
Gangu Folk Toys

. Mingei みんげいクッキー Folk Art Cookies .
. gangu 玩具伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys .

Folk Toys (kyoodo gangu) and Food

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Some folk toys (kyoodo gangu 郷土玩具)
are depicted with food items.
Many are made of clay (tsuchi ningyoo 土人形), or straw.
some are clay bells.

mingeihin 民芸品 folk craft
minzokugaku 民俗学 anthropology, ethnology

Here I will collect them as I find them.

Daruma Doll Museum


© PHOTO :takashi okawa. 2004

Daruma celebrating a good catch 大漁だるま
tairyoo Daruma, taigyo Daruma (with a big fish)

Hamamatsu Hariko Doll 浜松張り子

CLICK to read the full story

Konbu Daruma こんぶ達磨 from Himeji


chadoogu, mame chadoogu 豆茶道具 tea ceremony toys

CLICK for external link to IBARAGI DOLLS

Chadoogu, mame chadoogu 豆茶道具 tea ceremony toys
From Imaichi Town, 今市市 Ibaraki
They are also made in Hakone, Kanagawa and other famous woodcarving areas.

Nikko chadogu 日光茶道具 tea toys from Nikko
miniature tea-utensils
First made by the carpenters of the Nikko Toshogu shrine, in their free time.

- source and detailed photos : tochigi-dentoukougeihin

The wood mainly used is from cherry trees, Chinese quince and zelkova.

. Tochigi Folk Art - 栃木県 .


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chanoki ningyoo 茶の木人形 dolls carved from the tea tree
Uji, Kyoto
Also called Uji Ningyoo 宇治人形, dolls from Uji
Mostly figures of women picking tea, about 5 to 10 cm high. Some are without colors.
They have been produced since the beginning of the Edo period, when Kanamori Soowa 金森宗和 (1584-1656) Kanamori Sowa started carving a statue of the tea master Sen no Rikyu, who got his tea from Uji. Carved with one knife (ittoobori), some are almost like netsuke.

. Kyoto Folk Art - 京都(府) .


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DAIKOKU 大黒天 the God of the Rice Farmers

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EBISU 恵比須(えびす) the God of the Fishermen

Here he is sitting on a sea bream (TAI 鯛) for additional good luck.
TAI is related to MEDETAI, an auspicious occasion.

Ebisu and Daikoku are usually pictured together.
They represent
Umi no Sachi, Yama no Sachi

the bounty of the sea and the mountains !

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welcoming a visitor in a restaurant or shop


INARI, Fushimi Inari, 伏見稲荷 the God of Rice

INARI and the Fox Cult

ine-uma 稲馬 horse carrying harvested rice

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スゲ細工・稲馬 made from sedge


karakuri ningyo からくり人形 mechanic dolls

Karakuri ningyō are mechanized puppets or automata from Japan from the 18th century to 19th century. The word karakuri means a "mechanical device to tease, trick, or take a person by surprise".
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

monkeys making soba buckwheat noodles

One is sifting flour, one is rolling the dough and one is eating the noodles. They move their arms.

From Narai Town, Nagano 奈良井

. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .



kometsuki kuruma 米つき車 wheels for pounding rice
From Aichi, Toshogu 東照宮

This is a kind of KARAKURI doll.

. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .


Koobe ningyoo, Kobe Ningyo 神戸人形
mechanical dolls from Kobe, Kobe Dolls

CLICK here for original LINK .. www.japan-toy-museum.org Man drinking Sake
CLICk for original LINK www.japan-toy-museum.org

Boy cutting melon

. Kobe mechanical dolls 神戸人形 Introduction .


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kijiuma, kiji-uma きじ馬 pheasant with wheels
From Hitoyoshi 人吉, Kumamoto
Many craftsmen of the area made furniture. These toys were made in memory of Kyoto, since many had fled here after the Battle of Dan-no-Ura, when the Heike were defeated in 1185.
. kijiguruma きじ車  pheasant on wheels

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Koi nobori 鯉幟 carp streamers for Boys  
May 5


The beckoning cat welcoming visitors


manjuu kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 Boy Eating Manju
From Fushimi
Eating Manju Buns
manjuu kui ningyoo
A boy holds a bun broken in two halves, to show he loves his father and his mother equally. When asked whom he loved more, father or mother, that was his way of showing it. He broke the bun in equal halves and asked: "Which tastes better?"

Now these dolls are bought with a prayer to become pregnant and have such a clever child.

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Fushimi Clay Dolls / 伏見土人形

. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies - Manju .

Here are some more clay dolls with Manju buns.

. Folk Toys from Kyoto .

. Muraoka dolls 村岡人形 - Hyogo -


CLICK for more MITO dolls

noo ningyoo 農人形 dolls of farmers
from Mito 水戸

This one is putting down his hat to collect rice grains left in the field.
Other dolls are making dried plums, fermented soy beans or ricewine.
They are made of metal.

te no hira ni tsuyu no omomi no noo ningyoo

in my palm
the weight of farmer's dolls
wet from the rains

Kageshima Tomoko 影島智子

. Folk toys from IBARAKI / IBARAGI .


sea bream (TAI 鯛) for additional good luck
TAI is related to MEDETAIめでたい, an auspicious occasion.

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iwai tai, iwaitai 祝い鯛、祝鯛 tai sea bream for festivities
They are made from papermachee and straw and sold at the local Nishi no Miya shrine.
from Shizuoka,Yokota Town 横田町の西之宮神
. Hikosan no iwaidai dorei 英彦山の祝鯛土鈴
clay bell with festive sea bream .


CLICK for more Fushimi Dolls
Boy with Sea Bream
Fushimi Ningyoo 伏見人形 doll from Fushimi, Kyoto
also called 富山人形

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pinpin tai ピンピン鯛 sea bream "alive and kicking"
From Kusatsu, Shiga 滋賀・草津

taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on a float
Izumo, Miyoshi and other towns


tawara ushi 俵牛 ox carrying rice barrels

There are many types in Japan. Some are clay bells. They are important auspicious items to thank for a good harvest.


warazaiku 藁細工 things made from straw

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During the winter months, many things were made from rice straw. Mostly necessities like sandals, raincoats and hats, but also some toys and auspicious decorations with rice barrels.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

A lullaby

Nenneko, nenneko nenneko ya!
Kono ko nashite naku-yara?
O-chichi ga taranuka? — o-mama ga taranuka?
Ima ni ototsan no ōtoto no o-kaeri ni
Ame ya, o-kashi ya, hii-hii ya,
Gara-gara, nagureba fuito tatsu
Oki-agari koboshi! — 起き上がり小法師
Neneko, neneko, nenneko ya!

Okiagari koboshi Rolly-Polly Dolls

Sleep, sleep, sleep, little one!
Why does my baby continue to cry?
Is the honorable milk not enough?
is the honorable rice not enough?
Presently when father returns from the Lord's palace,
Sweets will be given to you, and also cake,
and all you want !
And a rattle as well, and a rolly-polly doll
That will stand up immediately
after being thrown down.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, little one!


External Links

with many photos

Japan Toy Museum 日本玩具博物館 
English Homepage

omocha おもちゃ Cooking Toys


Japanese cooking toys おもちゃ

There has been a boom in cooking toys in Japan. Those toys are so attractive that even adults buy them for themselves. Some of popular cooking toys are Takara Tommy's taiyaki (traditional Japanese fish-shaped cake) makers and soft caramel candy makers, Sega Toy's ice cream makers, and Bandai's norimaki (sushi rolls) makers. Using cute cooking toys, both kids and adults can have fun at home.
source : Shizuko's Japan Travel Blog . gojapan.about
International Tokyo Toy Show 2009 .


ushimitsu no wara ningyoo ga warau yoru

after midnight
the straw doll laughs-
what a night

or more literal

the night when
the straw doll laughs
after midnight

anonymous senryu

藁人形 wara ningyo,
a doll used for making a wish to kill or harm a person. At midnight, a nail is hit through the heart of the doll to fix it to a tree in a shrine.

ushi mitsu, the old double-hour of the ox beginning at one o'clock. mitsu signifies the third part of this time slot. A time when the spirits of the dead and the gods are alive too.

