
inoshishi wild boar 2013


inoshishi 猪 wild boar 2013

Botannabe 牡丹鍋 (ぼたんなべ) Wild boar stew
lit. "peony stew".
shishinabe 猪鍋(ししなべ)、inoshishinabe いのしし鍋
"whale of the mountain", yamakujira 山鯨(やまくじら)
kigo for winter


. WKD : Wild Boar (inoshishi 猪) .


Wild boars have become a huge problem in many regions of Japan, some even come down to Kobe city and roam the streets, hurting people, destroying crops . . .

- quote
Deer a pest said best served as local delicacy
To reduce the damage done to the environment by birds and other animals, major security company Alsok began a monitoring service this summer in which people helping hunters are notified by email when something lands in their traps.
Certified hunters have been setting traps to catch boar, deer and other pesky animals and then selling the trapped animals, but checking the traps is usually done by local residents.
Securing such manpower is not easy in mountainous areas, where young people are scarce.

Alsok began selling a monitoring device Aug. 1 that sends an email to nearby residents when an animal is ensnared.
“We thought the sensor technology we developed in our security business would be useful for vermin control,” Kiichi Fukuda of Alsok said.

. . . Wild boar is considered a delicacy and the meat is often sold to high-class restaurants.
Not so with venison, however. Only 20 to 30 percent of deer meat makes it to human dinner tables, according to estimates.

. . . Hideharu Ishizaki, who operates the Ezo Shi Cafe in the Sangenjaya district in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, said deer from Hokkaido have more meat than their Honshu counterparts.
Some 10 to 15 kg of meat can be utilized for food from a Honshu deer, whereas the typical Hokkaido deer yields 25 to 40 kg. This makes the meat of Hokkaido deer, which can regularly be found in supermarkets across the prefecture, about ¥1,000 cheaper per kilogram.

. . . Based in Tanba, Hyogo Prefecture, Tanba Hime Momiji processes and sells deer meat. President Masao Yanagawase . . . Masahito Yamazaki, director of Mitaya Sohonke, which processes and sells high-quality meat, including ham and sausage, joined Yanagawase and Maekawa in their mission to promote venison . . . In addition, Maekawa founded EG Cycle, which makes and sells dog food containing venison.

. . . Advance Co., which operates a chain of restaurants in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture, began offering deer curry for ¥880, more expensive than regular curry, in May 2010.
Advance is a franchisee of curry restaurant chain CoCo Ichibanya.

. . . the nonprofit organization Companions in Metasequoia Forest, which promotes outdoor activities in Gujo, Gifu Prefecture, . . .Go Nagayoshi of the NPO

. . . Inoshikacho uses the meat from these animals to make jerky

. . . Mari Hayashi operates the Ai deer cooking school in Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture,

. . . “We should create groups of experts who can do everything from hunting to forest management,” Gifu University professor Masatsugu Suzuki said.
- source : www.japantimes.co.jp


- source : matsue.mypl.net/shop

Ezo Shi Cafe エゾシカフェってなんですか?
- source : ezoshicafe.q-easy.jp

Tanba Hime Momiji - 丹波鹿 - 丹波姫もみじ
- source : tanba2005.co.jp

Advance Co - Curry and Smile Co. アドバンス鹿カレー物語
- source : group-adv.com

Coco Ichibanya
- source : ichibanya.co.jp

InoShika MetaMori メタセコイアの森
- source : musublog.jp/blog/metamori

InoShikaChoo ジビエ料理「猪鹿鳥料理」
- source : ino-shika-cho.jp

Related words

***** . Mori no Megumi - Food from the Woods .



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daizuko - soybean flour


daizuko 大豆粉 soybean flour, soy flour

- quote
The beans can be processed in a variety of ways. Common forms of soy (or soya) include soy meal, soy flour, soy milk, tofu, textured vegetable protein (TVP, which is made into a wide variety of vegetarian foods, some of them intended to imitate meat), tempeh, soy lecithin and soybean oil.
Soybeans are also the primary ingredient involved in the production of soy sauce (shoyu).

Soy flour refers to soybeans ground finely enough to pass through a 100-mesh or smaller screen where special care was taken during desolventizing (not toasted) to minimize denaturation of the protein to retain a high protein dispersibility index, for uses such as food extrusion of textured vegetable protein. It is the starting material for production of soy concentrate and soy protein isolate.

Soy flour is made by roasting the soybean, removing the coat, and grinding into a flour. Soy flour is manufactured with different fat levels.

Defatted soy flour is obtained from solvent extracted flakes, and contains less than 1% oil.
"Natural or full-fat soy flour is made from unextracted, dehulled beans, and contains about 18% to 20% oil." Its high oil content requires the use of a specialized Alpine Fine Impact Mill to grind rather than the usual hammer mill. Full-fat soy flour has a lower protein concentration then defatted flour.
Low-fat soy flour is made by adding some oil back into defatted soy flour. Fat levels range from 4.5% to 9%.
Soy lecithin can be added (up to 15%) to soy flour to make lecithinated soy flour. It increases dispersibility and gives it emulsifying properties.
Soy flour has 50% protein and 5% fiber. It has higher levels of protein, thiamine, riboflavin, phosphorus, calcium, and iron than wheat flour. It does not contain gluten. As a result, yeast-raised breads made with soy flour are dense in texture. Among many uses, soy flour thickens sauces, prevents staling in baked food, and reduces oil absorption during frying. Baking food with soy flour gives it tenderness, moistness, a rich color, and a fine texture.
Soy grits are similar to soy flour except the soybeans have been toasted and cracked into coarse pieces.
Kinako is a soy flour used in Japanese cuisine.
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daizu udon 大豆うどん Udon noodles with soybean flour

. WKD : daizu 小豆 soy beans .

