Showing posts with label Z ramen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Z ramen. Show all posts





Tokushima Prefecture (徳島県, Tokushima-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on Shikoku island. The capital is the city of Tokushima.

Long ago, Tokushima City belonged to a region known as Myodo-gun.


Tokushima is abounds in agricultural resources, and is the site of large-scale production of many different types of v egetables. The plains north of the Yoshino River are particularly fertile, and the produce here is often shipped to across to mainland Japan in the area around Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto. Produce from Tokushima always claims top shares in markets in the Kansai region, and particularly prominent are Naruto sweet potatoes, the citrus fruit 'sudachi', lotus roots and strawberries.

Unfortunately, the lack of goods heading to Tokyo has lead to a relatively low national profile for local Tokushima brands. To combat this, the local Tokushima Government now sends the "Fresh! Tokushima" moving display about the country with its mobile kitchen set to increase general awareness of the local food available in Tokushima Prefecture.

Rice - Anan City
Corn - Ishii-cho, Yoshinogawa City East
Sudachi - All across the prefecture, but mainly in Kamiyama-cho
Bamboo Shoots - Anan City
Spring Onions - Tokushima City
Lettuce - Awa City and the north shore of the Yoshino River
Lotus roots - Naruto City
Carrots - All across the prefecture, but mainly in Aizumi-cho
Cranshaw - All across the north shore of the Yoshino River, but mainly in Itano-cho
Rakkyo - Naruto City
Taranome - All across the West of the prefecture, but mainly in Yamashiro-cho, Miyoshi City
Sencha - Yamashiro-cho, Naka-cho, and the former Aioi-cho
Strawberries - All through the mountainous regions, but mainly in Sanagouchi-son
Grapes - Awa City
Egg plant - Naruto City
Satsuma mandarins - All across the prefecture, but mainly in Katsuura-cho
Yuzu - Naka-cho
Yamamomo - Komatushima City
Tsumamono - Kamikatsu-cho, Yamashiro-cho, Kamiyama-cho
Daikon radish - Naruto City
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amego no hirarayaki あめごのひらら焼き 
amego あめご Oncorhynchus masou; cherry salmon
hirara is a flat stone plate
Fish from the river Yoshinogawa are grilled, adding Tofu, Konnyaku, vegetables and other ingredients.
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Awaodori 阿波尾鶏 chicken
free-range jidori fowl
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booze no sugata sushi ぼうぜの姿寿司 / ぼうぜの姿鮨 
booze the name of a local fish. (Tokyo: いぼ鯛 ibodai, ebodai, Osaka: ubose, Kita-Kyushu : shizu).
This dish is especially delicious in Autumn, prepared for the many local Autumn festivals..
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Iya soba 祖谷渓の蕎麦 buckwheat noodles from Iya valley
The Soba are a bit thicker than elsewhere in Japan, and also shorter.
The soup is made with dried anchovis.
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kancha 寒茶 tea harvested in the cold
Usually in January. The thick leaves are steamed for 30 minutes, then rubbed with a maschine and after that with the hands. Dried in the sun. For drinking, steep in hot water for 2 minutes and let stand for 3 minutes before consuming. A friend of the old people of many villages, especially in Kaiyoochoo 海陽町. They are trying to revive it and sell it in bottles for fast consumption of modern people.
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katsu カツ cotelette of kirimi fishpaste
katsuten カツ天 as tenpura
katsubaaga カツバーガー in a hamburger
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mekanzoo 芽甘草 (めかんぞう, メカンゾ) 
buds of special beans
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Naruto Kintoki satsuma imo 鳴門金時 サツマイモ
Naruto sweet potatoes

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232 Tokushima Naruto kintoku imo cheese cake sweet
Cheese cake with sweet potatoes
Photo Gabi Greve


Naruto sumiboshi wakame 鳴門炭干しわかめ
dry seaweed with charcoal ash

wakame are covered with black charcoal ash and dried on the beach for 4 days. This is the old treatment of the Edo period to make them last longer.

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okonomiyaki お好み焼きに天ぷら with tempura
from ebi kakiage, shrimps with vegetables
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. . . with red azuki beans, mametama 豆玉で
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shoi no mi しょいのみ shooyuu no mi
beans cooked in soy sauce
speciality from Miyoshi town 三次。It can be eaten on rice with green tea (o-chazuke) or with cucumbers or any other kind of the imagination of the local housewifes.
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Sudachi すだち(酢橘)Relative of the yuzu.
Mostly used when the peel is still green. When ripe, the peel turns to orange color.
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kigo for autumn

Toodai raamen 東大ラーメン Todai Ramen, Todai Noodle Soup
with a raw egg on top
served with rice, the ingredients in the soup are placed on rice and eaten.
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utsubo うつぼ moray eel
it is cut in one long stripe, dried in the sun and wind of the beach. All is eaten, the head and intestines come in a miso soup.
牟岐町 Mugichoo
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wasanbon 和三盆 wasambon
Japanese sugar from Kagawa and Tokushima

yookai nabe 妖怪鍋 "monster soup" and more MONSTER dishes
Miyoshi, Yamashiro Oboke Yookai Mura

Worldwide use

Ooasahiko and Hakuchoo Daruma
also : Naruto, the German House


Das Iya-Tal in Tokushima いや【祖谷】
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Im Westen der PräfekturTokushima liegt das steile Iya-Tal im Nationalpark des Berges Tsurugi-san, mit 1954 Metern dem zweithöchsten Berg der Insel Shikoku. Dieser Berg ist ein altes Zentrum der Bergasketen des Shugendoo und auf seinem Gipfel ist ein kleiner Shintoo-Schrein. Die Täler in dieser Gegend, dem „Tibet Japans“, sind seit alter Zeit sehr unzugängig und boten den Flüchtlingen des Clans der Heike eine Zuflucht, nachdem ihre Soldaten am Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts die entscheidende Schlacht bei Dan-no-Ura gegen den Minamoto-Clan verloren hatten. Diese Flüchtlingsgruppen siedelten an den steilen Hängen, lebten von den Tieren und Pflanzen des Waldes, bauten etwas Buchweizen an und bewahrten in den Tälern ihre alten Traditionen und ihre höfische Sprache, bis ab 1970 auch hier neue Straßen für mehr Kontakt mit der Zivilisation sorgten.

Die steilen Schluchten waren kaum zu überwinden, daher bauten die Bewohner bis zum Beginn neuer Baumethoden nur schwankende Hängebrücken aus Schlingpflanzen, die inzwischen auch mit Stahlseilen verstärkt sind. Dokumente aus dem Jahre 1675 berichten bereits von 13 Hängebrücken dieser Art. Wenn sich Feinde näherten, konnte man dies Brücken kurzerhand an einer Talseite abschneiden.

Nur die berühmte Hängebrücke Kazurabashi かずらばし über den Fluß Iyagawa, heute eine Touristenattraktion, wird noch im alten Zustand gepflegt. Sie ist 45 Meter lang und zwei Meter breit und liegt 15 Meter hoch über dem Fluß. Sie ist ein nationales Folklore-Kulturdenkmal und wird alle drei Jahre nach altem Brauch repariert.
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Chiiori das Haus der Flöte 篪庵(ちいおり)
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In einem dieser steilen Täler liegt das „Haus der Flöte“, Chiiori. 1973 erwarb der Amerikaner und Japanologe Alex Kerr ein 200 Jahre altes strohgedecktes Bauernhaus mit einem offenen Herd in der Küche im Dorf Tsurui im Ost-Iya-Tal. Nach einigem Renovieren und Umarbeiten ist es seit 2005 das Zentrum des „Chiiori-Trusts“ und lockt viele Touristen aus der ganzen Welt, die sich an der abgelegenen, ländlichen Atmosphäre erfreuen oder als Voluntäre für einige Wochen mitarbeiten als Zimmerleute, Dachdecker oder Landarbeiter.