"a time when the trees and plants are asleep"


Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶


Kobayashi Issa (June 15, 1763 - January 5, 1828)

Related words

Daruma Doll Museum

Tairyoobata (tairyobata) 大漁旗 Ships Flags ...
and Big Fish Catch, Tairyoo 大漁 Daruma Doll

***** WASHOKU : General Information

***** . Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


. hassaku dango no uma 朔だんご馬/ 八朔団子馬 horse offerings for Hassaku .
Sanuki, Kagawa

玩具菓子 - 郷土玩具と菓子、または遊び菓子 - tba

あてもの菓子 . 弘前の生大王

- source : m-mizoguti.com -


. gangu 玩具伝説, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys .
Spielzeug und Legenden

. Mingei みんげいクッキー Folk Art Cookies .




Dengaku dance and food


Dengaku dance and food

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Humanity


Dengaku (田楽)were rustic Japanese celebrations that can be classified into two types: dengaku that developed as a musical accompaniment to rice planting observances
the dengaku dances that developed in conjunction with sangaku.

The dengaku celebrated for rice planting was performed by villagers either at the new year or during the planting season in early summer. It was only in the 14th century that these dances were brought to the cities and incorporated into Noh theater, notably by the playwrite and actor Kanami.

The instrument of dengaku is the sasara (a wooden percussive instrument clapper), though there are other instruments that can be used. In the old story of the Eiga Monogatari there is a detailed description of the rice-planting dengaku. After being brought to the aristocrats, dengaku flourished till the end of the Heian Period and became the main performing art of the Kamakura and part of the Muromachi period.
By the end of the Muromachi though, dengaku was eclipsed by sarugaku. Today is barely survives as a folk performing art.
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binzasara (編木 or 板ざさら) ita sasara clappers
is a traditional Japanese percussion instrument used in folk songs, rural dances and kabuki theater. The instrument uses many pieces of wooden plates strung together with a cotton cord. With handles at both ends, the stack of wooden plates are played by moving them like a wave.

click for more sasara photos
sasara ささら / 簓 / 讃良 wooden clappers, bamboo clappers


A legend from Akita 秋田県 about shitan 紫檀 red sandalwood

At the time of 崇神天皇 Emperor Sujin Tenno (148BC - 29 - at age 119)

The first use of sasara was at the time of Emperor Suijin in the province of 常陸国 Hitachi (now Ibaraki).
After the defeat of the local chief 悪路王 Akuro-O the army of the emperor wanted to appease his soul. So they planted 1000 heads of deer on a hill and put 1000 sticks of red sandalwood in the ground. After some appeasement rituals the soul was pacified.

. Himemachi Fudo 姫待不動尊 Iwate .
Founded by priest Enchin 円珍 in 807 in order to promote the development of the Northern Provinces in Tohoku.
In 801 the government sent Sakanoue Tamuramaro to subdue chief 悪路王 Akuro-O. The deity Bishamonten was placed in the temple to show their thanks for the victory.

. Legends about Sandalwood .

. Legends from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


dengaku is a set of dances during the planting season to call the deities to attention. Since the Heian period it is performed in spring. Developed into sarugaku 猿楽(さるがく) "monkey performances" of artistic circus tricks.
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一本高足 "one long leg" stilt

One of the performances, "dance on high legs" 高足の舞", represents a dancer on poles which are placed into the field.
Other sources quote the dancers on one or two stilts and performing with poles, stepping hard on the ground to wake it up.
Their costumes where of the color of white and brown, like tofu and miso.

When tofu or konnyaku are put on skewers, they look like they are on stilts, hence the name.

. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .
sanba sarugaku 三番猿楽 Sanbaso

Dengaku mai 田楽舞 dengaku dance
Performers on sticks, with poles and wooden swords

CLICK for original LINK  www.overcube.com.2007
Hokusai, dengaku hooshi performers

They represent the marriage of heaven and earth, of thunder and the rice plants (kaminari and inari 雷と稲), therefore when eating eggplant dengaku (nasu dengaku), the word NARI turned NASU and this is still auspicious food.

In spring, the sucessfull marriage of heaven and earth was important to produce a good harvest in autumn.
The deities had to bring the proper amount of rain, and were sometimes represented as snakes, dragond or swords (and thus protective deities of the swordsmith clans, who also step on their fuigo bellows to produce the necessary air).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

CLICK for original LINK, asahi-net.or.jp
(本田安次 錦正社 「日本の伝統芸能」より)

sangaku 散楽 performing with one stilt and two stilts
all kinds of artistic performances and tricks are shown by a sangaku group, like a circus of modern times.

Performing acrobatic feats on poles above the ground is also part of the training of Shaolin. Practising the balance on one pole is also done.
Reference photos . shaolin and kung fu on poles


gannin 願人 street performers

. gannin boozu 願人坊主 medicant monks .
Gannin Bozu



dengaku 田楽 food on skewers, with misopaste
Usually firm tofu on skewers, grilled with red miso paste from Nagoya.
Also satoimo potatoes, fish and other vegetables are grilled like this.

nameshi dengaku なめし田楽 / 菜飯田楽
a dish of rice with vegetables and
a plate of red miso tofu dengaku

speciality of Aichi prefecture, Toyohashi town
This was a speciality at the Tokaido Station of Yoshida 吉田宿 (Toyohashi).

Also in Aichi at the town of Tsushima 津島市 there is a speciality called

Click for fu dengaku
fu dengaku 麩田楽
where fu gluten croutons are fried and eaten with red miso paste.

myooga dengaku ミョウガ田楽 / みょうが田楽 Japanese myoga ginger
Zingiber mioga
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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nasu dengaku 茄子田楽 eggplants with miso
an auspicious dish for summer (see above)

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toofu dengaku 豆腐田楽 firm tofu on skewers with miso
White miso or red miso can be used.

In Kyoto, there is a special
"Giondoofu" tofu dengaku from the Gion quarters along the shirne Yasaka jinja. The shop "Niken no Chaya" 2軒の茶屋 is especially famous for it. There used to be two tea houses near the Great Gate to Gion Shrine 祇園神社の楼門. One was Fujiya 藤屋, the other Nakamuraya 中村屋. They have been added unter one roof to evade to pay taxes to the shrine and are therefore called "Two tea houses under one roof" (niken chaya 二軒茶屋). They are famous for their tofu dishes.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the tea shops!

The tofu is stuck on a special bamboo skewer with two open ends, like a "pine needle", matsubagushi 松葉串 (matsuba gushi)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
When the tofu is grilled on charcoal until halfway done, it is turned upside down and the miso is grilled.

Gion doofu 祇園豆腐 Gion Tofu
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It has been prepared since the Edo period. Now only soy beans from Tottori and Hokkaido are used for the Tofu and sweet white miso paste from Kyoto for the dipping. Sometimes spinach leaves or other ingredients are added to the paste.
This tofu became quite famous during the Edo period and even in Edo there opened a tea house to sell it near Yushima, the
Giondoofu Ya 祇園豆腐屋.

