




The most important methods for preparing food are introduced here.


aburadooshi あぶらどおし【油通し】 frying food quickly
usually before simmering or other cooking methods. Often done with Chinese cooking The outside gets a small membrane that will not let the taste leek out later. Usually done at 150 to 160 degrees centigrade.

あぶらぬき【油抜き】 to drain off oil
after frying and deep-frying. Put it in hot water for a moment to drain of the oily taste.

aburu あぶる【焙る/炙る】 to per-heat
Both sides of a food are heatet for a moment over a grill or gas flames to get rid of excess moisture and warm the food. Nori get tasty after this treatment.


Aemono あえ物、和え物 (あえもの) Japanese Dressing

... Namasu dressing 膾 , 鱠, なます


Ageru 揚げる (あげる) frying, stir-frying
this word is also used for tenpura and furai (fried shrimp)

Kara-age and Tatsuta-age ... deep-frying 唐揚げ / 竜田揚げ

Kushiage, kushi-age 串揚げ deep-fried food pieces on bamboo sticks

agebitashi あげびたし【揚(げ)浸し】first frying and then marinating in flavored broth for some time.
With eggplants. Fish get softer bones when prepared like this.

agedama あげだま【揚(げ)玉】bits of fried batter
for example after cooking some tempura (tempura kasu, tenkasu 天かす)
in Kanto, these are put into udon soup )Tanuki udon.
Also put into miso soup.

agedashi あげだし【揚(げ)出し】deep fried food with a batter is placed in broth, some yakumi spices are added and shredded daikon radish, to sap off the oil.
Usually for Tofu (agedashidoofu) and eggplants (agedashi nasu 揚げだし茄子)
. . . CLICK here for eggplant Photos !

ageni, age-ni あげに【揚(げ)煮】 first frying, then simmering
Fish, meat or vegetables.


Aku nuki, akunuki あくぬき (灰汁抜き) removing bitterness
the vegetables are often rubbed and rolled in a special liquid.
aku has an acrid, alkaline flavor.
Bitter chestnuts and acorns were treated in running water for days before eating.
Bamboo shoots need to be treated too, by boiling them with rice bran (komenuka).
Many ferns and other sansai mountain vegetables need to be treated.
rubbing with salt, shiomomi しおもみ(塩揉み)

aku tori, akutori アク取り take off the scum from boiling food
usually a flat spoon or sieve is used
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amani, ama-ni あまに【甘煮】 "sweetly simmered"
Simmering food with extra lots of sugar. Especially kabocha, sweet potatoes and beans. People in Nagasaki use a lot of sugar in the food.

amiyaki あみやき【網焼き】 grilling, broiling
when the food is placed on a metal net or squeezed between two nets.

aomi あおみ "greenness"
to add green color for decoration.
for sashimi : aojiso perilla, spinach, cucumbers, cauliflower
for dressings (aemono) : rapeseed, shungiku chrysanthemum, spinach, cucumber, mitsuba, menegi leek
for nimono simmering : sayaendoo green beans, sayaingen, rapeseed, shungiku, mizuna, kinome tree buds
for soups : mitsuba, green leek, spinach, shungiku, mizuna, mibuna, kaiwarena.


aramijin あらみじん / 粗みじん cut into rough small pieces
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araregiri あられぎり / あられ切り cut to squares like arare pieces
especially for vegetables with a lenght of 4 to 5 cm.

ataru あたる grinding
The proper word would be suru する【擂る】for grinding, but this has a negative feeling to it (engi ga yokunai), so its opposite ataru あたる【当たる/中る】was choosen.

Im Mörser zerreiben

suribachi すりばち【擂り鉢/摺り鉢】 earthwear mortar
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Denbu and Oboro 田麩 / おぼろ (朧)... shredded food preparations
sakura denbu

Dengaku 田楽 dance and food
pieces on skewers with miso paste


heating food

Old names of the Edo period:
the words in brackets are used now

bunka 文火 (ぶんか) low heat/flame (yowabi 弱火)
bunbuka 文武火(ぶんぶか)medium heat/flame (chuubi 中火)
buka 武火(ぶか) high heat/flame (tsuyobi 強火)


Hitasu 浸す (ひたす)
soaking, steeping
Ohitashi お浸し o-hitashi 御浸し


iburi いぶり, ibusu 燻す to smoke, smoking, smoked food
kunsei 燻製 smoked food, often with cherry wood chips.

Iru いる (炒る /煎る) roasting, toasting
rösten; dörren; brennen; braten.
Preparation with little oil or whater, simply stirring the food frequently.

Kara iri からいり (乾煎り/ 空炒り), parching without using oil, dry-roasting

see ... iridoofu, iridori, iritamago.


Kanro-Ni, kanroni 甘露煮 sweet simmering
for small fish or fruit


Kiru 切る cutting Japanese food
an art in itself !


Kosu こす straining
strainer for miso, misokoshi みそこし (味噌漉し)
sarashi さらし, sarashinuno さらし布 thin cloth for straining food


Modosu もどす(戻す) rehydrating dried food, soaking dried food in water


Musu むす (蒸す)steaming
dünsten, schmoren, in einer Pfanne, wenn die Lebensmittel Wasser ziehen

mushiki むしき (蒸し器) steamer
mushiyaki ... 蒸し焼き steaming
This is a typical preparation for Chinese food items and some Japanese fish dishes.
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jigoku mushi 地獄蒸し boiled in hot steam of a hot spring
Gokuraku Onkei 極楽温鶏 whole steamed chicken from Oita 極楽温鶏

in Dampf kochen

seiromushi, seiro mushi セイロ蒸し steamed in a seiro steamer
a traditional seiro is made of bamboo (take seiro 竹せいろ).
Or you can use a metal pot and have two or more seiro to put on it.
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Niru 煮る simmering
nitsuke 煮付け simmering with soy sauce, sugar and mirin
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Hokke no nitsuke ... and Prime Minister Aso some politics !

aoni あおに【青煮】"simmering while keeping the green color"
mostly with salt and thin soy sauce.

nimono 煮物 simmered/boiled food
. niuriya, niuri-ya 煮売屋 / 煮売り屋 / にうりや selling simmered, boiled food .
saiya 菜屋
niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 quick lunch vendor
ochazuke ya お茶漬け屋 selling o-chazuke
- niuribune 煮売船 / 煮売り船

inakani, inaka-ni 田舎煮 cooked food, "rural style"
vegetables boiled with soysauce and sugar, until almost all liquid is gone. Often prepared with taro.
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suppa-ni すっぱ煮 sour simmered food

umani, uma-ni うまに 【旨煮/甘煮】 "deliciously simmered"
fish [meat] and vegetables boiled in soy sauce and sugar
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Onigiri おにぎり rice balls

Orosu おろす grating

grating radish, daikon oroshi だいこんおろし (大根卸し)
metal grater, oroshigane おろしがね (下ろし金/卸し金), comes in many shapes, some used directly at the table for wasabi etx.
samekawa oroshi-ki 鮫皮 下ろし器 grater for shakeskin


Otoshibuta おとしぶた (落とし蓋) "dropped down lid", lid resting directly on the food in a pot or pan
to simmer, poach or braise food
The lid has to be a little bit smaller than the opening of the pot or pan.


