Fruit used in Cooking
Since fruit grown in natural environment comes in its season, most of the fruit used in the kitchen are also kigo for haiku.
Nowadays, many fruit are grown in hot houses.
A lot of trees and plants bear fruit in autumn.
Their blossoms are kigo of spring or summer.
shuuka 秋果 (しゅうか) autumn fruits
..... aki no kudamono 秋の果物(あきのくだもの)
kigo for all autumn
Many are listed below.
Please check this list for more:
If you do not find your keyword here, please check the
. WKD : Berry, berries - Beeren .
. Anzu 杏 apricot .
Prunus armeniaca
. Banana, banana バナナ banana fruit .
biwa, loquat びわ 枇杷
kigo for mid- or late summer
The original loquat (biwa) was a wild variety of fruit in Japan, but it is believed that the origin of the mogi loquat was a fruit brought from China on a Chinese ship between 1830 and 1840. A woman by the name of Miura Shio brought back the seeds for this Chinese loquat, and when she planted it in her brother's field in the village of Mogi, it thrived and bore sweet fruit. This was the first generation of the mogi loquat. Plant husbandry was later improved through grafting, and today the loquat, as the taste of early summer in Nagasaki, is a specialty in which the entire country takes pride.
This full-flavored fruit is small yet sweet and is not only eaten raw but also processed into many sweet products such as jelly candy, while the leaves can be used for loquat tea.
source : www.at-nagasaki.jp
Japanische Mispel. Eriobotrya japonica
kigo for mid-winter
biwa no hana 枇杷のはな (びわのはな) loquat blossoms
biwa saku 枇杷咲く(びわさく)loquat are blossoming
hana biwa 花枇杷(はなびわ) blossoms of loquat
. loquat leaves as medicine in Edo .
biwayootoo 枇杷葉湯 (びわようとう) biwa yootoo, biwa yoto
drink from dried loquat leaves
- - - - - biwa yootoo uri 枇杷葉湯売り
vendor of loquat leaves medicine
budoo 葡萄 ぶどう grape, grapes
. Grapes (budoo) and wine .
Some grapes are grown for wine, others for eating like this.
Yamanashi is famous for its wine production.
Grapes Yakushi, Budoo Yakushi 葡萄薬師 God of Wine
Temple Daizen-Ji
pioone ピオーネ blue Pione grapes
a very large tuff with grapes like cannon balls. Grown for eating like this.
Sugar degree of 18. Sourness medium. Concentrated sweet taste. Harvested end of September.
Grown in Okayama prefecture.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
European grape, ヨーロッパ・ブドウ Vitis vinifera
アメリカ・ブドウ (Fox grape) Vitis labrusca
マスカダイン (Muscadine) Vitis rotundifolia
ヴィティス・アムレンシス (Vitis amurensis ) Mostly grown in Mongolia. Strong in Winter.
Trauben, Pione-Trauben
Der Traubenanbau wird in Takamatsu bereits seit 1919 betrieben. Im Jahre 1960 begann man mit der Produktion von kernlosen Trauben, und seit dem Weinlesejahr 1973/1974 wird die Kyoho-Traube angebaut. Hier konzentriert sich das Know-how in Bezug auf den Anbau leckerer Trauben.
Auf der Japanmeerseite erstreckt sich eine ca. 170 ha große Dünenlandschaft, in der die qualitativ hochwertigen und süßen Arten Delaware sowie Kyoho hauptsächlich in Treibhäusern angebaut werden.
Mit der Produktion dieser Rebsorte in Takamatsu wurde begonnen, als im Jahre 1919 ein gewisser Herr Eijiro Ichimura im Gebiet des heutigen Sakuraimachi ein 70 Ar großes Grundstück für den Traubenanbau urbar machte.
source : www.city.kahoku.lg.jp
Hakutoo, white peach 白桃
..... momo, peach 桃
kigo for early autumn
Persica vulgaris
momo no mi 桃の実 (もものみ) fruit of the peach
hakutoo 白桃(はくとう), suimitsutoo水蜜桃(すいみつとう), tenshintoo 天津桃(てんしんとう)、nekutarin ネクタリン
yutoo 、油桃(ゆとう)
. . . CLICK here for HAKUTO Photos !
There is a Momotaro Festival Momotaroo Matsuri 桃太郎まつり in Okayama town.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Okayama is famous for this type of peach. See haiku below.
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy Hodgepodge
Peaches and the Queen Mother of the West, Xiwang Mu or Hsi Wang Mu
Peaches for Immortality in Chinese Legend
samomo 早桃 (さもも) early peach
natsu momo 夏桃(なつもも) summer peach
kigo for late summer
. momo 桃 peach fruit art motives .
ichigo イチゴ 苺 strawberries
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Strawberries Cranberries kigo
. ichijiku 無花果 fig, figs .
