 "stick tara" is tara cut in three pieces and dried.
It is simmered with sugar and soy sauce for half a day to get the bones soft.
boodara is a kigo for spring.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
tara たら【鱈】codfish, haddock

botamochi ぼたもち rice cakes covered with sween bean paste
... see mochi

dengaku 田楽 food on skewers, with misopaste
Dengaku dance and food with amazing details
Usually firm tofu and eggplants on skewers, grilled with miso paste. Also satoimo potatoes, fish and other vegetables are grilled like this.

donbikoni, donbiko-ni, どんびこ煮 donbiko-ni cooked heart of salmon
speciality of Murakami area.
Cooked in sweet sauce. Precious food since there is only one heart in each fish caught.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

egoneri (igoneri) えごねり(イゴネリ)seaweed
The seaweed "egogusa エゴ草" from the wild sea of the Nihonkai is full of minerals.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. The Azumi clan 安曇族  and ego /igo dishes .

Fucha ryori, fucha ryoori 普茶料理 Chinese monk quisine

gajini がじに cooked innards of salmon
from Murakami area. Cooked in a hodgepodge with vegetables and spicy sauce.

gibasani, gibasa-ni ぎばさ煮 boiled gibasa seaweed
also called akamoku あかもく or nagamo ナガモ "long seaweed"
It grows in shallow sea water and grows to seven meters long.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


CLICK for more photos hegisoba, hegi soba へぎそば buckwheat noodles
from Ochiya town 小千谷そば
Buckwheat flour is mixed with the seaweed funori 布海苔(ふのり), hitting the dough in a special way. (nori 糊 glue). The noodles are quite firm.
hegi 片木 is a thin wooden board hegi ita 剥板, that was used like a shingle for a roof.
They are served in small portions arranged like shingles, "swinging the hand once" 一手振り.
They are almost like zarusoba.

hime takenoko 姫たけのこ / 姫竹の子 small thin bamboo shoots
They are put in miso soup or boiled as a sidedish.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

ibushi daikon いぶし大根 smoked radish
small radishes are smoked for about one week. Then it is cut and pickled in rice bran miso
(iburi gakko is from Akita)


kachidokimeshi (かちどき飯)"rice to win the battle"
This was given to the warriours before sending them to battle, to encourage them, by their lord, Uesugi Kenshin 謙信公.
It includes kezurimono in auspicious five colors けずりもの, sengoku war sashimi 戦国さしみ, aburiyaki grilled meat 炙り焼き, nuka misoni boiled in miso 糠味噌煮, kurumi hitashi walnuts 胡桃浸し, kuromai black rice (brown rice) 黒米(玄米), atsumejiru soup 集め汁 koo no mono pickles 香の物, mizugashi mixed fruit 水菓子.
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kaguramiso, kagura nanban miso 神楽南蛮味噌
CLICK for more pepper photos kagurananban (kagura namban) is a kind of bell pepper. It has its name because it is full of bulbs like the mask for a kagura dance. In the village 新潟県中頚城郡中郷村 it is called buta koshoo, ぶたこしょう pepper for pigs.
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kanzuri かんずり chili paste
fermented chili paste with yuzu citron and salt, kept in the snow and matured for 3 years. Sauce for nabemono
from the high areas of Echigo
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kensayaki, kensa-yaki けんさ焼き "rice grilled on a sword tip"
When Uesugi Kenshin fought his many wars around 1550, he had his soldiers put onigiri on the top of the sword and grill them slightly before eating. It was his way to show resprct to the rice-growing farmers of his province.
Now it is eaten for the New Year and harvest festivals.
A bit of miso paste can be put on the grilled rice.
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kiku no hana no sunomono 菊の花の酢の物
vinegared chrysanthemum flowers
Speciality of Niigata and other areas of Tohoku in Northern Japan. Eaten in autumn.

kinpira キンピラ simmered root vegetables
Kinpira (Japanese: 金平) is a Japanese cooking style that can be summarised as a technique of "sauté and simmer". It is commonly used to cook root vegetables such as carrot, burdock and lotus root, seaweeds such as arame and hijiki and other foods including tofu and namafu (生麸) (wheat gluten).
The dish features the use of soy sauce and mirin, as well as often slivered chili peppers.
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In Niigata, kinpira is put into rice flour dumplings, kinpira dango キンピラ団子, (considered a sweet or oyatsu for the three o'clock snack)
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kinpira soba キンピラ蕎麦 where the kinpira is put into the dipping sauce and then eaten with the buckwheat noodles.