Alex Kerr (geb. 1952) ist Autor einiger Bücher über Japan, besonders bekannt sind „Lost Japan“ (1994) und „Dogs and Demons“ (2002), in denen er sich mit den Einflüssen der modernen Zivilisation und Verwestlichung auf die traditionelle Lebensweise der Japaner befaßt. In Kyoto arbeitet er mit an Projekten zur Wiederbelebung der alten traditionellen Stadthäuser (machiya).

In 1971 I first discovered Iya 祖谷 Valley, a remote mountainous region in Tokushima Prefecture 徳島県 in the center of Shikoku. The Iya gorges 祖谷峡 are Japan's deepest, sometimes called "Japan's Grand Canyon," . Iya is so secluded that over the centuries refugees from Japan's civil wars fled into Iya and settled there, notably the Heike survivors from the Genji/Heike wars of the 12th century. Even now Iya people speak a dialect with traces of ancient Heian court language.

I named the house Chiiori 篪庵 , which means "House of the Flute." For the first few decades, my friends and I lived quietly in the house, and we succeeded in re-thatching the roof in the late 1980s.
source :

© Alex Kerr in the WIKIPEDIA !

. . . . .

Iyasoba sarada
Nudelsalat mit Buchweizennudeln aus dem Iya-Tal

120 g Iyasoba-Nudeln (Buchweizennudeln)
2 Eier, als Omelett gebraten und in Streifen geschnitten
100 g Mizuna-Wildnessel, auf 3 cm Länge geschnitten
1 Tomate, geachtelt
3 EL Sojasauce
3 EL Essig
2 EL Mayonnaise
1/4 TL Wasabi-Paste
40 g Buttererdnüsse, gehackt

Nudeln kochen und zum Abtropfen auf ein Sieb legen.
Nudeln in eine Schale legen und mit Eierstreifen, Küchenkraut und Tomate garnieren.
Sojasauce, Essig, Mayonnaise und Wasabi-Paste verrühren, als Dressing über die Nudeln gießen und alles mit Erdnüssen bestreuen.


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mochinashi zooni 餅なし雑煮
new year zoni soup without mochi

is a speciality of the Iya valley. On the slopes they could not grow rice, but a lot of soybeans, so they put a specially hard tofu in the soup, together with potatoes and yam roots. The bowl is filled with two large pieces of tofu and the lid does udually not fit any more.
Iya Zooni 祖谷雑煮

ishidoofu 石豆腐 "stone tofu" ishi-dofu
it is made with the double amount of nigari bitter than usual Tofu and contains less water. It can be wrapped around with just one straw rope and carried home like this.

祖谷豆腐 Iya Tofu

Iya Valley Heike Bento 祖谷平家弁当

Things found on the way

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Tokushima .
-- #tokushima --

Toyama Prefecture



Toyama Prefecture (富山県 Toyama-ken)
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Toyama.
Toyama is the leading industrial prefecture on the Japan Sea coast, and has the industrial advantage of cheap electricity due to abundant water resources. The Itai-itai disease occurred in Toyama around 1950.

Toyama is a major producer of high quality rice making use of abundant water sources originating from Mt.Tateyama.
Toyama is famous for its historical pharmaceutical industry.

The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō 白河郷 and Gokayama are one of Japan's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム
Tateyama Mountain Range 館山連峰 / 立山連峰
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama belief .

Tateyama Mandala 立山曼荼羅
- quote
Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara
Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain

Caroline Hirasawa (Sophia University, Tokyo)

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Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama mandara treats the history, religious practice, and visual culture that developed around the mountain Tateyama in Toyama prefecture. Caroline Hirasawa traces the formation of institutions to worship kami and Buddhist divinities in the area, examines how two towns in the foothills fiercely fought over religious rights, and demonstrates how this contributed to the creation of paintings called Tateyama mandara.
The images depict pilgrims, monks, animals, and supernatural beings occupying the mountain’s landscape, thought to contain both hell and paradise. Sermons employing these paintings taught that people were doomed to hell in the alpine landscape without cult intervention—and promoted rites of salvation. Women were particular targets of cult campaigns. Hirasawa concludes with an analysis of spatial practices at the mountain and in the images that reveals what the cult provided to female and male constituents.
Drawing on methodologies from historical, art historical, and religious studies, this book untangles the complex premises and mechanisms operating in these pictorializations of the mountain’s mysteries and furthers our understanding of the rich complexity of pre-modern Japanese religion.
- source :


Shogawa river valley stretching across the border of Gifu and Toyama Prefectures in northern Japan. Hagimachi 萩町
Shirakawa  白河郷 / 白川郷 Gifu


Toyama specialities 富山 郷土料理

aimaze あいまぜ mixed radish leaves and root
radish leaves are cut finely and pickled in salt and the radish itself is cut in small stripes, boiled for a moment to remove the salt. This mix is simmered with sakekasu, miso paste and kombu dashi.
from 舟橋村

akakabu ryoori 赤かぶ料理 food with red turnips
pickles, in soups or simmered

akamama, aka-mama 赤まま red rice
made from mochigome, a kind of okowa porridge. With red beans for color. Some families also mix black beans or white soy beans. Served for weddings and festivities because of the auspicious red and white color.

ayu no kanro-ni あゆの甘露煮 sweet simmered ayu sweetfish
fish is slightly grilled and then simmered in green tea with a bit of rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and ginger.

ayu no narezushi あゆのなれ寿し
sushi with fermented sweetfish
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burakku raamen 富山ブラックラーメン Toyama Black Ramen
black noodle soup from Toyama
with roast pork, a rather salty mix from thick soy sauce.
First introduced at a shop called Daiki 大喜 in 1947.
black type ramen soup from Toyama 黒系ラーメン is now sold in four shops
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buridaikon ブリと大根のあら煮 yellowtail boiled with radish
The yellowtail from Toyama bay is all natural and not aquafarmed. It is the "King of the Fish in Toyama Bay" 富山湾の王者, when it arrives in winter together with the snow bird (raichoo). Yellowtail changes its name according to its size and is therefore a fish that "makes a good career" (shussezakana 出世魚). Names are 「tsubain ツバイソ(コズクラ)」「bukuragi フクラギ」「hamachi ハマチ(ガンド)」「buri ブリ」. Thus it is auspicious and eaten for celebrations.
The leftovers after cutting out the filets are called ZAN 残(ざん) (usually for other fish they are called ARA アラ) are boiled with seasonal radish (daikon) to make a delicious dish.
BURI is the most representative fish of Western Japan.
Gelbschwanz mit Rettich, Seriola mit Rettich

..... buri no arani, buri no ara-ni ぶりのあらに / 鰤のあら煮
boiled leftover of yellowtail
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dago だご dumplings from rice flour
dagojiru だご汁
sasadago 笹だご

daikon radish dishes
..... daikon namasu 大根なます salad
..... daikon no gotcha-ni 大根のごっちゃ煮 simmered with its leaves, miso taste
..... 大根まま rice with radish, with radish leaves too

genge no sumashijiru げんげのすまし汁 fish soup
genge is a fish from the deep sea off the coast with white meat. Kombu is also put into the soup. It is good for women who breastfeed babies.

gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平もち, 御幣餅/五平餅
made from glutinous rice and egoma, with a taste of miso.

gojiru 呉汁 warm soup in winter
Soy beans are cooked and seasoned with miso paste. With more tofu and leek.
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gondamochi ごんだもち
glutinous rice flour is used. They are then elongated to mochi and dried. Put into porridge or grilled for eating.

