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Showing posts sorted by date for query 里芋. Sort by relevance Show all posts


Jagaimo Potato


Potato (jagaimo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant / Humanity


kigo for mid-summer

jagaimo no hana 馬鈴薯の花 (じゃがいものはな)
blossoms of the potato plant
jagatara no hana じゃがたらの花(じゃがたらのはな)
bareisho no hana馬鈴薯の花(ばれいしょのはな)
Kartoffelblüten, jaga-imo no hana

kigo for early autumn
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potato, potatoes 馬鈴薯 (じゃがいも) jaga imo, jagaimo, jaga-imo
... jagaimo じゃがいも、
jagatara imo じゃがたらいも "potatoes from Jakarta"
hasshoo imo 八升芋(はっしょういも)
bareisho 馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ)


the following are NOT kigo

from Hokkaido

Danshaku, danshaku imo, May Queen. Kitaakari, Waseshiro, Matilda, Tooya, Cynthia.
Baron Danshaku Kawada Ryuukichi (1856-1951) introduced European potatoes to Hokkaido and helped breed a variety that yielded more than the old Japanese ones. Thus he helped the farmers survive the harsh climate of Hokkaido.
They were known in Kyushu as "oranda imo" potatoes from Holland.
The name comes from the harbour of .. Jakarta ... jagatara ... jagaimo.

However, the situation has begun to change recently. Varieties called Cynthia, Chérie and Inka-no Mezame (or Inca's awakening, a seed potato from the Andes) are among the newcomers whose output has been increasing rapidly over the past several years.
New varieties of potatoes

shinjaga 新じゃが new potatoes
in spring. They can be eaten with the skin after scrubbing carefully.
neue Kartoffeln

jagabataa ジャガバター potatoes with butter

jagaimo amanattoo じゃがいも甘納豆 potatoes pickled in sugar
sugar-glazed potatoes
from Otaru 糖漬け
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Food with potatoes じゃがいも料理 jagaimo ryoori
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fukinko dango ふきんこ団子 potato balls, wrapped in a cloth
... imo dango 芋だんご

nikujaga 肉じゃが potatoes with meat

Unweit von Hiroshima liegt die Hafenstadt Kure 呉, ein wichtiger Stützpunkt der japanischen Kriegsmarine. Der Admiral Toogoo Heihachiroo (1847-1934) lernte bei seinen Fahrten in Europa ein Gericht kennen, das er seinen Soldaten auf dem Schiff unterwegs zu Essen gab und das von Kure aus ganz Japan eroberte – die inzwischen so beliebte Hausmannskost "Kartoffeln mit Fleisch" (nikujaga). In Kure werden dazu nur Kartoffeln der Sorte May Queen, Rindfleischscheiben, Shirataki-Konnyaku-Fadennudeln und Zwiebeln zusammen ohne Wasser eingekocht. In anderen Gegenden kommen nach Geschmack noch Möhren und Erbsen dazu.
Die Stadt Kure bemüht sich mit diesem und anderen Gerichten, die auf Schiffen der Kriegsmarine gegessen werden, einen „Marine-Gourmet“ (kaigun gurume) aufzubauen und viele Restaurants in Kure servieren inzwischen diese Gerichte für die Touristen.


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yudejaga ni shiokara ゆでじゃがに塩辛
jaga shiokara じゃが塩辛
boiled potatoes with some fish guts pickled in salt
This was quite a speciality for the landlocked farmers of Hokkaido in the times before the refrigerator.

Worldwide use


. Irish Potatoes  

Things found on the way

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Mr. Potato Head

German Potato Doritos ドリトス・ジャーマンポテト snack with flavor of German Potatos
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Reference : German Potatos, Japan


Heißgeliebte Kartoffel

Die Kartoffeln kamen vor etwa 400 Jahren mit den europäischen Händlern und Missionaren über Jakarta nach Japan. Jakaruta ... jagatara ... jaga ... diesen lautmalerischen Namen haben sie noch heute.
Die „Holländische Kartoffel“ (orandaimo) wird in Dokumenten aus dem Jahre 1857 von Shimazu Nariakira erstmals belegt, der beschreibt, dass die amerikanischen Kriegsschiffe diese Kartoffeln mit nach Okinawa (damals noch Ryuukyuu) gebracht hatten. Die „Holländische Kartoffel“ wird auch im Gegensatz zur Süßkartoffel „Gelbe Kartoffel“ genannt. Sie enthält einen geringeren Wasseranteil und ist gut aufzuheben. Ein Fischer aus Itoman brachte einige Knollen in seine Heimat, dort werden sie daher „Itoman-Kartoffeln“ genannt. Im Gegensatz zu den in Satsuma bekannten Süßkartoffeln wurden die neuen Arten auch als „Salat-Kartoffeln“ bezeichnet.

Etwa 100 Jahre später fand die Kartoffeln von Nagasaki aus ihren Weg nach Hokkaido. Erste Dokumente aus Setana, einer Stadt im Südwesten Hokkaidos, berichten im Jahre 1706 vom Anbau der Kartoffeln. Nach der Meiji-Restauration begann dann der Anbau auf Großflächen. Die erste Sorte war „Danshaku imo“, wörtlich „Kartoffeln des Barons“, die von Baron Kawada Ryuukichi (1856-1951) von Hakodate im Jahre 1908 aus England eingeführt wurden. Danshaku-Kartoffeln eignen sich mehr für Kartoffelbrei, während die zweithäufigste Sorte, May Queen, eher im Eintopf und als gekochte Kartoffel auf den Tisch kommt.

Während der Meiji-Zeit breitete sich die Kartoffel in ganz Japan aus und Kartoffelgerichte wurden auch als Mahlzeiten in den Schulen gereicht. In den Kriegsjahren gab es mittags oft nur entweder eine Süßkartoffel oder zwei gekochte Kartoffeln und etwas Tee.

Seit einigen Jahren wird in Japan auch mit dem Anbau anderer Sorten experimentiert, selbst Kartoffel mit bunten Farben sind gefragt, weil sie etwas Farbe auf den Esstisch bringen. Insbesondere „Cynthia“, eine eiförmige Kartoffel mit zarter Haut, die beim Kochen recht gut den Geschmack von Würzsaucen annimmt und nicht so schnell zerfällt, hat das Gefallen der japanischen Hausfrauen gefunden.

Inzwischen ist Hokkaido die Präfektur mit dem größten Kartoffelanbau Japans.
In Otaru werden Kartoffeln sogar in Zucker glasiert und als Süßigkeit angeboten!
Und Kartoffelchips mit Schokoladenüberzug werden auch nicht verschmäht.

Japanischer Kartoffelsalat enthält keinen Essig, sondern Mayonnaise und ein gekochtes Ei, er ist daher wesentlich sähmiger. Er ist keine eigenstängige Mahlzeit sondern nur eine Beilage zum Reis. Viele japanische Bento-Lunchpakete enthalten etwas Kartoffelsalat in einem Eck, auch Sandwiches werden mit Kartoffelsalat bestrichen, der allerdings eher einem Kartoffelbrei mit Gemüsebeilagen ähnelt.

Als Snack stehen die Kartoffelchips an erster Stelle der Wunschliste bei Kindern und Erwachsenen und im Familienrestaurant sind die Pommes nicht wegzudenken. Abends zum Bier im Izakaya stehen die „Deutschen Kartoffeln“ auf dem Speisezettel, jaaman poteto, German Potato in japanischer Aussprache, oder einfach nur die „Kartoffeln mit Butter“ und etwas Soyasauce, wenn es beliebt.


banyuu inryoku ari bareisho ni kubomi ari

there is gravitation in the universe
there are dents in potatoes

Okusaka Maya 奥坂まや


this potato
winks as i pick it up
for peeling

that kind of night--
before i cook & eat
painting potatoes

Kris Kondo
Japan, November 2010

Related words

Sato-imo 里芋 Taro potato

. Sweet potatoe (satsuma imo 薩摩芋)

. Daruma as a potato ... of all kinds .