kiriai きりあい daikon pickled in miso
daikon radish boiled, cut very small and mixed with miso. Some yuzu citron, black sesame and sugar is added. It can be put on rice just like this.
shiso-iri kiriai しそ入りきりあい with perilla leaves
from Iwaya Onsen 岩室温泉
Iwa is a postal town at the "Northern Route" hokkoku kaidoo 北国街道.
another speciality of Iwaya is
suika misozuke すいか味噌漬 watermelon pickled in miso
Iwaya onsen manjuu 岩室温泉饅頭
Iwaya senbei 岩室せんべい
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the hot spring!

CLICK for more photos koshihikari コシヒカリthe most famous brand of rice
Rice, kome, types of rice

koshihikari matsuril コシヒカリまつり
rice festival
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Kubiki no oshizushi くびきの押し寿司 station lunch
from Naoetsu Station 直江津駅 and JR越後湯沢駅
ekiben from Kubiki area 頸城地方(くびきちほう)
Three different flavors in three layers. With local koshihikari rice.
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miruku yookan ミルクようかん milk desert
made from milk, sugar and kanten jelly. It comes in a container like yoghurt. Taken out it looks like a white piece of tofu. Cut into pieces, eaten with fruit.

藻塩 salt with seaweed
from Sado Island 佐渡
Salt of Japan

nasu no abura itame なすの油炒め fried eggplant
There are many different types of eggplants in Niigata. round eggplants 丸なす, long eggplants 長なす, eggplants "like brushes" 鉛筆なす、and 十全なす、水なす、漬けなす、巾着なす ...
Most of them are also prepared for tsukemono pickles.

nina 煮菜 "simmered leaves"
from leafy vegetables like Nozawana 野沢菜 and taina タイ菜
Simmered with beans and abura-age tofu pouches.
..... ni namasu 煮なます simmered daikon
grated daikon radish with crushed beand simmered with sugar and vinegar.

nodoguro のどぐろ / のど黒 "black neck" fish
expensive fatty white fish
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noppejiru のっぺ汁 Vegetable broth with mixed ingredients
noppe stew, Noppe-Eintopf


okoshigata おこし型 colored sweet dumplings
Sado beanpaste cakes
filled with anko sweet bean paste. They are very colorful, pink, green and yellow. They come in various auspicious forms, flowers or animals, made to stand up on decoration shelves, for example the Doll festival, the Boy's festival or O-Bon for the ancestors.
Sado Island
. . . CLICK here for Photos 佐渡のおこし型 !

okowadango おこわだんご balls
with okowa rice outside and sween anko inside
from Washima village 和島村

sankaku chimaki 三角ちまき rice wrapped in triangular form
prepared by lokal farmewifes for the husband to take to the field work.
Now it is mostly eaten as a sweet snack with kinako soybean flower.
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sasadango 笹団子 (ささだんご) dumplings

sasazushi 笹寿司 Sushi served on sasa leaves
Sasa japonica. During the battles at Kawanakajima, there were no vessels to serve the food in. So the soldiers took these leaves, which are abundant, and placed their food on them.
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Kawanakajima no tatakai 川中島の戦い
were fought in the Sengoku Period of Japan between Takeda Shingen of Kai Province and Uesugi Kenshin of Echigo Province in the plain of Kawanakajima, in the north of Shinano Province. The location is in the southern part of the present-day city of Nagano.
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Shagiri manjuu しゃぎり 饅頭 Murakami village

shake no sakebitashi 鮭の酒びたし salmon in rice wine
from the Murakami area 村上地方
Salmon pieces dried hard in the cold wind of the Sea of Japan were defrozen by putting them in a bit of hot rice wine and mirin.
salmon pickled in Japanese wine, marinated in Sake
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shinsetsujiru miyuki jiru 深雪汁 "deep snow soup"
soup made of rabbit meat ウサギ肉. With pieces of radish, carrots, satoimo potatoes, shimeji mushrooms, konnyaku and burdock, it is full of nurishment on a cold winter day.