Shiokara ... salty and pugnant pickles 塩辛

Shiozuke しおづけ(塩漬(け)) preserved in salt, pickled in salt
preserve fish in salt
Einsalzen, Einlegen in Salz (Fisch, Gemüse, Eier).
Pökeln (Fleisch und Wurstwaren)

Einsalzen ist neben dem Trocknen eine der ältesten Methoden zur Konservierung von Lebensmitteln. Dabei wird durch das Salz die Feuchtigkeit in den Produkten für Mikroorganismen unbrauchbar. Um zuverlässig zu wirken, muss das Salz die Lebensmittel vollständig und gleichmäßig durchdringen. Dem Salz können auch trockene Gewürze zugegeben werden, um den Geschmack zu verbessern ...
Bei einigen Produkten, z.B. Weißkohl oder grünen Bohnen, tritt durch eine genau abgemessene Salzmenge Saft aus. Die darin enthaltenen Mikroorganismen bewirken eine langsame Fermentation, bei der Zucker in Säure verwandelt wird.
Dabei kommt außer dem Salz noch Salpeter zum Einsatz, der die bakterienhemmende Wirkung des Salzes verstärkt.
Pökeln mit Nitritpökelsalz
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Shogayaki ... Ginger Roast Meat 生姜焼き


Suritsubusu すりつぶす(磨り潰す/擂り潰す) crushing, mashing, grinding
groved grating mortar, suribachi すりばち(擂り鉢/摺り鉢)


Tare, タレ all kinds of sauces for dipping
amadare, あまだれ 甘タレ sweet dipping sauce
gomadare, ごまだれ(胡麻垂れ) seseme sauce
misodare みそだれ 味噌タレ miso sauce
shabushabu no tare しゃぶしゃぶのタレ comes with different kinds of sauces for dipping, some are the specialities of a restaurand kept for many generations.
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shoogadare しょうがだれ ginger sauce
wasabidare, wasabijooyu (wasabi shoyu) わさびだれ、山葵醤油 soy sauce with Japanese horseradish

tataki たたき food chopped with a knife
aji no tataki アジのたたき chopped horse mackerel


. tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura .

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tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 .
天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura
deep-fried battered food
many ingredients are deep-fried. Mostly fish and seafood and vegetables.
Even the new leaves of greet tea are made into tempura during the season 新茶の天婦羅.
The recipe for tempura was introduced to Japan by Portuguese Jesuit missionaries particularly active in the city of Nagasaki also founded by the Portuguese, during the sixteenth century (1549).
Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, reportedly loved tempura. Originally, tempura was a popular food eaten at street venders called 'yatai'(屋台) since the Genroku era.
Today, tempura is still a popular side dish at home, and is frequently eaten as a topping at soba stands.
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frittierter Fisch, frittiertes Gemüse

WASHOKU : Tenpura Tempura dishes in our BLOG

basu tenpura バス天ぷら tempura from black bass
From Lake Biwa

Maple leaves tempura (momiji tenpura)

kinpura きんぷら 【金麩羅】Kinpura
the coating is made with buckwheat flour. Oil from torreya nuts (kaya 榧(かや) is used for frying.
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tenpuraya 天麩羅屋 vendor of tenpura in Edo
They were the beginning of small stalls selling "fast food" to be eaten while standing, for the fast-living workers of Edo.

source : homepage3.nifty.com/shokubun

. Food vendors in Edo .

tenpura no yubi o giboshi e hikinasuri

he wipes his fatty tempura fingers
on the giboshi decoration
of the bridge

This senryu tells us about the carefree behaviour of the tempura cooks. Tempura was made with some flavor on the food items, but not served with sauce as it is today. Tempura dipping sauce was introduced much later in the Meiji period.

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

. giboshi 擬宝珠 metai decoration of a railing .


Tsukemono 漬物 Pickles

asazuke あさづけ【浅漬け】lightly pickled vegetables

Tsukimi, with an egg as "moon viewing" decoration

tsukudani つくだに (佃煮, つくだ煮) simmering in sweetened soy sauce


Yahata-maki やはたまき (八幡巻き) goboo burdock roll
from Yahata village, Kyoto


Yaku 焼く "burning, heating", baking, toasting, broiling, grilling, pan searing
this word is used for many preparations, sometimes using oil.

shichirin しちりん (七輪) small portable stove for grilling with charcoal
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YAKU ...
Aburi-yaki, Horoku-yaki, Kara-yaki, Kimi-yaki, Miso-yaki, Namban-yaki, O-kariba-yaki, Shio-yaki, Teri-yaki
and many more !


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Yamatoni, Yamato-ni 大和煮 simmering meat of wild animals and birds in soy sauce, sugar and ginger
for whale meat, ginger and perilla leaves are cut finely and simmered too.
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This method evolved in the Meiji period, when meat was eaten more frequently in Japan. A procucer of canned chicken meat, Maeda 前田道方 made it famous.
In 1915 the company Meijiya 明治屋 produced canned beef.
In 1923 Mitsukoshi in Nihonbashi had bargain sales of the canned meat. The Japanese army used this canned meat too.
hogei 捕鯨(ほげい) catching whales became popular and much whale meat was produced for canning, also sheep, horse and deer, even bears and sea lions. But all this meet has a strong animal tast and needs long hours of simmering.
See .. Kujira Ekiben from Tateyama, Chiba.

. Yamato Province in Nara prefecture   

Yudoshi, yudooshi ゆどおし(湯通し) blanching in boiling water


Zubereitung, Zubereitungen von Speisen





Simmering in sweetened soy sauce (tsukudani)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


tsukudani つくだに (佃煮) simmering in sweetened soy sauce, using mirin, sugar and some spices to make it a bit hot. It does not have a watery sauce and tastes quite strong.
It has been used since olden times as a kind of food preserve. It started with the fisherman from Tsukuda island, who prepared the leftovers of fish in this way. They came originally from the Osaka area and Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu settled them at Tsukuda island.
Tsukudani is a speciality of Tokyo.

