Thunafish, tuna (maguro)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal
skipjack katsuo bonito see below
kigo for all winter
Tuna, maguro 鮪 (まぐろ)
shibi しび tuna
(shibi is also the name of a temple roof decoration, see German below.)
"black tuna", bluefin tuna, kuromaguro 黒鮪(くろまぐろ)
... Thunnus thynnus
"real tuna", hon maguro 本鮪(ほんまぐろ)Atlantic bluefin
binnaga maguro 鬢長, ビンナガマグロ Thunnus alalunga, "White tuna"
kihada キハダマグロ Thunnus albacares. Gelbflossen-Thunfisch
koshinaga コシナガ / 腰長 Thunnus tonggol. Longtail tuna
mebachi めばち / 眼撥 Thunna obesus. big-eyed tuna. großäugiger Thunfisch
minami maguro ミナミマグロ Thunnus maccoyii
taiseiyoo maguro タイセイヨウマグロ Thunnus atlanticus
boat for fishing for tuna, magurobune 鮪船(まぐろぶね)
fishing for tuna, maguro tsuri 鮪釣(まぐろつり)
net for tuna, maguro ami 鮪網(まぐろあみ)
maguronabe 鮪鍋(まぐろなべ)hodgepodge with tunafish
often leek (negi) is added to make a
negima nabe 葱鮪鍋(ねぎまなべ)
This was a speciality of Edo. the MA in the name refers to the MAguro fish.
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kigo for all spring
meji めじ small tuna, young tuna
komeji 小めじ(こめじ), meji maguro めじまぐろ . めじ鮪
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junger Thunfisch

are ocean-dwelling carnivorous fish in the family Scombridae, mostly in the genus Thunnus. Tuna are fast swimmers—they have been clocked at 70 kilometres per hour (43 mph)—and include several warm-blooded species. Unlike most fish, which have white flesh, tuna flesh is pink to dark red, which could explain their odd nick-name, "rose of the sea." The red coloring comes from tuna muscle tissue's greater quantities of myoglobin, an oxygen-binding molecule. Some of the larger species, such as the bluefin tuna, can raise their blood temperature riri above water temperature through muscular activity. This ability enables them to live in cooler waters and to survive in a wide range of ocean environments.
A remarkable aspect of Thunnus physiology is its ability to maintain body temperature above than that of the ambient seawater.
The Thunnus genus includes 8 species:
Albacore, Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788). binchoo maguro
Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788). kihada
Blackfin tuna, Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson, 1831).
Southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau, 1872).
Bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839). mebachi
Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844).
Northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851).
Canned tuna was first produced in 1903, quickly becoming popular. Tuna is canned in a variety of edible oils or in brine.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
The names for the small fish, too small to take out
albacore - tonbo, tombo
bluefin - meji
big eye - daruma
yellowfin - kimeji, ki meji
. . . CLICK here for Photos !: mebachi daruma
Fish called DARUMA
The most important harbors for maguro are in Ooma 大間, Aomori, and in Misaki 三崎, Kanagawa 三崎まぐろ.

Ooma maguro 大間まぐろ Maguro from Oma harbour
often fished with one line in the rough sea toward Hokkaido
Tuna auctions at Tsukiji Market in Tokyo
Tsukiji, the big fish market in Tokyo 築地市場, Tsukiji shijoo
Oroshi hocho, oroshiboochoo
( おろし包丁, "wholesale knife") and
hancho hocho (半丁包丁, "half-tool knife")
are extremely long, highly specialized knives used in Japan to fillet tuna and other large fish.
The hancho hocho is also sometimes called a maguro kiri ( マグロ切, "tuna-cutter").
Japanese knives
Dishes with Maguro 鮪料理
maguro ryoori

tsuna ツナ tuna
shiichikin シーチキン "sea chicken" white tuna
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akami 赤身 top loin of Bluefin tuna
maguro chazuke マグロ茶漬け tuna on rice with green tea
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Thunfisch-Stücke auf Reis mit grünem Tee übergossen
magurodon, maguro-don まぐろ丼 cooked rice with tuna on top
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Schüssel Reis mit Thunfisch