suketo no okijiru スケトウの沖汁 / スケトの沖汁
halibutt soup on the boat
prepared by fishermen on the boat. On the fishing trip to Sado island they caught sukettodara すけとうだら(介党鱈) and cut it into bite-size in a pot with miso soup or salt water.
Alaska pollack, Theragra chalcogramma
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CLICK for more photos Takahashi ame 高橋あめ made with millet
from Echigo, the store Takahashiya makes them in the 14th generation
桜花くびきの里 hana saku biki no sato
“粟の古代飴”awa no kodai ame, millet sweets in the old style
They were the appointed sweet makers of the Lord. 御用菓子師
高橋孫左衛門商店 Takahashi Magozaemon Ameya 高橋あめや


tori no karaage (kara-age) 鳥のから揚げ deep fried chicken
They serve a half chicken with one wing and one leg, all covered in curry powder and then deep fried for about 10 minutes. It is quite a volumous portion.
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tsuttoko つっとこ New Year Food
packed in straw and hung in the cool space between the kitchen and outside.
About 14 different ingredients from the local fields are packed in a straw bag for each member of the family. A mikan was a special treat, so was a boiled egg. Home-made konnyaku was also put in the package.
Toge Shuraku, Matsudai Area 峠集落(松代エリア)(Tooge Shuuraku)
They also use wild rabbit for the zoni New Year soup in Toge.
yama-usagi ozooni 山ウサギお雑煮


umazurahagi, umazura hagi ウマズラハギ "hagi with the face of a horse"
Thamnaconus modestus
Local people call it UMAZURA, horse face.
fish with a hard skin, which can be easily wrappef off. Eaten as Sashimi, with the liver in soysauce to dip.
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Uonuma mochi 魚沼餅 mochi with rice from Uonuma town
Koganemochi 小金餅
This is the best rice in Japan to prepare mochi.
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wappa-han, wappameshi ワッパ飯
cooked rice and seafood are steamed in a bamboo basket

wappa-ni, wappani わっぱ煮 boiled in a wappa basket by placing hot stones into the broth of fish and vegetables
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yukiguni maitake 雪国まいたけ
Sheep’s Head, Hen of the Woods
Grifola frondosa
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This is a special brand from Niigata. It even has a corporation in America to sell these mushrooms.
Maitake mushrooms KIGO
vinegar from yukiguni maitake 雪国まいたけ絞り黒酢
maitake tempura まいたけ天ぷら
Reference : fresh Kosher maitake mushrooms

zenmai abura itame ぜんまい油炒め fern fried with oil
Osmunda japonica, Taubenfarn
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see: sansai, mountain vegetables

zooni 雑煮 New Year Soup
prepared with salmon and chicken meat and plenty of local vegetables.
Mochi are also put into the soup. They say it is the best zooni of all Japan!

zuiki no sunomono ずいきの酢の物 cooked stem from yam
from the yam potato yatsugashira 八つ頭
Zuiki from Wakayama
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


mugi aki ya ko o oi-nagara iwashiuri

ripened barley--
with a child on her back
the sardine vendor

Kobayashi Issa

In a prescript for this haiku, Issa writes,
"Feeling pity for a woman from Echigo on a business journey."
Echigo is one of the old provinces of Japan, today's Niigata Prefecture. Mugi is a generic term that refers to several grains: wheat, barley, oats, and rye. Shinji Ogawa explains that the phrase "barley's autumn" (mugi no aki) refers, in fact, to the summer season. The name derives from the fact that ripened barley "is comparable to the sight of a rice field in autumn." The grain is ready for harvest, but the baby bundled on his or her mother's back is just starting life.

Not mentioned in the haiku, but implied, are the field workers to whom the mother is selling her sardines for their lunch break. The haiku presents a scene teeming with life: the field of golden grain, the hungry harvesters, the mother, the child.
Tr. and Comment : David Lanoue


Makoto Ueda mentions in his book,
Dew on the Grass: The Life and Poetry of Kobayashi Issa,
that there is an earlier version of this poem in Issa's Eighth Diary:

iwashi mese mese to ya naku ko oinagara

"Sardines! Sardines!"
she calls, with a baby
crying on her back

Ueda points out, however, that this "poem is deficient as a hokku since it lacks a season word. The revised version [which Issa included in The Year of My Life] corrects that deficiency, creating a sense not only of the season but of the surrounding landscape."

