
Ika squid dishes


Squid, cuttlefish dishes (ika ryoori)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various.
***** Category: Humanity


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イカ料理, 烏賊料理

ika イカ 烏賊 squid, cuttlefish
Fam. Tintenfisch. Kalmar. Sepia. Fam. Teuthida


In the Edo period, money was called "o-ashi" 足 legs,  and things with many legs, like ika and tako octopus were considered auspicious gifts.


Kan ika, kanika 寒烏賊 (かんいか) squid in the cold
kigo for late winter
They are good for sashimi or grilled or boiled or shiokara preparations of their innards.

ika no shiokara イカの塩辛 shiokara from cuttlefish
The most common variety
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gesalzenes Fischklein
WASHOKU : Shiokara (塩辛)

ika no kakiage いかのかき揚げ fried squid
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geschnitzeltes Tenpura

ikameshi イカめし, イカ飯 squid stuffed with rice
One of the most popular preparations.
Station lunchbox from Hakodate line, Mori Station 函館本線森駅の駅弁.
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Mit Reis gefüllter Tintenfisch

ikasoomen いかソーメン, イカそうめん
squid cut finely like somen noodles.
a kind of sashimi. From Hakodate.
Often eaten for breakfast.
A rather popular dish with fresh squid. Tasts sweet, eaten with wasabi soy sauce or ponzu sauce.
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in lange dünne Streifen geschnittener Tintenfisch, mit Wasabi und Sojasoße

ika no sushi いかのすし, イカの鮨 squid sushi
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ikazushi いかずし
In Aomori, this is squid filled with cooked vegetables and the legs squeezed in too. There is NO rice in this sushi.
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niika, ni-ika 煮烏賊 , 煮いか boiled squid
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gekochter Tintenfisch

ika no shioyaki イカの塩焼き grilled with salt
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mit Salz gegrillter Tintenfisch

ikagezo no shioyaki イカげその塩焼き grilled tentacles with salt
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mit Salz gegrillte Tintenfischtentakel

gezo soomen げそそうめん finely sliced raw tentacles
often from the small squid, koika (see hotaruika).
Served with ponzu sauce.
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noren hoshi イカの暖簾ほし drying like a door curtain
ika no norenboshi 暖簾干し
The entrails are taken out, then it is spread with bamboo sticks and hung from early morning till afternoon in the strong wind from the sea, in the sunshine (tenpiboshi).
Speciality of Ajiro and Tajima.
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sudareboshi イカの簾干し drying on a sudare bamboo net
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tokkuri, ika tokkuri イカ徳利(いかとっくり)
A sake container (tokkuri) made of the dried mantle of a squid, it can be eaten when the drink is finished.
Speciality of Northern Japan.
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Hachinohe: "Ika-Sommon," "Shio-kara," "Ichiya-boshi,"
Toyama: いかの黒作り ika no kurozukuri, squid with black ink

Squid and Broccoli Stir-fry Recipe
source :  japanesefood.about.com


aoriika, aori ika 障泥烏賊 (あおりいか ) aoriika cuttlefish
„Aori-Tintenfisch“. Sepioteuthis lessoniana
ジンドウイカ科. Body about 45 cm long. also called misuika みずいか. In the southern oceans.
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Eaten as sashimi, shiokara or dried. Shun season is summer.
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hanaika, sakuraika, sakura ika, kooika, koo ika さくらいか
„Kirschblüten-Tintenfisch“. Sepia esculenta
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hariika, hari ika はりいか(針烏賊) Sepia madokai


hotaruika, hotaru ika ほたるいか, ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊)
hotaru squid, firefly squid
kigo for late spring
. . . . . with many ika dishes



jindooika, jindoo ika ジンドウイカ(陣胴烏賊)
Loliolus japonica
eaten boiled. Shun season is spring.

kaminariika, kaminari ika かみなりいか
... „Donner-Tintenfisch“. mongo-ika für Sushi. Sepia lycidas
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kenzakiika, kenzaki ika けんざきいか
Schwertspitzen-Tintenfisch. Loligo edulis
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itozukuri 糸造り
sashimi けんざきいかの刺身

mimiika, mimi ika, dangoika みみイカ
„Ohren-Tintenfisch“. Euprymna morsei
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sodeika, sode ika そでいか
„Ärmel-Tintenfisch“. Thysanoteuthis rhombus
taruika たるいか
sashimi or grilled
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surumeika, surume ika, surume-ika
するめいか , するめイカ, スルメイカ, 鯣烏賊 flying squid, common squid
Japanischer fliegender Tintenfisch. Todarodes pacificus. Kalmar
from Hokkaito to Kyushu.
Shun season is winter.
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Noto hantoo no tsuriika tsuri-ika 能登半島の釣りいか
grilled, fried, dried
hitoyaboshi 一夜干 dried over night
okizuke するめいかの沖漬け pickles
nimono するめいかの煮物 cooked
spagetti するめいかのスパゲティ

togurokooika togurokoo ika トグロコウイカ
Posthörnchen. Spirula spirula
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yariika, yari ika やりいか , やりイカ spear squid
„Speer-Tintenfisch” . Loligo bleekeri.
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hoshi やりイカ生干しdried
soomen やりイカソーメン finely sliced
tomatoni やりイカのトマト煮、boiled with tomatoes

Yobuko ika よぶこイカ / 呼子(よぶこ)squid from Yobuko town
Sage prefecture

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Daruma-Ika だるまいか
soft Daruma Ika

寿都島牧名物, 島牧
from Shimamaki near Sutsu, West Hokkaido, near Shiribeshi

Slice Calmary
達摩魷魚(Daruma ika)

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Surume Ika Daruma いかだるま


okizuke 沖漬け preparation of small fish without innards or squid
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kibinago no okizuke キビナゴの沖漬け


hotaruika nihonkai mo haru no nami

firefly squid ...
the Sea of Japan finally shows
waves of springtime

Takaki Susu no Ie 高木鈴の家


sabishisa ga yakikorogashite hotaru ika   
Nomura Toshiroo 能村登四郎


chichi no ki no machi ne dehajimeshi hotaru ika

on the day of
my father's death anniversary
firefly squid are in town
Sawaki Kinichi 沢木欣一

Related words

Octopus TAKO

WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes



Iwashi sardines shirasu

. Legends about Iwashi sardines .