. Hotaruika 蛍烏賊 firefly squid .
different kind of ika is fished throughout the year in Toyama bay.
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hotaru-ika no karashi sunomono ほたるいかの辛子酢物
from 滑川市
..... ika no mochigome tsume-ni いかのもち米つめ煮 stuffed with glutinous rice and boiled
..... ika no sumitsukuri いかの黒作り dried squid, boiled in its ink
..... ika no teppoo yaki いかの鉄砲焼き grilled yari-ika, made in March only.
teppooyaki is a way of preparing meat of fish or chicken with hot red peppers miso paste, toogarashi-miso とうがらし味噌.
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ichijiku いちじくの甘煮・しょうゆ煮 figs simmered with soy sauce
Figs skin is removed and then simmered with sugar and salt in soy sauce.

imo ohagi いもおはぎ dumplings made from potatoes
imo no ohagi イモのおはぎ
in autumn. made from satoimo potatoes and sweet red bean paste.

いとこ煮 cooked beans with radish, carrots, yam, goboo, fried tofu pouches, konnyaku and other vegetables.
special food for the New Joodo sect of Buddhism.

iwashi no nuta 鰯のぬた nuta of sardines
nuta is a preparation with vinegared miso. The head, innards and bones are taken off and the fish is pickled in vinegar for a while. Then mixed with onions, grated radish, miso paste, vinegar and sugar and some yuzu juice..

jinda じんだ / 糂だ simmered vegetables
nukamiso ぬかみそ, jindamiso じんだみそ, gotomiso, goto miso 五斗味噌(ごとみそ)
Warabi fern, carrots, goboo, shiitake are cut finely and simmered sweet and hot. Later soy beans are added.
Served for religious ceremonies 報恩講の膳
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jindadora じんだどら sweet jinda

kabura goki かぶらごき turnip goki
turnips and the leaves are boiled separately and cut, ground radish is added and soy sauce poored over it.

kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
prepared for the new year. Fermented fish meat with turnips.
Also prepared in Ishikawa prefecture.

kabura no yachara かぶらのやちゃら turnips salad
turnips, carrots, long yam, kanten, kikurage, mikan are covered with vinegar, sugar and salt. The ingredients of yachara are different in every home. Some use kombu.

kabusu jiru かぶす汁 soup with gazami crabs
watarigani are put in hot water and other seafood is added. Finally miso paste and cut leek is added.

kachiri,katchiri かっちり small potatoes
boiled with sugar and salt and soy sauce. When the potatoes are done, ground sesame, peanuts powder and egoma are added.

kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉寿し
sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
the leaves are pickled in vinegar over night.

kamaboko かまぼこ fish paste
in special forms of fish in red and white and other colors for auspicious situations.
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kamouri, kamo-uri no ankake かもうり(冬瓜)のあんかけ
toogan 氈瓜 kind of gourd.
The flesh is simmered with sugar in soy sauce. It is poored over boiled chicken meat or other food.

kanmochi 寒もち"Mochi for the cold season"
koorimochi 氷餅(こおりもち), konmochi こん餅(もち), kakimochi かきもち
they come in various colors.
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kazumino onigiri かずみ野おにぎり
oya taro potatoes, kabu radish, dried zuiki taro stems and chicken meat are mixed with rice and formed to onigiri rice balls.
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival

kibi okowa きびおこわ gruel from millet
mochigome rice and millet are mixed, beans are cooked with sugar and soy sauce and added.
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masuzushi 鱒寿司 sushi from Masu salmon
In 1717 a samurai from Toyama, Yoshimura Shinpachi 吉村新八 begun preparing this round sushi with ayu from the river Jinzugawa 神通川 and rice from Etchuu 越中米. The third daimyo of Toyama, Maeda Toshioki 前田利興 (1678-1733) liked it very much and gave it as a special offering to the 8th Shogun, Yoshimune, who was quite a gourmet. Since then it is a speciality of Etchu. Leaves of sasa grass (Sasa japonica) are placed into a round vessel and salted masu salmon on sushi rice is placed on it. It is now sold in many places according to secret family recipies.
sometimes ayu is translated as Plecoglossus altivelis.
Masu-Lachs, Oncorhynchus masou

misojiru ni kyuuri きゅうりのお味噌汁 miso soup with raw cucumbers
Cucumbers are not used in other prefectures as an ingredient in miso soup.
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myoogazushi みょうが寿司
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nishin no konbumaki ニシンの昆布巻き
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sansai okowa 山菜おこわ rice with mountain vegetables

satoimo ryoori
..... satoimo no oyaki 里芋のおやき
..... satoimo no nimono 里芋・大根・いかの煮物
..... satoimo no goma-ae 里芋のごま和え
..... satoimo no dengaku 里芋の田楽

shiroebi no kakiage シロエビのかき揚げ shrimps deep fried

soba tsumanko そばつまんこ buckwheat dumplings
with vegetables like zenmai fern, carrots, sweet ebi, simmered in soy sauce and sugar. Buckwheat is formed by hand to small dumplings and simmered in the broth.

takenoko ryoori たけのこ料理 dishes with bamboo sprouts

tenkoro てんころ料理
ちぼいも chibo-imo potatoes prepared as nikorogashi (じゃがいもの煮ころがし). first boiled in the skin, then fried. Then simmered in soy sauce and sugar and mirin.

toofu no buramanju 豆乳のブラマンジェ
(柚子のマーマレードかけ) with yuzu marmelade

tsuboni, tsubo-ni つぼ煮
from the mountains of Tateyama. Perpared for the mountain ascetics.
Dried kugomi are watered and cooked with carrots. Then cooked with dashi and yam, abura-abe, sugar and soy sauce.
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wappani つぼ煮

yubeshi ゆべし with yuzu
made for festivals, served in a dish with a high stand. Kanten jelly is dissolved and soy sauce, sugar and mirin added. An egg and juice from squeezed ginger is added and all let to harden in a square pot.

zenmai no shira-ae ぜんまいの白和え fern in dressing
with tofu and carrots

Things found on the way

Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Medicine sellers from Toyama 富山の薬売り


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ginkooin ra asa yori keikoo su ika no-gotoku

these bank clarks
already in the morning under flurescent light
like firefly squid

die Bankangestellten
schon früh am morgen im Fluoreszenzlicht
wie die Leuchttintenfische

Kaneko Tohta 金子兜太
Kaneko Tohta (Kaneko Toota) 1919-

. . more translations of this haiku .

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Toyama .


Tosa Inakazushi Ryoma



Tosa no Inakazushi 土佐の田舎寿司

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Today, Tosa is called Kochi (Koochi).

There are a lot of sushi dishes prepared by mothers and grandmothers in the countryside. Tosa boasts a lot of these

Inakazushi 田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside

土佐の田舎寿司 Tosa no Inakazushi

In the mountainous areas of Kochi, this kind of sushi is also called "Mountain vegetable sushi" sansai sushi 山菜寿司. It contains ryuukyuu りゅうきゅう, the stem of a certain satoimo mountain potato (hasuimo no kuki 蓮芋の茎), where only the stem is eaten. Further are myooga 茗荷 Japanese ginger, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, konnyaku, eggs and more "bounty of the mountains" (yama no sachi) of the season. Also nanohana rapeseed flowers and tsukushi horsetail, tara no me buds of the aralia tree.

This kind of sushi is prepared for village meetings of all kinds, ceremonies and festivals. Some ingredients are boiled, others prepared as tsukemono pickles and often yuzu citron juice is added for flavor. Or the sushi rice is cooked with a bit of yuzu juice, one speciality of th Tosa rural sushi. Sesame and carrots are also cooked with the rice.