. kinako 黄な粉 "yellow flour" from roasted soy beans .

The latest fad is now flour from soybeans for noodles and baking.


source : www.dietdiet.info

daizu men 大豆麺 soybean noodles
noodles made from percent soybean flour. They have less sugar than normal Chinese noodles, less calories and more fibers, so they are good for your diet.


Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. - SoyCarat snacks
source : www.otsuka.co.jp


Kuriyama snacks with soybean flour

Kuriyama Beika Co. 栗山米菓 in Niigata
source : kuriyamaoffice.html


scones from soybean flour, prepared in a home bakery

Sugar is reduced by about 60 percent, but the isoflavones are available.

Panasonic Corp.
source : panasonic.jp/bakery


More products with daizuko flour
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Related words

***** . WKD : daizu 小豆 soy beans .



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kinkatsu - active bacteria


kinkatsu 菌活 active bacteria

- quote
Japanese mushroom commercial with erotic overtones nears 3 million hits on YouTube

In Japan, Hokto is to mushrooms what Chiquita is to bananas: a household name that people know but aren’t overly excited by – until now!

The mushroom growers have been releasing an increasingly sexy line of commercials that seem to get pulled from the airwaves soon after debuting. The latest one, titled “Splendid Mushroom Kinkatsu,” depicts a love affair between actors Jun Kaname in the role of the spirit of mushrooms and Sawa Suzuki as the middle-aged woman he continuously haunts and seductively whispers about mushrooms to. As far as mushrooms go, this is pretty hot.

- source : en.rocketnews24.com 

- source : Hokto Kinkatsu no Susume


Recipes with mushrooms


Yoghurt is one of the best food items to invigurate your internal bacteria.

Things found on the way

からだがよろこぶ!菌活レシピ recipes for kinkatsu food

CLICK for more info.


Related words

. WKD : kinoko, ki no ko, take 茸, 菌 .



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temae miso


temae miso 手前味噌 home-made miso paste

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Make and learn about miso from a master
Miso, Japan’s traditional seasoning made from fermenting rice, soybeans and other flavorings, sounds like a cooking ingredient too complex to prepare yourself. But if you’re curious, on Nov. 9 you can learn how to make miso paste at a special event at the Gender Equality Center in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward.

From 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., a master of miso-making from Kojiya Saburoemon, one of Tokyo’s oldest miso manufacturers, will offer expert instructions and advice. Kojiya takes pride in its traditional miso making and only uses domestically produced rice as well as the finest koji-mold spores. The class aims to teach participants why the seasoning tastes best when made this way, and the master will give a lecture on the history of miso, including information on its health benefits.
- source : Japan Times


- quote
My Father's Temae Miso / 父の手前味噌

The word temae (lit. hand + before/in front of)
has a number of meanings. It can be used to refer to the first person (and even the second person in some situations). Thus, temae miso literally means my/our miso, but it actually means self-praise, because almost everyone wants to boast of the miso they make themselves.
- source : hiro-shio.blogspot.jp


- source : www.amazon.co.jp
by 中村 仲蔵 (著), 郡司 正勝


- reference -


shigiyaki ya katei saien temae miso

fried eggplants -
our family vegetable garden
and home-made miso

Nakamura Atsuko 中村温子

. shigiyaki 鴫焼 grilled eggplants .
kigo for late summer

shigi 鴫 snipe.
The dish is prepared in the shape of a shigi bird.

Related words

. Miso paste and soup .



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- - - - - WASHOKU - UNESCO nomination

Cuisine targeted for UNESCO list

An ad hoc committee set up by the Cultural Affairs Council endorsed a plan Monday to get Japanese food culture listed on UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage list.

The government will present its formal nomination to the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization by the end of March so a decision on the listing can be made as early as autumn 2013.

UNESCO has put 20 Japanese cultural traditions ranging from the performing arts of kabuki and noh to festivals and traditional crafts on the list so far.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, which is backing the nomination, said the traditional Japanese meal is a customary social practice expressing respect for nature and serves to strengthen the bonds between family members and the community.
source : Japan Times, February 2012

Panel pushes for UNESCO recognition of Japanese food

Panel screens plan to seek UNESCO recognition for Japanese food

Japanese food deserves UNESCO cultural heritage recognition

Japanese cuisine should be registered as the intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Friday, February 17, 2012
Japan to propose food as UNESCO heritage
Japan's cultural affairs agency plans to propose adding its traditional cuisine and food culture to the UNESCO-designated intangible cultural heritage list next month.

The Agency for Cultural Affairs says Japanese cuisine expresses the respect of the country's people for nature and its close relationship with New Year's festivities, rice transplanting and other traditional annual events.
The agency also says Japanese food is closely linked to traditional crafts such as dishware.
Japan's proposal is expected to be examined by a UNESCO committee in November.
UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage system was set up 9 years ago to protect traditional performing arts, craftsmanship, festivals and others.

The UN cultural body's list of such heritages includes 20 Japanese events and performing arts including Noh, Kabuki and the Gion Festival in Kyoto.
French, Italian and two other culinary cultures are also on the list.
source : www3.nhk.or.jp/daily


Thursday, March 22, 2012

'Washoku' served up as heritage

As the world acquires a taste for sushi and other Japanese treats, the government is hoping that its application to have "washoku" placed on UNESCO's World Heritage list will prove irresistible.

