
Karashi mustard


Mustard plant (karashina)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant


kigo for all spring

brown mustard plant 芥菜 (からしな / からし菜) karashina
..... 芥子菜(からしな), nagarashi ながらし
aokarashi 青芥(あおがらし)
karashina 芥菜(からしな)、菜芥(ながらし)
Brassica juncea Czern. et Coss

ha karashina 葉からしな, hatakena はたけな
Leaf mustard、Oriental mustard

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From China, introduced in the Heian period, probably aready the Yayoi period.
The Chinese name, when used as a medicine, is gaishi 芥子(生薬名:がいし) and refers to the seeds.

The leaves also have a strong taste and are eaten as a vegetable.

100 g contains 26 kalories. proteines 3.3g、fat.1g、carbonides4.7g、fibers3.7g、carotin2800μg、Vitamin E 3.1mg、Vitamin 260μg、Vitamin B1 0.12mg、VitaminB2 0.27mg、Niacin 1.2mg、Vitamin B6 0.25mg、folic acid310μg、panthoten acid 0.32mg、Vitamin C 64mg、natrium 60mg、calium 620mg、calcium 140mg、magnesium21mg、phosphor72mg、iron2.2mg etc.

Chinese name : gai choy, kaai tsai, taai kaai tsai, ye yong jie cai

Different types grow in various regions.
It has a strong hot taste.


kigo for mid-autumn

karashina maku 芥菜蒔く からしなまく
sowing mustard plant seeds


The following items are not kigo.

karai からい ... is a word to imply HOT, spicy food.

The seeds of the mustard plant are small and round.
They are dried and prepared to

wa karashi 和からし (wagarashi 和がらし) or simply called
karashi からし【芥子/辛子】】 Japanese mustard

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It comes in tubes as a paste ready to use or in powder form to prepare fresh for each meal.

kona karashi 粉からし mustard powder
neri karashi ねりからし mustard paste


masutaado マスタード mustard
yoo karashi 洋からし (yoogarashi 洋がらし)
"Western Karashi", Western-style mustard
This type comes from a different plant. It is much less pungent than "Japanese mustard" 和がらしwagarashi and has more of a vinegary taste.
It comes in a white and a brown version.

The origin was the plant from the Dijon area, where even today all kinds of mustard are made with wine-vinegar.

All kinds of Western mustard are available in Japan.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of mustard seeds!


karashi jooyu からし醤油 soysauce with mustard
and dashi and a bit of sugar
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!

karashi miso からし味噌 miso with mustard
mit scharfem japanischem Senf
often used with lotus roots 蓮根とからし味噌
Bandai karashi miso 磐梯からし味噌 from Mount Bandai
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!

karashi su ae からし酢和え with mustard and vinegar
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karashi su shooyu からし酢醤油 with soy sauce

kaki no karashi su 柿のからし酢 with persimmons


It is also used to pickle other vegetabels.

Karashizuke からし漬け pickles with mustard
A pickling bed is made of "sakekasu" and mustard. Pickle salted vegetables in the bed.
Red peppers and sesame seeds can also be used.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of some dishes!


karashi renkon

source : www.ritsumei.ac.jp / click for the moving version

karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus roots with mustard
Lotus Root with Japanese Mustard, sometimes fried.
Sometimes white miso, kamaboko ground fish paste and katsuobushi are used for the filling.
From Kumamoto

CLICK for more photos When the daimyo of Kumamoto, Hosokawa Tadatoshi, 細川 忠利 became sick, a priest from the temple 豊前国耶馬溪羅漢寺 in Buzen told his aides to prepare some lotos roots for him. One of the kitchen crew, Heigoro 平五郎, remembered that Kato Kiyomasa had some lotus planted in the moat of Kumamoto castle as food for emergencies, so they took some out filled the holes with a paste of mustard powder, wheat miso paste and egg yolk. They fried this in oil and offered it to the ailing lord, who ate it with gusto and became well soon.

digging for lotus root れんこん掘る renkon horu
kigo for early winter

karashi renkon chippusu 辛子れんこんチップス
Karashi Renkon Chips
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daikon karashizuke 大根からし漬 with radish
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kazunoko karashi zuke 数の子からし漬け herring roe pickled in mustard
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kyuuri karashizuke きゅうりからし漬け with cucumbers
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nasu karashizuke 茄子辛子漬け with eggplants
Rather famous in many areas of Japan.
minden-nasu みんでんなす, 民田なす Minden eggplant pickles

Nozawana no karashizuke 野沢菜のからし漬け
from Nozawa town, with nozawana spinach

piiman karashizuke ピーマンからし漬け with bellpeppers (paprika)

shiitake karashizuke 椎茸からし漬け with shiitake mushrooms
Prepared in many regions famous for shiitake growing.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Shiitake mustard pickles
Dishes from Yufuin, Oita, Kyushu.


Other dishes with "karashi"

inarizushi いなり寿司 Inari sushi
In Matsumoto, they smear karashi mustard on the inside of the pouch.

hotaru-ika no karashi sunomono ほたるいかの辛子酢物
from Namerigawa town 滑川市
Dishes from Toyama prefecture

karashina no masutaato ae からし菜のマスタード和え
mustard plants with mustard dressing

nanohana to ika no karashi ae 菜の花といかの辛子あえ squid and hot mustard dressing
Rape blossoms ( 花菜漬 nanohana, na no hana)

shimazushi しまずし/ 島寿司 Sushi from the Islands
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Since there grows no Japanese horseradish (wasabi) on the islands, this sushi is usually served with mustard (karashi) or hot pepper.
Hachijojima Island.

wakegiae, wakegi ae わけぎあえ wakegi leek with dressing
Best prepared in spring for the Doll Festival. Boiled with shells and asari shells, white miso, karashi mustard, sugar and vinegar.
Dishes from Kagawa, Shikoku

Worldwide use


Things found on the way

ariru karashi abura アリルからし油
from Izu Town
This is made from wasabi, Japanese horseradish.
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spicy mentaiko (辛子明太子, karashi mentaiko).
marinated roe of pollock


toogarashi 唐辛子 chilli peppers "Chinese karashi"

komatsuna こまつな 小松菜 Japanese Mustard Spinach


初鰹 銭と辛子で二度涙
hatsugatsuo zeni to karashi de nido namida

first bonito of the season ...
for the prize and for the pungency
we have to cry twice

The "Children of Edo" liked the first expensive bonito of the season, cut in sashimi and with a dip of Japanese mustard.