Larry Bole, Translating Haiku Fourm

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

. Folk Toys from Niigata .



Mie Prefecture


Mie Prefecture

Mie Prefecture (三重県, Mie-ken) is a prefecture of Japan which is part of the Kinki and Chūbu regions on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Tsu.

Evidence of human habitation in Mie can be dated to more than 10,000 years ago. During the Jōmon and Yayoi periods, agricultural communities began to form along the river and coastal areas of the region. Ise Shrine is said to have been established during the Yayoi period, and in the 7th century the Saikū Imperial Residence was built in what is now Meiwa Town to serve as both a residence and administrive centre for the Saiō, an Imperial Princess who served as High Priestess of Ise Shrine.

During the Edo period, the area now known as Mie Prefecture consisted of several feudal domains, each ruled by an appointed lord. Transport networks, including the Tokaido and Ise Roads, were built. Port towns such as Ohminato, Kuwana and Anōtsu, posting stations and castle towns flourished. Pilgrimages to Ise Shrine also became very popular.

Mie Prefecture forms the eastern part of the Kii Peninsula, and is bordered by Aichi, Gifu, Shiga, Kyoto, Nara, and Wakayama. It is considered to be a part of both the Chūbu and the Kinki regions due to its geographical proximity to Aichi Prefecture and its cultural influence from Kinki, such as the fact that Kansai dialect is spoken in Mie. Traditionally, though, the Iga region of Mie is considered to have always been a part of Kansai.

Mie Prefecture has traditionally been a link between east and west Japan, thanks largely to the Tokaido and Ise Pilgrimage Roads. Traditional handicrafts such as Iga Braid, Yokkaichi Banko Pottery, Suzuka Ink, Iga Pottery and Ise Katagami flourished. With 65% of the prefecture consisting of forests and with over 1,000 km of coastline, Mie has a long been associated with forestry and seafood industries. As well as this, Mie produces tea, beef, cultured pearls and fruit, mainly mandarin oranges.
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. Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮  Schrein Ise Jingu   
and related KIGO
Amaterasu Oomikami 天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ・てんしょうだいじん)Amaterasu Omikami
Toyouke Oomikami 豊受大神 (とようけおおみかみ) Toyouke Omikami
The goddess of agriculture and industry in the Shinto religion. At the Gegu 下宮 in Ise.
She offers food to Amaterasu.

Kumano Kodō、Kumano Kodo, Kumano Kodoo 熊野古道
World Heritage Site. Ancient road in southern Mie once used by pilgrims.

Mikimoto Pearl Island


Local Dishes from Mie 三重県の郷土料理

aimaze あいまぜ "mixed delight"
with dried radish, carrots, lotus roots, konnyaku, shiitake, taro roots and stems, fried in oil and soy sauce, with sweet vinegar as seasoning. Made for family festivals.
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akafuku 赤福 a sweet made with mochi and sweet red bean paste
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amago sushi あまご寿司 amagu (a sweet water fish) sushi
Oncorhynchus rhodurus. 甘子
It tasts quite crunchy and good with vinegar.
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and other amago dishes アマゴ料理. It is a speciality of Tsu city and 美杉町.

aramemaki, arame-maki あらめ巻 fish wrapped in arame kelp
WASHOKU : arame 荒布 Eisenia bicyclis.

arare ochazuke あられお茶漬 arare senbei with green tea
You shovel a good portion in a large bowl, add some sugar and then poor green tea over it. They get funyafunja soft.
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awabimeshi, awabi-meshi あわびめし rice with abalone
An expensive delicacy at Ise Shrine.
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bekkoozushi, bekkoo sushi, bekko sushi べっこう寿司 'Tortoise-shell sushi'
sushi with "pickled" fish in soy sauce marinade, to make it look like the color of tortoiseshell Bernstein.
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bora no heso ぼらのへそ "navel of the springer"
Bora ぼら【鯔/鰡】, striped black mullet; a springer
WASHOKU : bora, an auspicious fish
Actually, it is the stomach prepared to eat. Often barbequed.
ibukuro 胃袋 stomach
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chazuke 茶漬け
after eating fried or boiled fish, tea (or simply hot water) is poored over the bones, head and other leftovers, which are carefully washed with the liquid. This is then slurped out of the plate. Or poored over rice and eaten.
This is very healthy, called "isha shirazu 医者知らず" or "isha koroshi 医者殺し", no need for a doctor.

dengara でんがら dumplings with anko wrapped in a hoo-leaf
from Iinan town 飯高


CLICK for original LINK ... fukidawara 蕗俵(ふきだわら)
"butterbur barrels"
rice with beans, wrapped in fuki leaves
They were prepared during the rice field planting season and put as offerings for the deities on the side of the fields.