Japanese cuisine, or washoku — characterized by its use of fresh, seasonal ingredients and attractive presentation — is gaining adherents across the globe who are drawn to its taste, appearance and healthy qualities.

The government is now aiming to get "Washoku: Traditional Dietary Cultures of the Japanese" put on the list of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage assets.

It will file a formal nomination with the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization by the end of March but will have to wait until November 2013 at the earliest before UNESCO issues its judgement.

In the government's definition, washoku is a customary social practice expressing "respect for nature" and serving to strengthen the bonds of family and community. The nomination will highlight three features of washoku — various fresh ingredients, balanced nutrition and seasonal aesthetic presentation.

"Japanese cuisine is becoming global food," said star chef Yoshihiro Murata, one of the first people to call on the public sector to help get washoku status as an intangible cultural heritage.

"Chefs from high-ranked restaurants across the world are enthusiastic about learning how to cook Japanese food and also learning about the tableware and culture," Murata said.

The 60-year-old president of Kikunoi, whose flagship restaurant in Kyoto was awarded three stars in the 2012 Michelin Guide, said UNESCO recognition of Japanese food would help Japanese people recognize the splendor of their culture as a whole and encourage more people to work in the traditional food industry.

"Sometimes culture blends in so naturally with our lives that we don't appreciate its value," he said. "As a chef, I started out with Japanese food. If washoku gets UNESCO heritage status, it will motivate Japanese chefs across the globe — and also enhance the quality of chefs in this country."

The Japanese Culinary Academy, of which Murata is chairman, initially proposed nominating washoku to the Kyoto Prefectural Government last summer. It soon became a national project led by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry.

In the initiative, the ministry is stressing washoku as a factor behind the nation's low obesity rate and longevity. Japan's obesity rate stands at 3.9 percent, which compares favorably with rates of more than 20 percent for the United States and other Western countries, while the average life expectancy for Japanese men and women comes to 83, the highest in the world, according to data by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The ministry attributes the healthfulness of Japanese cuisine to minimal use of animal oil and fat as well as the nutritional balance provided by rice in combination with different fermented foods, such as miso and soy sauce.

"All cuisines, except for Japanese food, are based on oils and fats. Japanese cuisine is built on 'umami,' " said Murata, referring to the savory fifth basic taste along with bitter, salty, sweet and sour.

He said basic Japanese stock, called "dashi," which brings out umami flavor, contains zero calories. This makes it possible to serve a course of dishes with 65 food items totaling 1,000 kilocalories. By contrast, one plate of spaghetti carbonara packs 1,200 kilocalories.

Promoting the culture of Japanese food via UNESCO will help "contribute to worldwide health," Murata said.

UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003 to safeguard and raise awareness of culture at local and international levels.

The number of Japanese cultural traditions on the UNESCO heritage list totals 20, including kabuki and noh. So far, only four types of food culture — French, Mexican, Mediterranean and Turkish — have been registered on the UNESCO list.

Makoto Osawa, director of policy planning of the agriculture ministry, said, "Japan, thanks to its shifting seasons, has a rich variety of food ingredients, while cooking methods vary depending on local conditions."

As an example of the diversity found in Japanese cuisine, the ministry cites "nabe" pot cooking from the Tohoku region, which developed out of the cold winters and active fishery industry.

"Japan has been concerned to raise awareness of protecting food culture," Osawa said. "This can be seen in the establishment in 2005 of the Basic Law on Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education)." The law encourages people to learn more about food and make proper food choices, and Osawa says few countries have legislation that promote public health in this way.

"The Westernization of food in Japan is not necessarily a bad thing, but the move (toward an UNESCO listing) will be an opportunity to urge Japanese not to let their food culture fade,"
he said.

It may not be easy for washoku to be registered as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, however.

South Korea is seeking to have its traditional royal court cuisine registered but missed out in last year's screening, with the body seeking more information on its connection with current society.

Japan is expected to underscore the cultural uniqueness of washoku and efforts to maintain the nation's culinary traditions to clear the hurdles in UNESCO's registration regimen.

A government online survey shows strong public support for registration, with 92 percent of the respondents in favor, while nearly 100 percent said they want to see the washoku tradition passed down to succeeding generations.

Also behind the government's efforts to win over UNESCO is its hope to regain global trust in the country's farm and marine products after the damage inflicted on their reputation by the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

Exports of Japanese agricultural and marine products were hit hard by radiation concerns, so international endorsement of washoku would be seen as a big plus.

"We are hoping that recognition of Japanese food by UNESCO will spur recovery from the disaster," Osawa said.

source : Japan Times


Washoku on World Heritage menu?

Let's talk about food cultures of the world. And I don't mean yogurt.

Japan, home to 16 World Heritage sites, is now hoping to add another World Heritage accolade with washoku (Japanese food). The only other cuisines deemed worthy of the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage assets are French, Mexican, Turkish, Mediterranean and most recently, Korean imperial food. And you know, if Korea is on the list, then Japan sure as heck better be. And there is no doubt that Japanese cuisine deserves to be on the list.

In fact, Japanese cuisine is said to include 1,500 different items. Hmm, let's count: Rice, sushi, sashimi; nabe, okonomiyaki, udon; sea anemone, chicken cartilage, fish sperm . . . I could probably come up with 100 more, but another 1,491? Maybe that's why the classification reads "intangible cultural heritage" — it can be left to the imagination.