Sardine (iwashi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


One of the most common fish in the warm currents around Japan. They come in large crowds and are therefore rather cheap on the market. The fresh ones have a silvery belly and are rather pretty to look at. Some have black spots on the side.

To show the freshness of their catch, vendors of old would call in the streets:

tete kamu iwashi wa iran kaa.
toretate no tete kamu iwashi ya dee

Do you want sardines that bite your fingers?
Freshly caught, these sardines will bite your fingers!


kigo for all spring

haru iwashi 春鰯 ( はるいわし) sardines of spring

ooba iwashi 大羽鰯(おおばいわし)
very big sardines "with great wings"
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kigo for all autumn

iwashi 鰯 (いわし) sardine
..... iwashi 鰮(いわし) Sardinia spp.
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iwash hiki 鰯引(いわしひき)fishing for sardines
iwashi ami 鰯網(いわしあみ)net for sardine
iwashibune 鰯船(いわしぶね)boat for fishing sardines
iwashimi 鰯見(いわしみ)watching for sardines

maiwashi, ma iwashi 真鰯(まいわし)
Sardinops melanostictus
aki iwashi 秋鰯(あきいわし)autumn sardine

iwashi hosu 鰯干す(いわしほす)drying sardines
iwashi uri 鰯売(いわしうり)vendor of sardines

hishiko ひしこ hishiko-sardine, Japanese anchovy
... shiko しこ、shiko iwashi しこ鰮(しこいわし)
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seguro iwashi背黒鰯(せぐろいわし)sardine with a black back
katakuchi iwashi 片口鰯(かたくちいわし)"sardine with half a mouth"
Engraulis japonica
chirimen iwashi 縮緬鰯(ちりめんいわし)"sardine like chirimen shrunk cloth"
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koiwashi 小鰯(こいわし)small sardine

hishiko hosu ひしこ干す(ひしこほす)drying hishiko-sardines

hishikozuke 鯷漬 (ひしこづけ) pickled hishiko-sardines
kigo for mid-autumn

hishiko has many regional names
ヒシコイワシ hishiko iwashi、シコ shiko、シコイワシshiko iwashi、田作り(タヅクリ tazukuri)、五万米(ゴマメgomame)、背黒鰯(セグロイワシseguro iwashi)、狼鰯(オオカミイワシookami iwashi .. like a wolf)、脹眼(ハンガンhangan)、金山(カナヤマkanayama ... gold mountian)、丸(マルmaru ... round )、ヒラレ hirare、泥目(ドロメdorome)、ドロイワシdoro iwashi、ママゴmamago、エタレetare、クロタレkurodare、シラスshirasu、タレクチtaretachi、チリメンchirimen、タレtare、ホオタレootare、ホホタレ、ホウタレ、ブトbuto、コシナガkoshinaga、カエリkaeri 、カクハリ kakuhari

Kintaroo iwashi 金太郎イワシ / 金太郎鰯 Kintaro sardine
from Shimane prefecture, Hagi town

ume saku ya gomame chirabau neko no haka

plum blossoms--
dried sardines scattered
on the cat's grave

Tr. David Lanoue

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


kigo for late winter

iwashi no kashira sasu

piercing the head of a sardine

WASHOKU . hiiragi sasu 柊挿す piercing with a holly


......................................... not to mix up with this one

kigo for all winter

urume (潤目)うるめ round herring big-eye sardine
Etrumeus teres.
also called : hon-urume ホンウルメ (real urume) or

urume-iwashi 潤目鰯 うるめいわし /ウルメイワシ : "Urume-sardine"
urume means to have wet, moist eyes. (urumu うるむ (潤む). They have much bigger eyes than other iwashi.
They have less fat than the sardines. They are around all year, but taste best in winter.

In Kumamoto it is called "big-eye sardine" oome iwashi オオメイワシ, in the Toyama area tonbo トンボ (dragonfly), in Kochi and Shikoku there is no difference between urume-iwashi and ma-iwashi マイワシ.

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Basho kasen 'Summer Moon'. Bonchoo's v4:

火うちたたく うるめ一枚
hai uchitataku urume ichimai
Bonchoo 凡 兆 !

Higginson's translation:
knocking the ashes off
one piece of sardine

Earl Miner, Japanese Linked Poetry (1979), in his notes to the same verse (p.300, calls it 'Miscellaneous' (i.e. not seasonal);

Miner's translation:
the charcoal ash is shaken off
the dried sarding broiled at noon

Maeda Cana, Monkey's Raincoat (1973) is the book that clarifies the matter. In his notes to that Bonchoo verse, Cana states (p.90):
"urume: urume iwashi; sardine. "Sardine" usually indicates autumn, but "dried sardine" belongs to no particular season" .

Cana's translation:
flip off the ashes
one dried sardine


Sardines, or pilchards, are a group of several types of small, oily fish related to herrings, family Clupeidae. Sardines were named after the island of Sardinia, where they were once in abundance.
Canned "sardines" in supermarkets may actually be sprats (such as the "brisling sardine") or round herrings.

Sardines are healthful and considered a "brain food." These fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which can help maintain a healthy heart. Recent studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids slow the progression of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. These fatty acids can also help control blood sugar level. Not only are sardines packed with omega-3 fatty acids, but they are also a good source of vitamin D, calcium, B12 and protein.
Sardines are extremely low in contaminants such as mercury.
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shirasu しらす small white sardines
In Maihara (Shizuoka)at 遠州灘 most of these shirasu are fished in spring.
They are put in hot water (kama-age 釜揚げしらす) and can be eaten like this, or half-dried or full dried (hoshi-shirasu, chirimenjako, chirimen jako).