***** WASHOKU :



Wakayama Kumano Koya



Wakayama Prefecture

Wakayama Prefecture (和歌山県, Wakayama-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the Kii Peninsula in the Kansai region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Wakayama.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

In october, daidai mikan だいだい 和歌山 are shipped to all of Japan.
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Koya San in Wakayama 高野山

The ancient Kumano Pilgrims Road
Kumano Kodoo, Kumano Kodō (熊野古道)

Waterfall of Nachi, Nachi no Taki


Regional dishes from Wakayama 和歌山の郷土料理
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In olden times, many refugees from the capital found a new home in the valleys of Wakayama and brought some of the food culture from the capital (Nara, later Kyoto) with them.

ayuzushi, ayu sushi 鮎ずし sushi with sweetfish
best from the clear waters of the river Kozagawa 古座川
in this river there are also tenagaebi 手長えび、unagi うなぎ、zugani ずがに.
and other ayu dishes
ayu no nikuzushi 鮎の肉ずし、ayu no segohsi 鮎のせごし、ayu no shirago 鮎の白子 roe of the female、ayu no misoni 鮎の味噌煮、ayu no kanroni 鮎の甘露煮、aburiayu あぶり鮎、ayu no zoosui 鮎の雑炊

chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea
Especially in the mountainous area of Kumano, where each farmhouse has its own small tea plantation for private use. They can not grow much rice and to give the daily portions more volume, the rice was cooked with hoojicha tea until it was soft. It is now eaten for breakfast or dinner together with some side dishes.
The color is a brown-green mix.

gomadoofu, gomadofu, goma tofu ごま豆腐 tofu with sesame paste
Mount Koya is especially famous for this dish. It is very healthy and has a pleasant fragance.
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hijiki no tsukudani ひじきの佃煮 sweetly simmered hijiki seaweed
From Higashi Murogun 東牟婁. The seaweed is collected in early spring. funori and tengusa are also collected.

hoorakuyaki, hooraku yaki ほうらく焼き simmered in an earthen pot
Fish with white meat of the season is simmered in an earthen pot. Sauce from pickled plums is added.
hooroku 焙烙 / 炮烙 / ホーロク / ほうろく is a special earthen pot
hooraku is a local dialect version.

igami no nitsuke いがみの煮付け boiled igami fish
a typical fish of Soutern Wakayama, igami budai「いがみ(ブダイ)
Leptoscarus japonicus.
Served for the new year, boiled with its head and some potatoes to go with it.
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inoko mochi 猪子餅, 亥の子餅 ricecakes like little wild boars
Made for the autumn festival of Wild Boars (inoko matsuri いのこ祭り for the deity of Wild Boars 亥の神様, to see him off to the mountains for his winter rest.
The mochi war white and red anko is pasted around them. There are 12 in a common year and 13 in a leap year (uruudoshi 閏年), placed in a wooden masu as offering to the deity.
Marishiten and the wild boar mochi connection

imomochi, imo mochi いももち sweet potato mochi
mat along the coast of Kumano, where there was not enough space to grow rice. In former times, a little wheat and sweet potatoes was the daily food of the poor farmers, especially along the coast of Higashi Muro 東牟婁海岸. Their other food was
ukecha うけ茶, when the dried sweet potaotes were placed in a bowl of green tea.

itadori nimono イタドリ煮物 boiled itadori fern
gathered from the end of march. For keeping it is pickled in salt, shiozuke 塩漬け.
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jakozushi, jako sushi じゃこ寿司 sushi from small river fish
jako (zako) じゃこ【雑魚】
kawauo 川魚(じゃこ jako in the local dialect) river fish, they were quite common in the waters around Wakayama. They were boiled with sweet soy sauce and then put on sushi rice, eaten in summer and as oshizushi for the autumn festival. Often wrapped in a persimmon leaf, like the
Benkei no jakosushi 弁慶のじゃこすし
from fish of the river Ki no Kawa 紀ノ川 near Koya-san 高野山.


kaki 柿 persimmon
an important product of Wakayama

kushigaki 串柿 ( くしがき) dried persimmons on a stick
town of Shigo, Katsuragi

kakijamu, kaki jam 柿ジャム persimmon jam
It contains a lot of vitamin C, carotin and calium. Like this it could be eaten the whole year.

kaki no hazushi, kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉ずし sushi wrapped in a persimmon leaf
more famous in Nara 柿の葉 葉寿司

kaki no nukazuke 柿の粕漬け persimmons pickled in rice bran
from the Ito area 伊都地方, were Fuyuugaki 富有柿 were grown. It was a special gift of this area.

kakizuke daikon 柿漬け大根 pickled radish with persimmons
The peel of bitter persimmons was pickled with takuan radish in rice bran. The liquor from the fruit would give it a special fruity flavor.


kakimaze かきまぜ(o-maze おまぜ) mixed sushi
. . . kashiwa ha no sushi 柏葉のすし sushi in an oak tree leaf
with carrots, goboo, shiitake, fuki no to and bamboo shoots or other seasonal vegetables.
Prepared for memorial services in red color. For happy occasions and festivals yellow omelett stripes and pickled pink ginger were added.
Katsuura and Nachi area 那智勝浦町太田地域


kamakurazuke kamakura tsuke かまくら漬 / 鎌倉漬 fish sushi
from the Arita area 有田
Especially prepared for visitors, a kind of narezushi, mostly with saba, pickled together with radish, carrots and renkon lotus root, with a lot of salt, sugar and rice vinegar.


Kishuu no umeboshi 紀州の梅干 
dried plums from Kishu

Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled salty plums
from 紀州産 南高 梅

Kishuu ume flavor 紀州梅を使用した梅味の柿の種 snack, kaki no tane
also with peanuts 紀州梅味 柿の種 ピーナッツ入り 
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Kishuu ume konbucha 紀州梅昆布茶 Kombu-Tea with ume flavor
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Kishuu ume koshu (furuzake) 紀州梅古酒 "old liquor"
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Kishuu ume monaka 紀州梅と梅最中 / 紀州梅もなか Waffers with ume
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Kishuu ume negijio raamen 紀州梅ネギ塩ラーメン soup with leek and pickled plums
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Kishuu ume sofuto 紀州梅ソフト soft icecream
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Kishuu ume suupu ほんのり紀州梅 スープ春雨 instant soup
with edamame beans and nori
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Kishuu ume tan / sumi 紀州梅炭 coal from Kishuu plum trees
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Kishuu ume zerii 紀州梅ゼリー jelly with plums from Kishu
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ume udon 梅うどん red udon noodles with ume in the dough
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also as instant soup from Nisshin Ume Donbei どん兵衛

usujio Kishuu ume うす塩紀州梅 pickled with less salt

tomato ume とまと梅 tomato plum sauce
from Minabe Village, Yutosei 優糖星


kokerazushi, kokera sushi こけらずし layered festival sushi
From Matsue area 松江
For the autumn festival. Made with shrimp and seasoned fish powder (soboro).
kokerazushi 柿鮓 "wood shingled sushi", layered sushi

komugi mochi 小麦餅 wheat flour mochi
11 days after hangeshoo (はんげしょう)半夏生, the summer solstice.
haggeshoomochi 小麦餅(はげっしょう餅 )from Nara

kuenabe, kue nabe クエ鍋 kelp grouper hodgepodge
kue 九絵 Epinephelus moara
This fish loves the warmer sea south of the Kanto area. It grows until about 1 meter long. It lays its eggs in the cliffs around Hidaka coast. In winter, it is eaten in hodgepodge, as sashimi or soaked in ricewine.
from Hidaka 日高町
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kujira 鯨 whale
Mostly caught in Taiji (太地町, Taiji-chō), located in Higashimuro District.
Taiji Whale Museum opened in 1969.
太地の鯨料理 紀州 Kishu Dishes with whale meat

Wada Kakuemon, later known as Taiji Kakuemon, invented the whaling net technique called Amitori hoo (網取法) to increase the safety and efficiency of whaling. This method lasted more than 200 years.

kujira no goma-ae 鯨のごま和え whale meat with sesame dressing
first prepared by 太地角右衛門 Taji Kakuemon in the Edo period. Also prepared with misoae.

kujira no tazuta age 鯨の竜田揚げ deep-fried whale meat
This was most common in the good old days.