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These preparations come with different flavors for each season.
Fish, shells, clams, meat, vegetables or seaweeds can be used.
kisetsu no tsukudani 季節のつくだ煮

kai no tsukudani 貝の佃煮 shellfish boiled in sweetened soy sauce

Tsukudani are often put into onigiri rice balls.

I remember eating ants tsukudani, have to check it out.

sansho no tsukudani 山椒のつくだ煮
Japanese pepper, "Mountain pepper" sanshoo


tsukudani kaidoo つくだに街道, つくだ煮街道
Road of Tsukudani

Store specializing in this food

at Aichi


Tsukudani is a Japanese simmered dish flavored with soy sauce and sugar, and so on. It's a great side dish to serve with hot steamed rice. When you have leftover kombu from making dashi broth, try making tsukudani.

Tsukudani is usually very salty, and it's good to eat on hot steamed rice.

Kombu no Tsukudani Recipe is here:
source :  japanesefood.about.com / Setsuko Yoshizuka


Tsukudani is small seafood, meat or seaweed that has been simmered in soy sauce and mirin. High osmotic pressure preserves the ingredients. Its name originates from Tsukudajima, the island (in present-day Chūō, Tokyo) where it was first made in the Edo period.
Many kinds of tsukudani are sold. Traditionally made tsukudani is preservable and has been favored as a storable side dish in Japanese kitchen since the Edo period.
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„Eingekochtes von der Insel Tsukuda“.
Mit gesüßter Sojasauce und Gewürzen.


Tsukuda-shima Tsukuda Island

Tsukuda island is a low, sandy islet at the mouth of the Sumida river, which runs through the heart of Edo. Apart from a few patches of trees and small vegetable gardens, the entire island is occupied by a thriving village of fishermen and boat pilots, who make their living from the commerce of Edo Bay.

This island is located in an ideal spot for people who make their living from the sea. It is located right at the mouth of the Sumida river -- the largest waterway in Edo. From here, small boats can easily make their way up the river and through the network of canals to most of the neighborhoods in downtown Edo. To the south, deep water channels extend out into Edo bay. The docks of Shiba and Tsukiji are nearby, so large boats can anchor near the island as they wait to be unloaded.

The volume of goods brought into Edo is so large that no single port could possibly handle it. Although the most important cargoes are unloaded at the docks of Shiba, Tsukiji, Minato and Shinagawa, a lot of ships unload their cargoes directly onto small barges and takase-bune as they lie at anchor here, in the lee of Tsukuda island. The smaller boats then carry the goods through Edo's network of canals and waterways to small, riverside wharves, known as kashi.

Because of its location, Tsukuda island is a convenient spot for barges and small boats to stop while waiting for the large ships to start unloading. The beaches are almost always crowded with small boats, and the few chaya (teahouses) on the island are filled with customers chatting, gossipping and sipping their tea as they wait.

In addition to these visitors, the island is home to a thriving village of fishermen. The residents of Tsukuda island came to Edo in the mid-1600s at the request of the Shogun. Edo needed to increase the supply of fish to the city, because its population was growing too fast for the existing fishermen to keep up with demand. To convince people to leave their homes in western Japan and move to Edo, the Shogun offered them the special right to fish anywhere in Edo Bay that they want. Entire villages of fishermen accepted the offer, and moved to Edo, establishing large villages in the "Edo-mae" area, including one on Tsukuda island and one on the other side of the Sumida river, in Fukagawa.

Although these fishermen are not allowed to sell their products to the Shogun and his court, they do supply a large share of the fish bought by average citizens. Edo Bay is a rich source of all kinds of seafood, and the fishermen of Tsukuda island have developed many different methods of catching each type. Solitary fish, such as tai (red snapper) are usually caught with a regular fishing line. Other fish can be caught the same way, but it is usually more effective to use nets

The fishermen have developed a wide variety of different nets to catch different types of fish. Triangular nets on the end of long forked poles are used to catch fish that live in the mud at the bottom o the bay, such as hirame (flatfish) or tako (octopus). Small fish that swim in schools, for example iwashi (sardines), can be caught by just one person using a throwing net. But in order to catch larger fish, like saba (mackerel) and katsuo (bonito), the fishermen have to use huge nets, and work together in a group. Sometimes they use nets that are so big, they have to work in large groups, to haul the nets back in to shore.

Most of the fish can be caught right here in Edo Bay, but some of the largest types, such as maguro (tuna), can only be caught out in the open sea. Once in a while, fishing fleets will leave the bay for several days at a time to chase the huge schools of tuna. They may even attempt to catch a whale. When they are successful, these ocean expeditions can be very profitable. A big load of tuna or whale meat will bring a great price in the fishmarkets of Nihonbashi. However, fishing boats are not as well built as cargo ships; storms can blow up at any time out in the open ocean, so long trips to sea can be very risky. Even here in the Bay, life for most fishermen is difficult and dangerous.

Although fishing is the traditional work of the people from Tsukuda island, many of them have now taken new professions. Because of all the ships that anchor in this area to unload their cargoes, there is always demand for experienced boat pilots, who can transport goods from the large, seagoing vessels to the canal-side markets in different parts of the city. Other people, like Gyotaro, work in the city transporting people from place to place by boat -- as a sort of a "water taxi driver".
source :  www.us-japan.org/edomatsu


midorimushi no tsukudani みどりむしの佃煮

Euglena tsukudani with various flavors  
yuugurena ユーグレナ Euglena

Worldwide use

das Tsukudani
in Sojasoße gekochte Meeresfrüchte

Variante der haltbaren Zubereitung durch knuspriges Einkochen in Sojasoße und Zucker.

Baby Bienen Tsukudani

Things found on the way


tsukudani no inago to natte hige o kosu

to make tsukudani
out of grashoppers ...
strain the whiskers 

Ishida Tokiji 石田時次

kigo for all autumn

inago 蝗, 稲子 ( いなご) 螽 grasshopper
catching grashoppers, inago tori 蝗捕り(いなごとり)
grashoppers on sticks, inagogushi 蝗串(いなごぐし)
The animal is about 3 cm long. Its long hind legs help it to jump well, but it does not sing in autumn. To catch the animal was not not only done to clear the rice paddies of an unwanted eater, but also to prepare the delicious tsukudani for the farmers, since it contains a lot of fat and protein.
Grashoppers are also eaten in other parts of the world.
inago no kushiage, sticks with fried grashoppers イナゴは串揚げ
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Konchuu Ryoori, konchu ryori
Insects as human food ... a chapter of its own!