There are also
niken chaya mochi 二軒茶屋餅(にけんちゃやもち)
with kinako soybean powder. Made since 1575, originally at two tea shops near the port, Kakuya and Minatoya 角屋と湊屋. The present owner of Kakuya is in the 21 generation and also sells local beer, miso and soy sauce. They also have a small museum of old tools in their shop.
from Ise town, Mie 三重県伊勢市
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Takamori Dengaku 高森田楽
The village of Takamori near Mt. Aso is famous for preserving this food tradition.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


kigo for mid-spring
dengaku 田楽 dengaku dishes
kinome dengaku 木の芽田楽(きのめでんがく)
dengaku with fresh tree sprouts
dengaku yaki 田楽焼(でんがくやき)grilling dengaku
dengaku toofu 田楽豆腐(でんがくどうふ)tofu-dengaku
dengaku sashi 田楽刺(でんがくざし) skewer for dengaku

kigo for all summer
nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)dengaku with eggplants

observance kigo for the New Year

. dengaku matsuri 田楽祭/雪祭り Dengaku dance festival .
Niino no yukimatsuri 新野の雪祭 (にいののゆきまつり)
snow festival at Niino

. Nishiura dengaku 西浦田楽 (にしうれでんがく)
Dengaku dance at Nishiura village .


dengaku mo kataki toofu ni kataki miso

dengaku too -
firm tofu and
firm miso paste

Takahama Kyoshi  高浜虚子

The Red Hatcho-Miso from Okazaki is quite firm.


dengaku wa mukashi wa me de ima wa kui

dengaku, well,
in olden times to look at,
now to eat it


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Dishes from Niigata and Echigo

***** WASHOKU : General Information





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update December 2010

....................................... AAA

aamondo ... Mandel, almond
abokadoアボカド… Avocado. Avocadobirne
abura ... Fett, Öl.
aburaage, abura-age ... frittierter Tofu. frittierte Tofu-Taschen …deep-fried tofu pouches
aburafu, abura-fu あぶら麩 … frittierter FU (Weizen-Gluten)
aburasoba、abura-soba … “Öl-Nudeln”.
aburazuke kanzume … Büchsen mit Öl, meist Fisch. Tins with oil
aburi ... kurz rösten oder anbraten
aburiyaku ... kurz rösten oder grillen oder anbraten
ae, xyz-ae ... xyz mit Dressing
ahiru no tamago ... Enteneier (ahiru ... Anas platyrhynchos)
ainame ... あいなめ【鮎魚女/鮎並】Ainame. Hexagrammos otakii. fat greenling
aji ... Geschmack

aji 鯵 ..... Rossmakrele #Pferdemakrele #Stachelmakrele. #Makrelenhecht (das ist sanma). Fam. Carangidae. horse mackerel.
. . . maaji, ma-aji 真鯵 Trachurus japonicus, Bastardmakrele, Stöcker. saurel
aji no hiraki ... getrocknete Rossmakrele
. . . akaaji, aka-aji 赤鰺 ... Stachelmakrelen-Art. Decapterus akaadsi or jurroides

ajinomoto … Ajinomoto. .Streuwürze. Würzmittel mit Glutamat.
ajisai-age, ajisai age あじさいあげ ... Gebratene »Hortensie«, with croutons from toasted bread
akagai ... Rote Venusmuschel. Scapharca broughtoni §Anadara broughtoni. ark shell, bloody clam
akai … rot
akaika, aka-ika … Pfeilkalamar. Ommastrephes bartramii
akamai, akagome ... roter Reis, roter Japonica-Reis
... im gegensatz zu . . . sekihan, gekochtem Reis mit roten Azuki-Bohnen

akamatsu ... japanische Rotkiefer. Pinus densiflora
akamugi senretsu … „Farbkräftiger roter Weizen“. Biersorte aus Bieicho, Hokkaido
Akashidako ... Oktopus von Akashi (Kobe)
akategani ... ?“Rotarmige Krabbe“. Chiromantes haematocheir
aka-uni, akauni ... Roter Seeigel. Psudocentrotus depressus
Akita komachi ... „Schönheit von Akita“. Reissorte
aku あく【灰汁】 ... bitterness, harshness, alkalische Lösung aus gekochter Holzasche, Pflanzenlauge, Gerbsäure. lye, limewater
akunuki, aku-nuki ... gründlich wässern, Entlaugen. Entfernen der Bitterkeit .

amadai甘鯛 ... Blauer Ziegelfisch. Lopholatilus chamealeonticeps. horse-head fish; a tilefish
amaebi, ama-ebi, botan-ebi, akaebi ... Botan-Garnele. Pandalus nipponensis. wörtlich : Pfingstrosen-Garnele ?Riesengarnele, ?Eismeergarnele
amago ... Süsswasserfisch あまご【甘子】Oncorhynchus rhodurus
amai ... süß
amakawa „sweet skin“あま‐かわ【甘皮】 … Endocarp, innerste Schicht der Fruchtwand. Bei Bambus und Bohnen-Arten
amanatto ... mit Zucker glasiert, z.B. Bohnen oder Kartoffeln
Ama-no-hashidate ... “Himmelsbrücke”
amanori ... „Süße Nori“. genus Porphyra
amasagi, wakasagi ... Stint. Fisch. kyuuri uo . Smelt
amazake ... süßer Reiswein. (nicht Mirin) mit geringem Alkoholgehalt
amazu ... süßer Essig (mit mirin und Zucker)
ame ... Bonbon
ameni, ame-ni 飴煮 food 「boiled down [candied] in soy sauce and sugar
ame yobare ... gemeinsames Essen von Malz-Sirup §Malzzucker-Sirup
ami アミ ... less then one cm small seafood, mostly ebi. They are boiled sweetly with soy sauce.
amiabura, ami-abura ... Bauchfett vom Schwein, „wie ein Netz“
amimoto ... Netzmeister
amiyaki ... auf dem Rost oder Netz grillen

anago ..... Meeraal-Art. Congriscus megastomus §Astroconger myriaster. blackmouth angler. “Kind der Höhle”. ma-anago, maanago Conger myriaster. In West-Japan “schwarzer Meeraal”, kuro anagoクロアナゴ C. japonicus Bleeker,. conger eel, sea eel.
anago meshi … Meeraal auf Reis. Hiroshima, Miyajima
anchiobi アンチヨビ ... Anchovy, Anchovis. Sardelle, Engraulis japonica (katakuchi iwashi)
anisu ... Anis, aniseed

ankake ...dicke Sauce (aus Pfeilwurzel-Stärke) ev. angedickte Sauce . ? süßsaure Sauce ? Gemuesesauce
... soboro ankake ?soboro-ankake. torisoboro ankake ... angedickte Sauce mit gehacktem Hühnerfleisch

anko, an 餡子 ... süßes Bohnenmus ?Rote Bohnenpaste. ?süße rote Bohnenpaste ??Bohnenpüree. ?DAS An. aus roten Azuki-Bohnen
... siehe auch tsubuan, tsubu-an, grobes süßes Bohnenmus
... koshian, koshi-an, feines süßes Bohnenmus

ankoo ... Seeteufel-Art . Lophiomus setigerus
ankoo nabe ... Seeteufel-Eintopf

annindoofu ... Mandelgelee (chinesischer Nachtisch)
antipasto アンテイパスト ... Antipasto. traditional first course of a formal Italian meal
antore アントレ… entrée, Vorspeise, Zwischengericht
anzen anshin 安全安心 ... food safety and peace of mind

aona 菘菜(あおな) "Grünkraut" ( kind of rapesed アオナ(青菜) in the Manyo-Shu. not a kabura type. suzuna 鈴菜 is another name for this as a kabu turnip.)
aonori ... Aonori. Aonori-Seetang. Aonori-Pulver. grüner Seetang, oft fein geschnitten. Grüne Algen. Enteromorpha linza
aoriika, aori ika ... „Aori-Tintenfisch“. Sepioteuthis lessoniana
aosa … Blaualge石蓴 Ulva pertusa Kjellm.. sea lettuce
aotoogarashi, ao toogarashi … grüner spanischer Pfeffer
aoyagi ... Braune/Glatte Venusmuschel ?Trogmuschel (Art bakagai)
aozakana (ao-sakana) ... lit. "blue fish" "blauer Fisch", Fische mit blauem Rücken

