Dried food (kanbutsu, himono)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Dried food items have been most important in former times without electricity.
himono 干物(ひもの) dried things

Preserving food for a long shipment, winter and other hard times was most important.
There were many dealers in dried food in the cities of the Edo period (kanbutsuya, kanbutsu donya 乾物屋) .
Before drying, the food had to be prepared, fish cut open, some parts salted.
Dried food was dried in the sun (hiboshi 日干し) to increase the flavor and the nutrients. When rehydrating dried food, the water can be used for soups or boiling other food.
The three specialities of the Chinese cuisine are
dried fukahire sharks fin, dried awabi abalones and dried namako sea cucumber
俵物三品 ふかひれ、干しアワビ、干しなまこ
haiboshi 灰干し dried in the ashes
This way they dry rather fast and independent of the weather.
hiboshi 日干し drying in the sun
sonnengetrocknet, Dörren
hiboshi 火干し drying over a fire
am Feuer Getrocknetes
kunsei 燻製 くんせい smoking, auch mit Rauch, Räuchern
hoshimono 干し物 / 干物/ kanbutsu 乾物 dried things
etwas in der Sonne Getrocknetes
kageboshi 陰干し drying in the shade
Trocknen im Schatten
kezuribushi 削りぶし shredded dried things
especially katsuobushi and iwashi sardines from Kanbara
iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし
maruboshi 丸干し dried whole fish
only very small fish can be dried whole with entrails.
mirinboshi ミリン干し dried after marinating in mirin sweet sake
(sometimes some sesame seeds are added)
niboshi, ni-boshi 煮干し boiling and drying
katakuchi iwashi are prepared like this.
tennenboshi てんねんぼし/ 天然干し naturally dried
tenpiboshi 天日干し
yakiboshi 焼き干し "grilled and dried" small sardines
Drying techniques
Drying techniques for preserving seaweed and other marine products as well as fruit and vegetables have been refined since the Jomon period (10,000-300 B.C.). There are two major categories of kanbutsu dried foods:
those soaked in water and cooked or flavored and
those used as is to blend with and bring out the flavors of other ingredients.
Preparing dishes made with dried ingredients takes considerable time and effort as the ingredients must first be rehydrated.
Eminent examples of "natural foods," kanbutsu have long been prized for the particular flavors they acquire in the process of drying. Today, they are drawing renewed attention as healthy foods containing no chemical preservatives.
continue here:
source : www.kikkoman.com
The most important dried food items
kaisoo 海藻 seaweeds
寒天 kanten, Agar-Agar
海苔 nori, Meerlattich, Seegras. Porphyra tenera.
アオノリaonori, Grüne Algen. Enteromorpha linza
ひじき hijiki. Hijiki-Alge. Braune Meeresalge. Hizikia fusiformis
あらめ arame . Arame, essbare Seegrasart. Eisenia bicyclis.
昆布 konbu. Kombu, Kobu (だし昆布、とろろ昆布、おぼろ昆布、根昆布、納豆昆布)
wakame ワカメ Riesenblättertang. Undaria pinnatifida
gyokairui 魚介類 fish and seafood
ふかひれ fukahire, sharks finn, Haifischflosse
干しアワビ hoshi awabi, abalone
干しなまこ hoshi namako, Seegurke, Seewalze.. Sticbopus japonicus
干しえび hoshi ebi, Garneelen
身欠きニシン, (みがきにしん)migaki nishin dried sardines
干貝 hoshigai, getrocknete Muscheln
棒だら boodara, getrockneter Schellfisch. Stockfisch
氷下魚 komai, saffron cod. Eleginus gracilis. Pacific saffron cod
塩クラゲ shio kurage, gesalzene Quallen
鰹節 katsuobushi. Bonitoflocken
煮干し niboshi . getrocknete kleine Sardinen
ちりめんじゃこ chirimenjako 縮緬雑魚. getrocknete Shako; getrocknete kleine Fische.
スルメ surume . Japanischer fliegender Tintenfisch. Todarodes pacificus
イカ徳利 ika tokkuri. getrocknet wie eine Tokkuri-Sakeflasche
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
干しダコ hoshidako . Oktopus
干しヤツメウナギ - hoshi yatsume unagi . Neunauge. Lampetra japonica.
Vegetables,野菜、mountain vegetables 山菜、
mushrooms キノコ
かんぴょう kanpyoo, getrocknete Kürbisstreifen. kampyo. von Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida. dried shavings of calabash
切り干し大根 kiriboshi daikon, getrockneter Rettich
キクラゲ kikurage, „Quallen der Bäume“. Holunderschwamm. Auricularia auricula, yama kurage 山くらげ
干し椎茸 hoshi shiitake, Shiitakepilze
干しシメジ hoshi shimeji, Shimejipize
ゼンマイ zenmai ... Taubenfarn. Osmunda japonica
いもがら imogara 芋幹 Blattstiel m der Taro-Kartoffel
干し芋 hoshi imo ... getrocknete Suesskartoffeln
The variety "tamayutaka タマユタカ" is best suited. Most of these sweet potatoes are prepared by hand, Ibaraki is one of the main producers.
Dry fruits 果物(ドライフルーツ)
レーズン reszun, Rosienen
クコの実 kuko no mi, Frucht vom chinesischen Bocksdorn, Lycium chinense
干し柿 hoshikagi, getrocknete Persimonen
other food items
茶 tea, Tee
高野豆腐 Kooya doofu Koya dofu Tofu
ジャーキー jerkeys
あぶらかす aburakasu, Ölkuchen(Reste vom Ölpressen)
麩 fu. Fu-Croutons, aus Weizenmehl
凍りコンニャク frozen konnyaku
乾麺 dried noodles, Nudelarten

Worldwide use
Things found on the way
external LINK
Kanbutsu, basic knowledge (in Japanese)
source : www.yamashiroya.co.jp
himono info
kanbutsu no sakana o modoseru koto hajime
the dried fish -
my first housework
Kimura Teruyo 木村てる代
koto hajime, first work at the New Year
Related words
干物を戻す事を Watering と云うのも
Thank you Gabi san for your efforts.
Thank you for your effort.
Gabi san,
特に干物を戻す事を watering
a himono-onna
is a woman, usually in her twenties that appears to be cheerful and sometime efficient at work but prefers to go straight home right after work, change in to super comfy clothes (use those inherited from ice age and has millions of stains and holes) and laze around.
She likes to do nothing but drinks beer right from the can (Jap ladies must be demure and like to drink from a glass unlike us Singaporeans) and who scratches her butt, fart and burp and eats snacks on the couch and watches TV all day long.
A male version is called a Himono-otoko
干物男 干物女
namako 海鼠 sea cucumber, sea slug
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