There was an old way to prepare the mustard seeds by grinding them fine, then put a piece of paper on top of them and add hot water. Now a redhot piece of charcoal is added to the pot and the whole stays over night. The charcoal takes on the pungency of the mustard, and a fine fragrance remains.


karashina ni massugu tsumorikeri haru no yuki

on the mustard plant field
it piles up in straight rows -
snow of spring

Maeda Shura 前田普羅 (1888 - 1954)


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karashina o yu o tooshitaru midori kana

this special green
of mustard leaves blanched
in hot water

Nakamura Seijichiro 中村青一路

Related words

***** . Mustard greens, Senfkraut (takana 高菜) .

SPRING vegetables


***** WASHOKU :



Sesame street day



Sesame street day

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity


November 10

google November 10, 2009


Happy Birthday !

Sesame Street is an American educational children's television series and a pioneer of the contemporary educational television standard, combining both education and entertainment. Sesame Street is well known for its Muppets characters created by Jim Henson. It premiered on November 10, 1969, and is the longest running children's program on US television.The show is produced in the United States by the non-profit organization Sesame Workshop, formerly known as the Children's Television Workshop (CTW), founded by Joan Ganz Cooney and Ralph Rogers.

Before the show's premiere, the producers created five one-hour episodes for the purpose of testing whether children found them comprehensible and appealing.

"Sesame Street is best known for the creative geniuses it attracted, people like Jim Henson and Joe Raposo and Frank Oz, who intuitively grasped what it takes to get through to children."
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the Muppet Characters

Ernie and Bert
Big Bird
Cookie Monster
the Count

セサミストリート Japan
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Home - Sesame Street


Elmo cookies

Ernie and Bert cookies

Cookie Monster Cookie



cookie monster

クッキーモンスター in Japan

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セサミストリート弁当 Seseame Street Bento
lunch boxes with Sesame street characters

click the image for many more !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


sesame street friends
peeking through my window -
google in autumn

Gabi Greve, 2009

Related words

***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI



Akagai (ark clam)



Ark clam , "red clam" (akagai)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Spring
***** Category: Animal


akagai あかがい【赤貝】 lit. "red clam"
ark shell, bloody clam, bloody shell
..... kisa 蚶(きさ)
"blood shell", chigai 血貝(ちがい)
Anadara broughtoni
Scapharca broughtonii

It lives on the muddy bottom of shallow inlays. Its liquid is bright red like blood.
Its edible parts are the "tongue" and the "thread" (akahimo 赤紐), also the liver.

From Yuriage 閖上(ゆりあげ) near Sendai, this is the best from Japan.

The fishermen in Yuriage port only take out big ones and make sure not to overfish. Caught in the morning for four hours during the season in April and May, they are shipped and sold at Tsukiji market in Tokyo next morning.
Later in the year, akagai come from Ehime.
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This mussle is also called "butterfly mussle", because for sashimi or sushi it is cut to look like a butterfly. 蝶貝

Th black liver is especially taken out and prepared raw, boiled or fried.

During the Edo period, when rich folk and samurai started to eat white rice, this akagai was their only source of vitamin B.
Edo wazurai, see below.

Kubota Mantaro, the Haiku Poet died on 6 May 1963 at the age of 73, of food poisoning, after eating an akagai clam at a party held by Ryuzaburo Umehara.

Kanman-ji 虫甘満寺 / 蚶満寺 the Temple Kanman
The first Kanji character ‘虫甘’ means ‘赤貝(akagai), ark shells”. . . lit.虫甘 "insect that tasts sweet", an old Chinese character for the ark shell.

akagai from Kisakata, Temple Kanman-Ji
Matsuo Basho


In the "Records of Ancient Matters" (Kojiki 古事記) we read this:

Umugaihime and Kisagaihime
蛤貝比売命(うむがいひめ) / 蚶貝比売命(きさがいひめ)

CLICK for original LINK ... genbu.net
source : genbu.net.data/toutoumi/kisa_title.htm

According to the Kojiki account, the two deities dispatched by Kaminusuhi to resurrect Ōnamuchi after his eighty brothers had killed him with a heated rock. Kisagaihime gathered shavings from seashell and Umugaihime mixed them with the juice from a clam, applying them "as mother's milk" to the burns and thus reviving Ōnamuchi.

Umugaihime is a personification of the
cherry-stone clam (hamaguri), while
Kisagaihime personifies the ark-shell (akagai).

As a result, this story appears to involve the mythic iteration of an ancient folk remedy, in which grindings from the ark-shell were mixed with the juice from the cherry-stone clam to produce a treatment for burns.
source : Yumiyama Tatsuya, 2005
Kokugakuin University


Dishes with the "red clam" 赤貝料理

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In Japan it is often sold in cans. The type saruboogai サルボウガイ is used.

akagai don 赤貝丼 served in a bowl on cooked rice

akagai himo 赤貝ひも / 赤貝紐 thread of the ark clam
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akagai kamaboko 赤貝かまぼこ fish paste with venus mussels
prepared in Sendai.

akagia kimo 赤貝肝 liver of the arc clam
often fried or put in soup
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akagai marine 赤貝のマリネ marinated ark clams

akagai nuta 赤貝ぬた seasoned with miso and vinegar

akagai shabushabu 赤貝しゃぶしゃぶ
in water of only 65 degrees, eaten with ponzu, sesame and chives sauce

akagai no su no mono 赤貝の酢の物 marinated with vinegar

akagai sushi 赤貝 寿司 sushi with ark-shell
The red meat is cut slightly (kazari boochoo) to make the meat better chewable.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Together with white ika squid it gives an "auspicious meal" for festivities.


aji okowa 味おこわ tasty rice gruel with red beans
Prepared for festivals and celebrations. In the mountains prepared with mountain vegetables, along the coast with red ark shells (akagai).
Dishes from Tottori

Worldwide use

Rote Venusmuschel, Archenmuschel.