appurupai, appuru pai アップルパイ apple pie

ara あら ... Reste von Fischen ohne Fleisch, meist nur Kopf und Knochen. what is left after the fish has been fileted
ara アラ ... there are three types of fish called ara
arai ... a kind of sashimi. “to wash”
araizu あらいず【洗い酢】 … leftover vinegar after preparing fish or meat with it
arajio, arashio ... grobkörniges Salz
arakezuri … grobe Katsuobushi, grobe Bonitoflocken.
arame … essbare Seegrasart. Eisenia bicyclis.
arare ... Arare, japanische Reiskäcker aus Mochigome-Klebreismehl.
arare ... Kräcker aus Mochigome-Klebreismehl
aru dente アルデンテ ... al dente

asaichi, asa-ichi ... Morgenmarkt
asari ... Japanische Teppichmuschel. §kleine Miesmuscheln. Ruditapes philippinarum. littleneck clam, baby-necked clam
asatsuki … Schnittlauch. Asatsuki-Lauch. Allium schoenoprasum var. foliosum. chives
ashirai あしらい ... to arrange food pleasingly on the plates
ashitaba … Ashitaba-Pflanze. Angelica keiskei
asupara … Spargel. Asparagus
asupikku アスピック ... Aspik, aspic
atsuage, atsu-age … frittierter Tofu in Blockform
atsumejiru集め汁... Suppe mit allerlei Einlagen

awa … Kolbenhirse. Setaria italica.
awabi ... Riesen-Meerohr. ?Abalone. Haliotis giganitea.
awabi noshi … getrocknete Abalonenstreifen. Neujahrsessen
awamori … Hirseschnaps, Okinawa
awasesu … gemischter Reisessig. blended vinegar
ayu ... Ayu. §Süßwasserlachs. Plecoglossus altivelis. family of smelts. sweetfish – ochiayu, ochi-ayu: nach dem Laichen abwärts schwimmender Fisch (art Forelle). Ryūkyū ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis)
azuki ... Azuki-Bohnen. Rote Bohnen. Vigna angularis
azukigayu ... Reisgrütze mit Azuki-Bohnen

..... BBB

bafununi, bafun uni ... „Pferdeapfel“-Seeigel Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
baigai ... ?Japanischen Wellhornschnecke . Ostasiatische Meeresschnecke. Babylonia japonica (wrong spelling : Balylonia japonica )
baikingu ...Buffet-Restaurants, bei denen man zum Einheitspreis essen kann, so viel man will
bainiku ばいにく【梅肉】 ... Fruchtfleisch von Salzpflaumen (umeboshi)/ Umeboshi-Paste / (Umeboshi-Fruchtfleisch)/ (Umeboshi-Fleisch) / Fruchtfleisch einer Pflaume; Fruchtfleisch einer Umeboshi; Fruchtfleischpaste einer Umeboshi.

baishi ... „Pflaumenzweige“, Konfekt / Frittiertes Reismehlgebäck in Form eines Pflaumenzweigs . other official new year food :
... Frittiertes Reismehlgebäck in Form eines Pfirsichzweigs (tooshi)
... Frittierter oder gedünsteter Weizenmehlsnack in Form eines Skorpions (kakko)
... Zimt-Weizenmehl/Klebreismehl-Gebäck (keishin)
... Frittierte oder gekochte runde Mehlbällchen (tsuishi)
... Frittierte Klebreismehlkuchen (densei)
... Kräcker aus einer Mischung von Weizen- und Hirsemehl (hichira)
... Kräcker aus einer Mischung von Weizenmehl und geriebenen grünen Sojabohnen in Form eines Säckchens (kankidan)

bakagai ... Trogmuschel. Mactra chinensis

bancha ばんちゃ【番茶】 ... coarse tea. Bancha-Tee. einfacher grüner Tee
banbanji ... Kalter Gurken- und Hühnerfleischsalat
banjan ... Chilisauce, chinesische, für Mabodofu
bannonegi, bannoo negi ... Lauch
banshaku ... abendlicher Reisweintrunk

barako ... Lachsrogen „Kinder im Bauch“.
barazushi ... „Gemischtes Sushi“ aus Okayama. Eine Art chirashizushi.
basashi ... rohes Pferdefleisch – baniku ... Pferdefleisch
batapii, bata pii ... buttered peanuts
bataanattsu sukuasshu ... Butternut-Kürbis. butternut squash バターナッツスクアッシュ. Cucurbita moschat
bataayaki bataa yaki ... in Butter geschwenkt
... Bauchspeck, Frühstücksspeck

benibana ... Färberdistel. Färbersaflor. Carthamus tinctorius
benishooga ... eingelegter roter Ingwer
benizuwaigani ... rote Schneekrabbe. Chionoecetes japonicus 

bentoo, obentoo, o-bentoo, Bentō, o-bentō ... Bento. #Bento-Lunchpaket ?Esspaket ?Bento-Paket #Lunchpaket, #Verpflegungspaket . # Mitnahmeessen . packed box lunch,

bibinba ... Koreanisches Reisgericht. Bibimba
biikyuu gurume ... Gourmet der B-Klasse
biiru ... Bier, beer. nama biiru. Fassbier, Bier vom Fass, draft beer, wird auch in Büchsen geliefert. ragaa biiru ist Lagerbier
... biru ... building
bishoku kurabu美食倶楽部 ... „Klub der Feinschmecker“ von Kitaoji Rosanjin
biwa ... Japanische Mispel. Japanische Wollmispel. Eriobotrya japonica. Loquat

boodara ... getrockneter Schellfisch. Stockfisch
bora ... graugestreifte Meeräsche. Mugil cephalus. striped black mullet
botamochi ... Reiskloß, mit süßem Bohnenmus bedeckt
botan ... Päonie, Pfingstrose. Paeonia suffruticosa .
botan nabe, botannabe ... Wildschwein-Eintopf. „Päonien-Eintopf“, Wildschweinfleisch
botanyaki chikuwa ... „Päonien-Chikuwa“
bottoru kiipu ... bottle keep (in your favorite bar or restaurant)

Buddha ... O-Shaka-Sama ... Gautama Buddha, Begründer des Buddhismus in Indien
buna ... Siebold-Buche. Fagus Sieboldii. beech tree

bunka seikatsu 文化生活... cultured living, eating cultured food
bunkazai ... nationaler Kulturschatz ??geistiges Nationalkulturerbe, ?geistiges Nationalkulturgut (important intangible folk culture property)
burandomai ... Markenreis

buri ..... die Seriola §Gelbschwanz, Grosse Basse, (kleiner Fisch ist hamachi in Kansai, inada in West-Japan.. Seriola quinqueradiata. yellowtail. kanburi “Winter-Gelbschwanz”
burikama … Halsteile des Gelbschwanzes
buri no herazushi … Sushi mit Gelbschwanz-Resten. Tosa

burikko … Eiersack des hatahata Sandfisches. Delikatesse in Akita.
burokkorii ... Broccoli. Brassica oleracea var. italica
buroiraa ブロイラー ... broiler . Brathähnchen
bussan sentaa … lokales “Produkte-Zentrum”

buta ... pig, pork . Schwein
butajiru ... Suppe mit Schweinefleisch
butaman, buta-man, buta man ... buns with pork filling, Teigbällchen mit Schweinefleischfüllung
butaniku no chirinabe ... Eintopf mit Schweinefleisch