In Kyoto, the dried shirasu have been a substitute for fresh fish and are used in many dishes of the OBANZAI homne cooking.

shirasu sanshoo シラス山椒 with mountain pepper

see also
tatami iwashi, below.

shirasu biiru はしらすビール beer with shirasu fish
from Enoshima, Kanagawa prefecture


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Dishes with Sardines ... iwashi ryoori 
(not kigo)
鰯料理 いわしりょうり

Sardines are fishes in the waters off Chiba all year round. They are best eaten fresh, because they do not keep well. iwashi basically means yowashi, not easy to keep.
The chinese character means "fish" and "soft, weak". Maybe because the meat does not keep long, or maybe, these small fish are always on the run for being eaten by larger fish.

maiwashi, ma-iwashi 真いわし Sardinops melanostictus (Sardine)
katakuchi iwashi かたくちいわし Engraulis japonica. (Sardelle)
urume iwashi うるめいわし Etrumeus teres (Heringsart)

Most are fished of Chooshi 銚子 along Kujukurihama 九十九里浜 and in this area there are more than 100 ways to eat iwashi.

iwashidango no tsumire jiru 鰯団子のつみれ汁 soup with sardine balls
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iwashi no goma-ae イワシのごま漬 sardines with sesame dressing
made from fresh katakuchi iwashi with vinegar, sesame, ginger and chillies
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They are often used to make DASHI.
iriko ... kleine getrocknete Sardinen, für Dashi. Meist „japanese pilchard“, Sardinops melanostictus und Katakuchi iwashi

They are also processed into kamaboko fish paste, for example
eso 工ソ sardines.
(eso is a kigo for summer)

irikogohan iriko gohan, irikomeshi いりこ飯 / いりこめしrice with little sardines
from katakuchi iwashi. They are boiled for a moment, then dried and later added to cooked rice.
Speciality of Kagawa prefecture.
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iwashi baagaa, iwashi hanbaagu いわしハンバーグ
burger with sardine meat
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iwashi dango いわし団子 sardine dumplings
From Sakai minato at the beach Yumigahama, Tottori. Made from April till May. Round balls are put on sticks and skewered on the grill.
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iwashi no unohana sushi いわしの卯の花寿司
speciality of Ishikawa prefecture
iwashi no unohana tsuke イワシの卯の花漬け
iwashi no unohana ae 鰯の卯の花和え
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unohana is the floewr deutzia. Deutzie.
unohana is also a leftover product from making tofu.

iwashi no tsumirejiru いわしのつみれ汁 soup with sardine balls
famous in many parts along the Inland sea, especially Ehime prefecture
With vegetables that grow in the family garden.
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iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし shredded dried sardines
From Kanbara, Shizuoka

koiwashi 小いわし "small sardines", Japanese anchovy
speciality of Hiroshima
They come in various dishes, fried or grilled, as sashimi or tenpura.
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iwashi no atama yaki イワシの頭焼き (yakigashi 焼嗅がし)
At the Sumiyoshi shrine 住吉神社 in Hiroshima the head of 1000 sardines are roasted by the shrine maidens in traditinal garb to procude a smell that wards off evil demons at the time of Setsubun, February 3, to prepare and clean the town for the new year (according to the Asian lunar calendar). They fan the fire with great fans.
This is an old ritual since the Heian period.

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maruyaki 鰯丸焼
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sashimi いわし刺身
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sushi いわし寿司
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tatami iwashi でたたみいわし small dried sardines pressed into a cracker-like square form
Especially from Koshigoe (Kamakura, Kanagawa).
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a Japanese processed food product made from baby sardines or shirasu (白子 / しらす) laid out and dried while entwined in a single layer to form a large mat-like sheet. Typically, this is done by drying them in the sun on a bamboo frame, a process that is evocative of the manufacture of traditional Japanese paper.
Tatami Iwashi can then be cut to various sizes and used in different ways. Common serving styles include use as an ingredient in soup or cut into small pieces for use as a snack or accompaniment to sake or beer drinking, known as sakana.
This food item is named for its resemblance to a straw tatami mat common in traditional Japanese-style rooms or houses.
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There is also a manga character in NARUTO with this name.

Worldwide use


iwashi ... Europäische Sardine. Sardina pilchardus
European pilchard

katakuchi iwashi ... Anchovy. Engraulis japonica

maiwashi, ma-iwashi ...“gemeine Sardine”Sardinops melanostictus

Die Gewässer um die Halbinsel Chiba 千葉 sind reich an frischen Fischen, weil die Kuroshio-Strömung warmes Wasser an die Küsten bringt. Im Hafen von Chooshi 銚子港  werden das ganze Jahr über Sardinen (iwashi 鰯) gefangen und die Fischer kennen mehr als 100 verschiedene Rezepte, um ihren Fisch zu genießen. Sardinen halten sich nicht lange, das chinesische Schriftzeichen besteht einleuchtenderweise aus den Teilen für FISCH und SCHWACH.

Verschiedene Gerichte mit gehacktem Fischfleisch, vermischt mit Miso-Paste und einem rohen Ei als Dekoration (nameroo) passen gut zum Bier und im Sommer in kaltem Wasser aufgerührt wird daraus eine erfrischende Miso-Suppe (mizu namasu 水なます).

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Things found on the way

During the Edo period, people used oil to burn their small lights at night.
The most expensive was natane abura 菜種油(なたねあぶら), made from rapeseed oil.
The cheapest oil for light was made from sardines ! It was a fish oil (gyoyu ぎょゆ【魚油】 that smelled pretty bad, but was cheap enough for the poorer cityfolk.
saba was also used for pressing oil.

The dealers for fish oil 魚油問屋 gyoyudonya


Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

iwashi yaku kata yama hata ya usu-gasumi

grilling sardines
in a mountain field...
thin mist

fuki no ha ni iwashi wo kubaru taue kana

sardines served
in butterbur leaves...
planting rice

kogarashi ya iwashi o kurumu kashiwa no ha

winter wind--
wrapping sardines
in oak leaves

mugi aki ya ko o oi nagara iwashiuri

ripened barley--
with a child on her back
the sardine vendor

iwashi mese mese to ya naku ko oi nagara

"Sardines! Get your sardines!"
she cries, a crying baby
on her back

Sardine is an autumn season word, according to the editors of Issa zenshû (Nagano: Shinano Mainichi Shimbunsha, 1976-79) 1.551. The association between sardines and autumn must not be widely known, since Makoto Ueda, while commenting on this haiku, notes that it lacks a season word; Dew on the Grass: The Life and Poetry of Kobayashi Issa (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2004) 128.


雲の色 明日は 鰯の群れがくる  
kumo no iro asu wa iwashi no mure ga kuru

color of the clouds -
tomorrow a swarm of sardins
is sure to come

Yoneda Koohei 米田鉱平
Tr. Gabi Greve

Related words

***** Herring (nishin) Japan. Koorai Iwashi,
かどいわし kado iwashi

***** Mackerel Clouds (iwashigumo) Japan


. Legends about Iwashi sardines .