Things found on the way

Edo wazurai えどわずらい
"the Illness of Edo", Edo disease

beriberi; vitamin B deficiency
. . . . . kakke 脚気(かっけ)

Toward the 18th century, this mysterious disease started as an affliction of the rich and wealthy, who could afford to eat polished rice, which let to vitamin B deficiency.
Poor townspeople in Edo, who ate brown rice, did not get it, also the poor in the countryside.
Even the 8th Shogun Yoshimune suffered from it for a while, until his cooks gave him a sidedish with the ark clam in miso-vinegar. The ark clam contains a lot of vitamin B.

Once the Tokugawa Shogun established the government in Edo (the former name for Tokyo,) the city attracted people and merchants, drawn to the new capital. Edo is thought to have been the largest city in the world at that time. There was a saying at the time that “Fires and brawls are the flowers of Edo.” Vast numbers of people migrated into the city as workers.
The new arrivals were poor but healthy while Edokko or people who had lived in the town for several generations were suffering from “Edo Wazurai,” or beriberi. Soba turned out to be the prevention and cure, the secret that had protected the newcomers.

Beriberi is caused by a deficiency in Vitamin B. Rich people could afford polished rice; the poor ate whole rice or soba cheaper but much more nourishing. So Edo Wazurai became a condition among the rich. The actual cause of beriberi was unknown until the mid-20th century. Japanese Imperial Army doctors who studied in Germany believed it was the result of bacteria, while Navy doctors studying in England believed the cause was a dietary deficiency and proposed equipping the entire Imperial fleet with baking ovens. This did not, in the end, go forward because of budget constraints.
source : Tetsuya Iizuka (Soba Canada Inc.)


. . . CLICK here for Kagurazaka restaurant Photos !

Kagurazaka 神楽坂
is a trendy neighbourhood in Tokyo, near Iidabashi Station.

It is also widely regarded as an important center of Japanese cuisine within the Kanto region. Several old and famous "ryotei 料亭" are to be found in the winding back streets, often accessible only by foot.
These ryotei provide expensive "kaiseki" cuisine, which is generally regarded as the pinnacle of Japanese food. Ryotei also allow diners to invite geisha to provide entertainment during the course of the evening.
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hiyahiya to akagai no nuta haru no yuki

so cold, rather cold
the ark clam with miso sauce -
snow in spring

Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂

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akagai no himo o kamu nari Kagurazaka

I chew a lot
on the thread of the ark clam -

Sagawa Akiyoshi 佐川昭吉

場違ひの赤貝貧し雪催 鈴木真砂女 夕螢
数の帆は赤貝とりや揚雲雀 野村喜舟 小石川

赤貝と一声今日は上客にて 鳴島ナミ
赤貝のからや乗初(のりぞめ)餓鬼大将 濯資 選集「板東太郎」
赤貝のひもに終りし夜の鮓 森澄雄
赤貝の剥かれて赤さ増しにけり 鈴木久美子
赤貝の割れし殻もて進みをる 山田真砂年
赤貝の大根おろしの霙かな 久米正雄 返り花
赤貝の身内に溜めて薄き泥 小澤實
赤貝は毛ものでありし笊に笹 山田尚良
赤貝をめんこのやうに打ちつける 小口たかし
赤貝をよく噛みのちのつれづれや 津森延世
source : HAIKUreikuDB

Related words

***** WKD Kigo Index




Bernd Siefert



Bernd Siefert
Von Michelstadt nach Japan

ベアンド ・ ジーフェルト

Michelstadt is very close to my birthplace in Germany.

Today I saw a program on TV about Bernd Siefert working in Tokyo for the
International World Cake Fair in Yokohama. He also teaches how to make desert to Japanese customers.

He made something like a Schwarzwzalder Kirschtorte with matcha green tea and azuki red beans.

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Das Cafe Siefert gehört zu den rennomiertesten und am höchsten dekorierten Konditoreien Deutschlands und ist die Heimat von Bernd Siefert, Weltmeister der Konditoren.

Unsere Kunden finden Sie in der ganzen Welt, in USA genauso wie in Simbabwe oder Wien. Ob per Post oder Luftfracht, Ihre Bestellungen finden immer Ihren Weg und kommen pünktlich an.



         Bernd Siefert

In Yokohama Sogoo
横浜そごうの茶語(Cha Yu)





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February 2009
International World Cake Fair in Yokohama

World Pastry Cup 2009

CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie


Bernd Siefert was born in Bad Urach, Germany.
He and his sister Astrid are the owners of Café Siefert, which has been in his family for 250 years. Bernd began his career as an apprentice for his parents at the pastry shop in Michelstadt, Germany. While apprenticing, he continued to learn from attending many seminars on many subjects including sugar, chocolate and Italian pastries.

Bernd has also staged at Fauchon, Mulot and Damanns, and earned a Master's degree at the masterschool in Heidelberg in 1990 and a Bachelor's of Economics in Frankfurt.