kujira suteeki 鯨ステーキ whale meat steak

sarashikujira no sumiso-ae さらし鯨の酢味噌和え
whale meat with vinegar-miso paste dressing
sarashi kujira さらしくじら【晒し鯨】 The fins and skin are thinly cut, blanched in boiling water to get rid of the skin and then "cooled down" (sarashi) in ice water. This tasts good with a vinegary flavor dressing. It is also eaten in miso soup.
whale meat dishes as KIGO for summer

saezuri 鯨さえずり the tongue of the whale, often as sashimi or bacon
saezuri is a word for the twittering of birds
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WKD : Whale, kigo for all winter


kurumimochi, kurumi mochi くるみ餅 mochi with walnuts
Mochi are prepared with the new rice for the autumn festival and offered to the tutelary clan deities (ujigami 氏神様) . Their light green color is pleasant.
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mamegohan, mame gohan 豆ごはん rice with reeen peas
from Inancho town 印南町, a growing region for endomame えんどう【豌豆】 podded peas.
There are many varieties of these peas like oranda オランダ、usui ウスイ、saya endoo サヤエンドウ. For cooking with rice, the usui-endo are used.
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menosushi, me no sushi めのすし sushi wrapped in seaweed
Every spring, a specially wide seaweed of the kombu family is harvested near East Muro town 東牟婁 (and in parts of neighbouring Mie prefecture).
antokume あんとくめ, hirome ひろめ are names for this seaweed. It is dried in the sun and can be used all year long for wrapping sushi.

Naraae, Nara ae, Nara-ae 奈良あえ Nara salad
with radish, carrots, abura-age tofu, dried shiitake mushrooms, goboo, and a sauce with sake, sugar, vinegar and salt.
The area of Hirai, Kozagawa 古座川町平井地区
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This area is famous for the fugitives from the capital Nara, who kept their food culture like in the old days. Their regional specialities have quite a revival these days. For example yuzu products and
ayuzushi and uzumidoofu in our list here.

ni namasu, ninamasu 煮なます boiled "namasu"
finely chopped raw fish and vegetables soaked in vinegar, then boiled

osasuri おさすり (ebitsu えびつ)festival confect
Offering on May 5, for the Boy's festival, together with chimaki dumplings.
They used to be made from wheat flour in green color or with past of soramame beans.
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saba no hayazushi to amazake 鯖の早寿しと甘酒
mackerel sushi and sweet ricewine
From Hidaka 日高地方
Prepared for the autumn festival in October, a kind of narezushi (fermented sushi), but nowadays vineger is used.
narezushi is prepared for festivals since more than 800 years. The Arita area 有田 also has a long tradition. They wrap the sushi into a leaf similar to the susuki reed grass, called ase no ha sushi あせの葉寿司.

saba no takikomi gohan 鯖の炊きこみご飯 mackerel cooked with rice
Along the coastline of Wakayama, takikomi rice cooked with ingredients is often prepared. Also sanma pacific saury, oysters or mussles are used. In the mountains, mushrooms and sansai mountain vegetables are cooked with the rice.

saera no teppoo さえらのてっぽう Pacific saury sushi
Along the southern coastline, when autumn turns in winter, sanma Pacific saury comed down from the North and has less fat, just right to prepare sushi.
This is a special dish for festivities., prepared with vinegared sushi rice and hand-kneaded sushi.
saerazushi さえらずし(sanmazushi さんまずし)

sanmazushi, sanma sushi さんまずし 秋刀魚 Pacific saury sushi
sanma comes down from Hokkaido and reaches Wakayama in winter. It has less fat and is right for maruboshi 丸干し, drying in the sun and wind of the beach. The fish is salted over night and then dried for two or three days. Grilled is a delicacy.
For sugatazushi, with head and tail, some juice of daidai mikan is added to the sushi rice.
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Makrelenhecht. Cololabis saira.

satoimo kukizuke 里芋くき漬け pickles from taro stems
from Higashi Murogun 東牟婁.
The stems are also eaten as boiled vegetables or with dressing.
(see zuiki below)


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tachiuo, tachi-uo たちうお【太刀魚】
hairtail; cutlass fish; scabbard fish
Trichiurus lepturus auriga

tachi-uo to chiizu no pai tsutsumi 太刀魚とチーズのパイ包み
scabbard fish wrapped in cheese and baked as a pie

tachi-uo sushi, tachiuo sushi タチウオすし sushi from scabbard fish
The best in Japan, as they say.
From Arita town. 有田市 which has the highest catch of this fish.
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takanazushi, takana sushi 高菜ずし sushi from takana leaves
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Brassica juncea var. integrifolia.
nubarizushi, nubari sushi めばり寿司 from Mie prefecture
. . . meharizushi, mehari sushi めはりずし large sushi
wrapped inthe pickled leaves of Takana, which are pickled in winter and early spring. They were used to wrap the lunch rice for forest workers.
The names comes from a wordplay, with "opeinig your eyes wide when seeing this huge lunch paket" "me o miharu hodo okii".
Nara no mehari sushi

. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .

toofuyaki 豆腐焼き grilled tofu
For the New Year preparations. A kind of dengaku with miso paste.
In Wakayama spielt der Tofu bei den Neujahrsvorbereitungen eine wichtige Rolle. Nach dem großen Neujahrs-Hausputz am 31. Dezember treffen sich die Mitglieder der „Tofu-Gruppe“ (toofukoo豆腐講) abwechselnd in einem Haus und genießen gegrillten Tofu mit Miso-Paste (toofudengaku), während sie die Ereignisse des abgelaufenen Jahres besprechen und sich an glückverheißenden symbolischen Wortspielen mit MISO (失敗、弱みそ, 泣きみそ) und TOFU erfreuen.


umebishio, ume hishio 梅びしお paste from pickled plums
umeboshi were made into a fine paste and cooked with sugar. Their sweet-sour taste was a condiment for all food, for salads and fish dishes.
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ume gohan, umemeshi 梅ごはん pickled umeboshi plums with rice
Best in summer, when people were tired and the sourness of the plums together with the perilla brought back their appetite. It was good cold as a luchbox.
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utsubo ryoori うつぼ料理 moray (eel) dishes
in Kushimoto, Southern Kishu 南紀串本
it was eaten as a stamina food for the farmers and fishermen. Dried in the cold wind, then prepared as tsukudani. It was given to pregnant women and after birth to make the milk flow for the baby.
It best season is in summer, like hamo eel.
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. utsubo 靱 moray eel, Kidako eel .
Gymnothorax kidako

. utsubogusa 靱草 (うつぼぐさ) "Kidako eel plant" .

uzumidoofu, uzumi tofu, uzumi dofu うずみ豆腐 "tofu burried in rice"
uzumaru 埋まる lit. means to be burried under something.
It can be freshly cooked white rice or rice gruel (kayu) or mochigome sticky rice.
From the mountainous area around Kozagawa 古座川町, where followers of the Heike lived in secrecy and kept the tradition of the capital Nara.

yorori no zushi ヨロリのずし sushi from black tuna
ヨロリis another name for kuroshibi kamasu クロシビカマス
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black tuna, Promethichthys prometheus
He looks rather black,has a lot of fat and tasts superb. You can also fry the meat, cook it or use it for other fish dishes.

yubamaki ゆば巻 "suhsi rolled in soymilk skin"

zuiki no nimono ずいきの煮物 boiled taro stems
mostly from yatsuhashi 八つ頭 and ebi-imo えび芋 varieties.
zuiki is good for women after giving birth.
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival


External LINK

Food, Dining, Festivals in Wakayama

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Wakayama .



Toyama Prefecture



Toyama Prefecture (富山県 Toyama-ken)
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Toyama.
Toyama is the leading industrial prefecture on the Japan Sea coast, and has the industrial advantage of cheap electricity due to abundant water resources. The Itai-itai disease occurred in Toyama around 1950.

Toyama is a major producer of high quality rice making use of abundant water sources originating from Mt.Tateyama.
Toyama is famous for its historical pharmaceutical industry.