..... CCC

cha 茶 ocha, o-cha ... Tea, Tee. Im allgemeinen Grüner Tee. ?Grüntee
chaahan ... gebratener Reis, chinesische Art
chaashuu, chashu ... Schweinebraten in Scheiben
chakin shibori, chakinshibori 茶巾絞り ... mit einem Tuch geformte Paste) 
chaashuumen ... Nudelsuppe mit Einlage aus gegrilltem Schweinefleisch
chakaiki 茶会記 ... records of the tea ceremony
chanchan yaki ... roasting salmon with vegetables on a hot plate
chankonabe ... Sumo-Ringer-Eintopf ?Eintopf der Sumo-Ringer, ?Sumoringer-Eintopf
chanpon ... Chanpon. Eintopf mit Nudeln, Meeresfrüchten und Gemüse. Champon

charumera チャルメラ portugese charamela. ... flute of a street vendor or yatai

. Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良土人形 clay dolls from Sagara .

chasen 茶筌 ... bamboo tea whisk. Teequirl. #Bambusbesen. kleiner Besen aus Bambus
chattizushi, chatti sushi ... Sushi mit Chayote-Kürbis
chawanmushi …gedämpfter Eierstich
cha zen ichimi 茶禅一味 ... tea and meditation are of the same flavour
chazuke, ochazuke ... Schale Reis mit Beilagen und grünem Tee übergossen

chidori sakazuki 千鳥杯, 千鳥の杯 ... plover sake cups, flat cups for just one sip
chiikama ... Chikuwa mit Käsefüllung
chiizu ... Käse
chiizu keeki ... Käsekuchen. チーズケーキ cheese cake
chiizu purin ... Käsepudding. cheese pudding
chiizu tonkatsu ... Cordon bleu

chikin チキン ... chicken. toriniku 鶏肉 ... Hühnerfleisch / ?Hähnchenfleisch / ?Hünchenfleisch
chiku 畜... four-legged animals, forbidden for Buddhists to eat
chikutoo ... Zuckerbambus. Saccharum sinense Roxb, Chinsese sugar cane
chikuwa ... Fischpastetenrollen. Chikuwa
chimaki ちまき【粽】 ... rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves. in Bambusblätter gewickelte Reiskuchen
chinmi ... Delikatesse . Nihon sandai no chinmi . drei größten Spezialitäten
chiporo ... Ainuwort für Lachsrogen
chirashizushi ... Sushi-Reis mit aufgestreuten Beilagen. Sushi-Reis mit Auflagen, in der Schüssel serviert. Barazushi in Okayama
chirimenjako 縮緬雑魚 .... getrocknete Shako; getrocknete kleine Fische.
chirinabe, chiri-nabe ... Fischeintopf
chisa チサ ..... チシャ(萵苣・苣 kind of lettuce. Lactuca sativa. ?Japanese parsley
chitose ... „Tausend Jahre“, Süßigkeit aus Kaga
chitose ame ... süße rot-weiße Lutschstange „für tausend Jahre“

choomiryoo ... Gewürz.
chorogi ... Knollenziest. Chinesische Artischoke. Stachys sieboldii.

chuugen, o-chuugen ... Geschenk zur Jahresmitte
chuuka ryoori ... chinesische Gerichte
chuukamen ... chinesische Nudeln
chuuya imo 中夜芋 … “day and night raro”

..... DDD

dachoo no tamago ... Straußeneier
dagashi ... billiges Konfekt

daidokoro kairyoo 台所改良 ... renovating the kitchen (to adjust to modern times)
daifuku, daifukumochi … Mochi-Reiskuchen mit süßem Bohnenmus gefüllt. Daifuku mochi.
daigakuimo, daigaku imo ... Frittierte Süßkartoffel
daikon ... Rettich. Raphanus sativus ??der Daikon
daikonjiru ... Suppe mit Rettich
daimyoo ... Landesfürst, §Regionalfürst. R (dann auch Daimyo).
daioo ... Rhabarber. Rheum officinale.
daizu ... Sojabohne. Glycine max. soybean, soya bean “grosse Bohne” (330)
dama, tama ... eine Portion, z. B. Udonうどん玉

dango 団子 ... Reismehlklößchen ?Reismehl-Bällchen. Kloß. ?Klößchen, ?Bällchen, ? Dango-Nudelklößchen
??Reisbällchen, ?Knödel. Aus besonderem Reismehl oder anderen Mehlsorten. Auch bei Fischbällchen oder Fleischbällchen (niku dango). dumpling
(Im Unterschied zum Onigiri, Reisball, ist DANGO ein Reismehlklößchen ?Reismehl-Bällchen.)
dangojiru, dagojiru だご汁 ... soup with dumplings, they look like Gnocchi. from Oita. Klößchen-Suppe
dangoko だんご粉 ... Dango-Mehlmischung

dashi ... Dashi-Brühe. Dashi-Pulver. ?klare Brühe, einfache Dashi, Kombu-Dashi.
dashimaki tamago ... Dashimaki. Mit Dashi zubereitetes Omelett

datemaki ... gerolltes süßes Omelett mit Fischpaste

demae ... Auslieferung von Essen. ?Lieferservice für Essen
demi gurasu soosu デミグラス・ソース ... Demiglace-Soße (falsch : domigurasu soosu ドミグラスソース)
denbu ... zerfaserter Weißfisch
dengaku ... mit Miso-Paste bestrichene und gegrillte Speisen
densei, tensei ... „Nabelkuchen“, Konfekt für Neujahr.

dobujiru ... Suppe aus Seeteufel-Teilen
doburoku ... trüber Reiswein
don ... Schale Reis mit xzy.
dojoo ... Schmerle. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. loach
dojoonabe ... Schmerleneintopf
donabe ... irdener Kochtopf
donburi ... Donburi. ,Tiefe Schale mit gekochtem Reis und Beilagen. bowl of rice. - tiefe Schale Reis mit einem Kotelett (katsudon)
donburi yokochoo ... „Gasse der Reisschalen“. Hakodate
donerukebabu "ドネルケバブ" ... Döner, Dönerkebab
donguri ... Eichel. Vom Baum Quercus acutissima
donpikoどんぴこ... Herz des Lachses
doonatsu ... Donut
dorayaki ... Castilla, gefüllt mit süßem Bohnenmus
doria ... eine Art Reisgratin
doresshingu ... Dressing für Salate. sarada doresshingu
doria ... Reiseintopf mit Fisch oder Hühnerfleisch
dotenabe ... „Damm-Eintopf“ . Dotenabe-Eintopf, mit einem Rand aus Sendai-Miso

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.......... EEE

ebamiruku, eba miruku エバミルク evaporated mild, Milkmaid. Kondensmilch
ebi ... Garnelen (auch : Languste). Fam. Decapoda. moroge ebi am See Shinjiko bei Matsue sind yoshiebi 葦海老 Metapenaeus ensis
ebichiri ... Garnelen in Chilisauce
ebi furai ... frittierte Garneelen
ebi no funamori 海老の船盛り … lobster served in the shape of a boat
ebisen ... senbei with ebi taste
ebishoo 蝦醤 ... soy sauce with shrimp taste
edamame ... gekochte und gesalzene grüne Sojabohnen . #die Edamame (grüne Sojabohnen) Glycine max
edamu chiizu エダムチーズ ... Edam cheese, Edamer
ediburu furawaa エヂブルフラワー ... edible flowers
Edomae zushi ... Edomae-zushi. Sushi mit frischen Meeresfrüchten aus der Bucht von Edo (Tokyo)
eggu kattaa エッグカッター... Eierschneider
egumi えぐみ ... bitter taste, tang. bitterer Geschmack