Bernd's expertise has also been demonstrated in competition. In 1993 he competed in the Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie in Lyon, France. 1994 brought him a 4th place finish at the Pastry Chef of the Year championships and a win, with the help of his sister, at the IKF (international pastry show in Germany). Bernd returned to Lyon, France as the team coach for the 1995 Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie. He also made it on to the World Championships in Milan Italy with Manfred Bacher and the Champion at the Swiss Sugar Art Trophy in 1995. Since 1996 he has earned many more awards and medals including is the world champion title 1997-99 in Stuttgart.

In addition to running the pastry shop in Michelstadt, Bernd lends his talents consulting for different companies such as PreGel, the Hilton, and Ritz Carlton, all over the world. He also does foodstyling for different magazines like Thuries Magazine, France, KoCa Germany, and Pasticceria Internationale, Italy.

He is also a member of the young and wild (Germany 's most popular TV Chefs organization), and a member of the Gastromomical Academie of Germany.

His many achievements also include being the German champion in pastry from '95- '97 and '98- '99, being named the most innovative pastry chef of the world in 1995 in Milan Italy.

source 2009


the smile
as he shows his creation -
sweets for all seasons

Gabi Greve

Related words

***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI


Kokerazushi Sushi



Kokera Sushi (kokerazushi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Humanity


kokerazushi 柿鮓 / こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨
"wood shingled sushi", layered sushi

kokera 柿 shingle for a roof, mostly from cedar wood. They give beautiful curves to the roof of a temple
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kokera (uroko) 鱗 scales of a fish or snake

It is a kind of boxed sushi that was so large, it had to be parted with layers of bamboo leaves.

Fish and vegetables are sliced thinly and placed on a square piece of sushi rice.

When a roof of a new house was finished, this food was given to all who had participated in the making.

Eaten for auspicious occasions and festivals.

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Kokerazushi from Muroto, Tosa


岡山 蒜山 の こけらずし Okayama

CLICK for original link and more ... maff.go.jp

In Okayama prefecture, it is eaten for the autumn festival.

In former times, fish from the port of Uno 宇野 in Tottori was pickled in salt and carried over the mountains via Tsuyama to Okayama town.
The fish was mostly saba mackerels, iwashi sardines and shiira, dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippurus).

When the carrier women came with their loads in two baskets dangling from bamboo poles, they stopped by every home, sold some fish and talked about their adventures back home and on the way ... like a delicious news delivery.

Now many families in the area of Hiruzen in Okayama prefecture still preserve the tradition of eating shiira fish on sushi, especially for the autumn festival season.
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shiira dolphin fish Goldmakrele, Dorade, mahimahi
(not to mix with the mammal "dolphin" iruka)

The fish is about 1 meter long and for a sushi half of the fish is used. That is enough for 120 pieces of sushi.

Preparations start five days before the festival, to make sure the fish is "well done". It is marinated in sweetened vinegar (amazu) for two days, and then the sushi is prepared and let to mature for another two days. The sushi rice contains more vinegar that for a normal sushi.
Recipes are handed down from housewife to daughter in law.

This sushi is also prepared for wedding ceremonies and other auspicious days, since the fish can now be bought at the supermarket at any time.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


kokerazushi -
our whole family gathers for
the autumn festival

Nakayama Hanako, Okayama 2002

Related words




Shusse uo career fish


"Career Fish", promoting fish (shusse-uo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


"fish promoting in life as they grow larger"
fish having success in life (shusse) as they grow older
しゅっせうお【出世魚】 shusse uo, shusseuo

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Fisch der "Karriere macht"
sucessfull fish, erfolgreicher Fisch
promoting fish
fish that rise in rank
fish of advancement
ascending fish

What kind of career and promotion, you may ask?

Well, as they grow up they change their name, and some say, the flavor when used in food, they have noticably distinct flavor profiles as they mature.

In former times it was custom to cook such fish when a boy was born and later celebrated his "coming of age" ceremony.
The traditional GENPUKU げんぷく【元服】 of a samurai boy was celebrated according to family and political situation when the boy was around 11 to 16 years.
Also when advancing in their carreer the samurai would change name frequently and thus celebrate with an appropriate fish dish with such an auspicious fish of his region.

A katagaki, kata-gaki かたがき【肩書】official position, degree or title is very important and always written on your meishi, visitor's card. It is literally the "writing on your shoulder" and defines your social position.

These fish were also eaten for the New Year celebrations.

The most common "fish with a promotion" were
buri . yellow tail
suzuki . sea bass
bora . gray mullet
iwashi . sardines

They were called with different names as they grew larger and were sold on the market with these different names. There are also many regional variations about these fish names.

The latin name for these fish does not change when they grow older and refers to the grown-up fish.


maguro マグロ, the tuna fish, does change its name, but is not counted among the shusse-uo.
This holds for unagi eel and shake salmons too.


出世魚の例 Examples of Shusse-uo

ブリ buri , yellowtail
ブリは、硬骨魚綱 スズキ目 アジ科に属する魚。

ワカシ ukashi :15 cm くらいまでのもの
イナダ inada :40 cm くらい(夏に旨い)
ワラサ urasa :60 cm くらい
ブリ buri :90 cm 以上(夏は味が落ちる)
関東:ワカシ → イナダ → ワラサ → ブリ
関西:ツバス → ハマチ(hamachi) → メジロ → ブリ
東北:ツベ → イナダ → アオ → ブリ
下北地方:フクラギ → イナダ → ワラサ → ブリ
北陸:ツバエリ → コズクラ → フクラギ → アオブリ → ハナジロ → ブリ
富山県:ツバイソ → コズクラ → フクラギ → ガンド → ブリ
山陰:ショウジゴ → ワカナ → メジロ → ハマチ → ブリ
四国:ヤズ → ハマチ → ブリ
九州:ワカナゴ → ヤズ → ハマチ → メジロ → ブリ → オオウオ