The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō 白河郷 and Gokayama are one of Japan's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム
Tateyama Mountain Range 館山連峰 / 立山連峰
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama belief .

Tateyama Mandala 立山曼荼羅
- quote
Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara
Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain

Caroline Hirasawa (Sophia University, Tokyo)

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Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama mandara treats the history, religious practice, and visual culture that developed around the mountain Tateyama in Toyama prefecture. Caroline Hirasawa traces the formation of institutions to worship kami and Buddhist divinities in the area, examines how two towns in the foothills fiercely fought over religious rights, and demonstrates how this contributed to the creation of paintings called Tateyama mandara.
The images depict pilgrims, monks, animals, and supernatural beings occupying the mountain’s landscape, thought to contain both hell and paradise. Sermons employing these paintings taught that people were doomed to hell in the alpine landscape without cult intervention—and promoted rites of salvation. Women were particular targets of cult campaigns. Hirasawa concludes with an analysis of spatial practices at the mountain and in the images that reveals what the cult provided to female and male constituents.
Drawing on methodologies from historical, art historical, and religious studies, this book untangles the complex premises and mechanisms operating in these pictorializations of the mountain’s mysteries and furthers our understanding of the rich complexity of pre-modern Japanese religion.
- source :


Shogawa river valley stretching across the border of Gifu and Toyama Prefectures in northern Japan. Hagimachi 萩町
Shirakawa  白河郷 / 白川郷 Gifu


Toyama specialities 富山 郷土料理

aimaze あいまぜ mixed radish leaves and root
radish leaves are cut finely and pickled in salt and the radish itself is cut in small stripes, boiled for a moment to remove the salt. This mix is simmered with sakekasu, miso paste and kombu dashi.
from 舟橋村

akakabu ryoori 赤かぶ料理 food with red turnips
pickles, in soups or simmered

akamama, aka-mama 赤まま red rice
made from mochigome, a kind of okowa porridge. With red beans for color. Some families also mix black beans or white soy beans. Served for weddings and festivities because of the auspicious red and white color.

ayu no kanro-ni あゆの甘露煮 sweet simmered ayu sweetfish
fish is slightly grilled and then simmered in green tea with a bit of rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and ginger.

ayu no narezushi あゆのなれ寿し
sushi with fermented sweetfish
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burakku raamen 富山ブラックラーメン Toyama Black Ramen
black noodle soup from Toyama
with roast pork, a rather salty mix from thick soy sauce.
First introduced at a shop called Daiki 大喜 in 1947.
black type ramen soup from Toyama 黒系ラーメン is now sold in four shops
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buridaikon ブリと大根のあら煮 yellowtail boiled with radish
The yellowtail from Toyama bay is all natural and not aquafarmed. It is the "King of the Fish in Toyama Bay" 富山湾の王者, when it arrives in winter together with the snow bird (raichoo). Yellowtail changes its name according to its size and is therefore a fish that "makes a good career" (shussezakana 出世魚). Names are 「tsubain ツバイソ(コズクラ)」「bukuragi フクラギ」「hamachi ハマチ(ガンド)」「buri ブリ」. Thus it is auspicious and eaten for celebrations.
The leftovers after cutting out the filets are called ZAN 残(ざん) (usually for other fish they are called ARA アラ) are boiled with seasonal radish (daikon) to make a delicious dish.
BURI is the most representative fish of Western Japan.
Gelbschwanz mit Rettich, Seriola mit Rettich

..... buri no arani, buri no ara-ni ぶりのあらに / 鰤のあら煮
boiled leftover of yellowtail
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dago だご dumplings from rice flour
dagojiru だご汁
sasadago 笹だご

daikon radish dishes
..... daikon namasu 大根なます salad
..... daikon no gotcha-ni 大根のごっちゃ煮 simmered with its leaves, miso taste
..... 大根まま rice with radish, with radish leaves too

genge no sumashijiru げんげのすまし汁 fish soup
genge is a fish from the deep sea off the coast with white meat. Kombu is also put into the soup. It is good for women who breastfeed babies.

gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平もち, 御幣餅/五平餅
made from glutinous rice and egoma, with a taste of miso.

gojiru 呉汁 warm soup in winter
Soy beans are cooked and seasoned with miso paste. With more tofu and leek.
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gondamochi ごんだもち
glutinous rice flour is used. They are then elongated to mochi and dried. Put into porridge or grilled for eating.

. Hotaruika 蛍烏賊 firefly squid .
different kind of ika is fished throughout the year in Toyama bay.
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hotaru-ika no karashi sunomono ほたるいかの辛子酢物
from 滑川市
..... ika no mochigome tsume-ni いかのもち米つめ煮 stuffed with glutinous rice and boiled
..... ika no sumitsukuri いかの黒作り dried squid, boiled in its ink
..... ika no teppoo yaki いかの鉄砲焼き grilled yari-ika, made in March only.
teppooyaki is a way of preparing meat of fish or chicken with hot red peppers miso paste, toogarashi-miso とうがらし味噌.
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ichijiku いちじくの甘煮・しょうゆ煮 figs simmered with soy sauce
Figs skin is removed and then simmered with sugar and salt in soy sauce.

imo ohagi いもおはぎ dumplings made from potatoes
imo no ohagi イモのおはぎ
in autumn. made from satoimo potatoes and sweet red bean paste.

いとこ煮 cooked beans with radish, carrots, yam, goboo, fried tofu pouches, konnyaku and other vegetables.
special food for the New Joodo sect of Buddhism.

iwashi no nuta 鰯のぬた nuta of sardines
nuta is a preparation with vinegared miso. The head, innards and bones are taken off and the fish is pickled in vinegar for a while. Then mixed with onions, grated radish, miso paste, vinegar and sugar and some yuzu juice..

jinda じんだ / 糂だ simmered vegetables
nukamiso ぬかみそ, jindamiso じんだみそ, gotomiso, goto miso 五斗味噌(ごとみそ)
Warabi fern, carrots, goboo, shiitake are cut finely and simmered sweet and hot. Later soy beans are added.
Served for religious ceremonies 報恩講の膳
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jindadora じんだどら sweet jinda

kabura goki かぶらごき turnip goki
turnips and the leaves are boiled separately and cut, ground radish is added and soy sauce poored over it.

kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
prepared for the new year. Fermented fish meat with turnips.
Also prepared in Ishikawa prefecture.

kabura no yachara かぶらのやちゃら turnips salad
turnips, carrots, long yam, kanten, kikurage, mikan are covered with vinegar, sugar and salt. The ingredients of yachara are different in every home. Some use kombu.

kabusu jiru かぶす汁 soup with gazami crabs
watarigani are put in hot water and other seafood is added. Finally miso paste and cut leek is added.

kachiri,katchiri かっちり small potatoes
boiled with sugar and salt and soy sauce. When the potatoes are done, ground sesame, peanuts powder and egoma are added.

kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉寿し
sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
the leaves are pickled in vinegar over night.

kamaboko かまぼこ fish paste
in special forms of fish in red and white and other colors for auspicious situations.
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kamouri, kamo-uri no ankake かもうり(冬瓜)のあんかけ
toogan 氈瓜 kind of gourd.
The flesh is simmered with sugar in soy sauce. It is poored over boiled chicken meat or other food.

