Mandala Arrangements of Food
Some food is arranged on round trays in the form that reminds me of a mandala.
hooshamori 放射盛り "like a star"
hoosha mori
Two Sushi Mandala
by Ken Kawasumi

shippoo maki - shikai maki 七宝巻と四海巻
Cloisonnee and The Four Seas
. shippoo 七宝 (しっぽう)cloisonne .

quote from
quote from

Like a toy ball, Temari Sushi
temarizushi 手まりずし

source : chankosmile
. . . CLICK here for Temari Sushi Photos !
Daruma Museum . temari 手まり、手毬),

CLICK for more Japanese photos

Tarako cod roe mandala
tarako, roe of the cod 鱈子(たらこ)
kigo for all winter

CLICK for more food mandala images
Food Mandala REFERENCE
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Daruma Museum
Mandala Therapy
.. .. .. .. Mandala for Life .. A Haiku and Picture Selection
Mandala Plates

A rare blue, amber and cream-glazed pottery tripod dish.
Tang dynasty (618-907)

An Iznik 'Spider's Web' pottery Dish.
Turkey, 17th Century
source : www.alaintruong.com
mandala food -
no way to get around
my hunger
Gabi Greve, March 2009
Related words
***** WASHOKU :
Some ways to decorate sushi on a tray
***** WASHOKU : General Information
What a beautiful page, Gabi san!
Such art in the Japanese style... and yet, it is ready for use -- and your hunger is welcome!
Thanks for checking in the kitchen, Isabelle san!
I hope to find more of the kind lager ... mmmmmjami
Thanks for the link! Wow... some amazing shots of it... and simply gorgeous work by the chef!
you offer us an excellent reason to play with our food :)
Lovin' it! What a great variation on the mandala theme. I love sushi. mmmmm I could go for some unagi for lunch today.
Thanks for sharing Japanese food !
I try and find more later ... there must be more ... grin ... gabi
You made my morning with these lovely food mandalas. I love Japanese food. My son who turns 13 on Saturday loves EVERYTHING about the Japanese culture ...
I love, love, love sushi. It is truly a work of art!
Thank you for sharing.
Here is a LINK to enjoy
ah...now you have me craving sushi!
it reminds me of the lovely chicken salad mold made for me by a genteel southern lady who invited me to lunch at her home after reading an article about my artwork in the local paper. this good woman had decorated the chicken salad with nuts and fruit to make it look like a mandala. it was a masterpiece...and oh so delicious!
blessings, S.
Beautiful !!!
All sushi looks so yummy :)
just goes to show how colorful food is inspiring and appetizing! thanks for sharing!
I am sooo hungry now!
Mandala Gallery
examples of the amazing mandala art that our soul sisters from ALL over the world are making. Each one is so unique. Be sure to click through on the artists' names to visit their blogs. Share the love, leave lots of juicy messages for them!
thanks gabi for sharing the link.
enjoyed visiting your blog!
:-) Mandala Oasis
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