Related words






Shiokara, salty and pungent
fermented fish paste

Shiokara (塩辛) is a food in Japanese cuisine made from various marine animals that consists of small pieces of the animal's meat in a brown viscous paste of the animal's heavily salted, fermented viscera. The raw viscera are mixed with about 10% salt, 30% malted rice, packed in a closed container, and fermented for up to a month. Shiokara is sold in glass or plastic containers.

The flavor is quite strong and is considered something of an acquired taste even for the native Japanese palate. The taste of shiokara lingers in the mouth. One method of enjoying it is to consume the serving at one gulp and to follow it with a shot of straight whisky. Some bars in Japan specialize in shiokara.

Ika no shiokara — from cuttlefish "squid",
The most common variety
Hotaruika no shiokara — from firefly squid
Katsuo no shiokara — from skipjack tuna
Kaki no shiokara — from oyster
Uni no shiokara — from sea urchin roe
Ami no shiokara — from shrimp

Some shiokara types have special names:

Ganzuke (がん漬, Ganzuke) — from fiddler crab
Saga prefecture

Konowata (このわた, 海鼠腸, Konowata) — from sea cucumber

Ishikawa prefecture

Mefun (めふん, Mefun) — from chum salmon (shake)

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fermented fish paste, sometimes yuzu citron is added.


Shiokara refers to the salted and fermented flesh, internal organs, eggs and the like of sea animals. The most popular shiokara in Japan is from squid. People eat it as a side dish and snacks to go with alcoholic beverages, but some people do not like it at all. "Konowata," considered to be one of the top three delicacies in Japan, is made with the intestines of sea cucumbers.

source :  www.welcome.city.sapporo.jp


Shiokara is made from squid or the guts of skipjack and other species. The internal organs of the squid are mixed with 10 percent salt and 30 percent malted rice. This mixture is bottled in an airtight container and kept for a month for fermentation.

This salty and viscous seafood is eaten as a pickle in Japan. In Japan Shio means salty and Shiokara means the color of the abdomen. Shiokara is made from a wide variety of fishes. In other words, Japanese Shiokara is of many types, like Ika no shiokara - from cuttlefish “squid” , Hotaruika no shiokara - from firefly squid ,Katsuo no shiokara - from bonito ,Kaki no shiokara - from oyster ,Konowata no shiokara - from curryfish (a sea cucumber) ,Uni no shiokara - from sea urchin roe and Ami no shiokara - from shrimp .
source :  www.foodmall.org


How to make

Shiokara is very simple to make.

Invariably on menus, product labels, "weird foods" websites and on "Fear Factor" it's described as "fermented squid with the guts". I'll have to admit that it's an accurate name, but not very marketing-friendly nor indicative of the wonderful taste that one should expect. I'd rather think of it as prepared squid with it's liver.

And guts? Well I don't know what's what in squid anatomy, but my guess is that by looks and taste that most of the "guts" of the squid by volume comes from this one huge sac-like structure that I'm guessing is the liver. Surely that's what it tastes like to me, and liver is the predominant taste in the shiokara.

Here's how my Mom taught me to make it. It's very simple.

Just take a fresh whole squid, available locally at Mitsuwa or Nijiya, and carefully remove the head. Pull out the ?quill?, a plastic-like structure that runs the length of the squid. Also remove the beak where the legs come together.

Carefully without bursting it remove the aforementioned sac-like structure, which I assume is the liver. Now remove the skin-like outer membrane that covers the entire outside of the squid. This part can be a little tricky and time-consuming. I'll often do this under running water and use my fingernails to start a small tear in the membrane and then with my fingers try to peel a larger section off. I've heard that the trick is to start at the tip of the head end and peel down, but your mileage may vary!

Cut up the now skinned flesh into short noodle-like sections, including the tentacles. To this squeeze the contents of the removed sac, and to which I add sea salt, some shichimi togarashi /or red pepper of your choice, and citrus zest. (Yuzu would be great if you can find it, but lemon works quite well...)

Mix it up and keep refrigerated in a sealed container. It improves in taste after a stint in the refrigerator.
source :  chowhound.chow.com


kigo for all summer

Kani bishio, kanibshio 蟹醢 かにびしお
crabs in soy sauce

kanibishiko 蟹胥(かにびしこ)
crabs in soy sauce, kanibishio蟹醤(かにびしお)
pickled crabs, kanizuke 蟹漬(かにづけ)
A kind of shiokara 塩辛 pickles.

shiokara natto 塩辛納豆(しおからなっとう)
kigo for late summer


kigo for all autumn

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. "shiokara tonbo" 塩辛蜻蛉(しおからとんぼ)dragonfly  
Orthetrum albistylum speciosum

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Salt, Salz (shio) and haiku  


shiokara o nosete daikon hotobashiri

big radish
and some shiokara on top ...
great passion

shiokara to oroshi daikon Echi no fuyu

shiokara and
grated big radish ...
winter in Echigo

Echi no fuyu shiokare mare ni katarisake

Winter in Echigo
shiokara and
smalltalk with sake

source : ぐるーとグルメ俳句  
Tr. Gabi Greve

The winter in Echigo is especially severe with a lot of snow.

Related words

Squid, cuttlefish dishes (ika ryoori イカ料理, 烏賊料理)   

Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹)

SALT 塩 shio
. WKD : moshio, mojio 藻塩 Salt with seaweed .




Suppa-ni sour simmered


Sour simmered (suppa-ni)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity



suppani, suppa-ni すっぱ煮

Food is simmered in a broth made of soy sauce and vinegar.
This kind of perparation is liked in summer, when the appetite is low.
Chicken meat is well suited, so are radish, potatoes and other vegetables.

Chicken meat, potatoes, and boiled eggs can be simmered together.
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suppai すっぱい【酸っぱい】sour, tart
tasting of vinegar

Vinegar (su)

Namasu なます vinegar dressing

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words






Rice balls (onigiri, o-nigiri おにぎり)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Westerners eat sandwiches, Japanese eat onigiri.
It is one of the favorite outdoor snacks.

o-nigiri, "the honorable hand-kneaded"
おにぎり/ お握り / 御握り

When kneading onigiri, you add a little salt to the palm of your hand to add some flavor to the food.
tejio ni kakeru 手塩, "hand-salt", which is also an expression for a child or a plant or something that you bring up with utmost care.

nigirimeshi にぎりめし

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The first mention seems to be already in the Genji Monogatari by Murasaki Shikibu.