kanmochi 寒もち"Mochi for the cold season"
koorimochi 氷餅(こおりもち), konmochi こん餅(もち), kakimochi かきもち
they come in various colors.
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kazumino onigiri かずみ野おにぎり
oya taro potatoes, kabu radish, dried zuiki taro stems and chicken meat are mixed with rice and formed to onigiri rice balls.
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival

kibi okowa きびおこわ gruel from millet
mochigome rice and millet are mixed, beans are cooked with sugar and soy sauce and added.
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masuzushi 鱒寿司 sushi from Masu salmon
In 1717 a samurai from Toyama, Yoshimura Shinpachi 吉村新八 begun preparing this round sushi with ayu from the river Jinzugawa 神通川 and rice from Etchuu 越中米. The third daimyo of Toyama, Maeda Toshioki 前田利興 (1678-1733) liked it very much and gave it as a special offering to the 8th Shogun, Yoshimune, who was quite a gourmet. Since then it is a speciality of Etchu. Leaves of sasa grass (Sasa japonica) are placed into a round vessel and salted masu salmon on sushi rice is placed on it. It is now sold in many places according to secret family recipies.
sometimes ayu is translated as Plecoglossus altivelis.
Masu-Lachs, Oncorhynchus masou

misojiru ni kyuuri きゅうりのお味噌汁 miso soup with raw cucumbers
Cucumbers are not used in other prefectures as an ingredient in miso soup.
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myoogazushi みょうが寿司
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nishin no konbumaki ニシンの昆布巻き
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sansai okowa 山菜おこわ rice with mountain vegetables

satoimo ryoori
..... satoimo no oyaki 里芋のおやき
..... satoimo no nimono 里芋・大根・いかの煮物
..... satoimo no goma-ae 里芋のごま和え
..... satoimo no dengaku 里芋の田楽

shiroebi no kakiage シロエビのかき揚げ shrimps deep fried

soba tsumanko そばつまんこ buckwheat dumplings
with vegetables like zenmai fern, carrots, sweet ebi, simmered in soy sauce and sugar. Buckwheat is formed by hand to small dumplings and simmered in the broth.

takenoko ryoori たけのこ料理 dishes with bamboo sprouts

tenkoro てんころ料理
ちぼいも chibo-imo potatoes prepared as nikorogashi (じゃがいもの煮ころがし). first boiled in the skin, then fried. Then simmered in soy sauce and sugar and mirin.

toofu no buramanju 豆乳のブラマンジェ
(柚子のマーマレードかけ) with yuzu marmelade

tsuboni, tsubo-ni つぼ煮
from the mountains of Tateyama. Perpared for the mountain ascetics.
Dried kugomi are watered and cooked with carrots. Then cooked with dashi and yam, abura-abe, sugar and soy sauce.
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wappani つぼ煮

yubeshi ゆべし with yuzu
made for festivals, served in a dish with a high stand. Kanten jelly is dissolved and soy sauce, sugar and mirin added. An egg and juice from squeezed ginger is added and all let to harden in a square pot.

zenmai no shira-ae ぜんまいの白和え fern in dressing
with tofu and carrots

Things found on the way

Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Medicine sellers from Toyama 富山の薬売り


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ginkooin ra asa yori keikoo su ika no-gotoku

these bank clarks
already in the morning under flurescent light
like firefly squid

die Bankangestellten
schon früh am morgen im Fluoreszenzlicht
wie die Leuchttintenfische

Kaneko Tohta 金子兜太
Kaneko Tohta (Kaneko Toota) 1919-

. . more translations of this haiku .

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Toyama .



Shimane Izumo Matsue



***** Location: Shimane
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Shimane prefecture

Along the Sea of Japan. The Sanin Region 山陰地方.

Matsue and Lafcardio Hearn
Lake Shinjiko 宍道湖

Izumo Kaido, The Old Road of Izumo 出雲街道
Izumo Taisha, the Great Shrine of Izumo

Iwami Ginzan Mines (world heritage site)

The island of Oki 隠岐, former Inshuu 隠州(いんしゅう)。

. Lafcadio Hearn, Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲 .
(1850-1904) (Koizumi Yagumo)


Izumo Soba 出雲蕎麦 いずもそば
buckwheat noodles from Izumo

Wariko Soba 割子そば(わりごそば)

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one third for the fragrance
one third for the noodle taste
one third for the dashi-sauce


The Japanese soba, a buckwheat noodle, is usually divided into "Shinshu soba," popular in the eastern part of the country and "Izumo soba," popular in the western part.

The characteristics of Izumo soba are first noticeable in its color. Unlike Shinshu soba, made of husked soba nuts, Izumo soba is made of unhusked nuts, which makes it brown. (With a comparable taste, Izumo soba has the merit of incorporating the eventual nutrients included in the husks.)

Another difference resides in the serving style. Izumo soba is served in stacked bowls called warigo. Condiments like sliced onion, grated radish, red pepper or dry seaweed are first put directly on the soba in the bowls and the soba soup, tsuyu, is then poured over it.

The Izumo people have a culture of combining soba and tea. For instance, Matsudaira Fumai, the famous tea master, was also a great soba lover:

I drink tea, look for good tools, eat soba,
Garden, watch the nature's beauty, and
Without other desire, laugh loudly.

Matsudaira Fumai, Izumo Tea Master

source :

Matsudaira Harusato (松平治郷) (1751-1818)
He was the daimyo of the Matsue Domain until his retirement in 1806. He was famous as a tea master, using the name
Matsudaira Fumai (松平不昧).
Fumai means, not to take things tooo seriously, not to cling to material things.
His Buddhist name was Myooan. He revived the Matsue domain through the production of iron goods and used the money to improve his collection of tea utensils. He founded a new school of tea with fewer rules and more to enjoy for the townspeople and later for the rich folk of the finance world. There are now some green powder tea brands named after him: Aoi-jirushi Ichi no Shiro and Aoi-jirushi Naka no Shiro.
Every year there is a great tea ceremony party at the castle of Matsue. The poeple of Shimane have a great culture of drinking matcha powdered green tea on an every-day basis. Special tea ceremony sweets are also produced in Matsue until today.

Kanazawa with the Maeda clan (Kaga) is also famous for its regional tea culture and sweets in the Ishikawa prefecture.

The Great Bridge in Matsue
Oda Kazuma 織田一磨 (1881-1956)


The Izumo region is a famous producer of menoo めのう (瑪瑙) , 出雲めのう agate stone. Many are formed into ritual magatama jewels for the imperial family.
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松江市玉湯町 Matsue Town, Tamayu-Cho


botebote cha ぼてぼて茶

Botebote cha from Izumo region
Izumo is an old name for the Matsue region of Shimane prefecture, and where the well known tea expert "Fumaikou Matsudaira" comes from. This area is also known for the wide variety of tea cakes.

Botebote cha was the tea widely loved by the people in Izumo before the World war II began. To make "botebote cha", make the coarse tea, then pour into the cup which is the color of transparent yellow, then take a chasen (whisk), put some salt at the edge and whisk the tea. And then put some cooked black beans, red colored rice, chopped pickles into the foamed tea, and eat. "Shirifuri cha" is very similar to "Botebote cha" except the way to eat. To have shirifuri cha, you don't use chop sticks to eat the things inside the tea, you just have to thought of throw the food from the cup into your mouth.

Origins of the "botebote cha" is said when people were suffering from starvation, Fumaiko Matsudaira told people to mix food and tea like this. That way they can satisfy with even little food they eat, and tea gives energy. Also in Oshima region in Yamaguchi prefecture, it is said that origins of tea porridge is when Lord of Mr. Yoshikawa moved from Iwakuni from Sekigahara told people this idea for saving rice during the hardship of the economy.

This kind of stories exists at many regions in Japan, and it is just a way to tell people that this way of eating does not look or sounds very good; however it has such a venerable story with it. This interesting way of using tea must not started by particular person, and was started by people who live there. Botebotecha is a one way to use tea for other than just drinking.
source : : Yoichiro Nakamura

Many richer people have a tea room in their home where they serve this kind of "tea" to their visitors. The ingredients are arrenged on a special plate and each person can take some of his liking. All visitors carry a special high tea cup and a whisk to prepare their own. The sound of strongly whisking the tea until it gets a white froth is the sound of "bote bote bote".

another speciality is the sencha green tea drunk from very small cups, like little sake cups.
senchadoo 煎茶道 Senchado
with leaf tea
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ikasumi senbei イカスミせんべい
rice crackers with the ink of squid
Oki no shima Island 隠岐の島
and more
Sweets from Shimane

Other specialities from Shimane and Izumo

mamecha 豆茶 "tea from beans" / zaracha ざら茶
from Tsuwano town 津和野
The whole plant with the sheath and stems is put through a cutter various times, then all is roasted and made into a delicious tea.
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genjimaki 源氏巻 Genji Roll
from Tsuwano town 津和野

. Tsuwano Town Festivals 津和野 .