From a local Kyoto movement, the push for UNESCO status went on to become a national project led by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry. I don't know about you, but I just can't see the fish going for this one.

I'm not sure what it takes to get washoku placed on UNESCO's World Heritage list, but to get Mount Fuji considered as a World Heritage site took an application fee of ¥10 million and a 300-page document including drawings, figures and specific reasons why the sacred mountain is worthy of the listing under cultural heritage sites.

So I can only suspect that Japanese food will be put through the same rigorous application process. In addition to drawings, color charts, prescribed knife cutting angles and regulations on noodle lengths, the food items will also have to prove culturally important to the Japanese people. Noodles will have to show they are so popular they have spawned noodle-eating contests nationwide, octopus will have to prove they are hailed as the one food where absolutely all parts of it are used (including the head and all eight armpits), and natto (fermented beans) will have to show evidence it can be inhaled at a rate of 530 grams per 27.7 seconds (with a footnote congratulating the recent feat accomplished by Yasuharu Kimori at the 2012 natto speed-eating competition).

Furthermore, chefs will have to demonstrate that studies show that eating sazae (turban shells) does not induce nightmares of giant snails taking over the world, that sea urchin will not be thrown as ninja stars. Lastly, they will have to promise that mochi will not be given to the elderly.

Some foods thought to be uniquely Japanese are, in fact, shared by other Asian cultures. Miso, soy and even natto is eaten in other parts of Asia. However, umami, the mysterious fifth flavor, (after bitter, salty, sweet and sour) is uniquely Japanese, so we could include dashi in washoku. And probably okayu and green tea.

Okay, only 1,482 to go.

There is also shokuyo no hana (edible flowers) and leaves. I'm not just talking about your daily intake of digestible pollen, nor the opportunity to get buzzed and pollinated by bees (Hey, I'm here, pollinate me!). This is Japanese cuisine that includes carnations, cosmos, pansies, roses, and even cherry blossoms. I don't think it includes cherry blossom-flavored beer, however. Leave it to the Japanese, who also eat mitsuba and shiso, some of the tastiest greens around. I grow my own shiso and often see caterpillar shiso addicts, hanging out in hammocks at the bottom of my plants, drugged by the fragrance and heavenly taste. I even sometimes see other bugs shooting up the stems. 1,475.

As it turns out, however, the number of Japanese food items is only one small part of getting the cuisine recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage. Other factors include: visual presentation, fresh and seasonable ingredients, eating rituals, tableware and utensils, and the overall healthiness of the food that adds to longevity and quality of life.

Japanese food is certainly beautifully presented. Dandelions, autumn-colored maple leaves and bento grass, all inedible, are common decorations for food. And Japanese people do amazing things with food other than ingesting it, such as pounding it (mochi), throwing it (Shinto ceremonies) and offering it to the gods (Shinto and Buddhist ceremonies).

Eating utensils, in addition to chopsticks, would have to include the hari needles used to pierce and extract the corpses of sazae.

Although Japanese food is generally very healthy, I cannot agree with the claim that the cuisine has successfully resisted junk food. Personally, I consider cherry blossom-flavored potato chips and green-tea flavored Kit-Kats more on the junk side than the food side. I'm not letting my caterpillars get close to that stuff.

All in all, however, I think Japanese food will have no trouble making it onto the World Heritage list. And with help of Wasao, the dog appointed by the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan as a special ambassador for World Heritage-related activities, washoku should attain this status even faster. This diplomat dog is said to "promote the connection between people and nature, as well as the importance of life."

With Wasao barking for us, maybe even Japanese dog food has a chance to be included. Japan is a country where discerning canines can get miso soup, freeze-dried natto, and even okara (from tofu) doggie treats from gourmet dog food companies. 1,472.

We'll find out in November 2013, when UNESCO issues its final judgment. Woof-woof!


- Reference -


October 23, 2013

- quote
UNESCO to recognize Japanese food culture
“Washoku” — traditional Japanese cuisine — is now likely to be designated by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.

A UNESCO body that screens cultural asset candidates has recommended that “washoku, traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese,” gain the status, the Cultural Affairs Agency said Tuesday.

An intergovernmental panel is expected to make a final decision on listing the Japanese food culture at a meeting in Azerbaijan in early December.
- source : japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/10/23

Japan hopes culinary honor helps Fukushima - NHK news
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga says he hopes UNESCO endorsement of the heritage value of Japan's traditional cuisine helps counter rumors about the safety of food from Fukushima.
Suga told reporters on Wednesday that traditional Japanese food culture is grounded in a spiritual respect for nature. He said those values are sure to be passed on to future generations if they are formally recognized by the UN body in December as an intangible cultural asset.

. Fukushima - Problems in October 2013 .


November 06, 2013

Chefs from Japan, France advertise Japanese food
Chefs from Japan and France have displayed their culinary skills in an event in Paris meant to get more people to try Japanese food.
Renowned French chef Alain Ducasse, who uses Japanese ingredients in his restaurants, organized the event on Wednesday.
Nine chefs made dishes for reporters and people in the local food industry. They used around 50 ingredients, such as "wagyu" beef and Japanese horseradish.
Their original recipes included an appetizer made with whipped lettuce and herring roe, as well as a dessert of mixed Japanese horseradish and dairy cream.
People who tasted the dishes marveled at the exquisite combination of the French and Japanese elements.
In France, Japanese food is growing in popularity with many French chefs preferring to use "dashi" soup stock.
Ducasse said French chefs can learn many things from Japanese cuisine, which is known for its meticulous attention to fine detail.
Next month, UNESCO is expected to designate Japanese traditional cuisine and food culture as intangible cultural heritage.