. Sea bass (suzuki)  
Lateolabrax japonicus
スズキは、硬骨魚綱 スズキ目 スズキ科に属する魚

セイゴ → フッコ → スズキ → オオタロウ
関西:セイゴ → ハネ → スズキ

ボラ bora. striped mullet, black mullet, springer
ボラは、硬骨魚綱 ボラ目 ボラ科に属する魚

オボコ → スバシリ → イナ → ボラ → トド
関東:オボコ → イナッコ → スバシリ → イナ → ボラ → トド
関西:ハク → オボコ → スバシリ → イナ → ボラ → トド
高知:イキナゴ → コボラ → イナ → ボラ → オオボラ
東北:コツブラ → ツボ → ミョウゲチ → ボラ

マイワシ ma-iwashi Sardines
イワシは、 硬骨魚綱 ニシン目ニシン科に属する魚

シラス→ カエリ→コバ→チュウバ→オオバ

シラス:白子 shirasu 、稚魚、1cm未満  (マシラスとも)
カエリ:若魚、数cm  (アオコ、ヒラゴとも)
コバ :小羽、   10cm前後
チュウバ:中羽   15cm前後
オオバ:大羽    20cm前後

その他 Others
コノシロ 出世魚に含めない考え方もある。
コイ コイは登竜門の伝説から出世魚と呼ばれることもあるが名前が変わるわけではない。
source : wkp.fresheye.com/wikipedia

Worldwide use

Fische, die je nach Alter anders genannt werden

Gelbschwanz, Seriola quinqueradiata
Der Gelbschwanz gehört zu den glückverheißenden Fischen, die „Karriere machen“ (shusse uo), das heißt, er wechselt je nach Körperlänge seinen Namen. Bis zu 35 Zentimeter heißt er in Westjapan TSUBASU, von 35 bis 60 Zentimeter HAMACHI, von 60 bis 80 Zentimeter MEJIRO oder MARUGO. Der erwachsene Fisch von mehr als 80 Zentimeter Länge ist dann der BURI.

Weil er als glückverheißender Fisch angesehen wird, ein Fisch der „Karriere macht“ und bei jedem Neujahrsfest „ein Jahr älter wird“, wird er bei Festessen bevorzugt gegessen. Der Gelbschwanz darf in der Neujahrsuppe von Westjapan (zooni) nicht fehlen.

Japanische Königsmakrele, Scomberomorus niphonius
Die Königsmakrele gehört zur Familie der saba-Makrelen. Sie wird je nach Länge anders benannt und gehört so zu den glückverheißenden Fischen, die „Karriere machen“ (shusse uo). Bis zu 40 bis 50 Zentimeter heißt sie SAGOSHI, von 50 bis 60 Zentimeter NAGI und mehr als 60 Zentimeter ist es dann die Königskmakrele, SAWARA. Sie kann bis zu 115 Zentimeter lang werden und bis zu 13 Kilogramm wiegen, die weiblichen Fische sind etwas größer wie die männlichen.

Things found on the way

. Shussebora  出世ボラ / 出世螺 Shusse Horagai .
From a conch shell to a Dragon !


small towel with fish

ぶり はまち、元はいなだの出世魚
buri hamachi moto wa inada no shusse-uo

yellowtail, young yellowtail
originally it was inada . . .
fish rising in rank

anonymous senryu


shusse-uo wan ni hamidasu zooni kana

the career fish
hangs out of the bowl -
new year's soup

Takahashi Tokieda 高橋時枝

Related words


***** WASHOKU : General Information

shussesakana, shusse sakana




Maguro tunafish


Thunafish, tuna (maguro)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal

skipjack katsuo bonito see below


kigo for all winter

Tuna, maguro 鮪 (まぐろ)
shibi しび tuna
(shibi is also the name of a temple roof decoration, see German below.)

"black tuna", bluefin tuna, kuromaguro 黒鮪(くろまぐろ)
... Thunnus thynnus
"real tuna", hon maguro 本鮪(ほんまぐろ)Atlantic bluefin

binnaga maguro 鬢長, ビンナガマグロ Thunnus alalunga, "White tuna"
kihada キハダマグロ Thunnus albacares. Gelbflossen-Thunfisch
koshinaga コシナガ / 腰長 Thunnus tonggol. Longtail tuna
mebachi めばち / 眼撥 Thunna obesus. big-eyed tuna. großäugiger Thunfisch
minami maguro ミナミマグロ Thunnus maccoyii
taiseiyoo maguro タイセイヨウマグロ Thunnus atlanticus

boat for fishing for tuna, magurobune 鮪船(まぐろぶね)
fishing for tuna, maguro tsuri 鮪釣(まぐろつり)
net for tuna, maguro ami 鮪網(まぐろあみ)

maguronabe 鮪鍋(まぐろなべ)hodgepodge with tunafish
often leek (negi) is added to make a
negima nabe 葱鮪鍋(ねぎまなべ)
This was a speciality of Edo. the MA in the name refers to the MAguro fish.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kigo for all spring

meji めじ small tuna, young tuna
komeji 小めじ(こめじ), meji maguro めじまぐろ . めじ鮪

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

junger Thunfisch


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are ocean-dwelling carnivorous fish in the family Scombridae, mostly in the genus Thunnus. Tuna are fast swimmers—they have been clocked at 70 kilometres per hour (43 mph)—and include several warm-blooded species. Unlike most fish, which have white flesh, tuna flesh is pink to dark red, which could explain their odd nick-name, "rose of the sea." The red coloring comes from tuna muscle tissue's greater quantities of myoglobin, an oxygen-binding molecule. Some of the larger species, such as the bluefin tuna, can raise their blood temperature riri above water temperature through muscular activity. This ability enables them to live in cooler waters and to survive in a wide range of ocean environments.
A remarkable aspect of Thunnus physiology is its ability to maintain body temperature above than that of the ambient seawater.