Kaki 柿 persimmon Persimone kigo
kaki persimmon dishes
Kankitsu rui, かんきつるい (柑橘類) citrus fruit in general
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, satsuma, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others
Oranges, Mandarin Oranges, Tangerines kigo
kiiui furuutsu キーウィフルーツ kiwi fruit
kiui キウイ
Actinidia deliciosa
from Ehime, Fukuoka, Wakayama, Shizuoka, Kanagawa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Mikan, mandarin orange, tangerine
mikan 蜜柑 (みかん)
tangerine mountain, mikan yama 蜜柑山(みかんやま)
field with tangerine trees, mikanbatake 蜜柑畑(みかんばたけ)
kigo for all winter
green tangerine, ao mikan 青蜜柑 (あおみかん)
early tangerine, wasemikan 早生蜜柑(わせみかん)
kigo for all autumn
Mandarinen, Zitrusfrucht
Nashi, Asian pear, Japanese pear
kigo for autumn
Pyrus serotina var. culta
nashi 梨子(なし) Nashi pear
nihon nashi 日本梨(にほんなし), aka nashi 赤梨(あかなし), ao nashi 青梨(あおなし)
choojuuroo 長十郎(ちょうじゅうろう)named after Tooma Choojuuroo, the grower
nijusseiki 二十世紀(にじっせいき)(from Tottori)
Sorte „Japanbirne aus Atago“ (Atago nashi) 愛宕梨(あたごなし)
Sorte Niitaka nashi 新高梨(にいたかなし)
yoonashi, western pear 洋梨(ようり)
shina nashi シナ梨(しななし)、
ari no mi ありのみ
vendor of nashi, nashi uri 梨売(なしうり)
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Nashi Kaidoo 梨街道 "old Nashi Road" Nashi Kaido
市川市 Ichikawa, Chiba prefecture
Many nashi farmers are in the area and in autumn they carry their loads and nashi are sold everywhere.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ishii wase 石井早稲 early blossoming sort, started by Ishii san from Ishikawa town.
kigo for late spring
nashi no hana 梨の花 (なしのはな) nashi blossoms
..... rika 梨花(りか), nashibana 梨花(なしばな)
nashi saku 梨咲く(なしさく)Nashi tree is blossoming
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
iwanashi no hana 岩梨の花 (いわなしのはな)
blossoms of Epigaea asiatica
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
arinomi, ari no mi ありの実 (ありのみ)
round Japanese pear
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
seiyoonashi, seiyoo nashi 西洋梨 (せいようなし)
Western pear, European pear
Pyrus communis
yamanashi 山梨 (やまなし) "mountain nashi pear"
..... konashi 晩秋 小梨(こなし)
..... inunashi 犬梨(いぬなし)
Pyrus pyrifolia.
kigo for all winter
okusankichi 晩三吉 (おくさんきち) Okusankichi
a variety grown in Niigata. The fruit is about 400 to 500g.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
fuyu no nashi 冬の梨(ふゆのなし) Nashi in winter
- found on the way
Nashinoki Jinja 梨の木神社 Shrine Nashinoki
京都府京都市上京区寺町通広小路上る染殿町680 - Kyoto
- quote
Nashinoki Shrine is located on the east side of Kyoto's Imperial Palace (Gosho), on Teramachi opposite Rozanji (Rozan Tendaikoji) Temple, both are a short stroll from Demachiyanagi Station or Kyoto Prefectural Hospital on Kawaramachi Dori.
Nashinoki Shrine was built in 1885 and enshrines Sanetsumu Sanjo (1802-1859) and his son Sanetomo, who were both imperial advisers in the late Edo Period, a time marked by political upheaval and violence.
Sanetomo was an ardent supporter of the sonnojoi (Revere the Emperor; expel the barbarians) doctrine and movement, a political forerunner of the Meiji Restoration, which saw the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1868 and the Emperor leave Kyoto and take up residence in Edo (renamed Tokyo), which became the new capital of Japan.
Sanetomo was later to become a minister in the new Meiji state established from 1868.
- source : www.japanvisitor.com
- reference -
. natsume なつめ 棗 date, dates .
Ziziphus jujuba
. oriibu オリーブ Olive, olives .
. painappuru パイナップル pineapple .
ananasu あななす ananas
. papaiya パパイヤ papaya .