November 09, 2013

Japanese cuisine restaurants to train foreigners - NHK
The Japanese government is considering a relaxation of immigration rules so that foreigners who studied the Japanese traditional cuisine "washoku" can extend their period of stay to work as trainees in Japan.
Government officials are discussing an around 2-year extension of residential status for foreigners who finished a professional cookery course for traditional Japanese cuisine.
Foreign cooks are required to have at least 10 years of work experience to obtain a residential visa from Japan.
They are not allowed to work at traditional Japanese restaurants.
An organization of professional cooking schools in Japan has appealed to the government panel discussing deregulation to grant residential status to foreigners who graduated their "washoku" courses.
The government is trying to spread Japanese culture to the world.
Next month, UNESCO is expected to recognize Japanese traditional cuisine and food culture as an intangible cultural heritage.


December 04, 2013

UNESCO picks Japanese cuisine as cultural heritage - NHK news

UNESCO has added Japanese cuisine and food culture to its Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
The world body's intergovernmental committee made the decision at a meeting in Azerbaijan on Wednesday.
Japan filed an application with UNESCO in March last year, following a request by a Japanese civic group.
The group has been campaigning to fight rumors about Japanese food since the Fukushima accident.

Many in Japan hope the recognition will boost exports and help make Japanese food, or washoku, more popular around the world.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe welcomed the listing. He said Japan's food culture has been nurtured for generations and he wants to help preserve it.
Agriculture minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said he wants to sustain interest in Japanese food culture so it will be passed on to future generations.
The UNESCO listing is aimed at protecting traditional cultures, festivals, local arts and crafts around the world.
Japanese cuisine is the 22nd item from the nation to go onto the list, following Noh and Kabuki plays, and the float parade in Kyoto's Gion festival.


無形文化遺産へ “和食”の魅力とは… 「いただきます。」
岩村暢子室長 / 村田吉弘さん / 佐藤紀代子さん / 熊倉功夫さん
- source : www.nhk.or.jp/gendai

「WASHOKU - Try Japan's Good Food事業」- from Hokkaido to Okinawa
food served at the ambassies of Tokyo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- source : www.mofa.go.jp


- source : NHK World - Japan

My Diary

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .

Related words

***** WASHOKU : General Information





accessory アクセサリー

- quote
A fashion accessory is an item which is used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to the wearer's outfit. The term came into use in the 19th century. Accessories are often used to complete an outfit and are chosen to specifically complement the wearer's look.
Jewelry is a major subcategory, including rings, cufflinks, tie tacks, necklaces, bracelets, aigrettes, lapel pins, and other wearable adornments. Semi-permanent jewelry includes some earrings and nose rings, as well as lip plugs, earlobe plugs which can also be referred to as ear gauges, and other items used with more exotic body modifications.
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source : blog.goo.ne.jp/fromjapanwithlove

Sushi-Rings 寿司の指輪 


source : fakefood-hatanaka

earrings - click for more


- Check out a huge collection
- source : rakuten.co.jp


. Folk Toys 玩具 and Food .



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Trans-Pacific Partnership - TPP

- quote
The 2005 Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP or P4) is a free trade agreement among Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore. It aims to further liberalise the economies of the Asia-Pacific region.

Since 2010, negotiations have been taking place for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposal for a significantly expanded version of TPSEP. The TPP is a proposed free trade agreement under negotiation by (as of August 2013) Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam.

The TPP is ostensibly intended to be a "high-standard" agreement specifically aimed at emerging trade issues in the 21st century. These ongoing negotiations have drawn criticism and protest from the public, advocacy groups, and elected officials, in part due to the secrecy of the negotiations, the expansive scope of the agreement, and a number of controversial clauses in drafts leaked to the public.

Japan joined as an observer in the TPP discussions that took place 13–14 November 2010, on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Yokohama. Japan declared its intent to join the TPP negotiations on 13 March 2013 and an official announcement was made by Prime Minister Shinzō Abe on 15 March 2013 . The TPP formally invited Japan to enter negotiations in April, and Japan could become a full negotiating partner in August 2013.
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- quote
Four TPP members offer to kill all tariffs
Four of the countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership initiative are offering the other members total tariff elimination on all agricultural and industrial goods, a source close to the talks said.

The move by Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Chile is likely to put pressure on Japan, the second-largest of the 12 TPP economies, to open up its politically sensitive agricultural market, the source said Friday.
. . .
For Japan, which joined the talks in late July but didn’t take part in the tariff negotiations until last month’s round in Brunei, the sessions in Washington were expected to provide further chances for Tokyo to retain tariffs on sensitive farm products, Japanese officials said.

Tokyo is facing strong domestic pressure
to protect sugar, rice, wheat, beef and pork, dairy and other farm products because farmers fear that an influx of cheap imports will devastate the nation’s agricultural sector.

- source : Japan Times, September 2013

Related words

From rice for controlling blood glucose levels to soybeans that reduce fatty acids, the government is seeking new ways to make money from agriculture as pressure mounts to cut the tariffs that farmers rely on to make a living.
. Functional Foods .
Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU)



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Functional Food


Functional Foods - Health Food

- quote
A functional food is a food given an additional function (often one related to health-promotion or disease prevention) by adding new ingredients or more of existing ingredients.