Here you see a woman praying for a bountiful harvest.

hijiki nimono ひじき煮物 boiled hijiki seaweed
from 伊勢志摩 Ise Shima region. Ise hijiki 伊勢ひじき
Shima is one of the foremost producers of hijiki in Japan.
Hizikia fusiformis. Braune Meeresalge


Ise ebi 伊勢エビ料理 lobster from Ise
from 伊勢志摩 Shima
They are prepared in many ways.
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Ise takuan 伊勢たくあん pickles radish from Ise
rather thick and round, the skin is thick. Made since the end of the Meiji period.

Ise udon 伊勢うどん  ... see menrui, udon.
They are rather thick and soft. The soup is made with tamari soy sauce
served at (伊勢神宮)Shrine Ise Jingu to the pilgrims.

Itoin Senbei, ito-in senbei いといんせんべい. 絲印煎餅
Senbei with a "stamp like a thread"
Made by Hadaya Shop 播田屋, who owns three old metal stamps.
They are specially soft and made with a stamp (in) from olden times. The imperial family likes to eat them on their round to Ise shrine.
There are only 7 senbei in one pack, since the time when Meiji tennoo could only eat 7 out of a pack with 10.
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iwashizushi, iwashi sushi イワシ寿司 sushi from herrings
from the Satonakakokoro area 里中心

jibu じふ sukiyaki-type fish
魚のすき焼き風, jibunabe じふ鍋
from the Northern parts of the prefecture


kaizu no himono かいずの干物 dried small sea bream
kaizu are the small black sea breams (kurodai 黒鯛 ). They are cut open on the back, marinated in soy sauce and dried in the sun. From Ocotber to November in the Toba area. 鳥羽地方
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kakimeshi カキ飯 rice with oysters
The oysters are boiled together with the rice in the same pot.

katsuo chazuke かつお茶漬け bonito on rice with tea
The fish is marinaged in soy sauce. Served with ginger and nori.
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kijinabe きじ鍋 hodgepodge with pheasant meat

kinko きんこ dried sweet potatoes
a snack for children and ama female divers
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koonago no kama-age コウナゴの釜揚げ boiled small sand lance
koonago is the local name for ikanago イカナゴ いかなご【玉筋魚】sand lance, sand eel lance
Ammodytes personatus
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Kuwana no hamaguri ryoori 桑名の蛤料理 clam dishes from Kuwana town
At the estuaries of the rivers Kisogawa, Naragawa and Machiyagawa 町屋川.
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kyuuri no hiyajiru キュウリの冷や汁 cold cucumber soup
It is put on hot mugimeshi rice. A mix between chazuke and salad. The soup has a miso taste.


manboo ryoori マンボウ料理 dishes from moonfish (headfish)
Mola mola. Mondfish. まんぼう 【翻車魚】 満方 ocean sunfish
This fish is caught in Eastern Kishu. Eaten as sashimi, in vinegar, as sukiyaki. Even the intestines (kowata コワタ(腸)are dried and eaten.
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Manbo (Mambo) is also eaten in Miyagi prefecture.


Manjuu kaidoo 饅頭街道 Manju Road

Mie is famous for more than 15 different kinds of manjuu dumplings.
They were prepared by the various tea shops in front of the Ise Shrine and people would buy them as presents nowadays.

. . . CLICK here for Photos : manju from Mie ! 

akafukumochi 赤福餅

The Manju Road leads from Ise shrine.
There are other Manju Roads in Japan too, for example one in Nagasaki.