maguro kabuto マグロかぶと / マグロ兜 head of a tuna
speciality in harbour restaurants
maguro no oroshiae まぐろのおろしあえ
mit geriebenem Rettich angemachter Thunfisch
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maguro sashimi まぐろ刺身 Sashimi with tuna meat
maguro sushi まぐろ 寿司
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maguro suteeki まぐろステーキ Maguro-Steak
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negima 葱鮪 dishes with leek and maguro
maguro negima まぐろねぎま
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negitoro, negi-toro 葱とろ (ねぎとろ) Bluefin tuna belly and chopped green onion
served at the sushi bar
negitoro don ねぎとろ丼 served on rice
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shiro maguro (白鮪) Binnaga orBincho (鬢長) "white tuna"
on sushi rice
toro とろ meat for sashimi

ootoro (大とろ) Otoro: fattiest portion of Bluefin tuna belly
toro (とろ) fatty Bluefin tuna belly
chuutoro (中とろ) chutoro : medium-fat Bluefin Tuna belly
yamakake 山掛け tuna on rice with grated yam
..... yamakake maguro 山掛けまぐろ
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Thunfisch-Stücke auf Reis mit geriebener Jamswurzel
yokowa maguro ヨコワまぐろ meat from the ribs of very young bluefin tuna, not more than 3 kg of body weight. baby tuna, young tuna.
Served as sashimi in Fukuoka.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Worldwide use
Thun, Thunfisch

Thunnus alalunga: der Weiße Thun
Thunnus albacares: der Gelbflossen-Thun
Thunnus maccoyii: der Südliche Blauflossen-Thun
Thunnus obesus: der Großaugen-Thun
Thunnus orientalis: der Nordpazifische Blauflossen-Thun
Thunnus thynnus: der Rote Thun
Thunnus tonggol: der Langschwanz-Thun
Mehr in der WIKIPEDIA !
. Yellowfin tuna (thamad)
Things found on the way
だるまマグロ Daruma Maguro
Lately sold at Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo for rather cheap.
メバチマグロの幼魚です. supposed to be the baby of a mebachi maguro.
Good for sashimi
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izakaya ni kiri tachikomuru negima kana
at the local pub
mist is gathering -
tuna with leek
Inoue Aa 井上唖々 (1878 - 1923)
yondai o ikite sanju ya negima nabe
on my 80th birthday
I look back at four generations -
tuna hodgepodge
Machida Shigeki 町田しげき

tuna hodgepodge
negima nabe shitamachi ni yami ni hakanari
tuna hodgepodge -
downtown is slowly
getting dark
Itoo Kango 伊藤完吾 Ito Kango (1972 - )
source : HAIKUreikuDB
Related words
***** kajiki maguro 梶木鮪 (かじきまぐろ, 旗魚鮪) marlin
..... kajiki 旗魚 swordfish
Makaira mitsukurii
fishing for marlin, kajiki tsuri かじき釣り(かじきつり)
kigo for all winter
***** katsuo 鰹 bonito
skipjack tuna
Katsuwonus pelamis
katsu uo 勝つ魚 "fish to win" - its name was an auspicious one, therefore it was well loved in Edo.
. . . Katsuo and related kigo
kigo for all summer
Dried bonito pieces (katsuobushi 鰹節)
Sawachi food from Tosa 皿鉢料理 sawachi ryoori with bonito katsuo tataki
first bonito, hatsu gatsuo, hatsugatsuo 初鰹 (はつがつお)
kigo for early summer