The general category of functional foods includes processed food or foods fortified with health-promoting additives, like "vitamin-enriched" products. Products considered functional generally do not include products where fortification has been done to meet government regulations and the change is not recorded on the label as a significant addition ("invisible fortification"). An example of this type of fortification would be the historic addition of iodine to table salt, or Vitamin D to milk, done to resolve public health problems such as rickets. Fermented foods with live cultures are considered functional foods with probiotic benefits.

Functional foods are part of the continuum of products that individuals may consume to increase their health and/or contribute to reducing their disease burden.

Functional foods are an emerging field in food science due to their increasing popularity with health-conscious consumers and the ability of marketers to create new interest in existing products.

The term was first used in Japan in the 1980s where there is a government approval process for functional foods called
Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU).
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- quote
Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU)
FOSHU refers to foods containing ingredient with functions for health and officially approved to claim its physiological effects on the human body. FOSHU is intended to be consumed for the maintenance / promotion of health or special health uses by people who wish to control health conditions, including blood pressure or blood cholesterol. In order to sell a food as FOSHU, the assessment for the safety of the food and effectiveness of the functions for health is required, and the claim must be approved by the MHLW.

Seal for FOSHU Approval  特定保健用食品

Requirements for FOSHU Approval • Effectiveness on the human body is clearly proven
• Absence of any safety issues (animal toxicity tests, confirmation of effects in the cases of excess intake, etc.)
• Use of nutritionally appropriate ingredients (e.g. no excessive use of salt, etc.)
• Guarantee of compatibility with product specifications by the time of consumption
• Established quality control methods, such as specifications of products and ingredients, processes, and methods of analysis

- source : www.mhlw.go.jp/english


- quote
Farmers to focus on fighting fat in face of tariff cuts
From rice for controlling blood glucose levels to soybeans that reduce fatty acids, the government is seeking new ways to make money from agriculture as pressure mounts to cut the tariffs that farmers rely on to make a living.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration estimates that there is a potential ¥600 billion market for so-called functional foods, strains of fruits, vegetables and grains with provable health benefits beyond regular nutrition. He’s put ¥2 billion into the agriculture ministry’s coffers for a three-year project to develop new varieties of rice, soybeans, barley, onions and buckwheat.
Abe is pursuing a place in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact while OECD data show the nation’s farmers depend on government handouts for more than half their income, versus 7 percent in the U.S.

“If we succeed in creating a market for functional foods in Japan, we’ll be able to expand the business to other Asian countries that sooner or later face the same aging problem as us,” Nakatani said in an interview Thursday. “Enhanced health benefits from these products should ultimately appeal to consumers worldwide.”

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, an affiliate to the ministry, is working on a new strain of soybeans with elevated levels of beta-conglycinin, a soy storage protein that can reduce free fatty acids in the liver that contribute to risks for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, Nakatani said.

The first crops will be planted in Nagano Prefecture, renowned for miso soup stock made from soybeans. Japanese production of the oilseed rose 8 percent to 235,900 tons last year, while imports fell 3.7 percent to 2.73 million tons, according to data from the farm ministry.

Rice with a higher than normal amount of amylose, a component of starch with the potential to curb blood glucose levels, will appeal to people who want to reduce their weight, according to Nakatani. Planting may begin as early as 2016 in Niigata Prefecture, the nation’s second-largest rice producer.

- source : Japan Times October 2013


- quote - Japan Times June 2014
Middle road sought for health food labels
by Mami Maruko

In an attempt to cash in on consumers’ growing interest in healthy eating, new varieties of fresh fruit and vegetables — each touting enhanced health-boosting properties — are making their way to supermarkets nationwide.

When buying fresh produce, shoppers can now choose tomatoes containing higher levels of lycopene and eggs labeled as having “strengthened eicosa pentaenoic acid,” among a host of other foods promising greater amounts of compounds touted as beneficial.

The health food market, which includes food, beverages, sweets and supplements, was worth ¥1.8 trillion in 2012, according to market research and consultation firm Seed Planning.

With an eye on the growth potential of such products, the government is looking to establish a centralized, unified labeling system that will regulate how they are marketed and provide consumers with a greater understanding of the health benefits advertised.

Here are some questions and answers on the new labeling system expected to emerge in March 2015.

How do manufacturers go about listing the health benefits of food products?
There are two ways. One is highly regulated and the other is very lightly regulated, if at all.

The first way is called “tokuho,” short for “tokutei hokenyo shokuhin,” or “food with specified health uses,” and allows manufacturers to submit individual products to the Consumer Affairs Agency in a strictly regulated process that, if successful, allows the company to market it with a “tokuho” label.

Items bearing the tokuho label are those the agency has judged effective in promoting better health or preventing disease. They include Xylitol gum, said to protect teeth from cavities, fiber-rich drinks advertised as digestive aids, and beverages containing sardine peptide, which supposedly helps to lower high blood pressure.

The second way is unregulated and carried out completely by the food maker. It simply allows companies to “test” for vitamins and minerals in the food being advertised and to list the results on the product labels.

Food makers will still be able to label their goods by these two means after the new labeling system starts next year.

Why does the government want to launch a new labeling system?
The tokuho system is very tightly regulated. Manufacturers must conduct experiments on their products to demonstrate the health benefits and wait for the Consumer Affairs Agency to review it.

“The current system run by the government is costly and time consuming,” says Mitsuru Aoyama, secretary general of Japan Health and Nutrition Food Association.