ei エイ ... stingray. Rochen. eihire ... fin of a stingray. sold dried, the skin peeled off, then soaked in water for soup.
eiyoo rikkoku 栄養立国 ... "a nutritious-concious nation"
ekiben ... Lunchpaket, am Bahnhof verkauft
ekkusu-oojan エックスオージャン, XO醤 ... XO Jan. Chinese condiment

ementaaru chiisu エメンタールチーズ ... Emmental cheese
enden ... „Salzfeld“ zu Trocknen von Meerwasser bei der Salzgewinnung
engawa エンガワ ... lower part of the pack fin of flounders. contains lots of fat, as sashimi or grilled
enoki ... Enoki-Pilze. Celtis sinensis var. japonica. nametake ist eine Art Enoki. Ersatzweise Pfifferlinge
enpera エンペラ, えんぺら ... "Emperor" . triangular part at the top of an ika squi, also called mimi, ear. see engawa. The word derives from its form, which looks like the hat of emperor Napoleon.
enzoohin 塩蔵品 ... Lebensmittel mit Salz haltbar gemacht.
eringi エリンギ ... Eringi-Pilze (Kräuterseitlinge). Pleurotus eryngii
esharetto エシャレット ... young shallot (rakkyoo)
esharotto エシャロット ... echalote, a kind of onion. Schalotte
esukabeeshu エスカベーシュ ... escabeche (made from white fish)
esukarugo エスカルゴ ... escargot. essbare Schnecke
esunikku ryoori エスニック料理 ... ethnic food.
esupiiefu buta エスピーエフぶた / 豚 ... SPF pork
esutoragon エストラゴン ... Estragon. taragon タラゴン . Artemisia dracunculus
Ezo bafununi ... „Pferdeapfel“-Seeigel aus Hokkaido. Strongylocentrotus intermedius

.......... FFF

faasuto fuudo ... Fast Food ファーストフード
faibaa ... Ballaststoffe. dietary fibers. $Fasern

fu 麩 ... Weizengluten. daraus werden z.B. Fu-Croutons bereitet. aus gestossenem Weizenmehl.. fusuma ist Weizenkleie ..... sudarebu „FU wie Bambusvorhänge“. nama-fu ist rohes Fu. yaki-fu ist gebackenes Fu, Fu-Croutons. itafu in Scheiben. kanzefu mit Wirbeln aus grünem und rotem Seetang. kurumafu ist „radförmiges Fu“. sashimifu ist roh, mit bunten Farben.

fuedai ... Schnapper. Lutjanus stellatus. snapper
fugu, mafugu, akamefugu, sangatsufugu ... Kugelfisch. §Pufferfisch Takifugu pardalis. 2 Familien. Fam. Tetraodontidae und Fam Balistoidei . Rotaugen-Kugelfisch. pufferfish – - torafugu „Tiger-Kugelfisch“ (Fugu rubripes, tiger blowfish). globefish, blowfish (338)
fugunabe ... Kugelfisch-Eintopf
fujisan ... Fujisan . #Fujiyama, #Berg Fuji, #nur einfach Fuji
fuki ... Huflattich. Petasites japonicus.
fukinotoo, fuki no too … Huflattich-Blüte. Petasites japonicus.
fukucha ... Glückbringender Tee. zum Neujahrsfest
Fukusuke ... Gott der Händler. Puppe mit großem Kopf.
fukutoku senbei ... Glück und Vermögen verheissende Waffeln. aus Kanazawa

funa ... Karausche. Carassius carassius
funamori船盛 ... Sachimi auf einem Miniatur-Schiff angerichtet
funori布海苔... Funori-Rotalge. Gloiopeltis frucata. koosoo紅藻 rote Algen.
furai ... frittiertes xzy, fried, gebratenes ...
furaido chikin basuketto フライドチキンバスケット... fried chicken in a basket
furikake ... Streugewürz für Reismahlzeiten
furoshiki ... Einwickeltuch
futomaki ... dicke Sushi-Rolle
fuyuyasai ... Wintergemüse

.......... GGG

gangaze ... ?langstachliger Seeigel. Diadema setosum . long spined sea urchin
gari … Beilage zum Sushi, meist Ingwer in süßem Reisessig
... Gemüsebrühe
gasupacho ガスパチョ ... gazpacho

genmai ... Naturreis, Braunreis, unpolierter Reis
geso …Tintenfischbeine, Tentakel. abgeschnitten zum Essen (gesoku下足)
ginburoo ... „Silber für ein langes Leben“, Sojabohnenart von Shikoku 銀不老(ぎんぶろう)
gindara ... Säbelfisch §Schwertfisch. Anoplopoma fimbria. sable fish, blue cod

ginnan ... Gingko-Nüsse #Gingkonüsse. Ginkgo-Nuss. Nuss des Ginkgo biloba. #Gingkofrüchte

Gion matsuri ... Gionfest
giri choko ... „Pflicht-Schokolade“ zum Valentinstag
giseidoofu, gisei-doofu ぎせいどうふ【擬製豆腐】 .. vegetarian tofu-dish imitating an omelette with vegetables

go ... the five
gohoo 五法 ... five methods : raw 生 nama, cooked and simmered 煮る niru, fried 揚げる ageru, grilled 焼く yaku, steaned 蒸す musu
gomi 五味 ... five tasts : sweet 甘 kan, sour 酸 san, spicy 辛 shin, bitter 苦 ku, salty 鹹 kan
goshiki 五色 ... five colors : red 赤 aka, green or blue 青 ao, yellow 黄 ki, black 黒 kuro and white 白 shiro

goboo ... die Japanische Schwarzwurzel. Gobo. ?Klettenwurzel. Arctium lappa. burdock
godan 後段 ... "after the meal", snacks served whilst drinking
goheimochi ... Goheimochi. aus gestampftem Reis mit Walnuss-Sauce. Nagano
gokasho shoonin 五か所商人 ... merchants of the five cities (Edo, Kyoto, Osaka, Sakai, Nagasaki ) during the Edo period

goma ... Sesam. Sesamum indicum. … shiragoma ist weise Sesamsaat / sesame. ..... atarigoma = surigoma, geriebenee Sesamsaat. kurogoma, schwarze Sesamsaat, black sesame / kingoma, golden sesame; chagoma „tea sesame“ . #Sesamkörner
gomaae, goma-ae ... Dressing mit Sesamsauce
gomadare ... Sesamsauce (zum Dippen §Eintauchen)
gomadoofu ... „Sesam-Tofu“, aus geriebenem Sesam und kuzu-Stärke

gomame ... Kleine süßgesimmerte getrocknete Sardinen.
gomoku gohan, kayaku gohan ... Reis mit aufgeletem Gemüse und Fischstücken
gomokuzushi ... Sushi-Reis mit aufgelegtem Gemüse und Fischstücken
goofuretto ... Gaufrette
gooyaa ... Gooyaa-Gurke. Momordica charantia, bitter gourd
gori … Kaulkopf. Cottus pollux. (kajika). Japanese sculpin, ca. 15 cm lang
goshiki namagashi … “Frisches Konfekt in fünf Variationen”, aus Kaga. Eine Art Mochi mit Überzug.
goyoo ... Baumwollgras. Gnaphalium affine.
gozachaku 着茣蓙 ... taking your seat at a formal banquet

gu ... 具 ... Zutaten, Einlagen für Suppe

gunkanmaki, ?Gunkan-maki gunkanzushi 軍艦巻き ... "Schlachtschiff-Rolle". ?„Kriegsschiff-Rolle“ . ?Schiffs-Rolle ?Schiffsrolle. ?Schiff-Rolle ?Schiffrolle. Sushiart

guratan ... Gratin

gyooja ninniku ... Schlangenwurz . „Knoblauch für Bergasketen“. Lange Siegwurz. Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum. auch “wilde Zwiebel” genannt. Ainu negi, Ezo negi (kitobiro)
gyokairui ... Fische und Meeresfrüchte
gyooza ... Gyoza. Mit Hackfleisch und Gemüse gefüllte Teigtaschen. Art Maultaschen. Chinesische Spezialität.
gyuuhi求肥 ... Gyuuhi-Konfekt, aus Kaga. aus Reismehl, weissem Zucker und Mizuame. Halbdurchsichtig.
gyuunyuu ... Milch. milk
gyuunyuu doofu ... Tofu aus Muttermilch
gyuuraku ... Butter牛酪