You can savor many of them on the sunday market in Tosa, where more than 10 stalls sell these home-made sushi of all types.

. WKD : Sakamoto Ryoma
His Life and food in his honor


ayuzushi, ayu sushi あゆ寿司 sweetfish sushi
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Kochi has many clear rivers, best known is the Shimantogawa. The fish is cut open from the backside, salted and immersed in vinegar with yuzu citron juice. Then sushi rice is pressed in. Since the fish is often ochiayu, swimming downstream to lay eggs, it is not so fat and even the head and bones get soft in the vinegar.
All of Kochi.
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Sushi mit Süßwasserlachs

buri no herazushi, hedazushi ブリのヘラ寿司 / ぶりのヘダ寿司 yellowtail sushi
heda is a word for leftovers of yellowtail, once the red meat is removed. It was used to make sushi. No part of the fish was wasted.
Speciality of Otsuki village. 大月町
Since Showa 40 the folks of Otsuki used to tell their children when they cried: "I will give you yellowtail to eat if you stop crying!"
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Sushi mit Gelbschwanz-Resten

chattizushi, chatti sushi チャーテ寿司
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chatti is a vegetable of the area also called ハヤトウリ.
Sechium edule, Chayote, a kind of pumpkin
It is cut in 3 mm small pieces, blanched in hot water and sprinkled with salt while still hot. Then placed in sweet vinegar. Like inarizushi the rice in placed inside it. Sometimes sabazushi is placed inside too.
From Tosa Town
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Sushi mit Chayote

ginburoozushi, ginburo sushi 銀ぶろう寿司 sushi with black soybeans
ginburoo 銀不老 is the name of a type of black soy beans grown in Ootoyo Town 大豊町. These beans have about the same sweetness as kintoki beans. They are simmered with a sweet flavor and then mixed with the rice. Served for festivals, mostly in freshly cut bamboo dishes.
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Sushi mit schwarzen Sojabohnen


itakobu no sushi 板こぶの寿司 sushi wrapped in konbu seaweed
itakobu 板昆布 refers to stripes of konbu, where the middle part is strongest.
It is boiled in sweet vinegar with a bit of yuzu juice and has a great flavor. The seaweed is then hanged from the ceiling of the barn on bamboo poles until it is black and slippery. Sushi rice is cooked with ginger, some fish pieces and sesame. Sushi-rice is rolled and then cut at both ends. Served at celebratory situations. Men would make the sushi, womenfolk boil and simmer other food.
A sushi also prepared by menfolk, but eaten by old and young.
All of Kochi.
saba itakobumaki 鯖板昆布巻 mackerel sugatazushi
with a lot of yuzu juice in the rice and fat mackerels.
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Recipe 板こぶのお寿司
in Konbu gewickeltes Sushi

kabuzushi, kabu sushi かぶ寿司 turnip sushi
Small turnips are cut in pieces, pickled with umeboshi liquid (umesu 梅酢) and prepared with sushi rice. They become slightly pink and look felicitous. Eatef for the New Year.
Haruno Town 春野町
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kaisamazushi, kaisama sushi かいさまずし "Upside down sushi"
kaisama means sakasama, turned upside down.
The fish is turned with the skin inside and placed on sushi rice.
Speciality of Kochi, made from tachiuo scabbard fish.
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Sushi mit Degenfisch

kibinago no hookaburi キビナゴのほうかぶり
round kibinago herring sushi
kibinago is also called kirazu きらず "not to be cut".
Each fish is taken in hand and opened up carefully with the fingers to get the intestines out. Salted and put in vinegar until it is white. Tasts best when fried a bit, then rounded around the sushi rice.
From Sukumo Town 宿毛市
hookaburi literally means a scarf placed around the head and bound below the nose, worn by thiefs in the Edo period.
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Sushi mit blauen Sprotten

kintoki mame no oshizushi 金時豆の押し寿司 sushi with kintoki beans
kintoki beans are boiled with shugar to add sweetness to this sushi. Pink denbu mashed fish boiled with sugar and soy sauce is added for the color. Leaves of carrots for green. It is good for your daily health, (mame de tassha).
From the eastern parts of Kochi.
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Sushi mit kintoki-Bohnen

kokerazushi こけら寿司 "wood shingled sushi", layered sushi
Layers of sushi, representing many layers of happiness. Eaten for auspicious occasions and festivals.
It is a kind of boxed sushi that was so large, it had to be parted with layers of bamboo leaves.
From Muroto town.
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"Holzschindel-Sushi" mit mehreren Lagen

Kokerazushi こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨 layered sushi from Okayama

kurokonbuzushi, kurokonbu sushi 黒昆布寿司 sushi with black konbu seaweed
Rolled sushi with sweet simmeed black konbu. With mackerel pieces in the rice cooked with dashi.
From Hatada Town 幡多
Sushi mit schwarzem Kombu

kurochiku no tsutsuzushi, kurochiku no tsutsu sushi 黒竹の筒寿司
The same preparations as for SHIHOOCHIKU. But the rice is cooked with finely chopped carrots, burdock and other ingredients.
From Shimanto Town, Nishi Tosa 四万十市西土佐

mikanzushi, mikan sushi みかん寿司 suchi with tangerines
Rice is boiled with mikan juice, it becomes a bit orange. Vinegar is also added.
Famous for its color.
Made from Unshuu Mikan in Kagami 香南市香我美
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Sushi mit Mandarinen

oonazushi, oona sushi 大菜寿司
sushi wrapped in large vegetable leaves
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Since people in mountain villages could not get seaweed to wrap the sushi, they used large leaves of perilla or other vegetables, pickled them in saltwater and wrapped the rice. Rice cooked with carrots, burdock, spinach and others.
Famous for its contrast of green and white.
A kind of makizushi.
From Onomi Village in central Tosa 中土佐町大野見
Sushi in grünes Gemüse gewickelt

ryuukyuuzushi, ryuukyuu sushi りゅうきゅう寿司
sushi with stems of mountain potatoes
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mountain potato (hasuimo no kuki 蓮芋の茎)
The stem's outer layer is peeled off, then cut in bitesize and pickled in salt. Later placed on sushi rice. This plant is strong during typhoons and the salted pickles keep well.
Made in all mountainous areas.
Sushi mit Stielen von Taro-Wurzeln


saba no sugatazushi さばの姿寿司 makerel sushi of the whole fish
Part of the Sawachi Ryori.
鯖の寿司 saba no sushi
Salted and vinegared fish is used. It is one of the formal dishes "hare shoku ハレ食 of all of Kochi. It could be eaten on the next day after a feat. The head of the fish was grilled and eaten too. In mountainous areas a fish with head and tail was a special delicacy.
Sometimes the fish was also slightly grilled before adding the suhsi rice.
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Makrelen-Sushi unter Erhaltung der Fischform

sabazushi in memory of Sakamoto Ryoma

. . Sakamoto Ryoma is the great hero of Tosa.
More about SAKE and Ryoma !

龍馬せんべい Ryoma Senbei

Ryooma baagaa 龍馬バーガー Ryoma burger
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Ryooma biiru 龍馬ビール beer named Ryoma
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Ryoomadon, Ryooma don 龍馬丼
Rice bowl wit egg, named Ryoma
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Ryooma ga yuku 龍馬がゆく Sweets
お菓子 bun with a milk flavored filling
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Ryooma manjuu 一口龍馬饅頭 hitokuchi Ryooma manjuu
one bite Ryoma Manju sweets
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Ryooma raamen 龍馬ラーメン Ryoma Noodle Soup
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Ryooma Nagasaki Chanpon 竜馬長崎ちゃんぽん noodle soup
Ryoomaden 竜馬伝
Sakamoto Royma chanpon noodles

Ryoma loved this ! 龍馬が愛した Ryoma ga aishita ...