Hamaguri clam

. Famous Places of Edo .

Clamshell (hamaguri)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All spring
***** Category: Humanity


clamshell, hard clam, hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり)
Meretrix lusoria. Venus clam, clam shell
Common orient clam

hodgepodge with clamshells, hamaguri nabe 蛤鍋(はまなべ)
steamed hamaguri, mushi hamaguri 蒸蛤(むしはまぐり)
hamaguri broth, hamatsuyu 蛤つゆ(はまつゆ)
grilled hamaguri, yaki hamaguri 焼蛤(やきはまぐり)
suhamaguri 洲蛤(すはまぐり)
hamaguri with vinegar, su hamaguri 酢蛤(すはまぐり)

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Heat shimmers (kageroo), also called
"shell tower" kai yagura 貝櫓, kairoo 貝楼
People of old believed that a clam shell (hamaguri) would cough up air and produce a tower in the air. Other stories say it was a huge frog who belched.
Heat shimmers, KIGO

yakihamaguri, grilled right by the seaside, are a favorite with the Japanese. I remmeber the many stalls at Enoshima near Kamakura.
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other types are

choosen hamaguri チョウセンハマグリ Meretrix lamarcki
"Korean clam"
shina hamaguri シナハマグリ Meretrix petechialis
"Chinese clam"


Some dishes with this clam

sakamushi ハマグリのさかむし, ハマグリの酒蒸し
simmered in ricewine
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Speciality of Hyogo, Kinosaki Onsen 城崎温泉(きのさきおんせん)


時雨はまぐり, 時雨蛤 shigure hamaguri,
clamshells in sweet syrup

speciality of Mie prefecture
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This refers back to the famous battle of Sekigahara (1600), near Ogaki castle, where the fishermen of Kuwana gave some clams to Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The clams are harvested out of the sand and then left for a while in a bucket of plain water to spit out the sand they still have in their body. They are then boiled in this water with shredded ginger roots and then cooled. Next they are simmered in special soy sauce from Ise (tamari shooyu たまり醤油) and flavored with sweet mizuame syrup.
see the haiku below !

. Sekigahara 関ヶ原 .

yakihamaguri 焼蛤 grilled Hamaguri, baked clams

The clams of Kuwana have quite a soft texture and a rich flavor. Until our day they are served in many restaurants in the city.

桑名 四日市へ三里八丁 - 3 ri and 8 cho to Yokkaichi
(about 12.7 km from Kuwana to Yokkaichi)
葛飾北斎 Katsushika Hokusai

Before starting the walk, people enjoyed some Hamaguri.
They were grilled in a fire with pine cones to add flavor, but it also produced a lot of ashes.
On the image you can see one lady fanning the fire, turning her face the other side to avoid the smoke.

歌川広重 Hiroshige - Kuwana
Detail of grilling the Hamaguri in a roadside stall.


sushi looking like hamaguri, hamagurizushi

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Served for the Doll Festival (hina matsuri) Peach Festival, Girl's Festival

A thin omelette is folded like a clam and filled with sushi rice and some other ingredients.

wanko hamaguri わんこハマグリ venus clamshells to eat in fast competition
wankosoba, eating buckwheat in this way, is famous in Morioka. But this way of eating hamaguri is a speciality of the restaurant Kuwana 桑名 on Ishigaki Island 石垣島.

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Worldwide use


Things found on the way

CLICK for original LINK ... Durga
Painting by Hakuin

Hamaguri Kannon 蛤観音, 蛤蜊
One of the 33 incarnations of Kannon Bosatsu.

The incarnation Nr. 25 is called Hamaguri. When emperor Bunso of China in the year 831 wanted to eat a clamshell, it transfigured itself into a Kannon Bosatsu.

25. In einer Venusmuschel. (Koori, Hamaguri)
Als der chinesische Kaiser Bunsoo im Jahre 831 eine Venusmuschel (hamaguri) essen wollte, verwandelte sich diese in eine Kannon.

Kannon with Fish Basket, Gyoran Kannon


Dajare, play of words of the Edo period

sono te wa kuwana no yaki-hamaguri
その手は桑名の焼きはまぐり >
「その手は桑名い」 > 「その手は食わない」

Puns, dajare 駄洒落 ダジャレ, だじゃれ Daruma Museum


. Famous Places of Edo .

Hamagurichoo 蛤町 Hamaguri Cho district

former 深川蛤町 一・二丁目 Fukagawa Hamaguri cho first and second district until 1911
now 江東区永代二丁目、門前仲町一・二丁目 Koto ward, Eitai second district, Monzennaka cho first and second district.
This district used to be on the shore and many fishermen lived here, looking for Hamaguri and fish. Eventually the Edo government reclaimed the land around 1600 and the third Shogun Iemitsu, when visiting the area, gave the name Hamaguri to the place.
Many fish dealers soon came to live here too and the sound of vendors could be heard.

Hamaguribori 蛤堀 Hamaguri moat

The famous explorer Mamiya Rinzō 間宮林蔵 Mamiya Rinzo (1775 - 1844) spent his last years in Hamaguri.
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Kai-awase game with Daruma San

Kai-Awase clam shell game / More Photos
貝合; 貝合わせ; 貝合せ, かいあわせ

a game popular since the Heian period.

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with poems of the Heian period and their poets

kigo for all spring

kaiawase, kai-awase 貝合 (かいあわせ) clam shell game
Spiel mit Muscheln
..... kai ooi 貝覆(かいおおい)container for the clam shell game
..... kaioke, kai oke 貝桶(かいおけ)container
Most were beautifully decorated.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- quote -
kaiawase 貝合
Also called kaiooi 貝覆. A shell-matching game played originally by nobles in the Heian period. A half clam shell was decorated and placed outer side-up. The matching half of the design was painted on other half shells and they were turned over one by one by players competing to match pairs. A poem or miniature painting was added inside each shell in order to facilitate matching, with the first part of a 32-syllable poem written on one half and the latter part written on its mate, while both halves were detailed with an identical motif.
The most popular subjects are flowers and episodes from GENJI MONOGATARI 源氏物語 (The Tale of Genji). The Hayashibara 林原 Museum's (Okayama prefecture) set of 180 pairs of illustrations from the GENJI MONOGATARI is a beautiful example from the Edo period.
Sets of kaiawase were often part of a bridal trousseau and this one is recorded as being brought by the bride of Ikeda Mitsumasa 池田光政 in 1628. The minute paintings are in the traditional *yamato-e やまと絵 style characterized by lavish gilt backgrounds. Hexagonal boxes *kaioke 貝桶 used for storing pairs of shells especially in the Edo period, were often decorated in the *makie 蒔絵 lacquer technique using much gold or silver.
- source : JAANUS -

. The Heian Period 平安時代 Heian jidai (794 - 1185) .
- Introduction -

. kai zaiku 貝細工 sea shell craft .