..... HHH

hagatame no mochi ... “Zeremonie zum Stärken der Zähne“. Neujahrskonfekt.
haika ... Haiku-Konfekt. Süßigkeiten, nach Haiku benannt. 俳菓 haiku sweets
hakobera ... Vogelmiere. Thalassoma quinquevittatum. chickweed
hakozushi ... Sushi im Kasten, Osaka-Stil
hakusai ... Chinakohl . Brassica campestris
hakutaku ... Hakutaku-Weizennudeln. Hakutaku-Nudeln. Neujahrsessen.
hakutoo ... „Weißer Pfirsisch“. Sorte aus Okama.
hamachi ... Japanische Seriola. §Gelbschwanz (jung) ... siehe auch buri. Seriola quinqueradiata. Japanese aberjack
hamaguri ... Japanische Venusmuschel. §Venusmuschel. Meretrix lusoria.
hamanabe, hama nabe ... „Strand-Eintopf“, auch Eintopf mit Venusmuscheln
hamatobiuo, hama tobiuo ... Japanischer Fliegender Fisch. §Fliegender Fisch an der Küste. Cypselurus pinnatibarbatus japonicus.
hamayaki … Grillen direkt am Strand
hamigaki ... Zahnpasta, toothpaste
hamo ... Hechtmuräne. §Seeaal. Muraenesox cinereus. daggertooth pike conger
hamori 羽盛り  … wild bird meat served with its wings as decoration

hanabiramochi ... „Kirschblüten-Mochi“. Neujahrskonfekt.
hanaika, sakuraika, sakura ika, kooika, koo ika ... Goldener Sepia „Kirschblüten-Tintenfisch“. Sepia esculenta
hanakatsuo ... feine Bonitospäne. (feine Katsuobushi)
hanami ... Kirschblütenschau
hanami bentoo ... Lunchpaket für die Kirschblütenschau
hanbaaguu, hanbaagaa, hanbaaguu suteeki ... Hamburger, Hamburger-Steak
hangiri, han-giri はんぎり【半切り】 ... Holzzuber. wooden bowl to prepare sushi rice
hanpen … Hanpen-Weißfischkuchen
haoto, ha oto 歯音 ... noise of the teeth when eating
happa bijinesu ... Geschäft mit Blättern. Verkauft zur Dekoration.
happooshu ... Bier mit niedrigem Malzgehalt

harako, hararago ... Fischeier, insbes. vom Lachs
harakomeshi ... Reis mit Lachsrogen
hare no gozen ... Große Einladung zum Neujahrsfestessen bei Hofe
harusame ... Harusame-Glasnudeln. (Cellophan-Nudeln)

hashi ... chopsticks, Essstäbchen, oft o-hashi genannt.
Rikyuu bashi, Rikyu hashi 利休箸 chopsticks "a la Rikyu, the Tea Master"
hare no hashi, ke no hashi ”ハレの箸”と”ケの箸”
yanagibashi 柳箸(やなぎばし)chopsticks from willow wood
futobashi 太箸 (ふとばし) "thick chopsticks"
haramibashi 孕み箸(はらみばし) chopsticks thick in the middle
iwaibashi 祝箸(いわいばし)"festive chopsticks"
mochibashi 餅箸(もちばし) chopsticks for mochi
hashizutsumi 箸包(はしづつみ) wrapping chopsticks
hashigami 箸紙(はしがみ) wrapping paper for chopsticks
zoonibashi 雑煮箸(ぞうにばし)chopsticks for zoni soup
okanbashi, o-kanbashi お羹箸(おかんばし)chopsticks for New Year soup
waribashi 割り箸; 割箸 disposable chopsticks

hasshuu no karagashi ... acht chinesische Konfekte §acht Kostbarkeiten
hasu ... Lotos. Nelumbo nucifera. (Lotus)
hasuimo, hasu-imo … Eine Art Süßkartoffel. Shikoku. Colocasia gigantea Hook.
hatahata ... Japanischer Sandfisch §Sandbandfisch. §Sägebarsch. Arctoscopus japonicus. sandfish . §Zackenbarsch
hatchoo-miso ... „Acht-Meilen-Miso“ Hatcho-Miso, aus Ozaki, Nagoya. aus dem 8. Bezirk
hatosaburee ... Butterkeks in Taubenform. Kamakura
hatsugatsuo ... erster Bonito der Saison. Katsuwonus pelamis
hausu saibai ... Gewächshausanbau
hayashi raisu ... Haschee auf Reis

hegi 折ぎ ... split-wood tray, like "a rooftile"
heshiko, heshikomu ... in nukazuke eingelegte blaue Fische. Wakasa
hedodaikon, heso daikon へそ大根 "radish with a navel" dried on a stick

higaeri teishoku ... täglich wechselndes Gedeck
higashi ... japanisches Trockenkonfekt.
hijiki … Hijiki-Alge. Braune Meeresalge. Hizikia fusiformis
hikidemono 引き出物 present given to guests at a banquet
hikimono 引き物… extra dishes of a banquet
hikiniku ... Hackfleisch
himemasu ... Kokanee-Lachs. Oncorhynchus nerka.
himokawa udon ... alter Name für Kishimen aus Nagoya.
himono ... „getrocknete Dinge“, im allgemeinen Fisch.
hina matsuri ... Puppenfest
hinode ebi ... Garnelen, gegessen beim ersten Sonnenaufgang im Neuen Jahr.
hinomaru ... Japanische Flagge
hinomaru bentoo ... Bentoo wie die Japanische Flagge
hiraki ... ausgenommener, aufgeklappter Trockenfisch
hiramasa ... Königsmakrele. Seriola lalandi . golden striped amberfish  
hirame ... Olivfarbige Scholle §Glattbutt (§Plattfisch) Paralichthys olivaceus (Ersatz: Steinbutt). bastard halibut
hirawan 平椀 ... flat bowl for tea ceremony

hishimochi ... dreifarbige Reiskuchen für das Puppenfest
hishio ... Vorstufe bei der Herstellung von Sojasauce
hissho shokuryoo 必勝食料 ... "victory rations" during WW2
hitsura, hichira ... Kräcker aus gemischtem Mehl. Konfekt für Neujahr.
hiyashi chuuka ... kalte chinesische Nudeln
hiyasoomen ... kalte dünne Nudeln. ,Somen-Nudeln
hiyayakko ... Kalter Tofu („Kalter Bursche)
hizu ... „kalter Fischkopf“ Knorpelteile vom Fischkopf, besonders Lachs
hizu-namasu ... .Eingelegte Fischkopfknorpel
hizu senbei ... . .Hizu-Sembei. Eingelegte Fischkopfknorpel

hokke ... Hokke-Fisch. #Atkamakrele. Pleurogrammus azonus. Okhotsk atka mackerel
hokkigai ... Sachalin-Trogmuschel §Ottermuschel, §Lange Trogmuschel. Spisula sachalinensis. auch ubagai
honchoo shoku kagami 本朝食鑑 ... Encyclopedia of Food in Japan, 1697
honmono no aji ... der echte Geschmack. Oishisa ... Schmackhaftigkeit
honzen ryoori 本膳料理 ... "real Japanese food served formally"
honzoo koomoku 本草綱目 ... Compendium of Materia Medica, first in Chinese. 52 volumes