By diversifying the labeling system and giving a freer hand to manufacturers, the government hopes to encourage more companies in the food industry, particularly small and midsize companies, to develop new products, Aoyama says.

On Friday, the agency presented an outline of its plan for the new labeling system to a group tasked with overseeing its introduction. The plan proposed several rules, such as requiring manufacturers to notify the agency before selling newly labeled products and making information on how they were researched and tested publicly available.

Whatever the rules turn out to be, they are likely to commit manufacturers to printing disclaimers to warn consumers that they are not officially endorsed by the government — a move similar to existing U.S. regulations on dietary supplements. The aim is to prevent individual consumers from holding Washington legally responsible for any side effects while letting consumers try promising products at their own risk.

Manufacturers will also be required to indicate on the labels that the health benefits advertised may not apply to those who are already ill, pregnant or breast-feeding.

What kind of effect will the new labeling system have on agriculture?
The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry launched a project last year to promote the research and development of enhanced farm products as well as healthier processed foods.

So far, 18 projects have been selected to receive subsidies, including rice containing high levels of amylose, which helps regulate blood-sugar levels, and onions with more quercetin — a compound that helps the body burn fat.

Local governments are also introducing measures to promote local specialties by playing up their health benefits.

Hokkaido, the country’s largest producer of farm products, introduced its own labeling system in April last year, complete with an original symbol allowing shoppers to identify healthy food produced in the prefecture.

What issues may arise with the new labeling system?
Mari Yamamoto, director of food function division at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, said the new labeling system is necessary because different prefectures and companies use different systems, leaving consumers unable to judge whether individual labels can be trusted.

But she also warned that the new system could end up being misleading if it is too restrictive on the kind of information that can be listed.

According to existing plans, for example, manufacturers will not be allowed to list the effects of ingredients on specific areas of the body.

“The most important thing is for consumers to know that certain food is effective for maintenance and improvement of their health. The labeling should say exactly which part of the body the nutritional ingredients have an effect on, so that they won’t be puzzled as to which food to choose,” she said.

“The government needs to provide all manufacturers clear guidance for a labeling system that has uniformity and consistency, which any one can understand and follow.”

- source : Japan Times, June 3, 2014

Related words

. 機能性表示食品 kinosei hyoji shokuhin .
new labels in May 2015



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Akiyama Tokukzo


Akiyama Tokukzo 秋山徳蔵 cook for the Tenno
(1888 - 1974)

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Cooks and Other People
edited by Harlan Walker
Manyoken's first chef was Akiyama Tokuzo, who came to the restaurant from the Kyoto palace, having studied French cooking in France.
- source : books.google.co.jp/books


Tenno No Ryori Ban Ga Kataru Ki Shoku Chinmi

Tenno No Ryori Ban Ga Kataru Showa

source : www.cdjapan.co.jp/ebooks


NHK historia

~天皇の料理番 秋山徳蔵~

- source : www.nhk.or.jp/historia

Related words

***** . WKD : Main Index .



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Masaoka Shiki


Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規

Sushi a la Matsuyama 松山寿司

When Natsume Soseki came to visit Masaoka Shiki in Matsuyma in 1892, Shiki's mother Yae prepared the dish for them. Takahama Kyoshi, who happened to be there too, wrote about this meeting, describing Soseki sitting in his western suit on the cushion, trying to eat carefully so as not to soil his suit and the floor and finishing every little grain of rice.

furusato ya oya sukoyaka ni sushi no aji

my dear hometown -
my mother is well and
the taste of sushi

われに法あり 君をもてなすもぶり鮓
ware ni hoo ari kimi o motenasu moburi sushi

here is the law
when entertaining you -
our mixed sushi

われ愛す わが豫州 松山の鮓
ware aisu waga Yoshuu Matsuyama no sushi

I love my hometown
in the province of Iyo -
Matsuyama sushi

(Yoshuu is an old name for Iyo no kuni 伊予の国.)

. Matsuyama sushi 松山鮓 and Masaoka Shiki in Ehime  


ankoo ni ichizen meshi no andon kana
. anko 鮟鱇 angler fish .

haru oshimu yado ya Nihon no toofujiru
Tofu 豆腐 bean curd
Japan is the best for tofu soup !

hio yasete tsuki no shizuku to tokenu beshi
Hio 氷魚 saffron cod

. kaki kueba kane ga naru nari Hooryuuji .
Persimmons, his favorite food !

manaita ni uroko chirishiku sakuradai
. Sakuradai 桜鯛 cherry sea bream .
and the kitchen knife

omoshiro ya tsuki ni sanshoo no kawa hageba 
Sanshoo  山椒 mountain pepper  

omoshiro ya mate no iru ana iranu ana
Mategai 馬刀 razor shell - Solen gouldi

shigururu ya konnyaku hiete heso no ue
. Konnyaku 蒟蒻 konjak, Devil's-tongue - Amorphophallus rivieri .

shinshuu no samusa o omou sobayu kana
Soba Buckwheat noodles そば 蕎麦 from Shinshu

tonari sumu hinshi ni mochi o wakachi-keri
. Mochi 餅 rice cakes .

yama wa kaze no hiyatsuku himuro kana
himuro 氷室 Ice cellars in Japan


WASHOKU - Food Haiku and Masaoka Shiki

. WKD : Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

. WKD - Cultural Keywords used by Shiki .

. WKD : ABC-List of his works .