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Rice that Ryoma loved 龍馬が愛したお米

Coffee that Ryoma loved 龍馬が愛した珈琲
Nagasaki Ryoma Coffee  長崎龍馬珈琲

. . . CLICK here for Photos of more things he liked !

NHK 大河ドラマ: 龍馬伝 The Legend of Ryoma at NHK 2010


shihoochiku no hitokuchizushi 四方竹の一口寿司
bitesize sushi from Shihoo-Bamboo
These bamboo shoots are best taken in autumn, it has a square stem. Boiled with sugar and soy sauce, then cooled and filled with sushi rice.
From Nankoku Town 南国市
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Sushi mit Shihoo-Bambus

tsuwazushi, tsuwa sushi つわ寿司 layered sushi with silverleaves
tsuwabuki is the Japanese silverleaf. This sushi is pressed and then placed in a big box in many layers. The layers are separated by these leaves. It brings good luck to avoid the many layers of dangers in life.
From Tosa Shimizu town
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Sushi mit Tsuwabuki-Blättern
Tsuwabuki 石蕗: Farfugium japonicum.

urume no tamazushi ウルメの玉ずし sushi with urume round herrings
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In former times, every village hat ist maker of tofu. A lot of okara was used for this sushi. Freshly fished round herrings were salted over night and next day rounded in okara. A normal dish for every day.
From Konan town 香南市
Sushi mit rundem Hering


Recipes : TOSA 郷土料理

References : 土佐の田舎寿司

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


inakazushi ...
grandma licks the salt
from her fingers

Gabi Greve, September 2008
watching my neighbour with her 82 years ...

Related words

Dishes from Kochi (Koochi 高知)

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes



Saitama prefecture


Saitama prefecture

Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県, Saitama-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Honshū. The capital is the city of Saitama.

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This prefecture is part of the Greater Tokyo Area, and most of Saitama's cities can be described as suburbs of Tokyo, to which floods of residents commute each day.
It is located central-west of the Kanto region, measuring 103 km from east to west and 52 km from north to south.

Most of the land is contained in Chichibu Tama Kai National Park.

Rivers and canals including those developed in the Edo period (17th - 19th centuries) in the east of the prefecture are largely disused following the introduction of motorised land transport. The traces of water transports are found on the Tone River Kumagaya - Chiyoda, Gunma border[8] and on Arakawa River a tourist attraction in Nagatoro, Chichibu District and petroleum tankers from Tokyo Bay to Wakō.
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Kome Mame Project
Shimosato farm in Ogawa, Yoshinori Kaneko


Dishes from Saitama 埼玉郷土料理

bentoo 埼玉弁当 lunch boxes with local produce

. aonasu, ao-nasu 青なす "green eggplant"  
Tokigawa town ときがわ町

botan dango ぼたん団子 dango filled with anko sweet bean paste
from Higashi Matsuyama 東松山

Furai フライ "fry", kind of yakisoba
When people say“ fries”in Gyoda town, they do not mean “french fries” but a different kind of fried food with the texture of a crepe.
serii furai ゼリーフライ "Jelly fries" are made of potato and okara bean curd refuse and resemble croquettes.
From Gyoda Town 行田市

gokaboo 五家宝  (ごかほう) Gokabo, a kind of sweet
"treasure of five families"
mochi are pounded thin to form the inside of the roll. Kinako powder is mixed with mizuame to form the skin. Kinako powder is then sprinkled on the roll.
Made of rice, toasted and ground soybean flour, and malt sugar with glucose and dextrin.
From Kumagaya town
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Higashi Matsuyama Yakitori 東松山やきとり
"spiced chicken skewers"
from Higashimatsuyama town.
eaten with a very hot spicy miso sauce.
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Green tea from Irima 入間茶 Irima cha

. Iwatsuki negi 岩槻葱(いわつきねぎ)
leek from Iwatsuki town

kikuimo, kiku-imo キクイモ 菊芋 
"chrysanthemum potato"
Jerusalem artichoke, girasole
Helianthus tuberosus
Also called the sunroot or sunchoke or earth apple or topinambur.
In Baden-Württemberg, Germany, over 90 percent of the Jerusalem artichoke root is used to produce a spirit called "Topinambur", "Topi" or "Rossler".
It used to be grown in the area around Omiya 大宮, and is lately revived. It has the property to lower blood sugar and is very healthy to eat.

kinton きんとん mashed sweet potatoes
containing sweetened chestnuts

Saiboku Ham サイボクハム
Pig and Pork Museum

sekitan arare せきたんあられ / 石炭あられ rice crackers with charcoal
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Soka senbei, Sooka senbei 草加せんべい rice crackers from Soka town

toofu raamen とうふラーメン Tofu Ramen soup
from Saitama Town

source :

Things found on the way

Yoshimi Hyakuana 吉見百穴

Literally meaning, "100 holes of Yoshimi," the Yoshimi Hyakuana National Historic Site preserves 219 ancient tombs carved into a soft sandstone hillside between the sixth and seventh centuries.

After the holes were rediscovered in the 1880s, the first Japanese archaeologist to work there believed they had been cave dwellings. However, further research in the 1920s showed they were burial sites.


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Regional Toys from Saitama .


Shizuoka Prefecture


Shizuoka Prefecture

Shizuoka Prefecture (静岡県,Shizuoka-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Shizuoka.

The prefecture was previously divided into Tōtōmi Province, Suruga Province and Izu Province. The most noted history of the prefecture is that it was once home to the first Tokugawa Shogun.

The region was held by Tokugawa Ieyasu until he conquered the lands of the Hōjō clan in the Kantō region and gave his lands to the stewardship of Oda Nobunaga. After becoming shogun Tokugawa took the land back for his family, particularly putting the area around modern-day Shizuoka city under direct shogunal supervision.

It once again became the residence of the Tokugawa family after 1868, with the creation of Shizuoka han.

Shizuoka Prefecture is an elongated region following the coast of the Pacific Ocean at the Suruga Bay. In the west, the prefecture extends deep into the Japan Alps, while farther east it becomes a narrower coast bounded on the north by Mount Fuji, until it comes to the Izu Peninsula, a popular resort area pointing south into the Pacific

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Mount Fuji 富士山 Fujisan Fujiyama

Temple Shuzen-Ji 修善寺 with onsen hot spring
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A personal BLOG
source : Shizuoka Gourmet


Local Dishes from Shizuoka 静岡郷土料理

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asa raamen 朝ラーメン ramen for breakfast
In Fujieda town 藤枝.
The people from the nearby port of Yaizu 焼津市 and the tea pickers used to get up early for work. So the noodle shops followed suit with a soup based on soysauce flavor with little fat. Some now even serve a set of one bowl of hot soup and one bowl of cold soup. The shops start as early as 5 in the morning and close for lunch.
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ashitaba no goma ae あした葉の胡麻和え ashitaba leaves with sesame dressing
Ashitaba-Pflanze. Angelica keiskei

awabi no odoriyaki あわびの踊り焼 "dancing awabi"
awabi grilled alive

ayu no kanroni 鮎の甘露煮
sweetly simmered ayu fish, especially with eggs

ayu no senbei 鮎のせんべい
deep-fried pieces of ayu fish

Benten Nabe 弁天鍋
"Seafood Hodgepodge from Benten Island", with miso soup and iseebi lobster, crabs and special abalones,
From Matsuzaki.
tokobushi 床伏、 Japanese abalone、Sulculus diversicolor aquatilis