Original from Nakashoten.jp

Kai-ooi, Kai-Oi, Kaioi 貝おほひ Seashell Game
Book by Matsuo Basho, 1672

The Shell Game,
collected poems by Basho and 32 poets, edited by Basho, and dedicated to Ueno Tenjingu shrine 上野天神宮 in Iga.

This book is about a haiku contest in thirty rounds (sanjuuban ku awase). Pairs of two haiku, each one by a different poet, are matched and Basho discusses them. He also contributed two haiku, see below. His critical comments and the way he refereed the matches are most interesting. He seems to be a man of brilliant wit and colorful imagination, who had a great knowledge of popular songs, fashionable expressions, and the new ways of the world in the Edo period. This book was written in the light spirit of HAI kai.

Two haiku by Basho from this book:

kite mo miyo jinbe ga haori hanagoromo

(kite mo miyo : This is a double play with words, come and see, or come and wear this jinbei when looking for cherry blossoms.)

come and look!
put on a Jinbei robe
and admire the blossoms

Tr. Makoto Ueda

meoto jika ya ke ni ke ga soroute ke muzukashi

husband and wife deer -
their hair is all the same
but sometimes it's different

寛文12年, Basho at 29 years

(This is a pun with ke muzukashi、to be hard to get along with.)

. light summer suit with short legs 甚兵衛 jinbei .

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

The Seashell Game (貝おほひ, Kai Ōi? is a 1672 anthology compiled by Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō, in which each haiku is followed by critical commentary he made as referee for a haiku contest.It is Bashō's earliest known book, and the only book he published in his own name. The work contains 60 haiku by 36 poets, including two by Bashō himself.

The format is based on a children's game where two seashells were placed side by side and compared. Bashō compares pairs of haiku by different authors in the same manner in the book. According to scholar Sam Hamill, The Seashell Game shows Bashō "to be witty, deeply knowledgeable, and rather light-hearted."

Bashō compares the following pair of verses on the topic of colourful autumn leaves:

How like it is to
A midwife's right hand–
Crimson maple leaf!


"I haven't crimsoned.
Come and look!" So says the dew
On an oak branch


In his commentary, Bashō declares that the first poem "ranks thousands of leagues" above the second.
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Clam Go Stones from Hyuga Town 日向はまぐり碁石
Hyuga hamaguri Go-ishi
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Hyuga City in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, is recognized as one of the most important clam shell Go stone producers in the World. Until the early 1900's clams from the Hitachi, Mikawa, and Kuwana areas of Japan were thought of as being the best for the production of high quality clam shell Go stones. However, around this time, a travelling salesman from Toyama Prefecture passed through Hyuga and took note of the quality of Hyuga "hamaguri" clam shells. The Hyuga clams had shells even thicker and denser than those coming from the other areas. The Hyuga clams were taken to Osaka and Hyuga very quickly gained a reputation as being the source of material for first class stones.

Nearly a century has passed since then, and those three areas, once known as leaders in the Go stone industry, have disappeared. Only Hyuga remains; constantly striving to maintain, and improve upon, traditional techniques. Hyuga takes pride in being the best and only home of clam shell Go stones.

However, even Okuragahama in Hyuga, the home of the famous Hyuga hamaguri clams, is suffering a scarcity of clam shells. So much so that Go stones made in Hyuga from real Hyuga hamaguri shells have reached near legendary status. While stones produced in Hyuga are crafted using time-honored traditional techniques, most of the shells themselves are now imported from Mexico. Despite the shells' immigrant status, the stones so produced proudly bear the name "Hyuga Tokusei Goishi," "Hyuga-Crafted Clam Go Stones," and are loved and sought after by Go fans the World over.
source :  www.kurokigoishi.co.jp

Go game, Igo 囲碁 topic for haiku


The rebellion at the Hamaguri Gate
(蛤御門の変 Hamaguri gomon no Hen) of the Imperial Palace in Kyōto took place on August 20, 1864 and reflected the discontent of pro-imperial and anti-alien groups. During the bloody crushing of the rebellion, the leading Chōshū clan was held responsible for it.
During the incident, the Aizu and Satsuma domains led the defense of the Imperial palace.
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Umugaihime 蛤貝比売命(うむがいひめ)
Umugaihime is a personification of the
cherry-stone clam (hamaguri),
Umugaihime and Kisagaihime / akagai ark-shell clams


At the end of his journey,
. Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道 .
Basho wrote this haiku in Ogaki town:

hamaguri no futami ni wakare yuku aki zo

the clamshell
divides in two and leaves
this autumn . . .

(like) a clamshell
divided in two we depart now
into this autumn . . .

The kakenotoba word with a double meaning here is

futami 二身 - 蓋身 two bodies

This expression can be interpreted in many ways.

Here Basho thinks of his physical separation from Sora, who has been his faithful companion on the road for so many weeks.

Basho also thinks of the body of his elder brother Matsuo Hanzaemon 松尾半左衛門, who had been home keeping the Basho family estate ever since Basho left him, more than 24 years ago.
His brother loved hamaguri clamshells.

There are also translations which interpret
FUTAMI as a place name in Ise 伊勢の二見.

Dividing like clam
and shell, I leave for Futami -

. Futami Okitama Jinja 二見興玉神社 - Ise .
and meoto iwa (“husband and wife rocks,” or “wedded rocks”)

- English Reference -

. Matsuo Basho - Family Ties .
His Wife ? Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼
His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛
His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin


Kobayashi Issa in Kamakura

hamaguri ya zai-kamakura no kari kamome

O clams
meet the geese and gulls
of Greater Kamakura!