gojiru 呉汁 soup with grated soy beans

hakozushi 箱ずし box sushi
Since the Kamakura period, prepared at Iwami Ginzan 石見銀山

imoni imo-ni 芋煮 boiled taro potatoes
from the Tsuwano 津和野 region. made from sato-imo 里芋 which grow in the vulcanic soil of this area.

ita wakame, itawakame 板わかめ "dried wakame like a sheet"
They are carefully prepared by hand, dried a full day in the sun on the beach. Most are done by small family enterprizes. Father goes fishing for them and the wife and daughter dry them.
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jinzaimochi, jinzai mochi 神在餅(じんざいもち) "mochi for the Gods"At the shrine 佐太神社 for the Jinzai Festsival
In Izumo, when the "Gods are present" (now celebrated in October).
kami aisai 神在祭(かみありさい), when all the Gods of Japan come to the shrine of Izumo to celebrate after the harvest.
The official reading is zenzai ぜんざい.
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kakuzushi 角寿司 square sushi

kataramochi かたら餅(かしわ餅) rice cakes wrapped in
サルトイリバラの葉 leaves, found in the Izumo area.
Usually they are wrapped in kashiwa leaves.
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maitake gohan 舞茸ごはん rice with maitake mushrooms
Maitake are grown in 飯南町 Iinanchoo.
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Nishihama imo 西浜芋 sweet potatoes from Nishihama
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Nishihama imo jamu 西浜いもジャム jam from these sweet potatoes
西浜いもを使ったタイ焼き Taiyaki with these sweet potatoes
西浜いもを使った焼酎 shochu shnaps
いずも煮 Izumo boiled vegetables with these potatoes
The famous Lord who brought these potatoes to Shimane
いも代官 Imo Daikan
井戸平左衛門正明公 Ido Heizaemon Sae-Akira
from Oomori town 大森町.

Oki no shima (okinoshima) the swimming cows
Beef, Rindfleisch

oshizushi 押し寿司 Sushi
for the Girls Festival (hinamatsuri), weddings and other celebrations.
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saba no iriyaki 鯖のいり焼き saba boiled in a sweet/hot sauce

Sanbin soba 三瓶そば from the volcanic Sanbin Highlands

sasamaki 笹巻き/ chimaki ちまき

shibazushi shiba sushi しば寿司 sushi with shiba-ebi shrimp
served at the autumn festivals


shijimi jiru しじみ汁 shijimi shells miso soup
Mostly a miso soup, but some families put it in a clear soup.
Speciality of lake Shinjiko, where in the brackwater a lot of these shells are harvested. They are a large black variety, yamato shijimi ヤマトシジミ.
One of the seven tastes of Lake Shinjiko
(スズキ suzuki sea bass、ウナギ unagi eel、コイkoi carp、シラウオshirauo whitebait、アマサギ amasagi smelt、モロゲエビ moroge ebi prawns、シジミ shijimi).
Specialities of Lake Shinjiko 宍道湖, Matsue 松江の郷土料理。

shijimi karee pan しじみカレーパン

bread (or rather bun) with shijimi corbicula extract and curry flavor


shirozakana no sumashijiru 白魚のすまし汁 soup with white fish

suzuki no boshoyaki booshooyaki スズキの奉書焼
suzuki sea bass cooked in a paper wrapper
suzuki is a typical fish of the lake Shinjiko 宍道湖 in Izumo, already mentioned in the Ancient Legends of Izumo.
Once a fisherman fried this fish for himself when the lord of the area, Matsudaira, passed by and asked for a try. The fisherman did not want to hand it over just like that and warpped it into the paper first, simmered it for a while and then the lord ate it with great pleasure. It became the special food for the lord and local fishermen were not allowed to eat it, until the Meiji restauration.
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taimeshi 鯛めし rice with sea bream

tonbarazuke とんばら漬け pickles
made in the village Tonbara 頓原町

urukanasu, uruka nasu うるか茄子
simmered soft eggplants
uruka is a method of soaking food in water until it is very soft.
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uzumezushi,uzume sushi うずめ寿司 sushi rice wrapped in bamboo leaves
with carrots and mountain vegetables

wani no sashimi ワニの刺身 shark sashimi
shark meat contains a lot of ammonium substances and keeps without refrigerating for a while. It was a source of protein for mountain regions, where they could prepare it as sashimi. From Shimane to Hiroshima mountain regions.
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch

yakuzen ryoori 薬膳料理 "food as medicine"
from many local seasonal specialities
Yakuzen, Chinese Medicine 漢方薬 and haiku
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zooni 雑煮 new year soup with iwanori 岩のり seaweed

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .

Izumo Kaido, The Old Trade Road of Izumo


Izumo soba noren no uchi no kuni namari

Izumo buckwheat noodles ...
behind the store curtain
they speak local dialect

Aoto Koyama 青戸湖山

Noren, the Door Curtain

Related words

SOBA from Western Japan / my photos

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Shimane .





Kagawa Prefecture


Kagawa 香川 / Takamatsu

Kotohira, Konpira
Shodoshima (shoodoshima 小豆島)


Since 2012, Kagawa is "renaming" itself into

Udon ken うどん県 ”Udon noodles prefecture"

The new mascot has noodles in its brain . . .


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うどん脳 Udon No Brain

Udon no debuted Monday as the mascot of Kagawa, which has been billing itself as "Udon Prefecture" since last fall. The noodle-brained mascot will be used to help promote Kagawa as the kingdom of the wheat-flour noodle.

"I am the same (as the character) in that the only thing in my brain is udon,"
said Shigeki Omine, chairman of the association.
source :


Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride Marugame, Sanuki


Shoodoshima 小豆島

オリーブ Olives from Shodoshima 小豆島
shoodoshima, shoodojima
Olives Chocolate, Olive chocolate ! オリーブチョコレート
200 sweets olive chocolate Shodoshima

. . . . . also
olive tempura オリーブ天ぷら deep fried olives on a stick each
オリーブの実のかき揚げ oriibu no mi no kakiage

olive cider オリーブサイダー from the juice left over after pressing.
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オリーブを守る会 Group to protect the Olives


shima soomen, 島そうめん soomen noodles expanded by hand
from Shodoshima 小豆島

somen from Shoodoshima

source : with recipe
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kankoro かんころ 甘古呂 flower from sweet potatoes
kankoro dango かんころ団子 balls of sweet potato flower
kankoro soba かんころそば noodles with sweet potato flour and wheat flour

kabocha taikai カボチャ大会 the biggest pumpkin show
Giant Pumpkin Show
The Winner was 530 kg in 2008.
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„Fest der großen Kürbise“ Insel Shodoshima

肥田乳業 小豆島町草壁本町
yoghurt-like drinks in many flavors,
coffee, milk, low fat and rakubisu

tsukudani, 貝と蕗の佃煮 sweetly simmered seafood and seaweed
still made by hand in many family enterprizes.

List of enterprizes in Shoodoshima with
Sake 1, soy sauce 17, tsukudani 15, Soomen 63, olives 2,
source : / food


ishikirizushi ishikiri sushi 石切ずし "stone cutters sushi"
stone masons sushi
From Shodoshima. The stones of this island were cut and transported to Osaka for the construction of Osaka Castle. Now this famous sushi is prepared for festivals or memorial services.
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sekkoo no nomi hiyashitaru shimizu kana

fresh spring water
cools the chisel
of the stone mason . . .