The Thunnus genus includes 8 species:
Albacore, Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788). binchoo maguro
Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788). kihada
Blackfin tuna, Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson, 1831).
Southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau, 1872).
Bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839). mebachi
Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844).
Northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851).

Canned tuna was first produced in 1903, quickly becoming popular. Tuna is canned in a variety of edible oils or in brine.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The names for the small fish, too small to take out

albacore - tonbo, tombo
bluefin - meji
big eye - daruma
yellowfin - kimeji, ki meji

. . . CLICK here for Photos !: mebachi daruma

Fish called DARUMA


The most important harbors for maguro are in Ooma 大間, Aomori, and in Misaki 三崎, Kanagawa 三崎まぐろ.

CLICK for more photos
Ooma maguro 大間まぐろ Maguro from Oma harbour
often fished with one line in the rough sea toward Hokkaido

Tuna auctions at Tsukiji Market in Tokyo
Tsukiji, the big fish market in Tokyo 築地市場, Tsukiji shijoo

Oroshi hocho, oroshiboochoo
( おろし包丁, "wholesale knife") and
hancho hocho (半丁包丁, "half-tool knife")
are extremely long, highly specialized knives used in Japan to fillet tuna and other large fish.
The hancho hocho is also sometimes called a maguro kiri ( マグロ切, "tuna-cutter").
Japanese knives


Dishes with Maguro 鮪料理
maguro ryoori

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tsuna ツナ tuna
shiichikin シーチキン "sea chicken" white tuna
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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akami 赤身 top loin of Bluefin tuna

maguro chazuke マグロ茶漬け tuna on rice with green tea
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Thunfisch-Stücke auf Reis mit grünem Tee übergossen

magurodon, maguro-don まぐろ丼 cooked rice with tuna on top
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Schüssel Reis mit Thunfisch

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maguro kabuto マグロかぶと / マグロ兜 head of a tuna
speciality in harbour restaurants

maguro no oroshiae まぐろのおろしあえ
mit geriebenem Rettich angemachter Thunfisch
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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maguro sashimi まぐろ刺身 Sashimi with tuna meat

maguro sushi まぐろ 寿司
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

maguro suteeki まぐろステーキ Maguro-Steak
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

negima 葱鮪 dishes with leek and maguro
maguro negima まぐろねぎま 
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

negitoro, negi-toro 葱とろ (ねぎとろ) Bluefin tuna belly and chopped green onion
served at the sushi bar
negitoro don ねぎとろ丼 served on rice
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shiro maguro (白鮪) Binnaga orBincho (鬢長) "white tuna"
on sushi rice

toro とろ meat for sashimi
CLICK for more photos
ootoro (大とろ) Otoro: fattiest portion of Bluefin tuna belly
toro (とろ) fatty Bluefin tuna belly
chuutoro (中とろ) chutoro : medium-fat Bluefin Tuna belly

yamakake 山掛け tuna on rice with grated yam
..... yamakake maguro 山掛けまぐろ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Thunfisch-Stücke auf Reis mit geriebener Jamswurzel

yokowa maguro ヨコワまぐろ meat from the ribs of very young bluefin tuna, not more than 3 kg of body weight. baby tuna, young tuna.
Served as sashimi in Fukuoka.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Worldwide use


Thun, Thunfisch

CLICK for more information Ein alter Name für Maguro ist in Japan SHIBI 鴟尾; 鵄尾; 蚩尾, er stammt aus dem Chinesischen. Diese Bezeichnung hat sich übertragen auf die fischschwanzförmige Verzierung der Endziegel auf dem Dachfirst eineswichtigen Gebäudes, zum Beispiel Schloss oder Tempel. Dieser „Fischschwanz“ soll als Repräsentant der Gottheit des Wassers das Schloss oder den Tempel vor Brandgefahr schützen. Daraus hat sich dann auch der shachihoko しゃちほこ Ziegel entwickelt, ev. auch allgemein der "Demon tile" onigawara 鬼瓦.

Thunnus alalunga: der Weiße Thun
Thunnus albacares: der Gelbflossen-Thun
Thunnus maccoyii: der Südliche Blauflossen-Thun
Thunnus obesus: der Großaugen-Thun
Thunnus orientalis: der Nordpazifische Blauflossen-Thun
Thunnus thynnus: der Rote Thun
Thunnus tonggol: der Langschwanz-Thun
Mehr in der WIKIPEDIA !


. Yellowfin tuna (thamad)  

Things found on the way

だるまマグロ Daruma Maguro
Lately sold at Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo for rather cheap.
メバチマグロの幼魚です. supposed to be the baby of a mebachi maguro.
Good for sashimi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


izakaya ni kiri tachikomuru negima kana

at the local pub
mist is gathering -
tuna with leek

Inoue Aa 井上唖々 (1878 - 1923)

yondai o ikite sanju ya negima nabe

on my 80th birthday
I look back at four generations -
tuna hodgepodge

Machida Shigeki 町田しげき

CLICK for more photos
tuna hodgepodge

negima nabe shitamachi ni yami ni hakanari

tuna hodgepodge -
downtown is slowly
getting dark

Itoo Kango 伊藤完吾 Ito Kango (1972 - )






source : HAIKUreikuDB

Related words

***** kajiki maguro 梶木鮪 (かじきまぐろ, 旗魚鮪) marlin
..... kajiki 旗魚 swordfish
Makaira mitsukurii
fishing for marlin, kajiki tsuri かじき釣り(かじきつり)
kigo for all winter


***** katsuo 鰹 bonito
skipjack tuna
Katsuwonus pelamis
katsu uo 勝つ魚 "fish to win" - its name was an auspicious one, therefore it was well loved in Edo.

. . . Katsuo and related kigo
kigo for all summer

Dried bonito pieces (katsuobushi 鰹節)

Sawachi food from Tosa 皿鉢料理 sawachi ryoori with bonito katsuo tataki


first bonito, hatsu gatsuo, hatsugatsuo 初鰹 (はつがつお)
kigo for early summer

十二月の内 卯月初時鳥 - Toyokuni 豊国

The first catch of the season.
First things were much loved in Edo and people payed high prices to get them, some were even first offered at a shrine before consumption.
. WKD : First Things .