Tr. David Lanoue

Kamakura and Haiku


More by Kobayashi Issa

hamaguri no akuta o hakasu tsukiyo kana
hamaguri no gomi o hakasuru tsuki yo kana

the clam vomits
a moonlit night

Tr. David Lanoue 

clams in the bucket
left to spit out the mud
in the moonlit night

Tr. Makoto Ueda  

moonlit night - -
clams left to spit out
the mud 

paraverse by Gabi Greve  

It was customary to have a bowl of clam soup on the night of the full moon.

Here are two haiku by Yanagidaru:

hamaguri wa tsukimi to kiite shinu kakugo

when the clams
hear about the full moon night
they get ready to die

hamaguri no shigureyakiba e kago de kuru

to the place
where they grill clams in sweet syrup
they come in palanquins

Haifuu Yanagidaru 誹風柳多留 (Edo period haiku poet) 

Related words



WASHOKU : Shells, mussels and their cuisine


- #hamaguri #kuwana -

Hamo pike conger


Pike conger eel (hamo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal and Humanity


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dragontooth . Muraenesox cinereus

The best hamo come from the Inland sea and Awaji Island.

hamo 鱧 / 海鰻 pike conger eel
ikihamo 生鱧(いきはも)life hamo
matsuri hamo 祭鱧(まつりはも)"hamo for festivals"
especially the Gion festival in Kyoto, see below

mizuhamo 水鱧(みずはも)"water hamo"
kohamo 小鱧(こはも)small hamo

hihamo 干鱧(ひはも)dried hamo
hamo ichiyaboshi ハモ一夜干し dried for one night

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gongiri 五寸切(ごんぎり)"cut is small pieces"
This is a special expression used in haiku, refering to the honegiri cutting of bones. It is also used as another name for the fish when prepared as food.
also the chinese characters 風海鰻 are used for hamo.

hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ) skin of the hamo
..... hamokawa 鱧皮(はもかわ)
. . . CLICK here for hamokawa Photos !

hamo-otoshi はもおとし / 鱧おとし hamo on ice
bite-sized pieces on ice or in a wooden tub, to keep you cool in summer
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hamozushi 鱧鮓(はもずし) sushi with hamo
a kind of oshizushi. The fish is first grilled and covered with special sauce.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hamo sashimi はも刺身, a speciality of the Kyoto area in Summer. It is hacked very finely because of the many small bones and takes an experienced cook to prepare it properly.
. . . CLICK here for 鱧(はも)料理 Hamo Dishes . Photos !


Hamo has two food seasons,
one is in summer, just after the rainy season is over. He is then eaten for the Gion Festival in Kyoto or the Tenjin Festival in Osaka (matsuri hamo). The Gion Festival is sometimes even referred to as "Hamo Festival".
In former times, this rather strong fish had to be carried in barrels of sea water from the coast to the captial in Kyoto, taking a few days.

His second best season to eat is in autumn when he is much fatter and called "gold hamo" 金鱧 or matsutake hamo 松茸鱧.

He is rich in vitamin A and calcium and iron.
His many bones are bothering when eating, so they must be cut very finely (honegiri 骨切り "cutting the bones") and the chef who prepares them must learn how to do that. In a span of one SUN 寸 (about 3 cm) you have to make cuts for 26 times in the flesh without cutting the skin below. A special hamo knife is used for this purpose. When it is then dipped into hot water it curls like a cherry blossom flower.
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For tempura, the backbone of the fish is also used as some kind of "bone cracker" (hone senbei).

Hamo soup (suimono) is a delicate broth and the fish is slightly covered with kuzu arrowroot starch.

Referenc : Hamo cuisine in Kyoto

Botan-hamo 牡丹ハモ Hamo in Brühe
Genpei Yaki 源平焼き Gegrillter Hamo in 2 Varianten

suzuhamo スズハモ Muraenesox bagio
hashinaga hamo ハシナガハモ Oxyconger leptognathus
watakuzu hamo ワタクズハモ Gavialiceps taiwanensis

Worldwide use

Anago ist Meeraal

Things found on the way

Gion matsuri 祇園祭り (ぎおんまつり)
Gion Festival in Kyoto

CLICK for many more photos
The Gion Festival (祇園祭 ) takes place annually in Kyoto and is one of the most famous festivals in Japan. It spans the entire month of July and is crowned by a parade, the Yamaboko Junkō (山鉾巡行) on July 17.

Kyoto's downtown area is reserved for pedestrian traffic on the three nights leading up to the massive parade. These nights are known as yoiyama (宵山) on July 16th, yoiyoiyama (宵々山) on July 15th, and yoiyoiyoiyama (宵々々山) on July 14th. The streets are lined with night stalls selling food such as yakitori (barbecued chicken skewers), taiyaki, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, traditional Japanese sweets, and many other culinary delights. Many girls dressed in yukata (summer kimono) walk around the area, carrying with them traditional purses and paper fans.

During the yoiyama eves leading up to the parade, some private houses in the old kimono merchant district open their entryways to the public, exhibiting valuable family heirlooms, in a custom known as the Byōbu Matsuri, or Folding Screen Festival. This is a precious opportunity to visit and observe traditional Japanese residences of Kyoto.

This festival originated as part of a purification ritual (goryo-e) to appease the gods thought to cause fire, floods and earthquakes. In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to the rampaging deity Gozu Tennō (牛頭天王). Emperor Seiwa ordered that the people pray to the god of the Yasaka Shrine, Susanoo-no-mikoto. Sixty-six stylized and decorated halberds, one for each province in old Japan, were prepared and erected at Shinsen-en, a garden, along with the portable shrines (mikoshi) from Yasaka Shrine.
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. Gion Matsuri / Gion Festival
and its kigo


External LINKs

by Ad Blankestijn, Japan Navigator
Hamo is Daggertooth Pike-Conger, a white-meat fish from the eel family. As its English name reveals, it has a deep ripped mouth with sharp teeth at the upper and lower parts of the jaw. The name hamo comes from hamu, an old term for eating, because the fish uses its sharp teeth to eat almost anything from shrimps and crabs to small fish.