Ringo りんご (林檎) apple, apples
speciality of Aomori around Mt. Iwaki
リンゴ apples from Aomori
Hatoyama apples 鳩山 リンゴ Ocotber 2009
Fuji apple and other varieties
Apple (ringo) kigo
Apfel, Äpfel
Sakuranbo, sakuranboo さくらんぼう (桜ん坊)
cherry fruit
サクランボ, sakurambo ... also called
ootoo 桜桃(おうとう)(peach of the cherry tree) .
ootoo no mi 桜桃の実 (おうとうのみ)
speciality of Yamagata, Aomori and Yamanashi prefecture. Also grown in Akita.
The cherry tree is the symbol tree of Yamagata prefecture.
The "Western Cherry tree" seiyoo zakura セイヨウミザクラ has been introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period to Hokkaido by the prussian R. Gaertner R.ガルトネル, from Hokkaido they spread to other areas of Northern Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Cherry trees are mostly grown for their beautiful blossoms in spring.
yusura 山桜桃 (ゆすら) Nanking cherry
..... yusura ume ゆすらうめ
Prunus tomentosa
sakuranbo matsuri さくらんぼ祭 (さくらんぼまつり)
cherry festival

observance kigo for mid-summer
Yamanashi prefecture is known for its cherry fruit production. In the town of Sagae 寒河江市 there is a festival on the first sunday in June.
A haiku meeting is part of the festival.
sakuranbo haiku taikai さくらんぼ俳句大会
. Sumomo 李 "sour plum" .
Reneclaude. Prunus salicina
Ume, plums for umeboshi
Plum blossoms (ume) Japan.
Dried plums (ume boshi) and any related UME kigo.
Pflaumen, Aprikosen
yamanashi、yama-nashi 山梨 (やまなし) "mountain pear"
Malus sieboldii
kigo for late autumn
Yuzu, a citron fruit
Yuzu (Japan) a ctirus fruit
..... Yuzu citron dishes for autumn Japan
Yuzu products from Yufuin, Kyushu
. zakuro 石榴(柘榴)(ざくろ) pomegranate
kigo for mid-autumn
Punica granatum. Granatapfel
mizakuro 実石榴 pomegranate fruit
Many fruits are packed into small paper bags when they begin to form on the branches, to prevent the rain and insects to spoil them. Shortly before the harvest, the first paper bag is taken off, then about two weeks later the last one to have them ripen in the sunshine for a short while.
Since this has to be done one by one the farmers are very busy, especially the apple and grape farmers.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
fukurokake 袋掛 (ふくろかけ) "packing fruit in paper bags"
kigo for all summer
Before the harvest they have to be unpackes. Often two different type of bags are used, one is taken off two weeks before harvesting, the next one in the next week.
. Kai Ichi no Miya monzen no fukurokake .
Oonishi Yasuo 大西八洲雄 Onishi Yasuo
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
kigo for late summer
inu biwa 犬枇杷 (いぬびわ) "loquat for dogs"
koichijiku 小無花果(こいちじく)
yama biwa 山枇杷(やまびわ), tensenka 天仙果(てんせんか)
Ficus erecta
hakutoo o suii yamaguni no sora nurasu
I suck on a white peach
the sky of the mountain province
becomes wet
Sakai Hiroshi 酒井弘司
Maybe he is talking of the mountains of Okayama ...
hakutoo no enshuuritsu o omoi ku
I eat a white peach
thinking of its
circle constant pi π
Kappa 河童
source : 白桃 俳句
nashi moide aozora fuyasu kao no ue
as I pick nashi
the blue sky increases
above my face
Takahashi Etsuo 高橋悦男 (1934 - )
a baked peach-
yesterday a flower
in your hair
Alex Serban
Romania, July 2011
Related words
Peach blossoms (momo no hana) Japan
furuutsu somurie フルーツソムリエ fruits sommelier
somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier
***** . Nuts from the Forest .
Yosa Buson
nagaki hi ni mashiro ni sakinu nashi no hana (1769)
- - - - -
nashi no hana tsuki ni fumi yomu onna ari
Pear blossoms--
In the moonlight, reading a letter
A woman
Tr. Nelson/Saito
White blossoms of the pear
and a woman in moonlight
reading a letter.
Tr. Hass
Blossoms on the pear--
and a women in the moonlight
reads a letter there.
Tr. Henderson
biwa no mi no aoao to shite Hanzooboo
the loquat fruit
are so green
at Hanzobo sanctuary
. Kawasaki Tenkoo 川崎展宏 Kawasaki Tenko .
- biwa loquat -
yakusha-e no kaoo niou ya biwa no hana
the signature of the actor's print
is so fragrant . . .
loquat blossoms
北川みよ子 Kawakami Miyoko
more about the KAO signature
Legend about the nashi tree - Aichi
In 小原村 Obara village, planting a nashi 梨 Japanese pear tree in the Kimon direction prevents people from becoming ill.
梨の木 16 legends to explore
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