目に青葉 山ほととぎす初かつお
me ni aoba yama hototogisu hatsu katsuo

green leaves to look at
hototogisu in the mountains
first Katsuo skipjack

Yamaguchi Sodoo 山口素堂 Sodo
(1642 - 1716)
He was a disciple of Matsuo Basho.

- and a senryu in Edo - reflecting on this one

me to mimi wa ii ga kuchi wa zeni ga iru

for the eyes
and ears it is fine but
the mouth needs money

We can enjoy a lot for free in spring, but the first katsu fish is just sooo expensive.

- quote -
Thirty-six Views of the Pride of Edo -
The first bonito pick at Nihonbashi (Edo Jiman Sanjūrokkyō Nihonbashi Hatsu-gatsuo)
Painted by Utagawa Toyokuni III and Utagawa Hiroshige II 1864 (Genji 1)

This is a picture that truly shows the "pride of Edo", together with Nihonbashi, a symbol of the city of Edo, hatsugatsuo, the first bonito of the season much adored by the residents of Edo and their admiration was such that a senryū was composed,

to pawn one's wife for this
is a worthwhile exchange

Among the choicest of the hatsumono (first products of the season), bonito was loved the most by people in Edo. Especially from the Meiwa and Anei (1764-1781) to Bunka and Bunsei (1804-1830) when there was a bonito boom which drove up the price of tuna to startling levels.
According to the recordings of representative writer of the Edo period Nanpo Ota (pen name Shokusanjin), in the third month of 1812 (9th year of Bunka), 6 out of 17 of the bonito brought to the Nihonbashi fish market were delivered to the shogun household, 3 to a famous restaurant Yaozen for the price of 2 ryo and 8 were handed to fishmongers and of these, one was bought by kabuki actor Utaemon Nakamura for the price of 3 ryo.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp -

. yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant .

. senryuu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

. . . . .

bonito in autumn, akigatsuo, aki gatsuo 秋鰹 (あきがつお)

soodagatsuo 宗太鰹 (そうだがつお ) frigate mackerel
marudooda 丸宗太(まるそうだ)"round Soda"
hiresooda 平宗太(ひらそうだ) "flat Soda"
kigo for all autumn
Soda katsuo, Auxis thazard

. . . . .

. hatsugatsuo no shinku 初鰹神供 (はつがつおのしんく)
offering first bonito .

at shrine Hachimangu, Kamakura
with a hokku by Matsuo Basho about the hatsugatsuo from Kamakura

observance kigo for the New Year


hatsugatsuo uri 初鰹売り  first Katsuo vendor in Edo

The vendors started to come around in the fourth lunar month.

hiru made no shoobu to aruku hatsugatsuo

walking around till lunchtime
for victory or defeat -
first bonito

They took a risk like any street vendor, but their risk (shoobu) was rather small, since most Edoites would pay any sum to get this fish.

hatsugatsuo katsuida mama de misete iru

the first bonito
shown while still carrying
the tubs on the shoulders

The vendors were so busy, they did not take the time to put their shoulder poles down and place the tubs on the ground.

ate no aru yoo ni kakedasu katsuo uri

the bonito vendor
begins to run as if he knew
where he is heading

Still, they made their best business while just walking around, calling out their merchandise.

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

source : www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~mitta/town


- - - - - Matsuo Basho

katsuo uri ikanaru hito o yowasuran 

A bonito monger -
What people does he charm
With his pitch?

Tr. Takafumi Saito

mata koemu Sayo no Nakayama hatsugatsuo

I want to cross it again
this mountain pass of Sayo -
first katsuo skipjack

Tr. Gabi Greve

He had eaten skipjack before crossing this dangerous pass and now remembers this meal fondly.

koeru 超える to cross over a pass

MORE - hokku about Sayo no Nakayama by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


source : www.kabuki-za.com

Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国

A fish peddler cuts a katsuo for the ladies.


Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国 3rd.

伊勢参りと女魚売り A man on the Ise pilgrimage and a female fish peddler.
She carries a bandai 盤台 barrel with 鰹 Katsuo and awabi 鮑 abalones.

二代目坂東簑助の伊勢参り - He is Bando Minosuke
二代目岩井粂三郎の女魚売 - She is Iwai Kumesaburo


First tuna fish was the IKI 粋 of Edo!
There was even a kimono pattern in its honor.
katsuojima 鰹縞 Katsuo stripes

CLICK for more photos !

. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! - - - .






Kintaroo Sardine Sweets



Kintaro Sardine (kintaroo iwashi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All autumn
***** Category: Animal


CLICK for more photos
Kintaro, the Strong Boy of Japanese Legend, see below with Daruma.

kintaroo iwashi 金太郎イワシ / 金太郎鰯Kintaro sardine

CLICK for more photos and original .. kyo-apollo.jp

There is a small red sardine, about 15 cm long, locally called "Kintaro キンタロウ" because of its color, that is caught in the trawling nets in Hagi and Shimonoseki and a few other ports along Western Japan. It is not usually sold in the fish stores of Japan, only regionally.

In English, it is called ゴートフィッシュ "Goatfish", in China 羊魚.

Its sweet red meat tasts good as tempura or grilled with salt.
To prepare a sashimi is bothersome, but makes for a very tasty snack.

It is also dried as it is, maruboshi 金太郎丸干, and sold as a local souvenier in Hagi.

The town of Hagi 萩 is lately trying to promote more dishes with this fish to make it a specialtiy of the city.