Heda no shio 戸田の塩 Salt from Heda, Izu peninsula

Hamamtasu gyooza, Hamamatsu gyoza 浜松餃子
There are a lot of boiled moyashi soybean sprouts in the middle of the gyoza dish. Served with hot chili oil, raayuu ラー油
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いのしし鍋・きじ鍋 inoshishi nabe, kiji nabe
hodgepodge with wild boar or pheasant

iruka no misoni いるかの味噌煮
iruka dolphin meat in small pieces

iseebi no sugatazukuri 伊勢海老の姿造り
Lobster sashimi served on the living animal

iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし
shredded dried sardines
From Kanbara town かんばら【蒲原】
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The dried sardines are once more dipped in a special flavored mix and dried again before shredding in special maschines. They can be used for dashi broth and many other dishes.
They are a speciality of the town and are put on many dishes, even on curry (which is also cooked with loads of these shreds, when there is not enough meat.
Kanbara iwashi karee 蒲原いわしカレー curry with sardines

Kaguyahime chazuke 富士かぐや姫茶漬け bowl of rice with tea
Fuji Town 富士市

kibinago no sashimi きびなごの刺身
sashimi from small sardines. from Matsuzaki Town. They live in the cliffs from December to April and can be caught, before they take off to Kagoshima.

kuromai mochi 黒米餅 mochi made from "black rice"
from Shuzen-Ji Hot Spring 修善寺温泉
They are eaten with soy sauce.
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There is also a kind of ricewine from this special Shuzenji black rice: Kuromai Yondai Shikomi Seishu

magochazuke まご茶づけ, Magocha
MAGOCHA ... from Chiba

mugitoro 麦とろ creamy wheat and jam sauce for topping

Numazu Station Ekiben lunchbox
Minato Ajizushi 港あじ鮨mackerel sushi with extra wasabi

oden おでん Oden
Shizuoka oden is a variation of oden, a stew-like Japanese food consisting of fish paste cakes, boiled eggs, daikon, potatoes, kelp rolls, konnyaku, and other ingredients that are first boiled then kept simmering in a broth until consumption.
Shizuoka oden differs from other types of oden in two ways: the preparation of the broth and the way every ingredient is skewered on a stick. The broth is made with beef sinew (instead of the dried skipjack flakes used in other types of oden) and seasoned with strong soy sauce. Because the simmering broth is only replenished rather than discarded, it takes on a very deep, brown-black color; but this process of adding new broth to old is what gives Shizuoka oden the distinctive flavor that many people find so delicious.
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- - - - - Shizuoka Oden - 5 details
black hanpen 黒はんぺん
black broth 黒いスープ
stuck on some special kushi串
sprinkeld with aonori 青海苔 and dashikona だし粉
often served at a store for dagashi sweets 駄菓子屋.

There is a food street near the station of Shizuoka,
Oden is the "soul food" of the people here.
Oden Yokocho 静岡 おでん横丁

. Oden, O-Den hodgepodge おでん 御田 .

omoro オモロ with vinegar-miso or boiled in soy sauce or with curry sauce.
same as tebichi in Okinawa: tonsoku 豚足(とんそく)


sakuraboo さくら棒 "cherry blossom stick"
Made from FU wheat gluten and food coloring, a sweet. It also comes in different colors (flavors), like green powder tea. Some are as long as 60 centimeters.
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sakura-ebi no kakiage 桜えびのかき揚げ
Kakiage-Tempura from sakura shrimp
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Made from fresh shrimp and leafs of leek, cut finely.
geschnitzeltes Tempura mit Sakura-Garnelen
Dishes with Sakura-ebi 桜えび料理

sakura gohan さくらご飯 "cherry blossom rice"
rice cooked with soy sauce and sake only, no other ingredients.
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From the Western Parts of Shizuoka. Today it is eaten at homes and schools and kids like this simple dish.
Probably it started much earlier, when the fishermen and farmers offered for the Ebisu deity not only their catch and farm products, but a bowl of this simple rice.

sakura ha mochi さくら葉餅
Mochi wrapped in cherry leaves
From the town of Matsuzaki 松崎町, since Showa 6.


shirasu tatami しらすタタミ
small white fish dried "like a tatami mat"


Shizuoka cha 静岡茶 tea from Shizuoka
The growing of tea started at the early Meiji-Period, when the statesman Katsu Kaishu (1823-1899) had to take care of the livelihood of the vasalls from the last Tokugawa shogun. He suggested they come to Shizuoka, where the Shogun Yoshinobu had taken up residence in exile, and start planting tea, since green tea was in demand with the many foreigners coming to Japan via Yokohama. The retainers came to Makinohara 牧之原台地 to start the tea plantages.
- - - Count Katsu Kaishū 勝海舟

. Katsu Kaishu in Akasaka Tamachi, Tokyo .

Reference ... Tea from Shizuoka

Shizuoka koora 静岡コーラ Cola from Shizuoka (with green tea)

The Kimura Drinks Co.,Ltd. have been producing a variety of drinks since their foundation in 1947. A local business that is still stationed in the Shizuoka Prefecture (between Nagoya and Tokyo), they have survived and thrived by not competing with the big boys like Asahi and Kirin, but but by producing small quantities of locally made drinks.
- snip - Although the drink draws in the tourists, Kimura Drink is not resting in its quest to make the most unique drinks available. Besides Shizuoka Cola, you can buy Shizuoka, Strawberry and Fuji Cider (as in lemonade, not fermented apples).
- - source axio mmagazine -


suppon ryoori スッポン料理
Speciality of Hamamatsu. 70% of Japanese suppon is farmed here.
suppon turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis

takaashigani taka-ashi kani たかあしがに (高足蟹)
crabs with long legs. Japanese Spider Crab.
Macrocheira kaempferi . giant spider crab
fished in the deap sea off Heda, Izu peninsula, in Suruga Bay.
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„Japanische Spinnen-Krabbe“.

torobotchi, torobocchi とろぼっち fish
fished in the deap sea off Heda, Izu peninsula.
shinkaigyo 深海魚 fish from the deep sea, more than 200 meters desp
also called
aome eso アオメエソ 青眼狗母魚
The body is long and round, about 15 cm. Big eyes, which reflect the sunlight, so it is also called "sparkling eyes" (mehikari メヒカリ). His white meat is used for sashimi, kara-age and shioyaki fried with salt.
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tororojiru とろろ汁 soup with grated tororo yam
At the station Mariko 丸子の宿 (鞠子) of the old Tokaido. For example from 梅若菜丸子の宿
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unagi no kabayaki うなぎの蒲焼き broiled eel
aquafarming has started here since the Meiji restauration around lake Hamanako 浜名湖.

わさび漬け wasbizuke, wasabi pickles
spring kigo

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Shizuoka .




Okayama ... and Momotaro



Momotaro Hodgepodge (momotaroo nabe)

***** Location: Japan, Okayama
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Momotaro (Momotaroo ももたろう, 桃太郎 )
the Peach Boy
is the hero of Okayama city. The main street is even called "Momotaro Road", momotaroo doori 桃太郎通り and an annual festival is held in his honor.
Der Pfirsischjunge

Momotaro from Okayama
Clay Bell from Okayama

. Momotaro 桃太郎 and Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
The Folktale Discussion


The city of Okayama has now "invented" a hodgepodge named after this famous hero 桃太郎鍋.
CLICK for more photos It started off with a big pot serving visitors of a festival in 2006.
The hodgepodge includes ass the heroes of the story. Momotaro himself is represented by kibi dango, kibidango 黍団子 millet dumplings. The red demon is represented by mochi with red rice, whereas the green demon has yomogi mugwort mochi. The local momotaro jidori 桃太郎地鶏 chicken is used for the soup. Only local vegetables are used. They are cut into the heroes of the story, carrots are cut in little monkey shapes, the white dog is formed from radish. Yellow nira leek of Okayama is also added in great quantity to represent the tail of the pheasant.
It is quite fun to pick them all out of the pot when done. So the family has something to talk about when eating together.