Onigiri (御握り; おにぎり), also known as
Omusubi (おむすび, O-musubi),

is a snack of Japanese rice formed into triangle or oval shapes and wrapped in nori (edible seaweed). Traditionally, the onigiri is filled with pickled salted plum fruit (umeboshi), salted salmon, bonito shavings, katsuobushi, or any other salty or sour ingredient.

In practice, pickled filling is used for preservation of the rice. Since the onigiri is one of the most famed and popular snacks in Japan, most convenience stores in Japan stock onigiri in many popular fillings and tastes. Specialized shops, called Onigiri-ya, offer handmade rice balls for take out.

The Murasaki Shikibu Nikki, the diary of the Lady Murasaki, writes of people eating rice balls during her time, the eleventh century. The rice ball was called tojiki (tonjiki) and often consumed as an outdoor picnic lunch.

Writings dating back as far as the 17th century tell us that many samurai stored rice balls wrapped in bamboo leaves as a quick lunchtime meal at war, but the origins of onigiri are much earlier. Before the use of chopsticks became widespread in the Nara period, rice was often rolled into a small ball so that it could be easily picked up. In the Heian period, rice was also made into small rectangular shapes called tonjiki (頓食; とんじき), so that they could be piled onto a plate and easily eaten.

From the Kamakura period to the early Edo period, onigiri was used as a quick meal. This made sense as cooks simply had to think about making enough onigiri and did not have to concern themselves with serving. These onigiri were simply a ball of rice flavored with salt. Nori seaweed did not become widely available until the Genroku era during the mid-Edo period, when the farming of nori and fashioning it into sheets became widespread.

It was believed that onigiri could not be produced with a machine as the hand rolling technique was considered too difficult to replicate. In the 1980s, a machine that made triangular onigiri was built. This was initially met with skepticism because rather than having the filling traditionally rolled inside, the flavoring was simply put into a hole in onigiri and this shortcut was hidden by the nori.

Since the onigiri made by this machine came with nori already applied to the rice ball, over time the nori became unpleasantly moist and sticky, clinging to the rice. A packaging improvement allowed the nori to be stored separately from the rice. Before eating, the diner could open the packet of nori and wrap the onigiri. The machines' limitation that an ingredient was filled into a hole instead of rolled together with the rice actually made new flavors of onigiri easier to produce as this cooking process did not require changes from ingredient to ingredient.

O-musubi and O-nigiri is not a form of sushi, despite common misconception.
While o-musubi is made with plain rice (perhaps lightly salted), sushi is made of rice with vinegar added. O-musubi is merely a method of making rice portable and easy to eat, while sushi originated as a way of preserving freshwater fish.
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June 18 is is "Onigiri Day" 御握りの日
celebrating the rice ball !

Musubi-Maru from Sendai - after the Earthquake in 2011.


Usually a large sheet of nori seaweed is wrapped around the rice ball.
But in Kansai, a small sheet of ajitsuke nori 味付けのリ is used.

The nigiri are short rolls, with the nori as a band around them.


mokamusu もかむす Moka Musu
(Monaka Musubi)
musubi with a monaka wafer outside.
The wafer is made from mochigome dough and some sprinkles of nori. They come in different colors and flavors, like normal musubi.
Sold in department stores in Hyogo prefecture.
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riceball with something on the TOP /ten 天
Tenmusu are small rice balls containing shrimp tempura. But lately
not only for tenpura, but other things too
Originally from Nagoya.
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Tempura is a traditional dish consisting of shrimp, fish, and vegetables dipped into a batter of eggs, flour, and water and then deep-fried. Although it is usually served with rice and a dipping sauce mixed with grated radish, a restaurant owner in Tsu, Mie Prefecture, just over the Aichi border, came up with a new twist back in 1953.

The tempura was not offered as a separate dish but placed inside a ball of rice and wrapped in nori (thin, crispy dried seaweed), thus creating a tempura o-musubi--a traditional meal for travelers and others on the go. This was easier said than done, though, for there was the problem of how to get the sauce--a mixture of soy sauce, mirin (sweet sake), and dashi (stock)--inside the ball of rice. Tempura without this seasoning would taste too bland. And if the tempura was dipped in sauce beforehand, the extra liquid would cause the o-musubi to fall apart.

Given the wealth of natural spices and flavors available in Japanese cuisine, though, the tempura shop owner knew a carefully balanced mixture could be added to the batter that would provide sufficient lift for the tempura, even when consumed hours later. For instance, one could try mitsuba (Japanese wild chervil), shiso (beefsteak plant leaf), togarashi (cayenne pepper), or yuzu-no-kawa (chopped citron peel), in addition to the normal sauce and grated radish. The owner experimented for three years before settling on the "perfect" formula. The owner admits using mitsuba and some form of sauce, but the full list of ingredients, unchanged for over 40 years, is a well-kept secret--the pride of its creator.
source : www2.aia.pref.aichi.jp

takomusu たこむす with a full takoyaki ball on top of it
takoyaki musubi たこ焼き + おむすび, speciality of Osaka
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yaki onigiri 焼きおにぎり 
roasted or grilled onigiri

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online reference


onigiriya おにぎり屋
stores or restaurants specializing in rice balls

Izakaya pubs also serve onigiri, usually eaten after the drinking time is over, shortly before going home.

The 24 hour convenience stores also sell different flavors of onigiri. Their taste has improved greatly over the years and they are a favorite with young and old.

Set of Onigiri from a local food shop.


onigiri おにぎり鬼 Onigiri demons

- CLICK for more funny photos !

Made for the Setsubun rituals ;
. Setsubun Festival 節分 (February 3) .
fuku wa uchi 福は内(ふくはうち)"Good luck, come in!"
oni wa soto 鬼は外(おにはそと)"Demons, go out! "

. The Onipedia - Japanese Demons .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Genji Monogatari, The Tale of Genji 源氏物語


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onigiriya shake ga potsun to hiza ni ochi

rice ball store ...
a piece of salmon flake
drops on my knee   

Takashi 高司


korogatta sachi o sagashi ni nigirimeshi

looking for the filling
that fell down ...
rice ball

Itano Yohsiko 板野美子

Related words

***** WASHOKU - Japanese Food - Nori

***** . WASHOKU
Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled salty plums



- #onigiri #riceballs -


Yaku and Yaki


Grill, bake, broil, toast (yaku, yaki)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


yaku 焼く ... can have many translations in English and is used for a variety of dishes.

Let us look at some famous yaku preparations.
Usually they are called xyz-yaki 焼き.