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Kintaroo ame 金太郎飴 candy named Kintaro

Kintaro ame (candy) has been made since the middle of the Edo period, by layering different colored pieces of candy into a cylindrical face, pull it long to a stick and cut it in small pieces. Other patterns can be included too. Cocoa and caramel are used to color the pieces.
It used to be sold on the special festival days of local shrines and temples and kids enjoyed the differend faces coming out of each cut.

The original store which made this sweet is in the Daitoo ward in Tokyo, 金太郎飴本店.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Kintaro and Daruma
Read the legends and stories HERE.


dono kao mo Kintaroo ame chinchirorin
each face looks
like Kintaro candy -
chin chirorin

Tsukei 津慶

chin chirorin is an imitation of the sound made when cutting the sticks into individual candy.

This senryu is a parody about the new political situation in Japan, Septemper 2009.


moedasu zassoo Kintaroo no heso odoke kawaku

Kato Chiyoko 加藤知世子


Sanyuutei Kintaroo 山遊亭金太郎 Sanyutei Kintaro
A rakugo comic story teller who writes haiku

inazuma ya kura no joomae aite ori

lightning -
the old lock of the storehouse
is open

Look at more of his haiku HERE

Related words

***** . WASHOKU : Sardine (iwashi)  

***** Dishes from Yamaguchi Prefecture and Hagi





Food Safety



Food Safety in Japan

Information on Food Safety in Japan
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
The Japan Food Chemical Research Foundation

The purpose of the administrative work concerning food safety is to protect the health of the public through the strengthening measures for the assurance of food safety.
Read it all HERE :


Food safety in Japan, January 2009


In June 2000, products of Snow Brand Dairy, at the time the largest dairy company in Japan, resulted in many cases of food poisoning, which forced the company to recall their products and decrease their activities. This led to layoffs of workers on an extensive scale and a decline in the working conditions. In January 2002, a meatpacking company, Snow Brand Foods, was forced out of business after it was revealed the company had falsely claimed meat being sold as locally produced was actually imported. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs.

In January 2007, Fujiya, a major confectionary company in Japan was discovered to be selling confectionaries produced with milk past its expiry date. This triggered grave concerns and shook consumer confidence in food safety and security. After this case, a series of incidents of false labeling on meat products was revealed. These incidents took place in both unionised and non-unionised companies.

Food Rengo, an IUF-affiliated federation in Japan representing workers in the food and beverage sector, sees a necessity in restoring the credibility of the entire food and beverage sector. However, the union also sees these incidents as proof that food safety and food security are not just issues of concern to consumers, but vital for protecting employment and working conditions. For a number of years, during the months of June and July (the period when most food poisoning in Japan occurs) Food Rengo specifically campaigns around food safety and security through awareness-raising among its members.

Reed more HERE
source : asianfoodworker.net


Nippon Shoku no Anzen Rankingu
(Ranking of Japanese Food Safety)

Martin J Frid
(Kodansha May, 2009)

CLICK here for PHOTOS !


May 2015 - Japan Times

New food labeling requires care
The Consumer Affairs Agency introduced in April a new labeling system for food products with enhanced health-boosting properties. Under the system, newly certified products called kinou-sei hyoji shokuhin — literally food with functions indicated — are expected to hit the market in June. Their explanatory notes will state health benefits in a clear manner, making it easier for consumers to choose the products they want. But consumers buying products carrying the designation should keep in mind that the health benefits have not been independently tested and certified by the government.

So far, food makers have been allowed to indicate the health effects of their products on labels for two types of products — items that can be used for boosting the intake of particular types of vitamins or minerals, with notes explaining which vitamins or minerals they contain and what effects the vitamins or minerals have, and items called tokuho, short for tokutei hoken-yo shokuhin (food with specified health uses). Under the tokuho system, the makers need to carry out research to prove that their products have certain effects. They can get the tokuho designation only after the government examines the research outcome and determines that the results are reliable.

The new labeling system was introduced as part of the Abe administration’s move to push deregulation in the market of food products. Because the designation under the tokuho system takes a lot of time and money, it is often difficult for small and medium-size producers to obtain the designation for their products. To help overcome this problem, the administration borrowed an idea from a system in use in the United States.

Under the new system, manufacturers first compile reports on the effects of their products either by carrying out clinical tests or by having experts review existing scientific papers on the benefits of their ingredients in accordance with the Consumer Affairs Agency’s guideline. They then submit the reports to the agency. If the agency accepts the reports, the companies can put the products with labels carrying the designation on the market after waiting 60 days. The agency will put the reports from the makers on its website. But elderly consumers who are not Net-savvy may have difficulty finding the relevant information.

The new labeling system covers not only processed foods but also perishable foods, although alcoholic beverages won’t be covered. The makers will be prohibited from claiming on the labels that the products can prevent certain diseases or have curative effects.

As early as June, consumers will encounter food products carrying such expressions as “holds down fat absorption,” “slows down sugar absorption” or “helps the liver to function better.” But designated products will also state that they have not been independently tested by the Consumer Affairs Agency. Shoppers should remember that the government doesn’t guarantee the products’ effects and safety. Consumers who want to verify such information will have to do their own research.

Consumer groups are critical of the new system because it leaves important matters, including product safety, to producers. Earlier this month, a problem cropped up concerning the new system. The food safety panel of the Cabinet Office determined that the safety of an ingredient in a beverage for which the producer applied for the tokuho designation could not be confirmed. However, the Consumer Affairs Agency had accepted a supplement using the same ingredient under the new system. This kind of discrepancy damages the trustworthiness of the government’s labeling systems.

The agency should take effective steps to prevent food products that could pose health hazards from receiving the new designation, and consumers should remain vigilant.

機能性表示食品 kinosei hyoji shokuhin
- source : www.caa.go.jp/foods - PDF -


The food-safety label Problems in November 2009

Contaminated rice for human consumption

Shiitake mushrooms from China

Things found on the way

Related words

***** WASHOKU : General Information