The main story of
Momotaro and Momotaro Dolls and Amulets

. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy .


Momotaro Festival in Okayama
"桃太郎祭り" Momotaro Matsuri

source :

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One of the attraction is the dance "uraja うらじゃ", where people paint the faces in all colors and wear fancyful costumes. Groups of many villages take part and often there is a competition for the best costumes and dancing.
My own village Ohaga also has a dance groupe of this kind.

. . . CLICK here for URAJA Photos !

桃太郎祭りずし弁当 Sushi for the Momotaro Festival
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. Shrine Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社 .


The story of Momotaro may be related to the old believes of the onmyodo 陰陽道 Yin-Yang Worldview. The direction of bad influence, kimon, is in the ushi-tora (bull tiger) direction. So one of the demons Momotaro is fighting has horns and the other wears a tiger skin.

And the Monkey, Dog and Pheasant are animals in the zodiac, in the opposite heavenly direction from the kimon 鬼門 .

The peach itself is seen as an auspicious symbol.
In the shrine Abe Jinja 安部神社 at the kimon related to the imperial palace in Kyoto is a metal peach, where people come to touch it to ward off evil 厄除けの桃 even today.
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Momotarō (桃太郎)
CLICK for more photos is a popular hero from Japanese folklore. His name literally means Peach Tarō; as Tarō is a common Japanese boy's name, it is often translated as Peach Boy. Momotarō is also the title of various books, films, and other works that portray the tale of this hero.

The popular Children's song about Momotarō titled Momotarō-san no Uta (Momotarō's Song) was first published in 1911. One version of it is included below with romanization and translation.

Momotarō-san no uta (Momotarō's Song)

Momotarō-san, momotarō-san (Momotarō, Momotarō)

Okoshi ni tsuketa kibidango (Those millet dumplings on your waist)

Hitotsu watashi ni kudasai na? (Won't you give me one?)

Agemashou, agemashou (I'll give you one, I'll give you one)

Ima kara oni no seibatsu ni (From now, on a quest to conquer the ogres)

Tsuite kuru nara agemashou (If you come with me, I'll give one to you)
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Momotaroo tomato 桃太郎トマト
Momotaroo tomato serii 桃太郎トマトセリー
Jelly from Momotaro Tomatoes
Momotaroo goorudo 桃太郎ゴールド Momotaro Gold Tomatoes
The skin is rather thin.
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These tomatoes are a special kind of "sugar tomatoes シュガートマト" with a high sugar content.

Momotaro tomato amanatto トマト甘納豆
Sweet tomatos with a sugar coating

Momotaro grapes 桃太郎ぶどう momotaroo budoo
are big and green and very sweet. They have no kernels and the skin can be eaten too.
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Momotaro and Daruma ... 桃太郎とだるま

Painted with the wish to recover from illness.
source :

One of the "smallpox paintings" . hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 .


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Showa 33 in Shimonoseki
source :


Chawanmushi served in a Daruma bowl
together with a Momotaro Sushi

桃太郎寿司でだるまの ハンニバル茶碗蒸し
source :


Bichu, Kurashiki Anko Meguri Stamp Ralley, October 2009
備中・倉敷あんこめぐり スタンプラリー

WASHOKU -Sweets from Okayama

Kurashiki Tenryo Sushi Matsuri / Okayama no Matsuri Sushi
and other festivals in Kurashiki

Bii Kyuu Gurume B級グルメ Grade B Gourmet, Okayama prefecture

Grade B Gourmet Meeting in Tsuyama
B Kyu Gurume .. Festa in Tsuyama
March 20 / 21, 2010 in Tsuyama town


Other dishes from Okayama

amidaikon あみだいこん
amiebi (ami-ebi) shrimp, radish and ginger are cooked with soy sauce, rice wine and sugar. A dish to bring autumn to the region of the Inland sea.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of ami-ebi あみえび!

aounagi, ao-unagi アオウナギ, アオ鰻 blue eel from Bizen Kojima Bay

arasuka アラスカ, arasuka mame アラスカ豆 Alaska green peas
arasuka gohan アラスカご飯 cooked rice with green peas.

barazushi ばらずし バラ寿司)Gemischtes Sushi
In Okayama wird ein reichbestücktes Sushi in einem Teller angerichtet. Auf den Sushi-Reis kommen verschiedene Auflagen, es ist eine Art, die auch „chirashizushi“ genannt wird. Der Segen des Meeres und der Segen der Berge leuchtet in bunten Farben auf dem weißen Reis. Der Regionalfürst von Bizen und Okayama, Ikeda Mitsumasa (1609-1682), erließ damals einen Sparbefehl, nach dem für eine Mahlzeit nur „eine Suppe und ein weitere Speise“ serviert werden durften. Seine schlauen Untertanen umgingen diesen Befehl, indem sie auf einem großen Teller Reis allerlei Fischstücke, Garnelen und andere Meeresfrüchte sowie viele Gemüsesorten der jeweiligen Saison anhäuften. Dieses farbenprächtige Sushi hat sich bis heute erhalten und darf bei keiner Feier oder Festlichkeit fehlen, es wird daher auch „Festtags-Sushi“ (matsurizushi) genannt.

bengara karee ベンガラカレー Bengara Curry from Fukiya Village

dodomese どどめせ sushi rice with mixed ingredients
a kind of takikomi gohan with vinegar, to make a sushi. The beginning of the chirashizushi of Okayama. Already prepared in the Kamakura period. At that time, there was a stop-over for ships from Bizen to Fukuoka, where the takasebune ships used this kind of mixed rice as obento. The original word was doburoku meshi どぶろくめし (doburoku is cloudy white sake rice wine). It is also the origin of Bizen barazushi 備前ばらずし.
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Fagiano Okayama ファジアーノ岡山

icecream from Hiruzen milk
onigiri with mentaiko
Fagi Chicken KATSU Burger ファジチキン勝バーガー
Fagi crepe
Chahan bento チャーハン弁当 fried rice bento
pon juice ポンジュース orange juice

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Fagiano Okayama Football Club is a football club from Okayama, Okayama, Japan. Fagiano currently play in the J. League Division 2, the second-tier professional football league in the country. Fagiano in Italian means "pheasant", and it's a reference to the pheasant that was a companion of local legend character Momotarō. Their mascot Fagi-kun is based on the specific species native to Japan, the Green Pheasant.
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funameshi フナ飯 rice with funa fish

gonboo baagaa ゴンボーバーガー,牛蒡バーガー, ごんぼうバーガー” hamburger with gobo
Ibara town 井原
The town grows a lot of the variety Meiji goboo (gonbo in the local dialect) and puts this vegetable in many dishes. It is also sold as a "station lunch" ekiben.
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hime toogarashi 姫とうがらし roter Pfeffer aus Okutsu
hime togarashi, red hot chili peppers
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It is sold in various preparations, dried, as powder or in hot oil salad dressing. Even Konnyaku is flavored with red chili (konnyaku hime).