To do YAKU you can use a net over the grill or barbeque, a frying pan, frypan, or skillet, an oven toaster or an oven.
broiling in English usually refers to heat from above.

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using a shichirin

Shichirin 七輪 portable cooking stove
for home grilling
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kiridashi shichirin 切り出し七輪 from the Noto peninsula 能登 are cut out of one piece of earth. They come in round or oblong forms for sanma fish.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of Noto Shichirin !


furaipan, asanabe 浅鍋

furaido フライド 
This method came to Japan via the Europeans at the beginning of the Edo period.
Pieces are covered in a dough and fried as tempura or like this in a frypan.
ebifurai エビフライ
furaido onion フライドオニオン
furaido chikin フライドチキン
furaido poteto フライドポテト


Aburi-yaki, aburiyaki あぶり焼き quick grilling
pass lightly over a flame, to make it crisp, for example nori seaweed.
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Ami-yaki, amiyaki 網焼き grilled on a net
Grilled beef from Matsuzaka beef is a speciality of Mie prefecture
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yakiami 焼き網 net for grilling

Chanchan-yaki, chanchanyaki ちゃんちゃん焼き
grilling salmon with vegetables on a hot plate
Online reference
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Dora-yaki, dorayaki どらやき bun or cake with anko filling
It is named after a Japanese gong (dora). It can be filled with many things. It is the favorit food of the manga character Doraemon, of course.
Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き) bean-jam pancake

furai フライ "fried" (in the frying pan)
a kind of yakisoba-like very flat pancake (perapera), folded in half and
covered with yakisoba sauce
Speciality of Saitama 埼玉県の名物【フライ】
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Another speciality is
serifurai ゼリーフライ "jelly fry", croquette
seri- comes from zeni, the form of the old gold money, koban, zenifurai, serifurai which has the same form as this kind of croquette (kurokke) made from okara tofu and potatoes, deep fried.

Hama-yaki, hamayaki 浜焼き grilled on the beach
local specialities are grilled directly on the beach.
Old method of the fishermen and divers to get warm.
saba no hamayaki, さばの浜焼き, speciality of Fukui.
たいの浜焼き tai no hamayaki is a speciality of Okayama.

Horoku-yaki, hoorokuyaki ほうろくやき (焙烙焼き)
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roasted in an earthware pot. steam-baking
a kind of mushiyaki for seafood or vegetables
The Murakami priates used this pot filled with explosives as a weapon, hoorokutama 焙烙玉.
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irdene Röstpfanne

Hoosho-yaki, hooshoyaki, hoshoyaki 奉書焼き grilling wrapped in washi paper
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すずきの奉書焼き suzuki no hoosho yaki, speciality of Tottori
Online reference

Ikayaki イカ焼き grilled squid
gegrillter Tintenfisch

Imagawa yaki 今川焼 (いまがわやき, 今川焼き)
kind of waffles filled with sweat bean paste
taikoyaki 太鼓焼(たいこやき), tomoeyaki 巴焼(ともえやき)、 gishiyaki 義士焼(ぎしやき)
Imagawayaki, KIGO for winter

Ishiyaki, ishi yaki 石焼き (いしやき) fried on stone
or baked or boiled with hot stones in water
ishiyaki nabe 石焼鍋 from Oga peninsula, Akita
- - - - - 石頭火鍋 in Taiwan
..... also
ishiyaki imo 薯 (やきいも) roasted sweet potatoes

Jibachi yaki... roasted bee or wasp larvae
Hachi no ko 蜂の仔(はちのこ, 蜂の子)bee and wasp larvae

jigoku yaki 地獄焼 grilling seafood alive
"Hellish griling"

Kabayaki, unagi no kabayaki うなぎのかば焼き
skewered grilled eel with a soy sauce
speciality of Tokyo

Kaiyaki, kai-yaki 貝焼 (かいやき) simmering seafood in shells
kayaki かやき
kigo for winter

Kara-yaki, karayaki から焼き (からやき, 殻焼き) grilled in the shell
kaki-karayaki, grilled oysters
grilled sazae
At the beach on the way from Kamakura to Enoshima.
A special form is the onigarayaki 鬼殻焼き of lobsters as a whole.
Also yoroiyaki よろい焼き or gozokuyaki 具足焼き, grilling in full armour
The back of the animal is cut open and some soysauce and mirin poored on it before grilling.
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Kimi-yaki, kimiyaki 黄身焼き broiling with an egg yoke
The egg yoke is mixed with sake, mirin and salt, this mixture poored over the almost finished dish and then fried again.
Especially for squid and ebi prawns, white fish and pork.
Also called "golden fry" (oogon yaki 黄金焼き ).
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kurokke コロッケ croquette
Mashed ingredients deep-fried in a breadcrum cover. Potato croquettes are most popular, but they come in many flavors in Japan.
WASHOKU : Kurokke コロッケ croquettes

Miso-yaki, misoyaki みそやき (味噌焼き) broiled in miso sauce
often used for sake salmon or chicken
hoikoro, hoikoroo ホイコロー in the chinese cuisine, with cabbage and chicken or meat
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Nabeyaki, nabe-yaki 鍋焼 (なべやき)stew in an earthen pot
with fish, meat and vegetables
Pieces are seared with very little oil in a pan before stewing.
nabeyaki udon 鍋焼饂飩(なべやきうどん, 鍋焼きうどん, 鍋焼き饂飩)
yaki udon, yakiudon 焼饂飩 udon noodles slightly fried in a pan, mixed with other food.
kigo for winter
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Namban-yaki, nambanyaki, nanban yaki 南蛮焼き; 南蛮焼 (なんばんやき)
namban ... food preparations are usally "from the southern barbarians", introduced via Nagasaki from the Portugese around 1600.
Western Style fry
Nambanyaki sauce, hot miso or chili sauce
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The word is also used for pottery from South Asia and China.

O-kariba-yaki, okaribayaki お狩場焼き (おかりばやき) in-the-field dish for hunting parties.
The shogun of Edo had his own kariba hunting grounds around the city.
slices of wild game and vegetables are grilled on charcoal
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Okonomi-yaki, okonomiyaki お好み焼き (おこのみやき)"Japanese Pizza"
Online Reference
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They come in a style from Osaka and one from Hiroshima. Often yakisoba are added to it to give it more volume. Served with a lot of Aonori and mayonaise. A fried egg is also served with it.
Osaka is sprinkled with red vinegar-ginger (benishooga) and lots of katsuobushi flakes.
monjayaki もんじゃ焼き is another term.

fuafua Daruma yaki フワフワだるま焼
It is made without flour, only yamato-imo yam 大和芋.
a kind of monjayaki もんじゃ焼.
Near Ebisu Station, Tokyo

kakioko, kaki oko カキオコ oysters on okonomiyaki
kaki no okonomiyaki
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. Okonomiyaki - Hiroshima style .


monjiyakiya  文字焼き屋 selling "monjiyaki" in Edo

mojiyaki 文字焼き "frying letters", letting the dough drip from a spatula (shamoji) onto the hot pan, giving it patterns like letters.