Written in 1768
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


warigo bentoo わりご弁当 lunchbox for the kabuki performance
every family has its own box, like the ROKUBEN.


anago no nama sushi 穴子の生寿司 sushi with life anago fish

gakimeshi, kawameshi 餓鬼めし(川めし) rice cooked by the riverside
for the O-Bon festival

igizudoofu いぎす豆腐 toofu with igizu seaweed
igizu いぎす/ 海髪. kind of nori
it looks rather yellow.
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Tofu mit Igizu-Seegras

kakimaze, omaze かきまぜ(おまぜ) rice mixed with ingredients

kintoki mame 金時豆 red kintoki beans
Phaseolus vulgaris
They grow in many parts of the prefecture since the Edo period.
Used for tempura 金時豆の天ぷら. kintokimame tenpura and
mamepan 豆パン buns with red beans
kintokimame, nimame 煮豆 "beans to be boiled"
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They are often prepared with sugar coating for amanatto 甘納豆 sweet natto.

naracha meshi 奈良茶飯 Ricegruel
from the Toodai-ji Temple of Nara, here for more than 400 years.

source :


Shimahide Senbei 志ま秀せんべい えびせん
志満秀 Shimahide
Shimahide shrimp cracker
198 Ritsurin ebisen with picture unscharf senbei
with the landscape of Ritsurin Park made by ebi and nori.
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wasanbon ebisen
source : Details about the making.


shooyumame 醤油豆 しょうゆ豆 shoyu mame, broad beans simmered in soy sauce
しょい豆 shoimame. Fava beans. soramame . Saubohnen
153 Sanuki shooyu mame

An old grandmother wanted to give some food to the pilgrims as osettai. She roasted some broad beans in an earthen pot (hooroku). Some fell off and into a pot where she had kept a bit of soy sauce. She picked these beans out after a while and ... whow, they tasted really good and soft! Thus these beans were born.

My Japanese Text for these beans

ohaguro, o-haguro おはぐろ (御歯黒 / お歯黒 blackening teeth with braod beans extract


gaarikku musume ガーリック娘 "Garlic daughter" oil with garlic taste
ninniku oiru ニンニクオイル
from Kotohira 琴平, where the second most garlic of Japan is produced


Sanuki no Shokubunka 讃岐の食文化

讃岐うどん Sanuki udon noodles

Sanuki Udon, my photos

. Sanuki Udon Poster in English .

Sanuki Udon Henro 讃岐うどん遍路 Pilgrimage for Udon noodles
List of restaurants with the best udon noodles
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Named after the famous Shikoku pilgrimage, Henro.

kenmenshiki 献麺式 offering Sanuki udon to the gods
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On June the second, the day of udon, many udon-makers bring their special sanuki udon to the shrine Nakano Tenmangu 中野天満宮 / 滝宮天満宮 in Takamatsu.
They also hold the Sanuki Udon Festival さぬきうどん祭り.
The 2nd of July is the
Day of Udon うどんの日 udon no hi

- quote -
Sanuki Udon Karuta 讃岐うどんカルタ playing cards
Noodle playing cards withdrawn over political correctness concern
. . . the prefecture, which has been promoting itself as “Udon Prefecture” since 2011, had something of a damper Tuesday when it announced a halt to sales of a new product to popularize the noodles in the rest of the country. One of its “Udon Karuta” playing cards for the New Year was feared to be politically incorrect.
The playing cards,
each bearing a poem on the theme of udon, were released by the prefectural government on Saturday after soliciting submissions of such poems from across Japan.

強いコシ 色白太目 まるで妻

“Strong koshi, fair-skinned, chubby, just like my wife,”
is a poem in traditional haiku mode intended to celebrate Kagawa’s famous Sanuki udon noodles. Koshi is a Japanese word for the “crunchiness” of noodles but as it can also be taken as referring to a person’s “hips” the poem was deemed potentially offensive to women.
..... The government of Kagawa had prepared 2,000 sets of the cards for sale.
- source : December 2015 -

- - - - - External LINKS
うずまきもち uzumakimochi
ひっかりずし hikkarizushi sushi
イギス豆腐 igisu toofu
豆茶飯 mame chahan
あなごの生 anago no nama
もちばな mochibana
えびみそ汁 ebimisojiru
もっそう飯 mossoo gohan
あさり雑炊 asari zoosui
なすびごはんnasubi gohan

......................................... local food products

麦味そ mugimiso miso
オリーブ oriibu, olives

つわぶき tsuwabuki
イタドリ itatori
ヤーコン yaagon
こんにゃく konnnyaku
里芋 satoimo
山芋 yamaimo
よもぎ yomogi
うばuba, budoo mame ぶどう豆、ぶど豆
uba dango

Seisan chihoo of Kagawa, 西讃 Western Sanuki

Sanuki udon are served for the ceremony when a new home is finished. It is customary that the people of the new home and the visitors sit in the new bath (ofuro) and eat the noodles there in the water. Yes.
And also if someone makes a renewal of his bathroom only, this eating in the water takes place.
futoku, nagaku ... for the new situation, may it be long and good.

also when moving to a new home, hikkoshi udon 引越しうどん
are eaten in the full bathtub.
CLICK for more photos

katokichi 加ト吉 changed the name to
table mark テーブルマーク Table Mark.
specializing in frozen food, located in Kagawa.


aji no sanbai 魚(あじ)の三杯 horse mackerel with sanbai vinegar
prepared for the summer festival to entertain visitors. The bones are soft and can be eaten too.

aosazoosui あおさ雑炊 rice gruel with aosa sea lettuce
dashi, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, mirin, soy sauce and mochi make this dish.

chishamomi ちしゃもみ chisha lettuce dish
prepared for spring festivals.
萵苣 chisha.
with iriko and chirimenjako, flavored with vinegar miso.
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dojoojiru どじょう汁 soup with loach
After the field work is done, the dojoo are fat and ready to eat. Prepared with thick udon noodles and vegetables. Best eaten with all together.
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fushimen ふしめん soomen noodles from Shodoshima
Best made in the cold months of November till March. Prepared with a simple broth.
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honetsukidori 骨付鳥(ほねつきどり) fried chicken with the bones
From Marugame town 丸亀市
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hyakka 万葉(ひゃっか)"onethousand leaves"
This is a special green leaf vegetable of Kagawa prefecture,the naming is of Western Sanuki. It is quite bitter and needs to be soaked in water over night to get rid of the bitterness (akunuku). It can then be prepared like hakusai or komatsuna leaves.
In Takamatsu, it is called "manba". takana, oona 高菜(大からし菜)
ひゃっかのドレッシングあえ hyakka no doresshingu ae RP
kigo for summer

. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .

imotako いもたこ octopus and satoimo potatoes
also with dengaku miso or nigorogashi. The octopus is fresh from the Inland Sea. This dish combines the bounty of the mountains and of the sea.

irikomeshi, iriko meshi いりこ飯 rice with little sardines
from katakuchi iwashi (anchovis). The fish are boiled for a moment, then dried and later added when the rice is cooked or mixed to the finished cooked rice .

kankanzushi kankan sushi (hottarazushi) カンカンずし(ほったらずし)
Prepared in large amounts to last for a few days, with a lot of salted fish. It is pressed into its form with a heavy hammer, hence the name imitating the sound "kan kan". Prepared from old family recipes.

kuromame no gomokuni 黒豆の五目煮 mixed ingredients and black beans
Especially eaten for the New Year, with the wish to work diligently (mame).

manba no kenchan まんばのけんちゃん fried leafy vegetables
manba is a kind of takana leafy vegetable. It is fried, abura-age and dashi are added. kenchan derived from kenchin けんちん【巻繊】 , the edges and fringes of leafy vegetables.
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. managatsuo マナガツオ 真名鰹, (まながつお) pomfret
off the shore of Sanuki 

nimono no tenpura 煮物てんぷら "
Tempura from boiled vegetables"
Leftovers from boiled vegetables are put into a coating and deep-fried again for another delicious meal up to three days after the first boiling.

oshinukizushi oshinuki sushi 押し抜きずし
from fava beans and sawara. In some areas, the new bride of the home would prepare some with the flavor of her mother-in-law, take it home to her own family and show off with her new recipe.

rakkasei no amani 落花生の甘煮 sweet simmered peanuts
From the islands 女木島、男木島 near Takamatsu, where peanuts are planted. Prepared in autumn. Peanuts simmered in saltwater, added to the black beans for the New Year food. The soft skin is kept on the peanuts for extra nutrition. The final flavor comes with salt and sugar.

satsuma さつま Black mullet dishes
Prepared in Western Sanuki. Black mullet is boiled, grated finely and poored over rice with wheat. Sometimes miso or dashi is used for flavor.

shippoku soba しっぽくそば buckwheat noodles with vegetables
Even in a "noodle country" like Sanuki, in the cold winter buckwheat noodles are eaten, because it warms the body. Fish dashi, radish, carrots, satoimo potatoes, aburaage tofu and other things are boiled together for a good broth.