Matsuzaka beef

moroheiya udon モロヘイヤうどん udon noodles with moroheya
The moroheya powder is mixed with the wheat flour for making green noodles.
Corchorus Olitorius. Jew's marrow.
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nabana no ohitashi なばなのおひたし boiled rapeseed buds and young leaves
Very old dish of the Ise region.

nabemochi なべ餅 "hodgepodge mochi"
Mochi are made with anko and yomogi, rolled in kinako soy flour.
from 大紀町 Taiki Town
This was only prepared on auspicious situtations and the mochi were given to the neighbours and friends.

namako no su no mono なまこの酢の物 sea cucumber with vinegar
sea cucumber is also eaten in other dishes, often for New Year.

nameroo なめろう chopped raw fish with sake and miso paste
In Mie, apart from fish, sazae turban shell is used.
さざえのなめろうsazae no nameroo
also eaten in Chiba.

niken chaya mochi 二軒茶屋餅(にけんちゃやもち)mochi from Niken Chaya shop, Kakuya 角屋

nubarizushi, nubari sushi めばり寿司 sushi with takana leafy vegetable
a form of takanazushi. 高菜 takana leaves are marinated in nibaizu or sanbaizu vinegar and then the warm leaf wrapped around sushi rice.
takana, Brassica juncea var. integrifolia. Wirsingart
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. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .


Oga no aburi 梶賀のあぶり smoked small fish from Oga town
from 尾鷲市梶賀浦
Prepared in May and June.
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oojiki jiru 大敷き汁 "soup after a good catch"
miso-based soup with the fresh catch. Saba, ika, katsuo, aji, sometimes even Ise lobsters.

. o-nyudo senbei おにゅうどうせんべい rice crackers

osasuri おさすり dumplings(ebitsu えびつ)
from Eastern Kishuu 御浜町
a kind of kashiwamochi
Prepared one month later than the normal Boy's festival, on June 5, and for the girls.

Sakatejima no uni 坂手島の雲丹 sea urchin from Sakatejima
Best for sushi.
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same no tare サメのたれ Samenotare, dried white shark meat
In Ise, shark is served with two different flavors, salt or sweet sake (mirin).
It is often served as a side dish. Ssamenotare goes well with drinks or served on top of rice.
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sanmazushi 秋刀魚寿司 (さんまずし) sanma sushi
sushi from pacific saury. Instead of wasabi, a bit of Japanese karashi mustard is used before the fish is pressed on the rice. サンマ寿司
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sazae no tsuboyaki さざえの壺焼き sazae turban shell grilled in the shell
Batillus cornutus

sekihan mochi 赤飯もち mochi made from mashed red rice

shigure hamaguri 時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 sweet simmered clamshells
English Reference : sweet cooked clams

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sooheinabe, soohei nabe 僧兵鍋 hodgepodge for the monk-soldiers
Near Yunoyama onsen hot spring is the temple of the Tendai sect, 三岳寺, where the monks function as soldiers too and need some stamina. There are even pork bones used for broth, then radish, carrots, Konnyaku, lotus roots, taro and yam, bamboo shoots and even wild boar meat are used.

tekonezushi, tekone sushi てこねずし . 手こねずし fish zushi mixed with the hands

Tsu gyooza 津餃子 gyoza from Tsu town
They are very large, about 5 time the contents of a normal dumpling. They are fried and eaten without sauce.
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unagi ryoori うなぎ料理 eel dishes
from Tsu town. In Tsu most of the eel in all of Japan is eaten.


watarikaki 渡利牡蠣(わたりかき)Oysters from the Kihoku 紀北町 region. It is almost a sweet water lake with an underlying current of sea water.
They are also called
Kooboogaki 弘法ガキ

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Commercial oysters are produced since the Showa period.They have a juicy taste. This is as a result of its production in the nutrient-rich water of the local Funatsu River and Sea of Kumano. They are lowered to salt water after a typhoon or great rain, when the river brings lots of nutrition for the oysters. Later they are put in a higher position of the fresh water of lake Shiraishiko 白石湖. So the oyster farmers are quite budsy checking the saltiness of the lake water.
Taken out of the water, they keep fresh for about 5 days if they are not opened.

The oysters are eaten fried or raw, but also in soup (kakijiru 牡蠣汁) or on sushi rice with a bit of hot mustard (kakizushi 牡蠣寿司 ).

Things found on the way


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Mie .