十二月の内 卯月初時鳥 - Toyokuni 豊国
The first catch of the season.
First things were much loved in Edo and people payed high prices to get them, some were even first offered at a shrine before consumption.
. WKD : First Things .
目に青葉 山ほととぎす初かつお
me ni aoba yama hototogisu hatsu katsuo
green leaves to look at
hototogisu in the mountains
first Katsuo skipjack
Yamaguchi Sodoo 山口素堂 Sodo
(1642 - 1716)
He was a disciple of Matsuo Basho.
- and a senryu in Edo - reflecting on this one
me to mimi wa ii ga kuchi wa zeni ga iru
for the eyes
and ears it is fine but
the mouth needs money
We can enjoy a lot for free in spring, but the first katsu fish is just sooo expensive.
- quote -
Thirty-six Views of the Pride of Edo -
The first bonito pick at Nihonbashi (Edo Jiman Sanjūrokkyō Nihonbashi Hatsu-gatsuo)
Painted by Utagawa Toyokuni III and Utagawa Hiroshige II 1864 (Genji 1)
This is a picture that truly shows the "pride of Edo", together with Nihonbashi, a symbol of the city of Edo, hatsugatsuo, the first bonito of the season much adored by the residents of Edo and their admiration was such that a senryū was composed,
to pawn one's wife for this
is a worthwhile exchange

Among the choicest of the hatsumono (first products of the season), bonito was loved the most by people in Edo. Especially from the Meiwa and Anei (1764-1781) to Bunka and Bunsei (1804-1830) when there was a bonito boom which drove up the price of tuna to startling levels.
According to the recordings of representative writer of the Edo period Nanpo Ota (pen name Shokusanjin), in the third month of 1812 (9th year of Bunka), 6 out of 17 of the bonito brought to the Nihonbashi fish market were delivered to the shogun household, 3 to a famous restaurant Yaozen for the price of 2 ryo and 8 were handed to fishmongers and of these, one was bought by kabuki actor Utaemon Nakamura for the price of 3 ryo.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp -
. yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant .
. senryuu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .
. . . . .
bonito in autumn, akigatsuo, aki gatsuo 秋鰹 (あきがつお)
soodagatsuo 宗太鰹 (そうだがつお ) frigate mackerel
marudooda 丸宗太(まるそうだ)"round Soda"
hiresooda 平宗太(ひらそうだ) "flat Soda"
kigo for all autumn
Soda katsuo, Auxis thazard
. . . . .
. hatsugatsuo no shinku 初鰹神供 (はつがつおのしんく)
offering first bonito .
at shrine Hachimangu, Kamakura
with a hokku by Matsuo Basho about the hatsugatsuo from Kamakura
observance kigo for the New Year

hatsugatsuo uri 初鰹売り first Katsuo vendor in Edo
The vendors started to come around in the fourth lunar month.
hiru made no shoobu to aruku hatsugatsuo
walking around till lunchtime
for victory or defeat -
first bonito
They took a risk like any street vendor, but their risk (shoobu) was rather small, since most Edoites would pay any sum to get this fish.
hatsugatsuo katsuida mama de misete iru
the first bonito
shown while still carrying
the tubs on the shoulders
The vendors were so busy, they did not take the time to put their shoulder poles down and place the tubs on the ground.
ate no aru yoo ni kakedasu katsuo uri
the bonito vendor
begins to run as if he knew
where he is heading
Still, they made their best business while just walking around, calling out their merchandise.
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .
source : www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~mitta/town
- - - - - Matsuo Basho
katsuo uri ikanaru hito o yowasuran
A bonito monger -
What people does he charm
With his pitch?
Tr. Takafumi Saito
mata koemu Sayo no Nakayama hatsugatsuo
I want to cross it again
this mountain pass of Sayo -
first katsuo skipjack
Tr. Gabi Greve
He had eaten skipjack before crossing this dangerous pass and now remembers this meal fondly.
koeru 超える to cross over a pass
MORE - hokku about Sayo no Nakayama by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

source : www.kabuki-za.com

Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国
A fish peddler cuts a katsuo for the ladies.

Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国 3rd.
伊勢参りと女魚売り A man on the Ise pilgrimage and a female fish peddler.
She carries a bandai 盤台 barrel with 鰹 Katsuo and awabi 鮑 abalones.
二代目坂東簑助の伊勢参り - He is Bando Minosuke
二代目岩井粂三郎の女魚売 - She is Iwai Kumesaburo
First tuna fish was the IKI 粋 of Edo!
There was even a kimono pattern in its honor.
katsuojima 鰹縞 Katsuo stripes

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. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! - - - .
"Nice, Gabi! I love Maguro, Hirame,Sake and Hotategai...Sashimi"
Deborah Russell
Thank you dear Gabi san... yummmyyyy with a wasabi "kick"!!
the sushi chef
must be Irish!
HILLEL WRIGHT wrote in the Japan Times:
The Marine Stewardship Council, which assesses fisheries world-wide and issues its eco-label to those it certifies as sustainable, currently lists 86 such fisheries, including three tuna fisheries — or four if skipjack tuna is included.
They are: The American Albacore Fishing Association (AAFA), the American Western Fishboat Owners Association (WFOA) and the Canadian Highly Migratory Species Foundation (CHMSF) — all three of which fish for albacore in the North Pacific, although the AAFA also takes them from the South Pacific.
Are Japan's fish lovers eating tuna to extinction?
Read the full article here
Kobayashi Issa
taishoo no mae ya dossari hatsu-gatsuo
so many slices
in front of the boss --
the year's first bonito
This summer hokku is from the end of fourth month (early June) of 1820. In Issa's time bonito or skipjack tuna was considered a delicacy and was very popular with people living in Edo. In early summer, when the first northward-swimming bonito of the year arrived in the Pacific off Mt. Fuji and Kamakura, south of Edo, the bonito caught off Kamakura were immediately rushed live on horseback to the fish market in Edo. Not only was the fish delicious, but it was believed that eating one of the first bonito of the year would add weeks or even years to your life, and because of the demand, the price was very high. Even a few slices of bonito were considered a feast by most ordinary people. The local rich man or power broker who seems to be evoked in the hokku, however, lives in another world, and he must have paid a small fortune to buy the several bonito that now, sliced, cover the table or trays in front of him. Or perhaps he has received several bonito as presents, for which he will later return the favor.
The word taishou in the first line means literally 'military leader; general,' but in Issa's time commoners often used this word in several non-military senses. It referred respectfully to the male or female head of a group, such as an organization head, a construction site director, or the owner of a large firm. It also referred to any esteemed local person who had power or prestige in the neighborhood or community, including even high-ranking courtesans in the Yoshiwara licensed quarter. By extension, it was used to respectfully but playfully refer to or address people you knew well and wanted to praise -- or perhaps playfully chide, since it could refer to the leader of a gang of young boys. Even in modern Japanese it is still sometimes used to refer to the head of an organization or group, to the owner of a sushi bar, to the head cook at a restaurant, to actors and actresses, or to the director of a kendo fencing contest.
Chris Drake
katsuo -
Kure Hachimangu 久礼八幡宮
高知県高岡郡中土佐町 - Takaoka, Nakatosa
Ema votive tablets of the famous katsuo bonito and the sashimi speciality of Tosa.
first bonito of the season -
to pawn one's wife for this is
a worthwhile exchange
anonymous senryu
shichiya 質屋 pawn shop
Kobayashi Issa
edo mono ni mikka nari keri hatsu-gatsuo
a third day
for citizens of Edo...
summer's first bonito
Tr. David Lanoue
Legend from Nara 奈良県 葛城市 Katsuragi city
kooshin 孝心 filial piety
On the road from the Southern part toward Osaka, there is a pass called 竹の打越. Nearby is the home of a poor family.
The head of the family once suffered of ekiri 痢病 the plague. He told his daughter that he would like to eat some katsuo 鰹 / 鱣 bonito. But since the family was so poor, they could not afford to buy the fish. When the daughter went to draw some water from the river, all of a sudden a bonito was in her bucket. She thought this was a present from heaven and hurried home to prepare the fish for her father. After he had eaten it, his illness became better. Each time the daughter went drawing water, a bonito was in her bucket, until the father was completely healed.
This is a tale to show the merit of filial piety.
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