Guide to Japan


izushi no hamo natsukashiki Kyoto kana

pike conger vegetable sushi -
how fond the memories
of Kyoto

Kikaku 宝井其角(たからいきかく)

izushi is a kind of sushi when fish is pickled with vegetables like radish or turnips (kaburazushi 蕪鮨(かぶらずし).


take no yado hiru mizuhamo o kizamikeri

lodging in a bamboo grove -
for lunch they are cutting
pike conger in water

Matsuse Seisei 松瀬青々 (1869~1937)


Kyoo ni arite matsurihamo kuu hitasura ni

I am in Kyoto
and all I do is eat
festival pike conger

Kaneko Tohta 金子兜太


Oosaka no matsuri tsugi tsugi hamo no aji

Osaka Festival -
one after the other
the dishes with pike

Aoki Getto 青木月斗 (1879―1949)

Related words

***** . Gion Matsuri 祗園祭 Gion Festival



Hotaruika firefly squid


Firefly squid (hotaruika, hotaru ika )

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late spring
***** Category: Humanity


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hotaruika, hotaru ika ほたるいか, ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊)
hotaru squid, firefly squid

Watasenia scintillans

From Toyama bay, 富山湾. Hotaru-Ika
Shun season is spring to summer

A deep-sea squid with a short life, females come to Toyama bay after one year to lay their eggs in spring, then they die. They are about 6 cm long and the weight is 8 g. They emit a bluish light that can flash in the dark sea.

other varieties of this kigo

matsuika まついか , マツイカ Northern shortfin squid, bait squid
Illex illecebrosus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nitsuke 煮付けboiled
okitsuke 沖付けのタレ with okitsuke sauce


koika こいか 、コイカ small ika
about 10 cm long, often eaten as they are, boiled in sweet soy sauce
tsukudani コイカの佃煮
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

maruboshi コイカの丸干し dried in its form

tsukudani コイカの佃煮 simmered in sweet soy sauce


Some more dishes with the firefly squid

amazutsuke, amasuzuke ほたるいか甘酢漬け pickled with sweet vinegar
prepared from fresh catch or sold in bottles.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

gezo soomen げそそうめん finely cut tentacles
freshly cut, with vinegar sauce
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gohan, hotaruika gohan ほたるいかご飯 simply on a bowl of rice
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hoshimono ほたるいかの干物 dried squid
A snack with sake or beer.
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ichiyaboshi ほたるいか一夜干し dried over one night
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ishiyaki 生ほたるいかの石焼風
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kasuzuke ほたるいか粕漬 in sakekasu
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kimuchizuke ほたるいかキムチ漬け pickled with kimchi
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kurozukuri ほたるいか黒作り in its own black ink
Sold in bottles.
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kushiyaki ほたるいかのくし焼きgrilled on a skewer

oogonni, oogon ni ほたるいか黄金煮 simmered sweet tsukudani preparation
sold in packets.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

okizuke ほたるいかの沖漬け pickled with sake, vinegar and salt
a kind of shiokara
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pirikarani ほたるいかのピリ辛煮 simmerd with hot spices
Sold in bottles or packages
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shiokara ほたるいか塩辛 spicy innards in bottles
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shoogani ほたるいかしょうが煮 simmerd with ginger
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shooyuzuke ほたるいか醤油漬 pickled in soy sauce
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suboshi ほたるいか素干し normally dried
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tamarizuke ほたるいかのたまり漬 pickled in tamari soy sauce
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Full Course SQUID Meal
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furai ほたるいかのフライ deep-fried squid
pizza ほたるいかのピザ pizza with squid
tendon ほたるいかの天丼 rice with squid tempura


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Worldwide use


Things found on the way


chichi no ki no machi ni desomeshi hotaru ika

on the day of
my father's death anniversary
firefly squid are in town

Sawaki Kinichi 沢木欣一


hotaruika nihonkai mo haru no nami

firefly squid ...
the Sea of Japan finally shows
waves of springtime

Takaki Susu no Ie 高木鈴の家


hotaruika no ippiki ga machituzukete iru

one firefly squid keeps waiting
Tr. Fay Aoyagi

Ooho Teruhisa 大穂照久 Oho Teruhisa


ginkooin ra asa yori keikoo su ika no-gotoku

these bank clerks
already in the morning they are fluorescent
like firefly squid

die Bankangestellten
schon früh am morgen
wie die Leuchttintenfische

Kaneko Tohta, Kaneko Tota 金子兜太
with a discussion

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Ika ... squid dishes




Chinmi Fish Roe


Delicacy (chinmi) and Fish Roe

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


a delicacy; a gourmet delight
rare and unusual food, luxury food

Worldwide the best chinmi are caviar, truffles and foie gras.
The three best-known chinmi in Japan are

pickled sea urchin roe (uni),
pickled mullet roe (karasumi) and
pickled sea cucumber guts (konowata).

Tenka no sandai chinmi 天下の三大珍味

CLICK for more konowata
konowata このわた(海鼠腸)
salted entrails of the sea cucumber

CLICK for more karasumi
karasumi からすみ dried mullet roe
Meeräscherogen, getrocknet
This is a speicality of Nagasaki, when the bora is fished in late autumn. It is prepared by hand in the winter months, taking two months to dry in the cold wind. The slightly salty taste had been liked very much in the Edo period. When the governor of Nagasaki brought some of this preparation as a gift to Hideyoshi, he asked about the name. The governor could not tell, since the stuff had just been introduced from China to Nagasaki, so he made up the name, meaning "ink stone from China", taken from the form of Chinese ink.

CLICK for more UNI
uni うに .. 海栗 ("chestnut of the sea")
Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹)


konowata 海鼠腸(このわた)
most fames from Mikawa, Aichi prefecture.
They are taken from three kinds of sea cucumbers, the green, red and black one.
The fisherman's wife takes a razor, opens the side carefully and separates the body from the entrails, which are washed carefully. They are quite long and the contents are squeezed out.
The body of the sea cucumber is not thrown away, it can be grilled and eaten with sake too.

KO is the old name for namako, so this is the namako no wata.

gesalzene Eingeweide der Seegurke

. namako 海鼠 sea cucumber, sea slug .


