Shopping for Food in Japan
Fresh food is expensive, be prepared!
City Shopping
Usually done by people on foot, coming by train.
Shopping basements in supermarkets and below train stations in Tokyo
International Supermarkets
Kinokuniya 紀伊国屋
Kinokuniya's strength lies in its wide range of foreign, mostly western, products. For example, they carry their own muesli mix, cure their own ham and have a wide variety of cheeses. In the cookies department, they mostly bring European brands and have the Norwegian brown waffers that have become so popular because of their low calories. As for canned products, you can find Spanish olives, sardines, various vegetables and imported pop.
source : sunnypages.jp/travel_guide
National Azabu Supermarket
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konbini コンビニ convenience stores
station kiosk on the platform ホームのキオスク
underground kiosk 地下鉄用キオスク
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depachika , depa chika デパ地下 (でぱちか) food basement
shopping malls in the underground of a supermarket
departmentstore underground
depaato-chika shokuhin uriba...department store basement food-selling place
basement gourmet food hall
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Country Shopping
Usually done by people with a car.
bussan sentaa 物産センター local produce center
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michi no eki 道の駅 "Station by the roadside"
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"Stationen am Wegrand“
mujin hanbaijo 無人販売所 unmanned vending stall
usually in the lonely country roads, where farmers sell their vegetables and pickles for a fixed price, you put your money in a tin box.
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Michi no Eki
Enjo Village
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
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***** WASHOKU : General Information
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