This is the fore-runner of okonomiyaki.
moji . monji . monja . monjayaki

Most Monjiyaki-ya in Edo opened their stalls (yatai) during the many festival days of temples and shrines.


monja yaki namae no yurai wa moji yaki

the origin
of the word "monjayaki"
is "writing letters "


shamoji hodo fude de wa kakenu mojiyakiya

with a spatula
he writes better than with a pen -
the "fried letters" chef

source : blog.oricon.co.jp/masuda

. Food vendors in Edo .


oyaki, o-yaki お焼き roasted rice dumplings from Nagano
. . . Himeji 姫路名物『お城やき』O-Shiro-Yaki
Castle waffles

Rooyaki 臘焼き (ろうやき)
a kind of kimiyaki
Roosoku yaki 蝋燭焼 (ろうそくやき, 蝋燭焼き) grilled craw's meat
kigo for winter

. Seriyaki 芹焼 (せりやき) dropwort stew with duck .
kigo for winter

Shigiyaki, shigi-yaki
Nasu no shigiyaki 茄子の鴫焼 (なすのしぎやき) fried egglpants with dengaku dressing
shigiyaki 鴫焼(しぎやき)
kigo for late summer

Shio-yaki, shioyaki  塩焼き grilled with salt
Often used for whole fish on sticks, like ayu trout over charcoal.
ayu trout is a speciality of Gifu
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Röstenmit Salz; Braten mit Salz.

Shogayaki, Shoogayaki, shoga-yaki 生姜焼き, しょうが焼き Roast Ginger Meat

Sugiyaki 杉焼 (すぎやき)"preparing food in a cedar box"
hegiyaki 折ぎ焼き
kigo for winter

Sukiyaki, suki-yaki 鋤焼 (すきやき)
"food prepared on a spade"
gyuunabe 牛鍋(ぎゅうなべ)、uosuki 魚すき(うおすき)、okisuki 沖すき(おきすき)、torisuki 鶏すき(とりすき)、udonsuki 饂飩すき(うどんすき)
kigo for winter
WASHOKU : Sukiyaki Information

often prepared with warishita すき焼きわりした soy sauce mix (see soy sauce for explanation)
. . . CLICK here for warishita Photos !

sumibi-yaki, sumibiyaki 炭火焼 barbequing over charcoals

Tai-yaki, taiyaki Taiyaki 鯛焼 (たいやき, 鯛焼き) waffles filled with sweat bean paste
in the form of a sea bream (tai).
kigo for winter

Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki 人形焼 figure waffles from Edo

Tako-yaki, takoyaki 蛸焼き ( たこやき) octopus balls
pan-fried ocotpus dumplings
A favorite for festival stalls.
Online reference
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Teppan-yaki, teppanyaki
てっぱんやき, てっぱん焼, 鉄板焼き
fried (or grilled) on an iron plate or pan
In restaurants, the cooking can be done on a large iron plate (teppan) on the counter or on indivitual hot plates for a group of guests for socializing while eating.
The fried ingredients, mostly meat, fish and vegetables, are dipped in a special sauce, often the secret of a restaurant.
Meat can be marinated before grilling.
Steak, shrimp, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, and monjayaki are prepared on these iron plates.
Sizzling Plate.
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Braten auf der Eisenplatte. Gemischte Grillplatte

The originator of the teppanyaki-style steakhouse is the Japanese restaurant chain Misono, which introduced the concept of cooking Western-influenced food on a teppan in Kobe in 1945. They soon found that the cuisine was more popular with foreigners than with the Japanese, who enjoyed both watching the skilled maneuvers of the chefs preparing the food as well as the cuisine, somewhat more familiar than more traditional Japanese dishes. As the restaurants became popular at tourist spots with non-Japanese, the chain increased the performance aspect of the chef's preparation, such as stacking round slices of onion in the shape of Mount Fuji and lighting alcohol (usually sake) contained within on fire, producing a flaming onion volcano.

In Japan, many teppanyaki restaurants feature Kobe beef. Side dishes of mung bean sprouts, zucchini (even though zucchini is not a popular vegetable in Japan and rarely found in the market), garlic chips or fried rice usually accompany the meal. Some restaurants provide sauces in which to dip the food. However, in Japan, only soy sauce is typically offered.
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Reference : Misono Kobe


teppoo yaki, teppooyaki, teppoyaki 鉄砲焼き "hot gun grilling"
fish or meat is wrapped in red hot pepper miso paste and grilled.
speciality of Toyama


Teri-yaki, teriyaki 照り焼き broiled after being soaked in sweetened soy sauce
Often used for chicken. Teriyaki chikin, done in a frypan.
usukuchi shooyu, thin soy sauce is best, because it gives a natural glaze and is saltier than normal soy sauce, so it can be used sparcely, but effectively to give a strong umami taste to the food.
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das Teriyaki; in Sojasauce gebratener Fisch

. . . yuuanyaki, yuuan yaki 幽庵焼き(ゆうあんやき)
Yuan Yaki. Grilled fish or chicken a la teriyaki, first marinated in a mixture of light soysauce, sake and mirin, with lots of yuzu juice.
This marinade was first used by the gourmet, monk and tea master Kitamura Yuan (Yuuan) 北村祐庵 / 堅田幽庵(1648 - 1719) of the Edo period.
His name was also 道遂。幽安・幽庵・柚庵. He was the son of a rich family in Katata, Otsu, Shiga prefecture. He was one of the four great disciples of Sen Sotan 千 宗旦 (Sen Sootan) and learned also from Fujimura Yoken 藤村庸軒 (Fujimura Yooken). He also designed the famous garden Isomeshi Teien 居初氏庭園 in Otsu, Isomeshi's Garden .

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yuuanzuke, yuuan tsuke 幽庵漬け marinade a la Yuan


toobanyaki とうばんやき. とうばん焼・燈板焼
tobanyaki, toban-yaki
method of cooking/grilling/roasting on a ceramic plate. The plates keep the food warm for a long time.Used for seafood and meat.