Fish Roe Dishes

Most fish providing the roe are kigo.


buriko ブリコ, or burikko ぶりっこ the hard roe of the hatahata fish from Akita (not from buri, as the name says). Read why !

ikura  いくら 料理 salmon roe dishes, salmon caviar
hararago はららご
lit. "how many?"
barako "children in the stomach" ばらこ when processed in hot water before packaging.
"Kinder im Bauch",

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Lachsrogen, Lachs-Kaviar

harakomeshi はらこめし rice with salmon roe
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Reis mit Lachsrogen

ikura sushi いくら寿司 sushi
ikura gunkan maki いくら軍艦巻き sushi with nori wrapper
with a slice of cucumber
ikura kaiso maki いくら海苔巻き wrapped in seaweed
ikura sushi don いくら寿司丼
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

ikura shooyuzuke いくら醤油漬け in soy sauce
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kamaboko ikura かまぼこいくら sandwiched in a kamaboko fish paste

oyakodon 親子丼 "parent and child"
shake to ikura no oyakodon 鮭といくらの親子丼
saamon to ikura no oyakodon サーモンとイクラの親子丼
Usually a name for chicken and eggs, here it is salmon and salmon roe.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sujiko 鮭筋子 salted salmon roe


kazunoko 数の子 (かずのこ) herring roe,
herring caviar
lit. "great numbers of children"
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A typical dish (and kigo) for the New Year.

ajizuke kazunoko 味付数の子 with a special flavor
usually with soy sauce

kazunoko sanshoozuke 数の子山葵漬け with Japanese mountain pepper
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kazunoko shiozuke 数の子(塩漬け)in salt water
they need to be watered well before use.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kazunoko shooyuzuke 数の子醤油漬け in soy sauce
with a shiso perilla leaf and some katsuobushi shavings.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kazunoko sushi 数の子寿司 sushi
with a stripe of seaweed to hold it in place.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kazunoko wasabi 数の子わさび with wasabi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Food of the New Year Season, O-Setchi Ryori .
(osetchi ryoori おせち料理, 御節料理 )


masago まさご capelin roe, smelt fish eggs
Masago caviar
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capelin or caplin, Mallotus villosus.
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masago sushi まさご寿司

This is a kind of hot sidedish with many types of fish. It is said to prevent stomach upset in the summer season.
. wasabizuke わさび漬け(山葵漬け pickled wasabi .   


mentaiko 明太子 marinated roe of pollock
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Mentaiko (明太子) is the marinated roe of pollock, and is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. Mentaiko originated from myeongran jeot (명란젓) of Korean cuisine and was introduced to Japan after the Second World War. Kawahara Toshio, a Busan-born Japanese, adapted Korean mentaiko to Japanese tastes in Fukuoka in the 1950s. The name is derive from the Korean word for Alaska pollock (明太, mentai, 명태 : myeongtae in Korean) and the Japanese word for "egg" (子, ko).

The typical seasoning and flavor is slightly different in Japan.
Mentaiko is made in a variety of flavors and colors and is available at airports and main train stations. It is usually eaten with rice called Onigiri, but is also enjoyed by itself with sake. A common variety is spicy mentaiko (辛子明太子, karashi mentaiko).
It is a famous product of the Hakata ward of Fukuoka City. One of the original manufacturers, Fukuya based in Nakasu, is the largest producer of mentaiko. It has to compete with over 150 other producers in Japan because they decided not to take out a patent on the recipe.
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. . . . karashi mentaiko 辛子明太子 with hot chily peppers
Alaska-Seelachsrogen, scharf

tarako 鱈子 (たらこ) salted roe of alaska pollock
tara means cod, but this is not from the cod. Often eaten for breafkast at the New Year. Makes a good filling in onigiri rice balls.
Lately a pasta sauce with nori seaweed is also popular among young people.
Alaska-Seelachsrogen, nicht Kabeljaurogen
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mamentaikoni 真鱈子煮 boiled
. . . . . amakarani 鱈子の甘辛煮 boiled sweet and hot

serori no tarako itame セロリの鱈子炒め fried with cellery

shio mentaiko 塩鱈子 with salt

the variety Theragra chalcogramma, suketoodara 介党鱈
suketodara, スケトウダラ He grows about 80 cm long. The ovaries are made into salted tarako and used in many local dises of Hokkaido. Fishermen catch the fish on longe lines one by one, bring them to the shore and soon they are cut open and the ovaries produced to preserve their freshness.
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Mentaiko keyholder like the three monkeys


Fukuoka and Mentaiko


tobiko とびこ flying fish roe
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Often used in California rolls for sushi.
The eggs are small, about0.5mm - 0.8mm. Tobiko is larger than capelin roe (masago), but smaller than salmon roe (ikura).
Plain tobiko has a red-orange color, a mild smoky/salty taste, and a crunchy texture.
Tobiko is sometimes mixed with wasabi to get a green color.
With the ink of squid it becomes black.
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Rogen von fliegendem Fisch


shirako 白子 fish eggs, fish roe
"white children"
general name for all kinds.
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buri no shirako ぶりの白子fish roe from yellowtail

fugu shirako 河豚白子 fish roe from pufferfish

tara no shirako タラの白子 fish roe from cod
in Hokkaido it is called TACHI タチ and added to the daily miso soup.
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The shirako from sukedara is called suketachi 助たち or
sukedachi 助だち / すけだち.
It is very cheap and can be eaten every day in Hokkaido during the winter season.
The shirako from madara is called madachi 真だち and is much more expensive.


Japanese LINK

Worldwide use

Fischrogen, Fischeier

Things found on the way

『安保屋』の塩数の子 厳選だるま
Salted Herring roe, strictly selected by DARUMA !

source :  www.anboya.com SHOP


honobono to hararagohan ni takikomare

how tenderly
the rice is cooked
with salmon roe

Oono Rinka 大野林火


hararago ni gankyo hazushite nasake nashi 

for the salmon roe
I have to take off my glases ...
what a shame

Furutara Sojin / Soojin 古館曹人 (1920 )


salmon roe
a hunter pats the belly
of his granddaughter

Stella Pierides
- shared in "Joys of Japan - Poetry"

Related words

Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹)

harako soba はらこそば【腹子蕎麦】
hot buckwheat noodle soup (kakesoba) with a load of ikura fish roe

***** bora ボラ striped mullet, black mullet, springer
Bora, an auspicious fish "making a career"


***** WASHOKU : Food Topics