hoo ... weißgraue Magnolie. Magnolia obovata
hooba ほおば 朴葉 … Weißgraue Magnolie, Magnolia obovata
hoobamiso ほおばみそ …
hoorensoo ... Spinat. Spinacia oleracea.
hooroku ... irdene Pfanne zum Rösten und Dämpfen. earthenware pan
hoorokumushi ... Dömpfen in der irdenen Pfanne
hoorokuyaki ... Rösten in der irdenen Pfanne
hooshoyaki ... Grillen mit Einpacken in dickes Japanpapier

horegusuri ... Liebestrunk. love potion
horumonyaki ... eine Art Yakiniku mit Eingeweise. vom Kansai hooru mono 放る物,”etwas wegwerfen”
hoshigarei星鰈 ... „Gepunktete Scholle“ (Scholle mit Sternen) §Gepunkteter Heilbutt. Verasper variegatus. spotted halibut
hoshi-ii ... Gekochter, getrockneter Reis, Reiseproviant
hotategai, hotate gai ... Japanische Jakobsmuschel, #Kammmuschel (Patinopecten yessoensis, Placopecten spp.)
hotaruika, hotaru ika …Leuchttintenfisch. Watasenia scintillans
hotokenoza … Taubnessel. Lamium amplexicaule
hottopureeto … Bratplatte. hot plate §Grillplatte
howaito soosu ホワイトソース ... "white sauce" . Béchamelsauce
hoya, mahoya ... Seescheide. Halocynthia roretzi. sea squirt
hozonshoku … haltbare Nahrungsmittel

Hummer ... haben dickere Scheren, gibt es nicht in Japan. Ise-Ebi sind Langusten. lobster

hyakka hachimitsu ... „Honig von 100 Blüten“ von japanischen Bienen
hyootan … Flaschenkürbis. Lagenaria siceraria var. gourda.

..... III

ibodai 疣鯛 ... Butterfisch §Japanischer Butterfisch. Psenopsis anomala. melon seed fish, butterfish. wart perch.
iburi, ibusu ... räuchern, kunsei

ichiban dashi ... erste Dashi
ichigo 苺 イチゴ... Erdbeere. strawberry. ichigogari イチゴ狩り ... "Erdbeeren jagen" (pflücken)
ichijiku いちじく【無花果】 ... fig. Often prepared with vinegar (Toyama). or dried figs.
ichimi toogarashi ... Cayennepfeffer
ichimotsu zenshoku 一物全食 ... "one thing, all is eaten" Nothing is left of an ingredient, all is prepared in some way.
ichiyaboshi ... „eine Nacht getrocknet“, für himono
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 ... stand serving one meal (for the poor)

igai …Seemuschel. Mytilus coruscus
iguninburaito ... Ignimbrit (Schmelztuff) aus der Oga Halbinsel
iidako ... Iidako-Krake. Octopus ocellatus

ika ... Fam. Tintenfisch. Kalmar. Sepia. Fam. Teuthida. squid
..... surume-ika .. .Kurzflossen-Kalmar
ikameshi ... Mit Reis gefüllter Tintenfisch
ikanago ... Japanischer Sandaal, Ammodytes personatus
ika no sugatayaki ... ganzer gegrillter Tintenfisch
ikasumi ... ?Kalmar-Tinte
ikayaki ... gegrillter Tintenfisch

ikizukuri ... „Zubereitung lebender Meeresfrüchte“. Fische, Langusten, Awabi und andere.
ikoku yuba 異国湯葉 …yuba tofu skin “ from foreign lands”
ikura, suzuko ... rotschillernder Lachsrogen. Lachskaviar. Lachslaich. „Wieviele seid ihr?“
ikuradon ... Lachsrogen auf einer Schale Reis.

imo ... Kartoffel, allgemeiner Name für verschiedene Knollengewächse
imo 芋 (いも) ... Taro, Taro-Kartoffel. (eigentlich sato-imo) Colocasia antiquorum
imoshoochuu, imo shoochuu. imojoochuu 芋焼酎 ... Imo-Shochu . Süßkartoffel-Schnaps
imoyookan, imo yookan ... Paste aus Süßkartoffeln

inago no tsukudani ... Heuschrecken-Tsukudani
inakazushi ... Sushi aus ländlichen Gebieten

Inari 稲荷... Fuchsgottheit des Reisanbaus
inari-zushi, inarizushi ... Inari-Sushi. lit. "Fuchs-Sushi" oder Fuchsgott-Sushi. Sushi-Reis in frittierten Tofu-Taschen – hana-inari „Inari-Zushi mit Blütendekorationen“

ingen, ingen mame ... Stangenbohne, Phaseolus vulgaris
iriko ... kleine getrocknete Sardinen, für Dashi. Meist „japanese pilchard“, Sardinops melanostictus und Katakuchi iwashi

iro ... color. Farbe
irodashi, iro-dashi いろだし【色出し】 ... prepare food to bring its natural colors alive. Vegetables boiled with salt become nice and green.
irodori ... Färbung, Kolorit bei Dekorationen.
irodome いろどめ【色止め】 ... color-fixing. Preventing food to change its color when stored. Boiled vegetables dipped in ice water.

irori ... offener Herdplatz, offene Feuerstelle
iru ... rösten炒る roast, toast. irinabe siehe hooroku
iruka 海豚, dorufin ドルフィン... dolphin, porpoise. Delphinus. Fam. DELPHINIDAE. Delphin

isaki伊佐木、鶏魚... Süßlippen-Art. §Gestreifter Stierkopfhai. Parapristipoma trilineatum. chicken grunt. „Killer vom Schmied鍛冶屋殺し“ in Wakayama
ise-ebi, ise ebi ... Languste. Panulirus japonicus.
ishigarei ... Schollen-Art (Steinscholle). Kareius bicoloratus、Stone flounder
Ishikarinabe ... Eintopf nach Ishikari-Art (auch Tokachi-Eintopf)
ishimochi ... Adlerfisch. Argyrosomus argentatus.
ishiyaki ... Kochen mit heissen Steinen
isshoozuke ... Gemüse, in 1 Shoo eingelegt. in Reiskleie und Sojasauce
isobe 磯辺 ... "with the taste of the beach", all sorts of preparations with seaweed. isobe-age, fried. isobe-maki as sushi
isobemochi ... „Mochi mit Strandgeschmack“, mit Aonori 磯辺餅

itabogaki ... Itabo-Auster. Fam. Ostrea . Ostrea denselamellosa
itadori … Windenknöterich. Fallopia convolvulus. wild buckwheat
itameni 炒めに ... "frying and cooking" . Vegetables are first fried and then cooked, to get a stronger taste.
itameru いためる【炒める】 ... fry, sautee, stir-fry
itayagai ... ?Itayagai. kleine Venusmuschel. Pecten albicans
itazuri いたずり ... "rubbing on the chopping board", especially for vegetables when massaging salt into them.
ito-in senbei … Senbei mit einem „Stempel wie ein Faden“. Mie, Ise Jingu
iwagani, mokuzugani ... Eriocheir japonicus  ? Japanese mitten crab
iwai no zen 祝いの膳 ... formal, festive eating tray
iwana ... Weißpunktsaibling §Bachforelle. Salvelinus pluvius. whitespotted charr
iwanori, inori ... die Iwanori, essbare Rotalge. Fam. Porphyra. Familie ushikenori Bangia fusco-purpurea Lyngbye . als Tsukudani
iwashi ... Europäische Sardine. §Sardine. Sardina pilchardus. european pilchard . koiwashi kleine Sardinen aus Hiroshima (eine Art katakuchi iwashi)
izakaya ... ?DER Izakaya

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