Tsuboyaki 壷焼 (つぼやき)
sazae turban shell fried in the conch


Yakimono 焼き物 (やきもの) Broiled seasonal fish
course in a kaiseki ryori meal
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京懐石 Kyoo kaiseki, Kaiseki from Kyoto

yakizakana 焼き魚 grilled or broiled fish
fish with some sprinkles of salt.
Oil is not used in tradtional Japanese yakimono.
Grilled fish served in formal banquets was only eaten from the top side. It was bad manners to turn the fish around and eat the bottom side as well.
gebratener Fisch, Bratfisch, gegrillter Fisch

I wonder if this is done on a charcoal grill or in a frypan. And did the folks of Edo use frypans? How did they call it? Or when did it first show up in a frypan fried with oil?

yakishimozukuri 焼き霜づくり
grilling fish for a short time to change color on the outside, serving as sashimi.
searing over heat.


yakiboshi 焼き干し "grilled and dried" small sardines

yaki-doofu, yakidofu, yaki toofu 焼き豆腐 momen firm tofu which is slightly browned on both sides by broiling.
For the New Year, nishime, ni-shime 煮しめ is prepared, a yakidofu piece cooked in sweatened soy sauce together with other ingredinets.
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. . . CLICK here for NI-SHIME Photos !

yaki-imo, yakiimo 焼薯 (やきいも) roasted sweet potatoes
kigo for winter

yaki-meshi, yakimeshi やきめし (焼き飯) fried rice
usually chahan, chaahan チャーハン
.... also
yakigome 焼米 (やきごめ) roasted rice (kigo for early autumn)
yaki-onigiri, yakionigiri 焼きおにぎり grilled rice balls

yaki-niku, yakiniku 焼き肉 (やきにく, 焼肉)
grilled slices of meat
Korean-style barbecued beef is quite popular too. Korean barbeque. Japanese barbeque.
Many restaurants specialize in this kind of food for a group of people to enjoy whilst socializing.
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Online reference
One type is HORUMONYAKI ホルモン焼き horumon yaki, in the dialect of Kansai it means "things thrown away" hooru mono 放る物 and is not related to the western word "hormon". It is said to bring stamina to the tired worker in the evening and very popular
Other Korean dishes are Bibimba ビビンバ and Kimchee キムチ kimuchi, kimchi.

yaki-shimozukuri, yakishimozukuri 焼き霜作り "frost grilling"
used for sashimi raw fish to grill it just a second until it changes color. Dipped in ice water after grilling.
Also helps to get extra moisture out of frozen fish.
Often used for katsuo and tai. Sometimes the skin of the fish is left on one side.
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yaki shio, yakishio 焼き塩 (やきしお, 焼塩) baked salt
table salt. Also used when baking in an earthware pan (hooroku).
Through the baking process the magnesium chlorid in the salt turns to magnesium oxide and takes out the bitterness of food.
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yaki-soba, yakisoba 焼き蕎麦、やきそば fried noodles, not necessarily buckwheat noodles
literally "fried noodles in sauce", is considered a Japanese dish but originated in China and is technically a derivative of Chinese chow mein.
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- - - kuro yakisoba 黒焼きそば "black yakisoba" from Higashimurayama, Tokyo 東京都東村山市
with octopus ink sauce
and more . Regional yakisoba dishes .

Yakisoba Sandwich Recipe external LINK
Reference : Yakisoba Sauce
Kuroishi tsuyu yakisoba 黒石つゆやきそば / 黒石焼きそば
fried noodles in soup made from yakisoba sauce

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yaki-tori, yakitori やきとり (焼き鳥) grilled (barbecued; broiled) chicken on a skewer.
usually bamboo skewer
A favorite dish at the izakaya restaurants.

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yooganyaki yoogan yaki 
溶岩焼き cooked on heated peaces of lava
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


ippiki mo tsurezu otori o shioyaki su

not one fish caught ...
we decide to use the bait
for salt grilling

Arasaga あらさが


shichirin no sumi aka-aka to tsuma terasu

the red red charcoal
of the outdoor cooking stove ..
it shines on my wife

midnightsapporo 2006

Related words

***** . Barbeque  
kigo for summer in Europe

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes





Kara-age Tatsuta-age


Kara-age and Tatsuta-age

Kara-age, karaage 唐揚げ
deep-frying food
The meat is cut to bite-sizes and powdered with katakuriko starch or wheat flour. It is then deep-fried.
The flour is sometimes flavored with garlic.
The meat is not marinated before powdering.
This is a difference to the following:

Tatsuta-age, tatsutaage 竜田揚げ

The preparation is similar to KARA-AGE.

For this method, the meat is first marinated in soy sauce and mirin, and then powdered with katakuriko starch only.

Any kind of meat or other ingredients can be used with these two methods.
Sometimes even dried plums (ume-boshi) are prepared in this way.

The color of chicken fried "a la Tatsuta" reminds of the red leaves along the Tatsuta River 竜田川 in Kyoto and the princess Tatsuta-Hime.

. Tatsutahime, Tazutahime, Tazuta-hime
竜田姫 / 立田姫
and the autumn wind


Chicken karaage

2-4 boneless chicken thighs, depending on how big they are
A piece of fresh ginger about the size of your thumb, grated
3 Tbs soy sauce
1 Tbs sake or sherry
peanut oil for deep frying

Cut up the chicken thighs into bite-sized pieces. You can take off the skin if you like, though it does make the chicken crispier.

Put the chicken pieces in a bowl. Add the grated ginger, soy sauce and sake, and mix well. Let marinate for a minimum of 1/2 hour, and up to about 1 hour (not too long or the salt in the soy sauce will toughen up the chicken.)

Heat the oil. Toss in enough cornstarch into the marinated chicken so that each piece is completely coated. Fry the chicken pieces a few at a time until a deep golden brown.

Drain well, and eat with a squeeze of lemon juice.
source : www.justhungry.com


Toriniku no tatsuta-age (marinated Fried Chicken)

1 lb boneless chicken
3 tablespoons Japanese soy sauce
2 tablespoons sake (Japanese rice wine)
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons cornflour
oil (for deep frying)

1 Cut chicken into bite-size square and marinate in a mixture of soy sauce, sake, and sugar for at least 1 hour.
2 Drain chicken, roll pieces in cornflour, and set aside for 10 minutes.
3 Heat oil to 350 degrees F in a deep pan.
4 Fry chicken in small batches for about 2-3 minutes or until golden brown and crisp.
5 Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot.
source : www.recipezaar.com

Mariniertes Hühnchen gebraten

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