Join the Masaoka Shiki - Study Group on facebook!





namako - sea slug


namako 海鼠 sea cucumber, sea slug

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Animal


namako 海鼠 (なまこ) sea cucumber, sea slug
trepang, bêche-de-mer
family Holothuroidea

namako in vinegar, su namako 酢海鼠(すなまこ)
innards of namako, konowata 海鼠腸(このわた)
- see below -
..... konoko このこ, iriko 海参(いりこ)
..... iriko 熬海鼠(いりこ)
..... tawarago 俵子(たわらご), kinko きんこ
..... torago とらご, toorago とうらご

fishing for namako, namako tsuki 海鼠突(なまこつき)
vendor of namako, namako uri 海鼠売(なまこうり)
boat for catching namako, namakobune 海鼠舟(なまこぶね)

Not to mix with the hoya, a summer kigo, see below.

namako su なまこ酢 namako salted namako in vinegar dressing
Usually sanbaizu 三杯酢 vinegar is used.


- quote
"To supply the markets of Southern China, Macassan trepangers traded with the Indigenous Australians of Arnhem Land. This Macassan contact with Australia is the first recorded example of trade between the inhabitants of the Australian continent and their Asian neighbours."

Some varieties of sea cucumber (known as gamat in Malaysia or trepang in Indonesia) are said to have excellent healing properties. There are pharmaceutical companies being built based on this gamat product. Extracts are prepared and made into oil, cream or cosmetics. Some products are intended to be taken internally. The effectiveness of sea cucumber extract in tissue repair has been the subject of serious study. It is believed that the sea cucumber contains all the fatty acids necessary to play an active role in tissue repair.

Sea cucumbers are believed to be endowed with aphrodisiac powers in the Far East. The reason for this belief is the peculiar reaction of the creature on being kneaded or disturbed slightly with fingers. It swells and stiffens and a jet of water is released from one end. This behaviour is similar to the erection and subsequent ejaculation of the male human penis. After releasing the jet, which is a defensive mechanism and contains irritants, the creature loses its stiffness and reverts to its original state.

Sea cucumbers have also inspired thousands of haiku in Japan, where they are called namako (海鼠), written with characters that can be translated "sea mice".

In English translations of these haiku, they are usually called "sea slugs"; according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term "sea slug" originally referred to holothurians (in the 18th century), though biologists now use the name only for the nudibranch molluscs, marine relatives of land slugs.
Almost 1,000 Japanese holothurian haiku translated into English appear in the book Rise, Ye Sea Slugs! by Robin D. Gill .
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- - - - - Yosa Buson and the Namako - - - - -

生海鼠にも鍼 こゝろむる書生哉
namako ni mo hari kokoromuru shosei kana

intern doctors
even sea slugs serve for
needle practice

Tr. Robin D. Gill

oo-ibiki soshireba ugoku namako kana

His loud snore
When grumbled about
Moves this sea cucumber.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

omou koto iwanu sama naru namako kana

it looks like
it cannot speak its mind
the sea slug

Tr. Robin D. Gill
- More translations by Robin D. Gill in facebook

atama kara futon kabureba namako kana

with the quilt
over your head: voila
a sea slug! 

Tr. Robin D. Gil
- More translations by Robin D. Gill in facebook

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

Buson uses the Chinese characters of the Edo period:

namako 生海鼠 - where the first kanji represents the NAMA - raw food.
- discussion on facebook -


. hoshi namako 干しなまこ dried namako, .
Sticbopus japonicus
kansoo namako 乾燥なまこ


konowata 海鼠腸(このわた)
most fames from Mikawa, Aichi prefecture.

They are taken from three kinds of sea cucumbers, the green, red and black one.
The fisherman's wife takes a razor, opens the side carefully and separates the body from the entrails, which are washed carefully. They are quite long and the contents are squeezed out.
The body of the sea cucumber is not thrown away, it can be grilled and eaten with sake too.

KO is the old name for namako, so this is the namako no wata.

gesalzene Eingeweide der Seegurke

This dish is one of the three favorite delicacies of Japan :
. Tenka no sandai chinmi 天下の三大珍味 .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

hoya 海鞘 (ほや, 老海鼠) sea squirt, ascidian
保夜(ほや)- ホヤ
hoya 老海鼠(ほや)the kanji mean "old namako"

mahoya 真海鞘(まほや)
white hoya, shirohoya 白海鞘(しろほや)
red hoya, akahoya 赤海鞘(あかほや)
black hoya, kurohoya 黒海鞘(くろほや)
"craw hoya", karasu hoya 烏海鞘(からすほや)

..... not to mix with the namako 海鼠 (なまこ) .

ほやの酢の物 hoya no su no mono, vinegared hoya, speciality of Miyagi.
Seescheide, eine Art Seegurke.


source : hidougu/archives

red namako patterns from Shigaraki pottery


なまこストラップ namako strap for the handy telephone or keyholder.


iki nagara hitotsu ni kooru namako kana
iki-nagara hitotsu ni kooru namako kana

Still alive,
They are frozen in one lump:
Sea slugs

Tr. Makoto Ueda

Probably written in 元禄6年, Basho age 50. Collection 続別座敷.

still alive
but frozen into one,
this sea slug ...

this sea slug
is frozen into one
but still alive . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

The hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
Written shortly before his death. It feels as if Basho is talking about himself.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


hito-oke no koori ni majiru namako kana

in one bucket
of ice there are some
sea cucumbers . . .

lit. "some sea cucumbers are mixed in a bucket full of ice"

. Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂  .







Related words

***** . namakokabe なまこ壁 "namako walls" .






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