shippoku udon うどん(しっぽく) udon noodles with vegetables
Prepared in the winter months. Vegetables of the season are boiled and thrown over the udon noodles. Some homes eat it instead of the "toshikoshi soba" on December 31 to pass over to the new year.

sofuto toofu ソフト豆腐 "soft tofu"
made from kinugoshi, with a bit less water.

sugatazushi sugata sushi 姿ずし "sushi keeping the form"
Prepared in Shodoshima island from summer to autumn. Freshly fished Horse mackerel is used.

suiki no nutaae ずいきのぬたあえ
satoimo potato stems with vinegared miso paste
The stem of satoimo potatoes is called suiki. It is soft and not too bitter.
Served for the autumn festival to thank for the harvest.

taimeshi たい飯 seabream with rice
Prepared for the workers when they came back home after a working ship trip to Osaka.

takuan no kinpira たくあんのキンピラ Kinpira from takuan radish
Takuan pickled radish is washed and dried, then fried in the pan with oil, soy sauce, mirin, chili peppers and so on.

teppai てっぱい crucian carp dish
prepared from autumn to winter, after the busy farmers season.
The fields are drained of water and the remaining fish are eaten. With white miso, sugar and a bit of vinegar and salt. Sometimes radish. Nowadays saba fish is used too.
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uchikomijiru 打ち込み汁 "soup with anything thrown in"
A common dish of the farmers. With seasonal vegetables and miso flavor. Noodles are added

wakegiae, wakegi ae わけぎあえ wakegi leek with dressing
Best prepared in spring for the Doll Festival. Boiled with shells and asari shells, white miso, karashi mustard, sugar and vinegar.

wasanbon 和三盆 Japanese sugar from Kagawa and Tokushima, Shikoku


Meine Photos
173 Starbucks mit Musikorgel
176 izakaya akachoochin Takamatsu
207 dango in Ritsurin park

 ... and more Photos from Takamatsu

Worldwide use

Shoodoshima, eine kulinarische Insel

„Unsere Gegend ist sehr steil und wir haben nur wenig Platz zwischen dem Meer und dem Bergwald. Da wächst kein Reis. Wir machen fast alles mit Süßkartoffeln.“ Frau Murakami Kazue von der Halbinsel Mito schiebt ihren Schubkarren auf einem schmalen Pfad entlang dem Haus nach oben auf eines der kleinen Terrassenfelder, wo ihre Süßkartoffeln wachsen. Oben angekommen hockt sie sich erst mal erschöpft auf die Steinmauer, sie ist nämlich schon weit über 80 Jahre. „Ich habe das Leben und Kochen hier von meiner Schwiegermutter gelernt, aber meine Söhne sind in die Stadt abgewandert und ich hab keine Schwiegertochter mehr, der ich den Geschmack unserer Familie weitergeben kann. Ich bin hier die letzte der Familie“, klagt sie wie viele alte Bauern im ländlichen Japan.
Dann beschreibt sie ihre Lieblingsgerichte mit den Süßkartoffeln.

Für „Kankoro-Mehl“ werden die Süßkartoffeln in Scheiben von einem Zentimeter Dicke geschnitten und an der Sonne getrocknet, dabei hilft im Winter der kalte Wind vom Meer und die Scheiben rollen dabei hin und her mit dem Geräusch koron koron ... daher der Name. Die getrockneten Scheiben werden im Steinmörser zerrieben und das Mehl für verschiedene Speisen verwendet. Weil auch die Schalen mitgetrocknet werden, bekommt das Mehl eine etwas braune Farbe.
Für die „Kankoro-Nudeln“ wird 70% Mehl von den Süßkartoffeln mit 30% Weizenmehl vermischt und daraus Nudeln geknetet. Die Dashi wird aus kleinen Sardinen gekocht. Die von Hand geschnittenen dicken Nudeln werden für eine einfache Mahlzeit in eine Schale gelegt, mit der Dashi übergossen und mit etwas geriebenem Ingwer und klein geschnittenen Frühlingszwiebeln gewürzt.

Aus dem Kankoro-Mehl werden auch kleine Bällchen (kankoro dango) geformt, die oft noch den Abdruck von Mutters Fingern haben und als kleiner Imbiss am Nachmittag beliebt sind.

Die Ranken der Süßkartoffeln liefern ein süßgesimmertes Gemüse (tsukudani) für die Inselbewohner. Sie werden mit Sojasauce und Kombu eingekocht.

Eingekochtes auf Tsukudani-Art
Tsukudani dieser Art mit verschiedenen anderen Zutaten ist seit 1945 eine Spezialität von Shoodoshima und es gibt einige Hersteller mit eigenen Rezepten, die noch von Hand einkochen. Ausgesuchtes Kombu von Hokkaido und Seegras von der Inlandsee werden mit der einheimischen Sojasauce eingekocht. Dabei müssen sie die Zutaten in den großen Töpfen mehr als zwei Stunden mit einem besonders langen Spatel umrühren. Die Inselbewohner essen ihr Tsukudani nicht nur auf Reis, sonder auch auf Toast, ganz moderne sogar auf einer Lage mit Käse oder Mayonnaise.

Die Sojasauce von Shoodoshima hat eine Geschichte von mehr als 400 Jahren; sie wird auch heute noch in Familienbetrieben überwiegend von Hand in großen hölzernen Fässern zubereitet. Die Hersteller entwickeln neben den traditionellen Sorten immer wieder neue Geschmacksrichtungen, um sich an die Wünsche ihrer modernen Kunden anzupassen. Selbst Pudding mit dem Geschmack von Sojasauce wird angeboten und von den Kindern mit großem Vergnügen verspeist.

Die Herstellung von langen dünnen von Hand ausgezogenen Weizennudeln (tenobe soomen) begann bereits im 16. Jahrhundert und hat bis heute nichts an ihrem traditionellen Geschmack verloren; sie werden hier einfach „Nudeln der Insel“ (shima soomen) genannt. Im Winter haben die Bauern Zeit genug, um die Nudeln sorgfältig mehr als zwei Tage lang von Hand auf lange Stäbe zu reihen und langsam zu strecken. Ein Bündel Shoodoshima-Soomen wiegt nach altem Brauch etwa 50 Gramm und enthält 320 bis 350 Nudeln von 19 Zentimeter Länge.
Gegessen werden sie hier noch nach der Tradition aus einem großen Holzbottich, im Sommer im kalten Wasser schwimmend, im Winter in heißer Brühe. Alle kommen zusammen und stecken ihre „tausend Essstäbchen“ (senbonbashi) in den Bottich, streiten sich lachend um gleichzeitig gemeinsam ergriffene Nudeln und stärken so die Bande der Gemeinschaft im Dorf.

Shoodoshima wird auch die „Insel der Oliven“ genannt. Die ersten Olivenbäume kamen 1908 aus Amerika und der Anbau im Dorf Nishimura begann bald in großem Rahmen, da sich das milde Klima und die relative Trockenheit dieser Gegend für die Pflanzen als günstig erwies.
Olivenöl für kosmetische Produkte und für die Küche als Tempura-Öl gibt es in einigen Variationen, aber darüberhinaus haben die Inselbewohner auch ihre eigenen Produkte entwickelt.
Schokolade mit Olivengeschmack und Oliven-Brauselimonade (oriibu saidaa) sind begehrte Reisemitbringsel, während die Oliven-Eiscreme am besten frisch auf der Insel schmeckt.

Jedes Jahr im Herbst findet das „Fest der großen Kürbise“ (kabocha taikai) statt, bei dem der schwerste Kürbis einen Preis bekommt. Alle Bauern aus der Umgebung und aus vielen anderen Teilen Japans reisen mit ihren dicken Kürbisen an, tauschen Hinweise zum Anbau aus und wiegen die dicksten. Im Jahre 2008 gewann Hase Kazushi aus der Präfektur Toyama mit einem 530 Kilogramm schweren Prachtstück. Diese „Monster-Kürbise“ (o-bake kabocha おばけかぼちゃ) werden im allgemeinen nicht gegessen.

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Kagawa .


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