Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規
Sushi a la Matsuyama 松山寿司
When Natsume Soseki came to visit Masaoka Shiki in Matsuyma in 1892, Shiki's mother Yae prepared the dish for them. Takahama Kyoshi, who happened to be there too, wrote about this meeting, describing Soseki sitting in his western suit on the cushion, trying to eat carefully so as not to soil his suit and the floor and finishing every little grain of rice.

furusato ya oya sukoyaka ni sushi no aji
my dear hometown -
my mother is well and
the taste of sushi
われに法あり 君をもてなすもぶり鮓
ware ni hoo ari kimi o motenasu moburi sushi
here is the law
when entertaining you -
our mixed sushi
われ愛す わが豫州 松山の鮓
ware aisu waga Yoshuu Matsuyama no sushi
I love my hometown
in the province of Iyo -
Matsuyama sushi
(Yoshuu is an old name for Iyo no kuni 伊予の国.)
. Matsuyama sushi 松山鮓 and Masaoka Shiki in Ehime
ankoo ni ichizen meshi no andon kana
. anko 鮟鱇 angler fish .
haru oshimu yado ya Nihon no toofujiru
Tofu 豆腐 bean curd
Japan is the best for tofu soup !
hio yasete tsuki no shizuku to tokenu beshi
Hio 氷魚 saffron cod
. kaki kueba kane ga naru nari Hooryuuji .
Persimmons, his favorite food !
manaita ni uroko chirishiku sakuradai
. Sakuradai 桜鯛 cherry sea bream .
and the kitchen knife
omoshiro ya tsuki ni sanshoo no kawa hageba
Sanshoo 山椒 mountain pepper
omoshiro ya mate no iru ana iranu ana
Mategai 馬刀 razor shell - Solen gouldi
shigururu ya konnyaku hiete heso no ue
. Konnyaku 蒟蒻 konjak, Devil's-tongue - Amorphophallus rivieri .
shinshuu no samusa o omou sobayu kana
Soba Buckwheat noodles そば 蕎麦 from Shinshu
tonari sumu hinshi ni mochi o wakachi-keri
. Mochi 餅 rice cakes .
yama wa kaze no hiyatsuku himuro kana
himuro 氷室 Ice cellars in Japan
WASHOKU - Food Haiku and Masaoka Shiki
. WKD : Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
. WKD - Cultural Keywords used by Shiki .
. WKD : ABC-List of his works .
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