Hiruzen Yakisoba 蒜山焼そば fried noodles from Hiruzen
Flavored with miso sauce.
This has become more popular with the B-Kyu Gurmet movement, and even one prizes.
It is an old dish, keeping the tradition of the region. In winter, when snow covered the exit passes fro the highlands, farmers had to make do whith what they could preserve. So each family used some kind of miso pickles and a home-made miso-sauce mix for a "family flavor".
The chicken for this dish come from old hens, which have done their duty laying eggs. It was suggested to use young chicken with softer meat, but that is not the tradition of Hiruzen farmers, so the old ways were revived in this popular noodle dish.
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Hiruzen okowa 蒜山(ひるぜん)おこわ Mochi-Klebreis mit roten Bohnen
und anderem Gemuese aus dem Hiruzen Hochland
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horumon udon ホルモンうどん udon noodles with innards
hormon udon
In the town of Tsuyama 津山市 this is quite popular as one of the B-kyu B 級グルメ second class gourmet foods. It even won third grading in the All Japan B-Kyu events in 2009. It was served at our village sports festival this autumn, look at the delicious photo above!
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they even serve
hormon udon noodles -
villge sports festival

Gabi Greve, October 2009


inoshishi raamen いのししラーメン with wild boar meat
from Niimi town, Okayama 新見市岡山県

kakioko, kaki oko カキオコ omelette with oysters
kaki okonomiyaki ... kakioko was coined in 2008 for promoting the village.
About 10 to 15 oysters per portion are put in a kind of okonomiyaki pizza style omelette with a lot of cut cabbage.
It is also called "Hinase yaki" 日生焼き
from Hinase fishing port 日生地区, near Bizen
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kako no jabujabu 水夫のじゃぶじゃぶ sailor's jabu-jabu
Ushimado 牛窓

karee, furuutsu karee フルーツカレー curry with local fruit
like peaches, persimmons, pione grapes, Momotaro tomatoes and even innards of pork (horumon karee)
Click on the photo to start your walk through our local specialities.

Kasaoka raamen 笠岡ラーメン Kasaoka ramen noodle soup
made only with chicken meat (chikin chaashuu) and chicken soup, since more than 50 years.
After the war, Kasaoka town was surrounded by chicken farms.
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kenbiki-yaki, kenbikiyaki ケンビキ焼き, けんびき焼き
Kenbiki, kembiki in local dialect means "to be tired".
In the local dialect, the first of June, rokugatsu ichinichi, rokugatsu hitohi was pronounced rokkahidee ロッカッヒテエー was one whole day in June when the farmers did the planting of rice seedlings. All villagers would stop their other work and be out in the fields, also called shiromidi シロミテ, white day.
On this day, the kenyiki-yaki, prepared in a hooroku ホウロク earthen pan wrapped in leaves of myoga ginger was offered to the local deities (ujigami 氏神様、内神様) and later eaten by the whole family.
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Recipe see below.

kibimochi, kibi mochi きび餅 mochi with millet
Often mochikibi もちきび flour is used to make it.
They were a substitute for poor farmers who could not afford to use mochigome rice in olden times.
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Kokerazushi こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨 layered sushi
from Hiruzen. kokera sushi

kurobuta from Nagi, Sakushuu 作州 black pork meat
Sakushuu kurobuta sushi with sushirice and black beans
yellow nira from Nagi

kusagina kakemeshi くさぎなかけめし
rice with kusagina leaves
From Kibi Chuo Town, Kibi Kogen highlands 吉備高原
kusagina are the leaves from a tree of the verbena officinalis family (kumatsuzura クマツヅラ科), which grows about 3 meters in hight. The leaves are big and eggshaped and have a strong smell. The leaves are dried and eaten as hozonshoku by the hunters of the mountainous area. They are rich in vitamin C and Calcium.
It is now also prepared as a school lunch and sold in packs online.
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mamakari, sappa ままかり(さっぱ) Sardinella zunasi
. . . . . mamakarizushi ままかりずし sushi with mamakari fish

mogai 藻貝 / もがい も貝 small clams
Boiled as tsukudani, put on the bento lunchbox or in miso soup.

mokuzugani 藻屑蟹 / モクズガニ Japanese mitten crab
from Kumenan, along the river Asahigawa 久米南, 旭川


otsukakegohan, o-tsu kakegohan お汁かけごはん
rice with miso sauce
A bowl of local rice is doused with a bowl of miso sauce. A few pickled vegetables as a side dish make a simple farmer's meal.
Kumen Town, Michi no Eki 道の駅久米の里
source : Sanyo Shinbun, December 2009


- new instant ramen soups インスタント ラーメン

gomamiso raamen ごまみそラーメン with sesame seeds and miso paste

momotaroo dango raamen 桃太郎団子ラーメン with chicken meatballs

satoyama raamen 岡山里山ラーメン "Village noodle soup" with mushrooms and all kinds of vegetables

setouchi kaki raamen 瀬戸内カキラーメン from Setuichi, with oysters


sabazushi サバずし / 鯖ずし
Speciality in Northern Okayama prefecture, especially prepared for the autumn festival. The salted fish was brought from Tottori during the Edo period and the farmers could only afford to buy it just after the harvest.
In my village, the farmers wifes offer their handmade sabazushi to friends and family.
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Sakushuu kuro 作州黒 Black beans from Sakushu province
Sakushu is an old name of some northern parts of Okayama prefecture
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sawara no kookozushi サワラのこうこずし

shirasagi komugi しらさぎ小麦 "white heron" type of wheat
good for making udon noodles.
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tai no hamayaki 鯛の浜焼き
sakuradai no hamayaki 櫻鯛の浜焼き
from Kasaoka Town
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Tamagokake gohan TKG 卵かけご飯 boiled rice with raw egg
Misaki Cho, 美咲町. made from tanada mai, rice from the terraced rice fields of Ohaga Nishi 大垪和西.
Ohaga, home of Gabi Greve

. Tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子 hammerspawn
legendary reptile souvenir food, Akaiwa and Yoshii

Tsuyama, B Kyu Gurume .. Festa おかやまB級グルメフェスタin 津山
March 20/21, 2010

Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town
連島町(つらじまちょう). Kurashiki 倉敷市
They are quite delicious when eaten raw. Harvested from late autumn onward.
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They are also trying to make shochu (renkon shooshuu レンコン焼酎) liquor with this roots.


. Oishii o-hanashi Okayama
おいしいおはなし 岡山 .

Literature and Food Event from February to March 2012


- source : okayama .. -
Bukkake Udon
Hawasabi Sushi
Iidako boiled with soy sauce
Jaku Tempura
Manzen Kabura
Shino Udon
Ujo Golden Sushi

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kintaro, the Golden Boy
Daruma Museum


kibi, millet and
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
kigo for mid-autumn

ume saku ya inu ni matagaru momotarô

plum blossoms --
riding a dog
the Peach Boy

oi ga yo ni momotaroo mo deyo sute fukube

to an old man's world
Peach Boy, come out!
hollow gourd

Kobayashi Issa

In Issa's journal this is the first haiku of Eighth Month, 1816. Earlier that year, the last haiku of Second Month began with the same first two phrases, but ended with "peach blossoms" (momo no hana). Though the kanji for "gourd" is today read as hisago, Issa read it as fukube. Shinji Ogawa notes that a hollowed fukube could be used as a container or bottle.
In this haiku, "the gourd becomes a magic lamp or a bottle where a Genie comes out, in this case, Peach Boy." He adds, "There is a Japanese phrase, hyootan kara koma which means 'a horse from a gourd' or 'an unexpected thing happened'."
Tr. David Lanoue


Kurashiki  倉敷  is famous for its canals and willow trees. There is a group of elders who go around town with masks and large fans and tap people on the head for good luck.
They walk around as representatives for their friends who are bedridden and can not go out.

suinkyo, su-inkyo 素隠居 (すいんきょ)persons in retirement
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. Suinkyo Matsuri - Festival at Achi Shrine 阿智神社 .

. Toys and Talismans from Japan .

Related words

Momotaro Food / my photos

***** WASHOKU : Local chicken (jidori)

Shoodoshima 小豆島 Shodoshima
Kagawa prefecture, but close to Okayama

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy Dolls .


- #okayama #momotaro -